because he doesn’t know it himself
because he doesn’t know it himself
You mean that my continent was lifted by some supernatural force, and was slammed on another continent?
Hey, I barely felt anything!
because he doesn’t know it himself
Except that for WvW this is patently false.
You will be at a measurable disadvantage to people who do get them (likely primary pve players, not primary wvw players)
Thus you DO need them in order to be competitive.
Ten months later and I’m still not buying what you’re selling. You want them, not need them. The stat bonus gives such a slight advantage in a limited set of circumstances that it’s irrelevant, even in WvWvW play.
The way the game is set up, stats are of secondary importance. Either you’re in a zerg group, where you just pound on stuff until it dies, or you need to use skill and tactics in a small group or one-to-one. Other games reward longtime subscribers by making their stats a crutch to lean on to the point where undergeared players simply are not effective against them, but this game does not have a sub and thus has no incentive to reward people who pay them more money.
I never really got into PvP in Rift, for example, because once you reach max level you have to spend the next few months getting stomped on by geared players. You can’t even fight back until you get enough tokens to buy the gear yourself, it’s like fighting a charging rhino with a pointy stick. Even fighting a fully-ascended geared player in this game will be nothing like that.
Even the rarest, most expensive items in the game are just pretty skins with no stat bonus whatsoever. You think you need them because you are stuck in the mindset you were trained to have by other MMOs.
Then why would you need higher stats?
Doing the same thing over and over again is not highly rewarded, even IRL.
I think better gear should be rewarded as a 100% drop rate, by completing a very difficult task you have to complete alone.
You’ll have to work a lot, but not by doing the same thing, but by trying to perform a difficult task.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
Wait… will they add a Dire Amulet in spvp?
because he doesn’t know it himself
I didn’t play it much (and I play a different version), but I felt like its fighting potential is low, compared with Hammer/mace (yeah, Hammer has lower dps, but I can chain 10 seconds long disables with it and mace). It only worked better because I hadd better mobility out of combat, so I felt a little more useful (and with that build I have almost never been put into a 4v5 match… maybe it brings me luck).
I don’t understand this obsession with mass CC chaining on warrior builds. On top of all the things that could go wrong (blinds, random evades, blocks, teleports), every competitive player has stun breakers and most have their own source of stability. Then you add in the guardian that’s supplying the entire team with stability, aegis blocks, and virtue blinds, and suddenly these mass CC warriors aren’t contributing anything for 20+ seconds. My own warrior build has 30 seconds of personal stability. The list of probable bad outcomes goes on.
Mathematically, it is just too risky to carry around mass melee CC while giving up other things like consistent damage, reliable team support, and even ranged damage and ranged CC. Plus, say in the best case scenario, you land all of your CC on a target perfectly. Now you are at the mercy of your team being able to follow up your CC. With good voice communication, this can be achieved. In solo queue? Don’t hold your breath. Statistically speaking, it’s just not a good trade-off to create a build revolving around nothing but melee CC.
Well, that’s what I was trying to play. It worked well on side nodes, outside of big fights. And I don’t give up neither consistent damage, neither survivability. That’s because you are forced to be durable, as the first cc will rarely land. And you are a good necro hunter.
But I never played on high level pvp, so maybe that won’t work there.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
Well, Pin Down is hard to read too, compared to other longbow skills.
But I agree on the fact mace/shield+GS is boring. I ended up playing it in tournaments, where I have the points to think about to ease the boredom.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Protection from Lyssa runes? kitten , that will help us a lot!
And multiple cc effects work only in 1v1. And pets can deal high direct damage without you needing to invest in power. And the enemy has to watch out for two things.
You have better evades, and spirits block attacks from you.
And we have only three utility slots -> one direct damage negator (on long cooldown), one condi negator (on long cooldown) and one stunbreaker. And only 147 armor more (7% damage reduction, even less considering both classes tend to stack some toughness). And less evades. If you count protection (by dividing its hps by 0.82, for 50% protection uptime) you get 414 hps. Better than healing signet.
And have less problems about poison.
And your pet can cc too.
So yeah, things are not so simple.
because he doesn’t know it himself
how do u not see it…every 10 sec the enemy tagg goes to yellow, so he is no longer in combat so he regens hp.
plz dont post crap, when u have no idea how the game or skill works. trollol
Do you not see that this is a joke about all the QQing for a Healing Signet nerf.
