I play d/d 6/6/6/6/6/6 build with full celestial and divinity runes. I run a staff on the other hand. The direct damage, crit chance, condition damage, condition duration, and survivability are through the roof. With 100% crit chance in death shroud as well as increased damage while your target it below 50%, and regen inch health while in death shroud, it is possibly the most entertaining build I have played in a long time
I personally run with a few cavaliers trinkets just to give me a bit of toughness. It doesn’t drop my crit chance below 50% so I’m still running 100% crit chance in DS.
In small group, I still run wells, as they can be great for AoE boon strip & AoE bulb stacking as well as rip apart bunkers because thy are unblockable. A big decision is axe or daggers with staff off hand or run dagger/axe without staff utility. I personally like staff on my power build because it offers some good control in a group setting and in solo roaming, as well as the AA offering some 1.5k crits and 1k non-crits. I personally switch out axe and daggers with warhorn offhand depending on how I’m feeling and what I want to do. I find myself running dagger more often because of the immobilize, slight life-siphon, and astronomical melee damage. I hit 3k on the last hit of the AA chain. It’s pretty crazy.
Just the WvW perspective. I live fighting 5v5 and just watching them freak out when I drop wells down on their stack and their boons and health just starts melting while they try to get might up. Or just of they are pushing and I smack them around with staff chill, fear, and Condi transfer. Works fantastic
I think it would be cool if we got either
A) f1-4 skills that consume life force.
F1: gives you high regen/Condi clear like troll ungent on ranger but weaker.
F2: some sort of boon STEAL with damage
F3: mobility teleport that removes conditions and does damage
F4: high damage life steal and Condi transfer that consumes a bunch of life force
Each skill provides some sort of sustain, maybe make traits tk give each some sort of AOE anti-Condi boon (blanking on name). These could work great and synergies with some traits like the ones mentioned above (maybe one that causes fear on use). There are many cool things that could be done with this. Seeing as necro is literally an anti-guardian, this wouldn’t be unrealistic as these would be some what like the virtues but without passive effects.
Other possibility:
New shroud: Demon shroud
Red and black instead of green.
Gives brand new shroud skills with full utilities and everything!
No real ideas, but soemthing AoE AA with pretty nice direct damage (I love power necro)
I’m hoping this specialization allows for changing the class color because I’ve always wanted my necro to be red or blue, not green
I think we should replace flesh golem with a summon able Zhaitan and call it good. Zhaitan increases power and toughness of all nearby allies and has a rush skill that doesn’t just knock the people down, but also puts out AoE 5 second immobilize as it rushes. It is an AOE skill, so you can ground target with it. If you move your cursor over a target, it does it based on target location rather than AoE direction. If you target zhaitan, zhaitan picks you up and flies you 1500 range away from nearby foes. The whole flight is an evade frame, and you land putting out AOE knockback. For an AA, it shoots a ranged orb of undead energy that chains to nearby enemies, doing the same damage as flesh golem’s attack, but applies chill and torment instead of cripple.
I think this single skill would balance our class
Fitg should apply 2 stacks of stability every 1.5 seconds. Would be pretty useful in a lot of things that way, and if it were to be AoE (ik, very PP, necro not allowed to have group boons!!!) than we would have even more uses in many things (zerg push, point holding, PvE SW terragrim or whatever they are called)
Most of the times, a power necro does exactly what people are saying, jump into a fight to nuke everybody for your team. I have discovered that when you play power necro for a while, this is not all you can do. If you get good, you can shred people apart 1v1 and 1v2. I practiced bunking as a pure glass 6/2/0/0/6 necro in soloq, and realized that I can nuke 2 people so hard they don’t have time to do damage, they have to fall back and heal. At this point I switch to staff (I run dagger/warhorn and staff, even though it’s wierd). Then fear, chill/poison and use staff 4 than life blast them and they all melt. It is pretty great and very fun if you get good at it.
Moral of the story: necro is good in pvp.
Lol, all of you who say necromancer isn’t good are clearly suffering from a L2P issue. I have all professions but ranger and can honestly say (from a WvW stand point) necro is on or with most classes in all aspects of WvW. Back line well, power/Condi roaming. Even for mobility, there are ways to have more mobility than even warriors and thieves if you know how to do it. The trick to All Necro builds in WvW is to be vertical, not horizontal, like so many classes. With high health pool and DS, you can kite and damage people in 1vX scenarios, and than use the height to your advantage (fear, spectral walk/recall stuff, etc.). Also, necro’s chill is OP!
