Showing Posts For Jzaku.9765:

Broken makes right

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Are you guys even reading the thread wtf

He’s saying that Anet made yet another traitline so mandatory for warrior to function and this is horrible, which all of us should agree with.

Burst Mastery not working with Primals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


As per topic title. Very easy to reproduce: Just equip the trait, use a primal burst and see no adrenaline refunded at all. Happened with the change that made primal bursts count as T1 for all adrenaline related traits. (Which was awful pls revert)

The problem with burst attacks.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Funny because it used to work that if you missed with a Burst skill it wouldn’t consume adrenaline and the skill would only go on a 5(?)s Cooldown. So back when they designed everything this analysis actually holds up and warrior was only limited to resource and time.

Time to make Fast Hands baseline for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I think you all are missing the point Xaylin made. Fast hands being overpowered and mandatory for any viable warrior build doesnt mean it should be baseline as it doesnt cripple your core mechanics in any way as other situations exposed (mesmer). If fast hands was made baseline, you might aswell make cleansing ire baseline as you “will notice a heavy difference playing at gold tier or higher with or without it”.

Except that is one of the most kittened things I have ever read. Is it selective memory or something because this is the list of traits made baseline, for Mesmer since that’s the topic right now but the theme is the same for the other classes:

Traits that are now baseline:

Reduced glamour recharge rate
Phantasmal damage boost
Manipulation range.
Illusionary Persona: Shattering illusions creates the shatter effect on you as well.
Illusionary Elasticity: Bouncing attacks have one additional bounce.
Protective Mantras: Gain extra armor when you cast a mantra

Yeah I’m incredibly sure that further blink and mantra armor really affected your ability to shatter

The intention was qol and trait diversity, and warrior is the one class with THE worst trait diversity in the game.

Time to make Fast Hands baseline for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It’s seems clear to me that the devs do not want this situation where Berserkers, Spellbreakers, and core warriors all choose the same traits, or a situation where all of the most powerfull traits can always be chosen.

Right now there’s are real trade offs and big decisions one must make when choosing your spec, that is how it should be.

You must of have missed this part.

I think you’re living in some fantasy of your own where elite specs aren’t an objective upgrade over core in the overwhelming majority of cases. Even in the cases where it WASN’T are getting rectified with PoF: see cranger > soulbeast and crev > renegade.

The reality is that anet intends for elite specs to be equal to each other, but an improvement over core.

Yes, Elite specs are an improvement over core and that’s fine. What I am arguing here, is that when a player does choose an elite spec you gain very real power over core, but you loose a little choice in play-style. (like taking every trait you really want)

Core gains freedom of choice (fast hands) because it does not have access to the special elite traits and skills.

That seems perfectly fair to me.

Then we’re talking about completely different things. Yes core warrior gets to take an extra core trait line, but we’re not arguing for the whole discipline line to be made base so it’s no longer an active choice. The discipline line without fast hands still stands out as an exceptional choice – even for breaker’s melee centric gameplay with Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, and especially Burst mastery to refund adrenaline to actually utilize the reset from Attacker’s Insight.

We want fast hands because it’s integral to warrior gameplay, which is the whole reason traits were made baseline in the first place. The most egregious example would be Illusionary Persona from mesmer, a grandmaster tier trait, being made baseline because it was so core to the mesmer gameplay to be able to panic shatter without any clones. As long as fast hands exists in discipline every warrior build practically mandates the discipline tree, as evidenced by i dunno, the last 5 years of warrior pvp builds.

Time to make Fast Hands baseline for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It’s seems clear to me that the devs do not want this situation where Berserkers, Spellbreakers, and core warriors all choose the same traits, or a situation where all of the most powerfull traits can always be chosen.

Right now there’s are real trade offs and big decisions one must make when choosing your spec, that is how it should be.

You must of have missed this part.

I think you’re living in some fantasy of your own where elite specs aren’t an objective upgrade over core in the overwhelming majority of cases. Even in the cases where it WASN’T are getting rectified with PoF: see cranger > soulbeast and crev > renegade.

The reality is that anet intends for elite specs to be equal to each other, but an improvement over core.

