(edited by tigirius.9014)
+1 as a PVE player I approve this message!
I do something similar I have the mine mine field caltrops and the big-ol-bomb to work with and it sometimes works but they seriously need to work on the bomb placement.
We need mines and grenades from the AOE kit refinement and the toolbelt to have a forward 90 degree arch of these things so they actually ALL hit because they are tiny explosions as it is half of them miss since they went all over the place.
They also need to have their damage restored because they were nerfed a few months back while PVP and PVE were not yet separated, that would help the damage out a bit.
actually sounds great except 1 thing….
they still haven’t fixed the leapshot we already have!
dunno who thought we build things by hammering them with monkey wrenches, smh /facepalm
~ poor design choices for future content (please no more dungeons)
~ poor decisions regarding the availability of loot (because if we don’t really have great content they we could at least farm right? wrong) DR being the biggest issue
~ bad decisions with balance
~ the enormous number of bugs/design flaws in the three weakest classes
~ class favoritism (Guild Warriors 2)
~ not enough minigames with prizes
~ not enough permanent DE’s or permanent metas
~ no LFG tool
~ the wait time for meta’s and the time it takes to run dungeons.
Think that sums it up.
depends …
open world?
personal quest?
WvW zone?
because they are literally all different. And don’t expect anything good if you don’t have at least 50-100 mf on because it just won’t happen anywhere. So it’s still a mystery, why one can only imagine, but I have to say it would be a far better world if they removed whatever block they put on open world loot in November and removed the DR system entirely. (but you’ll prolly see the headstarters who have a hold on the market to continue to get 100s of gold each day yell no no no! at that suggestion.)
Warriors are so not UP LOL that is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.
Anyway If you’re a necro prolly not, if in fact they did to necros what they’ve been doing to engineers this whole time which is breaking them in PVE even more then they ever did in beta. Sigh.
It’s really not pretty honestly and at this rate they’ll prolly take another four months to fix what they broke, but on the up side they did finally start separating the coded behaviors between pve pvp and wvw in their class balance patches so we’re all holding our breath.
I find that most of the AOE’s on engineers are nerfed, it’s just weird it’s like the class that is supposed to have AOE’s to deal with multiple enemies efficiency is being artificially stumped by people who see it as perfectly fine that a warrior runs dungeons by himself. It’s one of the reasons why I know this class was meant to be a soldier class, with heavy armor and a bit more hitpoints because everything about it pretty much points to heavy AOE handling except they keep nerfing that. They finally fixed the explosive radius bug recently I noticed.
What is this hate they have for this class I wonder because they certainly don’t treat it with respect.
So minority should be ignored and Arena Net should only cater to the majority?
Should Arena Net show the middle finger to the players who don’t earn them the most money?Well, yes. That’s just the nature of business. Cater to the primary demographic, and then use your spare resources to extend into other demographics. You can’t please everyone all at once.
So what’s your point here with this thread? I almost feel like a chump for not only giving a thoughtful response to your initial question, but supporting your suggestion for harder content, when I should’ve realized it was just passive-aggressive complaining.
None of us can speak for what ‘most players’ like, because we can only make assumptions based on our own tiny samples. You know this. Maybe most GW2 players at some point DID love harder content, but made the intelligent decision to find a game that better suits them.
Actually no, because the collective behaviors of the companies and their business models all point to one thing, casual gamers being the majority. They’ve done the demographic, what November was about was preventing the hardcore players from leaving the game because the game was too casual for many of them. What’s wrong is they’ve forgotten who they originally attracted to this title and they have yet to fix the problems they created by shifting too much of their focus to one demographic.
Open world was always to be their main focus until November came along. Since then all we’ve seen is an experiment with the living story and not huge additions monthly of permanent DE’s or Metas. We need tons more and they need to fix loot, pennies are never good for your loot system in the open world, and bots can no longer be used as the excuse.
“you don’t have to be there all night, you can log in for 20 minutes”
“and then for the casual players who don’t want to have to chase after those goals we have this open kinda casual fun world that they can run around in too”
Except they really haven’t been casual friendly since November. Here’s how:
- made the game even more dungeon focused
- added DR and changed the loot structure in November taking away the possibility of farming anything T6 in the open world
- almost no minigames in towns (no newly added ones either, actual farming, no fishing game, no hunting games complete with cosmetics props and rewards)
- added gear to the game that’s exclusionary and told us that new content with this gear would only be available to players with agony resistance
- did very little if any DE additions or meta additions since November to give us that feeling of being in a dynamic world.
Does this answer your question SnoodBeAR?
Well for one thing, they attracted us “darned casuals” to this game and despite people’s protests we are the majority of mmo gamers right now. That’s why most games are going F2P or B2P because us casuals are playing multiple games and refuse to pay a monthly fee to play one.
