Showing Posts For Jzaku.9765:

Is the torch worth using?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


From my experience Torch 4 is REALLY nondescript and boring and basically wants you to spam it off CD
Torch 5 is cool in concept but has too high a CD without the Torch trait to be useful at all. It definitely helps with the condi cleanse and I’m guessing it’s strong burn application on a condi build

Overall it’s pretty meh

Rifle is Still Shooting Blanks

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


If warriors have long range weapons what’s the point of rangers?

And? Every class has ranged and melee attacks.

but warriors specialize in melee, their melee attacks does alot of dmg compared to other classes’ melee. Rangers should specialize in ranged weapons (it’s in the name) so buffing warrior’s ranged weapons just makes rangers more and more useless.

I hope you’re just being ironic about the Ranger name thing because that title has literally nothing to do with ranged weapons

Berserker Review

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


That’s the problem right there, it is impossible to look at the Elite spec in a vacuum, because it does not exist in one.

Yet at the same time when you level a character from 1 -> 80 you gain one specialization at a time and for that brief period where you have only one specialization that is essentially equivalent to being in a vacuum.

We all look at specializations in a “vacuum” without realizing it.

If I asked you what Specialization you would use when considering only the Core Specializations for condition damage builds – you would likely analyze all the options available, condense their total functions to a general concept, and then tell me that “Arms” is the best choice due to offering multiple condition oriented options. You would then look for compliments to your build – which is where you ask yourself “What will make this better?”.

I’m starting with the beginning steps – total functionality within the specialization and generalizing its concepts into easy to understand comments.

It is your job afterwards to figure out how to compliment this specialization with the core specialization options.

OP thats not what “Review” means

This is your “first impressions”.

Also yes you clearly don’t have any depth of understanding of the class at all please stop pretending you’re some kind of guru that’s leaving the learning up to us.

No passion for Warrior/Berserker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Am I the only one who feels that there’s just no passion for warr/berk from Anet at all? That they’re just doing it out of obligation?

I’ve tried most of the other Elite Specs and Rev and even though not all of them are amazing, at least they actually try to revamp the class and playstyle to something different and change up their core mechanics. You look at how Daredevil have baseline special, powerful dodges and 3 bars of endurance, how Chronomancer has it’s own completely uniquely functioning skill in F5, how Druid has it’s own completely new and unique resource for a transformation that gives them an entirely different set of skills….

And you wonder how Berserker ended up being Rampage with skills 1-5 split among utilities essentially. Every class gets effects added to their core mechanics, but ours (burst skill and adrenaline) is replaced…. by skills that, extremely unimaginatively, basically all do the same thing as the old ones. And you also look at how the balance team was passionate enough about Mesmer to make a grandmaster trait baseline but absolutely don’t care about how almost all Warriors are clamouring for a minor trait to be made baseline.

Does anyone at Anet even have any passion for Warrior?

Concerned Warrior main since launch

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m going to chip in and reiterate the problem I and many others feel about Berserker:
Berserker’s special mechanic is not only gated behind a cooldown, it’s ALSO gated behind a cost.
I understand that it’s how it was designed but please understand that in practice it’s extremely clunky to be gated behind a max adrenaline bar! There are multiple traits that proc effects on entering Berserker mode but because of the double gate you end up with the awful situation where you either not use your Burst Skill (which is always a source of pressure and pressure relief) just to wait for an opportune moment, or you just end up using your burst skill anyway and push Berserker aside because baseline warrior consumes the same resource. Please take a page from Druid’s setup and stop gating Berserker behind a resource so heavily priced.
Additionally, Berserker form might seem acceptable to be gated as such in comparison to Reaper but the key difference here is that Necromancers can access Shroud any time they have any amount of usable Life Force which is incredibly easier than gaining max adrenaline. This is on top of how they have nothing else to spend Life Force on.

Double gated clunky issues aside, many other people have also stated how Berserker will not see play because baseline Warrior is crippled by mandatory traitlines. Every single viable PvP build uses Discipline and Defense for Fast Hands and Cleansing Ire. This isn’t even a debate! Everything about Berserker, down to Physical Utilities 2.0 is largely outclassed by baseline warrior – The only exception utility-wise is Outrage, who fights tooth and nail to earn a spot over yet another Stance because Warrior is so reliant on those for survival.