I'm pretty happy with Spellbreaker.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I just don’t see how Spellbreaker alters Warrior’s playstyle at all. You don’t even dispel boons that well tbh, so it’s not like you become a hard counter to certain Ele builds or something. You just do the same thing as ever, slot the same utilities as ever (because SB utilities are pretty bad) and just melee stuff, except now you have a pretty cool defense/CC skill. The optimal way to play the spec in PvP is very similar to the age old core power Warrior. I think this is the biggest problem. The spec just isn’t different or flavorful enough.

And yeah, the spec is basically worthless in PvE, which is a real shame, since it’s the most supported game mode.

The spec is only good in zerg v zerg PvE. You suicide into the enemy zerg to put the Elite up which becomes invisible thanks to effect culling, the enemies lose Stability and your buddies can CC them to death. Wow, what a great role to have.

So being the reason why you win zerg fights is a bad thing?

If you believe that Boons are relevant at all in wvw the way the specs are layed out now you need to do more research. Spellbreaker contributes nothing and is actually detrimental to the real MVP of wvw.

I'm pretty happy with Spellbreaker.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


How do you even remember that?

Also, the spec worked out for us in the end didn’t it? It’ll still probably be the PvE meta pick.

When you read something that really irritates you it tends to stick in your mind. For your benefit in case you don’t read that other thread I posted this in though:

How so many people miss that Spellbreaker doesn’t have to be better than Berserker is beyond me – it has to completely outshine Power Berserker to be considered. Power PvE build is literally 66% the effectiveness of Condi or worse.
Also since you’re under the assumption that Spellbreaker has full stacks of Attacker’s Insight all the time you also have to be under the assumption of the full set of Berserker’s modifiers:
+ Primal Burst, stronger bursts faster from [Smash Brawler]
+ 7% damage, [Always Angry]
+ 10% damage, [Bloody Roar]
+ 7-14% Prec into Ferocity, approximating about 290 Ferocity across your Berserking downtime, from [Blood Reaction], and that’s being generous since I’m not counting alacrity.

Do you think Pure Strike and Attacker’s Insight outweighs all that? To the point where it outshines Power Berserker to be on par with Condi? Because the evidence is overwhelmingly to the contrary.

I think other people have covered that factors available to both Spellbreaker and Berserker or any other class are irrelevant to comparison discussions, like Spellbreaker runes.

I'm pretty happy with Spellbreaker.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


You made basically exactly the same thread 2 years ago OP. At launch too, before even the Adrenal Health buff when Warrior was lowest tier.

lol souldbeast and holosmith

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


And for pve it’s most limited class. It’s either Condi or GTFO.

This is the case with most classes nowadays though.

Yeah, but at least other classes like ele, guard, and theif get a choice ;-;

I am a ranger, And I am glad that after 2 years I might actually be able to play a Power build once again.

You guys have not even played Spellbreaker in PvE, I would not be surprised that Boons might actually make an appearance on PvE mobs in PoF this would make spellbreaker even stronger than it already potentially is for PvE

Spellbreaker already has almost no potential for PvE. . .

Some people will never see the strength of a Spekittenil someone makes a meta build about it on a website..

So here is what Spellbreakers have in PvE:
- Acces to Offhand dagger, which is the strongest power based offhand weapon available for warriors.
- Pure Strike gives you about ~220 ferocity on boonless targets
- Attacker’s Insight gives you 300 ferocity and 300 POWER (which equals 10 additional stacks of might)
- Depending on what Full Counter all procs on, this Burst can be very strong, it’s damage is that of an Eviscerate lvl 1 (note that all bursts are lvl 1 when specced spellbreaker so its basically equal). But more important, Full Counter resets ALL Burst skills, not just the one on your current weapon set, i think people really underestimate this.

The difference between a lvl 1 and 3 burst = 50%, with Spellbreaker’s Full counter proc you actually get 100% bonus out of them (since you get 2 bursts off instead of one).
This also synergises very well with any Burst traits, as they will proc twice as much as they would on other specs, and you don’t have to worry about adrenaline for these at all!

