Showing Posts For Moonyeti.3296:

Players coming to "help" you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I disagree with you. I want players to help others just as the default reaction; that shows that the game design of the mechanics is meshing with the play style that Anet intended (players do not compete with each other except by explicit consent). It is one of the few things Anet designed very well.

Needing the help or not should not be relevant, as it is not a judgement on your skills. In other words they are not helping you because you need help per se, but because the game encourages player cooperation throughout the game.

Guardian alignment question.

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I could see it working, a guardian is one that keeps focus trained on him rather than his allies and skills to keep allies alive and well. This has a virtuous feel to it on the surface, but it could be a guardian keeping his team of terrorists alive so they can kill as many innocents as possible for example.

Story of next episode?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Whatever it is about I expect it to be presented in the most heavy handed, clumsy and crude way, as is Anet tradition.

What awakened Zhaitan then?

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


The Elder Dragons awakening does not require a catalyst, rather it seems to just be a part of their cycle. Similar to a bear hibernating for the winter, they wake up when their body has depleted their stores of magic, and return to ‘sleep’ when they have absorbed enough and are full.

If you are asking this question because of the seeming catalyst with Mordremoth waking up being Scarlet, then I can see where this gets confusing. In that case, although she did wake him up, it is more like she woke him up a bit early, he was scheduled to wake up soon anyway.

[Sugg.] Show Aestus & Ignis Health to All

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I think that is a great suggestion.

Pact Ranks

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


As Aaron said, aside from a few general ranks for the PC and NPC we deal with, the pact members usually are referred to by role rather than rank. For example, pact scout, pact medic, pact soldier.

100% imitation Foefire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Well done. (spoken in Trahearne’s voice, of course)

Watchtower Cliffs pretty unplayable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


You are a bit hard on ArenaNet on that one. You cannot always predict what people will do, even if you spend months think tanking about it. At some point, you have to just do it and see what happens, and this is not a real life policy that impacts the well being of people, this is a game. If not here, where else can you implement something, watch how it goes, and then adjust? Certainly not in government regulation policies, although I see the Trump Administration doing just that.

People will exploit anything possible, and often, actions have unintended consequences. When they do, you fix the situation. If your fix doesn’t work, back to the drawing board. And that’s probably what the devs are doing right now. If a proper fix is not feasible, abandon the project.

When the Chinese government wanted to make streets safer, they created a policy that allowed drivers to report other drivers for traffic offenses with video footage. You can film other drivers and send in the video as proof of the offense. And to provide an incentive for people to do just that, the government rewards snitches with money. All of us can probably imagine what happens now on China’s streets, the Chinese government didn’t ^^

Of course some people started using dash cams and provoke reckless driving, like blocking three lanes on a motorway to make people pass them on the right side, film it and get the reward (and the government gets the fine, so everybody wins except the poor people who get scammed). The result of that policy is horrible for road safety, the exact thing it was supposed to improve. There are many of these cases in the real world, which have real impact on people. ArenaNet didn’t think about turrets when they created the area, so what? They are trying to fix it, that’s how it works. And they are quick with it. If you want things to happen quickly, you have to live with not so perfect solutions. In Europe, government advisors would sit together for weeks or months before a policy like the Chinese one gets implemented, to make sure they thought about every possible impact. But then, China is the best place to experiment these days because they don’t do that. They will put self-driving cars on the streets and see how many people die, then adjust. In our world, we will test them for years before we let millions of them on the streets.

Sorry for wandering away from the topic: you cannot have things implemented fast and perfect at the same time. If ArenaNet think tanks for ages, people complain because it’s slow, if they do things fast, people complain because things are not perfect.