Did you see OP’s name?
because he doesn’t know it himself
for some reason he forgot to mention the engineer, didnt anyone notice :P
BC stunwarriors destroy engineers.
Engineers take 53% less damage while stunned when properly traited. I can sit inside a 100B and lose maybe 2k health because the warrior stunned me first.
Your saying 100% crit chance warrior using 100 blades only does 4k damage. LOL just sit in it anyway then. If 100 blades did 4k damage it wouldn’t be a must avoid ability.
Idk who your fighting but any decent stun warrior has unsuspecting foe.
Well, in spvp hundred blades will deal around 8k damage (unless you are really squishy). What adds to the burst is the fact that it procs Fire Sigil too.
However, take into account most engies run around with something like 2600-2700 armor. Maybe it’s an understatement, but the damage won’t be too far from 2k.
What might happen is that engi won’t kill warrior and warrior won’t kill engi. Both have high HPS, warrior has stuns, engi has damage reduction while stunned.
Smart warriors might try to use other stuns to proc protection and wait it out before using burst, but that means you have to:
stun/daze the engi
wait out protection
Now, you’ll have a small window to Skull Crack the engi. I think most engies will have 3.6 seconds of protection lasting this way (+20% from 20 points in Alchemy). Now you have 1.4 seconds before the ICD wears off. Considering you have to be really close to land Skull Crack, that is not easy. And I think it shouldn’t be easier.
The engi might try to solve this by dodging right after protection ends.
Still, you are fighting the UI, not the player.XD
And all this complexity goes down the drain in a group fight.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, I don’t think he was talking about pure balance. Thieves are balanced in the meta, like other builds (some of them cheesy) are. The problem is about the meta.
He was certainly talking about balance; it just so happens that metagame is a subset of balance.
Yes, but he said it’s more or less as OP as some warrior builds, as some ranger ones, as some necro ones and so on…
I don’t say i agree with him (It’s one month I’m not playing, so I don’t know how things are now) but I guess he wanted to say the problem is not whether those builds are beatable, but how they change the meta into spamming.
I once made a topic in these forums
It was titled
“Why good S/D is not 3 spam”. And what the title says is true.
I could make the joke
“because you also press 2 once in a while”, but yeah, sorry, spammy is not the right word. And it isn’t necessarily thieves’ fault.
It’s more about the fact that reading your opponent becomes so hard is somewhat useless.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, I don’t think he was talking about pure balance. Thieves are balanced in the meta, like other builds (some of them cheesy) are. The problem is about the meta.
He was certainly talking about balance; it just so happens that metagame is a subset of balance.
Yes, but he said it’s more or less as OP as some warrior builds, as some ranger ones, as some necro ones and so on…
I don’t say i agree with him (It’s one month I’m not playing, so I don’t know how things are now) but I guess he wanted to say the problem is not whether those builds are beatable, but how they change the meta into spamming.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well I’m going with what I’ve been hearing going around with this rant being the icing on the cake:
I can see how the presents of an S/D thief in a game can block boon heavy classes from playing, and I want LS to still be a counter to boon users but not completely shut them down by it’s mere presence.
S/D used to be considered a respectable thief set. Now it’s joined the ranks of the “mindless spammers” in people’s minds. I get the inkling that most Spvp S/D users hardly ever even use Tactical Strike anymore.
I realize there’s a lot more problems with other classes in SPvP but I don’t have experience with them, I have been with S/D from the start, which is why I speak about it and not them.Let me tell you something about Helseth.
I went to his stream this morning to discuss S/D thieves.
He basically responded to every thing I said by telling me that I was stupid, that I was what was wrong with GW2. I mentioned tons of little details about cast times and general counters to the build, and the only- only- thing that Helseth responded with that I was a complete idiot and that everything I said was just automatically wrong.
Seriously? I agree with some of the guy’s ideas, but that he feels that he has to insult people who provide factual counters to his ideas is just absurd. I can hardly take him seriously any more after his rage episode this morning on the GW2pvptv.
On a separate note, IMO S/D is in a perfectly fine place right now. I’ve already written a ton about its counters though, so unless somebody asks me something specific about S/D counters, I don’t want to write anything more about how to counter the build. -_-
EDIT: also, those of you that think that FS does “a ton of damage” or whatever should go check out the actual damage stats. It does less than any of the attacks in the auto chain.
