Somehow, people are really convinced that the ABL were full prior to the expansion. Like… they somehow missed the idea that it was in a steady decline.
The issue is that the HOT expansion took a large chunk of those that normally WvW and redirected them away for a time. This gave the impression that the DBL was empty, especially due to its size. This spiraled out of control in perception. Perception is everything. It was perceived that the DBL was the reason that WvW was dying because people forget that WvW was dying, prior. So people huddled up on EB, because it was safe and comfortable.
Even though the DBL was literally built by the groups that now didn’t support it. Thats right, When the WvW team did the Adopt-a-dev program, people asked for more choke points, more items for smaller groups to take. To break up zergs, something to draw in new players, more tactical maps… The new BL has all that.
Its biggest flaw, and something we didn’t ask for was size and verticality. Part of me feels like, the original intent was also to condense servers (more people per square inch) and leave open the ability to glide at a future date on the new Bl’s. The problem is that didn’t get addressed in time as all of HoT’s resources seemed to go into mainly PvE. I also have to question why, like so many others I know, I really felt like HoT was pushed out the door super fast.
To be honest I really expected to wait till the end of the year and would of gladly waited if some of the things we wanted in WvW had gotten addressed.
You all don’t realize what a huge undertaking building new WvW maps are and my biggest fear is that reverting these maps means very little new things in WvW in the future. Which is scary. I am thinking of the long term here, not the short term gratification of oh the old maps are back look how easy it is again for me.
Fast forward 1 month. The old maps are so boring, I am going to go play some other game.
How easily people forget what wvw was like prior to the release of HOT. Numbers were steadily declining back then due to complete player burn out and to few new players joining WvW. While its a shame new maps didnt pull numbers back in, we shouldn’t live in the delusion that people were happy. They werent. My point is a simple revert to maps that people were already leaving will not fix your problems. Honestly the first big departure from WvW occurred after the first season. Whether it was just due to massive match manipulations, or people running in WvW for unhealthy amounts of time, that is when the first departure happened. Normally that would rebound with new blood influx however when Eotm arrived new players largely went there and stayed. Whether it was due to numerous people in WvW telling new players to go there rather than teach them or just the draw of better rewards i cant say. Probably both.
I don’t want the old bl’s back they are utterly boring. My guess is within a month of reverting the same people will be back here crying about how wvw never gets anything new. Shrink the size of dbl, make it easier to get around on and most people will be fine with it.
1. Server Mergers. The visual idea of seeing people everywhere you go is important. Let Guilds create alliances to move to a new server, that is picked by Anet. The key here is that this grouping gets to stay together when moved. Lower the amount of servers to 9-12? Rename them all.
2. Make the creation of items, and upgrades in wvw for guilds cheaper.
3. Scoring, change how scoring works, have it prorated to the activity of each server. When all three servers are active at the same time, the points available for capping and taking things is at its highest. When only two servers are active (create a number threshhold) the points available for capping is medium amounts. The points for capping during only one active server is lowest.
4. Create a Looking for GvG channel, (like the looking for group)so that two guilds may easily challenge another guild to a fight, During this match the two guilds select, one or the others guild hall arena or, if over 15, obsidian sanctum. The winner of the GvG gives a small advantage to the WvW server they are on. A supply drop or siege drop on a tower. Ect…
5. Add reward tracks for players to work on. Reward tracks could include: a legendary backpiece, and unique wvw armor/ or outfits.
1. Allow players to invite each other to duels in Heart of the Mists.
2. Add a map that allows aerial combat. When in aerial combat everyone has the same skills, so that balancing these does not need to be done on aerial skills. This should be an unranked map to begin with.
3. Do not allow more then three of the same class on a team in ranked. Whether premade or system matched.
4. Lower the amount the lord On foefire is worth to 100 pts. (Due to the fact that it is now easier to kill the lord) Lower the amount the NPC’s on Forest are worth to 15 pts. (Due to the fact that it is very easy to kill them.
5. New players need better guidance. Create a new player map tutorial that simulates a pvp match, that they must win one match on each map, prior to being allowed to queu, in ranked or unranked. Have NPCS as thier opponents on the points Or queue them against another new player on these maps.
Awesome! I will join.
Thankyou so much OP. I want to help these new people because of a bad match i fell into a losing streak. My fate is now completely tied to theirs. I will do my share and more for you if you will just:
Fight on points unless your a thief preventing them from getting to a point.
Dont push the lord on foefire when we are below 350 and have no points. (Trust me this will give them a 3 cap against us and they will probably kill you. This isnt the stronghold lord you dont instantly win the game unless you have 350 pts. And yes i have met new players that think this.)
Dont give up if they are a bit ahead just keep trying in the beginning.
Ping the map if you see several coming to your point, or if you are capping and wont make it in time get out if several are coming towards you.
Dont get focused on just one point, holding mid at all costs while they hold sides is one of the biggest mistakes i see. They can fight you all day there.
Lastly, just because we are off to a good start and winning isnt a time to relax and try to push a third point when we are soundly holding on to two. Support your teammates and dont leave them outnumbered and die on far. Even if it looks empty when you go towards far it is the easiset point for them to respond to.