How so many people miss that Spellbreaker doesn’t have to be better than Berserker is beyond me – it has to completely outshine Power Berserker to be considered. Power PvE build is literally 66% the effectiveness of Condi or worse.
Also since you’re under the assumption that Spellbreaker has full stacks of Attacker’s Insight all the time you also have to be under the assumption of the full set of Berserker’s modifiers:
+ Primal Burst, stronger bursts faster from [Smash Brawler]
+ 7% damage, [Always Angry]
+ 10% damage, [Bloody Roar]
+ 7-14% Prec into Ferocity, approximating about 290 Ferocity across your Berserking downtime, from [Blood Reaction], and that’s being generous since I’m not counting alacrity.

Do you think Pure Strike and Attacker’s Insight outweighs all that? To the point where it outshines Power Berserker to be on par with Condi? Because the evidence is overwhelmingly to the contrary.

Spellbreaker Bursts

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The Spellbreaker is all about incentivizing people to play a shutdown build. Rather than just GS/Axe all day every day. Boon stripping is just part of the incentive because there has been and there will still be a ton of stability being spammed in PvP/WvW so giving the Warrior the ability to boon strip, allows him to play the Hammer set-up without worrying about people having a ton of stability. He can just feed off of that to boost his damage.

Interrupts and increased damage on interrupts is where the power is at. Get it right guys, get it right.

Except your cc = boon strip minor trait doesn’t work on targets with stab so… ??

From what I remember, it does. But maybe it’s just my eyes, I might have to get them checked.

I specifically tested it with a friend, it does not.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765



One of the weaknesses of a Sniper should clearly be mobility, but the standing Rifle 4 is insane mobility and can even teleport up ledges. Please make the sniper easier to stick to when actually found out and caught.

Spell Breaker, or Full Counter Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I am a huge fan of the disenchantment idea! Improves the base warrior t1 bursts while using an effect already in the game.

Not sure about the feedback loop of strip = slow = strip though, but enchantment collapse looks like it was made specifically for wvw zerg fights so i think it’s alright to leave it as is.

Spellbreaker Bursts

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The Spellbreaker is all about incentivizing people to play a shutdown build. Rather than just GS/Axe all day every day. Boon stripping is just part of the incentive because there has been and there will still be a ton of stability being spammed in PvP/WvW so giving the Warrior the ability to boon strip, allows him to play the Hammer set-up without worrying about people having a ton of stability. He can just feed off of that to boost his damage.

Interrupts and increased damage on interrupts is where the power is at. Get it right guys, get it right.

Except your cc = boon strip minor trait doesn’t work on targets with stab so… ??

Spellbreaker Bursts

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I was pretty surprised that spellbreaker seemed to have even less depth than berserker, and I was disappointed in the lack of depth then, too

Zero reason to take spellbreaker

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Also, with resistance uptime and proper ccing you should not lose against a scourge especially in a 1v1 , you’re literally built to counter condi scourge.

I found this hilarious and depressing too every time I read it too on Reddit, but just because you fought a few scourges too bad or unfamiliar with the class to realize that they are capable of corrupting 2 boons on a 4s with path of corruption doesn’t make spellbreaker counter scourge. It’s actually the complete opposite as their corrupts are on a FAR lower Cooldown than your resistance.

“Shroud skill 2 corrupts 2 boons”
Scourge’s f2 is “Your sand shades cleanse 2 conditions to allies in them, 4s cd” and is the cheapest costing skill on their bar.
By the way, since it isn’t obvious, the scourge himself counts as a shade for his f-skills.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Charr Spellbreaker animation
Please replace the strange Revenant staff 4 animation used for Full Counter with the block + counterattack from Daredevil’s Bandit’s Defense. It just looks weird without the spinning floating staff.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


My overall impressions For the Spellbreaker

What I liked

  • Full counter is incredibly satisfying to land, very fun gameplay with good counterplay. Maybe too easy to counterplay honestly.*
  • Condi Cleanse and maintaining Adrenal Health is surprisingly decent despite my initial reservations with the leaked info about spellbreaker’s mechanics!
  • Particle effects are pretty to look at, although it’s a stark contrast with the rest of warrior’s effects.
  • Dagger feels fluid and intuitive to use. The Dagger burst goes a long way towards this.

