Showing Posts For Canoas.8423:

Low FPS and nVidia employee response.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canoas.8423


The graphics engine used for GW2 is a modified version of the one they used for GW1. It’s old, and it appears to suffer from code bloat. Anet refuses to admit it. IMHO, this legacy engine demands a higher end system just to run, not because of the use of better specs but because it’s so antiquated it cannot run on low end systems. It uses DX9, not Dx11 like most new mmo’s., etc..

My problem is that there’s absolutely no bottleneck on my system. It’s not using too much CPU and too little GPU like others are saying, it’s simply not maxing anything! My CPU is at 80% at most and my GPU is only at 70%. I still have 1GB of free Vram and 4 GB of free RAM and nothing is being bottlenecked. Why is nothing at 100% like it should be? At least one thing must be always maxed out for the frame rate to be low. If the game is dependent on the CPU then the CPU would be at 100%, if it’s on the GPU then the GPU would be at 100%, but mine aren’t. They’re just not being used.

Low FPS and nVidia employee response.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I got a new PC with an i5 3570k and a gtx760 2GB vram and I can honestly say I only have about 30 FPS on Lion’s Arch but there’s absolutely no bottle neck on my system. The Vram doesn’t pass 1GB, the load on the graphics card doesn’t go over 70% and the CPU stays at 80%. I don’t have any problems with overclocking if it was bottlenecking my system, but nothing is pushed to the max and my fps are still crap! wtf is happening?
I’m really disappointed, I didn’t gain any increase in FPS from my old pc.

how does ascended gear bridge the gap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Two million copies were pre-ordered on the manifesto ArenaNet published stating there would be zero vertical grind.

What exactly is this vertical grind stopping you from enjoying? sPvP? No, there’s different gear for that. WvW? The small stat increase won’t be noticeable at all. PvE? You can do the dungeons without ascended gear.

As far as I understand there’s really nothing this vertical grind is stopping you from enjoying. In the end it’s all pixels, you’re the one who chooses which pixels to grind. Some want to invest time in legendaries, some in achievements, some in slightly better gear.

Share Magic Find Stat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I’ve sat and thought about people using MF gear…and can’t really see the issue if their skill holds up? The arguments that only come down to numbers doesn’t really work for a number of reasons.

Let’s say I swapped my guardian’s exotic knight set for full explorer’s (we’ll leave upgrades out of it for now). I’d lose 315 armor. Is that a huge amount? I normally use a hammer. If I used a knight’s shield , with a trait that I forget the name of, that would become a loss of only 74. Let’s assume a mace in my other hand.

I’ve lost minimal toughness, my damage dealing stats haven’t really changed, and I’m healing people with my mace. Are people really going to notice my lack of 74 armor?

Just one example.

How is it only 74 armor difference? You’d still have 315 more armor had you not changed for MF gear and you were forced to change your skills and weapons. Yes, your damage dealing stats didn’t change, but are you claiming that your damage didn’t change either? you were forced to change your role.

What if everyone did the same? What if each party member changed to a defensive role in order to use MF gear like you are doing? If they did that then you’d barely progress through the instance.

But like I said, maybe the best option is to allow inspect. Pretty much everyone is exotic geared, there’s no gear score like in wow. The only thing inspect would allow us to check is who is being selfish or not.

Share Magic Find Stat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I like the idea of “sharing” your MF stat, but not dividing. If I have 100 MF, I don’t want to only get 20 out of it. I think your party should get a percentage of yours, but you should get your full stat. So that way a critical member of the party might be the “magic find” guy.

That way everyone would want to be the magic find guy and the problem would persist. Someone in the party is sacrificing damage in order to get more loot than the rest. Why does it have to be you who uses the MF gear? Why not someone else?

Share Magic Find Stat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I thought I left an obvious clue.

I asked a rhetorical question. I know what the answer is.

But I have another suggestion. Let us inspect people’s gear instead. This way no one will want to play with someone with MF and those with MF won’t be able to play with each other since they’re too weak to complete the instance.

Share Magic Find Stat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


So you’re willing to get carried by others in order to get better drops? What a privilege!

