NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
In the current meta, the only classes that will never be asked for are rev, thief, and engi. Engi and thief definitely are viable in the DPS role, but don’t specifically bring anything unique to the table. Anet has said they are taking a look at engi’s role in pve. Necro and guardian are not “core”, but come in handy for some of the fights. Guardian specifically is useful in some of the new raid fights.
I suggest that everyone who raids should have access to at least one of the core classes: ranger, ele, mesmer, warrior. Once you have that down, you can work on your niche picks and try bringing them in. If you develop a network of friends and guildies who you raid with, and show them your skill, you’re more likely to be able to bring off-meta picks more often. At the end of the day, anyone who is only able to play one class will be looked down upon due to the limitations you put on your group’s comp. Flexibility is key. I was a hard mesmer main before raids, but now I play 6 classes in order to be flexible. If you are stubborn about only wanting to play one certain class, and that class is not a viable one in the current meta, it says more about your personality than the game design.
And of course we’re all waiting for “make rev great again”. It just doesn’t have a place in the current meta due to the nature of buff sharing and how many other support classes are required in the mirror comp. If we see something like an increase in number of targets per ability, I’m sure rev will be viable.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Is there any reason this cap is as low as it is? Placing somewhere around 20 decorations in even a moderately sized area hits the cap. I hit this cap in almost every structure I build, every room I decorate, etc. I understand that you don’t want people clogging up the screen with 100 decorations in a small area, but I’m sure you could comfortably triple the current local limit without any problems. It really is very restrictive!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Serious question here, as I’ve not looked at my settings in … years now, but was there ever or is there currently an option to toggle mouse-look mode?
Something along the lines of: “press [KEY] to make the mouse act as if right-click is always depressed.”
I could see that being really useful for people who find it difficult to adapt or have health issues that make holding down mouse buttons a pain. Likewise this could be a nice way for the OP to slowly break into things without feeling trapped one way or the other.
(Or we could finally get proper controller support, not like that’ll ever happen~)
Yes, there is a mode called “action camera”, where you move the camera simply by moving the mouse, the cursor is locked in the middle of the screen, and all skills you cast will cast on your cursor. You can set a custom hotkey to toggle this mode on and off. Unfortunately though, this prevents skill clicking, as your cursor is locked in the middle of your screen. You could use the hotkey to toggle it off whenever you want to click a skill, but then you might as well just keybind your skills directly.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
You can definitely be “average” doing that. “Average” in GW2 is quite a low standard. You’ll probably die in all the expansion zones, and you won’t be able to do high level fractals or raids, but if you just want to do map exploration, world bosses and personal story, keyboard turn, mouse click, spam 1, faceroll, do whatever your average mind can conceive.
Also don’t forget to turn on “melee attack assist” and “autotarget” options.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Isn’t there already one of these in the gem store? I’m pretty sure that’s what it does, although it might also destroy the armor while it’s at it. Been a while since I looked in the shop.
The upgrade extractor in gem store is one time use only. And it costs way too much for consumable item. 250gem for 1 extractor which is around 65gold is not justifiable.
It’s actually 25 uses for 300 gems, which is less than 10g per use.
You’re thinking about the Black Lion Salvage kit, which destroys your armour. The “upgrade extractor” is an actual (way overpriced) item which is a one-time use to remove a rune/sigil from a piece of gear, without destroying the gear.
+1000000 to get an unlimited version in the gem store. Anet please! <3
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
The boss Operative Belka in this path does not become hostile. Bug has been around at least a few weeks, with google pulling up reports from as far back as 2014.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I use the option to put chat in the top-left of my screen, so my party/squad panel is in the bottom-left. With the new extended squad UI, some of the options for me as a commander are cut off. I don’t have a leave squad button, the “view as a grid” option, the dropdown menu to change who can join, or the ability to change the tag colour. I’m running 1080p resolution.
