Showing Posts For Adam Of Awesome.7802:
Are we allowed to make an addon that changes and re-arranges the UI?
I would prefer my game look more like the concept image below.
ty in advance!
As a dragon rank guardian who has played PvP since beta… I run a very similar build myself. And i also ask the same question.
Everyone who see’s that I am not a n00b trap guardian think I am bad… until I wreck them 3/0 in a duel. some of my friends won’t even do competitive unless I am with them… and they all laughed at me when I showed them my build, one of them even rage quitted the guild because he couldn’t beat me.
People don’t seem to realize it is the skills, dodges and blocks that make a guard tanky… not the armor.
- I bought a Personal Black Lion Delivery Contract.
- I account-bounded the item for use.
- I am happy.
- I use item (from anywhere, it spawns NPC)
- Regret sets in…
- Now I am 1000G down the drain.
- I cri evrytme :’(
- Why?
- Because only I can use the item.
My friends can talk to NPC but it does not open window or let them pickup items/gold. Which is dumb because the consumable version lets them do that… More importantly it marks a trading post on map which many people run to happily. Only to also cri evrytme when the NPC will not respond.
Please change it so anyone can talk to NPC.
I have taken a 5 month hiatus from GW2 because Guardians were NOT “in a good place.” Started playing again 1 week ago and nothing got better…
Half of guardians weapons are unviable (mace, scepter, sword, torch, shield, staff)
Half of guardians entire skills are unviable (signets, spirit weps, consecrations)
Half the trait lines are unviable (radiance, zeal, honor)
The traits that are… make no sense (virtues, valor)
Worse healing than druid/tempest
Worse support than chrono/rev/tempest/druid
Worse damage than… anyone
Worse survivability than Revenant/Chrono
No viable condi output
CC abilities on high CD’s
Mobility of a snail
I get kicked from all the raid groups I join (because I am guardian)
Talked-down in dungeons by pug coz they have to “carry” me (because I am guardian)
After 5 months I would have expected at least some of those problems to be fixed. At this moment in time I am considering leaving this game for another 5 months but I heard there will be an update in 1 week. So have Anet said anything about buffing/reworking guardian at all?
First off, guardians have a lack-luster shield. We all know it.
Recently with the buffed cool-down on shielf 5, shield is a little better for sPvP. But skill 4 still sucks hard. I was thinking, maybe instead of just 4 seconds of protection, why not add a taunt to it as well? I think that would get more people using it in all game types.
Also “save yourselves” would make sense to have a taunt on it too… if you use that skill at all.
What do you guys think?
Looking to come up with a Meditation roaming build to run in Havoc groups mostly. Would the build below suffice or if you anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it, let me know.
Your power is a little too low. I recommend something closer to this
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
This game has been out for almost 2 years and I still see way too many people running around with Signet of Resolve. While it might be the best choice when you look at it as somebody who just started the game or is still learning because the tooltip says it would heal for more than Shelter, it is actually much worse in almost every PvP and WvW and in most PvE situations.
I don’t know about you, but when I do tPvP I still use SoR. I have far too much access to dodging, blocking and blinding to sacrifice a 25% HP heal for a another block I don’t need. Especially with the condi meta. That kittenty passive does help more than you think.
The only times Signet of Resolve is better than Shelter are if you don’t know how to use the block because you’re fighting something you don’t know or there is just nothing to block (unblockable attacks from bosses, debuffs).
Maybe you shouldn’t waste your dodges so early into fights. Or your blinds, or your OTHER blocks of you have those. That block won’t stop you from taking bleed damage if the condi is already on you.
Now why is that? Ohhhh! Now I know Because there are DIFFERENT heal skills used for different situations and aspects of the game. So I am sorry to inform you of this grave discovery, but shelter doesn’t do what other heal skills do. And that is for a self-explanatory reason.
