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How is this possible?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


i just had a solo queue tpvp game where i did get matched with 4 people which are rank 1000+ in the solo leaderboard and i am currently rank 74.

the other people which got matched with me was —->
70% Morhith.2871 Entropía 38w 39l 49,35% Ödnis
82% Rivebise.2354 Ringo Brown 23w 9l 71,88% Fort Ranik
61% DiesIrae.9256 Cyklonit 44w 38l 53,66% Piken-Platz
69% bloody mary.2615 Queêzle 7w 6l 53,85% Millersund

and me is —->
r72 Edo Tensei.8254 Ultima Deus 370w 258l 58,92% Flussufer


Broken Matchmaking is broken.

Just pretend anet wants to give you hard mode as a challenge or else u might be bored =]

That’d be fine…
if it wasn’t most games.
if losing those matches didn’t kick your ranking in the kitten

There was no balance in this patch

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I think I know what Lord is getting at and I’ll try to put it as simply as possible.

No patch Anet has done has has been focused on improving gameplay.

Sure they have made nifty UI changes from time to time… they spent like all the rest of the time trying to keep the top specs in classes roughly the same… those are elements of gameplay, but Anet has yet to seriously take a step back to look and look at the bigger picture…

Flipping a coin has perfect UI and is balanced as fracking possible… but it sucks.
Great balance and UI, with kitten gameplay that leaves half of everything feeling ‘OP’, makes a bad game.

I mean, it’s not like the devs haven’t tried to take a step back and improve gameplay. They made a good attempt by nerfing quickness… too bad they half ast it and left an entire class (warrior) as kitten useless for months on end because of it, then the ‘fix’ they got left the warrior even more cheesy than before…
(the point was to improve gameplay remember??? not to trash a class for months only to make it play worse than it started)

They try.
The devs seem to try very hard.
But they just don’t seem to know how or have the capability to make a game fun to play.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Hi I am a necro and have a root problem

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I don’t really think this will be more of a problem for necro than anyone else, but immobilizing people to death will be common if they really go through with stacking duration.

It was a stupid, stupid change by the devs.
Condition removal was setup nonchalantly, you can take it, you can not, either way you should manage. Actually getting good condi removal is pretty niche and not something most specs can have…

Conditions are setup exactly opposite.
They require hard counters, if you don’t have them your spec typically isn’t viable.

Empowering immobilize just increases that gap and doesn’t improve gameplay in any way.

(edited by garethh.3518)

So i geuss nothing will change..

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


On the topic of “nothing will change”: sigil of paralyzation fix will be noticeable. Other changes are still needed, but shaving is good. The last couple times the devs made huge balance changes based on forum feedback was to nerf ele and buff warrior/necro. Oops.

They didn’t listen to like anyone when they decided ‘how’.
Eles had like one viable way spec, with rediculous self healing and survivability…

So what did the devs do…
Beat on that spec.

If they thought that that’s the forums fault for rushing them…
If they couldn’t think of any better way to kittening help eles…

New devs por favor.

(edited by garethh.3518)

So i geuss nothing will change..

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


You haven’t even seen the full notes. Why do people always rush to the forums to make these kind of threads

Usually, if there is a problem ruining the game for a very large portion of the population, the devs see it as a big issue, solving big issues is a big deal, preview to patch notes focus on big deals… if fixing the condi/CC-lock meta isn’t important enough to merit time in between tweaks to UI…

Odds say fixes for it aren’t there.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Why can't "Support" be a more Prominent type?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


If you look at
There’s actually a lot of support buffs coming… tomorrow.

kitten these devs.
They are empowering immobilize…
They are making it stack in duration, they are making it more common… condi removal is already poorly made (extremely niche) and soooo necessary… now its even more necessary…


If immobilize didn’t stop dodge rolling it’d be fine… it’d actually fit the condi removal setup Anet made where conditions are supposed to be minor debuffs that don’t require, in every spec, many hard counter based answers to it…


(edited by garethh.3518)

constructively OUTSOURCE devs 2 fix META

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


That’s cus they are focusing on balance, as if balance and balance alone can fix terribly made skills.

If they think engaging gameplay is all caused by balance, they should go flip coins for hours on end, and kittening get over it.

Work towards engaging gameplay, if you’re not sure what that is, don’t be devs.

Josh Foreman's Tips for Constructive Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Colaboration with the forums…


Just get new devs, problem solved.
No matter what the forums say (and 90% of it is crap) the forums can’t make the game… it comes down to the devs… and the current ones have their mind completely set that GW2 is perfect short of balance tweaks….