You are completely right about being lower than higher! I am a Kaineng roamer but transferred to FC recently in order to fight my fellow kainenites fun experience, and plan on continuing it for a while until i wish to return to FC. A lot of FC are good skill and friendly. Kain has a bit lower skill because our major guild has a relatively low skill level. Our higher end roamers are fairly good, but most of us transferred to FC because we wanted to fight against Kaineng for a little bit
I think it would be cool if we got an option on f-5 to swap from long range spells to short range, and had all of our weapons revoked so we use hand magic. So we have a BUNCH of skill on a 20 second swap. So we have hand magic for 1200-1500 range that increases damage with distance and provides heavy damage/control while having low mobility, and 300-600 range spells that have higher mobility and a bit more healing/sustain and less damage.
Shield MH will be a ranged weapon that fires bolts of energy at it’s foes, and they chain on impact, chaining on up to 3 foes. Also provides reliable protection as well as a long duration reflect that grants retaliation and swoftness on the 3 skill. The 2 skill summons a shining purple vortex at your enemy, chilling enemies and pulsing with damage. When it ends it summons an illusionary demolisher (illusionary demolished attacks with the same shield AA you have and does heavy AoE damage).
The OH summons 3 clones directionally i front of you. The other skill is a skill that turns all clones into shield phantasm, also granting 1 second of distortion.
wow so rare to see GS/Sw warriors although its a pretty effective roaming set , salute to you m8.
That’s a build purely made to run away,not to fight.
Build or Set ? there is a difference.
if you are using GS/Sw just to run away then reroll to thief or mesmer.
I don’t really play it for running, I mix in a mace depending on the play style im feeling, but I like its manuverability, feel, and versatility. It does help with running, but I only run in an impossible situation. But as I said, I will run axe and mace depending on how I’m feeling.
I run full pvt, trinkets and all. It works pretty well. Gives me tankiness since I tend to fight outnumbered most of the time. I hit 1k with GS AA, 3k no crit on final thrust, and my 100 blades hits for 15k on a full Chain. I sit 2,450 power and 3,500 armor with 30k health. It’s pretty amazing actually.
I would love short bow. Shoot arrows that have an initiation range, but then follow your target. They move real slow, but deal high damage. Have to be in 900 range to shoot, follow target for 2000 range. These wouldn’t move so slow they never hit, but slow enough to be kited. Have high burst and mobility on the short now. I think it would be cool.
Oh yeah, they are shot at a speed between ranger short bow and thief short bow (fast but not super fast).
My GS/ S/Shield build will finally be accepted and not called troll!!!
I think it will be great. The jungle areas look like they will host some pretty strategical fights, such as disappearing into the crevasses you see, than repositioning behind the zerg. Also, you have only seen the earth keep, I think the fire keep will have more open field fighting regions.
In WvW I run GS/ Sword&Shield. Works very well, great mobility, and destroys a lot of things.
I run GS/ sword/shield on a soldier build. Works well, though I was originally kinda trolling as I basically made my warrior to troll.
Assuming pve, no it is not worth it really. WvW, yes, depending on what build you want to play.
I don’t think we should accuse anyone of anything. The screen shot shows 3 ballista a that are, in fact kainengs. You can gather this from the fact that the guard is attacking the player and the ballista a are full health. I do not deny that someone on Kaineng built these, but you need to remember that many different people play this game, and the forum does not represent everyone in game. There are countless guilds who don’t have a single player looking in here. This is not different from if I were to tell you that a lot of CD are bad because I fought pugs who got lost from your zerg all week (not the case, just an example). A lot of you would flame me saying you could kill me without even knowing how I play. Just because 1 group builds ballista a does not mean “Kaineng builds open field siege”. Let’s not go burning bridges or anything because I like this matchup (roaming wise).
Alright, post number 2 for me.
We are working on our politics and inter-guild relations. In terms of the team speak spy thing, it is possible because when we fought in a few match ups there were known cross server players spying on us, sorry for the suspicion of it was or wasn’t me/my guild. I know for a fact that both Kaineng and CD build open field siege. It depends who you fight. Their Zergs don’t tend to, unless they are outmanned, in which case it is common sense. If you are outmanned, and AC or two ballista a can make a huge difference. I don’t condemn people for building siege when outmanned. My guild will build siege in camps when running 2-5 people and we have a group of 7-10 running around hunting us. They may rage at us, but they are the ones hunting a smaller group, so live with it.