What I don’t like

  • Dagger looks like it should be a mobile weapon with 2 leaps in the skillset but between the aftercasts and short leaps, it’s really not.
  • T1 core warrior bursts are bad in general and I don’t know why we’re restricted to them. If the issue was because mechanically it would drain all adrenaline rendering full counter unable to be used then either revamp the T1s or make new ones for spellbreaker! I am so sure that the majority of them aren’t even worth pressing over your regular weapon skills. Looking at you, 1s Skull Crack and 3s duration Combustive Shot. Even T1 eviscerate does less damage than Axe 4 while locking you into a slow animation. That said, Dagger burst is great because it was designed with 2017 GW2 in mind rather than being an archaic relic of 2013 GW2 forced upon the espec.
  • Spellbreaker fixes none of the issues with core warrior – Defense and Discipline traitlines, Endure Pain and Berserker Stance still nigh compulsory for pvp. I was kinda excited to try an interrupt Breaker with the new merciless Hammer trait but it just didn’t work. Also it’s mutually exclusive with the new sustain trait in Strength, thanks anet.

What I would change

  • Buff the T1 core weapon bursts to not be terrible. Even if this results in buffs to the T3 versions is that really that terrible considering we’re coming off Berserker who had objectively better versions in some cases?
  • Increase the range and speed on the Dagger leaps. Especially dagger 2, that thing barely moves you faster than walking.
  • Please make Dagger auto do more damage. I don’t understand why Thief Dagger auto is allowed to be incredibly high DPS but warrior isn’t, considering they have a similarly disruptive skillset and gameplay should they spec for it.
  • Make Dagger 3 a dagger throw with decent range (300?). Pure Melee range is so bad for what it’s supposed to do. See: Thief Pistol 4.
  • Reduce the Cast Time of the Breaker heal. The penalty is already the full boon strip (that renders it completely useless in pve lol), it doesn’t also need a year long cast time with it. I highly doubt you’re EVER getting this off against Thief or Mesmer or Necro.
  • Featherfoot Grace would actually be competitive Berserker’s stance with a 25s CD instead of a 30s one. Right now it’s still Berserker’s stance every single time.
  • Sight Beyond Sight should give you immunity to Blind for it’s duration, goes away after landing the hit together with the buff. Functionally Featherfoot Grace does the same function except a million times better because resistance makes you immune to blind, while not being completely useless otherwise.
  • Imminent Threat is awful. Turns out that even when you reduce the CD of what is functionally Fear Me to almost half it’s still not gonna be used ever over Berserker’s Stance and Endure Pain, and the range is too small to be effective. Actually this is just a warrior problem in general, every utility skill made has to shine REALLY bright to outshine those 2.
  • Sun and Moon Style is awful in the current implementation. On ANY other class this would read “Your interrupts grant quickness” straight up. Why restrict it to only main hand dagger which has ONE interrupt when the synergy is there with Hammer or Mace? Please take inspiration from Merciless Hammer and Shield master and offer something for all weapons together with your weaponmaster trait.

Mostly these are from a PvP perspective, I’m also an avid raider so I’m eagerly waiting to be able to test Breaker on that front – though just from this demo I’m fairly certain it’s gonna perform worse than power Berserker PS (quite a feat to accomplish) just from how bad dagger auto is.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Spellbreaker has Great Design

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I mean, yes it’s kind of cute to be able to list full counter comping a specific type of build – but every PvP build has to be some kind of generalist because you’re up against 5 people, so you’re just saying we stand a chance in duels?

For example even vs a team heavy with Thief or Mesmer where Magebane Tether would be useful. I would still take Revenge Counter every single time because it allows you to Full Counter through blind which is amazing, while also helping against condition damage based builds, and thus is the most generalist trait.

