There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
It is still very casual friendly, just not friendly to bad players who are unwilling to improve. Casual does not equal bad player. Even players with a low amount of time can play very well if they desire.
And that in a nutshell is the problem with the direction ANet has taken. When it was first introduced it was advertised as the game for those that don’t like the traditional MMO. Friendly atmosphere, no grind, no “I swing a sword again”.
But the current iteration is EXACTLY what many of us were running away from!
The entire “get gud” attitude was something I never wanted to see in this game, now it seems that GW2 is no better than any other WOW clone out there.
Amen! Just amen!
It only seems bad because of the definition you made up for cost efficiency.
Pay attention to most of the game and the development, and you’ll see the effects of “cost efficiency” in action. Put things into better context…
Cost efficiency is using all of your resources (which have costs) to produce a product or service with a maximum outcome. It’s simply using your existing resources efficiency.
If you were talking about your family budget, then yes I’d say that’s exactly how cost efficiency works. However, I’ve worked in a few large corporations and cost effifiency is just slang for “squeeze every last drop until all you have left is a dry husk”. (at least that’s been my experiences)
The main problem is ArenaNet stopped making a Guild Wars sequel and started trying to include every tired mechanic from every MMO out there. I’ve even stopped logging in for the daily freebie (which should have never been added). Sadly, I think I’m done here and off to BDO, at least character creation will be a fun diversion.
I’m genuinely getting more and more baffled by the complaints on this forum.
You can’t expect content to be balanced around 2-3 person guilds. That doesn’t even qualify as a full party!
The game type should clue you in… Massivley-Multiplayer-Online.
If you can’t stand the rest of the community to thebpointbyou have hamstring your enjoyment of the game… Well, that’s your issue and not Anets.
And for the love of Dhuum. Does ever single tiny tangential complaint need a new thread?! This forum is already hard enough to navigate without “I’m quitting HOT because X” thread number 9000.
You should all start an anti hot support group guild, then you will have plenty of people to get a guild hall.
^ And you wonder why he can’t stand the rest of the community?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
“The dead waypoint.”? That can’t have been said, we have the best community in all of MMOdom. Seriously though, I’ll ignore statements like that and help rez anyone I see downed, too bad who doesn’t like it. As for the rest, I agree that ArenaNet has gone a long way away from their design philosophies of GW1 and seem to be catering to the WoW crowd. Heck we have raids in Guild Wars… RAIDS in Guild Wars! Guild halls have to be bought, then cleared, then it’s a grindfest of guild missions to upgrade. They’re taking the worst of current MMOs and adding it to my beloved franchise. What can you do? It’s their ball and their court, we’re just guests.
I only know the very basics about creating websites and even less about forums, but isn’t there any software out there that would allow you to migrate the forums to another, more supported forum program?
I just did a google search and not only are there several forum migration tools out there, but there are also many companies that host forums that will migrate your data for you! ArenaNet, no excuses! You need to fix this, and there are many options, please do so!
(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)
I wish you the very best! My sister has cancer as well, and she continues to play GW2 to help get her mind off of things and just take a moment for herself. Tangentially I know what your going through and it’s hard to stay positive but I do believe that a positive mental outlook helps the body heal. I will add you to my thoughts and prayers.
While I have a lot of issues with many of the gameplay choices ArenaNet has made over the last couple years, I actually think this is a good business model. I bought the collectors edition so that was $150, not just the core game price.
I got three years of gaming for that investment and now I have to decide if it’s worth what they’re asking for HoT to continue my journey, but I have no problem with the core game going free at this point. If they continue to make expansions every 1-3 years, I sincerely hope the previous content is "free"d up (bad pun intended) to incentivize new players to join.
Because of some companies F2P has been given a bad rap, you have to remember that quests and raids are not the only content, so are we. Everyone who makes a digital world alive and vibrant is content for other players to group with and play. A large, happy community gives paying players a reason to come back, and a happy paying player spends more on a game they enjoy. If done right, everyone wins.
ArenaNet, you don’t always make decisions I agree with, but I applaud this one!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
Seeing the little progress made from first closed beta to this beta is very bad. It just seems nothing is done and things that got finished worked several times, with developers needed at other places.
What I see and played didn’t changed anything inside my mind to still say it’s still not worth money at all and things people wanted to come back still ignored. Sure BETA development, but the core game shouldn’t be dead by this years they take.
