Showing Posts For BilboBaggins.5620:

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Hi, I mentioned this in my first post a few moments ago. I could be out of date as well as this mind set that we were given early on…but isn’t the entire game ‘endgame’ ? Hop in, do whatever you want to do. No pressure, nada. Take your time, the whole thing is your oyster. When you start creating level 80 content only, ala raids, you segregate the playerbase much like other games where its then a rush to max level to do the raids. All of the gorgeous 1-80 content you have in this game becomes completely trivial and a stepping stone to the real game. You might as well just allow people to boost to 80 via potions or something and skip leveling all together because it becomes absolutely meaningless. A meaningless time sink. I didnt need 80 levels to learn my class. Maybe less than two dozen and I had it down. The rest was just enjoyment because the 1-80 content was nice. I leveled through it without any pressure. Put max level content in the game, and we will feel rushed to get to the real stuff. Its human nature.

For this reason, I do not think raids belong in GW2. But if they are to be implemented, I do have suggestions which I have shared

I bolded a section of this that I wanted to inquire about. Do you think the fact the game has been live for over 2 years now change your thoughts on this? This is definitely a common occurrence with new MMO’s that launch with raiding, but what about a game that didn’t launch with raiding? Is there still an issue of players “rushing to 80” when a large percentage of the player base already has at least one 80? Thoughts?

I honestly believe this is a non-issue. Players that view end-game content as the end-all / be-all will always consume low level content at an extreme pace. They are the “first” group, the kind of player that wants to be the first in the game or their group to consume the content.

Then there are players in it for the experience, “role-players” and the like who are going to enjoy the content at their own pace regardless of what waits at end-game. GW2 didn’t have raiding at launch, but you still had a significant portion of the players consuming content faster than you could create it. You will always have this group and you will NEVER be able to produce content fast enough for them.

This game is nothing more than money grab

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


For a game that pride itself for not having a gear treadmill, and that ur end game was suppose to play dress up. Why is majority of the skin lock behind gem store.

I have no problem with skins in the gemstore, where I think it’s a money-grab is being charged multiple times to use the armor I bought in the gemstore (transmute charges).

I like keeping a specific look on a character throughout their levelling. With the green transmute stones i could cheaply keep the same look from level 1 to level 79. With the change all those greens were turned into a 1/3 charge so now it’s 3x more expensive to keep the same look on a character, actually moreso when you consider how few free charges you get in-game compared to the stones.

EDIT: Since ArenaNet says they like solutions offered to problems we see, here’s my proposal;

All gemstore skins should be free to re-apply on a single character in your account (the one who first uses the skin). For all other characters, it costs one charge per piece the first time and then is unlocked as a free skin for them as well. We already bought the skin, we shouldn’t have to keep paying to use it.

That’s is totally a greet idea. Let’s make the system even more complicated, I am sure Arenanet will be down for it, NOT.

This will not be the case when you can have your cake and eat it.

Yes, because it’s really fair that we have to keep paying over and over for something we already bought! Honestly I’d have the gemstore skins free to apply account wide. At 800 gems per skin ($10.00) they’ve made their money on the skin.

With transmutation charges normally priced at 25 / 600 gems, thats $7.50. That mean every time my character levels enough for me to change armor and weapons I have to pay $2.40 (8 charges) to get the look back. Yeah, that’s fair.

Gems : No Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


And yet STO and PWI already do it with no apparent damage to the exchange rate.

Devaluation of mini carlotta and prince thorn

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


yup.. never did ANET says those minis were going to be exclusive… you assumed too much….

Its not about being exclusive, but making them more than 10x easier to get. I fully expected them to come back, but with the same requirements.

That’s the definition of exclusive.

Maybe if you want to take exclusive literally to the purest form. Then the whole game is exclusive because its buy to play.

Taking your latest example, should all of us who bought the game at launch be up in arms that the game is being sold at a discount now? We got our value for the higher price, we were first! Expecting more than that just seems selfish to me. And I am not trying to call you selfish just saying it feels that way “to me”.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Hoping that this helps, here’s another thing I hate about raids in other games;

Spawn camping bosses! Large guilds swarm through the mobs to the boss spawn and just continue to farm it making it difficult/impossible for others to actually participate in the content. Maybe this has already been fixed in those other games, I don’t know since I gave up on them a long time ago.

Gems : No Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Gems can be purchased for real-world money in various fixed amounts; there is no discount for bulk purchases.