This applies even more to PvP; blocking stuff like Earthshaker, Mind Wreck, Signet of Spite or other avoidable stuff with Shelter means avoiding a lot of damage, saving a dodge while keeping the point contested and healing up. On top of that thieves and mesmers could easily interupt Signet of Resolve since it has a really obvious animation and people can see the Signet being on your bar. Shelter can only get interupted by own mistakes (running into a Line of Warding or similar stuff) and some unblockable stuff (Fear Me, traited Reaper’s Mark or Basilisk Venom with Larcenous Strike). This applies to both, DPS and Bunker Guard.
Yes, all very true. But if you learn how to kite with scepter most of those issues seem to disappear :/ So not everyone has the same play-style as you, get over yourself kid.
Signet of Resolve makes you look stupid. Use Shelter. Thank you.
Shelter is not needed in PvE AL ALL since nothing hits that hard even in full zerker and anything that does usually uses AoE… which you can walk out of.
Or a clear telegraphed attack which again, even walking around it will avoid it entirely. Or maybe a blind? Dodge? orrrr… umm umm.. a different block skill? lol if you are just lazy to move while attacking.
So it is easier just to walk around the boss when he charges his attack then waste a heal, okay Hitler? Other people have different builds and more active play-styles than you
~Somebody who actually has experience on Guardian
Thankyou for showing how self-concious you are about how “good” or “pro” you are at a class in a GAME. It was not needed.
To sum everything up, You are just a supremacist who thinks your poop doesn’t stink. And you neglect SOR’s benefits over Shelter entirely. Sorry that other people don’t use the same build you do, or play the same way. That is just life, now build a bridge and get over it before you die of stress.
The math of your passive regen.
+ 88 hp/ – Mango pie
+ 113 hp/s – Virtue of Resolve
+ 45 hp/s – Dolyak Runes
= 246 hp/s total regen
+ 190 hp/s – Regeneration Buff
= 436 hp/s total regen with buff, not 450.
That HP regen is quite nice…
But with your DPS thresh-hold being where it is, you can’t really say you have DPS. You are cutting the bare MINIMUM you should have. Maybe sacrifice the mango pie for truffle steak. You don’t need that regen for anything except zerging in WvWvW.
3727 Armour? O.o
You don’t need that much armour for any part of the game. Not even WvWvW. It is wasted! Because toughness scaling falls off at 1800 toughness which is approximately 3011 Armour. You could put far more into crit chance and power. To bring your DPS up to a better balanced position.
Signet of Mercy?
It is one of guards most useless utilities. And it only gives you an extra 11 hp/s. In my opinion you could fill it with something more useful like maybe Retreat to get away or chase someone down. Even just for the kittenty aegis block is more helpful to you in a fight.
Glacial Heart
No… just no. It is on an internal CD of 30 seconds and only lasts 4.5 seconds all the while only at a 180 range… Plus you have to be using a hammer for its pathetic effect to trigger. You only have 30% crit chance and it has a 50% chance on crit. In closing, you have just under a 1/6 chance for it to happen every 30 seconds and it is tide to one of your slowest weapons. I would like to say you have far better options… but you really don’t. Valor is bad unless you use Meditations.
+5 toughness infusion…
Don’t, ever. Think about it, reaching 3k armour is soooo easy and the benefits from +5 Vitality is much more useful. that is +50 HP per infusion, equaling a total bonus of 300hp which sucks, but is a lot better than toughness. Especially when you already have more than you need.
I hope this feedback helps you with your build.
Also, do not use a meditation build in PvE, its just bad and offers nothing.
As much as I agree with the rest of your statement, I prefer meds more than anything else when roaming PvE or soloing dungeons. But I do see where you are coming from, with a warrior the fury bonus becomes redundant, no support for allies really, and the 2k heals aren’t needed since everything dies before they can hurt you.
In dungeons any good guard would swap utilities around anyway, like AC p2 end boss, wall of reflect ftw. So to sum it up, meds are not bad by any means, just when you have a good group you are better off using something else like consecrations.
