Showing Posts For viennapleads.1784:
Your post is worded a little confusingly. As far as dyes go, you don’t have to look them up on TP to see; they just appear as locked options in the Hero panel. As for skins, I agree. They should at the very least move the wardrobe function from the bank tab to the Hero panel.
Yeah, I made one for my guild, and didn’t realize I couldn’t put account bound items in it. DX So much for my empty bank.
Only the ones that are sold as “Outfits” aren’t mixable. Armor sets still are.
Example: “Noble Count Outfit” is an outfit, so is not mixable. The Aetherblade sets are armors sets, so you can mix them with anything else.
I disagree. In this image, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are all pretty intimidating and or/creepy to me.
However, I use #2 on mine, because I like the idea that sylvari are new to the world, so she looks at everything wide-eyed and innocent.
Thankyou, I’ll try not too, but I’m most excited for the huge world bosses at the end, is there any other PVE content to look forward to at end game?
Also thankyou everyone for the warm welcomes! You are awesome
There are:
- Dungeons
- Fractals
- World bosses
- Silverwastes/Dry Top
- Orr events (temples)
But there are plenty of things to do such as collections, achievements, jumping puzzles, skins, legendaries, etc. You will have plenty of things to work for.
No love for beautiful Southsun Cove? Also, WvW doesn’t really make sense until 80 either.
Lol sometimes I forget Southsun even exists.
During combat I’ve gotten in the habit of moving with the mouse, by holding down both left and right mouse buttons at once. I’ve found that it gives me more fluid control. I only have to pause long enough to put it in position for AOE’s.
New weapons for heart of thorns expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: viennapleads.1784
I just want my ranger to be able to use a rifle. I want to be a sniper!
Once you buy it, it’s yours forever. But I’m sure it will only be available in the store temporarily.
(not really sure which you were asking for)
Did you cancel the buy orders?
Where do you get the idea that collection achievements will destroy the chance of a precursor hunt? It seems like a really good way to implement it to me. It probably won’t be part of this patch, but it might make it easier in the future.
The armors in this game lack variety in general. You speak about armors for females as an exemple of variety but those lack variety just as much. I play a female warrior and if I wanted to look scantily clad my only option would be to look like a cave girl. And on the complete opposite, if you play a female caster and you DON’T want to be half-naked, well… that’s not happening.
If Anet’s artists are out of ideas they should hire some of the Skyrim modders on nexusmods. There are some really really cool and varied lore-friendly armors for both genders.
EDIT: Also, what happened to the armor artists of Guild Wars 1? That game had some of the best variety of armors of any game I played, for both genders, from caster armor to soldier armor.
I disagree with the cavegirl statement.
Some crafting professions are cheaper to level than others, also. I just went from 0-500 leatherworking for ~110 gold. Then I spent ~130 just to get artificing from 420-500. So depending on what armor you need to craft for, it may be cheaper to level the crafting for it. It will almost certainly be cheaper to just buy armor for your necro, and possibly your guardian (although I haven’t done any armorsmithing). The ranger and engineer, it may be cheaper depending on what stats you need. I’ve noticed that the cost of buying materials, and the cost of buying gear is often not too far apart.
Totally agreed.
…new UI created for Item Collections achievements is now used for all achievements…
If this means the UI in the screenshot attached, does that mean it will be possible (in the future?) for dungeon paths that have been completed/notcompleted to be displayed so we don’t have to try to remember which ones we are missing?
I’m not interested in the dungeon paths as much as jumping puzzles. If I’m trying to do monthly puzzle jumper, I want to be able to see which ones I’ve already done.
I was surprised (maybe I shouldn’t have been). I was expecting rename or makeover kits to be on sale and for them to bring back the sunglasses. Some sort of big finale.
You know, given that the news post “A Fresh Start: The New Player Experience in Guild Wars 2” was near the final day of the sale, it would have been very appropriate to have makeover kits and rename scrolls on sale.