Compare with a car factory. Developing a new models of cars, all production of old cars is stopped because we need all for the new. Selling none of the old as long as the new ready will force the factory to close. Because people want to buy even if older instead of waiting for a ghost inside a long dark future, nobody knows if it ever happens.
People really need to read this and think hard about this. They’ve had nearly THREE YEARS and the beta seems anemic and rushed! They can keep the paltry extra character slot, the only way I’ll even consider HoT is at a severe discount.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
gw2 spoiled me by giving me FAR more content than $60 would usually give.
so i’m happy to buy HoT =)even if it is only 1/4 the size of GW2’s original launch. i’d consider it worth it due to the ammount of content GW2 and HoT together gives for $120.
and new players get both for $60! if GW2 original launch was worth far more than $60,
then HoT+ GW2+ the content added in since launch makes that the best thing on the market.i know i will be dissapointed by thief if it gets a staff (i wanted a rifle……)
and probably ranger since it gets a support staff….but more content and stuff to mess with yay
( is it that hard to give us a medium armor rifle class? no….engineer doesn’t count. thats a SHOTGUN. not a rifle. )
GW1 spoiled me, this game has been a huge disappointment.
So, now that it’s obvious this isn’t going to go away any time soon, and it’s not conveniently confined to just the official forums, if we’ll go ahead and give them our money in advance even though we don’t still know exactly what we’re getting (if, that is, there’s more to it than we’ve been shown) or when we’re going to get it, they’ll be so kind as to give us the free character slot they should have given us in the first place.
What’s in HoT that we haven’t got? Is it for real, or something it’s not? It’s almost the same we paid for the game when it was new. When is it due?
If anet won’t say, I won’t pay. I’ll tell you what’s true, neither should you.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
I’m one of them, and I’ll say here what I said there: I’m not pre-purchasing, and I’m a ten-year GW player who’s bought everything since Prophecies. So far, I’ve been shown nothing that warrants $50. HoT had better include a MOUNTAIN of content for that price, and right now I’m just not seeing it. The dubious benefit of playing in beta tests will not counteract this; giving in-depth details on exactly what and how much content is included might, as well as offering a character slot to existing accounts on the $50 option.
Count me in, no way I’m buying at this price point.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
It’s worse than shady, it’s ArenaNet.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
what about veteran players ? what do we get ‘free’ as a bonus ?
Nothing, not even lubrication! This is not the ArenaNet who made the original GW series.
The sad truth is they will probably never “get around” to putting those animations back in unless they believe they can monetize it.
This is just one in a long line of little slights that has me “playing” the forums and not the game, and it saddens me because I absolutely LOVED GW1 and was so hyped about GW2. I bought the CE, I was in on the first day of beta and I had a glorious year of playing a wonderful GW2 before it all went downhill.
Awesome find, hope someone at ArenaNet bothers to read it and pass it along.
less info = less hype
Anet do things as slow as possible with max hype
Mostly because I am hype and want the expansion to come out,
I was really hyped about the expansion, but now with the hype going down, i’m starting to see more and more of the truth
And many others, so on:
This is exactly “why we can’t have nice things” – because the so-called community can’t take anything in a mature way.
- They don’t say anything – it’s bad.
- They say anything – it’s always not enough, people get excited like there’s no tomorrow for 2 days and then they start complaining about “hype trains crashing” and whatnot.
- They say everything – that’s obviously bad, because they’re then locked to any changes (and there certainly will be changesIf people would just sit and not go drama about every single word, both said and unsaid, they wouldn’t be so disappointed with every possible outcome. The word “hype” should go under the kitten-filter for people’s own safety – because they cut themselves with it like a razor.
That being said, few months of no content and no information is not good, maybe revealing it too early was a mistake, but what’s done is done, at least they’re not making things worse.
Ia ArenaNet a mature company that’s been around over a decade or a 6 week old baby we’re not supposed to speak loudly around?
And the female Sylvari, waving her hands around and grinning like she just told herself a funny joke? Why is that still in the cutscenes?
If my character is capable of expressing any range of emotion, then how come the only thing she can express is that her hair needs to be brushed back out of my eyes? It’s pretty boring.
Well then, looks like THAT should have been your topic. Not that goofballs are being, well, goofballs…
So besides editing your original post to compare the female human and sylvari(which then I’ll actually be on your side because you are indeed right about why the female human was the only one to get the axe on some animations that were inappropriate) this point unfortunately does not support the topic of this thread which is comparing a sentient being with… Toys
Actually, someone changed the original title of my post which was “Please address the Double Standard”. (I guess that was too provocative or something?)