The game is dead.
Like no one plays PVP, if the devs were right and all that the game needed is balance tweaks there would still be people, since that is such a small problem… there’d be actual esports teams playing the game if that were the case…
The game needs large consistent tweaking to be something even remotely popular and the current guys/company just isn’t up to it for one reason or another… and that’s the problem, the only problem.

(edited by garethh.3518)

constructively OUTSOURCE devs 2 fix META

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


they should just sell the game off to someone else honestly.
Anet doesn’t seem interested in throwing more money at the game and so hiring more devs doesn’t really seem like something they care to do…

Selling the game, right now they are getting kitten return from GW2 since the initial hype is over and everyone realized it sucks. Selling the game, they can cash out and put it into hands that can use the solid foundation the game is built on.

PvP not in a good place atm

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Atm has been always.
GW2 has had these issues since beta.

Most games have that issue…
Even if you kittening watched the LoL world cup, like under 1/5 of the toons were actually used and zed was pick/banned every game.

Balance doesn’t kittening matter.
Everyone could be playing the same class, have you ever heard of a first person shooter like Call of Duty, the entire game has the customization of 1 GW2 class…. the thing is, that one class worth of customization is EXTREMELY engaging.

Moral of the story.
Quality trumps quantity any day of the week.
I’d be exstatic to see next to every class being left unusable in GW2 if the one left was focused on sooooo hard it ended up being brilliantly made and so extremely engaging to play.

(edited by garethh.3518)

The Ideal Team Composition

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Nothing needs to get “up to par” with warriors, necros, and rangers. Those 3 need to be toned down. Everything does way too much damage too quickly with no risk. Slowing down the game will make it more fun for players/shoutcasters alike.

I’m advocating counters and expansions to roles that are already in the game, power creep doesn’t apply.

The game has gotten slower ever since they made quickness skills not worth taking. Not to mention the fact that tough builds are more popular than glassy ones with the exception of Thieves and a few other builds.

You do realize ‘slower’ is ‘able to realize you are dying before you are dead’…
Just because most builds aren’t consistently spiking people down in a second or two flat doesn’t mean the combat is at an ideal pace.

GW2 is based around skirmishes… teamplay isn’t near as important as in any other game, sure rotations are good, but the depth in that is a million times less than anything from a moba.
To make up for that the game needs combat itself, these skirmishes, to be deep and engaging. That doesn’t happen in a burst/bunker/CC centric game.

If Anet toned down how power/crit/critdmg scale together (making crits not scale much if at all with power) or making power/crit/critdmg mainly effect auto attacks (so being burst dps means having high dps more accessible and not be so realiant on burning abilities, typically with secondary effects like movement or debuffs, for dps)
Along with making CC more interrupt based…

Anet seems happy with the game as is, I mean with a few minor balance tweaks here and there so it doesn’t really matter.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Condition Builds

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


This game is addicting in fact I bet you 1g you won’t quit.

This game had like 3 million copies sold, just around launch?, like 1/100, at best, of those people still play.

Moral of the story.
Allot of people quit GW2, most notably because of PvP.

Can we PLEASE get new game types !!!

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Just to confirm, we are working on new maps. I can’t give too many details, but a few things:

1) We’re trying maps with no cap points.
2) We’re trying mechanics that focus on high risk/reward mechanics that can win to sudden wins/sudden losses.
3) We’re trying maps that focus on “big play” moments that permanently impact the map flow/map status.
4) I can’t give an ETA on when you’d see one live, because we’re trying different maps, and each of them takes time to prototype, etc.

I think that conquest is easy for new players to get into, and it’s allowed for some amazing high-level games so far! But we’d like to try some new things that get away from conquest.

Also, as many of us have said, we want to give players enough variety such that they can change what they play from time to time, while also being sure that we don’t fracture the player-base by spreading players out to too many different game types.

I know this isn’t a super exhaustive answer, but just wanted to give you guys a quick update.

How about…you know, a test server?! No glory, no reward, just a few servers set up and designed to gauge average player interaction. Or a test realm all together, a secondary mini-client that had pre-live balance passes and mechanics for testing outside of the general internal setting.

I could see people getting excited about the game again if this happened.

Dishonor BROKE the GAME constructive fix

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


So what would you like to see?

A “ready” button that appears before the match is created, and if someone doesn’t hit it within some time-window the match is aborted and both teams are returned to the queue? Perhaps the non-responding players kick out of the team, or kicked out of the entire queue?

One way would be to check your heartbeat every so often with a “are you still here” button, but that would be kind of annoying. It also doesn’t address the players who leave because they don’t like the team they are paired with.