Squad UI in bottom-left: http://puu.sh/roNzo/4cf487ffcb.jpg
Squad UI in top-left: https://puu.sh/roOYS/b78d8cf100.png
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
As it stands, the only way to upgrade “Walmart” siege is by mystic forging 1 blue print at a time. This is quite tedious and very time consuming – is there any way we can get a dev to consider adding blueprints to a crafting profession (like scribe, for example) so that we can expedite this process?
Thoughts? To me, it’d be as easy as what they did with the essences of luck and artificer a bit ago.
Upgrading also uses Siege Masters Guide, which is a Mystic Forge Material and costs Spirit Shards. Maybe ask for a bulk MF recipe instead.
Augur’s Stones cost spirit shards, and are crafting materials, so I don’t see a problem with this. I think it would be a great use of scribing, and hope to see the OP’s idea implemented with the upcoming scribing changes.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Why is http://help.guildwars2.com not a secured (https) site, yet https://guildwars2.com, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu, and https://account.arena.net all are? This makes me a little uneasy, especially when I am giving full personal information including my full name, address, date of birth, payment method, email, account name, and GW2 serial code.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I’m glad we got some real discussion going. From my observations, people tend to experience patterns of similar drops. Coincidence? Maybe. But I know where my “luck” is, and I milk that.
Over 4k hours and never a precursor, BUT I get an ascended box from daily fractals on average once every 3 days. I’ve heard guildies say they went 30+ days without seeing an ascended box. So at least I’ve recognized how the flawed system can be manipulated in my favour. Just random chance you say? That’s fine, I’m going to keep farming fractals every day and keep getting my ascended boxes reliably, and you can label it with whatever statistical lingo you want. The results are there in front of me.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I understand and accept the claims of biases and memory flaws. I’m proposing that given we have a large community with years of data perceived, perhaps we can identify patterns and trends and use this empirical evidence to come to some sort of conclusion, rather than dismissing these claims with the usual statements such as the ones above. We have no proof that accounts can be lucky, you say, aside from anecdotal evidence. Well, we also have no proof that accounts can’t be lucky.
Again, I understand and accept the flaws of the human brain, but I propose that we look past those flaws, and look at the actual evidence at hand. Perhaps there is more at work than just “RNG”.
How can you guys accept that over 1000’s of hours and 100’s of exotic drops (using precursors as an example), the results vary so much. How can some people reliably get upwards of 20+ precursors in the time that others get none? You can’t call that variance, over 1000’s of hours and 100’s of drops. That is quite a large sample size. And even going farther than that, most “lucky” people have gotten more drops than “unlucky” players who have played 10x longer.
Whether or not you want to face the truth of it, your lucky friend is going to continuously be lucky. He’ll keep on getting the better drops, and you’ll keep using “random chance” to explain it, even though you can predict reliably that it’s going to happen. The odds of one person winning a coin flip 100 times in a row (starting from the first flip) are astronomical, so how is it that we see that happen so often? Perhaps with a pool of 10,000 people, you could say I only notice the outliers. However in my small circle of 30 people in my guild, why are the outcomes of these drops so kitten predictable?
I feel like so many people have been trained to just spit out the same answers that they take as fact, and don’t consider the fact that perhaps the drop system is flawed. Why can’t you even consider that? Do you really think ANet is so incapable of making a flawed system, that you ignore the evidence in front of you?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
So we’ve all heard the “my friend has better RNG than me stories”, and most of us know that computers cannot actually create random numbers, and there must be a ‘random seed’ based off something. And if we put 2 and 2 together, it looks like some accounts have better RNG due to some sort of innate calculation tied to their account.
So the question is this: are we just wearing tinfoil hats, and the fact that my friend with 900 hours in the game has 4 precursors and 2 unlimited bank access contracts. compared to my zero anything over 4.5k hours, is just to be chalked up to RNG? I get that. But how many people can relate to this story? Yes, we all know about biases. But how long are we going to say things like “random is random” (which we know it isn’t), and “your sample size is low” (which by this time, is not), and “you’re not factoring in other variables” (which we are)?