I agree with the spirit of this post completely. However, I don’t think it actually applies here. Anet is not a new company, this is not their first game using massively multiplayer mechanics, and MMO’s in general have dealt with problems and solutions of this exact nature for awhile now. If they were experimenting with brand new mechanics and ideas I agree they deserve some room to make mistakes and improve. But this is a loot farm (common MMO theme) they designed, not a player exploit. They should have foreseen classes with AI assistants (pets, minions, turrets) would be able to exploit it further. Strike 1 for Anet, other companies have gone down this road and made the same mistakes many times. They then address the issue by adding an overly punishing mechanic that makes everyone suffer, those who were abusing the farm and those that were not. They should have instead looked at the original design on the farm, tweaked that, and iterate on the changes there until they got the result they wanted. Introducing a new mechanic to patch over problems with the first, because if this doesn’t address the issue as intended they will probably just continue to add bandaid gimmicks instead of fixing the root issue. Strike 2. The issue also ends up pitting the players against each other in a game where we are all supposed to play together. You see engineers, rangers and necros worried that the farmers amongst their number are reflecting badly on the rest of the group, and start policing each other so that they don’t get nerfed by Anet. You get people that play other classes upset that it isn’t fair that they don’t have similar mechanics to afk farm and express anger at the players of those classes. In both cases it is Anet that designed the mechanics of the classes, they give people that chose those classes certain certain options for play, then punish certain players for then choosing to use some of those options. Strike 3 for Anet.

This problem is one of the most basic issues in MMO’s with some degree of player driven economy. If Anet can’t sort it out they probably are not suited to develop MMO’s.

primordus vs jormag in LA

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


This could be a way of salvaging the Tengu city map that never made it into the release of the game. Epic dragon fight there wrecks the city, and punches holes in the walls so we can go there. Tengu can no longer keep us out because they are too busy dealing with dragons or all dead. Since it is unlikely that Tengu will become playable at this point, we would at least get to explore this area at last.

Please, stop abusing the farm options.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


It’s on Anet, they didn’t put enough design consideration into the farms. They design the class mechanics (for example those evil engineers, necromancers and rangers) and they design the farm encounter. If they don’t consider how one will affect the other before releasing the farm into the game that is their failure, not players of the ‘evil’ classes who are playing their class as Anet designed in an area Anet designed.

I do get it, it is annoying to have afk-esque farmers around. But lay the blame where it belongs, not at the feet of players playing a way sanctioned by Anet in an area sanctioned for Anet for that purpose.

Is season 3 worth buying?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I have enjoyed all of the new maps to one degree or another. There are nice uses of masteries in them and they all have a tight thematic feel. The story will be how you have liked the story up to this point; it’s more of the same. For straight up gameplay though I recommend the LS3 maps with new collections and masteries.

Micromanagement of players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Actually to me, the Lake Doric engie farm was bad PR. It is the kind of thing that turns me off from MMOs in general, and I’m happy that Anet stepped in.

The area was designed so that the point of interest on top would be accessible when groups of people ran up the hill to centaur farm.

You can’t complete the map without that point of interest. The engie farm was making it so people didn’t want to go.

It’s borderline exploit and exploits should be dealt with.

What Anet has done was stop people who wanted to put in the least amount of effort possible to get stuff. Good for them.

Not quite. Anet is entirely to blame. They set up the area to be a group farm from day 1 that was their intention. They designed the mastery on top of the hill, knowing it was hidden behind a group farm. So, people started farming it, the engineer farm happened and Anet decided that wasn’t what they had in mind so they nerfed it. The design from the beginning to have this area be a intended group farm was a bad decision. I don’t blame engineers for doing the farm their way, Anet encouraged farming and that is what they were doing. I don’t blame Anet for nerfing the engineer farm, as that clearly wasn’t the intended ‘way’ they wanted it to be farmed. I blame Anet for the core design flaw of the entire farm in the first place, and then overloading the area with mastery granting events. (to help with leather prices, which seems to be having no real effect).

Stop with the time sink

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Grinding is normal in MMOs. Get over it or don’t do the grind.

Complaining in online posts in normal. Get over it or don’t post the complaint.

Wait, are you actually complaining about someone complaining about someone complaining?


Did you just come here to complain about someone complaining about someone complaining about someone complaining? How dare you!

Stop with the time sink

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Grinding is normal in MMOs. Get over it or don’t do the grind.

Complaining in online posts in normal. Get over it or don’t post the complaint.