We could just ramp up the dishonor system.

I know the team has their own thoughts on this, but I’d really like to see if someone here can come up with something awesome.

There are 2 ways to leave a match.
Before it starts.
That shouldn’t be punishable.
After it starts.
That should be punished.

Your que system doesn’t show any difference between the two, so punishing players reasonably isn’t possible.
Your que systems sees a casually come about before match has started ‘I do not want to play in a match right at this moment’ as the same thing as a malicious ‘I am afk’ing and trolling all match every match’. Without finding out which of the two your dealing with, coming up with a reasonable punishment isn’t possible.

Having a ‘10 people have been found, are you all ready’ setup starts a good divide between the two, it lets you tag on a harsh punishment for leaving or afk’ing or getting so many ‘reporteds’ during a match (can’t que for increasing time lengths, starting at 20~ mins).
Then if everyone doesn’t click the ‘i am ready’ button, the people who don’t get dumped from que, everyone else goes back with (I’m assuming its time in que based priority for matchmaking) decently high priority.
Every MOBA has gotten by with such.

That along with splitting ranked and unranked TPvP que, and the game will be completely fine when it comes to leavers.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Best MMO PvP

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Trinity is crap.
But it is easy to make a playable game with it.

Anet tossed that, which gives tons more potential for the game, but lo-and-behold they ended up being terrible at the process and created some monstrosity a few times worse than anything the trinity could sbit out.

Tragic, probly gonna shut up good progress in American MMOs for a bit too, since people now think ‘new is bad since GW2 tried new but its bad’…
They had such a fantastic shot at reinventing the genre… but they blew it…

(edited by garethh.3518)

Is players themselves, not Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Let me provide you with a tl;dr

The players choose to play broken/cheese specs in order to glory farm and win tournaments. This cheapens the overall gameplay if the only viable builds are broken/cheese. The players are directly contributing to the poor state of the game by choosing to play these specs.

I agree 100%.

The devs create a game for the players, if the players end up hating it, the devs have to adapt and change the game… i mean, or let it die…

Here, I’ll take it back a step,People loved GW2, people wanted to like GW2, GW2 had the biggest hype and influx of players out of any MMO I’ve seen. That combined with there being no other good MMO for PvP out right now… that means the game got the greatest ‘trying to like’ from the playerbase possible.
If you expect more you’re in wonderland.

What it comes down to is consumer entertainment, that’s what video games are for, sure you can fault people for not avoiding the cheese/terribly made parts of PvP… but that is just stupid. People like to win so most people will play specs aimed at doing that… if Anet can’t build an MMO with that in mind Anet can’t build an MMO.

If they are fine with the game as is, they don’t mind punishing players who want to enjoy a game’s gameplay… who want depth… they are no dev team worth playing a game made by.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Pvp Celestial Amulet discussion

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I presume that celestial made sense mathematically but celestial amulet only works if your prof has a good distribution of power/condi damage and enough incoming healing.

It nets you less total stats.
Power/crit/critdmg and %dmg bonuses from traits all scale off of each other.
Missing stats in any of them is taking out multiplicitively more and more dmg. Having 278? in each is just trash, its about 5 times worse than berserker amulet dmg.
Vitality is next to useless.
healing power is next to useless on most builds.

A bad, bad, bad amulet for anyone.
You will numerically do, in next to every case, far better with some other amulet.

Need more traits like Persisting Flames

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


If combo’s and finishers were a notable and consistent part of the game… sure…
But right now… they are just a sidenote thrown on a third of the weapons and random abilities…

Like, if there was a utility slot or two dedicated to creating combo fields and finishers for them, then making combo’s a very impacting and played around part of the game would make sense.

That’s actually a good thing. People have to actively try to build for it in order to truly take advantage of it. If leaping finish were a real trait I could see Warriors taking Longbow to get 10% more damage from eviscerate with it. I think if they were too available then people wouldn’t need to build for it too consciously, they would just throw it on as an addition rather than a build defining trait.

It means on classes like rangers, instead of the passive condi removal, you have to run sword mainhand for condi removal.
That doesn’t help.

If you makes specs revolve around an extremely niche part of the game you end up just cutting out playable specs.

No, plopping in more combo fields and finshers won’t make the game more balanced.
No one ever expected it to and quite frankly 10% more dmg isn’t all that unbalanced…

Ideally combo fields would effect dmg and dmg mitigation much more than 10%, they should make spikes and buff consistent dmg, or dmg mitigation (like apply a 1-2s duration stronger version of weakness). That creates play and counterplay all based off of positioning, something GW2 could seriously use.

