Showing Posts For Astasia.1459:
Haven’t posted in a while. Just came here to say I absolutely hate everything about this new trait system and would like it reverted to the way it was before. Leveling new characters is now boring and frustrating. Spending that point every level was something to look forward to when you ding, the large gaps are now frustrating, and pushing back the level we start getting points was just a terrible decision and makes the low levels even less tolerable. The explanation that your players are too stupid to figure out 15/10 is better than 14/11 is insulting.
I can’t say much about the locking of traits behind unreasonable activities as there is no way in hell anyone could convince me to make a brand new character from this point on. I luckily had my characters all created and just sitting around at lower levels waiting to be leveled. I think you should have kept all the current traits free and added a bunch more that needed unlocking. Making new players work 5 times as hard to get the same stuff everyone else got for free is just asinine.
Account bound legendaries? Please...?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Astasia.1459
I like to think of everything in game as mine, as the person who spent the time and money to do it in the real world. Not focus on the avatar or multiple avatars used during game play. Thus, everything should be account bound.
That certainly makes a lot of sense from a player’s point of view, but the reason it usually doesn’t work that way is because devs are trying to take items out of circulation as often as possible to prevent inflation. If everything was account bound you might have only a single item set at each tier and pass them around between characters as you level them, and at 80 you might have a few characters sharing the same sets. Now if you have 8 or more characters, that’s a lot of items you aren’t buying or making and those items and resources would just sit on the TP and become worthless (even more so than most of them already are).
That doesn’t really pertain to legendaries since they are so hard to get and there are so few of them in existence. Mechanically making them account bound would be fine. It’s just a matter of whether or not Anet wants to give up transmute sales for player convenience. The point was brought up before which I had forgotten about where they said you can click to change a legendary’s stats in the next patch, so they might not even be transmutable anymore and hopefully that means they will be account bound.
I was actually questioning just how “grown-up” the OP was if he was using “Valley-grrl” speak.
Totally false dude. It’s not “valley” anything, urban dictionary is not your friend, unless you consider Keanu Reeves a valley girl. Or is that before your time? =p
So, let me get this straight… You want anet (americans) to SACRIFICE their own labour day to update the game with the SAB release just so other americans can play SAB on their own labour day DAY OFF.
Talk about hypocracy! It’s a day off for them as well, so why should they change their planning to release an update during their own day off. Activating a release isn’t done by a background job.
It’s just a federal holiday, they might not even have the day off, most commercial businesses are open and have sales on Labor Day. Joke thread or not, it’s not really that out there.
GEMS Gathering tools in the new update
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Astasia.1459
I don’t think any of the “t7” materials are harvested from resource nodes. My impression is you get them from salvaging high level items and doing special activities like jump puzzles and dungeons.
I think the time gated part is related to the advanced materials/parts used to make them, materials/parts that sound like they can be TPed. My guess is if you want one right away you can buy all the parts on the TP and make it yourself right then and there. It wouldn’t make sense to do it any other way, time gating and account locking the more advanced material crafting steps would seriously limit the consumption of earlier resources causing them to drop in price and eventually become nearly worthless. There is no other way to create an economy for t7 aside from making the finished product’s sellable as well.
IE each piece of ascended might require 5 “insignias” or the equivalent, but you can only craft one per day, they can however be bought and sold on the TP. This means people not currently attempting to make their set and craft and sell them, using t7 resources, keeping them in demand.
Account bound legendaries? Please...?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Astasia.1459
I think the mechanic to transmute onto a blue/white to make an item account bound was designed specifically for moving Legendaries between characters in a way profitable to Anet. I’m not sure this is something they would make “free.”
Really? If I land an hit in a fight I’m already using power, precision and critical damage. If I take a hit I’m using toughness and vitality. That’s 5 stats and the fight doesn’t look like any bizarre situation now does it?
You don’t always take damage, or enough to matter. Sometimes you are supposed to take damage though, and having less than half the toughness/vit of a dedicated set isn’t good enough. When are you supposed to be doing significant damage and getting hit a lot? Even then, Knight’s or a similar set is probably better.