Doric leather farm - really?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Yeah, it is a strange design choice, but Anet did indeed build it to be used as a leather farm, and now everyone is upset about the engineers farming it.

Objection to old cutscenes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


In addition to other comments already posted there is also the issue of having dialog in two places. In the old system, you still had some dialog before and after the cut away close ups. This is problematic because they often don’t line up due to edits and changes in one that did not make it to the other. You see it all over the place where the cut away dialog implies your mission is X, but further in gameplay dialog tells you that you do Y.

Toxic event farmers still an issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Gotta love it when people complain about things they do not even know how they freaking work… Engineers. cannot. be. afk. because. the. turrets. get. destroyed. in. 5. minutes. Also, if a GM comes around and they don’t answer the whispers, they get temp. banned. This is not an afk farm. Next time learn more about the situation before you open your mouth!

Ummm… what!? So, what do you use for a keyboard and mouse? Pets classes like the engi/ranger/necro could be easily used since you can simply set the abilities to respawn after a delay with any current gaming mouse/keyboard. Not saying people are afk farming or not but your assumption that no one is and its impossible are right out if have every used any gaming peripherals.

Just go roll an engineer and play one for a bit. You are making assumptions that you wouldn’t make if you were familiar with the class. Example – you only can autocast 1 turret, and they are ground targeted.

Sorry know gamer’s that easily marco’ed movement and placement skills, might not agree with them and were kittened at them for it, but denying they did it wasn’t going to change they did.

Sure, I agree with that. That is nothing specific to engineers at all. Anyone can abuse the game with macros. It is against the official rules but that won’t stop people. Necros and rangers can abuse macros with pets and minions. An engineer can not abuse macros nearly as much as those two. The way to fix this farm issue isn’t to nerf engi’s yet again, Anet should fix the leather economy at the source. But since they decided this was their official fix, I don’t see singling out a particular class for taking part in it as fixing the issue.

the tl;dr of what I am saying is that engineers aren’t the problem, Anets official farm as the solution to the leather problem is.

Toxic event farmers still an issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Gotta love it when people complain about things they do not even know how they freaking work… Engineers. cannot. be. afk. because. the. turrets. get. destroyed. in. 5. minutes. Also, if a GM comes around and they don’t answer the whispers, they get temp. banned. This is not an afk farm. Next time learn more about the situation before you open your mouth!

Ummm… what!? So, what do you use for a keyboard and mouse? Pets classes like the engi/ranger/necro could be easily used since you can simply set the abilities to respawn after a delay with any current gaming mouse/keyboard. Not saying people are afk farming or not but your assumption that no one is and its impossible are right out if have every used any gaming peripherals.

Just go roll an engineer and play one for a bit. You are making assumptions that you wouldn’t make if you were familiar with the class. Example – you only can autocast 1 turret, and they are ground targeted.

Toxic event farmers still an issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Anet designed area as a farm. People use it as a farm. Other people don’t like the way the farmers are farming, complain to Anet about farmers using a spot Anet designed to be used by farmers.

The problem with GW2's writing...

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I wish Anet would be more focused in their storytelling. Right now it seems like they’re just throwing in any idea they can think of to see if it sticks. That means that no single plotline is getting the attention it deserves, and what should be important turning point moments quickly become irrelevant or fall by the wayside when the plot suddenly whiplashes in a totally different direction. Rather than half a dozen false starts and side stories, I’d rather see a simpler but more solid narrative arc with a build up leading to a resolution.

It seems they’re trying to make it all payoff with no breaks from the action – but without the leadup that’s merited to make it meaningful, the payoffs don’t count for as much.

I also think Anet needs to remember that even though they know in advance how their story all fits together, the audience does not, and it’s not like episodic television where you only have to wait a week between installments with a long hiatus coming only at the end of a season. There are months between every episode of living story, so with so many plot threads left in the air at any given moment, it can be a very long time before an idea is revisited, and by that point it’s hard to remember or care what’s going on.