Anyways its all black text on a chalkboard, Anet can’t change gameplay to help GW2.

Well what you proven with that initial statement is that my idea for the Ranger trait was probably a bad one. You didn’t necessarily prove that the amount of finishers and fields needs to be upped because to be honest, if Anet upped field amounts we’d all throw a fit about screen clutter again.

In my mind, there are already quite a few fields and finishers within the game already. You cannot go into a team fight without seeing at least one and that’s saying something. All the game needs now is more reasons to consciously take advantage of them.

The rest of your post I don’t quite understand because I never mentioned anything about balance in relation to combo field amount and you didn’t either.

Anet cluttered the game through terrible particle effects, small BO sizes and tons of AI and azuras.

Because Anet can’t fix any of that, yeah this isn’t a viable option, but so isn’t next to anything related to that…. because Anet can’t fix any of that…

Anyways, so it’s off to the land of ‘only ifs’…

If Anet could fix particle effects, toss asuras, make most objectives bigger, and toss the cluttery AIs…. giving each spec a combo field that has a high impact on gameplay doesn’t clutter the battlefield.

If anything, having points of focus and contention, these new and improved combo fields, would actually clear up the battle and scheme of fighting, it’d make the goal of actions more obvious.

What I was saying would, in practice off the top of my head, be something like turning combo fields into a near only 1~ utility slot thing, 8~ second duration combo fields on 40-80 sec CDs. They’d be the main source of fury and might, fury would be a short duration stacking spike intensive boon (buffs crit/crit dmg allot) along with weakness (lowers crit dmg notably for 1-2s, 4s cap duration on a target) they would be strategic anti-spike or spike or bonus consistent dmg fields… points of team based focus, and contention…

To kind of fit that mold, conditions would have to be put more towards debuffs than dps, but whatever, I don’t feel like typing more atm.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Need more traits like Persisting Flames

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


If combo’s and finishers were a notable and consistent part of the game… sure…
But right now… they are just a sidenote thrown on a third of the weapons and random abilities…

Like, if there was a utility slot or two dedicated to creating combo fields and finishers for them, then making combo’s a very impacting and played around part of the game would make sense.

That’s actually a good thing. People have to actively try to build for it in order to truly take advantage of it. If leaping finish were a real trait I could see Warriors taking Longbow to get 10% more damage from eviscerate with it. I think if they were too available then people wouldn’t need to build for it too consciously, they would just throw it on as an addition rather than a build defining trait.

It means on classes like rangers, instead of the passive condi removal, you have to run sword mainhand for condi removal.
That doesn’t help.

If you makes traits, and so speccing, revolve around an extremely niche part of the game (in this case combo fields) you end up just cutting out playable specs.

No, plopping in a combo field/finisher trait slot into classes won’t make the game more balanced.
No one ever expected it to and quite frankly 10% more dmg isn’t all that unbalanced…
But anyways, any change would involve rebalancing.

Ideally, combo fields would effect dmg and dmg mitigation much more than 10%, they should make spikes (a good spike involves getting a few combo’s off before the hard hitting attacks) and buffs to consistent dmg, or dmg mitigation (like apply a 1-2s duration stronger version of weakness). That creates play and counterplay all based off of positioning, something GW2 could seriously use.

Anyways its all black script on a chalkboard, Anet can’t change gameplay to help GW2.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Need more traits like Persisting Flames

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


If combo’s and finishers were a notable and consistent part of the game… sure…
But right now… they are just a sidenote thrown on a third of the weapons and random abilities…

Like, if there was a utility slot or two dedicated to creating combo fields and finishers for them, then making combo’s a very impacting and played around part of the game would make sense.

Dear, Anet

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


They’ve been promising to fix the game since beta.
It has only gotten worse.

New devs/company or bust is all I can say.
In the nicest way possible, the current guys seem to love the game and have allot of passion for making it, but tragically being passionate over something doesn’t make you good at it…

Math for ANET's "resource problems" for PVP

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Its not just about money, its that we (spvpers) are a small number..

A large portion of the people at launch, I’d even dare to say, a near majority of people who own this game right now bought it with PvP in mind.

GW2 PvP sucks though so most people just left, or PvE’ed.

(edited by garethh.3518)

tPvP matchmaking is broken

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I dont usually get frustrated but this is by far the most frustrating pvp game Ive ever played. I miss warhammer.