I’m not telling you how to play, I’m telling you to stop screwing other people over so you can get better gear. Being selfish is not a privilege, it’s a flaw.

Share Magic Find Stat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Since the new loot is influenced by magic find, those who have magic find gear will be the ones benefiting most while actually doing less. This is a huge problem, but easily fixed. Right now MF is a selfish stat, but it can be changed into benefiting the whole group.

Diablo 3 also has magic find and therefore the same problem. What they did (and since removed, don’t know why) was sharing the magic find. So, in a group of 5 if one person has +100% MF and the rest have 0, it would be balanced and everyone would have +20% instead.

I think this would be an interesting fix. This way MF could be valued instead of shunned and groups would actually look for someone with high MF in order to bring that small MF boost to the whole party.

(edited by Canoas.8423)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I have a suggestion that would solve the MF problems.

Diablo 3 also has magic find and therefore the same problem with those who contribute less gain more. What they did (and since removed, don’t know why) was sharing the magic find. So, in a group of 5 if one person has +100% MF and the rest have 0, it would be balanced and everyone would have +20% instead.

I think this would be an interesting fix. This way MF could be valued instead of shunned and groups would actually look for someone with high MF in order to bring that small MF boost to the whole party.

Social solution to Mounts - "Carpooling"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


i honestly fail to see the point..


in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Are you sure you’re using the correct transmutation stone? To transmute with lvl 80 items you need a fine transmutation stone, a normal one won’t work.

Mounts Please Pretty Pretty please with suger on top!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I say: introduce mounts with a slight buff speed (+20% or so) when out of combat.
I also say: Make them cost twice as much as a legendary weapon. That includes gold, karma, skill points, items and time.

That way it’s something reeeeeally special.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


transmutation is not expensive at all. You get 3 transmutation stones every time you complete a map.

Been There, Done That! Remove WvWvW requirements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


This will never happen. The achievements are called achievements for a reason. If you don’t want to achieve them then don’t ask for it to be removed.

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


+1 for linux.
I still don’t understand why the hell is a mac version more important than a linux one.

Compensate players for devasting bugs (i.e. all my gems disappeared for no reason).

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Come on guys, can’t I get a single official response to this?

If you want your bug fixed then you should be posting on the bug forum, not as a suggestion. I very much doubt you’ll get a reply here.

Any European guilds/alliances regretting their choice of server?

in WvW

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Funny thing you didn’t mention the lag..

Guild Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Guild: Passados
Server: Gandara

Two weeks ago I created my guild but as a guild leader I do not have any permissions whatsoever.

I’ve reported this bug three times now and nothing’s been done so far. Seriously, it’s such an easy bug to fix, why is it taking so long?

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Horrible idea. All that would do is create even more snowballing. Right now the longer you have the keep for the higher the upgrades will be and the more siege weapons it will have, so a group of 10 could even stop 30 people.

No repair bills in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


My server usually comes in 2nd place and I never lost money in WvW. I usually get 2 times the money my repairs cost. If you’re dying to the point you’re losing money then you’re doing something wrong. Stop it, that’s what the repairs are for. Instead of whining about it you should change your play style so you don’t die so much.

protip: don’t fight when you’re outnumbered.

Monthly achievement without WvW participation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Don’t do the monthly achievement then. It’s supposed to be an achievement you complete throughout the month, it means nothing if it’s an easier than it is right now.

DD cond build. Power or Precision?

in Thief

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I don’t know, that’s why I asked. However, I was expecting someone to who knows to answer not someone who has no clue. If you don’t know either why would you pretend you do?

Guild Master can Demote themselves? REMOVE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


If you don’t want to demote yourself then don’t do it. There’s no reason to remove the option.

Cyanide pill for the downed state

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


just introduce a cyanide pill item that you can buy and use then. Though it could encourage suicide and someone would end up suing arena net.

Blinding should actually make you 'blind'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Yeah, it would be way too overpowered.

Remove Armor Durability!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Dude, a dungeon gives you like 50s, even if you are fully broken the repair costs 10…

What about if you must repair 7 times? I mean, it happened to me. When you don’t understand the strategy to do to kill a boss, you try again and again… and your armor breaks… and no, you can’t continue naked :P

Then you’ll just have to do the dungeon again to make a profit. It’s your fault you died, not the system’s.