Thank you all for the responses! I’ll have to change my mind on what I was thinking then and go more DPS.
This is a tanky DPS build. It was originally based on TAPDATMOUSE’s commando build. It is good for Dungeons and WvW
I recommend Hammer, much more useful than staff as far as support goes during a fight.
This is what I recommend:
What I actually run:
I have a guardian on 80 now and want to go dungeon farming.
So I made a build that can work with hammer or greatsword, depending on what the group wants/needs.
But since I never played a guardian other than in PvE I’m not sure if it’s any good, so please have a look on my build:
I personally dislike the choices made concerning traits. Also your build isn’t really good at anything as well as you are wasting stats. Armour scaling falls off the deep end after 3011 armour, so anything higher is wasted really.
You should really try to take advantage of damage multipliers, seems like you avoided them entirely for unknown reasons.
I have been running this all-round build for a long time and have updated it as the game has gone on. Essentially it is a tanky DPS build using meds. I use it for WvW and dungeons and it gets te job done.
So I would love community feedback on it and how to improve it to get the most out of my damage so I am not holding my group back significantly while having enough survivability for WvW. I CBF changing gear and traits all the time. ty
Gladiator guard 5.0
While I’m here
Just be a page on the Wiki
You know
I’m thinking about you
Just wait and see
I will conquer the RNG
I’m in love with you
I’m not so far away
Someday, someday
I will get Dawn
Someday, someday
It will drop from the forge
Someday, someday
Sunrise will be born
Someday, someday
I will get Dawn
I know you gotta grind T6 mats and I’m just trying to make some gold to follow my dreams.
But please don’t say you’re too busy to give us the precursor crafting we need
I know we gotta grind for months and make some Gifts but to be frank it makes me bored.
Don’t let that overtake the fact that before all that, you were always my Greatsword.
While I’m here
Just be a page on the Wiki
You know
I’m trying to make you
Just wait and see
I will conquer the RNG
I’m in love with you
I’m not so far away
Someday, someday
I will get Dawn
Someday, someday
It will drop from the forge
Someday, someday
Sunrise will be born
Someday, someday
I will get Dawn
I’m in love with you
I’m not so far away
Someday, someday
I’ll know that you love me
Someday, someday
I just need you here with me
Don’t have to try
Love will overcome the grind
Someday, someday
I will have a Sunrise
Someday, someday
Look towards the sky babe
Someday, Someday
There’s no need to cry babe
I know that you’re always what I want babe
I will be the one babe
You will be my Greatsword
I just need you here with me
I hope they apply them to everything including PvP
There is no PvE meta, it’s dungeon meta and dungeons have been abandoned by anet for almost a year now so how exactly that’s a problem?
The meta in PvE content that is being developed is zerg, not zerk.
This, people seem to confuse highly niche, gear ping dungeon speed run groups with what is tantamount to the overarching pve model in this game. A massive mistake,
Even within the context of dungeons themselves, the vast majority are not running perfectly optimized zerk groups. The issue is merely people go into it with a preconceived bias (“I hate zerkers”) and as such, everytime they clock a zerk group in LFG they think the world is ending.
The meta in pve is far from full glass zerk when you look at the full picture. The meta in the game overall when you factor in WvW and spvp is again, far from full zerk. But let’s all moan about zerkers, they are doing dungeons faster than me when they are in an optimized group, the bstards!!!!
So what if people can use dps gear and provide support in the pve environ? Where is the issue exactly? Those other gear sets are not invalidated all of a sudden. If you are not good enough to go full glass, you use them. If you want to do more open world stuff they are more optimal, if you want to WvW or spvp they are more optimal and if you want to run dungeons they are still more than viable.