We also despise extremely difficult content for the sake of being difficult because even tho some of us can’t do much but stay home, we don’t have time to wait 2.5 hours on a dragon to show up or to run a dungeon with a team full of leetist jerks who want to do it in 1.9 hours instead of the standard 2.
See we came here with the understanding that the devs were gamers and understood what mmo gamers have gone thru and with the promise that we wouldn’t have to go thru these things when playing their game. (ie not being forced to run dungeons for resources, not being forced to do PVP for resources, not being required to be on a gear treadmill to see new future content) these were all promises made prelaunch, still haven’t seen them yet. In fact, they’ve made things tremendously worse for players like me. Living story doesn’t really touch the number of things they haven’t done to improve the open world gameplay for us casuals. It’s time for permanent additions monthly and the return of loot to the open world. (ie lodestones, gossamer, rare drops all without the need for magic find and the removal of DR once and for all).
That’s what us casuals want. We don’t mind work, but it should never become a second job.
Not really the dust is one of the many items that’s almost impossible to get especially from RNG boxes from the laurel and karma vendors so It’s really not worth it.
You’re better off farmin…..oh wait you can’t do that, because they cut off the loot with DR/loot reductions in open world in Nov 2012.
You’re better off buying them from the the TP…oh wait you have to have gobs of gold because they allow the market to be so overwhelmingly manipulated you have to have a mint to buy anything.
You’re better off buying gems and converting them to gold because the other methods are shot. yeah. good luck.
Except that those 2 weapons are weaker than normal ones (as per class design) and those toolbelt utilities are, usually, really much weaker than normal utilities. I mean, these are the ones on kits…
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grenade_BarrageOnly the last two are really worthwhile, and yet they have some drawbacks (delayed activation in the first case, dispersion in the second – and you need them to be traited anyway for the full effect).
And these are the ones on our weapons. The ones on turrets and utilities are usually even worse, mostly because the utilities themselves are kinda weak in account on having an associated toolbelt skill.
Completely agree, throw wrench takes a secondary trait to even begin to be useful as an attack. And let’s not forget the need to use the electrical shock trait so that they’ll actually do some close-to-decent damage there. Which is worthless too if you use anything else like throwing elixirs or putting down mines, the electrical shock thing just goes anywhere it wants instead of towards the enemy/ies due to a bug they still have yet to fix after all this time. Why can’t these things autotarget the enemies and just hit things?
20 pages of bugs and design flaws and they try to fix only 1 leaving 19 untouched and in the process of “fixing” refined kits they break them some more. I mean seriously who’s actually used the tiny glue spots in EG? Name one person that’s actually got that to work and it was actually useful? Those spots are tinier then a bandage.
The difference is Engineer’s kits count as other weapon abilities. Similar to Elementalist and attunement, they unlock whole new weapon abilities.
If anything, both Elementalists & Engineers get 4 (or 5 including med kit) weapons, so if anything all other professions should be able to cycle through 4 sets.
Why do these professions get 20 weapon skills to play around with but others only get 10?
why do every other profession other than the engineer have long range, and short range capabilities? but we’re only stuck with short range weapons or long range?
Uh…eles? And engies never get stuck at short range.
Guess you’ve never used pistols then.
Have to agree. And to make matters worse, they’ve broken the refined kits, one of the few things that made using kits acceptable to the loss we suffer as engineers.
I made a post some time ago explaining what they should have done with these new traited refined kit skills because what they gave us in many of these kits were weird. Like medkit having the magnetic shield for 2 seconds and EG having tiny spots of glue for 2 seconds, doesn’t really show me they were at all serious about improving these abilities at all, was sortof thrown together and thrown out there for us to live test it and then not pay attention when we complain about it.
~ toolkit should have had the shield bubble and should last at least as long as other shield bubbles do on other toons/mobs 5 seconds
~ medkit either needed an AOE heal or it needed to cast protection for 5 seconds.
~ EG should return to it’s AOE heal zone.
~ grenades work about as well as the oddly placed mines do right now. They need work to fly in front of the engineer in a 180 degree area because flying behind doesn’t help. It doesn’t help for mines either.
I really wish I was a fly on the wall over there at hq so I could see their testing process and know exactly whos doing what with this class because with each new change it seems that no one is actually playing this class to actually understand what’s wrong with it. We try to explain to them but they are just not listening and I highly doubt they are playing it to see the issues they are actually causing.
Fishing at least for me was a great stress reliever. When the devs did something to break my class or made us wait an exceedingly long period of time between content patches for my play style, I could find some secluded space and fish up loot items/materials for crafting/or junk depending on the zone, and I could work on my achievements for fishing while I waited to see if they’d noticed all the things they did to break the class I was playing in PVE.
