Showing Posts For Mac.1936:
First of all, you have DDR3 RAM, 4 and 5 don’t exist other than GDDR for vid cards.
Second, why is your graphics card over 60% usage before you start the game?
Generally the counter to a bunker is condition damage. I am a condition heavy mesmer, I don’t have much of a problem with bunker guardians, they run out of condition removal and go down, my biggest issue is with bunker engineers that have the conditions don’t effect u below 25% health trait… most don’t have it, but I literally can’t kill the ones that do.
Just use vSync? Frame limiter was a bit unreliable for me, but vSync worked fine.
I don’t see what APM has to do with it, but it would have been quicker to set windows to the high performance power profile >.>
Power profile won’t effect a bug in a BIOS setting. Also, I always run on Performance.
Just thought I’d share something I found when trying to get a stable OC for my AMD FX-8120. It may help some users with GW2.
I found that while testing my CPU with Prime95 it would continually drop it’s multiplier down to about half of what it should be. So it would drop from 4 Ghz to about 2. It did this over an over every few seconds. I can only imagine that would mess with games as well. The culprit is Advanced Power Management (APM), which I simply went into the BIOS and turned off. Clocks are now rock solid.
This happened a while back, so I do not know if it was a problem with my specific MB or BIOS, or if it even would effect GW2 since I corrected this before GW2 came out, but it’s worth a shot if you’ve tried everything else.
(edited by Mac.1936)
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mac.1936
I think it’s safe to assume they are working on it. It is likely a similar problem to the eternal loading screen that occurs occasionally while loading maps, since they both started happening with recent patch. Which I hope, when they fix one it fixes both. And they’ve already posted they are working on that issue.
I used to think Moa was powerful until I used it. It made me realize I don’t remember ever dying in Moa form because I can run and dodge. Then someone unknowingly dodged/blocked the cast and I stopped using it.
I’ve seen some arguments that Moa is too powerful because you can Moa other people during their elites… how many of those can be totally negated if you happen to dodge or block it during activation.
There’s plenty of risk in wasting the cast, and not enough reward to warrant using it except in rare situations.
The most viable condition build, imo, relies on a bug. What I assume is a bug, but hope it isn’t.
Get ready cuz I’m about to drop some knowledge. The increase range/reduce cool down of pistol trait has a neat side effect. It causes every single combo finisher projectile from the iDuelist to cause confusion. No longer 20% chance. Which means with just one duelist up plus a combo field (Null Field, Feedback, Chaos Storm, Time Warp), plus Confusing Images from Scepter = 13 stacks of confusion. It takes 2 seconds to set this up. 20 + stacks if you can get 2 Duelists up. Or, even more if you use Feedback and they combo field confusion on themselves. It really rips through people.
It is quite a fun build to play and I have been using it since release. Unknowingly at first.. although like I said, it is probably not intended.
I use 0/20/15/30/5 with Scepter/Pistol and Staff + Undead rune + Rabid amulet.
It’s an issue for some since last patch. My load times have at least doubled on a 500 MB/s+ SSD.
Whether or not this has occurred for you before last patch…
(edited by Mac.1936)
It didn’t really effect my playstyle other than I’m used to the old cooldown and find myself thinking the cooldown should be done when it isn’t.
The issue I have is that phantasms die too fast, and this change makes it a little more frustrating. There’s nothing worse than summoning a phantasm and having someone do a lucky AoE and kill them without even trying/knowing they did. They should be easy to kill for someone targeting them and being smart and taking out a source of our damage… but should they be as easy to kill from luck/AoE spam?
Why not add some sort of buff to them that reduces damage from AoE, or reduce the cooldown timer a bit if they die?
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mac.1936
Same problem for me, Vertex 4 256 Gig. Also, during tPvP I occasionally get an eternal loading screen.
I would wonder why there’s 8 people on a team in my tPvP game.
I’ve been getting bored of playing Mesmer lately and have been using Necro in tPvP instead. Been having a lot of fun and success with a condition/support build. Certain parts of Necro are broken for sure, but I wouldn’t even go close to saying it’s not viable.
