It’s bad enough they were supposed to come in 2013
I challenge you to find ANY dev post that specifically states as fact that anything related to legendaries was supposed to arrive in 2013. Do you mean precursor crafting? Pretty sure they said something along the lines of “if kitten doesnt happen and/or change, precursor crafting might be out by the end of the year.” And guess what? kitten DID happen and/or change and those plans changed along with them.
How are there people who still see statements of potential possibilities (“this may or may not happen at some point”) and somehow twist it so hard in their head it comes out as an inviolable Word Of God Fact (“this WILL happen by the end of the year”)?
You mean like this:
“On top of this, you’ll also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013”
Dayuuuuuum. That’s some hard irrevocable proof right there.
Oh and I’d love to add an Elonan expansion, this would be my Dream Expansion.
Palawa Joko, Junundu (that aren’t just a reskin of our current wurms), vast open plains, rich Vabbian oases and true ancient Istani cities to explore.
Elona and all its provinces held that many secrets we’ve never seen.
That many crypts left unexplored.And just remember the beauty that was Fahranur, the first city.
Imagine the beauty it would attain in GW2.To add to that, none of the GW expansions ever felt so serious to me as GW:Nightfall did. I love having a serious, dramatic plot in a setting that isn’t full of comic relief.
GW2 is fun, but I feel that it often feels too cheerful. Mordremoth was horrifyingly powerful and creepy, yet I remain in want of some true anguish and desperation.
The Sylvari, for eample, are an optimistic race (if you ask me) and this makes them appear quite shallow to me, no matter how rich their lore is.
I don’t want to sound too evil but I’d love to see them suffer.This goes for humans as well, the humans are said to be in a tiresome war with the Centaurs among others, they have lost all but one last city (save Ebonhawke) and were often described as struggling.
Yet within the walls of Divinity’s Reach this isn’t to be noticed at all.
Caudecus’ funding of the festivities in Divinity’s Reach keep many of its citizens blind to the supposed pain and suffering outside the walls of the great city.
But venture out of these walls and you won’t notice THAT much suffering. Sure you see centaurs attacking human settlements, but do you experience any despair?
I believe most players don’t even notice the war unless someone points it out.
They see centaurs attacking the settlements and keeps, they see centaur camps, they see human slaves, but do they see the human fear?I think Elona can offer us this anguish.
Palawa Joko is a tyrant, an amazingly well written villain in control of the continent.
Joko truly decides who lives and who dies solely to become another of his undead servants.Thought Elona was bad during Nightfall? You don’t know how fearsome a tyrant can be.
A famine would be horrible but a famine enforced by the will of a single being is utterly terrifying! Not even the Sunspears could stop Palawa Joko, I wonder who can?(Not to mention Palawa being strong enough to fight a war with 2 Elder Dragons (Zhaitan and Kralkatorrik) at the same time, a feat we couldn’t even dream of. Zhaitan being dead however, I wonder what happened to the war with Kralkatorrik. Did Joko gain the upper hand? Is Kralkatorrik already defeated? (not likely) or was Zhaitan simply not that fearsome compared to Kralkatorrik, the crystal storm of chaos.
Awesome ideas, I definitely like the premise of a darker story, and I think an Elonian expansion would be great down the line. Especially to break the monotony of fighting elder dragons. Villains with character make for far greater stories ^^
If gold from dungeons is really an issue, they could at least increase the token rewards…
I’m actually immensely surprised a thread like this doesn’t already exist, there’s one for specializations, but the search function couldn’t help me find one for expansions. Keep in mind this is all just for fun!
We know that ArenaNet has another expansion in the works, and though it won’t see the light of day for some time, we can dream up our own expansions to get us hyped on the possibilities of the unknown xD
I’ve included my own brief expansion “pitch” as an example, but I want to see what other ideas are out there!
Guild Wars 2: Factions
A return to a war-torn, desolated, Cantha where the descendants of the Luxon and Kurzick tribes seek to bolster their members due to their losses against the Deep Sea Elder Dragon.
Quick Feature list:
All new Canthan inspired specializations for each profession! Channel the power of your pet’s spirit as the Ritualist inspired Spirit Warden specialization for Ranger! Call upon the powers of Master Togo in the new Revenant specialization! Or tap into the unique powers and properties of jade as an Elementalist!
The Zephyrites have rebuilt their airships! Climb aboard the newly rebuilt Zephyr Sanctum and journey to Cantha where new challenges await!