Please please listen to the advice above we are genuinely trying to help.
If you need help or have questions feel free to whisper me in game.
plz dont blame grouch, he is tied up in my basement.
It puts the lotion on its skin
the lol
I am dying of laughter…lolz
Training new players is difficult in GW2 conquest, due to it’s dynamic. Rather than tell you why it’s difficult, I’ll tell you what we do with new guild joins:
- Make them select a working meta to main if they want to play on our team. It’s not that meta is the only option but new players need to learn and understand meta first before they tweak.
- Bring them in to our custom arena and have them train against veteran players in focused combat situations against other meta builds.
- Make sure they have a fundamental understanding of what they counter, what counters them and how to deal with these situations.
- Move on to practicing 2v2s, 3v3s, ect. Make sure they understand things that are important to do and not do during team fights.
- Get on TS3 with them and be patient while they learn. Some people learn faster than others.
It does not take long to do the above with new players and If they are commited, you can save them months of fumbling around in solo ques and get them up to speed in a single night. These basics are important to understand initially because if they do not understand these basics, they get frustrated & demoralized easily when running with older players due to not understanding why they are doing so poorly and if they don’t understand why, they won’t know what to focus on to get better. If they do understand the basics, they will understand why they are losing and actually have direction on what to pay attention to and work on next.
Thank you! So helpful!
Thanks guys,
I quickly realized that whether we won or lose newer players were being disheartened by being smashed all the time. So your suggestions really help!
So I have a question for you all, it seems to me that taking newer or less experienced people into unranked, to teach them, hurts them if you queue up with a team.
Has anyone else noticed this?
It bothers me because having that cushion would really help them enjoy and learn the game. However I often see that it would be better for them to go into Solo queue then with a team of 4-5. (However we all know this isnt going to ultimately be good for them)
What would you all suggest for teaching new people to pvp in unranked due to how the MMR works with teams? Team or solo queue?
The big question is..
Will we get Leshreaver miniatures in 2016?
First off I want one of these. Lol this should be a reward track. Thankyou for all your responses, Mr. Lesh.
Just a suggestion:
Secondly, in matches where a team loses a player due to a disconnection.. Neither award nor take away any points (unless on the off chance the team with less people wins) This is like a true forfeit. So that no one innocent is harmed, nor can it be manipulated so people leave on purpose.
Thirdly, The person who “disconnected”, should lose one pip and suffer dishonor.
My guild, was created almost three years ago on the tenants of fun. The rule was always no rep requirement. The other guild leaders and I, had a strong belief that if people were enjoying the guild they would naturally wish to rep.
To force them to rep was asking for toxic unhappy people that were there because they had to be there, not because they wanted to be. Yes, my guild has seen alot of turn over, our recruitment cycle is constant. But the truth is through the years we have formed a tight cohesive family at the core.
Alot of People repping tells us that we are hitting our mark and doing things people want to do and like. People not repping tells us that we have missed our mark, and ussually coincides with a rest cycle (where we just decide to take a bit of a break to avoid burn-out). This has been highly effective. The fact that Guild wars has helped us and even given us more tools so that we can accommodate the changing moods of Guild members is really great!
I wish that I could have more accurate data on Rep rates(not on individuals but as a whole in your guild, this would prevent punishment to specific individuals.) so I could measure a bit more accurately as this tool would be so useful to guild leaders and tell them when they are doing things right.
If ur getting this kittened about what happens in a video game i think u need a new hobby
No, If you don’t understand what a joke is, I think you need a new hobby.
What I wrote was purely for fun Hence the cookie party at the end.
Pst, he wasn’t talking to you. Look at the post above yours. ;-P
LOL Yeah I saw it removed my post. However!
I am just saying… Cookie party
Yes, Necro’s have been silently bidding thier time to rise. This is why Anet has feared us so. They have tried to keep us down, they have done everything to stop us.
But we are an unstoppable force, we will devour you all and in the end you will crawl crying under your beds hiding from the dark shadows that move outside your window.
(okay I just couldnt help it. Just kidding… maybe)
Or we might just have a cookie party. Who really knows.
(edited by Nightshade.2570)
I really applaud the removal of these amulets, just caution you to not be to hard on eles. I dont main one but I am concerned about thier future viability.
Okay I will come clean I am a Necro main and I really loved the Ele’s support on my team
You may need to reevaluate Ele’s in general after the removal of Celestial.
The real problem lies in the combo of Revs and Mesmers. Not the classes independently.
Boon duration+Swiftness+Alacrity, makes it unnecessary to run any other classes. Put this with the ability to just portal from point to point when you have two mesmers on a team, and you have the current meta.
Which cuts out 5-6 classes.
How boon duration is given out, how alacrity is given out, swiftness and slow really needs to be closely monitored.
Taking away the diamond skin, and no I dont main an ele, doesn’t really help ele’s. They are barely holding on as it is…
Most of the other classes besides perhaps engineer (I think that we just have some amazing engineer players who do great area damage) tend to not have the attractive traits of , swiftness, alacrity, and boon duration dispersion.