About Torch skills:
Flames of War should pulse out very minor damage to everyone in it’s radius and generate adrenaline that way to help with Berserker’s adrenaline consumption. Would also kind of be like a soft counter to stealth as you’ll have a 360 radius indicator of when they’re approaching, fitting the flavour of walking into firelight.
I’m also going to hazard a guess that Flames of War cleanses conditions to provide an alternative to slotting cleansing ire constantly – to that effect I think torch in general should get a baseline cooldown reduction as they feel fine functionally with the Torch trait, but warriors shouldn’t be forced to take a condition focused trait just to have Torch feel good as a weapon. The trait should take something good and make it great, not take something mediocre and make it good.

Regarding the primal bursts:
Hammer Primal Burst is really awful, why would anyone trade a 2s Stun for a 1s immobilize with terrible damage? Either increase the duration of the immobilize to be actually worth (3s, cleanses are far more easily accessible than stunbreaks) or change the functionality – I definitely agree with the previous posters that said a pull would be fantastic here, and would be a similar flavour to the original intention of giving a new type of cc to warrior. (On the note of Hammer burst though PLEASE fix how any slight elevation change makes it completely fail to hit anything)
Sword Primal Burst does absolutely nothing for Power builds, a crying shame as it’s very much a hybrid weapon. I think this issue would be significantly reduced if the gating issue with Berserker form is fixed as we’ll actually get to use it defensively without having to squander and sit on max adrenaline.
Longbow Primal Burst is objectively terrible compared to Combustive Shot, please make it last longer in exchange for the awkward directional shot that’s so much easier to avoid than a giant circle. If it’s a skill that lets enemies strafe a little to avoid at least let us paint more of the floor with FIRE assuming we get the adrenaline to do so off cooldown. Also, right now you can untarget to manually aim where the shot fires – I think it’ll be significantly more intuitive to just completely change it over to how Revenant’s stability road is targeted.
No real complaints about the other burst skills! (Other than the one about how they’re all basically the same flavour as regular warrior’s bursts which is really boring)

In conclusion I think the real key issue that many people keep reiterating is that Berserker doesn’t feel like an elite specialization the way the rest of elite specs do. An overwhelming majority of the time, what you are playing is literally just warrior, maybe with Headbutt instead of Rampage, and even that’s kind of questionable.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

[For Fun] Create your own Zerker Bursts!

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


In an effort to foster discussion about improvements to Berserker, lets talk about how we’d improve the new Burst skills since they’re the biggest impact the Elite Specialization should be adding to our gameplay!

Thread goals:

  • Discuss what you don’t like about the current Bursts
  • Rate other people’s improvements (Don’t get too hung up on numbers, this thread is more for the concepts)
  • Fantasize about what could have been
  • Have fun!


  • Remember that your burst skill should always fit the theme of the weaponset as a whole. We don’t want another Arcing Sear fiasco!
  • Bursts should fit Berserker’s theme! Don’t be afraid to go nuts with exceeding the limitations of physics, we’re too angry to care that we’re breaking the fundamental laws of the universe!
  • Burst skills still aren’t that spammable because they’re limited by Adrenaline
  • This thread isn’t about Berserker’s traits or how fast hands should be baseline, please don’t shoehorn other discussion into here!
    My personal issue with the current set of Zerker Bursts is that they’re way too similar in flavour to the normal ones. Why am I even entering Zerk form when basically nothing much changes? To that effect, my versions of the burst skills try to bring something entirely new to the table so that it’s actually a playstyle change when you go Zerk!

Name: Trailblazer
Cast time: ¾s (Same as savage leap)
Damage: Low
Effect: Charge towards your target, burning and immobilizing the target as well as foes along the way.
Range: 600

  • Needs a target, no using this to run away short of clutch retargeting!
  • Burn(1) for 7s, immob for 1.5s
  • Sword gets even more mobility, pushing it ahead of GS as your sticky target option. Make use of the short immobilize to land Final Thrust!

Name: Warchain
Cast time: ¾s
Damage: Medium-low
Effect: Throw your Axe, hooking the target and pulling them towards you. Leaves a trail in the ground that pulses burning.
Range: 900
Pull distance: 300(!)