“I want to wear full clerics on my guard and it is unfair that that other guard in zerk can do more damage than me!”. It doesn’t seem to be a case of “play how I want” more a case of “I must be allowed to play how I want and no other option is allowed to be more optimal”. Which is a weird sentiment.
you speak of WvWvW and PvP but those have nothing to do with this post at all, PvE stands for Player Versus Environment. And almost everyone I know apart from the condi spammers and the noob level 30-40 guardians claiming they are healers… you didn’t even read the post and don’t say you did (-_-) Besides, arenanet always speak of diversity but running anything but DPS only hurts your team.
Watch this video and tell me how much that upcoming change to critical damage will help.
If you ask me, class/trait and AI changes must be done instead.
Because making IA is an easy thing to do?
No, but it is the RIGHT thing to do. Sadly Anet skipped out on AI in their plans when making a game. i mean, just look at their lazy excuse to combat CC also known as “Defiance”
Watch this video and tell me how much that upcoming change to critical damage will help.
If you ask me, class/trait and AI changes must be done instead.
It’s not a 10% nerf to crit damage, it’s a 10% OVERALL damage decrease to a full zerker geared character. There’s a huge difference.
Oh no, I am sorry… please forgive me. Kill lupicus in 17 seconds is impossible now (-_-) Zerker meta is done! that extended 3 seconds will justy be dragged out too long and they will all die
Now with the update 2 the fight will take 5 second longer. The horror.
use math, add cast time and damage nerf. It is 3 seconds longer :P
But changing AI is hard and would require work and wouldn’t turn a profit in the gemstore.
I’ve yet to see a change in game that hasn’t been taking the easy option. I mean, sure, Ferocity makes a little more sense in terms of balance and primary ferocity gear sounds awesome, but that’s hardly the problem with zerk meta. It comes from garbage AI.
Either give us Elite Dungeons (fractals doesn’t count) where the AI is complex and difficult, often requiring varying abilities (blinds, timed CC, aegis, condi clear, stealth, condition damage, etc.) or adjust all dungeon ai.
They will add a whole new map, a “VIP Zone” and the dungeon there will drop ascended level gear… 800 gems on the gem store :P
But changing AI is hard and would require work and wouldn’t turn a profit in the gemstore.
I’ve yet to see a change in game that hasn’t been taking the easy option. I mean, sure, Ferocity makes a little more sense in terms of balance and primary ferocity gear sounds awesome, but that’s hardly the problem with zerk meta. It comes from garbage AI.
Either give us Elite Dungeons (fractals doesn’t count) where the AI is complex and difficult, often requiring varying abilities (blinds, timed CC, aegis, condi clear, stealth, condition damage, etc.) or adjust all dungeon ai.
People, start listening to the whole of a conversation. AI changes are coming, just not in this patch – the change to crit damage is just the beginning.
I have been waiting for Zhaitan encounter overhaul since the second week of the games release… don’t blindly stand there and tell me “it is just the biginning” because that is all Anet ever does… I personally lost faith in them a few weeks ago. I mean seriously, they promised dueling in the open world kitten , and that was day one. The closest thing we have now is “BUYING GEMS and renting a PvP server” which is in the name of the gem store.
And if that is there mentality which has indeed been proven many times, this game will go NO WHERE. Now you may say “name another time” okay, BEFORE the game came out they said the home instance would be special and we would wanna go back always. NOOOPE!. Then shortly after games release, they said they would make it better so we would wanna go back EVERYDAY and made it out like there was some huge overhaul in the works. It is now almost 2 years later and what do we have? A consumable in the gem store that puts mining nodes in your home instance… sadly enough I bought it though, in some hopes it may actually help fun the instance we were promised day one.
Watch this video and tell me how much that upcoming change to critical damage will help. If you ask me, class/trait and AI changes must be done instead.
Hey all I’ve spent some time looking at different weapon combinations on my Guardian and have stuck with the Greatsword from the beginning (3/4 of the way to Sunrise
Now I’ve decided to stick with the Staff as well and tried to make a build based around Might. I plan to do both PvE and some WvW roaming with it so I’d love if anybody could give me some pointers and tweaks I could make to it.