Anet has kittened up next to everything in the game.
They literally can’t tweak specs to improve gameplay.
Their mediocre to straight up bad fixes come at a terribly slow pace.
Most patches come with more unintended ‘features’ and half thought out fixes than not.
Their UI is terrible (dyes I kittening hate you)
Their match system is terrible (S/TPvP, not ranked/unranked with SPvP allowing you to play with friends)
Their matchmaking is terrible (imo almost worse than complete random)

It’s actually quite amazing, I’m at the point where I think they are legitimately trying to be the biggest letdown an MMO has ever been….

Like seriously..

Stagnating the game for PAX with everyone saying this game is at the worst gameplay it has ever been?!?!

Splitting solo and team que?!?!!?
With it they are trying to fix the issue of the que system they can’t make work with the small population they can’t increase… but those very issues mean a split que can’t work…
It’ll only end with a deserted group que, then a game that won’t even let you kittening play with friends has commited suicide.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Anet wont even Admit Leaderboards are broke

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I find it funny how they just ignore the main thing killing pvp in this game. The broken Leaderboards….

People have flocked to MMOs without leaderboards.
People were leaving GW2 before there were even leaderboards.

I think the game is just distateful and leaderboards are kinda like an extra kick in the crotch to anyone who wants to put all that asside and still try their very bestest to like the game.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Spvp QoL, Monetization, Barrier of entry

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


There have been like a hundred threads with productive healthy conversation about a point… and Anet has ignored, or commented in and then ignored, every one of them.

Not to burst your bubble, but GW2 needs allot more than caring fans, it’s had those since beta, what it needs are new devs.

The current ones are passionate, don’t get me wrong, but being passionate about something doesn’t necessarily make you good at it…

(edited by garethh.3518)


in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Because there aren’t enough players queuing. If you want the system to force only equal ranks on both teams, they queue times would be outrageous.

Nomatter who is playing, it is possible to have roughly even net skill on each side.
That’s a matter of good matchmaking.

What Anet’s matchmaking does is find 5 people of the closest skill, puts them in a group then finds a group with the closest ‘skill level’ and matches them.
That is terrible.

It creates all rank 50s fighting rank 20s because they were the closest 5 man group at the time… the matchmaking could have simply taken 10 people and split them up to get roughly even skill total and been a billion times better.

That’s not even taking into account how kitteny this game is at actually finding out skill level.

Dont tpvp if you are bad.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Actually, the queue is taking that long exactly because it’s finding people at your level.

Attempting to and actually doing are two entirely different things.

GW2 matching is almost as bad if not worse than pure random, yet it has the added… feature… of slowing down que times.

Pure of voice bug - gamebreaking if true?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518



You think an extra condi removed is gamebreaking???

Warhammer Online flourished for months with one class being able to near solo down whole enemy teams…

What Anet has here is a problem, what is gamebreaking is the game.

You try too hard. Be like lord, he might make too threads but a lot of the times he actually has a good point.

You speak as if a good point on the forums means something.
Before you say something like that, you should check the list of ones Anet has taken into consideration, I attached it below.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Dont tpvp if you are bad.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


TPvP is the solo que of any other game.
If Anet released ‘ranked’ or ‘unranked’ play… then you could kitten at scrubs for playing ranked….

But Anet only has ranked and… zerg PvP… two entirely different play modes, not jsut levels of seriousness, play modes.
So shudup.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Pure of voice bug - gamebreaking if true?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518



You think an extra condi removed is gamebreaking???

Warhammer Online flourished for months with one class being able to near solo down whole enemy teams…

What Anet has here is a problem, what is gamebreaking is the game.

October Update will be a big improvement!

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Trolling is only trolling if it is clever, this is not.

The vast majority of trolling is kittened kitten people do just to annoy others…

Anet please read... for the player base

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


It’ll still be the same game.

B2P is near as good as free to play…
GW2 is a B2P game that had 3? million people buy it before launch… that alone is a large chunk of the total MMO market… then it lost near every one of those players because people couldn’t stand the game.
GW2’s problem is not a problem with accessibility.

Millions know about the game, millions own it.

GW2 needs large change in how it actually plays for anything to happen.
The devs seem intent on fixing the game with small tweaks to balance…
See the issue?

(hint: it’s the devs)

(edited by garethh.3518)

Anet - Where is the love for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Serious question folks: Does anyone in here thinks anet still cares/ever cared about pvp?

For me it looks like all their ressources are put into pve, no matter how unsatisfied the pvp community is. I mean, just look at the last update: tons of stuff for pve and in pvp, they change a npc from human to quaggan plus writing the winners of a 2 month ago tournament on the wall of fame?

Maybe stop designing new cosmetics(hairstyles/weapons skins) and do something fundamental. Ban skyhammer glory farmers, upgrade pvp rewards, build new maps/gamemodes, balance the meta. We dont need a freaking quaggan npc!!!