I suggested that if cutscene interruption was reason enough to kill the female human animations, then cutscene interruptions should also be reason enough to kill mini pets. But the mini pets were mostly received with laughter. It’s a double standard.
THAT is what my post says. It was another poster who decided that the situations weren’t the same because our characters are “sentient beings” and mini pets are just “goofy toys”. But read the mini pets thread. A few voices there are decrying the goofy little fellows as “immersion breaking”, exactly like the animations in question. So the situations are perhaps more similar than you think.
I don’t really expect them to remove mini pets, and I thought I was making a good case that they should never have removed the animations either. It was a convenient inroad for bringing the lost animations into the foreground again, reminding ANet that people still care.
You did make a good case, it’s just that the white knights can say anything with impunity against anyone with a criticism. (this does NOT work both ways though)
From your own OP quoting Gaile.
TL;dr: This change is coming, as soon as it can be scheduled and prioritized. Naturally, some matters that are higher on the priority list but this project will be scheduled as appropriate.
I’m not sure what more you are asking for since Anet stated it will be worked on at some point depending on priority. Maybe they should delay HoT to work on female animations.
Yes, they really should.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
If I receive a mail with free gold I’m taking it, but that’s me.
If you do that in real life (at least in my country) you can get some rather nice jail-time for that.
In my country it’s not illegal to give someone free money. I’m not going to buy gold from a rmt, but if anyone wants to give me gold (or cash), I’ll definitely take the charity!
As great as the expansion sounds, the fact is we aren’t getting information fast enough. I was having trouble putting my finger on why I’m slowly caring less and less about the expansion and GW2 in general, but this is it.
We’ve gotten little to no information since they announced the expansion about any of the functionality of the new specializations or mastery system, just small peeks at areas that are insignificant or insubstantial (like WvW maps). All the players have to rely on are bits and pieces datamined from beta patches.
TL; DR: I can’t be excited if I have nothing to be excited about.
They’ve told you about everything they’ve got working already, after all they’ve only had three years.
This fluff-piece video was already posted here a while ago. Too bad it wasn’t a real Angry Joe interview.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
If I receive a mail with free gold I’m taking it, but that’s me.
On the very same day GTA V launches on pc? Not a very smart move :/ A lot of people in here will participate but as for players who left and for whom ANet could potentially generate some kind of interest, this will kinda fall short.
Not saying open beta is bad, just that the date could’ve been chosen better (marketing wise).Agreed. It being a Tuesday seriously limits my and a lot of workerbees’ ability to participate. If this were a Saturday or Sunday you could be certain you’d see a lot more activity.
But if it was on a weekend, when the anemic numbers came in they’d have to admit a lack of interest.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
Hey all,
We have been fairly relaxed since launch on players purchasing wealth from “Real Money Traders”, but that stops now. We will be taking a very active stance against RMT buyers from here on out.
The purchasing of wealth from these “Real Money Traders” violates our Rules of Conduct. These traders are often a cause for fraud, hacking, and identity theft.
Repercussions from purchasing wealth can result in removal of wealth and continued purchasing could result in action against your account including temporary suspension or permanent ban from the game.
All I can say is why the heck wasn’t that the stance from day one?!?!
I’d consider AP or played time a better measure to reward loyalty than just signing in to a mailing list
I’d consider gem store (cash) purchases a better measure of loyalty. AP and play time is a measure of available leisure time.
Joe I love your stuff but I have to say I think you go way too easy on ArenaNet! Compare this interview to your Paradox interview and I think you’ll see what I mean.
He was easier on Arena Net, but to Arena Nets credit they have never released an completely broken game.
True but they’ve only released two games that I’m aware of; GW and GW2. I don’t count Factions and Nightfall as separate games as they use the same game engine and are just re-skins of Prophecies. While they are stand-alone games they should be considered very large expansions.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
Given that this “expansion” is mostly game mechanic “fixes” and very little content, I’d say they need to add a slot or two to justify a price tag.
24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.
Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.
Here in Sweden we get paid once a month. Does that mean they should only ever do sales once a month (usually around the 25-28th)?
Absolutely not! In no way should ArenaNet cater to their paying customers, that would be foolish!
I read the forums everyday and so i had a heads up the wings were on the tp that day.
I guess a lot of people dont read the forums and so missed out on the wings.