When are we going to actually look at “lucky” accounts (and I use quotes there because we know computers can’t generate random numbers)? Can we start talking about things like “is it right”, and “how can we level out this uneven distribution of wealth through drops?” When can we stop insulting each others’ intelligence, and address the issue at hand?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Edit – Found a group, but always willing to fill in if someone needs a +1. Feel free to add me in game as a sub.
I’m looking for a strong group of players to play with for the dual purpose of reliable weekly raid clears and progress on new raid wings. I’m willing to participate in other guild activities such as daily fractals and guild missions, but my main purpose is to be a solid raider. I only plan on repping when running with your guild, as I have a casual main guild that I rep most of the time.
I’ve cleared all of Spirit Vale, with multiple kills on each boss and I’m basically eternal. I have 5 fully geared and raid-ready toons. My main is Mesmer (over 4k hours played), and can fill any Mesmer role (DPS/utility, tank, perma quickness, etc). I also have good raiding experience on Herald, condi Reaper, and staff Tempest, and have PS War available if needed.
I play off and on throughout the day from afternoon until around 2am EST. Because of this, I’m very flexible for raids at different times, and am always willing to help fill out experienced raid groups. I am willing to dedicate myself to raiding on specific nights, however I would prefer a guild that actively raids all week long with possible in-guild pick-up groups, rather than just 1 or 2 nights and then I never hear from you again.
I have a working mic, and am very active on voice chat. I’m a long-term GW2 player with over 20k AP and experience in all game modes. I just want to be clear though that I’m not looking for a guild that is still working on learning or making progress on Spirit Vale. I prefer to be one of the weaker players on the team, as it gives me the most opportunity for self improvement. I am capable of teaching others, however that’s what I do in my main guild, and I’m not looking for another guild to do that in. I want to push my limit and be more flexible on different classes, and I can’t do that when half my group is still learning how to kill a boss.
Please feel free to mail me in game if you are interested in adding me to your raiding roster.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
So I was trying the Durmand Priory void jump, and the map-out I used to use (near cascade bridge wp) seems to have been fixed. You get teleported to the waypoint when you relog, instead of under the map. Why Anet, whyyyyy?
Does anyone have another way to get up there? Or what are some other good high points? Drydock scratch is nice. About Goemm’s lab, doesn’t it teleport you if you fall too far?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
+1 just for the main-hand pistol. However I’d like to see some kind of “shatter overload”, rather than a new F5.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I appreciate the effort you put into this, and while it may be a great idea thematically, I stopped when I read the “scepter offhand” part. Mesmer already has too many offhands, and is in dire need of a main hand ranged power-base weapon (pistol) in order to round out the class. Just adding this as an option would open up a plethora of possible builds, where a power mesmer would otherwise be forced to use sword in both sets (all melee), or a greatsword (not able to use 2 offhands). Considering how many power-based offhands mesmer has, a ranged power main hand would fit perfectly. Consider this when you make your next idea.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Still relevant. Would love to see this implemented. Sorry for the necro, but perhaps it’s better than making a new thread?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Sounds like you’d fit perfectly into Phoenix Battalion [PB]. Send Thiefanator a PM.
Disclaimer: I’m not in PB. Just an NSP server admin
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I consider myself a strong raider, and I have 5 classes geared for raiding. I however have never been part of a strong raiding group, and most of my experience has been with a casual guild or with pugs. I’ve never killed Sabetha before, but I clear VG and Gors every week. I know I definitely have what it takes to fit into your group, but due to this, I don’t have the experience that I think you deserve in a raider. How might I be able to fit into your group? Do you do non-progression runs where you end up filling in a few spots, and might I be able to raid along with you guys for such a run? I’d just really like to get a few sab kills under my belt to overcome the “eternal or bust” mentality that most strong raiding groups have. I’m definitely not saying “hey guys, please carry me through eternal”. I definitely pull my own weight, and given the chance, I will prove so. It just gets very disheartening when any group I’m “allowed” in wipes around me before I even have a chance to fail. I very much desire to push myself and see what I’m actually capable of, and I need a group of people I can do that with.