Well, I don’t think he was talking about pure balance. Thieves are balanced in the meta, like other builds (some of them cheesy) are. The problem is about the meta.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Really don’t think S/D is OP, but that may just be me running 30/30/5/50 and not running energy sigil or 2 S/D sets.
So if we start with the idea that single S/D is balanced, like where is the problem? Is it energy sigil? Is it running 2 sets of the same weapons? Or is it quick recovery?
Is it a spam issue?
Mace/Shield + GS healing signet warrior is a lot more OP anyways.
Someone might say it’s not op, it’s just that the game is playing itself. Both with S/D and GS
because he doesn’t know it himself
How did you achieve all of these clones? >.>
By reflecting this:
because he doesn’t know it himself
0/10/30/0/30 H/LB is a pretty OP bunker war. I’ve already called their nerfs required for the ‘cheese’ build, but here they are again:
- Healing signet base regen reduction and an increase to healing stat mult
- Banners heal instead of providing regen boon
- Warrior’s Sprint moved to Adept tier in Strength
- Restorative Strength moved to Adept tier in Discipline
- Adrenal Health moved to Grandmaster Major in Defense line
- Spiked Armor moved to Master Major in Defense line
- Cull the Weak moved to Master Minor trait in Defense line
- Unsuspecting Foe moved to Master tier in Arms
- Opportunist moved to Adept tier in Arms
- Opportunist changed from “immobilize” to “disable”
Wait until it gets changed, and I will drink the tears of all the current meta wars.
I’ve played all the classes and I find my warrior to be the only one I could ever have fun with. This build’s totally OP right now, they’re just waiting until after the PAX live tournaments to change him back.
Either that or people will be recieving a great many buffs…which is almost the same thing.
BTW kitten s, you’re not adding anything meaningful. You’re just contradicting and condecending. In other words, stop trolling.
Cheesy build is needed for cheesy meta. Every class should be changed.
because he doesn’t know it himself
S/D is fine, as Mace/shield GS warrior is fine, as Spirit ranger is fine, as necro is fine and so on. Probably none of this is much stronger than the others. But all ofthese are all kinda stupid builds is someone’s opinion.
I never played S/D, but I agree someone might argue that Flanking Strike is overpowered compared to the rest of sword skills. Maybe the utiliy should be spread along the whole weapon set.
But they still make this crappy meta.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
“it is very hard to play perfectly, but very easy to play mindlessly”
there is no difference between top teams and hotjoin games. Every single player can appear “skillful” in this game because in fact, every class has an insanely OP side (including the eles) but the moment they meet their “counter-play” class they are dead
There is absolutely no way to “actively counterplay your active opponent”
the only thing you can do is to actively counterplay their passive traits
except, the way traits are balanced are so narrowed and cannot be put into 1 big picture that it’s just a RNG about “which class you run into”mesmer is UP, yes, but they can still melt ANYONE excpet S/D thief in like 3 seconds if unchecked. The fact is that there is currently no way to spot what your opponents are going to do and prepare a strategy. There is no way to nail down counter-play or execute them
Someone might say that this game is so hardcore, is completely casual.
i.e.: it is so fastpaced and hard to read you can’t even bother about thinking what are you doing.
You know what? Maybe every skill in this game should be as easy to read as possible. And making the battlefield as confusing as possible shouldn’t be a defensive mechanic (example of following this idea: make mesmers much more resistant by thmselves, better heals, better protection uptime, better moblitiy, anything they need, and reduce their reliance on clones).
Maybe skill should become the ability to elaborate original strategies and adapting to the situation, not reaction time or the ability to see small animation or to spot something in a sea of AIs. That would make the game much more fun to play and watch. And it’s important for an e-sport.
Let’s make an example: try to go and watch some pvp gameplay from Dark Souls. I never played the game (and I am ashamed of that, because it is a masterpiece), but I was able from the start to understand most of what was going on. After one year of GW2 pvp, sometimes I still can’t see what is going on in those fights, for all the stuff kicking around.
because he doesn’t know it himself
For Red, Bull’s Charge and Earth Shaker is your mobility (Earth Shaker is a hard control mobility that you need to learn how to use it as mobility).