Thanks in advance
This is what i would do if I was trying to make a might-centric build that uses GS and staff and would use it in WvWvW. But I just slapped it together so… it would still need testing and tweaking
CC = unneeded because AI is stupid and predictable
healing = you have enough even if you spec for DPS
DPS = the classes with more life and armor can still do as much DPS as medium and light armor classes, even when built equally for DPS.PvE is a mess because slow stupid AI and easy access to damage mitigation and “enough” healing make it pretty pointless to be anything but a warrior in berserker gear.
Light armor classes should always do more damage than medium armor classes, who should in turn always do more damage than heavy armor classes, assuming they’re all built for DPS. Smarter AI would go a long way towards making CC actually useful in PvE, and I’d love to see the attack speed for enemies doubled, both the interval and and the rate, while the damage was halved. More pressure and making dodging more difficult would go a long way towards making support more needful. Condition builds should really be a slightly slower but more reliable, lower risk option than DPS builds, but that would require making direct combat actually risky enough for the lower risk to look appealing.
You are so right They do need a class traits and AI rework as stated towards the end of my post. Gear stat tweaks are not the right way to go.
Right now the PvE meta is for the MOST part, Zerker/Assassins Gear or go home. But anyone who does dungeons would know this.
As someone who has followed this game since its inception from what… 2010 was it? And played the beta’s and almost everyday since its release (yeah, I have no life :P) I recall one of this games foundations was the ability to “play how you want” because, NO TRINITY.
The roles in this game are DPS, CC, Support.
People don’t play support because running FULL ZERK doesn’t really effect your support capabilities that much… I mean warrior banners anyone? Guardian protection, block and blind spam anyone? well… you get it. And CC? Everyone has CC built into their weapon abilities so forget about speccing for that.
So this games meta was always going to be a DPS fest. And here we are, with arenanet nerfing crit damage slightly (I do like the ferocity idea, kudo’s) and changing runes/sigils. Now, is ANYONE supposed to believe that a slight nerf will change anything? Clearly it won’t, zerker will still reign supreme.
So my point, if Arenanet really want to address the Meta and make it “better” and allow players to “play how they want”… why not just overhaul the Classes in the game and remaster the way traits really effect your skills in combat? Or even drastically changing the way AI works and responds to and acting group… Of course these are harder to do, but it is the right way of going about that.
Hell, addressing the “problems” with runes actually only serves to stamp out build diversity even more. And it hurts support a lot more than the slight nerf to crit damage furthering Zerker elitist mentality. And if wooden potatoes is right about how the new runes will work, that nerf will not be noticeable since the buff to DPS based runes with things like might duration will only serve to extend the gap of why anyone would need a support based build.
Tell me what you think.
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
This games combat system is severely broken
Class balance is broken. All classes should be different but equal at the same time, which just isn’t the case.
This games core combat system itself is flawed. So me being able to “stack” in every possible dungeon encounter in the game is not broken? I have stacked on lupicus and killed him in less than 2 minutes just by stacking on him and rezzing someone when they drop because “everyone can heal” … … … ok
I mean, that’s really what all those threads address, the fact that there is only really one role and that is DPS.
This. It was originally touted that GW2 would replace the Tank/DPS/Heals trinity with Damage/Control/Support. Instead, everyone is Damage that has various aspects of Support rolled in based on which profession you have chosen. Builds that do not emphasize damage, in addition to the forms of support that their profession can bring, are generally more of a hindrance on the party than any kind of help simply because they can build for the high damage without sacrificing the ability to provide support still.
It is not an inherently bad thing to do away with the Trinity that most MMOs use. But the way that things stand right now is rather limiting on the ways that ANet can design encounters. It would be nice to see a return to the original proposition, where Control and Support are roles that requires more specialization than a few trait and utility choices.
well said
DPS = Warrior
Tank = Warrior/Guardian
Support = Guardian/MesmerWe do have the trinity in this game it’s just that some people fail to realize it.
