Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Hello Anet
I bought one of these endless batwing brews for the sole purpose of using in this nightfury recipe, unfortunately as I was using it in the mystic forge to try to find out the recipe I accidentally double clicked it and opened it rather than dropping it into the forge. From what I’ve heard and opened Endless Batwing Brew cannot be used in the nightfury recipe, if that is the case could you please help me get it back into an unopened state. If you could it would be much appreciated, if not I can understand you guys are busy with the recent HoT release and my case is very niche. In any case thanks for listening and have a nice day.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
HoT problem is it a PR or pricing issue
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284
PR issue:
1) New players getting a better deal than the current player base.
This one seems like it could’ve been solved by giving all players who pre-purchased 2 keys, one for the base game (which could then be used as a separate account or given to a friend), and one for the expansion.
Pricing Issue:
A value comparison of the base game to the expansion is bad it shows that while the BASE GAME has
28 PvE maps
5 WvW maps
2 PvP modes (team deathmatch and point capture)
8 (9 if you count fractals) dungeons with 25 paths (39 if you could each fractal as a path [this does not include the starting zone in fractals])
5 Trait lines per class
8 Crafting Professions
3 PvE maps (counting verdant brink as 3 maps giving them the benefit of the doubt)
0 WvW maps (the new borderlands maps are replacing the old ones so I don’t see how they can include that in the expansion)
1 PvP mode
0 Dungeons (at least that we know of so far)
1 New trait line per class
2 New guild halls
1 New crafting profession
This all being said I was planning on buying the expansion and still am, I have more than got my moneys worth out of the game, but with the current outrage of so much of the GW2 community I can’t bring myself to buy this expansion knowing that Anet might cave and offer a better deal to the community. I’d rather hold out for a better deal if its available.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
So with the grandmaster trait in explosives (siege rounds), when you use the Orbit strike, the tool belt skill for mortar it fires off a second orbital strike one second after the first one hits. This tactic can be combined with a grandmaster trait from the tools trait line called kinetic charge, with this trait after dodging an enemy attack your next tool belt skill is instantly recharged (it has a 20 seconds internal cool down on this trait so its not like you can fire these off indefinitely). This makes it seem to mean that if you dodge an attack you can then use 4 orbital strikes in 2.5 seconds, with their current damage numbers (we don’t know the scaling but did see the base numbers) this would be about the same as getting hit with 4 BoB and 4 regular bombs over 2.5 seconds.
TL;DR 4 orbital strikes in 2.5 seconds.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I can see reasons for a followers list especially dungeons (fractals 50) if you are doing harder content (not that dungeons are difficult) you want people who play well to make the experience go more smoothly. So I could see people adding one another for those types of things without actually taking to them other than to ask if they wanted a fill slot in a dungeon run…Sorry feeding the troll I guess.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I must admit, I was a bit annoyed when I saw that the tormented weapons were dropping down to the price of 1 ticket with 3 such weapons sitting in my bank (or on the TP) it will take several months for those investments to reach the price I had them set at for selling. I thought this was more annoying when I thought of things like the dream thistle and Aether weapons which were more in need of the re-release based on their current prices.
Then I ended up taking you 10 (13) question quiz celebrating the 10th anniversary of this series, and I must say your 11th question got me. This question reminded me of all the good times I’ve had playing your games, but more than that it reminded me of all the great people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made. I’ve been playing the Guild Wars series of games since about factions release (so 9ish years) and in this time I joined a guild called Can’t Stand Idiots [CSI] it was a noob friendly guild (also even though it was a noob friendly guild I would bet about 1/2 the member left GW1 with 50/50 HoM points) with people of all ages from retirees to kids in high school (I would guess the average age was somewhere in the 30s though). with this guild we ended up branching out into many different games and genres FPS (L4D), MOBA (LoL), RTS (Warhammer 40k), Dark Souls (RPG), and many more. The friendship and support I have been able to experience with this group of friends has been truly amazing. For enabling these relationships, Thank You Anet, and Congratulations on your 10th anniversary.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
ty for the responses it worked in pve fine.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I can’t use the Recipe: Ogre Sharpening Stone on my warrior that has rank 500 in weaponsmith, double clicking it doesn’t work and when I right click it the only option I get is to delete it as shown in the picture below.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Yay! lets make it so nobody will let rangers into dungeon groups anymore!