I’m no accounting major but i cant fathom why there is no break on these, ever. Obviously who ever is in charge never shopped at BJ’s Wholesale or Costco.
They can put the items in the Gem Shop on “Sale” but why not a break on the Gems themselves. Why not have a 10,000 gems for $100 and see just how many people cash in on the savings. The Gem Cards could be more flexible also, $15 or $25 doller cards that dont match the prices in the Gem Store. How about kitten or $100 card so i dont have to ask for six cards at Best Buy or Gamestop. I would like to just enter one key instead of six seperate codes. And before you awnser, “why dont you just buy $100 worth of gems off the Gem Store”, I dont need to explain to anyone why there is a $100 charge on my bank statement (for a game) when they didnt get flowers this month.
Love the Mad King Event, cant wait for Echoes of the Past, would just like a bulk sale on gems periodically and an easier way to give you guys $100

giving discounts is a bad method for currencies. They will give discounts on the items in the gem store, which basically serves the same purpose. Unless you are buying gold with your gems, but it really isnt that great an idea to give discounts for those purposes, it messes with the actual values and profits from the exchange.

The main glaring difference is with a discount to currency, I can choose to apply the saving to whatever item(s) I want. Most MMOs that I know of have bulk discounts otherwise why purchase $100 in-game currency at once?

the difference is that gem currency is tied to gold to gem exchange. Its not impossible, its the type of thing most people wouldnt like to do. Because it essentially means the exchange could be operating at a loss, which could cause a lot of issues.

if they had a discount it would have to factor in the exchange cost, so that would put the exchange rate even higher.

your better off asking for a coupon for gem store savings when people buy a lot of crap. Or some system for discounts. It would not be good to tie it directly to gems because of the exchange.

I understand this concern but Perfect World does this across all their games and each one has a gold/cash exchange in game. Zen can be purchased in bulk at a discount and zen can be exchanged for in game currency. i couldn’t tell you if they’ve had issues or how they addressed them. I just know other companies have made it work. I personally would rather have a discount on the gems than hope I don’t miss the sale on the one item I want.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Let me start by saying I do not like “raid” content like WoW and Rift have and will never participate in them. I do have a suggestion though.

Unlike the fractals which introduced some gear grind and power creep, I believe raid rewards should be purely cosmetic. Should they be the coolest, most bad-* gear in the game? Probably… I just don’t want gear introduced that makes you feel like you HAVE to take part in this activity in order to have the best in slot items.

I know many of you will disagree and that’s fine. I also realize that all PvE activities can be performed with rares or exotics equipped, but this kind of gear progression leads to players with the gear finding the game to be progressively easier and asking for the difficulty to be raised.

I remember just a little power creep in GW1 leading to mob tweaks and lots of hair pulling (on my part) until it was dialed back down and hard mode introduced.

Devaluation of mini carlotta and prince thorn

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I can never understand this mentality of "I don’t want you to have what I have.’ I’ve been playing Guild Wars from the beginning, I’ve unlocked all kinds of cool rewards in my HoM, and if they were in the gem store tomorrow I’d have absolutely NO problem with it. Heck I’ve had exclusive use of them for two years, it’s about time new players got to enjoy them too!

Arena Net's Armor Style

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


+1 for absolute equality of skimpy gear!

This game is nothing more than money grab

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


For a game that pride itself for not having a gear treadmill, and that ur end game was suppose to play dress up. Why is majority of the skin lock behind gem store.

I have no problem with skins in the gemstore, where I think it’s a money-grab is being charged multiple times to use the armor I bought in the gemstore (transmute charges).

I like keeping a specific look on a character throughout their levelling. With the green transmute stones i could cheaply keep the same look from level 1 to level 79. With the change all those greens were turned into a 1/3 charge so now it’s 3x more expensive to keep the same look on a character, actually moreso when you consider how few free charges you get in-game compared to the stones.

EDIT: Since ArenaNet says they like solutions offered to problems we see, here’s my proposal;

All gemstore skins should be free to re-apply on a single character in your account (the one who first uses the skin). For all other characters, it costs one charge per piece the first time and then is unlocked as a free skin for them as well. We already bought the skin, we shouldn’t have to keep paying to use it.

(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)

Does Anet lockdown rich players?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Other than TP guilds or exploits how do you people get rich in this game? I have 8 toons and keeping them in gear has me under 10g almost ALL the time!

EDIT: If someone actually has suggestions they want to share, feel free to pm me. I don’t want to derail the thread.

Trading Post Progressive Reform

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I’ll keep it simple and suggest 2 things.

1) Progressive Taxation~ The more you make from the trading post the more you pay in taxes.
example) If a player makes 100g in a week, they pay 15% like we currently do. If they make 1k g a week, they pay 30%.

2) Listing Time Limits~ After a set amount of time your listing is returned to you.
example) After 3 months of not selling items are returned to the sender minus the listing fee, which is kept as a carrying fee.