Feel free to PM me in-game on this account. Thanks!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
RIP my “nearly completed” list
16/18 forever.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I’m really glad it was an option rather than a change. I don’t want my “compact” button moved anywhere! I habitually deposit all collectibles and then compact 100’s of times a day.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I’ve often found myself frequently switching between 2 or 3 decorations, and swapping between them can be quite time consuming. It would be nice if the 7, 8, and 9 skills gave you the option to switch to a different decoration of your choice instantly. That way, we could work with 4 decorations on hand at once, instead of having to pull up the decoration window every time (and waiting for it to load).
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
When you use the decoration removal skills (3, 4 and 5 while decorating), decorations that will be affected are not highlighted if you have post processing disabled.
I originally thought the feature was removed, but found out my graphics settings were affecting it. Probably shouldn’t be tied to post processing though.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
The time zones you listed are backwards. 10pm PST is 1am EST, not the other way around.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
This new aegis providing Well of Precognition is going to make it completely unused. I don’t think that’s where ANet or the community want ANY skill to be. Please reconsider your change! 3 seconds of Aegis on a 45 second cooldown is absolute garbage.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I have no idea why they added trash like that. Completely pointless…
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Need I remind you that the Queen Bee thing was something like 14k gold when it first came out? Chak Gerent has only been commonly killable for about a month I think. Give it time….
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
The next Mesmer elite spec really needs a mainhand pistol to round out the build possibilities. Atm they don’t have any 1-handed ranged power options, and it would help out people that want to use 2 different offhands (say sword and pistol) but are then forced to either go mainhand sword on both sets (so no range at all), or scepter on one set (condi weapon for a power build). Not good situations. A mainhand pistol (or ranged mace) would fill this gap and allow for power/phantasm builds that don’t use GS.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Still bugged, no credit.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Use the LFG tool and http://gw2.ninja/timer to get into HoT map events.
The AB meta needs to be completed 100 times for an achievement, and the TD meta is farmed for Chak Eggs (for a weapon collection). VB is also done frequently for the Bladed Armour pieces. DS is also done frequently because it’s a unique source of quite a few stat combinations and Cryst Ore. All in all, the HoT map events won’t be dying out any time soon.
As for running a mes in HoT, I’ve been using full zerk Chrono with Blink, Time Warp, and some wells. Well of precognition has taken my decoy slot, and well of recall allows for more frequent casting of spells. All in all great for world/group events. If you’re just roaming around or opening chests, consider taking the older skills like decoy, mass invis, and mantra of resolve. I’ve dropped the mantra from my solo build though, for the inspiration trait line for condi cleanse on shatter. Defensive skills/traits are a definite must in HoT for sure, especially when you are fighting things like Chak that hit hard but have low hp. And you’ll want to be running zerk/assassin for the damage output.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Ross, I think you’re on the right track with this build. Some points are debatable, like Torch with no PU, and torch not being that strong right now. But I guess there aren’t very many alternatives, and you need some kind of condi clear. I agree with your stance on staff completely. The first time I played a condi mes, I was using Mantra of Distraction, so I like the idea of an interrupt-based condi build. Also, what’s your opinion on using Trailblazer stats over Dire?
I’ve always historically liked ineptitude a lot, but one must consider: 1 stack of confusion and a blind on a 10 sec cooldown…is that really worth it?
It’s really hard to build a decent condi mesmer build since the effects we want are all spread out through too many different traits/trait lines. A lot of the good traits for these types of builds apply a weak amount of conditions, or provide only a slight defensive boost. There aren’t really any strong trait lines that stick out as 100% necessary – a fact that simultaneously allows for a large variety of condi builds, but also decreases the potency and effectiveness of the condi mes.
When theorycrafting, I generally end up in a situation where I’m missing key elements of the build. Either I don’t have enough sources of clones, enough condi removal, or enough condition application.