  • We Kratos now!
  • Burns tick for 1s, trail lasts for 4s.
  • It doesn’t pull the target all the way if you use it from a distance further than 300
  • If possible I’d make this skill not reset the autoattack chain
  • A different flavour of gap closer for the Axe. The autoattack chain is still pretty strong and the CC duration should be long enough for you to get a few good chops off.

Name: Groundbreaker
Cast time: 1s
Damage: Medium-low
Effect: Charge up and smash the ground at your feet, forming a ring of rocks that block (not destroy!) projectiles.
Radius: 180 (same as Ring of Warding)

  • Yes, this will work with Shield Master, but won’t reflect because the projectiles aren’t blocked by you. It’ll just grant you might from projectiles.
  • Turns the Mace into a bunkerish support weapon, which it already kind of had a use for with all the weakness possible on it. Now you can deal with those godkitten Rangers standing offpoint!
  • As a spawning ground targeted effect this immediately procs Cleansing Ire, even if it was blinded/blocked (as long as it’s not interrupted with that 1s cast time lol)

Name: Aerial Ace Tsubame Gaeshi Rising Upper
Cast Time: 1¾s
Damage: Low on first hit, Medium-high on second hit
Effect: Heave the enemy, causing a stationary Launch (same as Daredevil’s Elite functionality), then charge up and smash so hard that you rip 2 boons from the target.
Range: 150

  • You can totally cast-cancel this after the CC if you wanted to 100 blades or Whirlwind or something
  • If you wanted an executioner style attack, stick with Arcing Slice!
  • GS still reigns supreme managing downed targets, Launch them while someone else safely stomps!

Name: Gunflame (It’s a cool name ok)
Cast time: 1¼ (Same as killshot)
Damage: High at close range, low at medium range
Effect: Charge up hilarious like your favourite ghostly lieutenant fire a burning spreadshot at your foe.
Range: <250 range | <400 range

  • Burn(5) for 5s <250 range. Burn1 for 5s >250 range.
  • It’s both high physical damage and high burn intensity! Rampager/Sinister builds rejoice!
  • Rifle’s skillset is so bad the burst skill better be kitten good to compensate
  • You can move while casting this. Chain it with Rifle Butt!
  • Turns Rifle into a hilarious melee bruiser build, note that none of the rest of rifle’s skillset suffers from being used in close range anyway
  • Has it’s own unique audio cue while charging up. You know how you now reflexively dodge when you hear Unload or Rapid Fire? Yeah.

Name: Smokescreen
Cast time: ¾s
Effect: Fire a smokescreen at your feet that lasts for 4s. All Combo Finishers from you have double chance to proc and double the effects. (To everyone else it’s a normal Smoke Combo Field)
Radius: 240

  • Would be the only Smoke Field in the game that doesn’t pulse blind, instead relying entirely on the warrior to Finisher off it for it to do anything
  • Removes a lot of point pressure from longbow in exchange for great utility
  • Projectile Finishers going through it have double the chance to proc (40%)
  • Still immediately procs Cleansing Ire


Name: Smash!
Cast time: 1s (Same as Banish)
Damage: High
Effect: Smack your foe comically hard with your bow, Launching them 900 range away.

  • I really can’t decide. This one is probably more in-line with the Berserker theme I guess.
  • Same animation as Hammer 2.

Name: Rupturing Smash
Cast time: 1¼ (Same as killshot)
Damage: Medium-high
Effect: Charge up and rupture the ground in a large AoE at your feet, pulling all enemies caught towards you. Inflict bleed(6) for 5s from the shrapnel. Rooted while casting.
Radius: 360 (same as Churning Earth)

  • The PVE skill of the century (once they add AI that prevents LOS lmao)
  • Nowhere near the cast time of churning earth so you can still land this in a big fight
  • Blinding it will cause it to miss, get some resistance going!


Two things warriors need.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Embrace the Pain and Fast Hands baseline

An Elite Specialization that isn’t “dumbed down for your braindead warrior pleasure”

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


And of course, you still have the problem/opportunity of making Fast Hands and Embrace the Pain baseline.

This so much. Warrior’s weapon skills have always been designed to be painfully 1-dimensional because they have to take into account the 5s Weaponswap. Every good build involves a cross-weapon combo in some form.

Embrace the pain being part of Cleansing Ire is really detrimental to the class as a whole too and I’ve always felt pigeonholed Warriors into picking Defense anyway even if they don’t particularly need the condi cleanse. Making it baseline would also lessen how Cleansing Ire is so clearly over-budgeted for a trait.