Remove Armor Durability!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


In WvWvW you’ll get money as long as you’re not being useless.

Remove Armor Durability!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Dude, a dungeon gives you like 50s, even if you are fully broken the repair costs 10…
Same thing in WvW as well, capture a supply point, kill a caravan and one guard and you should get enough money to make up for the next 20 deaths.

There’s no problem whatsoever with the armor durability. Actually, I would even raise the durability price a bit, it barely costs anything right now.

Remove WvW from the Monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


if you want the pvp requirement removed then I want the salvaging removed as well.
And since it’s really easy to get the 100k xp (just do one dungeon and you get 175k at the end) why not remove that as well?
Actually, just remove the whole monthly and gives us free loot every month, it’s easier that way.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


It’s rather easy to stop gold sellers from spamming. If you introduce gold seller as a new report “reason” and make it so after 5 reports the account gets muted then it would be easy to prevent it. Maybe they would say it once or twice but that’s about it as no other character would be able to speak in /map even if they transfer servers.

Obviously if a person got muted with fake reports the dudes who reported would get some kind of penalization, just like how anyone can press the fire alarm but if it’s not a real fire you’re going to pay a fine.

DD cond build. Power or Precision?

in Thief

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Dagger storming in shadow refuge give you one of the best combos possible. In a combo if you were inside the field when you used the finisher the combo triggers. the +100% crit chance could work the same way, you got 100% crit for the next ability.

DD cond build. Power or Precision?

in Thief

Posted by: Canoas.8423


So, I’m lvl 80 and I’ve been going for the carrion set (cond, power, vit), but now I’m thinking that maybe I should have be getting some precision and toughness as well (from the whispering karma set, for example).

My traits are currently 25/0/15/0/30. I put points on shadow arts so my heal gets me 2 extra initiative, but I’m probably going to move those 15 points to acrobatics.

Another question, the last critical strikes trait gives a 100% chance to crit while in stealth. Does that mean that a Shadow Refuge + Dagger Storm combo would also have a 100% crit chance? Because that would be reeeeally OP.

On an unrelated note, has anyone tried a venom build? With 30/0/30/10/0 and using 4 venoms you could really turn battles around. Imagine using basilisk on WvW and everyone next to you gets 1 free stun. Not to mention pretty much everyone would get poison, chill and immobilize whenever you used each of those venoms. To me it seems that the utility this build provides for a whole group would vastly overcompensate the fact that you would deal less damage (since you can’t get cond or precision from traits).

Why I am About to Quit my Theif: Opinions Wanted

in Thief

Posted by: Canoas.8423


You probably just suck. I only have 4 pieces of exotic and I can usually last for quite a long time even against 5 enemies, dropping some of them to under 50% health and sometimes even downing them.
You have certainly not tried all builds, and if you did then you just need to try harder and understand how they work.

Race/Sex Changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


You’re already asking for race changes 3 weeks after launch?

At least I am against it. It would cause too many problems with the story lines. Sex change would be Ok but it’s still a rather useless feature.

10 E-mails? Really?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I’m pretty sure there’s a limit so people don’t use the mail as storage. However, I think this is easily fixed by limiting the amount of mails you can store with loot. The e-mails with money or nothing at all should be unlimited.

Why not both!? Hardcore PvE solution = Instances!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Actually, most people do the dungeons because it’s the best way to get gold.
Also, how do you suggest the boss fights to be then? Currently the mechanics certainly do not allow them. There’s no tank and a large group can permanently kite any mob with no problem whatsoever.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


There was a dragon there. There’s no way you would be able to save him. He sacrificed himself so you could escape and keep playing.

My suggestion is related to this part of the story line. It seems to me that there’s hardly anything Tybalt can do to buy any time whatsoever against such a massive horde of risen. My suggestion is that before he leaves you he shows you an explosive vest under his coat or take a bigkitten bomb under his arm. If you’re going to kill him at least let him go out with a bang, or something that could actually buy some time.

Why not both!? Hardcore PvE solution = Instances!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


So you want them to completely change the combat system just for you? Seems likely.