Maybe in the future when other items are on 24 hour sales maybe a few days early warning would be better maybe at the login screen.
I think this is a great idea.
Hey guys!
Thanks so much for all the awesome questions and bringing me up to speed from our previous thread! Hope you like this video interview! I’ll be putting together some gameplay videos soon!Video Link:
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Joe I love your stuff but I have to say I think you go way too easy on ArenaNet! Compare this interview to your Paradox interview and I think you’ll see what I mean.
I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.
I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.
Translation: “Everyone who had the time to get these wings has no life.”
If there is truly someone whose life is so busy that they cannot spare five minutes to indulge in their hobbies any given day, then, well…
I get that real life is important, but few excuses short of “no computer” or “no internet” are adequate to explain why any person absolutely had literally zero spare time in a 24-hour period.
A second-semester college senior working on his thesis
I’ve graduated college so I know it’s not easy, but if you think college is “real life” you’re in for a rude awakening. I look back on my college days with great longing!
Where did they say you would fight anything in the air? Please, link it. I have gone over everything they’ve announced regarding HoT (save yesterday’s Ready Up) and not once have I heard we will fight anything in the air.
what he said. please provide a source. ‘cause i think you’re misreading the statement i’m quoting (taking advantage of gliders during special boss encounters) as “there will be air combat”.
“use the air to your advantage in combat against certain foes”
You can find this quote under the heading “What Can I Get From Masteries?” in this article:
Before you go there, yes this is somewhat cryptic and might not mean much more than gliding around and taking their attention off of ground units, but we don’t know because we haven’t been given details yet. You can’t say there is no deep aerial combat involved with the new gliding system in the exact same way I can’t say there is, but something is there or that comment would not have been made.
Argue the finer details all you want, for me it’s as simple as this;
ArenaNet realized that underwater “endurance” was a bad idea and players didn’t like it so they removed it and we have aquabreathers. So what makes them think people are going to like this same antiquated mechanic up in the air?
It’s no different. You can’t get to places you’re not meant to get to, this is isolated to this map and any future maps they make to take advantage of flying. Updrafts and the mastery to use them could be used to gate aerial waypoints without using endurance. The current dodge mechanic could be used for aerial combat (if any) instead of endurance.
Antiquated, boring, frustrating, poor design.
you have a really poor grasp of the design of both underwater mechanics and gliding if you really think the two are even remotely comparable.
Enlighten me then oh Maestro da Vinci!
as it’s been said several times in this thread by me and by others, underwater is fundamentally different from gliding. you see, going underwater isn’t something you do purely for locomotion. when you’re underwater, you’re exploring, doing hearts and events, fighting, etc. thus, forcing a player to go back to the surface halfway through a fight would be counter-intuitive.
meanwhile, gliding is purely a way of traversing. it’s a glorified jump pad. you use gliding from going from A to B. what the endurance bar does is limit what those “B’s” are. think of it like the zephyrite aspects: you can only go as far as the amount of charges you have left allow you to, but that’s ok, because the game was designed so that those charges are always enough to get everywhere you should be. similarly, you can (or will be able to, with enough mastery points) reach anywhere you should reach with a glider. you’ll never come short of a ledge when gliding if you’re meant to reach it and execute it well.
TL;DR: underwater endurance would stop you from doing what you’re meant to do, airborn endurance only stops you from doing what you’re not meant to do.
But based on ArenaNet’s own releases we know that there is exploration with flying. There’s a reason why there are updrafts and stronger wings, so that we can find hidden areas of the map that can only be accessed this way. Sounds like exploration to me.
Also they’ve talked about these aerial beasts that will do some amount of combat with us while airborne. It’s currently unknown how extensive this combat is, but it could be a full battle just like land or water. I’ve read complaints that many of us “worriers” are making assumptions about what is in this expansion without knowing the facts, aren’t you making some assumptions here about what flying is not without all the facts?
Argue the finer details all you want, for me it’s as simple as this;
ArenaNet realized that underwater “endurance” was a bad idea and players didn’t like it so they removed it and we have aquabreathers. So what makes them think people are going to like this same antiquated mechanic up in the air?
It’s no different. You can’t get to places you’re not meant to get to, this is isolated to this map and any future maps they make to take advantage of flying. Updrafts and the mastery to use them could be used to gate aerial waypoints without using endurance. The current dodge mechanic could be used for aerial combat (if any) instead of endurance.