Too much like real-world govt interference. The last thing the TP needs is MORE realism. I’m all for your system if there is a welfare system that redistributes those taxes for those of us who make less than 100g a week.

Gems : No Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Gems can be purchased for real-world money in various fixed amounts; there is no discount for bulk purchases.

I’m no accounting major but i cant fathom why there is no break on these, ever. Obviously who ever is in charge never shopped at BJ’s Wholesale or Costco.
They can put the items in the Gem Shop on “Sale” but why not a break on the Gems themselves. Why not have a 10,000 gems for $100 and see just how many people cash in on the savings. The Gem Cards could be more flexible also, $15 or $25 doller cards that dont match the prices in the Gem Store. How about kitten or $100 card so i dont have to ask for six cards at Best Buy or Gamestop. I would like to just enter one key instead of six seperate codes. And before you awnser, “why dont you just buy $100 worth of gems off the Gem Store”, I dont need to explain to anyone why there is a $100 charge on my bank statement (for a game) when they didnt get flowers this month.
Love the Mad King Event, cant wait for Echoes of the Past, would just like a bulk sale on gems periodically and an easier way to give you guys $100

giving discounts is a bad method for currencies. They will give discounts on the items in the gem store, which basically serves the same purpose. Unless you are buying gold with your gems, but it really isnt that great an idea to give discounts for those purposes, it messes with the actual values and profits from the exchange.

The main glaring difference is with a discount to currency, I can choose to apply the saving to whatever item(s) I want. Most MMOs that I know of have bulk discounts otherwise why purchase $100 in-game currency at once?

Playing DV/violence against women for laughs

in Living World

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


The Mad King that visits Tyria in Halloween has always been played as comic relief. A figure of fun, totally cooky, sadist-as-humor character.

Having spent a bit of time in the Labyrinth recently, it’s struck me how much the Mad King/Bloody Prince repartee plays violence against women as a joke.

Does this make anyone else uncomfortable?

(I’m kind of hoping that bringing this to anet’s attention will encourage them to actually update the Halloween content/storyline rather than rolling out the same misogynistic stuff year on year…)

The problem I have with your post (and honestly, it’s probably exacerbated by the endless barrage of domestic violence commercials) is that it’s always “violence against women”. There are men who suffer from domestic violence too. How about we end domestic violence period. And yes, I do believe jokes about domestic violence are in bad taste.

Abaddon confirmed in trailer!

in Living World

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Abaddon is long long dead. He won’t be returning – though lore on him may. But for all we know, this could be as simple as the Temple of the Forgotten God’s lore on Abaddon (where we first saw that kind of statue).

I don’t think that’s an old ruin – looks too new, to be honest. Unless it’s well kept. Which I find hard to believe.

Maybe Kormir has been corrupted and turned into a new Abaddon, then we get to kill her!!! (squee!)

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Morning All,

Due to recent events I must confess that I am only properly knowledgeable up to roughly page 12 but I want to jump in and start discussing things with you. I hope that is ok.

I want to emphasize that my questions, thoughts, and brain storming are theoretical and should not be taken as a given. With that said I want to start at the foundation.

Ok lets assume that in the world of the CDI Guild Halls have a lot of horizontal progression such as the ability to create buildings, upgrade them and customize the whole experience. What is the smallest guild size that this would be suitable for. Even more specifically is it ok to have a ton of progression in this Guild Hall example and have small guilds work through it.

An idea I wanted to throw into the mix would be could small guilds have a shared Guild Hall with an Alliance?


I honestly believe that if you don’t want to make it impossible for small guilds to expand, all quality of life components should be fairly easy to get for all guild sizes. Like with the game itself, big coffers and long time spent grinding should be rewarded with cosmetic items.

Large guilds should be able to build large expanses with statuaries and other grand decorations, but the functions of a guild hall should be found in any size guild.

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Just food for thought;

“Guild Hall” systems that require large amounts of materials and time to get desired convenience services for members absolutely kills small guilds. Look at Star Trek Online and their starbase system. As new players come into the game, they want to join a guild that gives them immediate access to all the conveniences available.

Current large guilds have the man-power and materials to unlock all these at a break-neck pace that small guilds will never be able to keep up with making recruitment more and more difficult until it is virtually impossible to attract new members.

[suggestion] Make mouse arrow HIGHLY visible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


+1 to the new request for an old problem that has yet to be addressed!

Interesting things in Scarlet's Room [Spoilers]

in Lore

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Well they did move away from most of the things they said during development (see the manifesto), it only figures that interview-lore isnt sacred either.