The fact that this is even arguable at this point means the ridiculous time sink and cost involved in making a set of Celestial is no longer warranted.
Celestial is terrible as an endgame set from what I can see. Anything you need good gear to accomplish requires specialization depending on what role you are playing, and focusing on 3 or 4 stats using other sets or mixes of sets is going to provide vastly superior bonuses and effectiveness. It’s only when you are looking at 5-6 stats or higher that Celestial pulls ahead, and there aren’t any roles to perform with stats that spread thin.
Most content however is super easy and can be breezed through with blues or greens, which is where Celestial shines as an easy farming set. Celestial has slightly better offense compared to Explorer’s or Traveler’s, with extra defensive stats so you can farm while half asleep.
With the removal of MF on gear, Beserker’s or Rampager’s become the best farm sets because it’s all about pure kill speed, and specialized sets remain the best for serious endgame group content. Celestial will remain decent as an all around world content sort of set, but so would mixing one piece of every other set to get somewhat similar results.
I’m not sure any sort of boost to the stats on Celestial gear will solve the problem. For it to be viable as a serious item set the stats would have to be boosted so high it would become a clearly superior set to every other. I think instead they need to add something else unique to the set (1% run speed per piece, gold find, or some sort of on hit proc, etc.), or keep the MF on it as a unique bonus, maybe reduce it to 1% per piece.
Doesn’t make sense to me when they say people with MF wont notice much difference. Anyone can spend like 50s and buy a green MF set off the TP and get up to +150% MF, is that going to be the new baseline?
(edited by Astasia.1459)
Ya this event is actually terrible for getting new players into the game. The low level zones are all dead, almost nobody is playing sub 25 alts, and they even just sent out a scroll to level a character to 20 instantly for the anniversary. Even the higher level zones aren’t much better off, only the zone with the invasion happening really has any activity, everywhere else is barren.
The low levels are terrible right now compared to what they were at launch. Most events are ignored, most contested waypoints remain unusable 90% of the time, if you take one solo it wont be held long because there’s nobody to defend it. It’s actually really annoying. It helps though that once you get to 35-40 you can level all the way to 80 in like one day doing invasions.
Or the map and its events to change or react AT ALL. I find this to be odd (and irritating in the case of idiot centaurs attacking me instead of the giant steam creature that invaded their territory).
Many of the native creatures or DEs will react to Scarlet’s minions. Half the time I run up on a newly spawned portal there’s a battle already going on between what was already there and the portal minions. Sometimes the portal even spawns on a boss event and that boss will precede to pretty much clear the portal on its own, I saw this happen with a giant devourer champ in I think Iron Marches.
Certain enemies will not react though, I think anything that’s basically an “outlaw” is on the same side as Scarlet’s forces, like pirates and bandits, and centaurs.
That’s not the cause. The first time I did Blazeridge I stayed in the zone the entire time and it still didn’t count toward any of my achieves. That zone in particular seems to have issues for a lot of people, it’s mentioned in almost every one of these threads.
The only inflation i’ve noticed is the gold to gem exchange rate… but that’s been on the rise since launch. 50 silver could net you 100 gems. Now you need like 6 gold..
Ya but it was 4g a few weeks ago. It’s gone up 50% since these two events.
Just because there’s also an abundance of certain materials and their price isn’t rising much or is dropping, doesn’t change the fact that gold is worth less and less real money every day this event is running. Zodiac skins were not the cause, and this current anniversary sale started well after the trend was set.
I must be blind, where does it say that?
•After the Clockwork Chaos release, the invasions will continue at a less frequent pace.
Also note the Pavilion and Gauntlet will be returning in the future.
Edit: And also if you want a quote from what I was talking about in my previous post.
Our Living World releases will expand on the promise of what it means to be a continually growing game. In the future, you’ll see a wider array of content and experiences in each release, with a greater focus on permanently expanding content.
From their July 18th looking ahead in 2013 post.