What it all boils down to for me with the plot is that I would rather see Anet do less but do it better rather than do more but make it all so superficial. I think the pendulum has shifted way too far toward quantity of ideas over quality of ideas, and it would be easier for me to stay engaged if it could swing back a bit.

Hear hear!

The important question no one seems to ask

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


They are hard to spot, but there are always some around wherever horses spawn.

Hypothesis on Gods and Dragons (spoiler)

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Also, the number 6 isn’t an absolute fixed number for the gods like it is with the dragons. Depending on what point in time you are referring to there were more or less that 6 gods. Abbadon’s fall left the number at 5 for awhile, Kormir replacing him brought the number back to 6. Similar things happened with Balthezar replacing his father and battling his half brother Menzies, or Grenth being a replacement god. The number of gods is fluid, whereas the dragons are fixed at 6 to maintain the balance of Tyria. There can’t be a strong relationship between the dragons and gods if the number is not fixed at a 1:1 ratio.

Where does magic come from?

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


The magic could just be an inherent property of the world, so in that case you could remove step 1. For step 2, perhaps the ley lines are like blood vessels, as in they move the magic around the world. The circulatory system for magic if you will.

The total amount of magic in the world could be the same at all times, just sometimes more of it is stored in dragons and sometimes it is flowing freely.

Some design-related questions and suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


2) It’s a gold sink. Something which isn’t fun on it’s own but makes the game as a whole far more enjoyable by curbing the rampant inflation that would otherwise occur as a result of the gold constantly being added to the game whenever an enemy is killed, an event is completed, an item is sold to a merchant and so-on. (Same reason the TP has fees.)

Isn’t the need for a gold sink a design flaw in itself? Shouldn’t the need to use that gold on ingame purchases be enough to curb inflation?

Also, someone else commented on how easy it would be to gather resources without waypoint prices or aggro. Waypoint prices aren’t enough to stop someone from using them, which is why I think there’s no point to them. So that has no effect on the gathering rate. As for aggro, how much faster would people REALLY be gathering? Most of the time when I’m gathering I just tank the attacks. It’s just annoying to have to do so.

Unless you have a really robust economy in a game, including all items needing to degrade over time and be replaced, you absolutely need gold sinks in a persistent online game. Otherwise over time all the players will have more gold than they need to buy everything and anything.

"Not a guaranteed drop."

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


If the drop rate is guaranteed for everything, it gets boring. If it’s almost guaranteed, it’s just annoying for all the people who don’t get the drop. If the drop rate is low enough to be meaningful, say “25%”, then most people won’t need more than 5-6 tries. However, given how many people who play, some will need a lot more attempts — and that’s when it becomes horribly frustrating.

For example, in Henge Away from Home, I got three of the elemental drops within 1-2 kills; my friend got all four with 1 kill. My fourth? took over 40 kills.

So I don’t think it’s possible to have an RNG drop and be “balanced” for everyone.

What might be a better solution is to have a guaranteed drop, “Piece of Ley-Line Bezoar” plus the random drop of the full item. Then you can combine 10 (or maybe 20) pieces to get the full one. Get lucky? You can stop early. Unlucky? well, there’s still a clear end in sight.

A good way to balance RNG extremes is with a pity timer. Every time you don’t get the drop, the next time you have a better chance of it dropping. Keeps some RNG flavor, but tempers it for the extremely unlucky rolls (like taking over 40 times to get a 25% drop)

Most boring race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Norn. They were given some cultural trappings to make them more than just bigger humans, but then that is consistently ignored and they are characterized as big humans. Braham’s current sulky whining is a perfect example. It would be fine if it was coming from a human, but Anet gave us lore on how the Norn deal with grief and remembering those they lost and Braham is not it. Why they insist on Norn not being related to humans in ancestry, but then ignore all the things they did to differentiate them from humans is beyond me.

Worst and best voice acting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I love the human female PC voice. She nails sounding like a strong, calm authority that too often in voice acting comes across as whiny or screechy.

