Showing Posts For Nightshade.2570:

Scourge thoughts

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


In PvP I think people just don’t know how to fight it. Once they do you will see very fast that you are just knocked all over the place. Stunned into next week. Scourge has exactly the same weaknesses as before. As for burning? Lots of builds in PvP run that, burn guard is notorious and it runs just as much if not more. It’s also not the most popular guardian build so that should tell you alot.

If you nerf scourge though, specifically in WvW they will be dropped as there are other classes in this expansion that will then be better support.

Basically we currently walk a super fine line, we are viable at least for a moment but a good nerf or two to scourge abilities like they did to reaper and we will find ourselves back on those shelves. People will just go back to wanting wells only from us.

Holosmith and Scourge damage.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Actually Scourge pretty much has the same weakness as every other build on necro. Actually worse. They are CC’able-they have absolutely no stability unless they trait for it or get lucky and steal it when they corrupt (which is unreliable).

They also have no blocks, no invulns, and barrier drains super fast faster then death shroud. In pvp Im not sure it will be a viable class as once people know how to fight it it will just be punted around most arenas.

In wvw it is certainly very viable provided the barrier abilities prove to be more useful then other things that support classes (note not comparable to healing classes barrier does not heal) can do. That is still to be seen. If the barrier skill gets a bit more love it might have viability in WvW in the long run. At this point just not sure, depends how much they nerf us.

Pls and thankyou Skull tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Pirate tag so we can pirate ship meta

Part of the crew, part of the ship.

I do not mind editing it to a skull and cross bones

Pls and thankyou Skull tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Just take our gems…

Pls and thankyou Skull tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Then I want an commander tag with little angel wings.

Okay but only for Wintersday Dwayna wings

Pls and thankyou Skull tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Since the Catmander tags have been kindly given to us, Can we please have Skull tags for Halloween?


Or better yet you can only get them by capturing Necro Tower on DBL. There he sells a Skeletal Mini and Skull tag


Your friendly neighborhood necro,

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Wow its amazing. We can’t have one new thing or try out one nice change without people going nuts and griping. They cant fly away if its not their territory. So thats a moot point. However defenders csn fly around and get away by flying.

For once let go of this narrow minded fear of change. Tty something new, heck have fun with it.

Barrier Info

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Is it based on vitality or max health?

Why can’t they just break the mold and do something different for us.

Dude it’s a literally new mechanic and we’re the kings of it. I don’t know how much more mold-breaking you can get.

Okay I will grant you a its a new mechanic-it doesn’t break the mold simply cause they invented a new name for it and made it boost allies health.

Blocks would of been nice, I don’t have deathshroud now that would of been super cool lol. They will eat my health in wvw super fast, or worse, it will wear off when my health is already low.

Scourge nerfed before it arrives.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Yeah I am going to give it my best shot but currently looking a bit glum.

Scourge nerfed before it arrives.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


So scourge is a major condition spec for our elite specialization.

It mainly , corrupts boons (which with a nerf to boon duration means less boons to corrupt)
It mainly does torment and a bit of fire/bleed damage (condis and thier duration are being nerfed.)
It mainly does barrier (Barrier I don’t have great hopes for anyhow as it just temporarily gives you health-not a block.)

So from what I can see it is all being nerfed, prior to Scourge arriving. LOL

For the record, I don’t mind condi nerfs as I prefer to play power but lol… ironic

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Upcoming Stat Changes in the Q3 Balance Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t mind that you are nerfing conditions and boon duration. Except that you have built the Elite Spec Scourge to be boon corruption and condition damage. So effectively you have nerfed us before its even out.

Scourge has no stability & no mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I wanted to give up deathshroud so I could have things that I don’t normally get. They completely missed the mark here. We got more boon corruption, torment/bleed. Barrier is different but easily ineffective and it just increases health, currently health is eaten so fast in things like WvW this is not a viable format.

Other classes give out swiftness like candy this wont even compare.

Barrier Info

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


This isnt what I wanted to give up deathshroud for. I wanted blocks, mobility, blasts, damage, functionality, usefulness OTHER than boon corruption. Barriers fall really short of that, its the same old thing. Why can’t they just break the mold and do something different for us. They gave Ranger a healing class why is it they only see one model for us and won’t let us go. I will give it my best, in the beta but my optimism is fading. I see its application I guess in PvE or maybe WvW (if other classes as ussually don’t do the same stuff better) I can’t see how this will be useful in PvP much at all.