(edited by Astasia.1459)
Wait where did you see that it will continue? As far as I understand , in patch notes they said that the events will happen after Scarlets arrival but in slower pace. What I understand is that a day after or few days after launch events will start to slow down. And that is happening already , when I logged there was an event every 50 mins. Now it is every 1:30 mins or so. (including the time when event is actually happening
That’s not what the patch notes say. It says after the event is over Sept 3rd whatever the invasions will continue. The invasions have not slowed yet, they are every hour on the hour, give or take a couple minutes.
They require scrap for that though. I’ve never seen them fuse or upgrade without digging into a pile of scrap. There are normal upgrades too, where a smaller one will upgrade to the next strongest type by itself just using a pile of scrap, instead of making something else with it. Menders → Reaver → Horror → Vet Horror
They are changing their philosophy with the LS and moving away from temporary one-off content. I don’t really know what else to say. Lore wise she will likely be done invading at some point, but the events will continue as “content” rather than “story.”
You seem to have mixed some information up. Your home server map fills up on a first come first serve basis, on my server that usually happens within 5 seconds, give or take a few seconds depending on time of day. I’ve been in like 30 invasions and only 4 or 5 of them were on my home server. Which leads to the second part, all overflow servers created within 10 minutes of the invasion starting will also run the invasion event. It does not matter if you are “kicked to overflow” since you can still do the event. Keep in mind “10 minutes” does not mean X:10 since sometimes the event starts a couple minutes early or late. If you miss the window you get stuck in an overflow that’s not running the event, you can wait and hope to get in (not going to happen) or go do something else.
You can move on with the story without removing old content. You can make a new character right now and go through the entire story again, it’s all still there. How much would it suck if they took that all out because it was “done” and “already happened?”
You just have to be in the zone when it ends, win or lose. That’s it. The problem is it’s buggy, and ANet refuses to comment on it. Sometimes you get credit, sometimes you don’t, no rhyme or reason.
Vorpp’s achieve is probably 5 different invasions, I can’t say for sure since I don’t think I had a repeat while I was working on it. It has the same bug though, it took me 6 invasions in different zones to get 5/5.
That’s how games work, that’s how the rest of the (pre LW) game works, the same events happening over and over endlessly. I don’t think she should ever be gone completely, because it is fun content worth seeing at least once, and new players picking up the game years from now should be able to experience it. Missing stuff is not fun, I’ve missed all the LW content before Jubilee, it sucks, and hopefully this is ANet realizing that.
It’s per day per account, not per character. You may have done it on another character. Or it’s possible it was a bug.
It wont be once an hour, they did say it would happen less often. I hope other than that it’s the same. Basically what we have now except once every 3-4 hours.
If events counted it would be hard-capped towards how fast you do the events, and now it’s only how fast you kill mobs. And there’s several ways to kill the most mobs. On top of that, people would still zerg on the AB captains and champions regardless and the event would always fail. Given the same conditions, anyway. This creates like a soft-cap to how well organised people are, instead of asking for a pure method of doing the meta event.
I think you misread. The dev said events don’t count for the mechs, only kills, but for the AB and Moltens kills don’t count, only events. It’s backwards to what people actually do. So yes people zerg, on AB champs after the event is over and waste time on them, but nobody wants to bother sticking around to clean up leftover mechs since they can get more reward doing another one or finding a AB portal.
Convoluting the whole thing by making them work differently also throws off planning and strategy since most people haven’t read this thread. Everyone assumes they all work the same way, because, you know, that would make sense. They should all be based on kills, with upscaled enemies that take 5 minutes to kill worth a lot more than solo trash people oneshot.
Non-issue. There are very few places where the invasion events overlap areas you would need access to for other events or heart quests. The invasion portals are also mostly soloable. 90% of the time the mech portals are soloable, the other 10% of the time they start with a champ, otherwise they scale. The molten digger one is ridiculously easy to solo, attack it with any single target ranged weapon, the mobs wont agro. The rest are easy to avoid. About the only thing you have to worry about is temp Scarlet spawn camping a waypoint for a minute, which she does occasionally do.