I have seen CD golem rush us twice with about 30-35 people on Saturday. Happened, was fun, don’t say it didn’t because you weren’t there.
The skilled CD are tkva and other roaning groups. Some of the CD Zergs are lower skill level, but their small group roamingis top notch.
Stop flaming at each other. Both severs do what the other says. Just because u don’t experience it/your guild doesn’t do it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Let’s try to keep it copacetic and all get along, I like this matchup
What?! Your Elementalist has evolved into Rock!
Trait full into earth magic and be immune to criticals!!! Or diamond skin! There are so many options!
I would honestly suggest elementalist. They are very entertaining, have large amounts of regent and sustain and have good burst. Mist form when downed allows u to hold off zergs from upgraded towers single-handedly and endlessly fight.
Access to stability and many boons makes it very durable and a good d/d elementalist can withstand a lot of hits and beat most classes 1v1.
We have started climbing, and that means
A) Players first trying WvW don’t find it dead and leave
B) People will transfer to our server since we have a decent blend of small group/solo and some zerg mechanics
HOWEVER, this is just the beginning. Kaineng has a bright future despite what many people may believe. True, we have risen and fallen in the past months, but this time it will be different. The remaining guilds we have are long item standing guilds that didn’t rise up over night like AXME or RAGE, not to shame those guilds, they are great guilds. However, they rose up very AST and felt restrained by the standings and slow growth of Kaineng, so they left, and I don’t blame them for it. The guilds we have now (SN, SIN, Owls, and KPD) have all been around for a long time in Kaineng and have slowly developed through the highs and lows.
Our small groups are getting great practice fighting against competent groups in CD and are beginning to improve in group synergy in pressing fights and outnumbered situations against skilled groups. More players are logging on daily in our down times (day time). This means that our small groups that hold stuff and keep enemy objectives paper for our night cap/upgrade have help and soon will become a competent force.
Overall, things are looking up. Expect to see some skilled play out of kaineng in the near and far future
P.S. If u like roaming and want to find a good server to roam on with a good community, whisper me in game
Hey, I am Oscuro of Kaineng! Currently shifting my main from thief to elementalist! I am a representative of SIN We would love to teach you how to play WvW from our viewpoint, which is outnumbered fighting in small group or solo roaming! If you want Zergs, I suggest you join Sacred Nectar! For a balance of the two, join Owls! Whisper me directly in game (I’m on more often on the weekends) if you want to get into any of the three guilds, I have contacts in each! Or whisper Dietre!
Best of luck,
Let’s see, a dps mesmer who is good I will win 50% of the time, depending on their burst. If they get it at a good time, I’m basically dead, if I dodge some of it, they are dead, both of those vary because some Mesmers react well, sometimes the burst doesn’t kill me, I heal, and win. Against a Condi mesmer, it is really a toss up. If they time their confusion burst right after I get to water and heal, I’m absolutely screwed, if They stack confusion when my water is off CD, I can cleanse and burst pretty well, and usually win or we are both very low.
everytime i go back to trying the axe i am struck by the lack of utility on this weapon. I mean, invulnerability is great, but rarely useful, as in, by the time i stack a noticeable amount, the trash mob is dead, so who cares. In addition, other classes also stack it, so i find it underwealming at best during boss fights. #2 is a decent channel if you can stay within 600 range and a pebble is not in front of you that obstructs you and breaks the chain, or you have to dodge in the middle of the channel. that said, its hardly good for anything but single target burndown (trash mob) or hitting a stealthed thief, granted you started the channel before he went stealth. #3 is a nice cripple, and not terrible damage, but it should be a kitten blast finisher, and give us someway to blast fields to increase its utility.
In order to make axe worth it: (My opinion, not yours)
#1 should be a cone/cleave weapon (and i think a bleed would be more interesting than vulnerability, to give us a true hybrid weapon – ok maybe too strange, but it would be cool to be able to actually stack bleeds like warriors or other classes can.)
#2 should have an aoe centered on the target splash effect that does a % of the damage to the surrounding 4 targets; and the channel be sped up (again, i think the splash effect could also add poison which would increase its ultility; and
#3 should be a blast finisher, in order to give us the chance to blast fields.Maybe that would make the axe op, and it could be tweaked, but as it is now, it is a trash weapon, and i rarely use it. sometimes i use it once, in pve, just to see big numbers when i have 25 might stacked on a slow moving dumb mob that can’t dodge my #2 channel. then i finish my channel and find myself pressing 1, 1, 1 until the swap cooldown goes away and i switch to a better weapon, or just go into DS and pound away until i can exit ds, switch weapons, and do some damage. then after that fight, i put my axe away again.