Remove PVE armor stats from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Okay so, heres the deal. There are amulets and limited things in PvP because certain stat types and combos would make it impossible for 5 v 5 confrontations, mostly unkillable, to fast of killing combinations.

I think some people think that PvP is boring and does not thrive because of these limitations, when in actuallity it is much more balanced than WvW. Any experienced PvPer knows, though we wish we could customize and use certain stat sets that allowing that would severely affect things and in alot of respects destroy PvP. To be competitive PvP must be limited not just in gear but in skills.

Let us take the example of Celestial, when it was allowed in PvP yes, yes it was glorious, however it soon became the go to standard and just about every class except necro started running it. (Now adays its glorious for necro in WvW but only due to certain things)

As someone who has played both game modes for along period of time (years) I can safely say that alot of the complaints about condi damage, stability issues ect that come up in WvW are mainly because large groups of people can run builds you can’t run in PvP.

It’s all good though, I am not propositioning any change for WvW as the Dev’s have clearly stated WvW will never be Fair. Which is fine thats part of the fun right? The unfair buidls people sometimes get to run that surprise you and have you down, or you get to run. (Not that PvP is necessarily fair its just a bit more controlled.)

So really WvW has more crutches and aids to the new player and the less experienced then PvP and in fact allows for more room for creativity. While I hate having to build suits from scratch. I would never take that freedom away from us WvWers

Server Population

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I have realized some things about my server and how this system works in general. It’s disturbing. I am trying not to give specifics as i dont want this to be a match up thread.

1. We must have a huge PVE population that once in a while jumps into WvW and skews our numbers.

2. Before they fixed the decay alot of that PVE population spent a good deal of thier time sadly standing at spawn to get pips then would run out to take a tower and go back to spawn. This gave a really skewed look of fullness to our server.

3. Due to this skewed look of fullness we got linked with a server that I don’t think has more then five players on it sadly.

4. Now that the decay is fixed alot of those PVE’ers are truly gone and we find ourselves barely with enough people to fill one borderlands much less four. In fact I have noticed the people we are fighting have no issue haveing a large group on every borderland and its worrisome.

5> Genuine question here, Hypothetically, if you are Host server say, 12, and some of the non host-servers that get matched up with the host server are stronger then yours, will the Host server be removed as a Host server and start being linked with other servers? Cause I actually think that there might be stronger servers with more population.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Matchmaking will get exposed

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Lol, wow Evan Lives! I haven’t seen him post in a bit. You have roused the silent programming wizard.

On a side note, I think what should really be focused on, is why do people FEEL the Matchmaker isn’t working, even if the data says it is.

The thought that one team has an overall lower rating then the other is having a much more profound effect on the PvP population then prior, and I think a lot of average players that used to have a rather solid rating have ended up with rather unstable ratings and matches causing people to lose trust in the system.

So It would be a good idea to discuss the concept around why people believe there are unfair, underhanded lists or matchmaking is tilted against them on a so much larger scale than before.

It could be one small thing going on, (like bronze on the same team as gold) that causes this belief.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

A Moment in the mists...

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


So I wanted to share with you a moment i witnessed yesterday that I wanted to relay. I am hoping others of you can share your funny/special/weird moments to. My hope is we can blow off a bit of the PVP steam of frustration in this thread.

Yesterday, I was watching the free-for-all area in the new map. There was a platinum or legendary (don’t recall which tag he had, I just know he wasnt bronze silver or gold.) down in there just standing.

A warrior ran up to him and tried to attack him, failed and died. Others came up to him after that, attacked him, and all failed and died. They tried grouping up on him and still failed to kill him. He was running an unusual signet build and I was intrigued.

What happened next was actually touching, the newish Warrior ran up again, failed and died, and repeated again and again. Then I realized that the Guard was giving him tips “Thats much better” Try that again" “Thats not working”. “Dodge this skill”

The Guard had randomly started giving this obviously new warrior player tips. I was really impressed by that. Cheers to those that reach out and try to help others!

Match Manipulation

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I am glad you took action, this is a good step. Thank you for looking into this and keep up the good work.

PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


There can be art in anything we do, and if a community or a part of our community creates a video that is art, it deserves to be here.

You are welcome to dislike or like art, that is the freedom of it, but you may not judge what is and isnt beyond your own opinion. Branching out and recognizing other art forms is ingenious, I support it.

We should always keep an open mind.

Dune Roller

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Charr Cars, had the ability to transform WvW, the mechanization of desert borderlands would have been a phenomenal feature.