Explore Cantha and it’s towering cities with the glider, and then dive underwater to face the Deep Sea Dragon’s army with newly revamped underwater combat!
The return of factions, more than simply the Luxon and Kurzick, earn the trust of others such as the Tengu, the Oni, and many more! Rise the ranks from a nobody, to a renown and respected member with special perks!
Optionally represent the faction of your choice (Luxon and Kurzick) in the open world! Players who choose to represent the opposing faction will appear hostile; so beware! Choosing to represent your faction will allow members of the opposing faction to attack you!
(edited by Latorn.4209)
Not that there’s been any inkling that this change will ever happen, but I want to hear your theories on it if it did:
If additional reward token were to be awarded upon dungeon completion in compensation for the gold loss, what kind of effects would this have on the community and game?
E.X. People would run dungeons less frequently, due to the fact that the armour or legendary crafting materials they’re farming for would be gained in less runs.
(edited by Latorn.4209)
Anet wants people to stop playing dungeons. Why can’t people just accept this?
Because they’re fun?
They’re still there for you to run, so…
If you just want easy gold, it is highly unlikely that Anet will ever increase the liquid rewards from dungeons, even slightly.
They could at least increase the amount of dungeon tokens per run to compensate for gold loss.
One month now, yay!
For reals… >.>
This is why I didn’t really understand collections from the get-go. I thought it would be a sort of niche interest for some players that like to “catch ’em all” (with reference to mini collections for example).
Then collections started to become more and more prevalent, and here we are. I never thought I’d bother with collections myself as a player, but seeing as they’re so central, I’ve jumped over the hurdle and started playing the UI. Is it immersive? Not at all. Is it good game design for the replacement of quests? Not in my opinion.
That’s something that’s been lacking majorly since launch, that seemed like it may have been making headway way back in Halloween 2012 with the mad king back piece “quest”. The idea of an actual quest system that extends beyond zones (as events are limited), and can be resumed from the same step when a player logs out (one again, something that events cannot do).
Still bugged for a friend and myself as well, same issues as everyone else, just tried multiple attempts to start the achievements.
I’m curious as to what the WvW population thinks would happen if NA servers were reduced to 6, and there was no longer a cap on server size.
Would there still be massive imbalances? Would every server be full to burst and the queues be outrageous? Would it be a utopia of balanced servers with roughly 5 minute queues for maps?
For interests sake, what would your predictions be if Anet were to make a change like this?
I'm loving masteries and the whole expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Latorn.4209
Just wanted to throw my own opinion out there, yes, yes, I know it’s not negative.. But if you disagree you’ll just have to deal =P
I’m loving the expansion and I think the mastery system is a great system of progression, it’s not even truly vertical due to the fact it unlocks additional content rather than gating core content.
Oh, and I’m not a super hardcore player or anything, I realise I probably won’t have all my masteries unlocked for quite a few months, but it’s nice to always have my exp bar filling up and progressing something while playing ^^
Part of me wishes there were many, many more masteries so that one wouldn’t be able to fill them all, and instead would have to choose wisely.
Anyways, thank you for this great expansion Anet! Even though this thread will most likely be buried under negativity shortly xD
Sorry you feel this way, but I’m loving the difficulty and challenge HoT provides.
Champ trains and the like will never end in old world Tyria, so you can always go back there if you feel the need for mindless zerging.
Seriously, thank you for saying this. I can’t believe the entitlement of people who want to have everything right away on all their characters.
If anything this is hella short, but I suppose it’s alt friendly this way.
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
Any plans to do a blog in the very near future so we know what to expect for the Haloween release?
Yes. There will be a blog and an event page soon. You’ll have a whole bunch of details then.
OH WOW! YAY! Thanks for the info
You can’t craft the mats, you can farm them though.
I think ready made legendaries are pretty cheap considered how much effort it takes to craft them.
As an example – the wiki is really good to look up what you need for each legendary.How did you craft whatever ones you have? Give me an example. How much gold total did it cost you to do it?
Not everyone has a legendary for a reason xD
I personally spent my time and money on going full ascended rather than getting a legendary.