The information about how the end-game would be was available way before the pre-purchase. They stated several times GW2 would not be an MMO where they try to extend the content as much as possible so people keep playing. It’s not about grinding. Imagine they do what you’re asking and make a raid. You complete the raid once, since dungeons don’t drop better gear there would be no reason for you to do it again. So, what would be the point of a raid? None, other than requiring you to form a guild just to run a specific dungeon one time with no bonuses whatsoever.

Raids will not work. The game is designed so people aren’t forced to do raids. You get to 80 and you do whatever you want in the game, there is no grinding. It’s like a single player game: you bought the game and once you reach the end you can do whatever you want.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Not really. I’ve been to WvWvW plenty of times, both when I’m winning and when I’m losing and the repair costs were always compensated. It takes like 20 deaths for an item to be broken, in the meantime you’ll gain enough money from just killing the npcs at a supply camp along with the caravans.

Why not both!? Hardcore PvE solution = Instances!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


So you want Raids that are basically tank and spank?

With a large number of people kitting a boss becomes easy as kitten. Ever done any group event? They don’t get anywhere. The stability stacks drop down like crazy and even if they didn’t he’s slowed all the time. And if you make it immune to crowd control do you know what happens? No one can kill it, as there are no tanks in this game, no one can tank a boss, at most you’ll survive 4 hits.

The combat mechanics do not allow for big raids. The system was designed with only having 5 person instances.

Sample item design through crafting.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Yeah, but not everyone else. So as long as 1 person buys it no one else will need to do it.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


If you complete events/kill npcs or people you’ll get more money than you spend on repairs.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I’m playing a squishy thief and I have no problem. If you’re having problems then you’re not kiting them properly and are just needlessly attracting mobs. Be aware of your surroundings before you start running around.

Sample item design through crafting.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Sorry, but no. There are plenty of “designs” where you can only get in specific places/vendors, like dungeons or with karma. It’s pretty easy to get the best gear, everything after that is just purely cosmetic. Your suggestion would make it stupidly easier to get any cool design whatsoever, instead of having to actually work for it.

Why not both!? Hardcore PvE solution = Instances!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Yeah, but you only had AoE’s now and then and when you really had to move a lot on certain phases it was designed for you not to DPS that much. In GW2 you’re moving ALL the time. There’s no “stay still and DPS” or “stay still and heal”, it’s move move move.

Raids just wouldn’t work unless the tactics are based on spreading around the group.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I never had any problems with it. Even in Orr where the monsters are tightly packed and are all hostile I can still move around and at most I have to kill 5 monsters to get out of combat. If you’re aggroing 20 monsters it’s because you’re running around the place like a madman.

lowering the price for tier 3 cultural armor sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


By doing events at Orr I make around 1g per hour without counting the gathering materials.
However, those T3 are just as good as crafted exotics, if not worse since you can’t really pick your stats. The only reason for anyone to want T3 would be for the looks, but at least I don’t really like them.

Why not both!? Hardcore PvE solution = Instances!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


GW won’t work with raids. At least 10+ men raids will be impossible to coordinate due to the nature of the combat system. In WoW raids were closer to the RTS genre than RPG, you were mostly static and only moved for certain “events” during the battle. In GW2 you’re constantly moving, it would be too chaotic to allow for anything other than a Tank & Spank fight. If you want a PvE endgame like WoW’s it needs to be something similar to WvW where you have several objectives so you could spread around your 20 man group.

With that said, there is no end-game in GW2. When you reach lvl 80 you are free to do whatever you want, be it instances, pvp or WvW. You are not required to do any of these for gear, you only need to do what you enjoy. This is what the devs have in mind, so I doubt they will change it.

Serious tweak to DE scaling is really needed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I think they should scale the number of mobs spawned and the health as well. Right now a big pack of mobs goes down in a second, it’s not challenging at all.

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Another thing I’d like to suggest is to let us make the keybind changes specific to certain characters. For example, on my thief I changed F1 to Q since I use it quite often. However, on my elementalist I don’t need the F1 in Q, and would rather have Q bound to something else. The problem is that the binds affect the account, not the individual character, so this is not possible.