Unless we’ve built content around something, it’s usually considered malleable from a design and lore standpoint. Occasionally we decide to go in a different direction months or years after the first ideas are documented or even talked about externally. In some cases that means what one member of staff says in an interview can change when it comes time to building a release. It’s part of our iterative process.

In short, go by what’s in the game.

In short, it’s your own kitten fault you fell for our promises and lies! Now take what we give you and be happy with it.

I really wish you had stuck to your manifesto and tried to create a better Guild Wars…

Big Improvment

in Living World

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


So far, I’ve really enjoyed the story of season 2. Although it’s only one episode, I think the storytelling has really improved. Kudos for listening to feedback and really analyzing what went well and what didn’t in season 1.

The only negative in my view is the return of aspects in the new map. I don’t have a problem using them (unfortunately a guildie has real problems traversing some of the map requiring aspects to be used), but even though I CAN get around I really don’t enjoy leaping taller than a building and running faster than a locomotive. If I wanted that type of movement mechanic I’d be playing one of the many superhero MMOs available.

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


this is the “play as you want” that we hear from anet from time to time. lies..

I really dont like the new daily.

look at what they said last time:

Choose Your Own Daily Achievements

With our new selectable achievement system, you’ll have a chance to set new daily challenges for yourself and to choose what kind of content you want to be rewarded for playing.

Yep, no doubt they are trying to make people move towards PvP and vice versa because it’s easier and cheaper than building new content. Play as they want you to is fast becoming the norm here.

With these changes they’re encouraging a move all right… to another game!

What was the justification for this nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


That is a HUGE nerf….

And what makes me more angry is the TP is still ruining this game….

How come that every single activity in game get nerfed while TP speculation is still rampant and even incentivated and defended by john smith?

Balancing is good, but if you leave speculation as it is, you are literally pushing everyone in it….
And actually this game is not TP Tycoon.

In this way there will be deflation for few players (tp speculators) and inflation for everyone else.

My gold won t keep its value…

Where is the “player driven economy” if you continuosly nerf everything except TP, increase crafting requirements BUT never move a finger against lack of supply (or supply manipulation).

Agreed, this seems to be a U.S. economy sim; The 1% running the economy and the 99% getting crushed under it. I loved this game when it first came out. Now I haven’t played in months and these recent changes are not instilling hope in me.

(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)

What was the justification for this nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


“Boss chests in dungeons are now limited to once a day. Champion loot bags and dungeon tokens from the bosses themselves will not be limited in this way.”

What problem did this fix? Why would you punish somebody (more) for being the fifth in a run to help their guildie fill out a dungeon run that they’ve already done once that reset cycle?

Because some players on this forum and likely in the game take it upon themselves to make it their business how other people play the game or make money. It apparently bothers them if you do it a certain way they do not want you to.

I assume it was, like many other things in this patch, meant to slow down the amount of gold players are making per day.

This game is getting more and more disney land themepark by every update, can’t wait for Arch Age…

Limiting gold income leads to higher gem sales, which is all they kittening care about.

Not true. Less gold earned means less inflation meaning less gold required to buy the items you want. The only people this really hurts are the people who spend significant time using this specific method to get gold.

And god forbid anyone spend some real money on a f2p game.

First, isn’t it funny how your “less gold” theory is blown out the window when you look at the effect these changes have had on dyes. Dye prices have more than quadrupled!

Second, this is NOT a f2p game, it is a b2p game, everyone has already paid $50 on average to be here.

Will prices skyrocket after april 15th patch

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Prices on the most expensive dyes quadrupled. Funny how almost every change ArenaNet makes raises in-game costs. Getting to the point where you need thousands of gold to afford customization choices.

Military Service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I know it’s off topic, but I’d just like to thank you for your service Specter. When I see an enlisted person the first thing I think is “there goes someone putting their life on the line for everyone and everything I hold dear.”

25 SP for a heal skill !!!

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


It’s not an elite, 25sp is ridiculous.

Urgent : My signature is missing. Why?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


This seems like a good place to ask this, I’d like feedback (and maybe a dev answer); I had wanted to use my standard sig here but was worried it would be taken the wrong way. I have always liked the saying “Light travels faster than sound, this is why people can appear bright until you hear them speak”. For me this is directed towards bigoted, racist, and otherwise toxic people, but I was afraid it would come off too negative. What do you think? (and should this be posted as a spereate thread rather than here?)

Glory/rank points from activities bug(?)

in PvP

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Weren’t there recent changes to allow PvP and WvW players to earn PvE xp on their characters in PvP and WvW so they weren’t ‘penalized" for playing their way? Why shouldn’t PvE players earn glory when playing these PvP games?