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Berserker’s special mechanic is not only gated behind a cooldown, it’s ALSO gated behind a cost.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having cost and cooldown to some mechanics.

  • Revenant has cost and cooldown on several utilities.
  • Chronomancer has to spend illusions to use F5 effectively.
  • Reaper spends lifeforce while using F1.
  • Core warrior burst skills cost adrenaline and have a cooldown.

All of these skills have both cooldown and a secondary resource cost as part of their functionality.

Opinions on the spec aside, I’m glad that you’re still reading the feedback being presented in this thread. Thanks for paying attention!

I feel that you’ve missed the point a little, it’s ok for some mechanics to have both a cost and cooldown, but this is the defining mechanic of the specialization.

  • Revenant’s comparison is unfair. First of all rev’s utilities are all insanely low CD (if any! Some don’t even have CDs) with the only exception being Glint’s because they have strong passive effects already and you can’t let them recharge too fast. Second of all a more apt comparison would be if swapping Legends required energy instead of recharging it.
  • Continuum Split might need clones to be more effective but it’s always there should you need an emergency activation because iPersona is baseline.
  • Reaper doesn’t have anything else to spend their Life Force on
  • Warrior used to have the exact same argument as reaper, but hey this is what’s changing with the spec, yeah?

Basically the core issues I’ve experienced over the beta were that:

  • Berk form wasn’t easy to access, and it was trying to do too many things at once on activation despite this. Sure neat I can trait it to be a stun break. Oh, but I’ll need max adrenaline to use it that way. So I guess I’ll just not use my Burst skill integral to my build to save it for an opportune time? (Same goes for everything else Berk form can do on use)
  • Berk form wasn’t different enough to merit feeling hype entering it past the activation effects. It’s just a few more passive effects for the warrior and mildly different burst skills, which functionally only add up to a single skill at any point in time. Being in Berk form felt disappointing.

On a side note, I sincerely hope the next warrior spec isn’t “Dumbed down for your Warrior pleasure”. Specializations unlock at level 80 and assume you’ve done enough content to unlock them properly, I’m sure endgame warriors don’t mind having more complex mechanics if it meant improved efficacy.

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I would love to see goin into Berserker, having your weapon skills change to something else…similar to what Reaper does when entering Reaper Shroud. It could be anything from punching things with your bear hands,

…Rampage…already exists.

I suppose he’s just echoing the sentiment that Berserker doesn’t change nearly enough about the class to merit it being hyped as an Elite Spec.

Berserker Changes for BWE3

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


These seem like good changes – But I don’t think they fix the underlying problem:

Berserker’s special mechanic is not only gated behind a cooldown, it’s ALSO gated behind a cost.

I don’t think any of the other elite specs do this at all – this would be like telling Dragonhunters that their virtues only change to active effects every 15s, or a Chronomancer only can access continuum split after having 3 clones up without them dying for 5s, or a Daredevil’s dodges only swap to the new ones for a limited time after a Steal.

This just leaves Berserker is this lame place where you only feel significantly different as an Elite Specialization half the time, because the other half you’re literally just a Warrior with the exact same loadout (especially with the problem in PvP where stances are nigh-compulsory so you barely swap out utilities).

Personally I’m also really not a fan of how Berserker is “more of the same Warrior thing in a mildly different flavour” – I was under the impression that Elite Specs were supposed to offer a new playstyle to the class (see: Dragonhunter providing a ranged camping build to Guards) but I suppose it’s too late to change this now. It was so disappointing when the new bursts were detailed on the livestream and every single one of them essentially served the same roles as the old ones.

(Also lol @ hyping up the warrior 10s Stunbreak then giving thief an objectively better stunbreak+block+knockdown on the same cooldown during the beta. Pls give Outrage a 1-2s Resistance so it’ll break you out of immobilize too to differentiate it from Bandit’s Defense – it’s alright because the warrior would still have to dodge what’s coming next anyway)

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Is it REALLY that hard to just make Howler’s wolf howl completely overwrite the normal warhorn effect

Also yes this new sound is utterly horrible please change it back.

Will Rage skills work with Peak Performance?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Whatever the result, the warrior appears to be in good hands.

Not particularly Fast Hands though.