I mean, what more of a fresh start can existing characters have than a quick facelift from a dodgy underground plastic surgeon and getting a new identity?
I dunno man. I got quite a few makeover kits from all the BLC’s I opened after I spent too much money on keys. DX
I have two: a thief named Razza the Swift and a necro named Rizza the Deadly.
Warrior is possibly the easiest and “hottest” class right now
ranger/necro and occasionally mesmer are critisized for being hard to learn and/or not helpful and/or underpowered.
This is kind of funny to me, since ranger and necro were my first two characters, and still the only ones I have at 80. Everything else I just end up disliking, so I delete them and start over. XD
I’d say ranger, unless you want a slightly more challenging role; then go necromancer. Or make one of each and see which you like better. After all, you can delete and recreate characters as much as you want, as long as you don’t mind starting over.
I’m just annoyed people are buying outfits at all, when those assets could have been built as armor pieces so they work with other gear choices in a mix-&-match fashion.
I can agree with this. I bought the Ancestral outfit for the pants, and the pants alone, not knowing that I had to use the whole outfit at once. I thought they were just more armor skins. If I had known, I wouldn’t have bought it.
As long as you log into the game world you’ll unlock the living story episodes, which you can then play whenever you want. So you really won’t be missing anything. As far as I can tell, everything in-world is going to be permanent.
I just want heavy armor pants, that don’t have a skirt attached. That’s all I want.
Maybe lol. I was doing the Mystic Forgesmith daily the other day (for which I always put in dyes) and got an Abyss and Celestial in two tries.
Erm, not sure what you mean since MM is honestly one of the LEAST popular necro builds and not all that affective, so I guess the answer would be yes. DS power builds and Condition builds are rather viable.
I think you know what I mean since you answered the question lol. The question was pretty straight forward and simple to comprehend.
With that said, thanks for the reply and answering the question. As far as MM not being very popular, every time I see a necromancer I see a bunch of minions following them so this is why I thought minions were the preferred build for necromancers.
Since necro’s can roll without minions, I’m in.
I have three level 80’s in full exotics so I’ve been looking for a knew class to level. Tried the elementalist. Not to fond of that class.
Yeah, necros with minions are also just easier to notice. You could just be missing all the ones that don’t have them.
I don’t even like it in normal pve content. It’s a bad idea and because it’s part of the combat system as it is, you’re expected to go down. Not very heroic and for me a mechanic I could’ve done without.
What’s not heroic about it? You’re clutching at life by your teeth, fighting back with everything you have until you finally prevail and are able to rise again!
Or you’re not strong enough and you die to fight another day.
Listen to the NPCs around where the boss occurs. They pronounce it a few times, especially when Tequatl rises.
Teh (soft e, not hard e like OP)-Kuah-Tell
And as Quartktastic said, the hylek names are based off mesoamerican (not just Mayan, but Incan and Aztec too) naming systems. Tequatl as well.
Fun fact: Tequatl in hylek means “One in the Darkness” iirc; “the Sunless” is the hylek name for Risen. In other words his name basically means “Risen One in the Darkness”
The only problem with that is that it doesn’t make sense given how mesoamerican words are pronounced.
It oughta be Te-kah-tull so far as I understand, for the same reason you wouldn’t say Kweh-tzull-kwah-tull for Quetzacoatl.
Yes, but have you forgotten how badly they mispronounce “jotun?”
Idk. I like humans and Norn for all classes. I only have one other, which is my Asuran engineer. My necro was the first human and first alt I made, and I think I have more time on her now than my first char. I tried to go for a more sultry look, like a treacherous Bond girl.
“Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.”
Say your skill’s cooldown is 15 seconds. Being chilled would add 9.9 seconds to the cooldown.
But then again hey, if there’s nothing else you want to do with them… at least you’d get some boosters.
I actually opened 10 of them and got one whole ticket and a couple scraps.
9/10, love char necros with that mask on. Great undead look
Here’s mine, Baratheus Black:
7.5/10. Very menacing, and matches really well, but as you can probably tell from mine I’ve gotten a little tired of the traditional “Lord of Death” look. XD
Prepare to be trolled by someone with full melandru runes + lemongrass food.