My dyes have changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I originally started typing up a big post about explanations and reasons and theories, but I think that they’d get in the way of the point I’m trying to make, so I’ll keep it as concise as I can.

What is:
Glow mask areas remove the shiny effect beneath them in the current system.

The armor glow and skin glow are two different systems. The only control currently possible is through the armor dye of that area.

What will be:
Textures: I’ll get the textures to work like they used to. By this, I mean they can go back to darker and have their gradients as much as I can while keeping the glow.

Dye Masks: I will get them to behave more like the old shapes, but you’ll still see some tweaks because of the glow. I see a couple folks mentioning dye masks being removed. This was unintentional and I’ll look into it.

Glow Shape: I can minimize some of the glow layer shape in the texture so it doesn’t affect the broadness of specular as much. You’ll get most of your shiny leaves back.

What I’m working on:
The glow isn’t as rich and saturated as one would predict. This wasn’t touched and is not a part of the texture or dye files, even though the dye shape is now controllable. There may be a way to get this changed on the shader, but it would only affect cultural armor and nightmare court stuff, not any clothing.

The glow can get to be more aligned to the color. If you dye the shape blood red, it will glow like a traffic light. If you dye it dark red, it’ll glow dark red. If you dye it pink, it will glow pink. If you dye it white, it will blow out so bright. …if you dye it black or dark dark dark, it’ll barely glow if at all.

By dying it dark, you can effectively artificially “mostly turn off” the glow. This is the biggest middle ground while still giving the people who love the glow their choice as well.

Thanks everyone for your feedback on this change. I tried my best to explain this system and what I’m working on, but there are technical elements and nuances that are fairly complex to describe. Note that any changes I could make will not get into the game the next build release. But they may get into the build after that. Now back to work for me. :}

Thanks for the info and trying to work with the negative feedback given. It’s just a shock when you have expensive armor you’ve been working to get just right and it gets changed with no advanced notice. Like I said in a previous post, my armor hasn’t been changed yet so I don’t even know if I’ll like the change, but I’ve seen some t3 pics where I didn’t like the change.

The feedback is in no way a negative reflection towards your work. I know for a fact there are several areas of this game I’d absolutely HATE if you hadn’t put your amazing touch on them (sylvari & charr females to name a few), so please keep working on things you feel need work. Just try to give us a heads-up next time it relates to something so near and dear to a lot of player’s hearts.

I’d also like to make a suggestion. For cosmetic changes, if something takes a lot of gold, or money, or time to acquire, you should handle changes in one of two ways;

either make a variant of the item with the changes so there are two looks of the item that players can choose, or
show the original and proposed change and have a vote.

An unannounced change like this usually ends up causing bad feelings even when your intentions were good.

(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Prove that morrolan. How is ANet manipulating the TP?

Manipulation might not be the most appropriate word to use, but Anet controls all prices in the game…I say again…all prices in the game.

I would hope you don’t need a detailed explanation on how.

We as players are just left with the scaps to play with and set the prices. Again…we are only setting prices based on the scaps Anet gives us…should Anet not like the price we set they give or take away scaps and thus “Manipulate” the prices we see in game…Anet has done so many times…

When a developer has nothing better to do (no ideas) then simulate the real world economy…they HAVE to intervene and change prices as they see fit (“whats best for the economy”)…haven’t heard that before…lol…

Actually, Anet can control the “availability” of items. We players control the prices. If I want to sell a Dusk for 100 Gold, Anet’s not stopping me from doing so. On a related note, it wouldn’t be Anet’s fault if another player put in a Dusk Buy Order for 600 Gold. That’s one player’s own personal choice. So then I’ve just made six times as much money as I initially wanted.

Actually there are guilds that grind gold, pool their resources and have certain members manipulate item prices by buying at one price, posting incrementally higher sell prices to create a run on the purchase of an item because people see the value rising then sell off huge amounts at a profit.

If you believe this kind of manipulation is ok, then there’s no argument i can provide that will change your mind.

New Support "Zendesk"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Where did the old NCSoft-support log in go?

Now in order to submit a ticket i also have to put in my real name AND the serial code? REALLY?

I logged into the old support in order to submit a ticket simply with my support-account plus password. That was is it. That’s how it should be.

Tell me this new stuff is just a joke? How much info am i supposed to type in each time – and serial code is an absolute no go.

If there’s no way to reach support the old way, that’s it for me, amazing hoax to make a customer not want to submit a ticket in the first place.

You do not need to input every field. Input what you can provide and the team will do their best to assist you.