For the uninitiated:
Shadow of the Mad King’s release page
Blood and Madness’ release page 2013
Blood and Madness’ release page 2014
These little pages that came out before the launch of each Halloween patch teased and built up the hype so much xD
(edited by Latorn.4209)
It should be whenever you say something in /say, would be a huge help for machinima as well…
Your guild name can only be changed if it’s offensive, and depending on the severity level, it may be disbanded,
Which is why this is a suggestion to add a guild name change option in the gem store
Was hoping this would be announced during guild week
I think. Also. It’s a problem that new characters can be created on full servers for fresh accounts. That someone could delete all characters to transfer to one. It’s apparently still possible….and I know for a fact some full guilds have been somehow transferring INTO full servers.
But then for the servers where guilds are leaving(black gate and TC looking at you). Why are those servers still full?
I’m stuck at the bottom of T2 and unless during the prime times and only in EB. I’m mostly alone.
Wait.. Are you saying new F2P accounts can join and create characters on full worlds? That’s news to me o.o
…If this was easy, then we need a massive overhaul on dps for the druid…
I went full cleric with staff… it took ~2-3+ minutes for 1 veteran beetle… I just press 1 and alt tab
Simple fix: Don’t play druid and don’t use clerics if you want to do DPS…
P.S. My main is a ranger.
We crave danger, make it harder.
We can always go back to farming silverwastes for ez moad.
Guilds should have some kind of option get players in (it could cost influence or something). For example our national gaming community have players that started play gw2 after f2p change and now they can’t even play WvW with us. If they started test game because of wvw they will probably quit because WvW is pointless without guildmates.
Aye, this is exactly my point. However a major problem with allowing guilds to use influence to transfer new members to a full world is that it is even further stacking that world.
However, if that guild had numerous potential new recruits that couldn’t join them in WvW due to the world being full, free transfers from full worlds would allow that guild to move and then recruit the players that wish to join.
With the implementation of F2P and HoT on the horizon, new players are joining and coming back to find they cannot play WvW with their allies due to certain worlds being full. WvW population CAN be balanced, if there is no barrier and incentives are provided.
I’m certain that many WvW guilds that are on FULL servers would still love to have the ability to recruit new members. However they are unable to, due to the costs of transferring a whole guild to a new server.
A suggestion: Allow free transfers off of FULL worlds to any other worlds.
This change would remove the barrier and provide incentive for WvW guilds to move to different servers due to the fact they will now be able to recruit new members.Sorry but we have proven time and again that we, the players, cannot be trusted, we would just end up stacking somewhere else and be back to square one. Kills me to say it but we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Even if transfers off full servers was permanently (not a limited rush) free, and additional incentives for joining low pop servers was provided?
With the implementation of F2P and HoT on the horizon, new players are joining and coming back to find they cannot play WvW with their allies due to certain worlds being full. WvW population CAN be balanced, if there is no barrier and incentives are provided.
I’m certain that many WvW guilds that are on FULL servers would still love to have the ability to recruit new members. However they are unable to, due to the costs of transferring a whole guild to a new server.
A suggestion: Allow free transfers off of FULL worlds to any other worlds.
This change would remove the barrier and provide incentive for WvW guilds to move to different servers due to the fact they will now be able to recruit new members.That would be nice, at least few of them would take advantage of that, but there needs to be more, much more, need some positive incentives to move from and not stay on full server. Currently there just aren’t any. In fact, quite the opposite despite transfer costs. Plenty of incentives to go up, not down.
This too is a fair point, and I was going to mention the possibilities of additional beneficial incentives, but I think it’s better to take things one step at a time.
I’m certain that many WvW guilds that are on FULL servers would still love to have the ability to recruit new members. However they are unable to, due to the costs of transferring a whole guild to a new server.
That’s a fallacy. It is more difficult to recruit players that are already on your own server, but not impossible, especially with so many players coming back to the game on the server you are already on. Take the time to recruit in PvE maps too. That’s been the largest source of new recruits for a friend’s WvW guild. She’s starting to expand her WvW rally days too. And with newer players going to be checking out the new borderland map at HoT, you’ll have another avenue to recruit from.
I suppose it would be more pertinent to state that this was in reference to new players joining the game; rather than existing players returning to full servers.
I’m active in a smaller guild wars community, and in the past few weeks I have noticed an increasing number of complaints regarding full servers.
On a smaller scale: even if there are five friends who play WvW together on a full server, those five people shouldn’t be required to pay money and transfer in order to play with a sixth or seventh friend that just joined because of the F2P option.
With the implementation of F2P and HoT on the horizon, new players are joining and coming back to find they cannot play WvW with their allies due to certain worlds being full. WvW population CAN be balanced, if there is no barrier and incentives are provided.