When did you just lost all the love for pvp you had back in the days in gw1? :-(

I think the 2 people that work in pvp work as hard as they can.

To be fair most of the patches they actually do put out are off-point and badly made…

It’s more likely that ‘they are passionate about GW2’ than ‘they are actually working hard to fix it’… sure those two concepts seem similar but passion is a motive while working hard to fix something is an action.
One can lead to the other, sure, but not necessarily. Emotional motives, especially ones as strong as passion tend to blind people because of personal joy in it, or the fear of letting-down/failure or some other deal…

Anyways, the devs, they care, but their passion got detoured somewhere short of ‘the best for GW2’ so do not seem aimed at fixing this game, I mean, or else their patches would obviously be aimed at fixing the game… so far they have been a lot of terribly shortsighted changes and forgotten necessities…

(edited by garethh.3518)

This current meta needs to

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Th game’s gameplay… needed to go fast…
GW2 had the biggest influx of players of any game… and lost near all of them during the ‘good’ meta…

The devs just don’t have the resources and/or capabilities at hand to fix any issue with GW2, tragically they’ve only succeeded in making existing problems even worse.

(edited by garethh.3518)

GW2 PvP too hard for MMORPG folks

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


This game had dozens of esports teams lining up to play it…. ones coming from LoL and all that jazz…
Every top tier GW1 player in alpha said the game had no where near the skill required of GW1, but was could be more casual friendly if Anet plays their cards right…

But right now GW2 has neither.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Spvp is only profanity.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Welcome to GW2 PvP. The game: pretty fun. Worst thing about it? The community. Sorry it happened to you so soon.

Tends to happen with most dead games.

This game’s community was FANTASTIC for the first few months… then most people with sense left.
Kinda sucked.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Where are all the old and good PvPers?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


a bunch did, but theres still some around. Most people who are very competitive driven realized there was nothing for them here atm and went back to playing whatever other highly competitive and developed E-sport game they were playing before. I imagine if they ever get things into a healthy state some might return. But with new pvp games popping up all over the place this fall into next year….its hard to say.

there are 0 pvp games “popping”…

Bingo, you found the reason why GW2 actually still has a PvP population, if a tiny one.

Simple Suggestions for a Bigger Community

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I’d start with changing the map.
From there it’s easy to make a dynamic, engaging game.
Conquest requires allot from the devs, the depth and engagement is entirely on them, they have to make it into each and every charactor, depth/teamwork has to be so much more ingrained in specs or through something like what SMITE does (intense skillshots/bodyblocking), for it to really exist.
That involves ALLOT of intelligent work, something the devs just haven’t really done, no offense, but their actions haven’t been towards depth/engaging gameplay only balance.

If they flopped the game into, not deathmatch, but a gamestyle more based on team v team engagements, allot of the depth and teamwork would innately come into gameplay, all Anet would have to do is keep the gameplay from being too cheesy, and it’d be at least a halfway decent game.

From there, switching up things like gear scaling (dps scales too well, it ends with insane bursts, so there are extremely few mid ground specs, mainly just burst and bunkers) and aoes (to be more balanced) along with making most heal skills at least partly aoe (to keep some group sustain and formation), having ranked and unranked play (instead of ranked and shenanigans), making the cash shop workable, tossing the salvage/forge for days system for a nice ‘chests give glory and possibly one item’ setup…

I’d see people coming back.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


What GW2 PvP really needs
An overhaul to the combat system. Sorry ANet, but changing numbers is not going to cut it.

I think that changing/ADDING cast times to skills may help a lot.

Lower Autoattack Damage
Agreed, but in case of ele autoattack is fine.

What they should have done is make auto attacks the main thing that scales with Power/crit.
Ability dmg will scale for half if even that much comparitively.

It’d make burst/insta-gibs into much less of a deal and give glass dps a complete revamp when it comes to how they play… instead of aiming for bursting before you can be burst, they have high sustained dps and can use their abilities more for mobility/debuffs instead of relying on them for dmg.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


More like, “A Game Isn’t Built in a Year”

Point out a game that has had more implemented, more bugs fixed, and more balance changes in its first year.

So close, but you do have to remember what those updates were.
First off, Anet has shown they have an extreme passion for the game, which seems why there are so many updates, BUT passion doesn’t seem to give prowess, those updates tend to be a lil shortsighted and shoddily made.

They nerfed quickness to leave warriors broken and alone for 3+ months, only to be buffed into a CC-locking beast…which leaves the question… why??? why go through all this hastle of destroying a class if you aren’t going to improve their gameplay?