As agents, we’re finding the system far more powerful and far more user-friendly. Gone are the days of “create a support account separate from your game account.” Do you realize that some people had multiple game accounts, a forum account, a support account, an NCMA, and a NC Account? This is much, much better.

There are naturally some early bugs and glitches, but overall the transition has been incredibly smooth. I’m sure that with continued use, you’ll come to agree.

The system is secure. We’ve had people comb it backwards and forwards. And if this is operating on a system provided by ZenDeck, the other was provided by RightNow. Neither is a proprietary system but are systems build by a company and customized and secured by us. Both are/were secure.

I definitely like the idea of one account better. In the second paragraph when you talk about all those accounts, you’re talking about me there! Been with you folks since GW1 and those multiple credentials for all your different pages is a PAIN! I won’t miss it!

My dyes have changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I have to agree that the sylvari armor should go back to the way it was and offer a set with the changes as a different set. Maybe have an exchange npc for a limited time so people can choose to exchange their t3 original for the t3 new.

My t2 is not yet affected, and I don’t know if I’ll like or dislike this. What I do know is my t3 female human set cost me over 180g (not including dye) to build; first the cultural rare armor, then a set of exotic (which was much cheaper then), then the rune set. It also cost me 6 perfect transmutation stones. My human female now has the armor look and stats I want. If that got changed on me after spending all that, I’d be a bit upset too.

I trust Kirsten! I love the look of the sylvari which she is mostly responsible for. I love that female charr are real animal warrior goddesses and not kitty girls with cleavage. I don’t love the idea of changing expensive armor without even a warning.

Feedback: Grindy Halloween.

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


He’s nothing like the joker. The joker had no emotional investment in anything he was doing. You’re thinking of scarlet. Scarlet is a bad copy of the joker.

I’m not talking about emotional investment, I’m talking about looks as in that ridiculous face paint.

Halloween Events not as good as Last Year's

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


The main thing that upsets me is we were told that these first year events were setting the framework for ArenaNet so that when events, like this holiday’s, came around again they could concentrate on adding quality content because the framework was already constructed.

Well, this is our second Halloween and it feels very much like a rehash of the first with some very minor additions. Heck they’re not even bothering with the most popular cash items from GW1, the COSTUMES!!!

Maybe I had my expectations set too high being a GW1 vet, but so far this update has been a major letdown for me. I was hoping for a few added holiday quests, at least one additional holiday game (not one taken away), and again holiday related COSTUMES! I would also ask that story NOT be gated behind achievements. I am not saying get rid of achievements, but some of us do not find these ls achievements fun or interesting but we still love the lore and stories that ArenaNet crafts. Why have the story of the Mad King’s son locked behind achievements?

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks the bloody prince looks like a bad copy of the Joker?

Feedback: Grindy Halloween.

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


The main thing that upsets me is we were told that these first year events were setting the framework for ArenaNet so that when events, like this holiday’s, came around again they could concentrate on adding quality content because the framework was already constructed.

Well, this is our second Halloween and it feels very much like a rehash of the first with some very minor additions. Heck they’re not even bothering with the most popular cash items from GW1, the COSTUMES!!!

Maybe I had my expectations set too high being a GW1 vet, but so far this update has been a major letdown for me. I was hoping for a few added holiday quests, at least one additional holiday game (not one taken away), and again holiday related COSTUMES! I would also ask that story NOT be gated behind achievements. I am not saying get rid of achievements, but some of us do not find these ls achievements fun or interesting but we still love the lore and stories that ArenaNet crafts. Why have the story of the Mad King’s son locked behind achievements?

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks the bloody prince looks like a bad copy of the Joker?

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I don’t know if a single thread would be the go. There are more than a few hot-button issues, at least on the WvW side; having a consistent dialogue on each of those would be good, but having a single thread try to encompass them all would be ineffective, I feel.

How about this then? We create a forum thread on the main forum to discuss high level aspects of the game with Colin and I, and meanwhile on this thread people put forward ideas of how to move forward with a process for collaborative development from the forums? Then a method can be picked and we go from there?


And you toot the horn for people to do the same on spvp and wvw forums, I’m guessing, and those threads branch out from there? That sounds like it could work.

Throwing my chips in on the ‘collaborative design’; first things first, we really need to get access to your brains before launch day. This blow-by-blow dialogue we have in these last few pages is pretty solid. There was Josh Foreman talking about SAB W2 as well; that was great. This kind of dialogue really helps to show that there are people with real investment in the game on the other side, and it’s not just us.

I agree, please do understand though that part of the problem really has been a lack of time. We work at a break neck pace and as i have said we need to carve out more time to do that. So the speed at which i am posting now is extremely difficult for most and will be difficult for me to but what i am hoping is we can work to build a communication process that is great for all involved.