IMO Enchantment Collapse is a horrible trait for pvp, quite the overwhelming amount of fights in conquest are 2v2s or +1’s and I find it pretty rare to be in a full on teamfight slugfest where you are within 240 range of multiple targets, especially not with the damage they’re introducing in PoF. It’s basically taking a GM trait that does nothing the majority of the time. (Side note I also find Magebane Tether incredibly overrated – we’ve been dealing with Guardian’s hook and pull for 2 years now and that is in most ways a better skill since they get to control when it procs)

self boon removal theme needs reworking

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I actually really like this idea but I fear it is far too late in the development cycle to revamp breaker like this. We’ll just have to deal with another low effort warrior espec for another 2 years.

Spellbreaker isn't very good in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Except CC doesnt strip stability because the trait doesn’t work like that so your entire feedback doesn’t make any sense?

Except it does? Unless its not supposed to? I vividly remember some guy having 5 Stability stacks and I hit him with something that removes Boons and all 5 stacks dropped immediately.

The 2 skills that remove boons, Dagger F1 and the utility, will strip stab as per any other boon. The trait that strips boons on stun/daze/KD doesn’t strip anything if the enemy has stab, it just removes a stack of stab as per normal. That said if you trait for the aoe boon removal in the GM you’re probably splashing some boon removal from someone else you hit without stab onto the dude with Earthshaker.

Spellbreaker isn't very good in pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I remember the FIRST thing I attempted, and im THAT kinda of person, and it was a Mace/Shield + Hammer Bully Spec. The fact you can Boonstrip Stability with the dozens of CC skills you have makes it so people cant even get away from you, and if they try to retaliate you just Full Counter them and restun them.
Spellbreaker even gets to use its Burst Skills as much as Berserker, if not more when you get on a role because Full Counter resets Burst Skills and is also affected by the 33% Adrenaline Refund. Though that whole “When you remove a boon deal damage” trait makes it not god awful at damage.

Build wasnt much in 1v1s but in Team Fights it just turned into me Constantly CCing the enemy team inside my Elite Field with Hammer Burst and Magebane Tethers and watching them all die to the rest of my team.

Except CC doesnt strip stability because the trait doesn’t work like that so your entire feedback doesn’t make any sense?

Feedback on Spellbreaker

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


RE: the Stab thing OP, the trait says your stuns, dazes, knockdowns and pulls strip boons. If the enemy has stab those effects do not go through and thus do not strip Stab. Takes like 5s to test with a friend.

My overall impressions

  • Another Warrior elite spec that didn’t fall too far from the tree. Frankly, playing Breaker feels exactly like core warrior. Full Counter is incredibly strong, but I don’t think it alone carries the Espec. (And it is alone, it’s literally the only new skill if you don’t count the generic full set of Weaponskills 1 heal 4 utility 1 elite)

What I liked

  • Naturally, full counter is incredibly satisfying to land.*
  • Condi Cleanse and maintaining Adrenal Health is surprisingly decent despite my initial reservations with the leaked info about spellbreaker’s mechanics!
  • Particle effects are pretty to look at, although it’s a stark contrast with the rest of warrior’s effects.
  • Dagger feels fluid and intuitive to use. The Dagger burst goes a long way towards this.

What I don’t like

  • This feels like such a massive oversight that I cannot believe it actually happened, but the T1 core warrior bursts are completely awful in general and I don’t know why we’re restricted to them. If the issue was because mechanically it would drain all adrenaline rendering full counter unable to be used then either revamp the T1s or make new ones for spellbreaker! T1 burst skills weren’t used before HOT and I am so sure that the majority of them aren’t even worth pressing over your regular weapon skills. Looking at you, 1s Skull Crack and 3s duration Combustive Shot. Even T1 eviscerate does less damage than Axe 4 while locking you into a slow animation. That said, Dagger burst is great because it was designed with 2017 GW2 in mind rather than being an archaic relic of 2013 GW2 forced upon the espec.
  • Spellbreaker fixes none of the issues with core warrior – Defense and Discipline traitlines, Endure Pain and Berserker Stance still nigh compulsory for pvp. I was kinda excited to try an interrupt Breaker with the new merciless Hammer trait but it just didn’t work. Also it’s mutually exclusive with the new sustain trait in Strength, thanks anet.
  • It’s just… core warrior with a counter attack. Please let Irenio take over the next warrior elite spec so we can have some gameplay changing mechanics next time ala Druid or Scourge.