To make things a bit more-“Mad Max” esque would of been such a fun concept. I suspect that unfortunately they didnt feel that large quantities of them could be managed in large scale combat, perhaps it would cause to much lag.

I hope they take ideals like this to heart and next time find a way to employ them with a bit more freedom so that mutiple people can enjoy it.

Necromancer How to kill a block target?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Actually alot of Guards are starting to bunker, they have a build that does about the same damage but is super tanky.

I am running the shout “Nothing can Save you” specifically to deal with blocking enemies.
And of course, unblockable marks is a necessity.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I’m just having fun, the queues are gone at least on my server, which is sad, it was a blast for that one week. Perhaps it will sorta even out a bit more.

However it is really nice to get extra rewards in WvW now, more than we have ever had. Plus the chance to play and hang out with my friends. The Pip ratio doesnt seem to bother most people around me.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

My humble opinion on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t think it would be much fun if I couldnt get into a massive battle inside SMC. Those are the battles most people get pumped for.

On a side note, I think WvW should be flexible and allow for large scale fights and smaller scale 5-10 person per side fights. But this is up tot he players Anet can do things to influence it but alot of what goes on in WvW is determined by large groups of players.

Feedback on the PvP changes, Arena ect.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I cannot speak for Automated tournaments or the 2v2 custom map yet as I have not experienced those.

However in regards to the new PvP map it is really beautiful. I used to make alot of circles on the old one running the same path over and over or mindlessly killign golems while waiting for a map as I just couldnt bring myself to wait for matches outside of the HOTM. Now I have a nice break up to the monotony, and much funner more engaging things to do.

However, I do want to mention a few things I can see that would help out alot.
My friends and I spent about 4 hours in the free for all last night turns out we really love to kill each other and other people. The sheer randomness of that place is quite amazing.

1. I dont know if its intentional but there is one glaring problem, perhaps bug. There is a little ledge up on the sides of the arena that you can move to tip of and shoot down into the arena. A large group of people started going up there and shooting down into the arena and when we tried to shoot them back they just back up into the invulnerable zone. If you could please stop this from happening it would be good mainly because I noticed that the group on the sides soon started getting larger then the group fighting.

It discouraged people from entering because we could not retaliate properly against these people up on the sides but they could attack down into the arena. One fellow was an engi and was mortaring down in killing multiple people.

2. Also if you could put some sort of sign on the portal into the arena I accidently wandered in there lol not knowing it was the arena,(yeah I thought it was a cool waterfall thingy) I just laughed, but I fear that new people won’t take so kindly to it.

3. The ending match thing is awesome! Recognizing the winners on the pedestal is great. However its unnecessary to pull the people that lost and put them dead at the winners feet. This will only discourage some people and sets a bad tone. I would recommend just leaving the losing team be. !!!!However I love separating the teams because honestly I get so tired of trying to look at my stats (would be so awesome if I could see these outside of the game in the mists) and having someone intent on killing me while my menu is open. !!!!!

What entails a dedicated WvWer

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


This answer is going to be all over the board.

A dedicated WvWer in my definitions is simply someone who cares, they are motivated by that care. They care about WvW and its welfare and they devote a majority of thier time to it.

My definition is very open you will find more hardcore answers like

“Plays nothing but WvW is rank blah blah blha gets in TS and runs all the right gear”

However New people that have only been around a short time, can be dedicated in my book.

Necromancer is OK not broken

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I think what people are trying to convey here is that they are frustrated, while Necro has its limited uses, yes that can be agreed on, it is very tiring to have to have people babysit you in order to do your job on a team.

It is also frustrating to have several classes not just one hard counter but several that can shut you down. Focus fire has always been a thing for necro but combine with that the larger amount of CC and less stability in general and Necro suffers the most from this.

We just want something else in PvP, something less frustrating and seemingly more on par with what other classes just automatically have. I know that no two classes can be equal and necros arent going to get blocks and evades without major class overhaul but giving us back a bit of survivability or some other form of use on teams would be nice.

What is a WvW player?

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I do wish that, the devs could see the conversations going on right now in other mediums, such as facebook groups ect.

Over the past few days I have seen some interesting thoughts posted and they have ranged across the board in regards to the patch and how people, Veteran players of WvW and new WvW players alike feel about this competitive expansion so far.

I had quite the chuckle today when a person posted a rant about how his perfect (snort) WvW was being marred by people that aren’t even WvW players who just think they are.