It was nice.
I’m not sure about those three in the title but there is a lot of “farming” going around..
If anyone’s ever played LOTRO they’d know what farming he’s talking about. It’s where you grow plants separate the seeds from the veggies, and sometimes gain lots of rare finds in the process. (which would pretty much eliminate the need to have to spend hours in a zone with a gimpt system of herb gathering that doesn’t yield what you need (vanilla beans anyone?)
That’s because 25 stacks limit is too high. Here’s my suggestion: Decrease stack limit to 5, now we’re in da bsns! <—-hope no1 is dumb enough to take this seriously lol
Nah they need to make it 40 at least.
Poison is not a high damage ability. Though I really don’t understand how they nerfed confusion but not bleeding and burning.
Bleeding does about 120 dmg/stack/tick. It can last ~12 seconds and is easily applied in stacks of 15-20. You can not avoid the damage
Confusion after the nerf does 150 dmg/stack/tick it is capped at 10 seconds, but usually only lasts 4-5, it is very difficult to stack more then 5 stacks on a person for more then a split second. You can easily avoid all damage from it by not attacking.
Bleeding does 2-3x more damage on average now then confusion, it needs to have a 66% nerf imo.
If you nerf poison and burning, you nerf rangers, engis, eles, and necros. Do they sound like professions that need nerfed?
Rangers definitely need a nerf.
Actually no they don’t it’s the other classes that don’t do much condi damage that need a boost. Rangers are perfectly fine the way their condis work right now. It’s the other classes that aren’t doing as well.
I’d suggest they give rocket boots a 25% bonus run speed ooc period and the leg mods can keep us from being slowed from the “in combat” status. (never understood that in games, if something is attacking me that last thing I’m going to do is slow down IRL)
Pets across the board need a 90% AOE immunity and an overall AI improvement so they don’t do random targeting and running all over the place well outside the hitbox of the player.
We’ve suggested many of the same things that you have on the list in a massive list they turned into a sticky some time ago, I don’t want you to get discouraged but it’s been months now and not only have they not done anything to help gadgets or elixirs but they have touched only a single page of the 20 pages of bugs and design flaws we’ve listed in the engineer forums as well.
To this day my cone attacks on FT EG and the flame attack on my pistols miss when the angle is not perfectly centered on the screens view despite every other attack like this being completely fine on other character classes and despite my toon turning to face the enemy just as an example of one of the things they claimed was fixed but still isn’t
The section of the daily that says finish group events is not ticking higher. I’ve finished four such events today and nothing is counting towards finishing that one.
Hotfix engineer turrets please. The traits are all broken as of 30th April and they are even more laughably useless than normal. Don’t forget Supply Drop while you’re at it plz.
Plus if you could actually give the turrets the ability to survive more than 0.2 seconds in typical WvW engagements sometime this year, that would be nice. This month being the minion/pet month it might have been a nice time for example to remember engineers have also have minion problems rather than breaking the turrets still further.
They don’t last that long in PVE much less PVP atm.
They really just need to buckle down lose the pride and do what other games have already tested at length. I hate to do this but the elephant in the room already fixed this years ago. They made shaman totems immune to AOE (you had to directly target them) they made all pets have a 90% immunity to AOE damage. That pretty much fixed the issue of the pet heavy specs and classes being the weakest classes in the game because their pets would die before they could do damage.
They didn’t need to nerf AOE because they made these changes.
I’m not writing that to cause a flame war but it’s like one of the articles I read recently says, it’s time for maturity, and mmo history to be taken into account with these balance issues, these things were already fixed successfully in other mmo’s years ago.
You have to prioritize. ^^
Either you grab your loot quickly or you focus on first killing the enemy and then have a look if there is still loot for you.
I would suggest just “autoloot” with F during your fight nearly all the time and have an eye for the chests and grab them whenever you spot one.Unfortunately there is no true autoloot where the game automatically detects the loot for you and put it into your inventar until it’s full.
Would be a nice additional option to choose from. ^^
OOOR here’s a thought, they could like every other sensible mmo out there think about their players needs and keep loot items on the ground permanently until either the person leaves the area or they log off or they loot it. That’s an idea.
It’s bad enough that the players have had to suffer now due to the bots excuse for about a year now and have had to suffer because of mismanagement of the updates, and because of the balance needs of the few people that play pvp (rather then the massive number of people who play PVE) so we should add this to the list of things that are making this game not fun and it’s somehow the player’s responsibility to make the game work properly?
That’s ridiculous.
We complain that pve is nerfed = Lrn2ply/ we complain that the loot is nerfed = play the 1 way they give us to play to get loot/ we complain that the loot is disappearing = you’ve got to prioritize.