There have been many many times i have wanted to post and i would imagine this is the case for the devs to but finding the time to give it the attention it deserves and also getting the courage to do so has been difficult.

This is something i want us to get back to and in answer to the question of why did the communication cadence lower in the first place, it is simply down to how busy everyone has been. You can take it or leave it in terms of believing this but i am telling you it is the truth (-:

I am really excited about rebuilding the communications bridge and this conversation in general.


As an added way to get feedback, would it be possible to add links every now and then to the launcher for optional surveys that we could fill out?

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


This thread is about discussing the post from Chris Whiteside, not the moderation on this forum. Please focus on the topic at hand. Any further posts discussing things not related to the original post will be removed.

One of the things Chris discusses is keeping a civil tongue when discussing things about the game in the forums. I agree that everyone’s feedback should be heard and opposing views can be disagreed with as long as it’s respectful. However, I see a lot of dismissive posts from some people coming to the ’aid" of ArenaNet that stay on the forums.

I don’t want to discuss what ArenaNet moderators should and should not do regarding posts, I’d just like to say civility should be on BOTH sides of a topic. Dismissive posts like “if you don’t like it, don’t play the game.” are just as counterproductive as “this game sucks, I quit.” and neither should be tolerated.

Provide argument on the topic and not the person and we all can help move Guild Wars 2 forward. Even with the changes made to the game that I disagree with, I still believe in ArenaNet and it’s people. You have made the only two MMOs I continuously come back to for the last decade!

P.S. I’d LOVE to see the in-game polls come back to GW2. I think they were helpful in the beta, and I think they can be at least as effective now.

Queen Jennah isn't real

in Lore

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


As much as I would love this to turn out true, I do not have faith enough in the people writing this story to have leveraged such an intriguing and meaningful plot hook.

I wish to be proven wrong but ultimately this level of complexity is beyond the scope of GW2, which is very much just random pulp fantasy at this point, where lore is written to justify adding things to the world in stead of the other way around.

Sadly, I think you’re right.

Best part of LS is the preview

in Living World

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


As far as the week to download, while it may be a bit of an exaggeration, my wife has problems with her download constantly freezing. She has to reboot and restart the download several times. It can take her hours to my minutes. We have the same computers (I built them), the same operating system, and the same (obviously) internet connection. That lead me to assume there was something wrong with the game.dat file, but after several fresh installs, the problem persists. I even did a fresh install of Windows figuring there was a system file acting up, or some program interfering, still no luck. I am now fully convinced that computer science is really an art form.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


1. Account unlock armor and town clothes even if it means increasing their cost a bit.
2. More armor skins please!!!
3. More town clothes please!!! (and please, full sets not single pieces, I’ll mix and match on my own)
4. Probably can’t be done, but more underwear choices!!! The default ones are ugly imo.
5. MOUNTS!!! (even if they’re only cosmetic, and I know this one will cost me some +1’s)
6. More hairstyles.
7. And while we’re at it, more faces, body types, tattoos, etc…
8. More emotes.
9. Since I’ve never seen one in-game, an exotic aqua-breather!
10. 20 slot bags so I don’t have to waste 10-20g on them.

There’s my (top) ten list. I’ll probably think of things I’d want more than half of these, but they’re not coming to mind now.

Cosmetic Mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


The witch’s broom, and the digging tool in a way (underground mount?). I am definitely for cosmetic mounts.

Truth be told, I’d love combat mounts too! With so much grindy content being added for lovers of that other mmo, I’m surprised mounts aren’t already in the game.

(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)

Offensive names in my language

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Well, I’ll be more specific.

I’m Hungarian, and I’m pretty sure that’s not an officialy supported language.

One of the guild tags in question in my language is the other word for donkey with cutting the ‘jack’ part off (all capitals of course).

The character names could be translated to: ‘Bucket full of sheet’ only, not sheet. The other ones I often see runing around are ‘The one who makes love to animals’ and ‘Hunting kitten’ with the other word used for adorable small cats. I found these pretty disturbing and somewhat ruining immersion.

So… my best option is to Ask a Question – detailed description with translation provided? Pretty tedious, but I guess there is no other way.

Well, Gaile just gave you an official answer, and I can guarantee you that if she says it will be investigated, you can take that to the bank.

Random Gold

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Please do not speculate, and post as “fact,” your theories about how things work. That’s really not fair to anyone!

Suffice to say, we monitor what goes on in the game and take action on fraudulent and unacceptable activities, such as gold deliveries from an RMT. And occasionally — more rarely than the forums may lead you to believe — a mistake is made. However, errors are quickly set right with a ticket to the team. After all, we want you to play the game and we want to correct any errors that we make!