I know, I meant out of combat mobility. In the sense of the time I need to go from one point to the other. I always felt like Hammer was stronger in groups than it was in solo queue, but probably I am wrong.
In combat I don’t feel like I need high mobility when I fight on points, but maybe is because I didn’t fight high level opponents. Said that, I find myself well with Heartshacker and Bull’s Rush.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I mean seriously Arena Net where is the reason behind allowing the warrior to create an unlimited amount of clones while just charging with all of them on my mesmer doing 100x 100-Blades …
Just look at this!
Where is the balance?Trololol (> ^-^)>
Featuring: Mu Fa Sa Pk
Van Dark
Seems like…
puts on sunglasses
There was plenty of him to go around.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Changed from Healing Surge to Healing Signet is because Healing Signet combine with Lyssa Rune is really good. Also another purpose is to against other none skilled required cheesy warrior build, such as GS/Mace Shield.
I didn’t play it much (and I play a different version), but I felt like its fighting potential is low, compared with Hammer/mace (yeah, Hammer has lower dps, but I can chain 10 seconds long disables with it and mace). It only worked better because I hadd better mobility out of combat, so I felt a little more useful (and with that build I have almost never been put into a 4v5 match… maybe it brings me luck).
because he doesn’t know it himself
you do realise that you can use the sword immobile burst skill then instantly swap to another weapon like greatsword and use 100 blades, its a win combo of death
Well, you lose the crit bonus you get with a mace, though. With only this you deal less damage and are IMHO a bit clunkier because you have to cancel Flurry, then swap and use hundred blades. I have to use sheathe weapon on mouse weel, and sometimes it doesn’t work.
BUT if you use sword/mace + GS, you can use Mace #5, Final Thrust, Flurry, Hundred Blades. Then the issue would become to make enough sustained damage t use this burst at less than 50%, but it might be cool.
So, the longsword is like really bad isn’t it?
1. Switch to Short Sword
2. ???
3. Profit
Shortsword? NO!
Use scimitar or rapier, for the 18-20 critical area.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
I still see healing signet being used even though healing surge is supposedly the best.
They do this exactly to make you angry. :P
because he doesn’t know it himself
healing signet can afford a nerf and wars will still be on top of their game.
Which game?
Dragon Age?
Neverwinter Nights?
Baldur’s Gate?
World of Warcraft?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Explain to me the fantastic balance work under the cast time of this healing skills:
Healing Signet 1.25s
Heling Turret 0.5s
Heals as one 1.25s
Heling Spring 0.5s
Signet of Malice 1.25sLet me understand, stronger is the skill effect, maybe aoe, than shorter should be the recharge?
If it was for me Heling Turret, and Healing Spring would have 1.5s of cast time.
Well, if you activate healing signet you are ASKING to die.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Rush in, hit hard, move out is mobility warriors’ basic tactics, it is also widely adapted in modern military training and execution, on other hand, being tanky, stand toe to toe fight until one down is what modern combat means: STUPID.
It is a good idea… if you are SURE in the end you’ll be the one standing.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
So you kited the mesmer with one of the most mobile builds in the game, and the phantasm mesmer who has the worst mobility in the game kept chasing you.
This mesmer let his ego get in his way. Most likely he wins most of his duels with the OP phant spec, but didn’t learn that phant specs are weak in open field WvW due to lack of mobility, of both the mesmer and especially the phantasms. Well played for extrapolating this mesmer’s stupidity and playing to your strengths.
i actually liked the way when he uses Null field when struck by Flurry , most mesmers get panicked when immobilized.
and for other replies spare me the drama really , so i should just stand there and die ?! is that it?, well i don’t have your “Pro” +3.4k armor, +800 hps and your stunning Mace/Hammer or whatever.
i have high mobile/damage build that i like more than other turtle slow bunny damage builds and if i dont use this mobility to survive then what is the point really ?
just like stealth to thieves, clones to mesmers, pets to rangers ,etc., Warrior got Speed and according to Warrior definition
" Warriors are masters of martial skills. They rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive."
is the first thing we should rely on to survive.
I think he meant that that was a mistake from the Mesmer’s part, which for some reason didn’t want to let you go.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Hi, I wanted to show an idea that came into my little stupid brain.
Premise: no matter how hard I try, it just seems I can’t do well as condi warrior. I end up getting killed against everything. Yeah, even those pesky training golems.XD
So I was thinking about something similar, not condi based but power based, and tried to add might stacking to it (because i have never seen nobody talking about it, although warrior might have a good potential).