Flashbacks to DDO. Awesome memories…
ah was your first character a deepwood sniper too?
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Will the jeweler and chef crafting professions finally advance to the 500 level during this expansion, and if so will the recipes for new legendaries includes gifts that require 500 in a crafting profession?
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ah thank you for the feedback
I imagine for the scorched earth, and Never surrender they would need preset conditions and cooldowns, for example scorched earth can only be used when outer gate or walls are at 60% or lower with a 10 min cooldown. Never Surrender can only be used when Inner gate/walls are below 10%?
“Never ever. First, we don’t need any more mobile siege other than golems. Second, and this is a biggie, we do not need something that can be build off-site, transported to an objective, and used to completely bypass the walls… and possibly not set off swords if used in the right place.”
Hmm I thought for this one it would be good as with the golem at half speed moving so incredibly slow that most objective using this tactic would actually slow down the normal objective capturing speed, and with the golem being unable to traverse the Sharpened Stakes there is no way a siege tower could.
I like your idea with changing the disease to be a traited ballista thing though because right now they just feel so useless in most situations.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
one day people will realize that this game, and all online games, are played by people around the world. but until then we will see more of these selfish posts over and over again.
I don’t believe OP is completely selfish. I think what they are trying to get at is yes usually there are less people on during the oceanic prime time, so each of those people is worth proportionally more in comparison to ppt because it may take 70~ people to take a keep in NA prime time, while oceanic may only take 10~ people to take the same keep in similar time, with equivalent (in function) defenses. So it could be said with this example (not sure how closely it resembles the truth) that each oceanic primetime person’s contribution was worth 7 times that of the NA prime time person.
Idk I don’t think halving the AM ppt would be right, maybe something with total points available being dependent on the total number of players currently in wvw, and have the score constantly ticking rather than every 13 mins or whatever (otherwise I could see losing servers all dropping out of wvw a few seconds before the other team scores…).
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Here’s some ideas I had feel free to share your own.
1) Sharpened Stakes – Form a defensive line beyond the outer wall of your keep mounding up soil and hammering sharpened stakes creating a two fold obstacle. This forces the enemy sieging your keep to clump together more once they get over the barrier, while at the same time making it near impossible terrain for golems to cross. (ex. the ones used around the fort here
2) Scorched Earth – Set the area between the outer wall and the Sharpened Stake wall on fire, using a percentage of current supply but burning all targets in the area for 2 seconds for every one second they stay in that area. The fire lasts 60 seconds doing 7% damage (of total health) to any siege located within its area of effect every two seconds.
3) Never Surrender – Burn all remaining supply in the keep, but this comes with some consequences? (all gates are opened?)
New Siege
1) Siege Tower – Must be pushed by a golem to move, while golem is pushing the siege tower it moves at 50% speed. This siege structure cannot move up stairs or through broken down gates. If moved next to a wall or close enough, allows players to climb onto the enemy’s walls (or if close enough make a jump for it)
2) Repeating crossbow – used for spreading a unique condition Disease, when someone is diseased and stands within melee range of another target (enemy or friend) they also become diseased, if they are already diseased it just refreshes the condition duration (pets cannot become diseased…because they can’t be controlled perfectly and they’re stupid)
New Mechanic
Whenever the outer wall of a keep is breached the enemy can move to the supply depot and decide whether to take 25% of that keeps supply to use, or to burn 33% of it so the enemy has less to use.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
1) are you in NA or EU because the servers are different depending on your area, I know for NA one of the biggest servers was always Blackgate…if that’s what you’re looking for
2) each class is strong in a different game mode…except for necromancers don’t be a necromancers they always get the short end of the stick. For PvP most matches are point capture so a more defensive build is usually used, but here are builds for each area of the game http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki.