What I would change

  • Buff the T1 core weapon bursts to not be terrible. Even if this results in buffs to the T3 versions is that really that terrible considering we’re coming off Berserker who had objectively better versions in some cases?
  • Make Dagger 3 a dagger throw with decent range (300?). Pure Melee range is so bad for what it’s supposed to do. See: Thief Pistol 4.
  • Reduce the Cast Time of the Breaker heal. The penalty is already the full boon strip (that renders it completely useless in pve lol), it doesn’t also need a year long cast time with it. I highly doubt you’re EVER getting this off against Thief or Mesmer or Necro.
  • Featherfoot Grace would actually be competitive Berserker’s stance with a 25s CD instead of a 30s one. Right now it’s still Berserker’s stance every single time.
  • Sight Beyond Sight should give you immunity to Blind for it’s duration, goes away after landing the hit together with the buff.

Mostly these are from a PvP perspective, I’m also an avid raider so I’m eagerly waiting to be able to test Breaker on that front – though just from this demo I’m fairly certain it’s gonna perform worse than power Berserker PS (quite a feat to accomplish) just from how bad dagger auto is.

Stuff I forgot to mention:

  • Sun and Moon Style is awful in the current implementation. Please make it ALL interrupts grant quickness – It’s a trait that only works while you have a MH dagger out, what the heck? What about synergy with the plethora of other warrior weapons that can interrupt like Mace or Hammer? Are we just not allowed synergy? Half the time it’ll work with full counter and half the time not? Really confused about why this decision was made.
  • And the other half of the trait – it’s great in PvE, but again, only when you have an OH dagger out? What if I want to swap weapons? This is such a bad way to implement a weaponmaster trait. Please take inspiration from Shield Master and Merciless Hammer, I should be able to look at this trait and consider running it even if I wasn’t wielding the weapon in question.
  • Imminent Threat is awful. Turns out that even when you reduce the CD of what is functionally Fear Me to almost half it’s still not gonna be used ever over Berserker’s Stance and Endure Pain. Actually this is just a warrior problem in general, every utility skill made has to shine REALLY bright to outshine those 2.
  • Please make Dagger auto do more damage. I don’t understand why Thief Dagger auto is allowed to be incredibly high DPS but warrior isn’t, considering they have a similarly disruptive skillset and gameplay should they spec for it.
  • I’m a little salty about the reused animations on our skills. Eviscerate on Dagger 2 and Heartseeker on Dagger F1?

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Sigil Proposals

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Please don’t remove the swap-damage component of Hydro/Geomancy, even if you nerf the damage to oblivion. One of the best applications of it was to surprise burst thieves trying to maintain blind on you and with this proposal that’s just not even possible anymore.

My thought on this last season and some rec

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I honestly don’t know why we don’t have end of season rewards. If you’re not aiming for top 250 there isnt even much point in climbing at all other than brownie points for the shiny badge which you get simply at plat 1.

kittykittymeowmew elo hell DEFEATED

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It’s easy to say eli hell doesn’t exist…maybe I should record my matches and show people my matches…most times no matter what you do, you get players that actively will try to lose matches and you just need a single player to screw everybody else

Elo hell exists as once your MMR is established, any form of self-improvement is pointless because the system will shot you down

New accounts start at mid MMR so an ESL level player with his knowledged can easily farm newbs at mid range with his new account, easily reach 80% win rate and reach legendary

If on other hand you try to improve your MMR with your old account, the system will simply shot you down the second you go over 50/50.

Nobody denies that esl players are better but the game will punish you once you reach 50/50 mmr on one matter what…you will start losing the second you go over it.

Also this condescending attitude is getting old, people here talking have no way to see what matches are like for people claiming elo hell exist

I for one would love to see your games.

Ask (and learn) from an actually good player.

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Fun fact, there is a european player in the legend/top plat ranks named Ja ck y who exclusively plays that build and has succeeded to remain at the top using it.

Rifle/GS Warr player here since S2, bouncing between Plat 1-2 and wanting to up my game. Does this Jacky person stream? How often do you match up with him and what’s his general strategy? There’s almost nobody I can watch that plays this same meme so I’m super interested in his confident matchups and his strategy against specific meta builds.