At some point it has to be the Devs, it can’t ALL be the players.
When is making this game fun, and enjoyable going to be the key priority?! When?
Not seeing this. Not sure exactly what you’re talking about. Also keep in mind not all condi damage amounts are universal so you really have to be specific. My unequipped burst built thief for example does about 20-25 points of bleed damage more then my engineer thats specced/built for all condi damage does even when using EG. so not sure what you mean.
Also, they nerfed condi damage universally just after launch, it was a stealth nerf before they got serious about their patch notes and a very large number of us complained about it because it basically made condi builds useless for pve at that point since they hadn’t separated the damage of PVP PVE yet either.
Just had a new patch message, any major changes or just a stability patch?
Which class/Profession have the least available/viable builds?
You really need to be more specific are you asking about PVE or PVP or WVW? because each one of those has a set number of builds dependent solely on what they’ve done in the patches recently and what they’ve yet to fix from past breakage from them not separating the behaviors/damage of these three types of combat until now.
PVP engineers have plenty of builds available for various purposes, altho there are plenty of things engineers even in PVP cannot use because of how messed up certain things are (like gadgets and turrets survivability).
PVE engineers are suffering the worst. (I play thief/ranger and I’ve played necro) all PVE and they’ve done more to break engineers in PVE then any other class imo.
I know you guys can’t really give to much away but will we ever see types of recreation other then crafting? Alot of zones have water so maybe fishing? Buy different types of Rods and Lures. Maybe have a Trophies System and Fishing games or maybe have a guild flower bed that can grow different type of plants. Alot of zones already have the water and forests for this type of stuff.
Just some ideas im throwing around. What do you guys think?
Absolutely been asking for fishing since BWE2!!!!! Complete with props, trophies, cosmetics, chef recipes, huntsman recipes, minigames, minipets, tournaments, titles! the works!
I would also love a farming system. Something that will allow the growth of sometimes rare plant mats T6. And some of the harder to find recipe items like vanilla beans.
Hunting would be great for the opp to get the rare leatherworker/huntsman/chef recipe items and minipets.
it would certainly fill a huge hole in this game with things that both PVE and RPers could enjoy immensely. Something to pass the time and have downtime.
I’ve tried the fishing in most games and there are only two that stand out. TorchLight II and World of Warcraft had hands down the best ones. I especially liked WoW because the devs took the time for something that was not essential to the game play and gave it depth, with fishing poles, props, clothes, minipets, the ability to fish junk and gear, and store everything in a fishing “bag” that I as an engineer was able to make with crafting. Tacklebox.
Loved it! it’s one of the things I remember first when someone brings up the subject.
The only data that ArenaNet has released was mid-September that I know of. This is what they released.
was about to ask if this had been updated because it said 09/2012 on the link but when i tried it it didn’t load anyways so….there goes that.
I’d love to see the actual demos for PVE that would be nice because as an engineer I’m pretty sure I know the answer to the question just wanna know which is the least played.
An hour for a measly 100g? Doesn’t seem worth it….unless there’s something I’m missing.
I suppose you have a faster way to make gold? ‘Cause I’d say this is a really good way to spend your karma.
Yeah, I have a faster way….go out and kill stuff. I got more gold and karma than I know what to do with. Gold is useless. Karma is useless. Only thing worth anything is Laurels and it’s just a headache farming those.
You are trolling right? There’s no way you can get more than (or close to) 100g for an hour of killing mobs.
Do you even craft? If you aren’t making 100g+/hour, you aren’t trying. I’m baffled by people who seem to be perpetually broke in a game that hands out copper and loot with every other kill.
Please message me and tell me your trick and how to make gold. I make around 2g after a dungeon run, i pve most of my day, sell my yellows and i dont even make 10g per night.
I’d like to know more details as well, it’s unbelievable to say the least that it’s 100 a day.
Hey A-Net.
I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 since release now and am a very active roleplayer in the community.
I will cut the pleasantries and get straight to the problem. The roleplaying community in Guild Wars feels vastly neglected and not cared about by the staff and developers of Guild wars. Yes – you do try and cater for all markets and peoples but by neglecting to see the potential in a community that cares deeply for your games lore, art, design. They make up a fairly large player base in Tarnished Coast and sporadically on other servers. These people and myself care for the game and want to nurture it to greatness .But as we have seen from the developers so far, is that everything they have promised us. Everything that made GW1 great – is being removed.
- Guild Halls – removed, until further notice. We have heard from the staff themselves that they have no intentions of working on them.
- Epic end game stories and expansions removed.
- No promise of new playable races or classes.