3) You cant ever change your class but changing your build is very easy once you unlock all the traits from either doing certain events or buying them with gold and skill points, neither of which is too difficult.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
Wait this has never happened before in a mmo…sorry one minute just let me forget that whole section in World of Warcraft with the Forsaken, you know the group of undead that breaks away from their master who is trying to conquer/destroy their world. The Forsaken have to deal with distrust and people believing their whole race is evil. They don’t sound at all like the sylvari’s relationship to the world and Mordremoth at all completely unique I don’t know what I was thinking…http://www.wowwiki.com/Forsaken
Technically wasn’t an MMO, just the plot through Warcraft before it became WoW. =P
And the Forsaken are evil. #WrathgateWeWillNotForget
“Few good Forsaken exist, but many evil ones do, and their leadership is definitely up to nefarious ends.” From the same article. 1) Both groups break away from their masters who are considered some of the greatest threats to their planet before the game starts. 2) Both groups are looked upon with distrust by the other inhabitants of their planet. 3) Both groups resemble a human form but have something monstrous about them. In at least general terms this smacks of copy pasting storywise.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Before Sylvari players rage, let me say that I am kidding
But then again when I think about it is somewhat epic. Something that did not happen in any MMO.
One group of players , one race would be banished from rest of community. They will feel anger, loneliness, hate. People will kick then from party and guilds. Then Anet should enable open world PvP towards sylvari. So they could be attacked anytime. They would run and hide in their home town. No other races would have access to Grove. Playing sylvari would be so interesting!Then one day they will come back with ravange. Asura will know about this and will form Arcane Order. Asura players who will join this group will hunt and kill all sylvari.
We will use new Arcane outfit because it look like Jedi robe. We would have secret meetings and things like thatWouldn’t it be fun?
Wait this has never happened before in a mmo…sorry one minute just let me forget that whole section in World of Warcraft with the Forsaken, you know the group of undead that breaks away from their master who is trying to conquer/destroy their world. The Forsaken have to deal with distrust and people believing their whole race is evil. They don’t sound at all like the sylvari’s relationship to the world and Mordremoth at all completely unique I don’t know what I was thinking…http://www.wowwiki.com/Forsaken
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
So the sylvari are to Mordremoth as the forsaken in wow were to the undead controlled by the lich king…
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
The Xunlai Electrum and Crystalline ascended mats have been in the mat bank for a long time now (6+ months). I remember the speculation as to what they were used for when they first popped up in the bank, ascended jewelcrafting being the most popular theory. Why is this just suddenly popping up as a prediction for tomorrow’s patch, which isn’t even a feature pack but an LS episode, especially since Anet loves hyping this stuff and there has been been no mention of it whatsoever?
I was assuming this because each ascended crafting material (dragonite, empyreal, bloodstone) which is acquired through specific activities (world bosses, dungeons, champ boxes respectively). So I assume raids would be the 4th activity, awarding crystalline ore, this in turn would allow for ascended crafting for both Jeweler and Chef. Of course if the raid doesn’t happen all the other predictions fall apart because they all rely on it. It has also been probably 3 months since they hired their raid designer, linked in my original post giving them time to design this raid for a finale of season 2.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
This thread should be renamed as it’s misleading. Everyone is posting expansion and/or 2015 predictions rather than predictions specific to tomorrow’s update.
The thread title is about as clear as can be. I think people are posting 2015 predictions because the OP’s expectations for the patch are so absurd that people just figured he meant his expectations for all of 2015… which in and of itself is a sad commentary on the state of the game…
I don’t think my original prediction was too ridiculous, if you look at the finale for LW season 1 the ending is essentially a raid, HERE it is 6 Mini Bosses (champions from Scarlet’s different alliances), 3 Bosses (the assault knights), finishing with a multi stage final boss battle (as seen HERE)
In the same way they could easily just add the Breach event bosses in to be mini bosses, and the Legendary bosses (Example) used for “The Be-All and the End-All” as bosses before opening the plant thing discovered in Caithe’s Reconnaissance Squad story step as a multi step final raid boss.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
All speculations feel free to add your own or comment on likely hood, ect.