I have also read blogs from unknown people that link into groups about how thier raiding group can’t get into a borderlands together and how this queue is so unfair and all these PvEers need to go back to PvE. (not realizing some of these people come from PvP as well but hey…)

On a side note in both cases most people did not agree with the above posts and have been excited about the influx of people to play this game mode with.

However, this got me thinking and it brings me to the literal and non-literal meaning of what makes up a WvW player. For reference a WvW player is anyone that sets foot into WvW and hits something with a stick, or picks up supply, or dies in a zerg, or escorts a yak ect..

By Veteran WvWer standers, a WvW player is someone that has devoted years to this game eats breathes and sleeps WvW and never (they want you to believe this part but most WvWers begrudgingly will set foot in PvE or often go to PvP when things are dead) sets foot in any other game modes. In fact, their character was concieved in EBG and they are the son ofthe champion residing in Stonemist castle. (mind you we all come from somewhere and you can’t enter WvW anymore at level 1)

Neither is really wrong, the acceptance of my literal response to the question above, is the most beneficial to the game mode, assuming that the moment a person enters WvW they are there to support have fun and learn to WvW would bring the best outcome to this game mode.

Yet you cannot get past my second assertation of what Veteran WvWers believe WvW to be, and part of this rests on the shoulders of Anet for letting the game mode dwindle without much incentivizing for years. I know they have been working to improve things, but that was largely for the players they had. Without much interest in developing new players. Their endgame became about mostly PvE updates dwindling down the very important aspect of competitive. I could go on about competitive and how its the only true endgame because it needs less upkeep due to healthy communities and the constant changing flow of actually fighting other players over npcs. (but I will stop there)

This patch is largely a step in the right direction, and as a person who has played both WvW and PvP equally, I can tell you that PvP has made some huge mistakes in thier treament of new PvP candidates and shunned them away by demanding nerfs to the reward system, (imagine being able to get ascended armor in PvP how dare they!).

There is a balance here in all this, and truly I ask that you think kindly on those entering WvW right now and instead of looking at your own team players as intruders to your turf, look at them as potential friends to our madness…

Challenge Anet to fix the queueing problem with a solid relink that still relinks lower servers together (so they continue to run strong) and the higher servers unlinked.

Or in a revolutionary moment all together figure out a way to keep it like this always (reduce the number of servers or start a three sided system based on guilds/alliances) but making it so a group of friends can run together across a borderlands without sitting in a queue.

Getting WvW gear in comparison to WoW

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Please don’t compare GW2 to WOW they are entirely different game structures and ideals.

Sorry but thats an insult to this game.

Perverse Incentives: Outnumbered

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I havent seen any bullying at all the majority of people are just happy to let it fall where it may.

Incr tickt limit or add tickts to rep chest

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


You play because you like wvw, the loots just added benefit.

A Great Start, Arenanet!

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Okay, so I am all emotional and such just because I haven’t seen WvW like this in so long.

Seriously Anet your on the right path. Keep going this way. You have huge potential with this game mode and with the right direction and love it will grow again.

Competitive is the only true endgame because its always different, and always a challenge. You can not program the experiences that happen in WvW but you can support them.

I think your rewards might have a bit to high requirements but otherwise I would agree that this is a stunning step in the right direction.

Don’t unlink servers though until we see what the next few weeks is like as I know that some will give up on the rewards as WvW may not be for them.

As for us players seriously, welcome these people in with open arms so that we can keep as many as possible. Each person is a new opportunity and a new friend, they maybe the next karma train or battle commander. You just don’t know!

Stay away from the hate and keep the warm friendly community that we are going!

PvP Feels Utterly Broken For Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


… I can tell you that the biggest issue is that I feel like ANET doesnt know what to do with every class.



Eternal Coliseum, Capricorn....

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I like Cap but coliseum I am sick to death of as everyone in unranked picked that over and over to get the achievements.

However to be constructive,

Coliseum gives once more huge advantage to certain classes so be aware, and yes, switch to those classes when it comes up as you will be the worse for the wear if you don’t.

PvP Feels Utterly Broken For Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


As someone who has played several thousand hours of necro over the past few years, I can tell you that the biggest issue is that I feel like ANET doesnt know what to do with us.

They seem to have a clear line on what most classes do, and they sorta semi fit into the trinity for dps/healing/tank. However with necros they can’t decide.

If you don’t have survivability, sustain you can not effectively carry out the vision for necro. Necros were suppose to orignally play a wearing down function, where they slowly ate away at enemies. In order to do anything slowly you also need to be able sustain, not something that necros can do on thier own at all.