I think you have some good ideas, but I’d like to make some tweaks. The aoe should be based on the animation. It makes a big tear where the enemy is. That area should deal up to 5 enemies. It is a fairly small region and is based on the enemy u are aiming, so it wouldn’t be too overpowered. Same shoukd go for the ace 2.
Why would you want a necro?
Well, I’ll do WvW.
Ever heard of a thing called GWEN? Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, and NECRO!!! And what profession do you see the least of? Necro! That’s right, we are a rare breed. And why, you may ask? Not because necro is boring, as very few people would tell u that necro mechanics are boring. INFACT, people sometimes call us OP and too easy. That’s the biggest misconception ever. Necro is one of the hardest professions to play in WvW because of lack of mobility. Hitting people with necro skills is next to impossible, and the long CDs make it even more difficult. Despite all of this, necro is fun, and when u play well, really, REALLY good.
So tell me, why would u want a class that has great boon denial, viable condition and dos builds that are top of the line, is very hard to kill while simultaneously doing high end dps, has great condition removal/transfer, and has possibly the best control in the game via fear/immobilize/chill?
So to answer ur question simply, people play necro because it is fun and effective.
I’ll 1vX all ur Mesmers cause necro lich form OP!
So, I’m assuming the mesmer forum is pitching their reasons to play mesmer over Necro, where as here, we basically have someone saying necro hits like a puff of air, so I will pitch the good sides of necro:
Here’s why you would want to play necro:
1) DAMAGE!: Necro has unrealistic amounts of damage. Power or Condi, they both do heavy damage for their specific field. While much of our dps is single target, it is mixed with some nice AOE skills.
2) Control: Holy kitten, the control is awesome! We have an AOE immobilize, instant cast fears, and chill that never ends. You can basically end any mobility of you really have to! I play power necro, and I can immob+fear to set up a nice little 8k unavoidable burst
3) Tanky: Even zerker, Necro’s high base health makes it very tacky. Combine that with death shroud and you can tank a lot of hits while doing a lot of damage.
4) Really an overall fun class:
Necro is just overall fun. The ability to watch guardians stack boons and then use corrupt noon and watch them freak out is priceless. The stupidly high amounts of AOE dps is real fun to mess around with. And most of all: FEAR! Fear people off cliffs! Fear people off of towers, fear people into you friendly camp, fear people into water, fear people into the veteran with, fear people into a glitch spot, fear them across the map!!!
Also, you are IMMUNE TO FALL DAMAGE! That’s right, jump all the way to the bottom of Rata Sum without dieing!
????DISCLAIMER???? I am a WvWer only. So all of this applies to WvW
I’ve got an idea for some sword skills
A. Fire lash: Lash out with your sword aided by the power of fire. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second Enemies hit: 5
B. Burning edge: Bring your enhanced sword backdown on your foes. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 5
C. Impact: Deliver a powerful uppercut with your sword, causing an explosion on impact and blinding nearby enemies. Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 5
A. Fire Leash: extend a tendril of fire out towards your foe, teathering them with fire and burning them every second they are teathered. Range: 900 Cast time: .5 seconds. Enemies hit:1. Teather duration: 3 seconds
B. Retrieval: Retireve your flaming leash. Range: 900. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockdown duration: 1 second
3. Backdraft:
Stab your sword into the ground causing a backdraft that deals heavy damage and locks back your foes.
Damage: 1900. Radius: 240. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockback range: 100. Knockdown duration: 1.5 seconds
1. A. Current: slice your blade across your foes driven by the current of the ocean.
Range: 450. Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 3
B. Crash: bring your sword down on your foes with the power of a crashing wave: range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 3