1) First raid content, the giant flower monster we saw while scouting with Caithe and Canach from THIS story step.
a) the new raid will drop Crystalline Ore and all raids after this will reward Crystalline Ore.
b) Lumps of Mithrilium will be able to be upgraded into Deldrimore Stell Ingots (like they are able to already, but also they will be able to be upgraded into Xunlai Electrum Ingots by using platinum, gold, and silver ingots.
i) because of these two new materials being added to the crafting table both Jewel crafting and Chef will be able to go up to 500 and finish the last of the grand master crafts. all of these predictions rely on the a raid being included in this update, and I believe it is a fair guess considering it will be the finale for Living World season 2 and based on THIS article they would’ve had a bit of time to work on it by now.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
It used to be used for stability, see an incoming knockdown press F for quick stability. That being said it is an awful elite most of the skills have no scaling, meaning they will often hit for less than a single bleed tick, while taking a long time to use any of the skills and it having a minimum range…tldr awful don’t waste you elite slot keep supply crate.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
ah ty very much
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ok starting off my knowledge of business law isn’t that great, and I’m not putting this here to flame anet. The reason I am asking this is to find out whether or not anet could be in danger of something like a class action law suit? (ok on to the questions)
Is anet in danger of a class action law suit (or other law suit) for advertising their game would have bi-weekly updates as a selling point, or do things like the weekly gemstore updates nullify that suit? Is it similar to the case where subway was sued because their “5 dollar footlongs” actually only averaged 10", or is that completely different as subway was selling a product while anet was selling a product (a game) which the customers received but they didn’t keep up with additional service attached?
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I personally like one 20 slot invisible bag, one 20 Slot Fractal Uncommon Equipment Box, one 20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box, and have the rest be just regular 20 slot bags (never any point in getting the exotic fractal bag as I get very few exotic items. unless champ bag would go in there or something?).
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I bet you invested in Candy Corn
indeed I did…so a bit self serving for this PSA
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Sonder the Seller in lions arch is still selling Halloween pails for 3 Candy Corn Cobs each selling for 1.35g with buy orders. It is still slightly cheaper to buy 1000 candy corn and have them upgraded to cobs by Sonder the Seller, at a cost of 1.3g per cob if you buy the candy corn and then upgrade it. In conclusion as the title says you can still get 20 slot bags for about 4 gold.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Faolain, on the other hand, is just a maniacal laugh away from being a saturday morning cartoon villain (similarly to Scarlet). She’s so over the top with her emo attitude that it’s bugging the kitten out of me. And then they made me kill an entire village of centaurs just to protect her. Great.
Well, I kind of get her. She is not human. The Centaurs are not human or Silvari. She is a plant. There is no particular reason why she should care about them at all, we are just projecting our human morality onto her. And she even had an example of the Asura considering the Silvari no better. We view her actions as being very wrong from a human moral perspective, but for a Silvari defining her own moral framework, I could see her as not feeling particularly upset by her own actions, no more than I feel snuffing out millions of lives in a single day as I mow the lawn.
I actually think its more then that. Faolain seemed to be … hmm whats the word.. very supremist. Her dialog through out the episode made that very clear. She feels the Sylvari are superior to the other races and that Ventari’s teaching is holding things back. Ventari who wasnt even Sylvari. She had that anger build up inside her when first the Asura experimented on Malomedies, then when even though they claimed it was a mistake the story repeated itself when the inquest did the same. Finally the last nail in the coffin came when she came face to face with Centaurs, Ventari’s people so to speak. She regarded them little more then Animals yet Wynne who supposedly holds secrets that could be vital to a supremacist like Faolain is now showing her clearly that in a sense she considers what Faolain considers animals, brothers. The anger Faolain must have felt must have been enormous. Makes sense she wanted them all dead and would make perfect sense if she tried to spark the fight and try to hide it.
One correction, which I believe makes a huge difference. In the open world that is an inquest base, but when we go back into Caithe’s memories it appears that it is actually a Statics college lab or a arcane eye base (Shining blade equivalent for rata sum/kinda like a secret police). which would mean this event wasn’t caused by “the evil faction” of asuras but more like their normal citizens.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
First I believe the 5 stages is only meant for terminally ill patients, second at this point I only see depression and acceptance about poor updates (not to say they are all bad updates).
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Nice to see that Personal Story season 2 is also including black lion keys guaranteed for finishing the story. I believe this puts us up to 4 guaranteed keys for doing both personal story and living world season 2.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Mesmer elite would be too op, if the mesmer ran a condi build. Especially if it was a Maim build. Mesmers would one shot people left and right.