*Denying new areas until ‘PVP’ is perfected.- Removing important cultural aspects of GW from the game to create a more ‘unified’ and ‘Culturally sensitive’ community.
- Lore updated so slowly.
- No promise of an official RP server for the thousands of roleplayers.
Please, If anyone has anything to add. post away. I’d love to hear your opinions! <3
- Don’t forget hardly any minigames
- almost no cosmetics beyond what was at launch or in the store.
- No housing with decorations to add to your home instance to show where you’ve been what you’ve achieved.
I don’t think that people realize that in PVE it’s the RP community that keeps PVE alive because they will go everywhere concerning their story and fill up the zones that are usually empty.
I’ve seen this myself, I’ve not see pve players alot but I’ve seen RPers everywhere on my server because it is the unofficial RP server, that’s why I think that people from my server might not realize just how empty the other servers look, because we at least have the luxury of having players standing around emoting/typing to one another.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I’ve been complaining about this since November of last year. Where are the minigames, where are the DE’s where are the metas?
(referring to your peanuts comment)
And then there’s the whole fiasco with loot, that they definitely changed in Nov but no one likes to admit it, where the first month I could get rares and T6 mats from chests out in the open world and now I’m lucky to see a green. Champions the same way most of the time. What makes it worse is there’s a bug that suddenly drops a rare off a low level crappy mob like a deer, it’s like a slap in the face.
Legendaries for engineers are just plain stupid looking imo and I agree “Look at me! I farmed CoF!” is definitely what I’m seeing because you can’t get anything in the open world anymore. We complained about it before and what was their answer to the sheer lack of lodestones/gossamer/globs? MORE RNG because that’s exactly what this game needs is more rng. sigh.
I dunno why but I keep holding onto the hope that someone over there realizes what they did and fixes it. It would sure be a great restoration in faith in gaming companies if they did. I had the biggest blast the first month and a half of this game when there were not 8 months of PVE nerfs to engineers to deal with, loot was in the right places you could actually FARM omg I could farm!, and there was the promise of new open world only content on the horizon, then November happened.
Oh well here’s the hoping.
as a continuously nerfed engineer in PVE I have to say trust me not all classes are created equal. We have to do three times as many moves as other classes just to do the same things they take for granted.
But for classes like my ranger/thief it is quite a short list of abilities.
Cooldowns are especially inequal and long in some cases just plain stupid for something so simple someone in RL could easily do it better that’s never had training in those weapons or devices. For example turrets, it shouldn’t ever be more then 10 seconds to cooldown after picking one up but someone keeps insisting on making engineer cooldowns the single longest cooldowns for everything in the game.
Also, I was a goblin hunter goblin engineer in WoW. I started playing the game back when they just did add three pets to the game, later you had to tame one pet to learn it’s ability to train to your main pet, and when you actually had to make your own ammo. I feel your pain.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
1) It is a PvP area
2) WvW is not part of the world, it is in the Mists.
3) All PvE exploration can be completed solo while WvW requires groups to take points.
4) If one team remains first for weeks, other teams will have a hard time taking their points to get the exploration.
5) WvW is separated from PvE just like PvP is but we are not required to get PoI in PvPThis is in no way me crying that it is to hard to get these points. I just think that having WvW required for a PvE achievement seems flawed.
For future posters, This is not a topic about getting a Legendary this is a topic about map completion only.
Edit: Updated point 2 to better reflect what point I was trying to make.
Completely agree, it’s ridiculous and no I’m not working on a legendary either I’m just a completionist gathcraftsplorer trying to get his points. I am nowhere near a PVP player because I hate equally pvp in every game so I wanna make that clear to people. It needs fixing has needed fixing for months now.
Actually there’s a couple things wrong here. There is a requirement to grind, just not in the same way as other games. They changed their main focus to dungeons in november and when they added ascended gear they told us that it was necessary to see future content that would require a resistance to agony the new dungeon debuff in Fotm. That right there means there’s no more open world stuff of any real significance and if you want to see the real story, you’re going to have to get this gear. That’s a grind my friend, a gear treadmill. now granted it’s not here yet and they are experimenting with the living story but we have yet to hear them talk about this requirement for future content.
Second, the requirement to have currency for anything and everything is a grind, not to mention the enormous amounts of T6 materials that one needs (and can only find in three places WvW, FotM, RNG boxes) means not everyone is going to spend months getting these things together. We told them about the problems new players face in getting gear and what did we get? more RNG from bother laurels and Orr. It’s not a solution, like Dontain said in one of his most recent videos on youtube, we need less pakittena style gambling and a more direct approach.
Third, I’ve done everything I’ve wanted in a game that is not supposed to be what it’s been about now. This has been a terrible time for PVE engineers which is my main and always has been, so playing in PVE has been nothing but problematic.