He explicitly said this was for PvE.
I must’ve missed the part where he said it was pve only that is my mistake. However condition isn’t too good in pve either unless you are the only condition person in your team since there are stack limits for bleed and burning doesn’t stack in intensity.
I know because my necro is basically identical to his in build and traits and my dps chars consistently outperform my necro in damage.
It’s a fun concept to have and it did work very well in wvw prior to the whole -condition meta but currently it doesn’t appear condition builds are optimal in any field.
There’s also people like me, who like to solo PvE, in which case it’s very effective.
My characters are all something completely made-up-on-the-spot, except for Xenophria (my ranger). Every MMO I play I make a character with that name. I have Marakesh Daybreak (necro), Allegria Daybreak (guardian), Brokk the Singed (engi), and Shaava Stardrifter (ele). Shaava’s last name is taken from one of my favorite books.
Some of the areas don’t actually have anything in them, but you still have to uncover them to get the achieve. Try googling maps and look for pics like this. It should help.
Every other minute they talk about Jormag being a threat. We constantly have to keep his Lieutenant (The Claw) at bay….
… My money is on Jormag.
I’m okay with this. Everyone else seems to want Crystal Desert content. I want Far Shiverpeaks.
I still have not gotten my kite, and i bought 800 gems 4 days ago. Did i meet the deadline or not.
Last day was june 30.
I miss this one… it was fixed when they re-did the air elementals, but it used to be when ranger’s used their hunter’s call on an air elemental, they were Gandalf eagle sized!
YES. This was my favorite bug.
I found an NPC in Hoelbrak who had gone boobs up in the porch. Apparently I lost the screenshot, but she was sitting and only her face and boobs were sticking out of the wood. Just went to find her again but it’s fixed. ):
It wouldn’t seem so bad if people didn’t already have so many achievement points built up.
For myself, I’ve been playing for a year and the whole time I had 5 badges. :/ That should tell you something about how I feel about WvW.
Knowing what I know now, human or norn necro. Priory.
Any light armor class if you want to match the new Zenith weapon skins: Peach Ice, Illumination, and Pastel Purple, or any light purple.
For now, we only know what we get up until 3000 points. At 1000 points (That chest is rewarded tomorrow) you get a choice between Long bow, Short bow, Staff, Greatsword and Hammer. Then at 2000 (which is rewarded in 3 days) you get the same choice as before, meaning you can choose a second skin. At 3000 you get the choice between the 2 armor skins available. My guess is that at 4000 you get another weapon skin, but as we can’t see further than 3000 it’s only a guess.
Hope i could help! Have a nice day ^^
When I got my choice I got to choose from all of them. I got a scepter for my necro.
I’ll never be truly happy with it until they give me a way to track which jumping puzzles I’ve done for the puzzle monthly. :/
Find a necro to distract him with a ton of minions, run up to the vista, and relog to drop combat. That’s how I did it anyway.
I’m in a guild, but because I only like to play PvE, I’m often playing alone. Unless there are a bunch of people doing events, then I’ll join in.
I got lucky yesterday and got three tickets from 350 chests. Got the longbow for my ranger, staff for my guardian, and a sword for my mesmer. I’m gonna have to try some more for another sword for her.
So after seeing this thread, I decided to try my luck at getting a Dragon’s Jade claim ticket again. I bought 350 coffers, and got three tickets! Probably the luckiest I’ve been since I’ve been playing.
Thanks. This also answers why I couldn’t find it, since I never do WvW.
It’s also worth mentioning that with your five character slots and free character deleting, you can easily make one of each, play for a few levels and see what appeals to you.
Can anybody possibly help me find out what set this armor is from? Someone linked it in chat and I haven’t been able to find it. It’s a helm and shoulders from the same set.
As a casual, I have to say I did have fun even if we did work on it for about two hours, and still didn’t beat Trin(?).