2. Whirlpool: summon a whirl pool to protect around you, giving out AoE healing and damage.
Radius: 180. Cast time: .2 seconds. Duration: 5 seconds. Healing: 700 health per pulse. Damage: 750 per pulse. 1 pulse per second. Foes hit: 5
3. Torrent: Rush forward in a surge of water, stunning your foe: Range: 900. Cast time: .4 seconds. Stun duration: 1 second
1. A. Obsidian Wrath: slice your fle with the extended reach of Obsidian: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Does hit: 5
B. Obsidian Revenge: Follow up with a second, more powerful strike that crippled your for: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Foes hit: 5
C. Obsidian Destruction: finish your foe with a massive strike that nothing survives:
Range: 500 Cast time: .4 seconds. Foes hit: 1. Damage: 1500
2. Earthen Tendrils: Plunge your sword into the earth, summoning tendrils all around you that immobilize foes: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Immobilize duration: 4.5 seconds. Tendril duration: 5 seconds. Pulse: Every 2.5 seconds. Damage per pulse: 1000
3. Surge: Surge forward with the pulse of an Earthquake, knocking down all foes in your path. Range: 600. Cast time: .3 seconds. Knockdown duration: 2 seconds
1. A. Aerial strike: Strike as fast as wind, damaging your foes: Range: 450. Cast time: instant. Enemies hit: 5
B. Brilliant slash: slash your foe with a strike so fast it cuts straight through even the strongest materials. Range: 450. Cast time: .1 seconds. Enemies hit: 5. Damage: 1000
C. Electric release: Stab at your foe, electrifying the air around your sword: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Damage: 600. Stun duration: .5 seconds
2. Thunderbolt: Summon a thunderbolt to conduct through your sword and into the earth, damaging all foes around you: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage: 1200
3. Electric reaction:launch an arc of lightning at your foe which spread to all of the surrounding foes, dazing them all. If there are no surrounding foes, the foe is electrocuted with high voltage and stunned. Range: 900. Daze duration: .5 seconds. Stun duration: 3.5 seconds. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage when arced: 700. Damage with no arc: 1500
Just something that I would enjoy on my ele
Ele works best in an organized group that you can call water field out in so it is blasted. Guards have more use in larger pug groups because 1 good AH guard can support 4 other pugs in your party (given they have a certain amount of common sense)
Idk, matches are pretty balanced at T7/8. SF is the only dead server. So all of you complaining about dead servers in t7/8, please tell me why keeps are constantly flipped, open field fights happen consistently, and you can kill 20 roamers an hour easily on a t7 server?
I don’t think so. On Kaineng, we were defending our keep (hills) with about 15 people against about 30-35. They had 4 Omegas. The trick is to get them as low as possible w/ ballistas and cannons. Having 2 sup ACs preventing players from AoEing the ballis/cannons is also necessary. Once the omegas down balli/cannons, keep up AC Fire on the golems, send 5 people out at a time, with stability on, to aim ONE golem at a time. Keep the targeted golem chilled and disabled. This will prevent it from running, and allow you to kill it without repercussions. I have killed many omegas with this strategy. Of course, the gate has to be upgraded if there are more than 2…
Sorrows Furnace is possibly the most empty NA server, so that may be a part of the problem. Most of the low tier servers aren’t as bad off as the people in t1-3 think. It is a place where people who don’t like zerging go. Yes there are occasional Zergs, but it’s fun to try to zerg bust On Kaineng, we just left t8, and have perfectly fine coverage.
Another tip is to find an active WvW guild that suits the playstyle you like. There are guilds for zerging/larger groups, havoc groups, and roaming. Ask around in map chat, I doubt you will be entirely ignored, unless SF is THAT dead (I know you guys are in a pretty bad spot). If all else fails, transfer, Kaineng will take you
P.S. If you don’t like fighting outmanned, than low tier roaming isn’t for you
So, Nevhie posted one of the two possible ways to successfully havoc. Group como is often important, but sometimes, you don’t necessarily need to fill the roles. The havoc groups I run in, we are mostly roaming builds with mild tweaks to give out a bit more group support. Understanding your class in a solo scenario is invaluable for personal sustain in a group fight. If every class can self sustain while giving off passive AoE heals, your group will be putting out a lot of DPS.
Things such as ApE stability, area projectile deflection/block, in combat field blasts are things you should be focusing on coordinating in your group more so than class and build. Having a roaning build with self-support that has some group boons and healing, as well as good dps is how your havoc group will excel. If you cannot win most 1v1s, you will have a lot of work. If you cannot solo a tower, you will have a lot of work.
Other things to focus on: calling a target. AoEing the target rather than single target damage. Group boons.
Group composition is one way to go and is best for heavily outmanned fighting. My way is easier and allows you to break into solo when ur group disbands
To touch on what reverence said, a D/D ele is VERY useful for the extra aoe boons while maintaining high AoE burst and AoE heals. Engi is also good. I wouldn’t recommend thief in that group personally. I am a main thief, but they lose usefulness with larger groups.
Experience: Havoced since launch. Successfully done 1v5, 2v17, and countless 5v15+.