I’m one of those PVE only open world only players who came to this game because of the promises of open world focused content/loot/improved crafting/minigames with pets and cosmetics as rewards. The first month I was here everything was fine and because they promised things like separating PVE PVP WVW skills to better balance them I never thought for the life of me that they would nerf my class. It’s been 8 months of nothing but, breaking every aspect of my class except PVP. Add to that the broken promises of content, and you can see why some of us complain, this was not what every prelaunch interview said it was going to be, and until they change it back or fix the things they’ve broken, yes you are going to have people like me complaining because I expect the producers of a product to make their product exactly like they’ve been telling me it’s going to be for 7 years prior to it going live. That hasn’t happened yet.
I was also one of those people who didn’t rush thru the game to reach max level, I call myself a gathcraftsplorer and chose the unofficial RP server because of the type of people I meet on RP servers. So you can see why we’re frustrated. It’s not one single thing, there’s a towering mound of stuff that’s just wrong here.
TL;DR I guess what I’m saying is not all complaints are illegitimate ones by people who have rushed to the end and realized it’s not the game for them. And there is a grind very much alive and well in this game, just because not all of the pieces are in there doesn’t mean that when they are finally loaded people aren’t going to be required to grind to get what they need on a much larger scale then what we’re seeing now.
I’m still waiting on the backpay in laurels. still hasn’t happened yet. See what I’m talking about?
Ok, so I spend quite a bit of time on these forums. Generally, I spend a lot of time on gaming forums for whichever game I happen to be playing at any given time.
Personally, I’ve played video games since the first Doom back in the 90s. I was about 7 at the time. I own a Playstation 2, a Playstation 3 and a Gameboy Advance SP. I also obviously play games on my PC.
On these forums, like every other forums, certain topics tend to repeat once a while. I don’t mind most of them, but the one thing that bugs me is people who seem to run out of things to do. These are the people I am talking about when I say “modern gamer”. People who play the game to get the top gear, to get the achievements of their choosing. These people did not exist some years ago, but now they’re all over the place, hence referring to them as “modern gamers”.
Those people seem to play the game for something else. It’s not the game that they’re playing. It seems to me that they’re more collectors of “prestige” than people trying to relax.
To me, ANet looks to have done something rather clever. Their model of no subscriptions and no real requirement for “grinding” makes the game very casual. It makes it a relaxing experience. Something you do because it’s fun, not because you’re still paying for the game for the next 12 months or because your friends are all playing and you’ll be left out if you don’t play with them. To me, it looks like ANet has tried and, to an extent, succeeded at bringing the game back to the roots. Back from the money-centric crap that we’ve seen with subscription fees and f2p games.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Condi crit chance would be nice that’s for sure. I would hope they had the good sense to make it both a crafted item (really crafted not this mystic toilet stuff) and an item from karma vendors in Orr.
The crit chance increase would make the difference I think. It happened in other titles on DoTs long ago when DoTs were give crits they increased the damage output and made things easier to kill without burst changed the game entirely for many players.
It does negatively affect the economy to have only a single type of DPS be the king of all DPS for everything including PVP WVW, they’d correct much of what’s happening in the TP today if they’d change this one thing.
The other thing they’d do to correct the TP pricing is make lodestones, globs, and gossamer scraps more readily available, should reduce prices to a degree.
Also funny how you talk about resources and developer time when they add things like 1 time events. Which, in the long term, don’t affect us as much as let’s say… bug fixes, UI additions and other smaller things they could focus on.
They are literally throwing away their resources away.
I like these story events but i’d rather have a polished game with awesome everything rather than a mediocre story which lasts for a couple of months and then forgotten about.
Completely agree. 19 pages of engineering design flaws/bugs need to be addressed long before a temporary dungeon with a reward not everyone would receive imo.
I want to:
~ do burst damage on my engineer comparible to the 1-2 shot abilities of the rifle warrior and the D/D thief.
~ have the zerker capabilities of the thief/ranger the other two classes that are called adventurer/scout classes.
~ heal as well and as often as the elementalist.
~ have kits with refinements that make sense (ie magnetic shield bubble on toolkit rather then medkit/AOE heal on medkit, no more redundant glue globs like what they did to EG…for shame)
~ have the focus shift from dungeons to open world where they are adding at least 10 DE’s and 2 metas per month.
~ be able to loot T6 mats (lodestones, gossamer scraps, rares) in the open world again, where it’s not easier to pass a kidney stone then it is to get a lodestone to drop.
And It’s not too much to ask honestly considering this is how the game ran at launch. I could do all these things the first month cept maybe the 1 shot thing.
there’s either way too many chiefs and not enough indians or someone over there in upper management needs to go on a sabbatical for a few months to a year so we can get this cleared up quickly.