It has less HPS, but has more health and the ability to maintain 23 stacks of might
Alas I can’t test it, so it might be crap. I was just thinking that GS damage with might and all the bonuses might be something big.
I thing you might change Soldier Amulet for Valkyrie one.
Do you think that might stacking might be a good idea in spvp, or is corrupt boon/boon steal too predominant?
because he doesn’t know it himself
humans look like dolls? T.T
Exactly: you are FORCED to use a helmet to cover the shame of their face.
I dont use helmet on my human warrior and i dont look like doll.
Look at your skin. Then look at the skin of a norn. Which is the skin of a warrior?
No, two scars aren’t enough. Warriors’ skin should be one whole big scar.XD
Says who? Sory but who are you that you decide how warrior should look like or how much scars should have…? :-D I mean there is nothing like ,,Only one true look of warrior" Make you warrior as you wish but you have no right to say how warriors should look like.
Some imagine warrior as brutal scary beast in scraps of black armore and some may image it as honorable fighter in shiny silver armore as is mine (you can see in Lets see your warriors 11 hours old post now)
It is up to every player himself to decide how his warrior should look like :-)
Well, I admit human cultural armor does wonders, too!XD
IMHO is better than the norn last one, and a good reason to go human.
But yeah, heavy juggernaut style is still my favourite.XD
If only the story made my characters look more like mercenaries/adventurers and less like super heroes…XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
humans look like dolls? T.T
Exactly: you are FORCED to use a helmet to cover the shame of their face.
I dont use helmet on my human warrior and i dont look like doll.
Look at your skin. Then look at the skin of a norn. Which is the skin of a warrior?
No, two scars aren’t enough. Warriors’ skin should be one whole big scar.XD
Says who? Sory but who are you that you decide how warrior should look like or how much scars should have…? :-D I mean there is nothing like ,,Only one true look of warrior" Make you warrior as you wish but you have no right to say how warriors should look like.
Some imagine warrior as brutal scary beast in scraps of black armore and some may image it as honorable fighter in shiny silver armore as is mine (you can see in Lets see your warriors 11 hours old post now)
It is up to every player himself to decide how his warrior should look like :-)
I was joking.XD
I was stating my idea of a warrior. Someone who brings the fight close and personal, end never leaves the battle unscathed. Either you are a mercenary, a destroyer or a white knight.
And I was whining because that’s almost impossible to do with a human.
because he doesn’t know it himself
humans look like dolls? T.T
Exactly: you are FORCED to use a helmet to cover the shame of their face.
I dont use helmet on my human warrior and i dont look like doll.
Look at your skin. Then look at the skin of a norn. Which is the skin of a warrior?
No, two scars aren’t enough. Warriors’ skin should be one whole big scar.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
humans look like dolls? T.T
Exactly: you are FORCED to use a helmet to cover the shame of their face.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Humans look like dolls.
Warriors aren’t dolls.
And Norns look like juggernauts with orrian armor.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, warrior moving while using 100blades would look stupid. A guy running around chopping the air.
Or it would look hilarious.
However, skull crack builds with Greatsword use Skull Crack AT MOST once every 10 seconds, not every 7.something.
Let’s put you used Skull Crack and switched to GS. Now you have to wait 5 seconds to switch again to mace. Then you have to wait another 5 seconds so that you can switch to GS again once you stunned the target.
Since you are not fighting against a testing golem, I think you’ll use Skull Crack at most once every 15 seconds. I think we will probably barely feel slight cd increases.
However, it saddens me that no one is talking about new builds on the forums. Only stun ones. Aren’t there new idea. And no, I don’t think it’s all warriors fault. I think this is also complainers’ fault, for polarizing the discussion.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Trahearne is awful, but he’s just a victim of the writing that is almost universally bad in the game. Someone else pointed out the “Show, don’t tell” rule. Except, they don’t just tell you something. They yell it at you, send you a letter to confirm it, and then tattoo it onto their forehead so you can’t even look at them without being told once more.
Even better: show, don’t force the player to go and read the lore. Which most of the time is still disappointing.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Because you kittening make half of them.
But what about the other half?