Warrior in this season

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Stop using baseline warrior and use the elite spec.
Also stop using what sounds to be a special snowflake Hammer warrior build with Physical utilities (?) and use an actual meta build if you want to feel effective.

[Serious] how to detonate fire aura/shield?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


“Berserker skill” is actually quite literal, any skill related to the elite spec will explode your fire aura, including f2 to enter berserker form, your primal bursts, and all rage utilities including headbutt.

There’s no special fire aura. Fire aura has been a thing since the launch of the game.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


We’re on the Warrior forums which is the class with the strongest access to unblockable skills, if you don’t know how the mechanic works crying about it is only making a fool of yourself.

Does War's existence hang on Adrenal Health?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Literally the only thing keeping warr in the Meta right now is Adrenal Health, I’m not sure what the question is. Without Adrenal Health I’m sure you can manage to have some sort of semblance of effectiveness but it’s just a fact that you’re much, much worse off without it.

Sapphire player being matched with Ambers?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Stop playing stronghold

Adrenal Health change

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


i don’t understand how people can be unhappy with this change lol, adrenal health used to be an absolutely crappy 120hps ASSUMING full adrenaline at all times, not only that it just flat out didn’t work with berserker because there’s only 0 adrenaline and "3 bar’s worth ” binary adrenaline state so unless you didn’t use the primal at all you literally never benefited from adrenal health.

Ignoring everything about the efficacy of the new version at the very least it’s ACTUALLY SYNERGETIC with the warrior class as a whole and marks the removal of the final trait that disincentivized you to use your adrenaline

Vanilla Warrior Conundrum

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Berserker is better purely because it contains the single “unfair” move in the Warr’s repertoire, Gun Flame. Everything about baseline Warr is too telegraphed, too slow, too clunky to use to be competitive with all the other classes’ BS.

Warrior: - Max Survivor 2016

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


“The best defence is a good offence” – Albus Dumbledore, Lord of the Rings

Gunflame hitting twice

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Blood reckoning

Verbal abuse because playing Warrior ranked

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


With the way matchmaking works now you can quite honestly just tell them that congratulations, with their meta class they somehow have about the same mmr as you do on warrior. Pretty sure anyone who’s not a moron has figured this out with all the mmr matching complaining going on right now, so only the truly terrible players that refuse to accept that they might be underperforming still blame their teammates on losses.

I submitted warrior to support

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m actually surprised, no one has asked me to swap from Warrior yet in my ranked games. If I don’t see it fit for the match, I’ll swap, but definitely no one on my team in solo queue has complained.

With the way matchmaking works now you can quite honestly just tell them that congratulations, with their meta class they somehow have about the same mmr as you do on warrior. Pretty sure anyone who’s not a moron has figured this out with all the mmr matching complaining going on right now, so only the truly terrible players that refuse to accept that they might be underperforming still blame their teammates on losses.

Unable to equip torch

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


What TheBravery said, you need to have the Elite Specialization slotted as the “Weapon-Wielding” unlock is considered one of your traits, so you need to have the traitline.

Backbreaker unblockable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I think it’s a good idea, would give Warr hammer a good niche vs Heralds/Chronos without having to slot signet of might. But any Hammer build will be awful as long as Primal Hammer burst is awful. There’s this silly meme where people say that taking berserker is detrimental to warrior but in quite a lot of ways it’s power creep just like any of the other elite specs.

Except in the case of hammer of course where you get an incredibly bad Primal Burst

Season 2 rank tracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Made Ruby playing 3 hours at a time after work lol


(edited by Jzaku.9765)

How to link [Legendary Insight]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Full Definition of scam
: a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation <an insurance scam>

Just report OP for promoting what is essentially scamming and taking advantage of players tbh smh

Raid 1 Wing 2 Coming March 8th!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I get home from my full time job and pug raids on Mondays
I also see lots of other Eternals in Sapphire Division of PvP

There’s just this ridiculously entitled minority that’s pretending to be "casual’ when really they just refuse to attempt to participate in anything yet demand that everything be catered to them.