Fast Hands baseline w h e n

Character Select Screen Changed (for worse)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Please revert this change, whatever reason it was made. Not everyone plays the meta Female Humans and Charr look amazingly bad on the character select screen now with the new camera angle.


Everything wrong with Warrior, post-patch

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Warhorn trait doesn’t convert conditions anymore

I know it was bumped down from Master to Adept but lets be real that frankly doesn’t mean anything anymore, it was the one cool unique trait that warr had and it got nerfed into the ground

Rush's fix

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Watch it be 60% rush 40% leap

Then when used untargeted it’s just the 60% rush

Stealth nerf to warrior mobility :^)

Pls stop overcompensating for Kormir Syndrome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Braham’s bubbles -did- do things, though. They gave you Protection and Stability, meaning that if an orange ring showed beneath your feet while you were channeling, you could just ignore that.

Rox threw the fire into the ring, with an Audio cue so you knew when to look up for it. Kasmeer did what she does best and spammed Time Warp whenever the boss was vulnerable, I ended up killing it faster than my brain could catalogue (I was too busy checking my skillbar for CDs to notice how fast the Shadow’s Health went down).

The only one whos presence I missed was Marjory.

Marjory’s a Necro so just like player character Necros, they have no team support whatsoever

Just kidding Marjory summoned bone minions to explode at things where applicable. They kind of blend into the floor though.

[Sugg] BLTC- No auto-field activation PLEASE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Yeah that is REALLY irritating who thought this was a good idea

I’m literally afraid to move my mouse anymore in case I massive screw up something important

Pls stop overcompensating for Kormir Syndrome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Browse through the forums for a while. They did this because a lot of the complaints regarding not feeling like they are the hero, like the NPCs take too much credit, etc etc. Some people think they absolutely must be the center of the universe. That is why this is done, imo.

Yeah I know. It dates back to GW1’s Kormir also stealing the spotlight from the player character.

Still though, even just a minor change in dialog from “you” to “us” would make such a big difference. They can still acknowledge your efforts, but don’t completely ignore their own in dialog, it’s just very jarring and completely breaks immersion.

Pls stop overcompensating for Kormir Syndrome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I felt like the final boss fight of the finale was one of those rare moments where you really felt strongly like it was a team effort between you and your npc companions

Eeeeeexcept after the fight all they enthuse about is me and they all clap for me like I did all the work solo

Why can’t it be about “us”? That whole circle of clapping for the player character just felt very awkward for me and I wish they’d acknowledge their own efforts.

P.S. Braham’s sanctuary bubble does basically nothing, make him put a protection symbol instead or something

P.P.S. Kasmeer’s infinite time warp is so OP

Thank you for Carapace Light pants [Charr]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Lol, these pants fits t3 light perfectly.

Ya mean that really expensive Cultural armourset exclusively for Charr that somehow still has tail clipping 2 years after launch?

Yeah it does look pretty nice but I’m not a fan of headgear that removes your hair for no reason lol

Thank you for Carapace Light pants [Charr]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


To the designer/modeler that created the Carapace pants, thank you so much for not doing the disgusting practice of taking the human armour model and stretching it over the Charr frame like 95% of this game’s armour.

You’ve created my new favourite pair of pants for my Ele and I would just like to express my deep gratitude and hope you get promoted into a managerial position on the team.


[Suggestion] Visual stances

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Unstrippable stability would probably be ridiculous

+1 for visible stances though would seriously improve combat legibility

[WARRIOR] FIX Bull charge, Rush & Savage Leap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Ad-Hominem Noises

I would strongly recommend actually playing warrior before being so massively pretentious. Mesmer clones are easy come easy go. With the Adrenaline change it’s not even remotely comparable resources and claiming so only shows ignorance on your part.

>Literally a skill that shotguns for 3x more damage in melee range
>A highly visible arcing arrow that takes years to land if used at long range
Not a single competent warrior will plink at you from afar with Longbow like a true ranged weapon like Ranger Longbow does. It was designed through and through to be a Mid-melee ranged skirmish weapon.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

[WARRIOR] FIX Bull charge, Rush & Savage Leap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


You are arguing with someone who even has evidently anti-warrior sentiments he feels the need to plaster all over the forums in his signature. I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere.

>Mentioning Rifle like it’s viable in PvP
>Warrior not a Melee class when Longbow is a Mid/close-range weapon

This is a thread from a Warrior about Warrior bugs. I don’t see how your spite has anything to do with the thread.