That’s still a pretty big number.XD
(no offense, Daecollo – seems like there’s a love-hate relationship between you and the rest of the community.XD)
because he doesn’t know it himself
Please check all that apply.
You are:
[] Engineer
[] Necromancer
[] Thief
[] Elementalist
[] Ranger
[] Mesmer
[] GuardianYou Think Warrior is too:
[] Hard
[] Overpowered
[] BrokenYou are Currently Threatening to:
[] Quit
[] Uninstall
[] Reroll
[] Tell the Internet That You are Upset
[] Bash my head to the wall because I can’t beat them.Describe how the Warrior hurt you:
(fill below.)Funny how you leave out “Warrior” from your list. It shows how you think all warriors are completely on your side just because they’re Warriors.
Well, warriors will probably have much less problems, because not only they know when a skull crack is coming: they feel it.
Never underestimate the power of cheese.XD
At worse, they might say it’s too easy to play.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
Hi everyone, having too much spare time I came up with a weird, crazy, stupid idea:
what about building a war able to stack many stacks of might? How will I benefit from it?
At first I tried condition, but I can’t learn to like condi warrior.
Then I tried power, focusing on greatsword, longbow and sustained damage.
Now an idea came to me: what about pairing it with the good old cc build? All in all, some more damage is always welcomed to make more likely for the enemy not to get out of our stuns alive.XD
Alas, I can log to GW2 right now and try it for yourself, so I want to show you this and see if someone is interested. Or wants to insult me. And I most probably deserve it.XD
Here’s the build:
Sources of might:
Signet of Rage – 5 permanent stacks of might
For Great Justice! – 3 Permanent stacks
Sigil of Battle – 9 stacks of might
Versatile Power – 3 permanent stacks (might lasts 16 seconds, and you swap every 5, hopefully).
Total: 20 stacks = +700 power. You need to stay 30 seconds in combat to reach this maximum. This might be hard, and it might be one of the reasons why this idea is stupid and I am a noob.XD
+700 power over 2000 is a +35% damage increase, which maybe will balance out the absence of -20% condi duracion
The problem is that you need to stay REALLY far away from any enemy s/d thief.XD
And necros with corrupt boon will ruin your day. AND WATCH OUT FOR ENGI MINES!XD
So… what do you think?XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, there’s a difference:
Necro and Thief traits depend on effects applied to the player. This means that I can benefit from those traits on any enemy, once the conditions for them to work are met.
Unsuspecting Foe is supposed to reward you for landing a certain kind of skill, which is supposed to be hard to apply and easily avoidable.
And it works only on stunned targets. To make it work, I have to use it only on stunned targets, which will mostly be one. It won’t increase my cleave capabilities, in a game where AoE is consistent and much superior to single-target.
About the control+damage issue: hammer+mace/shield has high cc, but without consistent damage it would be extremely lacking, because it lacks mobility. In a game where almost any skill can be cast while moving, this might mean almost not being able to reach your target.
And… well, I played engi turret, and it pairs good survivability, cc and damage (in 1v1 fights on nodes), but low mobility.
Defektive’s build, IMHO, has good damage, but most of all has high mobility. Hammer mace/shield has higher damage but no mobility, thus making it less efficient.
So… it isn’t necessarily unbalanced.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I don’t have time in my day for your infantile internet posturing and duel challenges. And I have far more /age than you, FYI.
Actually you need to man up and go to the duel or stop talking smack.
Not even going to scroll back to read either of your posts, the game provides a clear venue for demonstrating your skills, time to get in the ring.
I fear there are no fair duels in GW2.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Been using same build now for a couple of weeks and it’s god kitten awesome, seems like it’s getting quite popular on eu too
Let me guess… Earthshaker+Staggering+Arcing Arrow looks like a deadly combo in group fights.
because he doesn’t know it himself
LOL, what a joke discussion. People don’t use block/stun breaker, and you blame this build?
Fine, nerf this build. What other build is left for Warrior? LOL, NONE.
Because you are getting all wrong.
We weren’t getting “facerolled” all this time. We were getting “outplayed”.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Thank you!^^
Another question:
you don’t use Healing Signet because of enemy burst/poison, your adrenaline or fear it will be nerfed?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Let’s analyse the builds in order or power, which require nerfs because they aren’t fun.