Just an example: I generally like a strong source of condi clear, but you can’t fit that into this build without either using inspiration, or torch without PU (which is weak). If you put in Mantra of Resolve, then the whole interrupt focus isn’t getting enough activators. That problem could be solved though with Mantra of Distraction taking the defensive slot of decoy, and then also using Resolve. And I believe that’s something you’ve discussed already. So yeah, you’re definitely on the right track. It just gets quite difficult when theorycrafting condi mes.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
along this line, it’s also possible for a mesmer to cross that radiation field in the Thaumanova reactor fractal without portal.
the trick is to use CS to get an extra mimic:
then with a bit of running you’re there.
Except that CS returns you to your original location, so it does nothing with blink in terms of gaining distance.
I haven’t played with mimic enough to know how it interacts with CS though. You may be able to do:
Maybe that’s what you meant?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Seeing as it was quite simply a balance oversight when they didn’t take into account the decreased potency of burning, I doubt we’ll see a rebalance for a long time. ANet tends not to notice things like this, since it wasn’t the design function of the skill itself that was flawed, but rather how it interacts with the newer condition system.
For us it’s obvious: this skill does near nothing. But ANet will take a looooong time to realize this, since in their mind they balanced it well. If it’s not game breaking, a balance issue will be overlooked for years at a time in some cases. It hurts
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I think a big thing to consider when choosing your runes/skills is the positioning and awareness of your allies. A lot of people like to recommend a setup that gets you “just enough” quickness and alacrity to technically keep it up 100% of the time. What they are not taking into account is human error. First off, your (or your tank’s) positioning might be off, or your group may be moving, which means that you’re going to be missing some of your perfect rotations.
Second, unless you are in a hardcore raiding guild/group where everyone is perfectly experienced, not everyone is going to be taking the best advantage of your buffs. I know it’s a stretch to compare this to public world events, but just as an extreme example, people rarely stand in my wells/TW during these events. While your private raiding group will likely be more coordinated, it’s still worth noting that not everyone is always considering all allies’ skills, and may end up missing some of your buffs.
For these reasons, I think running an excess of buffs can be warranted. I run chrono runes with SoI, and Wells of Action/Recall to make sure I’m spreading as many buffs as possible. Even if at times they overflow, it makes up for times that I miss a rotation, or allies move out of my wells. I agree that in a perfect world with a perfect min/max team, you would want just enough buffs to hit 100% uptime. However, most of us are not in perfect groups, and as this is a public forum that a lot of less experienced players will be consulting, I think my points are worth considering.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I concur. Bugged for me as well.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Thanks guys, I didn’t know that’s how it worked. Guess that explains why it ends early some times.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
So apparently it is an action cam problem. I’ve had it happen in other parts of the world and even once or twice on the snowflake part of the jp. But it seems to trigger quite reliably in the wintersday jp once I approach the campfire area, and only persists while action cam is on.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Not sure if all enemies do this, but I just noticed it with the bioluminescent lurkers in the silverwastes maze. I was using F5 on my mesmer to recharge my stealth skills, and repeatedly getting killed by the dogs. It was because even though I was stealthed, they were attacking my continuum rift and killing me with the cleave.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Anywhere from the campfire checkpoint up to the end with the rolling snowballs, I’m getting massive FPS drops to the point where my character is just walking off the edge. Only happens in this jp, and only at that specific area. May or may not be related to action cam…
Started for me last night, continued this afternoon.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Sounds logical and useful to me.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
So I had a dream about an awesome new open world boss released in an upcoming expansion, and I thought I’d share it with you.
It’s a 2-part fight. One group of players (“boss team”) is fighting a huge enemy, very large and tall. It can be whatever needs to fit into the lore (a giant, a demon, w/e). Think Marionette-scale. The boss walks around casting spells, stomping the ground, etc. He does boss things, whatever needs to fit the lore. And he has a break bar. Now this is where it gets interesting. During his “standard phase”, the HP and Break bars can never be more than 20% (of max) away from each other, otherwise the boss will not be damaged/broken (depending on which is lower). The boss team dodges his attacks and does damage during the entirety of this phase.