Hmm interesting, I didn’t think it would be too OP as long as the enemy uses a skill within the 3 second period the wastrels collapse fails and goes on full cooldown, I thought it would be mostly used as a way to force movement and skills to maximize the damage you could get out of the torment and confusion conditions, because the current best way to avoid their damage is do nothing. I thought that this would help by making people choose whether it was worth it to take a burst and have a full cleanse or just take one tick of confusion every 8 seconds. Please explain to me how you would improve this skill (I really mean it not being sarcastic)? or any of these other skills for that matter.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Sorry for the bad punctuation in advance.
Form Up – Shout -
Release a powerful roar encouraging your allies and imbuing them with your strength. Removes 2 conditions from up to 5 allies, and share all boons you currently have with double duration.
Cast time N/A
Cooldown 60
radius 1200
Ravager’s Stance – Stance -
Channel all of your strength, cancels all other active stances, and other stances cannot be activate while in this stance. Ravager’s stance fills three bars of adrenaline when activated. For 7 seconds outgoing damage increased by 50%, the warrior takes 20% of damage dealt during this period back as damage to itself when this stance ends and takes 15% more damage from enemy attacks while Ravager’s Stance is active. While Ravager’s stance is active one second of swiftness is applied to the warrior every one second. When this stance ends 10 stacks (4 secs) of vulnerability are applied to the, warrior, and 5 seconds of weakness.
Cast time N/A
Cooldown 120
Tesla Coil – Gadget -
Create a storm of lightning at target location that applies confusion and weakness to enemies in increasing intensity the longer the target stays within the field (1 second – 1 stack of confusion for 7 seconds, and weakness for 5 seconds. 2 seconds – 3 more stacks of confusion for 8 seconds, and 7 more seconds of weakness. 3 seconds – 9 additional stacks of confusion for 10 seconds, and 10 more seconds of weakness.
Cast time 3/4
Cooldown 180
radius 360
range 700
Assassin’s promise – Trick -
Mark a target for 5 seconds no initiative is spent when using skills on this target, but the thief is revealed for the duration of this skill.
Cast time 1/2
Cooldown 75
Range 1200
Distracting shot/strike – N/A
Deliver a stunning blow to target enemy interrupting them and preventing them from using the same skill for its full recharge time +15 seconds. If the target has stability it is removed but none of the other effects of this skill are activated.
Cast time 1/4
Cooldown 40
Stun 1/2
Distracting shot 1200/strike 500
Will remove one stack of defiant if boss has stacks remaining, in pve content
Well of Pain – Well -
Target area pulses increasing the power of offensive boons by 50%, (ex. each might stack on a level 80 character goes from an additional 35 power and condition damage to 53 power and condition damage. for fury the increase critical chance would become 30%.)
Cast Time N/A
Cooldown 150
Number of targets 5
Duration 10
Pulses 1s
Radius 240
Breaks stuns
Combo Field: Fire
Savannah Heat – N/A -
You create Savannah Heat at target foe’s location. Each second the heat becomes more powerful (damage increases 50% after each second, ex.600, 900, 1350, 2025, 3038)
Cast Time 1 1/4
Cooldown 75
Duration 5
Radius 300
Range 1200
Pulses 1s
Combo Field: Fire
Wastrels Worry – Manipulation -
After 3 seconds if target uses no skills all conditions (excluding blind, vulnerability, weakness, crippled, and chilled) are removed from target enemy and takes maximum damage from all conditions instantly (ex. 2 confusion procs, moving damage from torments full duration, and the full duration damage from poison, burning, bleeding, and terror(fear) if applicable.
Cast Time 1/4
Cooldown 15
Duration 3
Range 900
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Sorry my friend, but there is no rank requirements, its all just horrible RNG. A guildie of mine got one out of his first chest, while I’ve opened well over 100 and still haven’t seen one.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I disagree, I feel it would be best just to put an equal amount of chests at each fort (similar to what amber has currently) this farm doesn’t generate a lot of money, but it does generate a lot of materials which are all helping by causing a bit of deflation? (opposite of inflation) it has achieved this by making many of the more desirable materials more available by increasing their supply by a significant amount. For example look at silk it has dropped about 40% in price since the update, this was the majority cost material in creating ascended armor.