I solved Warrior build diversity issues

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The numbers could use some tweaking but the essence of many of these changes are adding utility to the extremely straightforward damage sets most things “Warrior” are. I think it’s a solid effort at improving diversity.

(Except the Adrenaline Surge trait no matter how absolutely terrible Surge is now it’s still probably not a good idea to let anyone essentially have 2 heal skills)

[WARRIOR] FIX Bull charge, Rush & Savage Leap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


After this patch I’ve noticed Bull’s Rush constantly over-rushing and missing the target when it never did before. I’m fairly certain the patch broke something.

[Warrior]Healing Surge,Defiant Stance,Mending

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I definitely agree that the Warrior Healing skills bar Healing Signet are completely outshined by it. In my thread about reasonable changes to Warrior I suggested changing:

  • Mending now prioritizes cleansing damaging conditions, and heals 5740(1.2).

- If you actually calculate it out, Mending already had a decent HPS. This change aims to improve it’s reliability as a condition cleanse without traiting 10 into Strength and effectiveness as an actual heal – Improving it’s base heal to slightly above a rank 2 Healing Surge and improving it’s scaling with healing power.

  • Healing Surge now reads:
    Cooldown: 25s
    Adrenaline: 30
    [Adrenaline level]: [Base Healing] (Scaling with Healing Power)
    Stage 0 : 6,094 (1.40)
    Stage 1 : 6,540 (1.40)
    Stage 2 : 7,361 (1.45)
    Stage 3 : 8,837 (1.50)

- This is quite a comprehensive change. The goal of reducing it’s cooldown is to increase the frequency where you can take advantage of it’s secondary effect of restoring Adrenaline. The healing values have, of course, been reduced by an appropriate amount to take into account this new cooldown (At max adrenaline, it’s exactly the same HPS as it’s old 30s CD version). Additionally, the healing provided by this skill at lower rungs of adrenaline have been significantly increased. It’s clearly still a significant advantage to heal at maximum adrenaline, but now it’s not entirely terrible should you be forced to use it otherwise. The biggest impact should be to getting back into a fight after being rallied – As in that situation you would have 0 adrenaline.

I completely agree that if Mending wasn’t such a bad heal it would promote so much build diversity due to not requiring Cleansing Ire as much. However I do enjoy the flavour that Healing Surge has now and feel it’d be a terrible shame to remove the adrenaline gain off it – so I would suggest keeping the concept of it the same but make the heal scale less badly at lower adrenaline levels.

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Generally I just stand at the edge of the boss platform and rifle smack the golems towards him once they try to kill me, while zapping them as they walk towards me. Much easier than relying on the mind control mechanic with 400 ping.

Mesmer is pretty amazing for this fight though with their push and pulls while still being able to destroy the thorns.

Hp grinding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Am I reading this right? So you’re spec’d terribly for PvE with a healing power build and you’re complaining you’re doing low damage and unable to outlast bosses? What???

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Some of you gentlemen have got the words “Hard” and “Cheesy” mixed up.
This fight is not “Hard” just “Cheesy”. it boils down to 2 things,
“How is your computer/isp?”
“do you run a bunker / passive healing build?”
If you have answered: “bad!” and " No!" save yourself some time, this fight will be a gold sink

I have ~400 ping because I live in Singapore, a mid-range rig, and I ran a Berserker warrior build and killed her on my 14th try this time round. And that’s a pretty embarrassing number of tries in my book.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Well, do you really expect that pick up warrior would have spent 90gold for some runes?

To be fair even without Strength runes PS puts out ~8s of might from the trait, which is still pretty respectable. Although I guess you have a point. I’ll resolve to be less bitter about it in future runs.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


1) New people who don’t say anything up front. I honestly don’t even mind if you join my “zerk run” group if you actually fulfill the condition of being zerk – but wiping because you don’t even have the courtesy to warn us then go “sry im new actually” really grinds my gears.

2) How I’m literally the only Phalanx Strength warrior in PUG runs. I want to run my elementalist for Fiery Exploit Sword but not having perma 25 might makes me feel bad.