I’m certain that many WvW guilds that are on FULL servers would still love to have the ability to recruit new members. However they are unable to, due to the costs of transferring a whole guild to a new server.
A suggestion: Allow free transfers off of FULL worlds to any other worlds.
This change would remove the barrier and provide incentive for WvW guilds to move to different servers due to the fact they will now be able to recruit new members.
It’d be nice if they did it as a weekend event. Every weekend until the launch of the expansion.
Dye you’re hair bright pink and pull some shenanigans to make a name for yourself, then repeat. If you do it long enough the spies will push your name through the ranks and you’ll get the attention you want / deserve!
Should all that really be necessary though? And does it really accomplish the desired effects? A name that is consistently displayed is so much easier to remember, thus why other games notify whom you killed/were killed by, etc.
If I remember the actual reason for ‘hiding’ the names was because in real battles you don’t know the names of your enemies.
But this is a game, and a game mechanic that would add depth. If it were truly going for the immersion factor, wouldn’t we all be forced to fight in first person anyways? XD
(edited by Latorn.4209)
I could be mistaken, but if I remember correctly, way back in the beta character names were displayed in WvW to enemy players. It was my understanding that this was removed due to the nature of PvP and the potential for character harassment.
However, I don’t believe I’m alone in my belief that having enemy character names remain absolutely invisible is detrimental to the WvW PvP experience.
If players were given the ability to toggle their names on, and display them to enemy players, a deeper community of rivalry and competitiveness would grow in WvW. I can’t see any negative repercussions to this feature if characters are, by default, set to have this option toggled off and remain anonymous (just like the current system). Only if a player chooses to reveal their name, will it be revealed to the enemy.
Maybe it’s the norn in me, but am I the only player that wants to not be anonymous in WvW, but rather watch the legend of my name grow among my enemies? XD
Ya, you are right right now that is the only way people can change their guild name, but it would be great in the future if we could pay to change it if we wanted to.
Also open up for a guild to be bad eggs stealing dungeons etc then just change their guild name and continue doing it.
Wait… Are you telling me jerk players intentionally band behind guild names so that they can intentionally be labelled as trouble makers? Why would anyone want to join a guild with a bad reputation? No one outside the guild would group with them…
As far as I know, most “bad eggs” act on their own.
I mean… It’s kind of silly for “bad eggs” to all join up together in a rotten guild… It’s like leaving your name and address at a crime scene…
Edit: If this was really an issue.. The “bad egg” could simply leave said guild and join another, giving that one a bad reputation..
(edited by Latorn.4209)
With the coming expansion and old players returning to claim guild halls, etc. I think this is a pretty important addition to the gem store.
Player’s might not like the name they picked 3 years ago (also the addition of apostrophes in guild names wouldn’t be bad either haha ).
I can’t agree with the OP enough. I am extremely worried that this expack will not have enough content. Personally I find $50 to be an acceptable price for an expansion, IF the expansion is jam-packed with content. Without comparing to Heavensward or WoW’s expanions, the original GW’s “expansions” were some pretty meaty campaigns. I’m hoping for that trend to continue to GW2 to justify my pre-purchase.
Every time I go back and forth between this MMO and another that has first person I feel disoriented when I can’t slide into first person and view the world with no obstructions. I mean the “other” MMO hardly looks half as good as GW2, and yet I can actually look around the world in it T-T
This is the most beautiful MMO, I just wish I could see it through my characters eyes. U.U
If you’re talking about immersive combat mode, I know plenty of people that have used it without issue for a longgg time. It gives you no advantages or anything, even woodenpotatoes has used it:
You already can. Dailies give AP. Every 500 AP you get 1 laurel. Sometimes 2.
The current rate of laurel supply is already greater than it was. If completing 5 dailies gave one laurel per day (thereby doubling supply), it would cause the prices of t6s to crash.
The only “substantial” means is through log in rewards. Gaining 1 to 2 laurels on a one time basis per account for every 500 achievement points is hardly going to be a regular occurrence.
And you’re right about the t6 price crash. Perhaps a better system would simply be having “daily completionist” award one laurel in addition to the 10 AP. Even more so since “daily completionist” rewards nothing if the player reaches the 10,000 AP cap.