Look at the price of T6 blood in the last year it had over doubled from around 30 silver each to at their peak before this update being worth nearly 80 silver, since the update the price has dropped into the mid 60 silver range. http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/24295 Something really had to be done about this over 100% inflation per year is ridiculous, that kind of inflation can really turn off new or returning players as the wall to purchase new things, making it feel hopeless or out of reach especially in regards to things like legendaries.
But in conclusion I think this farm is beneficial and should be kept around as it is really a farm for materials rather than gold, once the mats produced by this farm have reach an equilibrium, the rewards will probably be similar to many other areas of the game (ex dungeons).
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_souls would be my guess for crystal lodestone’s increase in price
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_the_Night would be my guess for glacial lodestone’s increase in price (as they are the cheapest out of the Sigil of the night recipes)
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Proposal Overview
My proposal is to use existing assets in Guild Wars 2 but to reuse them in an instanced format. Here are a few examples, Astrozintli Forelands basically using this idea, but instead of each being a path they would optional bosses, and a final boss, which may have differences in its abilities based on whether each optional boss was defeated. Second example the location would end in The Infestation but start at the Crystalwept Groves or even further south and focus on gathering an iron legion force to halt the advance of the branded army, eventually leading all the way into the heart of the branded area destroying the leader.
Goal of Proposal
Turning current open world areas into great potential raid areas, that have plenty of potential, but it hasn’t all been realized yet. This will allow less resources to go into the area, but tell a more full story and give a longer lasting impression to the players who take up the task of defending these areas. I think this will also allow a lot of lore of these areas to be put into these areas of the game without it needing to be said through NPC dialogue or cut scenes, which should also save time and money without diminishing the experience.
Proposal Functionality
These raids could become living world updates, but they would be limited in a single area, so most likely they wouldn’t be able to be integrated into a season so easily.
Associated Risks
With assets from already existing maps being used this may feel old fast, but on the other hand it may give off a more living world feel, showing how different groups are encountering new problems and how our actions as players affect them.
Length, these may become too long to be played often, and the rewards would have to be substantial enough to get people to run them more than one or twice for the novelty.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
I don’t think this is the case but just another idea,
Could the creature he is being attacked by be a sand wurm in the dappled shores area of southsun cove, this would open up different items to put into the forge. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dappled_Shores
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
“an endeavor likely to leave one examining refuse closer than generally preferable”
Could this be piles of putrid essence as they drop from undead (orr), and putrid essence seems to imply they are some type of refuse. Don’t look into this too much though as I have a vested interest in piles of putrid essence https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/bltc/A-goal-completed/first#post4048077
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
It would be great if I had a mini Oni (cause I never managed to get one in GW1 despite my pile of armbraces)
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Possibly add this as a passive automatic ability, or a trait.
While death shroud is above 85%, 15% of all incoming condition damage and direct damage to the necro is dealt in damage to the deathshroud healthbar instead of their normal health bar when deathshroud is not activated. This could greatly increase a necro’s sustain in a fight without reducing their weakness to CC. It would allow necros more choices for deathshroud rather than just a panic button, but it would be like a meter that they would continually have to keep gaining life-force/staying in combat to keep up their damage reduction. While if a necro chose to use it just as a panic button and a second health bar they would gain the effect of the sustain you could get from it until they rebuilt their life force.
Please for input describe what you think is bad about it, or could be improved upon. Though this was a suggestion mostly for spvp I could see this becoming a problem in WvW though with Frost armor, high toughness, iron hide, protection, ect. Thank you for taking the time to read through all this.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
I’ll try to explain what I think someone else is saying again
Spoj is basically saying the number of variables in this particular puzzle are disappointing because the greater number of variables the greater number of ways your skills can interact with them, such as if they had made the oozes some kind of orange mob that could be effected by both team members boons but could also be damage by them. Or if they had left it a red mob but made it vulnerable to knockbacks so your team could golf punt it all the way into the goal (sorry sports are not my forte). Instead all variables were removed with the ooze (other than immobilize) it cant be knocked forward or sped up it can only be slowed down, so in the end it becomes not can you maximize speed but can you minimize kitten ups…that is my guess at what spoj is trying to say.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
A real “play range if u´re skilled” post?…..no comment. Yeah i want to spend 5 minutes on each generator killing 2hits holograms 1 by 1……wtf….