Edit: NO ZERKER!!! Zerk builds are only for PvE. I didn’t have time to look at your builds because my phone is wierd with links, but never have any zerker.
Also, AoE Condi cleanse is very, VERY important when fighting 5v5!!!
(edited by oscuro.9720)
When you say wild life, are u referring to the hairy Charr ?
Shots fired.
Could we get rid of sylvan I too, they are plants, plants are a part of the environment, therefore no more sylvari or charr. While we are at it, humans and Norns all worship nature, so we should scrap them as well.
They should re spawn any minute now, just keep watching, and don’t leave until they respawn, they are very valuable to keep defense!
In a duo scenario, duo thieves is pretty nasty and me and my thief buddies haven’t really encountered anything we can’t handle. I like ele for anything that isn’t mostly all thief. Despite the nerfs, their turn around is fantastic, and the nerf really just brought the big nerfs down by about 200 damage. Literally did nothing, and Lightning whip was a buff.
If you are roaming with anything other than thief or PU mesmer, I would recommend ele. D/D usually is not focused first because they are so annoying and have fantastic healing capabilities.
Engineer is good too, and if your group already has an ele, engineer is great for multi target conditions. Engineer and elementalist may be more difficult professions (ele especially) but they have a very high skill cap.
I know I will get hated on for this, but I don’t personally find ranger the best in small group unless the ranger is very very good. I think I’ve fought one like that. Overall, ranger isn’t the most group friendly profession, and where they are beneficial, they can be greatly outdone. HOWEVER, I would not say that I am opposed to rangers, I simply acknowledge that it takes a hell of a lot of skill for them to be in the upper tiers of roaming.
Kaineng Right now we are the “strong” server in our matchup, but we don’t have majority numbers by any means. We will usually have one main group of ~10-15, and a bunch of small groups. We don’t care who is who, we show up, kill people, and cap their stuff. Granted, you have to like fighting outmanned and be willing to die doing crazy things (attempting 5v20s)
Pretty much has come to either play in Tier 1 or 2 or suffer the potential consequences of terrible matchups. You may not like that, but it’s the best thing you can do for yourself if you seek balanced matchups on a more consistent basis. Spend the 260+ gold or 20+ USD and be done with it. Three of the top six servers are still open for transfers.
Umm, or you enjoy outmanned fights and come to Kaineng. Even than, we haven’t had lop-sided matchups for MONTHS. We may not have the numbers, we may not have the coverage, but we can fight outmanned, defend outmanned, and take ANYTHING that isn T3 It would do you all who think the lower tiers are bad to come down to here and see how fun it is (SF is the only server I know that cannot do anything
Best of luck to you SF, love 1v1 or 2ing your roamed, you have some high caliber players like Kaineng, just not the same number of them)
But if a revenant can 1v3, and the small server has a zerg of revenants, and the large server has a larger zerg of revenants, which would win?
I think that reventant will be a skill based class, and will be raged at like the thief and mesmer and ele are, but few people will be capable at playing it proficiently. All classes are capable at doing a 1v3, just those that take a certain amount of skill are better at things that are harder to do.He also specified that you could ONLY play the class if you had the outnumbered buff :p learn to read kiddo
But yeah, he is joking. Might as well just make the Outnumbered buff something crazy instead. Reminds me a bit about one of the “feats” from Munchkin RPG “Scripted Immunity: Unless they are ALL trying to kill you, you’re invulnerable.”
Haha, didn’t notice. I have a low attention span for reading. I hope it’s a joke than ????. If I couldnt play regen ant without outmanned I would die! Eh, wouldn’t be that big of a deal, Kaineng is always outnumbered. Elrik knows.
I’d love to see each towers and keeps have a maximum number of points worth of siege that can be spent for defense. For example, make trebs worth 4 points, catas and ballistas worth 3 points, and ac’s worth 2 points. Then give each objective a cap on the number of points that can be spent sieging it up, like 10 points for towers and 20 for keeps. Defenders would then have to be smart about siege placement and not just dump siege on every gate and wall.
I disagree with this, no offense. I come from a server that is ALWAYS a outmanned (Kaineng). In Kaineng, we pride ourselves on borderland and EB home keep defesnse, as well as outnumbered fighting. People will say Kaineng is not outnumbered, because they play at nights when their server has 5 total people, and we have a good sized group (20). But in the days and prime time, we have far less people, and are capable of fighting outnumbered and defending our objectives. This comes from proper and adequate siege. Trend are a necessity when defending against 20+. Catapults are far from necessary, as are most ballistas. You can use 4 arrow arts and one properly placed teen can defend any keep inner or tower against 20+ easily.