Judging by Rank is a bad idea. Rank has nothing to do with skill.
IMO, there should be different teirs of tPvP. You are matched up with people that have as many pre-grouped members as you have. IE, If you joined with two people, the rest would be randoms and the opposing team would have the same.
I’d be for some XP gain. At this point my Rank is higher than my Level. I have no interest in WvW simply because I can’t trait as a level 80. Or even use an elite skill for that matter.
I mean honestly, how many times have people been killed by Thieves Guild, Tome of Wrath, Lich Form, because you were perma blinded from Plague Form, because everyone got healed from Tome of Courage, etc? Plenty.
How many times have you been killed due to Moa? For me it’s once.
(edited by Mac.1936)
I keep hearing how Moa has a “long cooldown.”
Compared to other elites it has a pretty average cooldown.
Elites with a CD of 180;
Moa Morph
Tome of Courage
Tome of Wrath
Supply Crate
Thieves Guild
Fiery Greatsword
Lich Form (Moa negated)
Plague Form (Moa negated)
I would say any of those is just as much a game changer as Moa is. Not to mention that Plague Form can negate Moa if you use the blind one. Which, is what I do when I’m in Plague Form, an AoE blind the entire time.
15 points in Dueling is pretty much a staple for condition builds as it makes your Phantasms bleed on crit. Which, for the Duelist, is about 6 stacks of bleed per rotation.
Edit: the trait is for clones in general, including phantasms, sorry.
(edited by Mac.1936)
As my most played character is a Mesmer and 2nd most played is a Necro, from a tPvP perspective:
I always get 250+ points on my Necro because I play an AoE Mark condition/Support build. I get points for everything that happens basically.
My Mesmer is a single target build, I don’t get as many points with him even though IMO, I perform a lot better.
Points mean little in terms of who is actually contributing to winning the match. I’ve seen plenty of times where every member on the losing team had higher points than the highest on the winning team.
As a Mesmer most of the time, I can say AoE is the most annoying thing for me. Not only for clones, but phantasms as well. But, if AoE is not an option for you, you are one of the unlucky people that just isn’t good. I’m not saying that because you don’t have AoE, but because you are one of the unfortunate souls that just keeps killing clones and never hits me while I laugh at you. There are plenty of people that never even attack my clones and go straight for me, so what is it they are doing different that you can’t do?
Rank has no relation to a persons skill, only time invested.
The point of hot join is basically PvP when you don’t have time to commit to tournaments or just want to do some mindless zerging. There should be no penalty for leaving hot join since thats the nature of it. Penalty for tournaments however should be implemented in some form since noone else can fill that spot. You are left 4v5 indefinitely.
(edited by Mac.1936)
Couple hours a night. I don’t PvE.
Honestly how often do you guys see this skill in action in tPvP? You are acting like it’s the bane of your existence.
I’ve seen it maybe once in the past two weeks and almost every comp has a mesmer.
I highly doubt that you can unlock your CPU to more cores without taking a hit in speed. Unless the CPU has four physical cores, which the X3 720 doesn’t, you aren’t going to make a 4th core pop up by changing BIOS settings, which is why it’s slower.
I use an Athlon II X4 645 and I rarely get the framerates I should be getting with my card. GW2 depends heavily on performance per core, not number of cores. So really, not many AMD processors are going to offer great performance.
X3’s have 4 physical cores with 1 of them locked. Similar to how some of AMD’s graphics cards have cores locked and marketed as a 6950 vs 6970. While it’s by no means a guarantee it will unlock, it is possible.
OT: As stated more mHz would probably be the better option, but GW2 is multithread aware so it is worth a test.
1. Guardian
2. Mesmer
3. Engineer
4. Thief
5. Warrior
6. Ele
7. Ranger
8. Necromancer
Ultimately, I believe 1-4 are pretty similar in terms of being as useful/powerful as they should be and 5-8 needing some work. Personally, I believe a really well played Engineer has the most potential but those are few and very far between.