Death Icons

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I don’t really pay attention to it so much, but the “blue dagger” is actually the downed state icon and shows up when an ele vapour forms and re-enters downed state iirc. The skull means someone was finished with the flag and everything. The trebuchet in khylo also has its own icon, and mesmer phantasms attacks have their own unique icon for no real reason either AFAIK. I think that should cover all the unique ones off the top of my head.

clensing ire question.......

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Although burst mastery will reduce the amount of conditions cleansed at the same time.

No it won’t. And burst mastery doesn’t reduce the cooldown of burst skills, going deeper into the trait line does.

AR not working?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The problem is apparently you’re reading the text wrong. It’s saying there’s an item called “+5 agony resist infusion”, and it’s giving you +5 AR. Which is means each ring is giving you 5 AR. You need an infusion bought with fractal relics to slot into your offensive/defensive infusion slot to bump it up to 10 per ring.

Fashion Contest [Completed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I feel like I’m fulfilling some kind of minority race quota in this thread~

  • Charr Elementalist in the Fractal Lobby
  • Charr Thief in Caudecus’ Manor
  • Charr Warrior in the Citadel of Flame

Man I never really noticed how terrible the lighting is in most of the dungeons untill today.


Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Oh wow. If kholer killed your entire party every time then your party was inexcusably bad. That’s just the truth of it. I’ve run into a new player once or twice who was perfectly willing to ask and learn the right tactics for fights and I’m fairly certain he enjoyed his run with us since it went really well and quickly without us even wiping once.

Necro: lack of torment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


we knew it would not be exclusive

Torment was explicitly designed for necros.


>a player created thread with less than a page of player replies as your proof


There is literally no other condition attributed to a special snowflake class. In fact the only case that could possibly be seen that way is ironically, necromancers having the best access to chill.

Necro: lack of torment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Probably because the condition was explicitly designed for necromancers. The Death Shroud 5 was stated to be the first skill in the game to have the new DoT condition (it was, too, the other skills that got had that functionality added later in development) and they specifically asked the Necro community for ideas as to the nature of this new condition.

So if any class should have high application of Torment, it really should be necros, since the condition was designed for them to use.

It was explicitly stated that the new condition was something to be proliferated across multiple professions. That’s why it was also explicitly stated to be a condition, following the same design principles as the other conditions right from the start. If it was a necromancer specific thing it’d have it’s own icon, like stances, elixir s, venoms, etc etc.

Also I seriously doubt when necromancers were asked what they wanted the new condition to be they said “bleed, but 50% stronger”. Obviously anet already had their plans with it.

Necro: lack of torment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I don’t get it

What exactly makes you think necromancers are the special snowflakes that “deserve” more torment than other classes? That’s exactly like a warrior complaining he has no access to chill and poison.

[PvP][Warrior] A Less Passive Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


OP really needs to L2P.

Considering my changes include both nerfs (Combustive Shot, Earthshaker, Cleansing Ire, Zerker Stance, Healing Signet) and buffs (Shake It Off, Quick Breathing, Building Momentum, Mending, Healing Surge, Bull’s Charge, Kick), I have no idea what you mean. Should I l2p as a warrior? Against warriors????

I started thinking he’s a “hambow” player. Or not even a warrior.

Considering my post history has been literally nothing but Warrior since 2 years ago, I am kind of offended by this. I just want to encourage build diversity by nerfing compulsory things and buffing weak things.

[PvP][Warrior] A Less Passive Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


  • Added some changes to the Physical utility skill subset.

Why duel wield agility is no good Updated

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I can’t believe this hilarious thread has been going on for 3 pages and still going on strong

Blind vs. Warriors

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Yessss this has been such an amazingly glaring problem for double melee Warrior ever since they changed blinds to require a hit to connect before being cleansed. This is but one of the reasons why longbow is nigh-compulsory the way things are now.

The saddest part is the devs are kind of aware blind is a massive problem for Warrior but all they’ve come up with is Brawler’s Recovery so far, which is terrible.

Anyway, I think a good hotfix short of reverting Blinds would be to make Black Powder stop being a Projectile Finisher. That way a thief would need to position his black powder really well to properly apply blind instead of how it is now where blinds just happen as part of their burst combo.

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’ve always found this a glaring problem. I’d say “I’m glad this is getting attention”, but it’s ‘gotten attention’ so many times since launch I’m having serious doubts anything is going to be done about it.

Latencies when playing from Asia

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I get around 400ms ping playing from Singapore. It’s awful for pvp but I deal. In pve I generally can dodge everything important though.