Leaderboards are useless.
They still don’t have a legitimate matching system no matter how they’ve tried, I mean MMR and the actual S/TPvP queing setup.
A game needs varying ques, Anet has shenanigans que and… tournaments… no middle ground. That makes TPvP into the casual que of any other game, the leaderboards into unavoidable trash and the MMR as unworkable because it is account wide in the casual que…
Then they split team and solo que to fix that… that’s an issue that will only compound their problems thanks the small population that plays the game…

They still haven’t gotten around to one of their biggest promises during beta… the game wasn’t going to be burst/insta-gib based.

Anyways, I think you get the gist of what I’m saying?

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


what? increase initiative price of infiltrator’s return 3-4? and also increase initiative cost of Larcenous 3-4? so by just initiating infiltrator’s strike 3init>flanking strike 3init>larcenous 3init = 9 and thief’s base initiative is only 12 or 15 when traited

Initiative atm is kittened.
Abilities should initially cost no initiative, but have a secondary attack, like larcenist strike, that costs initiative… it sits on that second attack to act as ‘a CD’, but you can pay the initiative, use the secondary attack and go back to the first if you need to.

That’d involve play and counterplay…
Initiative would start at like 15 and regen really slowly, ini traits would be tossed to tier 3~ if they are notable… if you want freedom of abilities you give up some dmg or whatnot…

It’d make initiative intead something that isn’t necessary to stack on every thief that isn’t super crazy insta-gib dps…
kittening kittened otherwise…

Is Joining "Glory Farm" Servers Bannable?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


The rewards are utter trash.
I don’t think anyone can care about ‘abusing for them’ short of for the sake of rainbows and sunshine morality…

If the rewards where halfway decent and meant something to people… it would be a different story… but this is GW2 we are talking about.

If someone wants to spend mind numbing hours on end grinding for the kitten Anet gives you… by all means, they deserve it at that point.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Quickness seems like it was phased-out.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


It should have had short durations (1-2s) and been roughly 75~%, then it would have been an extremely skill based… skill…
The utility system is terrible at working in little tricks up the sleeve like that though…

Traits had the potential for it, but were terribly, terribly made by the devs.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Yeah, but that’s every game that’s tried to woo MMORPG PvPers in the past decade.

How many more games are we going to overhype and then drive everyone away from until we realize maybe the games aren’t the problem?

Yes overhype can cause disappointment.

People were expecting a game roughly as good as its predecessor.
People were expecting a game that filled the promises Anet made.

Not the same game as GW1, Anet made that abundantly clear, but of the same level of quality.
GW2 came out leaps and bounds below.

That isn’t a problem with hype…
Making a new game for it to only fail to meet even the promise made by the devs themselves...
That’s not a problem with the people…

You seem to think it is a solidly entertaining game, which again, is wonderful for you… but no one I really played the game with, either through terrible match setup (S/TPvP) or badly made skills or the bad burst/bunk meta or conquest itself just could get that deep into the game…

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Every forum is whiny.
The community doesn’t make the game, the devs do.

If negativity on the forums, on the most supportive and constructive forums I’ve seen yet, is kittening them up, they shouldn’t be devs in the first place.

People play MMOs to entertain them, focusing on the positive is nice but makes no sense when your choosing what to do with your free time… a bad game is worse than most anything else… that is GW2 issue not the populations.

That’s the thing though. You brought up free time, yet here you are spending your free time talking about a game you think is bad? Why would all these people be here if the game is bad?

No, it’s a good game, and people are choking the community and themselves to death with negativity. I know there’s problems, but I come back every day because it’s fun. Is it not fun? Give that some serious thought. Yeah, kneejerk reaction says no because we’re all so busy being negative. But everyone’s so freakin’ invested on here despite that. Why? Why if it’s not fun? Why if the game’s not good?

It is a good game, and it is a fun game. Change mindset.

Because I’m at school and bored.
And it is hope, not a good game, that drives people to go to the forums and talk about bettering it.
Every one of the half dozen hardcore PvP players I joined the game with didn’t like it… every friend I made in the first few months short of one or two left within a few months…
None of those people go on the forums.

The game had a ridiculous amount of box sales in a B2P game, and the population has only plumeted to a fraction of a fraction from what I’ve seen.
I mean, there is a line between consumer bias and a badly made product… but that doesn’t mean a badly made product can’t exist.