You sir are a troll. Hardly anyone uses Moa, and even less use Portal outside of treb.
Probably wouldn’t make a difference. 95% of the time Mesmers only use portal for Treb. It’s not normally on their skill bar. This would make 0 change to that. They would still only put it on their skill bar for the Treb, elite or not.
A Mesmer with Timewarp is more frightening then one with Moa. Just time some dodges while in Moa and you are back in the fight. Timewarp, you probably didn’t last the 10 seconds to make it back in the fight.
I can probably count on 2 hands the amount of times I’ve been Moa’d. I don’t see it very often at all, and the amount of times I’ve died as a result I can probably count on 1 finger.
(edited by Mac.1936)
Bad players is an obvious answer, but it depends on the class as well.
A thief would probably only switch weapons for utility, since the initiative is shared. While a Mesmer, like most classes, probably would switch based on abilities on cooldown/utility. And Engineer has only one set of weapons + weapon kits. I don’t play an Engineer, but I’m sure there are builds that don’t even use weapon kits.
Normally, at least for me, I change weapons when I have a lot of skills currently on cooldown. When you change weapons, you still have blurred frenzy/whatever skill 3 is called on cooldown. It can work I guess, but I wouldn’t say it’s optimal.
I’ve gotten a bunch of Slivers, but I don’t think I’ve seen a Crystal since level 10. RNG is RNG I guess.
It’s fine the way it is. It adds a dynamic to the map. I mean if you change it too much it’s just going to end up the each team gets 1 every time. Which negates the purpose of having them altogether.
Also, if it was changed to a % of damage done it would just lead to a burst class ninja-ing by bursting down then running away leaving the other team to kill him and still not end up getting it. Which is worse than last hit gets points in my opinion.
If you want Arcane Slivers you are better off with the Gold chests
It’s just a typical glass cannon build. I don’t understand how that is the best sPvP build period. You have no Toughness or Condition removal and not enough HP to make that ok. You would die pretty quickly to any competent player.
It’s way more efficient to get glory from 8v8 and buy chests to upgrade your gear, if that’s what you care about. No wasting time before/inbetween matches. Not to mention the amount of gear you get from free tournament chests is limited and rarely, if ever, get slivers from it.
tPvP is for the competition.
Well then, did a quick test without traits and i got the same results as you. It seems the reduce pistol skill recharge in the Duelist line trait does it.
Depends on your build. There are a surprising amout of viable mesmer builds.
And to your comment on noone is going to attack your clones. Builds with toughness and some HP are the kind of builds if you don’t kill the phantasms you will die before killing the mesmer.
Don’t bank on the Torch cooldown reset from cancelling it early. That’s probably a bug and will be changed.
Duelist has a 20% chance (as does Magic Bullet) to proc “chaos bullets” through ethereal fields.
I guess no one is listening to me. Like I said, maybe that’s how it is suppose to be, but unless I somehow have magical illusionary duelists that’s not how it currently works. I get 8 stacks per duelists every time without fail.
The tooltips don’t update properly. If you actually tested it, or had the cooldown timers enabled like a competent player you would know that.
It’s very viable to play a non shattering build. In fact I find it more fun, because the shatters in their current state are boring and not very powerful.
I get a lot more out of combo fields and my iDuelists stacking confusion and bleeds. I will shatter defensively if needed, but shattering offensively I find to be counter productive.
But, then again, I would argue that keeping up Duelists and combo fielding keeps me “busy” at the keyboard more so than shattering did.
(edited by Mac.1936)
The problem is your glory level has absolutely nothing to do with how good you are.
Why bother PvPing if you don’t care if you win?
Screw glory, I play to win.
Maybe there’s suppose to be. Was getting 18+ stacks pretty reliably last night in sPvP
Phantasm conditions using combo field ethereal from glamors is how you get 20+ stacks of confusion. Each shot through the field is a stack of confusion. 8 stacks per duelist if you time everything right. On top of their bleeds it is quite devastating.