And sure you are a fun player. Because all others don´t play for fun…i know, i love this kind of comment.
I could be mis-reading but seems he said the exact opposite. I thought his suggestion more along the lines of, if you’re having trouble with the holopirates and dodging when they die, ranging may be easier for you. If you move to an area where the holopirates have to pass the generator before getting to you, it will be simple to kill them from range while they are next to the generator and you wont even need to dodge. This all being said I realize you said they are not difficult just annoying…so I suppose the advice was unnecessary for you.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
also highest HP among all classes (besides warriors)
i don’t see why walk and wurm can’t be considered a port, i use those all the time in matches, yes it is precast but so are some other blinks
necro has heals and once again i still consider it a second HP bar combined with very high HP pull blocks would be overkills…. also don’t forget multiple forms of fear which can also work as defense
same thing with evades, evades are there for classes that otherwise don’t have high CC, high surivival stats etc. otherwise
lack of reflect maybe arguable but i feel like anet wants to keep those limited to few classes, come to worse you can always run MM necro and just let your pets body block everything
once again why would necro with high survival stats need to rely on dodges? if necros were allowed to have high uptime on dodges and evades they would have to have base HP of a theif or guard which is twice lower than what necro has btw… and would have to say good bye to DS
some classes rely on devades/stealth for survival, some classes rely on blocks, in necro case it is high initial stats that allow them to take quite beating before they even get low, combined with DS…
the lack of moblity is covered by constant cripple, chill, immob and fear application
the lack of actual straight heals is covered by life steal, once again DS and multiple ways of condi removali play necro (in fact it was second character i lvd up) and i agree lack of moblity can be annoying sometimes (especially if you played thief before) but on the other hand i can fight on points in pvp, have good controll over enemy thanks to condis and bring a lot of utility for zerg in wvw…. i am rather puzzled that someone would complain about necro survival when i can surf through enemy zerg along with guards and warriors w/o any problems
once again, classes like engis and celestial/might stacking hybrids need to see a nerf, necros are fine (besides nightmare rune abuse)
as far as elites go, i find plague is really usefull in wvw, lich form or flesh golem are actually quite awesome in pvp…. i feel like necros have maybe not the best elite choice (once again, engis i look at you) but they are actually pretty good imo and necros actually have choices!!! unlike some other classes that are forced into 1 elite because everything else sucks
Hp doesnt mean jack kitten if you can just never get hit or reset on demand (which is allowed by mobility or stealth thus every other profession has options for it).
Every profession has heals.
No, they would actually still need to get buffed even if they got evade moves, thief has stealth, immunity to chill and cripple and a average 3 combat ports/ blinks pre 10 seconds. Not that im suggesting it since it would go against the initial and sale based promotion of necromancers as the “facetank and steal back the hp” class.
Warriors – block, mobility, vigor, evade moves (your argument is invalid in terms of stats).
Condis get cleansed, hard cc can only be stun broken or stability stopped, not a argument. But it does bring up lacking stability for a non evasion profession (in contrast to mesmers or thieves which have more than enough evades and blocks on under 10s cooldowns to be functionally only skill capped in terms of cc mitigation.
Elites were never mentioned in the post, they are above average (not best, but no bad one except for some bugs, but stuff like plague bugging and not applying its type if stripped and then launched till you get hit again or lich auto attack not being remembered are as said bugs and minor). Tho in all fairness, new guard tomes, all engie elites and all mesmer elites are far stronger on average use (compare/contrast, being immune to 5 people too stupid to get out of 600 range and plain chopping off 80% HP from 5 people on 1400 range while ccing them with mortar, which is by far the weakest engie elite).
P.S. Its not skill which is keeping you alive in WvWvW, its the GWE part of GWEN.
WOW, I never thought I’d see the day when someone truly believed that mortar was a good (“stronger than average”) elite, as a first note you do realize there are no skills on the mortar that even scale with power. Second it has a minimum distance so you cant drop the attacks directly next to yourself when using it. Third the projectile speed is horrendously slow taking over a second to reach the target even at minimum range. Fourth I’m fairly sure launch concussion barrage has never taken 80% of anyone’s health ever, unless its some kind of naked up leveled character…and most important in a thread talking about the lack of mobility, you cannot move when using the mortar, and you cannot attack the area directly around yourself, in short an elite made completely useless just by walking up to it, not to mention all the leaps and blinks that have been talked about in this thread.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ah, Thank you very much Fay.2357
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Thank you for the help and to continue the question do either of these formulas look correct to you?