The point im trying to make is that the amount of siege in the keep isn’t the problem, it is the siege limit in a SOECIFIC area. I think that siege limits should be based by wall. No more than 4 pieces of siege on one wall.
Personally, I think defending needs to be bugged, something in glad that is happening with this new map.
But if a revenant can 1v3, and the small server has a zerg of revenants, and the large server has a larger zerg of revenants, which would win?
I think that reventant will be a skill based class, and will be raged at like the thief and mesmer and ele are, but few people will be capable at playing it proficiently. All classes are capable at doing a 1v3, just those that take a certain amount of skill are better at things that are harder to do.
I think something like this would be cool for a sword ele:
A. Fire lash: Lash out with your sword aided by the power of fire. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second Enemies hit: 5
B. Burning edge: Bring your enhanced sword backdown on your foes. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 5
C. Impact: Deliver a powerful uppercut with your sword, causing an explosion on impact and blinding nearby enemies. Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 5
A. Fire Leash: extend a tendril of fire out towards your foe, teathering them with fire and burning them every second they are teathered. Range: 900 Cast time: .5 seconds. Enemies hit:1. Teather duration: 3 seconds
B. Retrieval: Retireve your flaming leash. Range: 900. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockdown duration: 1 second
3. Backdraft:
Stab your sword into the ground causing a backdraft that deals heavy damage and locks back your foes.
Damage: 1900. Radius: 240. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockback range: 100. Knockdown duration: 1.5 seconds
1. A. Current: slice your blade across your foes driven by the current of the ocean.
Range: 450. Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 3
B. Crash: bring your sword down on your foes with the power of a crashing wave: range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 3
2. Whirlpool: summon a whirl pool to protect around you, giving out AoE healing and damage.
Radius: 180. Cast time: .2 seconds. Duration: 5 seconds. Healing: 700 health per pulse. Damage: 750 per pulse. 1 pulse per second. Foes hit: 5
3. Torrent: Rush forward in a surge of water, stunning your foe: Range: 900. Cast time: .4 seconds. Stun duration: 1 second
1. A. Obsidian Wrath: slice your fle with the extended reach of Obsidian: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Does hit: 5
B. Obsidian Revenge: Follow up with a second, more powerful strike that crippled your for: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Foes hit: 5
C. Obsidian Destruction: finish your foe with a massive strike that nothing survives:
Range: 500 Cast time: .4 seconds. Foes hit: 1. Damage: 1500
2. Earthen Tendrils: Plunge your sword into the earth, summoning tendrils all around you that immobilize foes: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Immobilize duration: 4.5 seconds. Tendril duration: 5 seconds. Pulse: Every 2.5 seconds. Damage per pulse: 1000
3. Surge: Surge forward with the pulse of an Earthquake, knocking down all foes in your path. Range: 600. Cast time: .3 seconds. Knockdown duration: 2 seconds
1. A. Aerial strike: Strike as fast as wind, damaging your foes: Range: 450. Cast time: instant. Enemies hit: 5
B. Brilliant slash: slash your foe with a strike so fast it cuts straight through even the strongest materials. Range: 450. Cast time: .1 seconds. Enemies hit: 5. Damage: 1000
C. Electric release: Stab at your foe, electrifying the air around your sword: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Damage: 600. Stun duration: .5 seconds
2. Thunderbolt: Summon a thunderbolt to conduct through your sword and into the earth, damaging all foes around you: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage: 1200
3. Electric reaction:launch an arc of lightning at your foe which spread to all of the surrounding foes, dazing them all. If there are no surrounding foes, the foe is electrocuted with high voltage and stunned. Range: 900. Daze duration: .5 seconds. Stun duration: 3.5 seconds. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage when arced: 700. Damage with no arc: 1500
Just my thoughts. What do you guys think?
I didn’t read most of this thread, so im sure there is a similar answer in here, but Necromancers summon the physicality of death, disease, and suffering. They summon basically every thing that is dark in the world. Not evil, but dark. Therefore, they are not good nor evil, just dark.
As you stated, the mists is the thearetical afterlife in this game. This is true, but the afterlife is dominated by the spiritual part of death. Regen ants channel and are aided by the strength of spirits to do their work.