Probably whatever text/description/tooltip the OP read to make him think it could be used any time, they’ll fix that to make it clear there’s very low uptime. I doubt the 30 min CD and 5 minute duration are “bugs” or “problems” that need “fixing” in ANet’s eyes. Changing those numbers is easy and would have likely been done already if they wanted to. There’s also the possibility this is a troll thread and the OP never talked to anyone.
Doesn’t make sense that they would be different, especially since it’s the AB ones specifically that would benefit more from being per enemy killed rather than event completed. I’m skeptical as well, because if that’s how it works it’s dumb.
People are still going to ignore leftover mechs and stand around and finish leftover AB champs.
The event never fails on my server, but I’m curious why you care if it does? Like the above poster mentioned, you don’t really get anything out of winning, even more so if you are in a repeat.
There’s no reason to go after Scarlet after you have her achieve, she doesn’t give any extra reward for being there, and that’s the only true “zerg” on the map usually (and the only event in the game that causes my FPS to drop). 20-40 people working together to take an event isn’t really a zerg, it’s a raid, and there’s usually challenge involved if you are actually trying to contribute.
I’ve started ignoring Scarlet and finishing up some of the other events on the map while most other people rush over to her.
You said 7-10 gold was “pure gold”. Selling on the tp actually causes deflation as there are TP fees, and money is simply trading places, it isn’t appearing out of thin air.
So as I said, you do not make 7-9 in “pure gold”. So I don’t see what the argument is?
I never said I make that much, but I don’t farm champs. I make around 5g, from around 30 bags, including all the other factors.
From 60 bags that’s around 5g right there straight up coin, plus another 1g from greens inside, plus another 1g from doing events and getting the invasion reward (less from events than I get since they stay at one). I could see another 1g being made from blues and trash. That’s 8g, the person said 7-10, maybe they were estimate or maybe they are better at farming than you, regardless 8g vs 10g doesn’t really matter at that point, it’s a lot of easy gold.
No that’s pure gold “drops.”
That’s impossible. Bags drop 4-9 silver at most. You would need 70-100bags to pull that off, and despite me being good at tagging mobs, I typically don’t end up with more than 30-40 by the end. And I tag everything.
So you decided to completely ignore the rest of my post where I broke it down for you?
They don’t just revive or make another weak one, some of them upgrade using the parts. If they get enough parts they can turn into those giant Lts. If you aren’t in a big zerg you really need to try and destroy them or they will all upgrade which can wreck a smaller group or at the very least waste a lot of your time. I’ve seen 5 of those huge Lts form from a single portal.
Yes that’s the reward for repeating a map a second time in a daily period. Otherwise you get full credit for doing absolutely nothing, which is why you see a few people away-from-keyboard.
Edit: kitten kitten kitten
Apparently f and k can’t be placed next to each other, ever.
(edited by Astasia.1459)
If you farm aetherblade champions you make 7-10g per invasion. At least I do.
Yes, but that’s after selling stuff on the TP. Not purely from gold drops.
No that’s pure gold “drops.”
Easy to get around 30 bags per invasion, mostly exotics, without “farming.” They each contain about 10s, so there’s 3g right there, plus they all have greens in them which is another 50s to a vendor.
I tend to get about 15 event clears per invasion which is another ~1g IIRC, then the 25s daily reward per zone. So I’m getting about 4.75g per invasion without farming champs, and that’s before selling anything on the TP.
Gold prices from gems have been going up steadily all week, they’ve hit well over 5g per 100. I think that’s a pretty good indication of the value of gold. Well, it is the “value” of gold, and it’s dropping, fast.
Some of them are already in the game.
Why does she need to be sexy?
To match her voice and all the innuendo she throws around?
They could have at least put a mask on her, and maybe some pants, leave it to our imagination.
Easily. There could have been a quest chain to talk to each NPC involved with her story, follow the history of her life and get each one’s side. The dead guy could have left one of those holographic journal devices. I mean if I ran into some crazy evil chick out of nowhere that threatened the world, I’d do my homework and figure out what I was dealing with.
I saw that happen too. Killing a NPC has never felt so satisfying.
I hope so. How do the titles work if there’s two Queens? Would they both just be called Queen, or would it be King Anise? Don’t care either way, I’d love it.