So then came the next vision or incarnation for necro, Corruption, boons got really out of control for a while and it was indeed impossible to kill each other. Because everything was out of wack people were sitting on points knowing that the duels would just last forever. At this point beside nerfing dagger dagger ele, Anet gave necros a nice strong ability to corrupt. Unfortunately while this ability remains the addition of skills like resistance and such, and the increased ability to share boons has made this skill unable to keep up with the current boon meta again.

Necro’s weakness in sustain was further destroyed in the last patch by increased nerfs to our stability features and sustain. While we have a grandmaster trait that breaks stun and gives stability this is useless sitting next to our most important way of damaging. Because the stability it gives is so minute and building a tanky support necro is so useless in general (you should just roll to a different class if you want to be tanky and supportive necros tank or support functions add little to anyone.) that if your not standing way out of range and corrupting dropping damage on your opponents your team generally will constantly be trying to get you up.

This can be further evidenced in the last tournament where pro players paired all necros with a designated healbot engy, because for some reason Engi and necro pair well together and Engi has the most sucessful time of getting Necro up.

Indeed I play with my friend who plays on Engi, and yes that is exactly what he does, support me so I can live to do damage when I am focused and CC’d.

Don't make the mistake PVP Made Frenz!

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Hi guys long time WvW/PvP player here. I love both game modes! So I am really happy that great rewards are finally coming to WvW.

However with these much needed rewards comes the added change of new WvWers, droves of them. I personally Love new players and have always worked to help both returning, and new peeps.

However I recognize this creates chaos, for both groups! That’s okay we will all work it out,.

Please consider this before coming here to complain about rewards:

PvP as well was blessed with a much needed improved reward system. However, in a fit of foolish rage certain people cried all over the forums about the rewards being to good. To get this “pve trash” out of their game mode. (IKR rewards being TO good? Like who in their right mind would complain about that).

What happened next many of you know. Personally I posted asking please please embrace this and help new players, you were once new to. It was ignored, and ANET answered their cries. Sadly this wasnt a good representation of what the pvp population wanted.
Season five, one of the most sucessful seasons with great turn out and lots of possible new pvpers was gutted in season six.

The big change that came in season six, besides esports leaving, was ascended rewards were put behind a huge grind wall. Basically it became easier to get the rewards in pve, then pvp period.

The new were gone, the pro’s were mostly gone and the matchmaker was thrown askew by low pop season 6 was the first one I left not very far into. (Hoping season 7 is better)

So please, this game mode has a huge opportunity before it. Sure, some of the new wvwers are there just for rewards, but that can all change, with fun and friendliness. Ask new people to do things, don’t tell them. Treat each other with respect.

ANET scarily listens alot now to these boards, sometimes that’s great. However it can lead to disaster. Please don’t make the mistakes made by the Vet PVPers and fail to recognize the importance of new players in a game mode.

Happy June 6th everyone! #Hype

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

NEW mode incoming 2v2!

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I wouldn’t call this its own ‘mode’ anymore than having courtyard available made ‘annihilation’ an available mode. This is merely adding a single map to support (in a limited fashion) a specific user desire. In this case, the desire for 2v2. Its one map that you can set up in custom arenas, if you so desire. I wouldn’t be surprised if a modified courtyard was the map we saw for this purpose.

Yeah this is what I am surmising I am hoping they are testing things for future but who knows.

NEW mode incoming 2v2!

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Why put in all the effort to make a 2v2 mode only to have it in custom arenas and not have a queue system for it?


agreed with this. in my excitement, i read it as they custom made arenas for 2v2, and not they are adding 2v2 to the Custom Arenas , which yes is quite lame. “2v2 dailies guild ONLY” in the server list incoming a suppose

I dont understand its purpose I to am a little sad about this.

NEW mode incoming 2v2!

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Yes I just caught this, the 2v2 mode is in Custom Arenas? I don’t understand? Why would they do this?

Can we get some clarification? I just want to know exactly what this is for, practice? or? Is it tied to the tournament system? Can you go up randomly against other duos?

NEW mode incoming 2v2!

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Its possibly ANET is trolling us but hes not making it up. Reddit captured teh original post before it was taken down..


in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Its what you combo with this elite that makes a great difference, for example a corruption well with plaguelands followed by epi while running the blood magic line does great healing and tons of damage. My only complaint is having to get into a zerg to drop the Plaguelands,

Of course a ground targetable skill for plaguelands would cause the most forum crying and detriment to WvW that I can think of. But I can dream.