1, Spirit ranger
2, S/d Thief
3, Terror necro
4, Stun lock warrior
5, Elixr r
1. Counter to Spirit Ranger is Warrior.
2. Counter to thieves is Spirit Rangers and Engies. Or just major CC when he is not evading. Learn to see when he is not evading. It’s not that hard.
3. Counter for this is a Warrior as well. CC the hell out of him and he won’t be a problem.
4. Bring stunbreakers and don’t waste them on the 1s shield stun like most idiots do. Use blind effectively.
5. If it’s a 1vs1 situation, why would you kill him when he’s standing on the elixir? Wait for it to disappear or knock him off it. You can also out dps it with some classes, even in 1vs1. If it’s a team fight you should have enough dmg to counter it easily.
Sorry, but all I see is L2P issue here.
4. Oh cool! Because I got stunbreakers on a 7-9 second cooldown.
Sorry, but all I see is a lack of knowledge issue here.
You are not supposed to cleanse every single stun of the warrior. Or do you want to win automatically?
In my opinion, stunbreakers are not the best solution. Go and take a look into the warrior’s forum. There are some ideas on how to counter the mace.
Or even better: play a similar warrior yourself for some time in the mists, if you don’t hate them too much. It won’t take long to understand the rhytms and limits of the build and learn how not to fall quickly for the combo.
As many other things, is easier done than said: you will feel what a warrior is going to do next, almost.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Most probably you’d just end up seeing no warriors at all.
And even greatsword, at least for pvp, is useful as long as you bring a mace.
By my side, I try to fight boredom by playing my own version of the mace/shield and GS, trying to pump the damage of all skills, not only the combo.
because he doesn’t know it himself
just 1s? that was a 50% buff.
in addition berserker stance is probably the most op skill in the game right now. Though I’m not saying warrior is the strongest class – for sure not. But saying warrior was always like he is now, is just not true…
It was a 33% buff. Any warrior using Mace will bring sigil of paralyzation. The buff thus brought Skull Crack stun duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
No, I’m not saying this. But I’m saying old stunlock builds used to have even more cc (it’s to sey they had much less of anything else) by also using hammer (another 3 seconds stun with sigil of paralyzation, without counting knockbacks and knockdowns).
If the problem, as the OP says, is not about warriors being over the top (and many things indicate they are not), but about the fact they are annoying to play against, it should have been noted a long time ago.
because he doesn’t know it himself
S/D thief and staff mesmer are hard counters for this build. L2P thieves, L2P.
Here is why he says this:
S/d thief
Other than flanking strike and evade frames (as a warrior, you have to hit the thief at a precise point during the end of the animation to get him)
Staff Mesmer
Both won’t stop the stun, but will stop the burst.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, it depends on the class. Warriors’ chances against phantasms mesmers used to be near 0.
But balanced build doesn’t mean effective. I used to play a lot with my engi before it became meta, and used many build which I tought were decent, but actually turned out to be crap.
This game has (at least in theory) a large freedom of choice on builds compared to other games (Wow, for example). This means you can make a strong build, but also a very weak one.
And warriors can’t outheal you, unless they are putting a lot of pressure on you. Then any class can do that.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Wait a second… stun spam warriors exist since a long time. Did you find out now it is annoying to play against them (I bet before you laughed at the slow and stupid warrior with the hammer)?
I think what bothers you is the burst that follows in greatsword builds.
except that they buffed the stun durations from f1 skills and made healing signet ridiculous op…
Just 1 second for Skull Crack.
If now that most builds only run mace you feel oppressed by stuns, how could you feel against a warrior using also hammer (which could and can effectively chain bursts and stun you forever if you don’t do anything)?
Yeah, yeah, I know the story: “a passive can’t be that strong”. Seems like activating the heal has become a high risk, high reward move. I don’t think it should be compared it with other passive heals, for most of them (like altruistic healing) don’t occupy your #6 slot.
Oh, and I’d like to remind that the “war of attrition” you used to play was in fact an easy no skill victory against a warrior.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Mmmh… considering you have Signet Mastery…
do you think changing Balanced Stance for Dolyak Signet would be a bad idea?
And if I get it well, this setup is more group oriented, right?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Wait a second… stun spam warriors exist since a long time. Did you find out now it is annoying to play against them (I bet before you laughed at the slow and stupid warrior with the hammer)?
I think what bothers you is the burst that follows in greatsword builds.
because he doesn’t know it himself