Antiquated, boring, frustrating, poor design.
you have a really poor grasp of the design of both underwater mechanics and gliding if you really think the two are even remotely comparable.
Enlighten me then oh Maestro da Vinci!
I am one of those “concerns” people. I have a lot of concerns about this update that I feel are valid, this is not one of them.
I have to agree with several other posters here, mastery number doesn’t kick in till 80, there’s up-leveling for content, there’s down-leveling for content, the only thing I’ve ever seen someone’s “true” level used for is a reason to eject players from a 1337 krew.
Argue the finer details all you want, for me it’s as simple as this;
ArenaNet realized that underwater “endurance” was a bad idea and players didn’t like it so they removed it and we have aquabreathers. So what makes them think people are going to like this same antiquated mechanic up in the air?
It’s no different. You can’t get to places you’re not meant to get to, this is isolated to this map and any future maps they make to take advantage of flying. Updrafts and the mastery to use them could be used to gate aerial waypoints without using endurance. The current dodge mechanic could be used for aerial combat (if any) instead of endurance.
Antiquated, boring, frustrating, poor design.
if 1000 people will do it will do it
Exactly! ???…
I am partially color blind so every time I participate in a boss battle I lose my mouse pointer in the explosion of colors on the screen. All I really need to overcome this is an option for a larger pointer or to be able to choose a bold, base color that will stand out from mess.
I’ve found each new map to be worse and worse. For me, at least, it seems ArenaNet is going in the wrong direction with this game.
Lore masterys first most definitely (although i will at least start the hang gliding one so i can give that a go. the sooner i can get to the point where i unlock those collections, the sooner i can start working on them. next one to master after that will be precursor crafting, same reason
I will first master the willpower to ignore this expansion. All I see is content gating and gear score in the guise of “mastery”. I’m not telling you what to do, but I’ll be steering clear of this.
what do you expect, its a paid expansion of course its going to be gated. if i were you i wouldnt go making sweeping statements about how you’re going to steer clear whether you are trolling or not because i suspect if you like this game at all you will end up getting it and have to eat your words.
I used to love this game but they continue to make choices and changes that go away from their original “foundations” and away from what made the original Guild Wars so much better than other MMOs out there.
If ArenaNet want’s to turn GW2 into just another grindy, gated MMO then I will be finding something else to play. Even if it’s only Black Desert Online, at least the character creation will keep me busy for a long time.
>doesn’t like grinding and gated content
>plans to move to a korean MMO
And that’s why I said “even if” it’s only BDO. I know what kind of game it is, but it’s character creation is on par with, or better than, Eve Online! I could literally get months of enjoyment out of creating amazing looking toons.
Look, I’m not trying to convert anyone here, I’m just giving my honest opinions. If you disagree, feel free to do so, but leave the unproductive sarcastic remarks elsewhere please.
Lore masterys first most definitely (although i will at least start the hang gliding one so i can give that a go. the sooner i can get to the point where i unlock those collections, the sooner i can start working on them. next one to master after that will be precursor crafting, same reason
I will first master the willpower to ignore this expansion. All I see is content gating and gear score in the guise of “mastery”. I’m not telling you what to do, but I’ll be steering clear of this.
what do you expect, its a paid expansion of course its going to be gated. if i were you i wouldnt go making sweeping statements about how you’re going to steer clear whether you are trolling or not because i suspect if you like this game at all you will end up getting it and have to eat your words.
I used to love this game but they continue to make choices and changes that go away from their original “foundations” and away from what made the original Guild Wars so much better than other MMOs out there.
If ArenaNet want’s to turn GW2 into just another grindy, gated MMO then I will be finding something else to play. Even if it’s only Black Desert Online, at least the character creation will keep me busy for a long time.
Content gating and a gear score dressed up as the “mastery” system, I won’t be buying!
I will first master the willpower to ignore this expansion. All I see is content gating and gear score in the guise of “mastery”. I’m not telling you what to do, but I’ll be steering clear of this.
Let’s be honest though: customers not spending money on their game isn’t exactly the focal point of developing an expansion. Not a bad thing, just a business looking to remain profitable.
That said, I’m sure there will be stuff for people who continue to play for free. Just won’t be a priority.
Based on the last two day’s info I won’t be getting this expansion and I spend a lot of money on this game!
Then you’ll have spent money, but are unable to get the expansion stuff. I spend my share on Gem Store stuff as well, but I understand the expansion is its own thing.