However it should of been classified as a well, it really is more of a well then a corruption.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Bring Back The Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Do not do any further polls unless you are going to:

A. Word them clearly without anyd oubt in peoples minds.
B. Explain the ramifications of each vote clearly for people in the poll not in a thread seperately.
C. Put up a notification for the people in the mists with a link to vote.
D. Send a letter to people after they complete a pvp match inviting them to vote in the poll.
E. Hire me to help manage this for you Okay Just Kidding thats pretty cheeky.

Would a bigger map help wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Yes if they let us do mounted battle it would make sense to make a bigger map, or incorporated gliding.

Otherwise no, that is the top complaint about DBL.

Big population drop after released desert bl

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


While DBL had some issues, I don’t think it got released with all that was intended in fact I think they cut out a key feature of that map that originally was intended. It would of made sense to make it a gliding map, and introduce aerial combat there.

It would of been a highly popular map then. Imagine flying around with your whole squad.

Anyhow regardless, I am not convinced that we will see anymore changes to any maps as people are pretty stuck in their ways. As much as people claim they are tired of Alpine borderlands, they lose thier minds anytime anything new is introduced.

Can Ebg MAP get new Designs?

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Uh I doubt they will introduce new maps with the popularity of the one they tried to introduce. EBG is the most popular map I don’t see why they would change it.

People will claim they are bored with it like they did alpine borderlands, then once its redone they will flip out and ask for the old ebg back.

Please allow 5 man queue.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I know they can’t split out the two modes, IE solo queue and team queue due to player population. Team queue would basically have 30 minute waits.

However! Maybe to appease both groups we could have a check mark that was sorta like the single rider line on theme park rides. This check mark would make you the 4 or 5 person with a team of three or more.

Thusly, you would be placed with a higher mmr team, to compensate and your queue time would be faster.

Just a thought I really think there might be ways to encourage people to volunteer for team queue.

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


People are pretty set in thier ways. I like DBL but I am pretty convinced that thier development time would be better spent.

A. Fixing world population issues (consolidate servers)
B. Adding gliding to Desert Borderlands. (put up barriers so you cant fly into towers and keeps.
C. Adding combat to the gliding in Desert borderlands.

There is just no way people are going to accept new maps they are just really set sadly which means its a waste of time to try to add a third.

Suggestion: WvW Jobs

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


What if, as a new person in WvW you just loaded into a map and you were given roles to accept. You select your role. The skills, armor and traits are preset for you. Each time you select a new role, you armor will simply switch instead of stacking tons of useless armor on a player.This continued to happen until you reached a certain level in WvW and once you reached that level your build was opened up to allow you to run what you want, or continue to select a premade build.

As a veteran, If you didnt select the premade build you would have to build and craft the suit necessary like normal and set up your abilities. However letting new inexperienced people have a good suit and build upon entering WvW is really no different then pvp.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

1st game since update

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Unfortunately I think the low population is to blame here, they are trying to get it to not stack classes at first but after time it has to lengthen out if it can’t find any matches without stacking.

It may be your pop was so low it just didnt have a choice. A shame if it is. Or it could be that the current Daily was guards and the system is flooded with Guardians lol which wouldnt surprise me one bit.

It may not even be a daily.

Throwing games till I reach 1 SR, allowed?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Good job getting a response. Even my response is a response. I know this but I couldnt resist you deserve it for giving me a good chuckle.

PvP Patch change-The Olive Branch

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


For those that didnt see it:
Structured Player vs. Player Matchmaking
Matchmaking now expands profession count scoring penalties over time instead of being a fixed amount.
The number of desired professions per team before penalties are applied begins at 1 and will rise to 2 after two minutes.
Matches can now be restricted to never allow more than the desired number of professions, but this feature is subject to change as we review matchmaking quality.

As you can see the Dev’s are starting to look into fixing Class Stacking in the Matchmaker system. I am so happy for this. It may not be perfect at first, things always have to be tweaked but honestly this is them trying to fix some wrongs.

Whether we feel it could be done differently or better doesnt matter, as they are able to see alot of things that I can not. We must support it guys because we have begged for them to address this!

I appreciate this gesture regardless of the outcome it definitely shows that they are turning their ears to this board.

:) I look forward to future changes and addressing of the other issues as well as fine tuning this one.

I can’t wait to try out the matchmaking now and give my constructive criticism.

Guild wars 2 has some of the best PvP I have encountered and I love it so I wanted to say something positive for a change and not ignore what is actually being done, instead of always complaining.

Thanks Guys!