It’s great that you like the game, it really is, but that is far from the majority opinion from everything I’ve seen since release. Gw2 had the biggest hype, the most fanboys I’ve ever seen in a game at release… yet it all flopped… it had the best shot at launch out of any game I’ve seen… yet it flopped… you can’t bring up player negativity in this game… any other, you might manage it… but not GW2… not with the extreme amount of love, hope and population the game had going for it.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Gw2 PVP Community Improvement Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


It’s funny that you put the words “community improvement” in the thread title, because I think that’s precisely what needs to happen.

Look at where we are now, how negative we are as a community about things. Who would want to join us? Who would want to add stuff to this part of the game given the reactions to it?

To the players who don’t sPvP, they’re going to see a bunch of miserable people and not want a part of it. To the devs who are deciding where resources go, they’re going to see a bunch of people who will never be satisfied with anything, so why give them anything?

I’ve been turning over the idea in my head for a while that the one thing the community can do, regardless of what the state of the game is or what’s going on in development, is that the community could focus on what’s good and fun about this game, because it is good and it is fun.

The other improvements will come. Especially if the community grows rather than actively tries to scare everyone away from itself. We could be doing so much freakin’ more to promote the sPvP format than we are and I think that’s where we as a community should be focusing. That’s one of the big things “killing” sPvP: our own toxicity.

Every forum is whiny.
The community doesn’t make the game, the devs do.

If negativity on the forums, on the most supportive and constructive forums I’ve seen yet, is kittening them up, they shouldn’t be devs in the first place.

People play MMOs to entertain them, focusing on the positive is nice but makes no sense when your choosing what to do with your free time… a bad game is worse than most anything else… that is GW2 issue not the populations.

(edited by garethh.3518)

PvE players farm r50 in 2 weeks, disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


This all might matter…
If PvP rewards weren’t an utter joke.

But they are… so no one gives a kitten.

If someone wants to spend two weaks grinding GW2s for 8+ hours a day… I’m fine with them getting most the kitten Anet offers from it… they deserve it at that point.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Why does ANet allow 5v4 matches to start?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Simple way to fix 4v5s like i said in another post. Game pauses for both sides. Anotehr solo Q is pulled into the match. The game counts down from 10 and play is resumed. Easy fix and will solve the problem.

Or they just do the same thing as MOBAs.
After 10 people for a match are found, everyone will get a ‘click to join match’ button. If everyone joins it starts, if not people who didn’t accept get dropped form que and the others get re-qued with higher priority.

It’ll mean, those people who aren’t there at the start of the match… won’t get thrown into matches…
It’ll mean, the only other cause of 4v5s, people who DC/leave after a match starts, can just be fairly punished by an ever increasing ‘can not que’ timer….


(edited by garethh.3518)

List of things which need fixing

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


This thread is actually helpful to us.

When you guys list a small, concise list of things that need to be addressed, we normally DO take those lists and run down them as a balance team.

So thanks for that.

Also thanks for being constructive about this stuff, it’s very impressive when you guys reason together for the good of the game, rather than arguing (which can happen on any forums, about any topic).

Most impressive!!! Thanks all!

Well I’m just saying this now. If engies get stupid nerf or trait changes thanks to this I will spam this forum every week with list of balance changes from an engie perspective until everything is brought down to what I want just like how this thread reappears every week >.>

With how slow changes come… if they just started considering the stuff in this thread… it’ll be about November, of the year after next, before any of it comes around.

Why does ANet allow 5v4 matches to start?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


And how exactly will this reporting tool not get abused?

Easy, just do it how WoW Battlegrounds does it:
1) Player gets reported AFK by their teammates
2) Player gets a message “you have been reported AFK, please resume activity within the next 60 seconds”.
3) If player remains AFK, they get kicked and punished accordingly
4) If player resumes activity or they were never AFK to begin with, they will be immune to being reported AFK for the rest of the match (or at least 5 minutes to avoid report-spam).

Simple. In fact the game already has a similar message for disconnecting idle players from the server:

I’d rather get a personal blacklist to keep me from getting put into teams with certain players.

Lol, now THAT would be abused because anyone you considered a newbie (or you didn’t like) would end up on your blacklist. Within a few months literally HUNDREDS of players will be on each others’ blacklists and it would become harder to form teams. Eventually forming teams will become impossible (or we’ll have 1 hour queues) and solo PvP will be dead in the water.
Nice idea.

That report is useless.
Why not just ‘if someone does nothign for 60s… they get punished…’
No one should not click any button for a minute in a match and so the whole report deal is nothing but excessive.

Reporting should only exist if someone is trolling, like they are just lol’ing around spawn, not quite AFK’ing but still not contributing…

(edited by garethh.3518)