Now onto the “break team”. The break bar will use a special mechanic, and cannot be broken by conventional cc. Near the boss arena is a mountain with a staircase going up it, leading to a massive floating ring-shaped platform (above and off to the side of the boss). The idea is that the ring is situated underneath a fractured leyline or something of the like, and the fracture is spewing out energy. The boss has created a vortex of sorts underneath the ring to gather the energy. Break team’s goal is to use special hand-held energy collectors to catch the energy as it passes through the ring (before it hits the vortex), use Asuran tech to reverse the polarity of the energy, and then throw this new negative energy into the vortex. Any normal energy entering the vortex regens the boss’s break bar a bit, and any negative energy damages it.
Periodically, an octopus-like mini-boss will come out of the vortex and latch its tentacles onto the ring. The creature will block any incoming negative energy. All the tentacles must be individually destroyed to force the creature back into the vortex, and to resume the standard breaking phase. Also, another mini-boss that can come out of the vortex is a rampaging champion that charges around the ring in one direction, knocking players off the ring. He has a break bar that must be broken by throwing negative energy at him, at which point he enters a vulnerable state and the break team can dps him down. The break team also needs to deal with random spawns of trash mobs that will try and knock them off.
Once the boss reaches 20% HP, he cannot be damaged any further until the break bar is completely broken. When broken, he enters a vulnerable state and a true burn phase begins, lasting 20-30 seconds. After the burn phase, the boss resumes his attacks while slowly regening his break bar. The difference here is that the bar can no longer be broken by the break team, and will only regen. Break team’s job here is just to catch the energy to prevent the bar from regening faster. Failure mechanic: if the bar fully regens, the boss enters a healing phase where he draws energy from the vortex to slowly heal himself. This continues until the HP and break bars are within 20% of each other again, and then the standard phase resumes.
Total event failure can be on a timer or whatever fits the lore. Also I didn’t go into advanced detail about the boss’s actual attacks, or how the boss team damages the boss. I’ll leave that up to you guys to discuss!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
You could probably also do the trick that people do with linen: buy 4 pieces of gear from a karma vendor and forge them, then salvage the result.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I’m still experiencing this bug (win 10, 32 bit client).
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Windows 10, 32 bit client.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Still broken.
May be an issue with Peer Review when someone in the party has not completed the story on the character they are using. I was able to do it solo though on my main.
Easy to overlook that you need to talk to Beigarth before you can rez the others. Missed that part both solo and with my group…
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
Same for me. Additionally I have not received the awards for killing the Tarnished Traitor, nor any of the champions at the outposts. Haven’t gotten the drop from mining with exalted gathering either. In fact, all I have been given credit for is earning silver on the adventure…
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Bad luck. I am still getting them.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I have to say I really like the idea of the Sinister scepter for that mixed damage. I’m not so sure about speccing so heavily in torment though. I think you thought process is that confusion isn’t as reliable enough of a source of damage, so you wanted something better. I agree with that thought process, but I think Alpha might be onto something with speccing into bleed instead.
I don’t like the MoP. I don’t think Mesmer should be putting so much time into trying to heal, when druids do it so much better.
My perspective is coming from only having fought the Vale guardian, so I do have a few concerns in that department. First, I like to have blink to manage both the green circle as well as the teleports. Additionally, I’ve been running the well that provides Blur to mitigate the seeker damage. I almost felt that I had to run GS/Focus for the knockback, but if the other players can manage moving the seekers, I do think I’d like a set like Sc/Sh + Sc/P. That being said, this thread has kinda convinced me to stick with focus for now.
Personally, being a WvW player, I run sigil of energy on everything. I do understand the necessity for damaging sigils in the raid though. Any tips for overcoming my reliance on energy?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
I’m far from an elite player and I find the content both challenging and fun. I’m tired of steamrolling through all content and having “spam 1” as a viable playstyle. HoT is very refreshing and exciting.
As for champ hero points, I do believe that hero points should be soloable, and having a champ that does 30k damage attacks regularly is just “artificial difficulty”. That being said, there are frequent map callouts and large groups to help with champ hero points, including many champ hero point trains that people run. However once HoT maps start to empty out, these things may be harder to find.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org