I agree with this. the game does have them. people only believed they were out because the paper said so.
NO CLASS can tank like other MMO’s.
NO CLASS can heal enough to be called a healer.
Even the support in this game is so bad almost NO ONE runs support. Why? Because DPS is the best support you can bring, kill the enemies before they kill you. Kill an enemy and it’ll rez your downed ally… a Full Zerker Warrior/Guardian/mesmer bring basically just as much support as even a full support based build.
FOR ALL THE FANBOYS CRYING THAT A TRINITY IS BAD… All I have to say to destroy your poorly conceived argument of “LF Tank/Healer” and that is
LFG – Zerker gear only… oh and while you’re at it, only come with a warrior, guardian or mesmer… (-_-) You people never think.
This games combat system is severely broken and you’d have to be a complete moron to think otherwise. Atleast with roles you know what your job is, you depend on other people more and in turn they depend on you. The mechanics on boss fights including world bosses and even WvWvW would be a lot better. There is just more strategy with that system.
What do we honestly have right now? Seriously, think about it. If you have the slightest deduction capability you would answer “Everyone in the game is a DPS with minor support built into their class” that is it…
Now I understand a lot of you like being self-dependent but when everyone is self dependent… where is the teamwork? I didn’t think so.
im new player GW2. In all games mmo which i played , i always select DPS class like assassin. In GW2 i want to be good as DPS and PVP
, so what profession you can recommended me? Thanks for help
warrior’s have amazing dps and are easy at all aspects of the game. But if it is rogue-like, then pick a thief. Their dps is still good, they are just harder to play well in pvp.
For pve you could achieve builds with like twice the damage of those so I recommend you try 10,30,0,5,25 for zerker gear for pve if you want to be useful
I am sorry elitist, but I am not trying to play glass cannon faceroll o’ fun.
I don’t know what the “best” support build is but this is one that I use on one of my guards
Blessed Guard 4.0
You have some shout traits but only one shout, a consecration trait but only one of those too and then some signets. They’re all fine skills, I just think it would behoove you to move towards something more focus on one subset of skills – almost definitely shouts for WvW if you want to support.
I also think you’re better running clerics than magi. You have a decent crit chance but so little crit damage
I wanted the build to be versatile for many situations your group could get into. But I suppose focusing on 1 way would yeild better results, I’ll try and spec it for shouts ty
I chose Magi for 2 reasons. Health and Crit chance. My idea is not to do crit damage at all, the crits help buff myself and allies. My crits give nearby allies might, and give me vigor. That crit might is just a bonus to my already good 100% uptime of 12 stacks of group might or gives my group some when I am not rocking staff.
I just want constructive feedback on what you believe I can do to improve my Guardian builds. They are both for PvE and WvW. If you like them you can of course use them, not that I can stop you anyway :P hehe thankyou in advance!
This first build is on my main, i use it mainly for dungeons. I am not currently using this latest version but I will be when it is ‘complete.’ Take a look, I think I did a very good job with this hybrid. Hell, my stats change dramatically depending on what weapon i am using, Greatsword for damage, hammer for tanky dps.
Gladiator Guard 1.5 <= DPS/Tank hybrid
This is the build I use on my other guard. Mainly for WvWvW. It is a support build as you can see. The idea behind it is to buff allies as much as possible while being able to absorb some damage. And to stack might like no tomorrow in order to make up for your lost DPS.
Blessed Guard 4.0 <= Support
The earlier iterations of the builds since I made this thread
Old Gladiator Guard 1.0
Old Blessed Guard 3.5 Build
A picture of my Guards is attached if you’re curious on how they look (^_^) The Human is my main.
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
This is VERY similar to the build I made recently But mine is more of a hybrid.