Unfortunately it looks more like Anise is going to be a villain.
While a somewhat interesting read, this once again begs the question of why it couldn’t be found in-game.
Because they just wrote it, after everyone complained about what was in-game.
It doesn’t make the college situation any better, they really could have done without that and would have had a half decent character.
The colleges are such a focal point of the Asuran way of life, to have an outsider come in and turn everything on it’s head like that would have had a significant and long lasting impact on their culture that would have resounded throughout the Asuran story. Everything would be compared to her and she would have been held up as a goal for all Asura to overcome.
To add a human culture comparison, it would be like if they suddenly added a character who was the king of DR, and had always been the king. While the new NPCs introduce him as if he’s always been there and everyone but you knows about it, while all the old NPCs still say absolutely nothing about him ever. That’s how big a deal this is, and how absurdly shoehorned into the story it is.
Accept an Asura in the event flat out tells you she is some super-awesome hyper-intelligent Sylvari that attended all 3 colleges and everyone knows about. If she was from the future nobody would know about her. If it’s an Asura disguised as a Sylvari that just doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t change the fact that everyone thought she was a Sylvari and still somehow let her into the colleges, ditto on number 3.
About the only explanation I will “accept” is that the Asura guy was flat out wrong or lying to the player. In fact I’m pretty much dead set on that regardless of what the lore monkeys try and tell me from this point on.
I agree it’s ridiculous that Scarlet supposedly attended all the colleges, or any for that matter, but I think the post kills itself when it starts wandering into racial skills and comparing them to other classes and then devolving into an Asura pity post. I don’t see this gross retcon negatively impacting the Asura lore as much as game lore and story quality overall. It’s just a very dumb thing they did and I’m just going to try and forget it ever happened, or just go straight into denial. Scarlet did not attend a college, period. Bad writing is bad, ignore it.
Keep in mind that the reason the LW updates have increased to every two weeks isn’t because they are spending less time on each one (theoretically), it’s because they hired extra teams. So instead of working on 2 different updates at the same time and releasing them every month, they are working on 4 at a time and releasing every 2 weeks. Random numbers, could be 1 and 2 or 3 and 6, I dunno, point is the reason the content is buggy isn’t because it’s rushed as much as they just aren’t bothering to test as thoroughly, or perhaps haven’t increased their QA team size proportionate to their LW dev team sizes. The speed of these updates isn’t a bad thing, I don’t want them slowing down because everyone asked for it when they could instead be asking for better QA in general.
The underlying objective to offering special unique rewards at events like that is likely because a large portion, if not majority, of attendees are press. Give them something shiny and unique and they might just say good things about your game. Screw the many normal fans that don’t have thousands of dollars to blow on travel and entry costs that might also want one.
Not that I care at all about minis, but some other games offer items I would like, so I find the practice disgusting. Fans of the game going to a conference would be happy with some free gems or boosts. A unique item that can’t be obtained anywhere else is far from necessary.
I’m not saying I agree with that sentiment, it’s just the only reason I can come up with for why they would be so blatantly ignoring all the many gamebreaking issues with these events.
Do you also have the fire and ice achieve completed? For most people it seems fireheart is the one that fails to update for them.
Ya I feel the same way. I was seriously losing all motivation to play the game at all, it felt like a chore logging in every hour even when I wanted to be doing something else. Luckily I managed to finish the achieve yesterday, when I got the last one it was like I was set free and could once again do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Huge design flaw. They may be ignoring the issue(s) because you can skip said achieve and still get the overall LW reward. Looking back on it, for 25 points I probably wouldn’t go through that again, it was just once I started I felt like I had committed and had to finish.
GW1 had very few content patches. Nearly all of their content development went into those expansions. That may be preferable to some, but not everybody.
Back in May ArenaNet stated they had no plans for a GW2 expansion. However, keep in mind the Living World development teams are not the only dev teams working on the game. These are surface updates to keep us occupied and keep the money coming in, they likely have a big, deep, content patch in the works with things like new classes, races, zones, or big things like that which can’t be developed and released in these tiny updates.