Now I know I’m late to the party on this, but I suppose one of the changes I didn’t realise in the mid-December update was the new and only means of acquiring laurels. According to the guild wars 2 wiki there is only one substantial means of acquiring laurels.. Through login rewards..
While it’s true that a player logging in every day can potentially earn more laurels than in the past, I’m sure there are many players who can only login to play half the month, and miss the idea of putting in the work to complete a monthly (and being rewarded as such). In contrast the current daily login reward system enforces a wait between laurel batches that is spread apart quite a bit, rather than a steady mediated pace like in the past.
Am I the only one who thinks a player should be able to earn an extra laurel or two for putting in the effort and completing their dailies?
They need to release more information.. Otherwise the expansion is going to seem small and the playerbase will become increasingly pessimistic
I’d be interested in mounts if Mordremoth caused the permanent destruction of more waypoints. This way they would serve a purpose and give players the opportunity to see more of the beautiful world (and let’s face it, give players another area of horizontal progression for rare mounts).
I was hoping for a bit more on the WvW progression front however, but the new map seems very cool and interesting.
3 BIOMES, not three zones.
If it’s just one zone… It’s gotta be hella big xD
I guess we’ll get an idea of scale at PAX in 6 weeks..
If you could have any three questions about HoT answered, what would they be?
I think I’d have to go with:
1. We know there are three parts of Maguuma to explore, but how big are these zones?
2. Are there going to be two specialization for each profession, for a total of 18 (including Revenant)? Or are we going to be seeing more/less?
3. Will smaller guilds be able to access Guild Halls with less amenities? Or will guild halls be reserved for larger, stronger guilds only?
Would anyone be interested in forming a bandit guild now? XD
If the no waypoint thing becomes a staple (which, I am an advocate for), I can see mounts serving more than just a cosmetic purpose in the future
Wow, this is freaking awesome, I have to go try this myself soon, too bad it costs 2g each time though.. Now if only there was some kind of bandit title for killing an amount of enemy players, I’d be there all the time :O
None knows yet, it is FAR easier to predict the community’s reactions though.
1. Cheap: omg, Anet is a trash company, there is no point of exploring cause you can still buy them, what a grindy grindy grindy game this is, gold again
2. Expensive: omg, Anet have always wanted to make the game P2W, OMG OMG OMG, THE GAME IS DEAD
3. They decide to delete the gold option: OMG ANET IS FORCING ME TO PLAY CONTENT. WHY DO I NEED TO DO SOMETHING I DON’T LIKE, I HATE EXPLORATIONOne of those complains is gonna be seen soon enough, who will complain is purely based on their preferences, and whoever doesn’t like the updates will come and comment negativly, since forums are negative only nowadays. Talking about haters, they will comment with one of those three regardless cause their main point is hating, not how the game is anyhow.
let’s not forget the players on empty servers complaining about how traits are locked behind hard and difficult content only built for TTS or BG like…Orrian Wizard!
Here’s hoping that “facilitating friendly play” is the return of more epic dungeon content like GW’s Underworld, Urgoz’s Warren, Etc. And just MAYBE (ok, now this is a stretch >.>) traits can be earned via that content. XD
None knows yet, it is FAR easier to predict the community’s reactions though.
1. Cheap: omg, Anet is a trash company, there is no point of exploring cause you can still buy them, what a grindy grindy grindy game this is, gold again
2. Expensive: omg, Anet have always wanted to make the game P2W, OMG OMG OMG, THE GAME IS DEAD
Hahahaha, this is probably true on so many levels. I guess I just wish the new traits were only obtainable by playing, but that might just be me XD
If they are all purchasable those of us who liked the horizontal progression of the original GW will still be waiting.. (Hey, maybe one day they’ll introduce something along the lines of legendary traits that can only be earned XD).
I know we’re currently in-between reward systems (and as such it’s a perfect time to hop into some WvW), but I’m just curious as to what rewards everyone is missing the most from the removal of glory.
For me it would be the ability to level my alts through SPvP by trading in glory for tomes of knowledge.
I’m incredibly excited for the new trait system as it seemingly brings back the essence of skill hunting from the original GW. However I’ve been digging through information for a while now, and cannot find clarification as to whether or not all traits can be purchased with gold.
Does anybody know if all traits will be simply purchasable? Or will there be some rare traits that can only be earned?
Part of the problem is that there is no first person view, which hinders an active machinima community, which in turn hinders other fan projects such as music video parodies, etc.
There are some fan made orchestral arrangements though: