Showing Posts For Nightshade.2570:

PVP Needs Tutorial - pls comment if agree

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


After all the hate hitting new players and chasing them off Yes Please!

In the meantime it would be super great if people offered to help them.

But ultimately we need people to have a better tutorial then just hey get to level 20 in unranked. Unranked is a terrible breeding ground for bad tactics. Vet players go there to try out new things and to be more casual. Now add to that 5 man teams needing to practice and you have a not so great place for throwing the new players into.

A better training program would do so much for pvp, with simple core rotation strategies, map education and awareness.

New players in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


So I keep on reading the forum and also map chat on the game.
I notice and understand your anger about the new players. Arenanet surely did a mistake.
But it doesn’t seem to get fixed or even given a statement anytime soon.
It’s the community to work on this now.

I noticed a lot of new players who REALLY WANTED to learn how to play pvp, wanted tipps etc.
All they got? Hatred and abuse.
It’s logical that they can’t improve to the better with that pressure and those negative feelings.
I’m asking here to help them.
Would it be so bad to be kinda like a mentor to them? Duo Q with a new player, explain the classes and the maps to them, give them tipps etc.
Even if you play a few games unranked with them.
If they got any chance to improve and got tipps etc. they will get better (by time).
If not this season, then the next.
You could even start a guild for them (experienced players helping new players)
Just an idea but maybe all we can do for now.
Ofc it will still get AFK’ers and people who just want the gear.
But with the new rewards also people who actually would want to learn it.
Just stop the hate and help them (please !!)

Hi, yes I have been saying this very thing please see my thread.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I think that if Anet made it so newer players/no pvp players started with a much lower Mmr than the Above average 1500 mmr it would get rid of a lot of the complaints then you wouldn’t have them being placed with more experienced players.

Well actually I questioned the Average MMR given to new players, and I saw in another thread, I will go dig it up that Evan Lesh said they also based it on number of games.

While they may assign an average MMR to a new player they do not match people with vastly different numbers of games if it can be helped. My guess is it happens on occasion, if the matchmaking system is having to expand its search due to low populations or an influx of new players.

So in situations like the beginning of seasons yes, I would imagine you see it a bit more commonly. However, while some of you claim they are just here for the ascended rewards.

You all really need to ask yourself how many of you never play WvW or PvE and how many of you started there and eventually crossed over into PvP. I would love to see the true numbers on this one, though I doubt Arena Net would help me prove my point.

Season always have an influx of players, whether they are from PvE or WvW or Returning PvPers. Even prior to the season the number one recruiting grounds was the PvP lobby as the plethora of new players and people trying to learn were there.

In some way all I have been saying, is that we try to be a bit more patient. Maybe consider reaching out to people that are making mistakes after the game and kindly, not rudely giving them a few pointers if you think they are new. Some of them will stay? Maybe some of you Vet PvPers could do as I have done and take new people into unranked to try to teach them rotations?

You know share the knowledge? Until There is a better training system in PvP this will be an ongoing problem. I want short queue times and I want good fair competition. I think we all want that.

There is nothing like a good match to make your blood flow and smile on your face, even when I have lost some if they were exceedingly close I was happy because it was so thrilling. I am asking our community as is typical for guild wars communities to rise above the hate that pervades other games and in exchange help to bolster and improve our own gaming experience by helping others.

Right before the seasons started I actually was quite concerned becuase the queue time for me, was running over 10 minutes in ranked. Sometimes 15-20. (I consider myself on good days, maybe slightly above average.) I gave up on ranked queue because of that. I don’t want to see the huge dip that happens between seasons to continue so I am hoping that some of the people that came for the rewards will catch the PvP bug like I did years ago.

What frustrates you most when you lose?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Those fights you start strong, half way you have a good lead (50-100 pts) then somehow you end up losing. sad face

I hate when people hit autopilot, go yolo, and lose all focus.

Every time that’s happened to me, it’s almost the same reason. We’re winning big, we’re clearly better than the other team in any straight up fight, but players get greedy. We hold home and mid and just wiped the enemy at mid, so 2 ppl push far. They then get easily overwhelmed, suddenly enemy has a 5v3 and takes mid and then players wander in 1 at a time and get ganked. Same thing every time.

Yep I agree happens alot.

It's a you issue.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I think honestly that sometimes its us, when its us we know its us. On the other hand I dont agree that every game can be carried at all.

I can clearly see when I or my teammates are far outclassed. Most people do. The truth is it could be either issue, you or them, or sometimes sadly both.

I am very tired of hearing about this carrying nonsense. One person can not carry a game, unless perhaps you are an ESL player I will give you that.

MMR Spiral

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Ahaha I got a phase like this as well on my thief, those 9 defeat in a row are terrible….The only thing to do is stop playing for a while or change classes. Thief is that hellish class that brings you to the bottom if you are not focused on your role and only this….

My solution was to get my mesmer and play a build I was confident would crush team fights. I’m almost back to my original position. Since I want to play thief again, I’m starting to not considering leaderboard, just playing my thief. I played 4 games on my thief and won 4 of them

Hahah yeah, Mesmer with proper portal use has great map control and can turn games around quickly. I was going to suggest that to

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


What is wrong with rewarding teh general population. Ascended armor has been around a long time. You can craft all six pieces in one night if your a PvE player. PvP players don’t get nearly that amount of crafting materials to craft one in even a month.

I guess I just don’t see ascended armor as something that should be special that only a select few have. Again just my opinion, I do see where you are coming from.

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.

So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.

Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.

I have around ~2k games in PvP. In PvE I’m mostly doing the story and most difficult PvE content would be HoT metas, never raided, my fractal level is around 25, and I got into WvW last september. So I would say I’m a pvp player.

In the last 2 years I got a full ascended armor thanks to ascended boxes from bags of pvp reward track. Yes it was rare and I’m not against unlocking ascended stuff in pvp. But I think there is a problem when I can get 3 ascended armor pieces or trinket in less than a week.

The problem is that 3-4 ascended pieces now have less worth than a mini lavish Llama of the wings of ascension. It got me more time to get those two items in previous seasons than to 4 ascended pieces. Don’t you think that ascended armor would have meaning if you would get them through the season instead of right at the beginning ?

Well since they are most likely moving to Legendary armor being the top gear (yes I know it doesnt have different stats ect). It stands to reason that the ascended should not be that hard to obtain. Now of course thats just my opinion. Remember i am trying to clothe all my girls and they have expensive taste.

Remove duoqueuers from ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Removing solo queue would be terrible for PvP… If the game mode really was designed for organized team play 5 man queuing would still be an option. There’s a good reason it’s not anymore. They just need to remove duo queue

Being able to play this game with a friend is a core part of games. I can’t imagine a game where you are punished for wanting to play it with your friends.

If the same rewards were available in Unranked perhaps it would be a bit more fair but they aren’t.

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.

So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.

Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.

I’m not complaining about PvP getting decent rewards. My complains are about how easy/fast these are acquired by any player, no matter skill level or time investment, and how there’s barely any reward after that.
A single game a day, no matter the performance, is nearly enough to cap all the shards and tickets. What does remain for those focused on PvP then (who will cap those in far less than a couple of weeks, if they are not already capped)? A bit of gold, still less than what PvE produces.

Well considering it will only be here during seasons, and not constantly, I can understand peoples rush and grind to get them. I myself have alot of undressed naked…characters lol.

On that note it is capped per season you cant even get the full six pieces.

As for gold, I agree with you there, that still , in my opinion falls quite short in both PvP and WvW.

MMR Spiral

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I was going to suggest you take a break and maybe bounce around a bit it could be the time you were playing at causing a lower number of players to select from.

Hence a loss streak. I am relieved it wasnt a loss streak of 40 in a row though

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Well I like WvW to, but that doesnt mean that PvP should lose them

Remove duoqueuers from ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t think people realize one of the things that goes on when your team of five non duo queue players gets put up against a team that has a duo queue.

Thats actually an indication that the team of 5 solo queuers has a higher mmr rating. The system adjusts for it.

I can see that 5 solo people against a team of 4 or 5 people would be pretty difficult to win against even with a higher MMR average.

However, this is not so with Duo queues as we are outnumbered on our team. So I am sorry I just can’t agree that removing Duo queue would be good for the game or the community. What little teamwork that people are learning would definitely be gone.

Lots of people are talking about Team work and how its worse then ever this season.

For every Action, there is an appropriate reaction, for every Cause an effect.
When you go to Solo Queue/Duo Queue from a Team/Solo Queue environment, you are going to see alot more lone wolf, do not care for thier team mates type.

For me its been great because I often would get matched up against teams of 4/5 because we used to run 3 in our group. Now with two we will never encounter a team with more then that.

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.

So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.

Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.

It could be a mixture of PvE/WvW players complaining that PvP finally has decent access to to good of rewards and think that it shouldn’t since ermegherd sPvP don’t use stats!!!

This is just the reaction of the different gamemode communities clashing when specific gamemode get attention/love from the Devs, so soak it up now it may not last long buy up all the Ascended you can/need now!!!

Yeah I had noticed on the WvW forums they are suddenly calling for easier access to Ascended armor…

Season rewards should probably be revised

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.

So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.

Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Normally I just silently read posts and move on, only commenting from time to time.
However, I want to comment on a growing trend that I am seeing.

First off, I would like to ask you, how do you know for certain that someone is a pve player. When it is the intended goal of Anet to get people to balance and play across all game modes, there are very few players that never set foot in WvW or PvE and only play PvP these days. Now, alot of us like me, love PvP and play it the most, as in I play it most every night of the week and only branch out from time to time.

However, you have to stop blaming the quality of your matches on pve players. It might be a bad day for some, it might be something you are doing, it might of been a bad roll of the dice. Any one of these three are the actual reasons, your match was lost.

Secondly, new players are the lifeblood of every game mode. You were new once and I am sure you didnt appreciate being referred to in a derogatory manner due to your newness. Most new players know they are not that great yet, and are in fact trying to learn.

If you want to make a change in how things are matched, how things are managed in PvP my suggestion is you turn this anger and hate to constructive criticism that will actually help minimize blow out matches and improve the quality of matches for new and Vet players. You could also offer to help someone who is a suspected PvEer or New player….

first, how to find out if someone new? You just block him and check AP. I had many games with players under 1k AP, playing more difficult classes. What they do? They run to enemy blob and die instantly. Do you think it’s fair towards long time pvpers? To lose a game because some newbie just giving points away? There is unranked, then random arenas, go learn, then play ranked, however (now including me) everybody simply farming ascended armor. Anet had good idea, sadly they * it up as aleways just by being to lazy to think deeper. PVP is now PVE, you just farm ascended armor.

Your kidding right? You don’t judge whose old and new on AP do you? Did it ever occur to you that people that mostly PvP have hardly any AP after playing for years. I have very low AP and have been in PvP for three years.

Elitism kills communities. New blood is important to the game. Ranked PvP tactics are different from Unranked. People are casual there. At some point New people have to go into ranked. Some will do better then others. Accept that the real thing here is, that they need better training, not exclusion.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I have no problem with new players, as long as they stay in unranked until they learn to actually play. And as far as knowing who is new, when 4 guys are capping home at the start of a round it’s a good guess they’re new. And trying to teach them mid ranked game is more frustrating than it should be. They dont listen.

To some degree I agree with you, I often get frustrated with team mates and I groan inside when I know I have a very new player on my team. However, I understand they want the rewards that come from playing in ranked. I was lucky I had a mentor to teach me pvp, and I have tried to pass that on, I just wish more people would recognize that its not the fault of the new person necessarily as an outcome of the game rewards and matchmaking.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Normally I just silently read posts and move on, only commenting from time to time.
However, I want to comment on a growing trend that I am seeing.

First off, I would like to ask you, how do you know for certain that someone is a pve player. When it is the intended goal of Anet to get people to balance and play across all game modes, there are very few players that never set foot in WvW or PvE and only play PvP these days. Now, alot of us like me, love PvP and play it the most, as in I play it most every night of the week and only branch out from time to time.

However, you have to stop blaming the quality of your matches on pve players. It might be a bad day for some, it might be something you are doing, it might of been a bad roll of the dice. Any one of these three are the actual reasons, your match was lost.

Secondly, new players are the lifeblood of every game mode. You were new once and I am sure you didnt appreciate being referred to in a derogatory manner due to your newness. Most new players know they are not that great yet, and are in fact trying to learn.

If you want to make a change in how things are matched, how things are managed in PvP my suggestion is you turn this anger and hate to constructive criticism that will actually help minimize blow out matches and improve the quality of matches for new and Vet players. You could also offer to help someone who is a suspected PvEer or New player….

What is the delta Mr. Lesh?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I do think there are more players definitely in the mix. Matchmaking has changed as well as that soft reset. Alot of people are readjusting in MMR to where they should be. I can’t say that theres alot more new people in the mix there might be if so, good, we all have to start somewhere. I think the problem might be that thier starting mmr is to high. I know that people are also grouped by games played but I do know taht matchmaking widens outward as it is low on players. Its especially careful to note the times you are playing as that may be effecting your matches.


What happened to team work?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Well, teams are much more aware and better at keeping themselves and even the pugs that get matched with them alive. However, this season is in essence about every man for himself.

Thats what solo queue has become from my perspective. I had a player last night just stand next to me, long ranging the enemy. I thought surely he would try to get me up at some point as the enemy hadn’t noticed me.

He did not, and he died. If this was a singular instance I would say hey, no big deal. But it happened to me and my friend several times through out the night.

In fact it was rampant. Anet did as the poll wanted they pushed teams of 3, 4 , and 5 out of ranked. What people don’t realize is they used to be on the team with the team of 3 and 4 and used to reap the benefits of that just as much as they were hurt by it.

Switching to solo queue is fine Its actually been better for me personally, but, it will hurt teh fact that teams can only go to unranked for practice now. It will lower the teamwork skill level of the entire population.

Why Do Anet Allow Spawn Camp ?

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


This is player behaviour, its very hard to Anet to control every action players take, and in fact I dont think I want them to.

What you can do is, go out the second exit they provided, to avoid them.

Thank You to the Community for supporting us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Tonight my guild lead a march in honor and memory of our dearly departed Officer and friend Asterlyn. She passed away last week. This weekend her family was holding a Wake in Oregon, however none of us could attend.

We were very sad that we could not express our gratitude and love for all that she had done for us and this game. She constantly helped new members, ran events and was always willing to be there to support.

No task was to small, no person to new for her to give friendly input advice and help to. Sadly bright stars can go out suddenly and in an online community, a game community people often dissapear and you never know what happened. Or when you do find out, in our case you must face the grim reality that life is precious. It can suddenly be taken from you.

We didnt have many to come to our parade tonight at first but, I couldnt let it be that way so I called out in map chat to others asking them to join us and honor her and perhaps people they had lost.

Like a wave of love people across the map arrived and we celebrated her life and many others that had been lost in style.

I want to thank this community for coming to our aid and helping us honor Dear Asterlyn. I will always have this happy memory now when I think of her and I hope that others do to.

Happy Holidays


hardcounter to condi nec

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Um well honestly,



Pure solos vs 2 Duos is a thing?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Um the non Duo queue team won….

Is duo Q healthy for the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Okay I was waiting for this post. I knew it was coming. As it is group queuing has been removed from ranked. I can’t tell you the number of people this probably hurt because they are not here on these boards and they don’t go vote on these types of things. They are brand new people, the lifeblood of each game mode.

Yes you can still go in unranked but the loot and prizes are in ranked and that is where players want to progress.

It feels like we were punished now for having a group of three, which is what I normally played with. Now you can only take 2 in, and of course thats not good enough for some.

However I will tell you now, not being able to play with even 1 other friend would kill pvp for me and many others because unranked is a pointless grind.

Having a friend to spend the night queueing with and having fun is an important factor in this game and ALOT of thought should be given to makeing yet another discouragement to playing this game with your friends.

In Memory of Corinna, Parade Thru Lions Arch

in In-game Events

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I think this is a great way to remember her and others people have lost. My condolences to your guild, as well as her other friends and family.

Thank You, I appreciate the well wishes and will pass it on.

I can’t imagine how her friends and family feel right now and I just wanted to do something nice in her memory.

In Memory of Corinna, Parade Thru Lions Arch

in In-game Events

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Brotherwood of the Machine BoM is sad to announce the loss of one of our officers whom passed away the other night.

We invite the community to join us this Sunday December 18th at 5:00 pm PST 8:00 est pm, N/A servers to join our tonic March and remember she and all those friends we have lost that we cherish as we make our way through this game we love.

It is terribly hard to lose a friend and you feel quite helpless when it is someone online who has dutifully served your guild over the years. I wish we could do more but Celebrating ones life is the best I know how…

For more details here is our facebook page about teh event. BoM/DmD is sad to announce the loss of a dear friend. One of our Officers passed away the other night and she will be deeply missed. I would like to invite anyone who would like to join us, to remember her and others who have been lost. We will be holding a tonic parade in Lion’s arch on / December 18th at 5:00 pm PST. Whispers Nightshade.2570 Aggie Seleraun. N/A servers
Here are the details on our facebook page;

Take care, Happiest of Holidays to you all.

Aggie Seleraun


Quick Questions about Season Five

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Forgive me if I missed this somewhere but I have a couple quick questions hopefully I can get a good answer on.

1. Only in ranked, and only during seasons-Is there going to be any class limiting (ie the matchmaker does not allow more then 2 of a particular class per game) Also can we limit people to switching to a class if it creates an imbalance of more then two of the same class.? One of each class per team would be ideal, however I realize that might make match making to long.

2. Regarding the soft reset of rating Pre-season, and the 10 pre-match placement games, How is the matchmaking choosing teams. Are new players being give an average MMR so they become placed with more experienced players? Are the 10 Placement games’ matchmaking based on the current MMR system or some new formulation.

About the Labyrinthine Horror

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I must weigh in here, I am Aggie Se’leraun, Necromancer by trade. Steve and I had a torrid love affair for a short time, but after a time we broke up in a fiery fight of rage and passion. I cursed him to live unhappily ever after. He has stalked me ever since.

**The story behind the story, begins three years ago when my guild mates and I, were in the Labryinth and they noticed the, “Horror” dubbed Steve always triggered by my presence. I know this was a fluke, however they began teasing me. “Aggie tell your boyfriend to go away.” Back then Steve had some nasty habits and often downed a whole group fighting Candy Corn. Each year the story of Aggie and Steve and their bitter battle has grown. Whenever we are running Labryinth, we often cry out “Steve” when he appears. What surprises me this year is to begin to hear others chanting it. I don’t know what caused my guild to pick Steve, honestly I think it made it funny cause it is such a common normal name on such a crazy beast! Halloween Time we hold dear to us, we are often your commanders in labryinth. The legend of Steve shall always live on in our guild. #makeSteveLiveagain

Witch Cat mini

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Agreed but I don’t know why they would give us clues to that we already know clearly how to do it.

Witch Cat mini

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Yes I saw that to ^^ and figured its a clue.

6 Mistakes Every Ahem (GW2 PvPer) Makes

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I enjoyed this article it was a good read. I linked it with my guild and we had a good chuckle over it because yes, we all often do these things.

I think its hard for people to deal with their own accountability in general and as the author you did a good job of pointing it out in a humorous way. However as you can see from a few of the comments people aren’t ready to let go of the vision that its others not them.


This is Halloween, Something Ghouly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I originally posted this on reddit but of course it needs to be here. Although I don’t know if this is the right forum.

So I know I am on the cusp of your recent patch. However I want to address this in advance. In general from a multitude of sources, I see people becoming hyped about Halloween in Guild Wars 2. (I started as soon as the last one ended.) Indeed this is a huge part of some of us, and we generally look forward to it beyond measure. For the past month or so I have been seeing posts about the music, the jumping puzzle, the labyrinth and of course the King of Madness himself. I really really want to stress how important Halloween is for a lot of us and hope that you take that into heavy consideration!
I just wanted to let the Devs know how much we love Halloween, we would love new story-line. Personally I would love to see a female villain in all this to! (I am indeed totally byist as a necromancer and a female.)
However regardless of that, whatever you do please don’t remove the Labyrinth, my Necro happens to have an on again off again romance going with the Skeletal Horror(called Steven in my guild), hes always jumping out and surprising her….. with death
What more could a girl ask for?
Love, Aggie


Why astral authority was upset.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I sat in the front row. They communicated with each other the entire game.

Secondly, the only issue I saw was that EU has a different style/Meta then NA and since AA is limited in who they can scrim (low NA competitiveness/lags on the EU servers) the gap is starting to grow.

how to create better pvp community

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Let players put positivism into the game. Encourage that behaviour. How?

1. In PvP matches when they end let teams pick an MVP based on healing/rezzing, point protection things that are crucial to a game.

2. Let players spend the points they gain from their teammates on something special that is hard to get. Or, give an extra pip= 10 teammate commendations.

3. A title or grading system that also gave you some type of reward, that let people know you were a distinguished helpful player. Either from teammate positive commendations or from good deeds done across tyria.

Just a thought but trying to incorporate something like this across the board in every aspect of the game from PvP to PVE would be instrumental in giving the community a boost.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Toxic Behavior

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I hate to say it but we often meet two types of toxic players:

1. The ones that do it from time to time because they are not good with dealing with stress and losing and can’t acknowledge their own fault in the loss of a game.

2. The ones that do it for fun. Sadly these are the most common. There are people that genuinely get into PvP to cause upset and mal-content. Somewhere in their life they are lacking so they use the anonymity of the internet to release their frustrations. One way they do this is to literally troll Ranked PvP. They are not there for anything more than throwing matches and inflicting their own hurt upon others in a cathartic attempt to alleviate it. They are typically immature people that enjoy this sort of rise they get out of people.

The only thing that can be done at this time, is to report someone for verbal abuse, then block them and move on.

In life you will meet both of these two people as well but they just are not as vocal as people hiding behind the game wall are.

Give necromancers Blocks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


My suggestion would be to look for some way to give necros more sustain, (yes I know they just took it away) because the overall concept of Necro is Attrition. If Necros have no sustain they can not be an Attrition class.

Sustain? How about allowing regeneration to work while in shroud. Honestly shroud is the only thing in the game that prevents all healing exept some special necro traits. I can understand that allowing all healing could be to strong so why not go there slowly and see how it works. And allowing regeneration would be a good start in my opinion.

Yes, more regeneration would contribute to sustain also a good suggestion.

Give necromancers Blocks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Okay, first off I will state, I think the necromancer needs love definitely. Guards being back on the scene overall weakens necro as they have long been an anti-necro type class.

My suggestion would be to look for some way to give necros more sustain, (yes I know they just took it away) because the overall concept of Necro is Attrition. If Necros have no sustain they can not be an Attrition class. Currently the meta and the way the classes have been buffed and debuffed across the board, has lead to a very weakened necro state. While they are not completely out of the picture they are fast moving back to how they were before, a largely disregarded class.

This being said, I do not agree with the “give necros blocks” because we must look at the overall differences between guards and necros. Health pools alone are largely different. No two classes can be exactly compared and skills deemed fair or unfair because we are always comparing apples and oranges.

What needs to happen is,

A buff to necro greatsword (seriously this is a beautiful weapon you are killing due to its slow abilities).

A return to unique necro abilities (like chill damage just tone it down so it isnt to strong)

A reconsideration on our stability issues. I get that necros having alot of stability isnt good but your shortening of our Reaper shroud stability, at a time when warriors and Guards returned to the scene was a huge hit to the sustain that necros have. Much larger then intended.

What comes after the "The Ascension"

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I still stand by my request for salt armor to go with the Vial of Salt*


Helmet title= Bucket of salt


Moa on warrior's rampage

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I play mesmer alot. I dont think that one Moa is bad. Its the double Moa actually. I mean, its a bit much to be able to cast your elite skill twice in a row…

My favorite thing

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Sometimes, the personal score does have a place and does indicate accurately.


Yes, its clear you didn’t read my post.

Let me give you an example. Team A Wins, One person on team A has no score.

This correctly shows that the person with zero score on a winning match did not contribute.

Most people with agree with this.

My favorite thing

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


If you were to redesign personal score, what would you do? Does it track different types of stats? Would you want your personal stats displayed to other players?

I forgot to answer these questions. It did occur to me while i was writing earlier that I might change the way scoring personal score was done entirely. Maybe instead of this massive points scale you could be given a plus 1 for certain things.

Scores could be given out for things, that did support, like most healing done, or paid attention to improvements like improving your survivability from match to match. Players could be allowed to give extra points at the end of a match (not to themselves) but to others that did something well on their team. If you are saved by a ranger that flies in and gets you up, wouldn’t you want to reward them? This alone puts incentive into doing well to help your team.

Next you have to make those +1’s mean something to us. So that people will want to get them. It would be amazing if these items garnered you an extra bonus reward, or counted towards something special.

Along with the extra reward, It could be part of the ranked seasons, a certain amount of team mate +1’s could garner you an extra pip. If your teammates think you did well then honestly you do deserve the elevation. This has a double sided effect of creating a friendly PvP environment and people would be less likely to JUMP all over thier team mates.

You could pick a couple people from each team, and everyone gets to chose one. Maybe one that did the best ally support (healing/not many deaths ect) , and maybe one that has damaged based/point holding based(with low deaths), then the people on the team vote at the end of a match. The one at the end of the match with the most votes wins a pip.

Oh and to incentive’s people voting who the MVP was, you could give a certain title to people after they had voted so many times. Sort of like the entropy achievement where it keeps going up as well.

Just some random thoughts They need lots of refinement.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

My favorite thing

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


We’ve been talking about personal score a bit. I’m personally of the opinion that it isn’t representative of a player’s effort in a given match, and it also can be incredibly misleading and potentially lead to bad gameplay habits (5-capping home).

If you were to redesign personal score, what would you do? Does it track different types of stats? Would you want your personal stats displayed to other players?

Sometimes, the personal score does have a place and does indicate accurately. I have had matches where I have literally broken my back to win the game and pulled off against what seems like impossible odds, (new players on my team ect) and received rightly so the highest score on the team as well as won the game.

ON the other hand sometimes it is entirely not accurate when I am playing a class that needs to stay on a point and hold it, and rarely leaves and just supports team mates, then I can easily be awarded the lowest score but we still win the game due to good team work and supporting one another.

It is hard to pick out when exactly this is right or wrong, sometimes its a class thing, some classes like mesmer or thief do a lot more point back capping ect, and it builds up thier score.

Some classes like an ele or a ranger, spend alot more time in support and thier score may seem lower then others.

But generally you can always assume that if someones score is incredibly low and the team won the game they probably didn’t contribute much (less then 30 I would say). They either spent the whole game dying from bad decisions or newishness or they afk’d.

And giving it a bit more thought the scores it may be that a combination of factors gives greater meaning and interpretation. For example the desparity of overall match scores and if there were some outlying oddities in the match such as, someone with a very low score, or someone with an unusually highscore compared to the rest of thier team or the opposite team. This outlying info is probably indicating some oddity that occurred during the game. Someone whose MMR is not accurate to where they should be either higher or lower.

(edited by Nightshade.2570)

Class stacking...

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I actually played a match against 4 thieves and a necro on capricorn. That team won. The 4 thieves were a team believe it or not and quite good, and while I being a warrior could handle them the rest of my team could not. My team was dying everywhere lol.

So, with class stacking, the skill of the people on each team still counts to some degree.

Initial League Start

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


All of the people begging to have “loosing pips to allow you to drop down tiers”. Don’t realize at all what they are asking for.

Because they will be here crying when “my bad team-mates made me lose my legendary rank, its totally not my fault” Not realizing that there is actually very few skilled legendary players, and they themselves are not actually legendary players by their own standards.

Meanwhile all the legendary players can thankfully queue up in other maps because they will be queuing for one game for hours.

The Most Awesome part of the Patch

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


lol, well seriously I love this.

Good to hear your happy that dev’s spent time on this.

More good news: those open field canons you voted yes to are nearly ready to ship!

You need to get a sense of humor.

Revenenge on Capricon - tactics, thoughts? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Love it a really cool map!

The Most Awesome part of the Patch

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


lol, well seriously I love this.

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


So the question has started to become, Has base necro returned as better then Reaper.

ArenaNet -- Great job

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I am going to cry I can now do activities with my friends while waiting for matches… Oh my gosh so awesome.