Blessed Guardian Build
That looks interesting though I question why you would take the Revive trait over the shout cooldown … the strength of your build is boon uptime.
Consider this … with 20% cooldown, you get recharge on SY to 48 seconds instead of 60. That makes your average boon uptime from it 41% instead of 33%. Also, it’s not situational like reviving someone and the revive only gives 3 boons, SY gives … all.
I would dump Valour 10 and do 0/5/5/30/30. You have 1800 toughness, you get 90 precision from it. It takes 21 precision points to get 1% crit increase. On the other hand, you have the ability to blind alot of people with VOJ on a 21 second cooldown. More valuable for you and your friends I think.
As for gear, maybe my view is radical but you don’t actually benefit much from your crit rate.
1. You don’t have ‘on crit’ effects
2. You don’t have much crit damageYou can probably streamline the build a little more and focus on the select stats that make this build hum for you. I would lean more to a Cleric/Soldiers mix myself.
I changed the revival trait to shout cooldown. ty.
If I swapped tough and prec on tough trait I would not only achieve 3k armor anymore, I would also sacrifice 1% crit chance. All for some more blinds which are nice but 33% crit chance and 3k armor is a must.
I actually do have on crit effects. read the OP :P
This is a support build with good survivability. It does do okay DPS too and you can further increase it by buffing yourself and allies. It’s uses are mainly for WvWvW but it can work in PvE just fine.
Your weapons will be staff and mace/shield.
You can change utilities of course.
16.1k health.
3k armor for those hard hits.
On a 1 second cooldown you & allies gain 10 seconds of Might each critical hit you do.
On a 5 second cooldown, you gain 10 seconds of vigor on a critical hit.
You have 34% critical chance.
1 condition removal every 10 seconds(healing signet)
60% chance on crit to remove condi (10 sec CD)
Virtue of Resolve active removes 3 conditions.
Virtue of Resolve heals for 456hp/3sec
Dodge roll heals you & nearby allies.
Basically permanent Vigor.
614 healing power (dodges heal for 743 per dodge)
20 seconds of 12 stacks of might on 20 second CD. (staff 4)
16 seconds of swiftness for you & 4 allies. (15 second CD)
You have access to every type of boon in-game.
+100% boon duration to make the most of boons
2.7k Attack Power
3k Attack power with max bloodlust (basically)
3.5k Attack power with max bloodlust and 15 stacks of might (easy to accomplish)
4 allies near you will also have might because of you.
You can have a browse through it to figure the rest out.
I would like to thank everyone who gave constructive feedback on previous builds. I hope everyone likes this one. Tell me what I should and could improve on, thanks.
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
this build is much better than your previous one.
remember that boon duration is capped at 100%. I’d remove those 6% if I were you.
Did not know that but it makes sense. ty
Hes referring to you actually listening to good advice. Many people turn a blind eye and refuse to accept that clerics or w/e is not as helpful to a team as dps. So basically you have restored the faith we have in humanity.
I used to run all clerics gear when I first hit 80 too. Later after solid testing, well… I don’t use cleric gear anymore XD but I don’t use zerker either. I do have a full zerker set bu I prefer using a boon duration type build since it is more fun for me and I can buff people enough that it makes up for lost DPS. I have a permanent uptime of 12 stacks of might, vigor, swiftness and can spam more might, regen and protection lots too.
(best to worst IMO)
(1) Sword
(2) scepter
(3) Hammer
(1) Staff
(2) Hammer
(3) Mace
(4) Shield
others aren’t viable IMO
(1) Mace
(2) Shield
(3) Focus
(4) Hammer
(5) Staff
(6) Greatsword
(7) Scepter
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
- Giver’s is the worst gear in game. Swap to PVT, Knight’s, even Cleric’s is better.
- SYG! trumps Hallowed Ground. Swap to that.
- Your Power is miserable. You won’t do any damage whatsoever, rendering your crit chance useless, except for the might and vigor. Swap to Sharpening Stones.