Incorrect Application of MMR and PVP Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The thing with this system is it will balance out in the end. At a certain time the lower MMR players will face eachother because they are the only people within the pip/division search range. HOWEVER this might take a decent chunk of time to balance out. If it takes too long to calibrate everyone, then this system is totally not worth it because you will spend way too much time playing garbage quality games.

I still prefer a balanced team vs balanced team setup over this current setup.

Honestly i really didn’t like struggling through amber and emerald because they kept trying to put me in fair matches. Even if it means i get hard capped eventually because of my lack of skill at like Ruby or something, I’d still rather take this system where i can streak right past the lower divisions

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


These days I’m not so sure anymore. Have you seen that 7-man no updraft gorseval kill? That kill has 2 guardians too. If 7 people can DPS gorseval so hard they don’t need updraft, most 10-people group using updrafts should be able to do it just fine, right?

See, I used to think this too, but then I was in a squad trying to do VG and we went well into enrage meaning we had like ~40k DPS and I realized that there are people that exist that do literally 2~4k DPS masquerading amongst us and we’ll never be able to tell assuming they were halfway decent at the mechanics

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Except those videos of people doing the VG and ignoring the green circle.

People clicking skills with their mouse and most people on only exotics.

Your metas are dumb.

Well, at first, no one said that asc stuff is a must. Secondly, I agree, to click skills with a mouse is a crime. They should all be arrested and burn in hell.

Seriously, wtf do we have to read here?

I think he’s referring to a video where a group killed VG while ignoring the green circle mechanic because they have 3 healers on their comp (1 druid + 2 eles). On the video, the druid is shown clicking his skills with mouse instead of keyboard shortcut.

Basically, his argument is that “A group can kill VG even without ascended and without following the meta, so metas are dumb”.
(seriously, why am I the one who explains another people’s argument ~.~)

That said, he failed to notice that:
1. Other than the 2 ele healers, everyone else in that group is using the meta build.
2. Of course you don’t have to follow the meta if the group doesn’t require so. If you want to join a group that requires meta, you either NOT join that group or USE the meta build.

Seriously, a raid group can ask you to only wear pink dyes, and if you don’t want to use that dye, it’s their right to kick you from the group.

Also because the dps check on VG is like almost literally 60% of gor’s? That’s why you see a million silly VG shenanigan videos but no gorseval ones, and also why a lot of casual guild groups just get hard gated at gors.

Powerful Synergy and King of Fires...

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Oh! in that case yes. When you use a Berserk skill (which is very poorly worded, what it means is when you use a Primal Burst Skill) you will detonate your fire aura. Then your second fire Aura will become activated. Then the next time you use a berserk skill THAT fire aura will detonate.

As for the second question. Yes and no. You get more burn stacks through the detonation and the fire aura itself, but you do not extend the burn duration. Each stack of burns goes off of your burn duration. you you could get them up to 7 seconds but every seven seconds you would drop a stack of burn. The two traits have synergy but not as well as we would all like.

it’s actually every single skill associated with Berserker, including all torch skills and rage skills that will explode the fire aura. also I’m pretty sure that the trait aura icd gets put on cool down when you generate your own fire aura through leaps or tempest ally but i haven’t done too much testing

Q: about rodgort

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I have a Rodgort and it doesn’t. I also fail to see how it would anyway considering F1 is bound to MH Sword and has nothing to do with your offhand weapon.

Actually I’m fairly certain rodgort doesn’t have any special effects at all on warrior skills.

Maybe our class is not that bad, after all?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


10/10 strawman condescension OP would read again

Do Anet know this regarding war buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I thought we went over this. Engie only has medium armor.

Medium armor has nothing to do with the problem since any warrior build with hammer can’t win scrapper build. if we would be able to fight aginst them evenly with our hammer, i wouldn’t say this tho. (cuz currently war sucks than scrapper generally)

Need I point out… medium hp’s.

I’m not entirely sure how anyone with an ounce of brain power can say this kind of thing unironically when the 2 most survivable builds, in the current meta even, are Tempest and Chrono who both have Light Armour and Lowest/Medium HP respectively