Who are we to other players and others to us?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Since all of the PS story lines play out canonically, I imagine my alts that play different story lines to be commanders doing different missions simultaneously. In missions where we all do the same mission, since they are doable in a group, I imagine my alts (or other PC’s) as the other commanders joining the party. Now later on the game switches to a single story thread for everyone, I imagine my main PC is like a ‘first among equals’ situation with the commanders, the other commanders are still there doing the other things.

Will we ever see LW1 again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


As much as I did like the changing nature of the world in S1, I did not like the pacing at all. Every 2 weeks was new content, and usually it replaced previous content completely. So I started to feel burned out because if I took a break I felt like I was going to miss something I could never see or do again. Looking back at my historical achievements you can see the burnout setting in, at first I was getting them all, eventually getting enough to finish the meta, and later still just enough to get through the story critical parts. By this time the nightmare tower rolled around I was becoming more actively aware of the burnout and was getting ready to just call it quits, but thankfully, they slowed things a bit for the holidays, took a break and then finished up S1 a bit slower. When they started releasing the S2 episodes in the current format I was relieved and started playing at a much more relaxed pace. I really prefer just logging in to get the new episodes unlocked and playing them whenever I want to.

If they could capture that feel of S1 without the frenzied pace of S1 I would love them to do that. Story wise S1 was terrible but gameplay had tons of great moments.

So... what happened to Orr?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Hopefully this is something we’ll see in future, especially now they’re consistently adding new maps to the world.

I think it makes perfect sense that we’ve not seen any change in the majority of Orr yet. Even if people continued working to actively clear the undead and encourage new growth (possibly involving importing soil and plants from elsewhere) it would take years, if not decades, to change even small areas. If they simply left the few plants Traherene created to spread, and waited for stuff to spread across from the mainland, seeds to arrive on the wind etc. it could take even longer. Either way I think we’re looking at a few hundred years before Orr is back to ‘normal’. (And even then it wouldn’t be exactly like it was before – some species, like the Orrian gorilla, are probably gone forever.)

But it would be nice to see some progress at least. Maybe small protected areas with grass and shrubs, or even some small trees, and NPCs monitoring them.

It takes an amazingly short time for plant life to recolonize an area, even when left to it’s own natural pace. No way it would take decades even if left alone. But to your other point, yeah, the ‘original’ Orr will never return, any new plants would be seeded from elsewhere and any animals extinct are not coming back, short of some magical intervention.

So... what happened to Orr?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Yeah, I thought it would have been a nice tie in to give an actual title there, seeing as that is exactly how the ghost of Reza refers to it, and it is a mechanic already in the game.

[SPOILER] Out with the Old. In with the new?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I appreciate the spoiler warning but it would be helpful if you specified what the “certain point” in the story is so that readers know if they’ve done what you’re talking about yet.

As it is, I’m having to pass on this thread.

The thread mentions various critical plot points back from the personal story all the way through to the current episode, so unless you are current on the story there are spoilers in there.

Anise in The Dragon's Reach, Pt. 2

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


She is in disguise. If you talk to her :

Talking to Countess Anise

Greetings, stranger. I’m all abloom with delight at meeting so many different people.

(PC): Countess, I know it’s you.

You’ve always been the clever one. Well, I beseech you not to give away my little secret. It’s for the queen’s security.

Kessex Hills Floating Castle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I still think ANet missed a golden April Fool’s opportunity – Temporarily add a series of updrafts leading toward the castle that were JUST out of reach…


You evil kitten! I love it.

Class 1 Magic Rift (Current Events)

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I only started (and completed) the thing with the rifts a month and a half ago, so if they did disable the rifts it must have been more recently. I do remember having to wait on the NPC around the pond to do something, and I thought it was bugged but it turned out I wasn’t giving him time to finish his job.

Taimi is all we need... (potential spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


1. Taimi is mission control. Or at least has been. That might change now that she has her new mech.
2. Phlunt is the council’s patsy – the member so self-absorbed, stupid, and arrogant to be manipulated into doing stuff the Arcane Council needs a councilor to oversee, but is too dangerous/boring for any of them to go through with. A dangerous, magically-active cave in a forsaken desert needs investigation? Send Phlunt to die in the dunes. A meeting with bookahs? Send Phlunt to handle the blather. Overseeing the excavation of a city that was eaten by bugs at the height of its power, and the bugs are still there? Send Phlunt to get eaten by the bugs. So that’s why a kid can manipulate him.