AOE = dead stealth player
Arrow Cart = Destealthed and dead stealth player
Back up 10 steps = destealthed player (by the time he gets to you)
Move away from smoke fields that allow thieves to stealth = no stealth for stealth player
Immobilize = stuck in 1 spot stealth player
Spin attacks = stealth player who has to run away
Stand in an AOE field = stealth player takes damage just to get to you
There are literally dozens of ways to counter stealth, being lazy and asking for a nerf is unfortunately the most used method.
That’s what I’m seeing and I’m not even a PVPer LOL
They’ve done enough to stealth they don’t need to do anymore. It’s fine how it is. All people need to do is use AOE’s more often when a stealth is nearby or use prot or other such buffs to reduce damage to themselves. I can think of plenty of ways to kill stealthed enemies heck I’ve had to myself in PVE those critters that stealth are a pain but they aren’t invincible and die even if I can’t see them. /bombkit
People in this thread seem to forget that there is a cost for runes, there isn’t a rune vendor for karma anywhere in the game so if you want to get superior runes of a certain type you’ll need gold even if you are a maxed out crafter with multiple alts the cost of mats is high.
If you get karma gear, keep in mind you won’t end up with a full set if you’re trying to do what some professions require you to do and that is min/max a certain stat. You have to gather the gear from multiple karma vendors in temples throughout Orr often each with different superior runes on them. It doesn’t take long to get enough karma for the sets.
Some people have suggested getting the karma gear pieces with the same rune, I haven’t tried this personally but this doesn’t guarantee that you will get a useful runestone set for your gear either. Some runes are not on the karma gear so you might not be able to get a good rune set for free (karma) for your purpose.
Some people have suggested getting the jewelry boxes in Orr and opening enough of those up until you have enough lodestones to make your own runes. RNG is never fun especially when it’s something you’re trying hard for and running a dungeon where leetists will ban you for trying to get gear is not fun either. So there’s no easy solution here honestly.
The thing that makes this the worst is that they know these are loot issues players face now but didn’t have at launch. They know that people can’t simply farm the T6 mats they need to make these item sets so there’s guarantee there that people will eventually look at the TP for help only to find that some items have been raised (not lowered as some falsely claim) to crazy price levels since the T kitten till so easily manipulated to this day.
TL;DR Basically some items aren’t available thru karma, so you’ll have to either farm for months to get them or spend money on gems to actually afford the enormous cost in the TP for items that used to be a simple matter to acquire during the first month of launch.
Also, why did it just say that the letter “P” is a curse word and change it to Kitten?!
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Yeah we need pistols as our condition set. Would rather see duration on glue shot increased and our poison volley buffed.
I would too, missing poison dart shots is a pain. they need to make every shot hit no matter out movement or position on that one.
on top of that the condi damage is not equal across the board. a bleed is a bleed imo they need to address this. a burst damage thief should not be doing more bleed damage per tick then an all condi built engineer on any plane of existence. It’s ridiculous.
no class in guild wars 2 should have capabilities that another class does not
Absolutely. What is their combat statement on the front page?
“Every profession in Guild Wars 2 excels at combat, without exception. Because each profession is so versatile and has such a wide range of skills and powers, it doesn’t matter what mix of professions are on the battlefield.”
So untrue right now. We’re seeing all kinds of classism in the game with both gear and professions. Part of it is their keeping the skill behaviors and damage the same throughout for so long so we’ll see what the next patch holds for fixes/buffs to broken skills that shouldn’t have been done this way. But all in all it’s definitely not a fair system.
As an engineer I’d like to know where my 1 shot ability is. Sniper kit? Where’s the change to do alot of damage all at once? No burst = crappy design honestly. And don’t tell me you do burst just fine with grenades we’re not talking about standing still on top of a building in WvW throwing stuff at people who can’t reach you properly we’re talking the autotarget skills that every other 1 shot capable class has access to without blinking twice.
If engineers are to continue being classified as adventurers, they need their traits overhauled so that we have the 25% run speed ooc permanent, and traits that properly increase damage and crit like the thief/ranger trait trees offer. We also need an overhaul on the AI of the turrets and a 90% AOE damage immunity on pets across the board so they’ll stay alive for more then 5 seconds, because their recent addition to the toughness of the pets doesn’t really work well.
Some ratios and a reminder of what your karma can get you.
Had +95% boost for most of this (15% karmic infusion, 5% ice cream, 15% guild buff, 10% guild banner, 50% karma booster), then +90% when I ran out of time on the first (had to do a 5% banner).
Oh the joys of saving jugs. About 100g worth and some minipets for an hour of rapid clicking. My fingers hurt.