But yes, you can trade and go about your business! And know that if something odd does happen, we have agents on duty, 24/7/365, and if that should happen, we’ll get things sorted ASAP!

I definitely have faith in you and the support staff, but it does concern me that you admit that sometimes innocent transfers get flagged. I am constantly shuttling gold to my wife via mail, 5g here, 15g there. I make she spends, it’s been working for us for 25 years! With me doing this frequently and unidirectionally, am I in increased danger of being accidentally flagged as an rmt?

Support will never tell you which amount of money gets you flagged cause that would help the RMT’s. There is nothing wrong bout being flagged as an RMT. The problem arises if you get suspended. As Gaile said that is very rare, but whenever there are humans involved, errors happen. Are you yourself perfect?? do you never make mistakes?

The worst thing that can happen is that you can’t play the game for several hours. If that is so troublesome for you, you should find professional help.

Yeah, I don’t expect them to be perfect, and I didn’t expect Gaile to give me a detailed account on how they flag accounts, I just have a genuine concern because the gold always travels one way. As one helpful poster replied (not verbatim) “when they see the same surnames they’ll probably realize it’s legit”.

As for your last paragraph… ouch??? I hope it wasn’t meant as a dig, but it seemed quite harsh when I read it.

The tax on bank space

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


and that’s if you can actually get Balthazar to open to get you some Obsidian Shards if you don’t have any Frac relics/laurels

Orrian boxes.

True dat! I’m not happy with a lot of the changes, but I’ve opened many of those boxes and I’m glad I finally have something to do with those stupid shards!

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I’m more partial to Korr Porr Eale

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


are you against people that give their characters goofy, corny, ridiculous names in Guild Wars 2?

I personally try to never use goofy names. I try to come up with a lore and backstory for each of my characters and give them a name I think fits their story. That’s just me.

I have absolutely NO problem with whatever choices, methods, or voodoo rituals other people use to come up with their character’s names, Hello!?!? It’s their character!

The goofiest name I ever used was for my GW1 Ele, I named him Slytheren N Fyre (slither in and fire).

The name I got most recognition (bad) for was a female warrior in GW1, her lore was that she had Canthan blood and her great grandmother married a merchant who would travel to a poor coastal village on the Jade sea. Her and her brother were separated at birth because an old dispute with a Luxon tribe threatened their lives. Long story short (too late) I named her Jada Alia Fyre. I constantly got pm’s asking if I named her after the adult movie star… Doh!!!

(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)

How to make $$

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Keep undercutting everything, prices have gotten way out of control, make those speculators lose $$$$$$$$$$$!

Random Gold

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Please do not speculate, and post as “fact,” your theories about how things work. That’s really not fair to anyone!

Suffice to say, we monitor what goes on in the game and take action on fraudulent and unacceptable activities, such as gold deliveries from an RMT. And occasionally — more rarely than the forums may lead you to believe — a mistake is made. However, errors are quickly set right with a ticket to the team. After all, we want you to play the game and we want to correct any errors that we make!

But yes, you can trade and go about your business! And know that if something odd does happen, we have agents on duty, 24/7/365, and if that should happen, we’ll get things sorted ASAP!

I definitely have faith in you and the support staff, but it does concern me that you admit that sometimes innocent transfers get flagged. I am constantly shuttling gold to my wife via mail, 5g here, 15g there. I make she spends, it’s been working for us for 25 years! With me doing this frequently and unidirectionally, am I in increased danger of being accidentally flagged as an rmt?

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I had way too much Karma, that I was running out of things to use it on. Over 7 million from the start of the game until now. And that’s only a fraction of the Karma gains of some players.

I’m glad they reduced the output. With Karma being so easy to get, it made it less desirable to get. Plus, now that there’s no Karma gain from failed events, that gives more incentive to people to actually succeed for the awards.

I say “Good Job” Anet. A well welcomed change.

I have no problem with removing karma reward from failed events, but we all don’t have 7 million karma and the nerf to dailies and monthlies is ridiculous imho.

AKA- I already have an ungodly amount of karma, so don’t let any new players ever be able to have a fraction of the karma they’ll need to obtain things.

No, I don’t have an ungodly amount, and I’m against this nerf. The amount you get from failed events is minimal so I doubt anyone will notice them one way or the other.

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


With the last patch and now this one I find myself playing the forums more and more, and the game less and less. I have been playing Guild Wars since January of 2006. I pre-purchased and played Guild Wars 2 since beta. This MMO was awesome, but these recent changes are taking the game in the WRONG direction!