Yeah, I understand and accept that. My only point was that there are a lot of people who have been “supporting” the game that didn’t ask for, and don’t want, this expansion.
yes, and there are also a lot of people that spent money on this game that wanted it, and will spend more money to have that expansion.
“i bought gems” doesn’t make your argument any more valid than the next.
It’s not an argument, except on your end. I will not be buying this expansion, for many different reasons I have discussed in many different threads. I’m not telling you what to do so what’s your issue with me expressing my opinion?
I don’t mind hard fights. In fact, I love hard content like Liadri. I can’t stand stuff that tells me no matter how good you are at this game you can not fight this creature that you are at because we put an arbitrary mechanic in place. I am not talking about leveling. I am talking about making me gain something by grinding in order to be able to fight it. Call it gear grind, call it mastery points.
Can we call it a “Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Ticket”? As I recall, you needed those to get into the fight.
They were fairly easy to get, as I recall, but you still had to have them to do the fights. And if you ran out, you had to go get more.
As far as that goes, Liadri was fight 4 of Tier 3, right? She was effectively gated by everything before her. It didn’t matter how good you were, you had to earn the chance to fight her.
The problem isn’t stuff being gated. It’s stuff being gated badly. Wouldn’t you agree?
If it’s as easy as getting gauntlet tickets, sure. You 100% have a point. We both know it’s not though. They even cited in the blog today that it isn’t gear grind. They are right. Instead they put lipstick on a pig named “gear grind” and called it “masteries”.
^^^ Agreed 100%!!! And they said that once you’ve started masteries your nameplate will show your mastery score, sounds like WoW gear score to me.
(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)
Let’s be honest though: customers not spending money on their game isn’t exactly the focal point of developing an expansion. Not a bad thing, just a business looking to remain profitable.
That said, I’m sure there will be stuff for people who continue to play for free. Just won’t be a priority.
Based on the last two day’s info I won’t be getting this expansion and I spend a lot of money on this game!
Then you’ll have spent money, but are unable to get the expansion stuff. I spend my share on Gem Store stuff as well, but I understand the expansion is its own thing.
Yeah, I understand and accept that. My only point was that there are a lot of people who have been “supporting” the game that didn’t ask for, and don’t want, this expansion.
Let’s be honest though: customers not spending money on their game isn’t exactly the focal point of developing an expansion. Not a bad thing, just a business looking to remain profitable.
That said, I’m sure there will be stuff for people who continue to play for free. Just won’t be a priority.
Based on the last two day’s info I won’t be getting this expansion and I spend a lot of money on this game!
The more info they release, the more certain I am that I will NOT be getting this expansion. I just hope they sell the new class separately on the gem store.
Guys try to stay on topic this is not a nexon nor Ncsoft doom and gloom thread its about the IGN article ^^.
Raptors and other “missing” Dinosaurs are also shown in the trailer so hopefully we can start preparing our raptor/dinosaur farms again.
The article that told us that she is lead designer for the mastery system.
Here is the thing, I really don’t care about the gemstore stuff but if you look at her linkedin profile you see that she is also (partially) responsible for the reward system in this game. And you can argue as much as you want, the reward system has NOTHING to do with being rewarded.
Just as an example of what I do after 2 complete silverwastes run.
1. go to lions arch
2. throw away all the emp. shards(or was it dragonite?) I got from the chests
3. open all exotic bags that I got from the chests
4. salvage all green items (which are 99% of the items you get out of it)
5. store everything I got so far in my bank
6. click through 2 stacks of sand
7. open gear bags until inventory is full
8. salvage all items
9. repeat step 7 and 8 until all bags are opened
10. throw away bloodstone dust (I do have mawdrey but even she refuses to eat these absurd amounts of bloodstone dust)
10. now I have the option to click through 100s of essences of luck or put everything into the bank and turn them into exotic essences with my other characterThat’s just a part of it, I didn’t even mention how I have to vendor tons of completely useless green sigils/runes or how I use the loot from the sand to buy even more bags that contain greens that need to be salvaged (zephyrite lockpicks and bandit crests).
Does this sound fun to anyone? It’s tedious and boring. And this is a system that got recently added into the game, reminds me of those Matryoshka dolls, inside the first box is another box that contains another box, etc.
I couldn’t agree more, unfortunately most of the people left here are the ones that drank the kool-aid. I was really hoping GW2 was just going to bee a bigger, better verson of GW1 and not WoW East.
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