WvW commanders, quit yer kittenin’ about karma surplus and take a trip down to Orr.
If it truly does drop the onyx and other lodestones I’m there but does anyone else have this experience? Is this just wishful thinking?
DPS meters are only for players with an exclusionary and elitest mindset. Of course this type of player doesn’t exist already in game and will only emerge with the implementation of tools like dps meters.
We should also get rid of in-game chat. That only facilitates rudeness and discrimination among players, and serves no other productive purpose.
Uhm yeah. The leetists and exclusionary players have been in the game and growing in numbers ever since Nov 2012 when they switched from an open world focus to an all dungeon focus in this game. I and many like me who were attracted to this game prelaunch with promises of open world being the true focus of the game warned everyone this would happen and here we are watching it unfold one thing after another, meanwhile the community suffers and so does the game.
a lot of DPS = good player isn’t true at all.
1.) You would have to take Berserker gear to get most dps. This would mean that you sacrifice defensive stats and people will have to defend you or pick you up if you go down. Yes, you can be a good player and avoid all that damage, but it can also mean that you have too much emphasis on keeping yourself alive than helping other players.
2.) Good players help other players during battle. Period.
3.) GW2s skill-system isn’t based on full-dps. Each Weapon has different skills with different purposes. Spamming 1 & 2 and therefore doing most damage doesn’t mean that you are a good player. Using 3, 4, 5 and 6-10 in the right situations makes you a good player.
so DPS-meters? Hell no!!
Tend to agree wholeheartedly! Good players aren’t just there for themselves and aren’t there calling people names if they happen to fall alot. Team means team. If you can’t understand that and think that the broken loot system and the need for MF in this title is any indication of a players character you’re missing the reality of the situation.
Meters won’t do anything to prevent anything, they will be abused as they have been for years in mmos that use them. Just like gearscore, just like every other mod like this. It’s not the solution. And people who claim that it’s the leeches causing trouble because they don’t want to be part of a team in a dungeon and help their fellow team members shouldn’t be playing in a team setting in the first place period.
the whole idea of MF is bad because not using MF means i don’t get the best chances
But it pigeonholes me into using MF for almost everything i do, so i will never use the set that i actually want to use.
reminds me of Diablo2 where MF was everything, so i end up playing the game with MF as my main set. which is dumb to be honest.
I tend to agree, and yet another form of leetism isn’t going to solve this issue, the Devs need to fix MF gear so that it works properly. If it’s exotic it needs three major ability score enhancements and MF on it, right now it’s weaksauce.
come to mind immediately on what these sets need because frankly with DR and with the loot still nerfed in many a zone we’re not going to see it go away anytime soon.
sees colin’s post ahh good they are listening!
It depends on your playstyle.
If you like grinding dungeons or living with the problem of being ganked in WvW then yes it’s easy.
If you are one of the thousands they attracted to this title with the promise of playing the way you want to without being hindered then no it’s not. Open world PVE loot still is lacking.
I use avast as well and I can tell you it doesn’t find everything. I also use a secondary app called IObit malware fighter. What Avast doesn’t find it does and eliminates it. Advanced systemcare is the all in one app that is from the same company.
You got hacked most likely.
What we really need is a limited time sell back… That would solve problems like this.
I recall other games having that and it completely eliminated the problems, AoC and WoW I think had them.
It could all be solved if they just returned to the creating new metas and DEs every month, the kind that are permanent mostly. There’s gotta be more then what’s there happening right now.
That was one of the best features of Rift imo too. It was these little things in all of the mmo’s collectively that made them fun one by one.
There were the large number of cosmetic items in LOTRO specifically 15 types of career backpacks. (it would be so awesome if I could get a backpack I could be proud of to wear on my engineer instead of the hobo skin)
There was housing where you collected housing items to be displayed telling the story of your adventures in Rift and in LOTRO
There were collectibles in Rift.
There was fishing with props achievements tournaments cosmetics cooking recipes alchemy recipes and the chance to fish up gear in WoW. And a mighty fun fishing game in TorchLight II. (I and many others asked for fishing with all of these features in beta so that we could enjoy the scenery and add to our RP experience)
They could be doing SOOO much more with this title then anyone. What’s holding this back?
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I really hate this CAMERA. Why devs do not tell anything about it? Why they made it like that, why it’s bad placed, why it’s impossible to look around in closed buildings :P ???
I think there are too many UNanswered questions, and a pair of new skins each month won’t keep this game alive…
Exactly, and in the store no less. Could we have a little more attention on the game please?
What happened to the minigames in towns with pets and cosmetic items for prizes?
but I’ve said it a thousand times and no one seems to see the posts.