So according to you killahmayne.9518 would this be the correct formula?
(Weakness X Incoming non-critical damage + (Incoming critical damage)) X 100% – (Armor X (1+Protection))+(Armor X Frost aura)
(0.75 X Incoming non-critical damage + (Incoming critical damage)) X 1 – (0.50 X 1.33)+(0.50 X 0.10)
And according to you Drarnor Kunoram.5180 this would be the correct formula?
Total Incoming Damage -Total Incoming Damage X Armor – Total Incoming Damage X Protection – Total Incoming Damage X Frost Aura – Weakness X Incoming non-critical damage
Total Incoming Damage -Total Incoming Damage X 0.5 – Total Incoming Damage X 0.33 – Total Incoming Damage X 0.1 – 0.25 X Incoming non-critical damage
EX. First attack
21,000 – (21,000 X 0.5) – (21,000 X 0.33) – (21,000 X 0.1) – 0.5 X 14,000
21,000 – 10500 – 6930 – 2100 – 7000
0 Damage taken
Second attack
21,000 – (21,000 X 0.5) – (21,000 X 0.33) – (21,000 X 0.1)
21,000 – 10500 – 6930 – 2100
1470 damage taken
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
1) Damage Reduction
a) Protection = 33% damage reduction
b) Toughness = 2564~3689 armor = 50% damage reduction
c) Frost Aura = 10% damage reduction
d) Weakness = 25% damage reduction
How does damage reduction stack, So a damage taken calculation would be:
(Weakness from every other attack X Incoming attack damage) X 100%-(Protection+Toughness+Frost Aura)
(0.75 X Incoming attack damage) X 1-(0.33+0.5+0.1)
(0.75 X Incoming attack damage) X .07
or would it be more like
(0.75 X Incoming attack damage) X 1-(1.33 X 0.5 X 1.1)
(0.75 X Incoming attack damage) X 0.27
or am I completely wrong in both cases?
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.
I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…
An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.
I can’t remember the last time I saw an LFG posted with only 3 members in it at the last boss aside from selling posts. If you really wanted to employ this method of making money you would be sitting around so long that you would probably make more money doing just about anything else instead.
Actually my guild does this a lot we will short man a dungeon starting with X number of people (from 1-5) hoping that the other guildies will log in be able to join the group and essentially get a free run, and then we can move on to the next dungeon. For example last night we were doing fractals 49 and were 4 manning it, we got to the third fractal (Cliffside) and started moving, as we arrived at the chest seal we saw an update was incoming so even if our friend logged in he would be unable to join us. So we posted an LFM grabbing one person before the update made us unable to get any more people in, might as well have someone get the reward rather than having it wasted.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
the rewards for fractals are always the same disappointment…yet I do fractals 49 nearly everyday cause I use my time wisely.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ascended Accoutrement Collection
finishing this achievement lets you choose one champ bag item that is sellable, so if you are close to finishing the set it may be worth it, then picking something like Arthropoda to resell and possibly refund a good part of the cost of crafting your ascended gear (of course you could also use ascended chests from fractals or whatever, hope this helps someone.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)
You should be happy you’re not a mesmer. We don’t have a speed signet, no out of combat speed traits, and one reliable (but unreliable) source of swiftness on one off-handed weapon.
Mesmers are a little better off than Guardians, as you can slot Superior Runes of the Centaur and use Mantra of Recovery to trigger the rune each time you charge and cast the mantra.
So every 10 seconds you just mash your heal button for 13 seconds of swiftness.
don’t know if it was said so I thought I would add, Runes of the centaur can keep up permanent swiftness for any profession, all they need is an endless transformation tonic (the return to normal button is your 6 skill so you can use it as if it was a heal and it activates the swiftness from the runes.), I personally use the endless toymaker tonic.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
mini karka hatchlings, they way they walk constantly leap frogging over the top of each other (there are 3 hatchlings in this one mini)
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”