Just a note if you are not familiar with combo fields… this has nothing to do with glamor traits. It’s just regular Null Field, Feedback, Staff number 5, Time warp… etc. Any projectile finisher, like the duelists unload, will trigger confusion.
A few theorycrafting tips for those who defend mesmers:
- Invest 5 points, only 5 yes, into the Illusions trait line (the bottom one) to get “Illusionists celerity”:
——>20% decreased cd on ALL ILLUSION SKILLS.
That includes every weapon skill that creates clones, phantasms,
plus a few Utility skills like Decoy (their main stealth).
Yep, only 5 points. Plus you can cumulate with any weapon specialization, for an additionnal 20%.
That is around 40% cd reduction on any skill creating clones or phantasms.
That’s pretty short in the end, for abilities that are already on a relatively short cd.- Get gready and get 10 points (yep, only 10) in Domination, the first line, for “Empowered Illusions”:
—->15% damage increase for illusions. Same, affects clones & phantasms.
Clones will barely scratch you anyway, but phantasms…
Not to mention illusions scale with power/crit, so…In the end as a mesmer you can invest only 15 points to increase your
clone spamming/phantasm damage capability by…A LOT!!!I’d really like to hear the other “pet classes” opinion on such powerful, cheap investment, traits.
Just to clarify for anyone who thinks otherwise. Illusionary Celerity and the reduce rechange weapon specific do stack, they just don’t change the tooltip cooldown. If you have the countdown on your skill recharge you’d see that.
And to this post, Mesmers have a ton of Phantasm related traits, being they are the main source of our damage this makes sense. You can’t have all of them, not even close. They are in every trait line except maybe Chaos. And some deep into the others. There is a ton of variation. If you do decide to get most of them that leaves you with no toughness. There’s a trade off to it, Mesmer traits are well designed.
Any well played character can give someone else a hard time. If you’re smart you will kill off the Phantasms and and cripple their damage for a bit.
I can’t speak much for thieves as I haven’t spent much time playing them… but in my experience seeing them in action they either get the jump on someone and destroy them, or miss that opportunity and destroyed themselves. Or run away.
I don’t really see a problem. It evens out. There are ways to deal with everything… if you are willing to play that way. There are weaknesses to every build.
Figuring out what they are and reacting appropriately is half the fun.
(edited by Mac.1936)
[Mesmer Bug] Ether Clone (Skill 1 for Scepter) overidding third Phantasmal Duelist
in Mesmer
Posted by: Mac.1936
I’m saying it doesn’t synergize with any build. You are saying it’s a terrible idea. I mean, if your build isn’t effected by this why is it such a terrible idea? In what situation is a clone going to outweigh a phantasm?
(edited by Mac.1936)
[Mesmer Bug] Ether Clone (Skill 1 for Scepter) overidding third Phantasmal Duelist
in Mesmer
Posted by: Mac.1936
Thinking you need to use staff when phantasms are up is inflexible. I use scepter for block and confusion. Should I not auto attack during this time?
Uh, considering you CAN’T auto attack while using your confusion and block, I would say that no, you should not auto attack during that time.
Having a second weapon set is not being inflexible. I just mentioned the staff because it’s very common and excellent. You also have the option of the sword, and GS. People are picking the weapon with the least synergy for their build and wondering why the auto attack isn’t that great.
So I’m just suppose to sit there after blocking and casting confusion until I can switch back to staff. Got it.
Scepter/Pistol and Staff is the most synergy for my build… being a condition build. I also happen to use phantasms to combo field confusion.
It sounds like whatever build you are using that this is detrimental to is the inflexible one.
The scepter offers 2 things for condition builds: confusing images, and clones to fuel shatters, if you’re traited into having all shatters inflict confusion. That’s it, everything else is power based.
I’m not sure what you are trying to add to the convo. Scepter is the only 1 hand main hand that offers condition damage. Yes, some of it is based on power… but at least there is condition damage. Also, it’s the only way to get 20+ stacks of confusion relatively easily.
(edited by Mac.1936)