[PvP][Warrior] A Less Passive Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Edited the OP with the newfound space available – thank you based mods!

  • Reworded a bunch of things for clarity of purpose
  • Softened the “nerf” to Berserker’s Stance
  • Added a healing skills section dedicated to the improvement of our other heals
  • Added the building momentum change someone else suggested

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Suggestion:Berserker Stance ideas

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I think it’s perfectly fine the way it functions now. If you’re running a condition build it’s simply a matter of playing defensive while it’s up then bursting him after it’s over. The window of opportunity it provides the warrior though could stand to be shortened.

[PvP][Warrior] A Less Passive Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Sorry for the late reply, I’m very frequently unable to use my Desktop and I’d rather kill myself than try to write up an extremely lengthy reply post with quotes and everything on my Mobile.

All i see here is warrior nerfs.
You want a less passive warrior. Where are your changes to improve active defenses for warrior using hammer/longbow?
How would you improve active defense for warrior using GS/LB?

You want less passive but none of your changes put warrior with more active play. You are only nerfing the warrior.

Thank you for posing this question! I tend to ramble and that makes me unable to get my point sufficiently across. I’ll edit the OP (eventually) to clarify this subject. As a response to you though; A very important thing about “passive play” is the level of thought required to put into your play to be effective. The things I aim to change about the passiveness of Warrior are:

Healing Signet – with the change of functionality but not effectiveness HS maintains it’s extremely high HPS – but now requires you to stop and think if switching weapons is a good idea when you require that ~1.8k+ heal. This is the most impactful change I’m suggesting – it also adds a wider window of opportunity for the opponent to burst down the warrior.
Combustive Shot – As it is right now it cleanses conditions with impunity when combined with Cleansing Ire. Being affected by Blinds and Blocks again, requires the Warrior to consider the situation before being able to cleanse. I know this is a good idea no matter what you’re doing – but this adds a level of thought when you want to utilize CI effectively.

That aside, I fully agree with you that we need more active defenses on Warrior. There was an excellent thread on Building Momentum, that I think was made by BurrTheKing.8571, that suggested it be restored somewhat but scale with Adrenaline used, which has been deleted for some reason. That change would really help Warrior with this angle and I’m going to add it to the OP (with credits of course) should that thread not get created again.

Also, about the Pin Down nerf, I also definitely mourn the loss of being able to use it as a just-in-time immobilize when you see a threat coming, in fact that’s the first thing I mentioned to my guildmate when I read that change. Honestly I feel like the bleeds tacked onto it are really out of place and belong elsewhere – but I’ve been considering something like reducing the immob to 2s and making it a channeled skill that shoots 2 arrows – one at the start of the channel that immobs, and the second arrow at the end that bleeds. It might be a little clunky to use that way though… but the advantage of being able to cast-cancel it and utilize it as an instant cast immobilize would be great, I think.

We’re also in full agreement about a lot of other things! You’ll notice that I don’t even touch stances outside of Zerk stance because I don’t believe in the invulnerability nonsense and I ’ve intentionally mess with Hammer in a way that only affects Hambow.

You should realize that these “other builds” that apparently exist are mostly a mirage of unviable builds that don’t really get a lot of use because they’re not really useful.

You’re saying that we’re criticizing and not bringing solutions – we’re just saying that if there is something to be fixed your solutions aren’kitten

We all want more build variety but nerfing warrior isn’t going to bring it. We need other builds made viable – and that would happen if the condi meta would be toned down and we wouldn’t be forced to 20 in defense all the time.

I’m not entirely sure if you’ve missed how I want our other condition cleanse options to be improved so we’re not forced into 20 Defense so we have more build diversity, but it’s there should you ever want to go through it again. Also I maintain faith that the condition application will be looked at eventually but since that has nothing to do with warrior specifically, it’s not in the OP. If you have any suggestions please feel free to post them! If anyone has followed this thread since it’s creation they will have seen that the OP is anything but final. I’ve changed it a ton of times to incorporate elements people have suggested or revert a too-harsh nerf because of sound, logical arguments that others have put forth.

Finally, I want to add a section dedicated to the improvement of our other heals, but I’ll need to find space in the OP for it first since regrettably I didn’t reserve post spots and I’ve hit the character cap on single posts.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)