So Necros very from revenants in aspect of the afterlife they deal with. Additionally, necromancer a have complete dominion over what they summon, where as revenants CHANNEL spirits. They do not have control of the spirits, they are simply aided by them.
In response to those skeptical about the lore behind the revenant, I feel it is important to know that it is not rytlock teaching however many players there are. The game story is designed so you are the hero. So, lore wise, he would only be teaching one person. Look at it as you are his student. The open world does not have any effect on your personal story, which generates most of the lore.
(edited by oscuro.9720)
Will I be able to us a hang glider in WvW?
So I was sitting around thinking about how awesome Revenant is going to be and started to evision what it could be like. That’s when I realized that it may not have a weapon swap feature. Similar to Engineer and Elementalist, it could function off of some side mechanic. Currently, there is 1 non-weapon swap class for light and medium professions, but none for heavy. This idea got me really excited because I like the engi/ele play styles.
I was thinking maybe each channel could give you a unique set of skills. What do you guys think? Do you want weapon swap or a side mechanic like ele/engi?
If the human gods were really killed by Zhaitan, could we summon the human gods?
I think melee staff would be pretty sweet. I could see greatsword being an option, as well as hammer (only 2 classes use hammer, so someone else is going to get it). Also mace, shield, and sword are deffinetly possibilities.
Here’s my ideas on sword. Something I posted but no one has commented on, tell me what do you guys think about these ideas?
A. Fire lash: Lash out with your sword aided by the power of fire. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second Enemies hit: 5
B. Burning edge: Bring your enhanced sword backdown on your foes. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 5
C. Impact: Deliver a powerful uppercut with your sword, causing an explosion on impact and blinding nearby enemies. Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 5
A. Fire Leash: extend a tendril of fire out towards your foe, teathering them with fire and burning them every second they are teathered. Range: 900 Cast time: .5 seconds. Enemies hit:1. Teather duration: 3 seconds
B. Retrieval: Retireve your flaming leash. Range: 900. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockdown duration: 1 second
3. Backdraft:
Stab your sword into the ground causing a backdraft that deals heavy damage and locks back your foes.
Damage: 1900. Radius: 240. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockback range: 100. Knockdown duration: 1.5 seconds
1. A. Current: slice your blade across your foes driven by the current of the ocean.
Range: 450. Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 3
B. Crash: bring your sword down on your foes with the power of a crashing wave: range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 3
2. Whirlpool: summon a whirl pool to protect around you, giving out AoE healing and damage.
Radius: 180. Cast time: .2 seconds. Duration: 5 seconds. Healing: 700 health per pulse. Damage: 750 per pulse. 1 pulse per second. Foes hit: 5
3. Torrent: Rush forward in a surge of water, stunning your foe: Range: 900. Cast time: .4 seconds. Stun duration: 1 second
1. A. Obsidian Wrath: slice your fle with the extended reach of Obsidian: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Does hit: 5
B. Obsidian Revenge: Follow up with a second, more powerful strike that crippled your for: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Foes hit: 5
C. Obsidian Destruction: finish your foe with a massive strike that nothing survives:
Range: 500 Cast time: .4 seconds. Foes hit: 1. Damage: 1500
2. Earthen Tendrils: Plunge your sword into the earth, summoning tendrils all around you that immobilize foes: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Immobilize duration: 4.5 seconds. Tendril duration: 5 seconds. Pulse: Every 2.5 seconds. Damage per pulse: 1000
3. Surge: Surge forward with the pulse of an Earthquake, knocking down all foes in your path. Range: 600. Cast time: .3 seconds. Knockdown duration: 2 seconds
1. A. Aerial strike: Strike as fast as wind, damaging your foes: Range: 450. Cast time: instant. Enemies hit: 5
B. Brilliant slash: slash your foe with a strike so fast it cuts straight through even the strongest materials. Range: 450. Cast time: .1 seconds. Enemies hit: 5. Damage: 1000
C. Electric release: Stab at your foe, electrifying the air around your sword: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Damage: 600. Stun duration: .5 seconds
2. Thunderbolt: Summon a thunderbolt to conduct through your sword and into the earth, damaging all foes around you: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage: 1200
3. Electric reaction:launch an arc of lightning at your foe which spread to all of the surrounding foes, dazing them all. If there are no surrounding foes, the foe is electrocuted with high voltage and stunned. Range: 900. Daze duration: .5 seconds. Stun duration: 3.5 seconds. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage when arced: 700. Damage with no arc: 1500
Just something I know I would enjoy, what do you guys think about these ideas?