I have been so much happier working with Taimi since she has been in a mission control role. I hope they don’t go back to the season 2 days, where she was needing rescue now that she has the new golem suit. I understood her needing to be there in person for the current episode, kind of a special case. But now that they have her in the suit again, I hope they don’t write a ‘special case’ into every episode going forward.

Who would you invite to join Dragon's Watch?

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I would try to poach Laranthir away from the pact. The guy gets results, knows how to make hard decisions and kept up the good fight even when non sylvari distrusted him in Maguuma.

Jumping Puzzles Suck in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I personally wouldn’t even comment on JPs if they didn’t have content locked behind them. If they were purely optional, I wouldn’t care how hard they were as I would simply not do them.

I totally agree with this. JPs where originally optional content, now they are required just to complete a map. More and more content locked behind them and made harder and harder.

which jp is required to complete a map?

None of them are required for map completion.

Question about the level 80 boost!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


You can use the booster on a character you started to play, doesn’t have to be used right out of the gate.

Y'all need to chill out about Braham.

in Living World

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


But considering Ep5 writing I would not be surprised if PC just says something like: “Braham, N-teen years ago I spent a night with Eir… I am your real father!” And they will live happilly ever after, disreguarding the fact that PC is a female charr. But what a twist! What a reveal!

Sylvari PC’s will get a special different dialog for this point but the Norn PC’s won’t.

[Suggestion] A Multiclassing System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


As much as I miss being multiclassed in GW1, the devs found it a nightmare to keep balanced and to add new skills in expansions, and the power creep was huge. They made the decision to cut multiclassing in GW2 for this reason.

Charr credibility

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


The entire tone of the game is like that though. Banter, quips and semi-serious-to-serious dialog is pretty much what everyone gets, even the passive-aggressive, narcissistic Asura.

You can do that with class, too, instead of childish humor that only a ten-year old would find hysterical…

Excellent point! This is one of those things where there really is no way to please everyone.

Like I stated many times in my previous posts: It can’t be that hard (as in, yes, it is feasible) to slightly differ the dialogue for every race to fit their racial demeanor and tone (so that, for instance, a Charr character wouldn’t come across as a teddy bear). It is not that hard to set flags in programming that say, “If character Charr, then select response #3.” They can speak the same in content, but phrase it according to their race. Not that difficult, really.

Not only should it be feasible, Anet proved they can do it as episode 4 had a bunch of this stuff; lines that changed a bit depending on race / personal story choices but still led to the same story. But the are not consistent at all. Episode 5 with the Balthazar reveal and nobody has unique dialogue, not even humans that picked blessing of Balthazar at character creation.

Charr credibility

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Yeah, I don’t mind the change. He started out typical Charr-like, as the story progressed he was exposed to things well beyond the concerns of just Charr, same as any other PC hero. As a result his outlook grows beyond the specific concerns of his home race.

Obviously, some don’t get my actual point: it’s all about the tone, i.e. the wording and voice acting (I thought my last few posts had made that very clear). A Charr responds a lot rougher, not like a softie.

Speaking of the childish lines my Charr babbles when fighting, I had to deactivate player chatter. Norn and Charr both sound equally ridiculous, both in regard of text as well as pronunciation — female Norn saying stuff like “Might makes me right!” is beyond funny (unfortunately I cannot deactivate their fighting noises which sound like noise one would only make in one’s own bedroom, if you catch my drift), and the texts for both race’s player chatter in general sound like out of a bad Marvel comic/cartoon/movie.

Don’t those proud fighter races deserve better than being reduced to jokes? It is funny when an Asura (a somewhat cute race) says something like “I feel six feet tall!”, or when a human states a pesudo-cool “Armored up!”, but for a Norn or a Charr to say childish stuff is beyond my comprehension.