- Virtues have 4-5 excellent traits I can never decide between. Elite Focus is NOT one of them. Swap to X, for example.
- Signet of Judgement… I dunno. It’s great, but other things are better. Like any consecration pretty much.
- If you like boon duration so much, swap food to Omnomberry Cream (20%)
Saying givers is the worst gear in the game is very arrogant of you to say. Besides, what makes this build unique is the fact that it focuses more on boon duration as one of its pillars.
You can change the utilities to whatever the situation begs. And consecrations work in this build well so if you wanna use them too, go ahead.
As a Support bunker you yourself focus on buffing allies to make up lost damage. Your staff 4 gives you and allies 18 seconds of 12 stacks of might… that damage x5 people adds up and you have a 100% up-time of it not to mention other skills at your disposal can stack it even higher.
Next-time, please do read the whole post and take a look through the build before you try to give advice. Especially when you make it out in an insulting way. It’ll just make you look stupid
But I will swap EF to IC. That was a trait from the poor 2.0 build I must have forgotten to change since the elite isn’t as vital anymore.
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
I’m sorry but this build is next to useless in WvW. 1400 toughness and no stability/stun breaker? Also Bow of Truth? Less than 1k power? No point stacking healing power and boon duration if you can’t survive a fight. There is so much wrong with this build I don’t even… Don’t believe me? run those spec in WvW and report back (FYI, I’m rank 456, Bronze Colonel on my Guardian)
Power is an irrelevant stat for this build.
I have run this spec in WvW and I rarely die. Even with more than 10 people attacking me… and if they do kill me. It takes a while (enough even for me to run across a quarter-half the map) You can change the utilities. Also if you want a build with toughness and power than use the Guardian Commando build by Nymx. I use it on my other guardian it works fine as a hybrid.
Rank doesn’t mean that much since it takes no actual skill to get it… just time. Like any other game.
I shared this with a fellow guardian and we had a good laugh
The problem with your build is that it looks like a exercise in how much healing and boon duration you can stack without consideration for practicality. This might have looked good on paper for you but in WvW this build achieves very little and given the traits you picked for this build I doubt you spent much time in WvW as a guardian.
Sorry if I’m coming off as bit mean but lying about 10 players attacking you and not dying is a bit far fetched no? Also mentioning my rank wasn’t a show of skill but to show the time and commitment I put into playing guardian
I wasn’t lying… There are other guardian builds that can achieve it too. Look on utube
I like what you’re trying to do Adam, I appreciate people who think outside of the box. I’d also like to say you should absolutely ignore all the people in this thread who are telling you what you should be doing in WvW.
Thank you but I have been taking in their criticism. I already improved it
Blessed Guardian 3.0
I have already changed this build quite a lot based on more feedback. Tell me what you think of it and again, what else I can improve on it if I can.
Link to Blessed Guardian 3.5
Link to Blessed Guardian 3.0
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
I’m sorry but this build is next to useless in WvW. 1400 toughness and no stability/stun breaker? Also Bow of Truth? Less than 1k power? No point stacking healing power and boon duration if you can’t survive a fight. There is so much wrong with this build I don’t even… Don’t believe me? run those spec in WvW and report back (FYI, I’m rank 456, Bronze Colonel on my Guardian)
Power is an irrelevant stat for this build.
I have run this spec in WvW and I rarely die. Even with more than 10 people attacking me… and if they do kill me. It takes a while (enough even for me to run across a quarter-half the map) You can change the utilities. Also if you want a build with toughness and power than use the Guardian Commando build by Nymx. I use it on my other guardian it works fine as a hybrid.
Rank doesn’t mean that much since it takes no actual skill to get it… just time. Like any other game.
Thank you everyone for your constructive feedback
Here is a link to the 3.0 build
Take a look!
(edited by Adam Of Awesome.7802)
May i ask what you want to achieve with this?
Didn’t know the title was so confusing