TBH you really shouldn’t be expecting much in terms of the story regarding your character

I get that, but they could have at least done something about their dialogue.

OH! You are talking about those combat comments and the like. Yeah, those are pretty irritating at times. All the races suffer there for me. One of the worst was when my human ranger female went through HoT, the scene where Eir dies and you fight the Vinetooth that killed her. My pet died right before the vinetooth, then the vinetooth’s death triggers the mourning scene with Braham at her body. Right in the middle of his moment of silence my pet recovers and that triggers one of those speech events and my ranger blurts out “Oh, so you were just playing dead.” I admit I laughed, but that sure brought me out of the moment.

Open world PvP System (Immersion)

in PvP

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


a lot of people use the phrase ‘breaks immersion’ like it will raise red flags with the devs, who will of course drop anything to investigate something that ‘breaks immersion’ for a player.

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Again, when the only existing type of legendary is weapon, the situation differs dramatically. An active player still needs to upgrade most of their gear. 6 armor pieces, 6 trinkets. With the current situation, you’d need to upgrade a grand total of 5 items (2 rings, 2 accessories and an amulet). It would require much less effort and these are easier to obtain to begin with. In a hypothetical scenario where everything is legendary, you’d have to upgrade 0 items.

This type of progression is made to give players something to do. It would give very little now and it wouldn’t give anything at all if they introduced legendary trinkets. “They’ve done it before” isn’t a reason to do it now. Inventing new carrots doesn’t do anything at all if you’re giving said carrots automatically.

In this game skins alone count as carrots for many people. Also, gear is not the only carrot. to some what you see as the carrot others see as the stick.

Charr credibility

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Uhm, you like how your Charr PC talks like a softie human in most of the dialogue? How is that “authentic” and “showing facets of their cultural demeanor”?

Yeah, I don’t mind the change. He started out typical Charr-like, as the story progressed he was exposed to things well beyond the concerns of just Charr, same as any other PC hero. As a result his outlook grows beyond the specific concerns of his home race. We aren’t the typical representative of any of the races as the PC. I would be pretty disappointed if the PC acted like a typical Charr (or whatever race) by the end of the PS.

What I was talking about are the non PC Charr – settlements around ascalon and the rest of Tyria. The ambient dialog and different events for me painted a nice picture of how far the Charr have come since GW1. Obviously you disagree with my opinion, that’s fine.

(edited by Moonyeti.3296)

Charr credibility

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


I personally like the Charr integration in GW2, they feel like they have a nice range of examples of the race to show different facets. I completely agree with the Norn, they really need their culture to be presented more. They are so plain and boring in GW2.

Again. . . Giant Slayer fix ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


Any day now. I got lucky and stumbled on to the end of the upscaled event in Brisban the other day. After years of sitting at 2 giant kills, I am now at 5. Pretty sure I am on track for a world first on this one!

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


You know what’s sad about all this, you all typed all this up, for 3 pages straight, for nothing and he (or she) is already gone. They are not coming back to comment or read this. You all had solid points on what he/she could do to stay and have fun or things they could work towards past just getting better gear, (mastery grind, raids) and wait until next expac for what may be next to work for, but they already said their thing and left not even caring to check back.

Its like, they went to an empty podium to say their peace then didn’t care if anyone was around to even listen.

To be fair, discussions like this changed the way I viewed things forever.

I come from Diablo, so the idea of a level and gear game without the endless power escalation was a completely foreign concept to me.

Granted, I don’t mind either way, but this does seem like the better way.

Great point. Diablo (any of the games) would be absolutely terrible without gear progression, the whole game was designed around it. Doesn’t mean it fits everywhere. GW2 was designed around it not existing, and would suffer for adding it.

Resurrection Magic

in Lore

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


It is canon, something caused resurrection magic to not work anymore sometime between GW1 and GW2. We don’t know why this is, but it does explain why in GW2 the game is always careful to call it downed or defeated, never dead. It is one of the reasons monks no longer exist in GW2, they lost one of their most powerful forms of magic available to them.