A message from the World vs World Team:
And now for that sneak peek:
- Objectives upgrades will no longer be automatic based on time. They will upgrade based on dolyaks that reach them. Smaller groups can now prevent an objective from upgrading by preventing dolyaks from reaching that objective.
- Supply cost for all catapults are being reduced by ten supply. The layout of the Desert Borderlands map has increased the number of catapults required to take some objectives. We agree with your feedback that also increasing the cost of catapults pushed the balance too far towards defense so we are tuning that more towards offense.
- Points per kill will be turned on and kept on. This is to more directly recognize the contribution that fighting other players adds to the success of the world.
- The number of players who can rally off a single kill has been reduced from five to one. Players will also no longer be able to revive defeated players while in combat. You still will be able to revive downed players while in combat. Both of these changes are designed to help fights resolve and to give smaller, more skilled groups a better chance against larger groups.
I do not know specifically what you are doing to address the issue with the size of the maps but I do have a suggestion that would help mitigate this issue. The main reason players have an issue with the size is that when they die, it is hard to get back to thier commander. This more so affects when only a couple people in a group dies vs. a zerg. If a zerg dies they respawn group up and run back out with thier commander.
However, if a person say, falls off a cliff or bugs inside a wall or something of that nature and gets seperated from thier group, it is very very hard to get back to your commander. Slowly over time this makes it difficult to get back to them and people often will quit playing instead.
My next suggestion needs to be considered carefully. I do not want to give large groups an advantage in zerg fights, I do not want to make it possible for people to get people to them to turn the tides of fights unfairly either.
So My suggestion lies here:
Guilds can craft a banner or flag. When a commander creates a squad he can place a guild banner down at the beginning of the start area much like the guild heros banners get dropped.
When the Squad leader is NOT in combat, and there are no large enemy zergs near the squad the banner will glow green. People may freely join the commander. When the Squad leader/Commander is near large groups of enemies or is in combat/has hit a gate or dropped siege, or are within enemy keeps, or there is a defense timer up on a building/camp they own, it glows red and you can not teleport to them.
This would prevent poeple jumping into fights.
But allow a commander to pause in a tower, or a camp, or a keep that they own, is uncontested and not in combat and pick up those stragglers.
It would greatly improve the ability for groups to remain together and for new players to find an easier way to get to a commander on a map. Of course you would have to join the squad ect. This would mean if the size of the group was larger then 50 you wouldnt be able to but I think that would happen rarely.
A message from the PvP team:
Matchmaking Changes
Shopping for Ambers
In addition to the changes above, we’ll also be adjusting the way that parties are scored in our matchmaking algorithm based on the overall division spread of a team’s makeup. It is important to us that anyone can play with their friends regardless of league standing, but in doing so, we also want to ensure that teams aren’t gaining an unfair advantage in match difficulty based on their rosters. An example of this would be two friends: one is in Diamond and the other is in Amber. For Season 2, these two players will still be able to team up and play together, but they’ll be placed into Diamond level matches based on the highest division player in the party. This means that forming a party with players in a higher division than you will always bring you up to their level for matchmaking and prediction, rather than adjust to compensate for party members at lower divisions. This specific change will go into effect in our next scheduled release (prior to the end of season 1).
Hi Gaile!
This was such good news, please tell that PvP team these are great changes. I only am concerned about the change I listed above. I am concerned because I often help new players in PvP. Guild leaders, and Guilds often help lower level PvPers learn PvP and insulate them in a team to learn. What worries me is that once they begin PvPing its going to hurt them greatly based on the system you outlined above to go with anyone other then other new PvP players.
Now, I don’t want the loophole to remain that Higher league players exploit lower league players for easy matches. I agree something needs to be done about Shopping for Ambers However is there anyway that if an amber player did go along with higher leagued players there could be some sort of compensation for that player?
I just worry greatly about guilds and how this will affect the teams to teach and play together. Yes I know, everyone starts out in unranked but New PvPers want to succeed in ranked to, they would like a backpack to, and while I am strongly against using new players for easy matches it hurts the new player and thier friends to be fighting in matches that are way above thier league. Just so they can play with friends.
Maybe I am understanding it wrong, but its something I hope the PvP team keeps in mind when making this very crucial decision.
Hey guys, I need some help fighting tempests. Its still a learning experience, learning how to fight each new class, and currently I am stumped on tempest. One having to fight on point (that means holding the point so I dont have alot of room for avoiding things) I need to know the best way to deal with a tempest.
I PvP often and I am just now starting to hit alot of very tough tempests. I have no issue with other classes like dragon hunter or rev (unless they are really really good, but thats because they are probably better then me.) However tempest always wins the fight.
First, is this a known issue for necro?
Two how best to combat this or is this a fight in pvp I just shouldnt bother with.
Three, I need tips for when one runs onto a point that I have to hold till help gets there, how to deal with them.
I have all the data now. You played everyone one of those games in a 3-man party, which will bump up your effective MMR for matchmaking. Prior to that day you played solo or duo mostly. The performance of your team must not be as good as the MMR bump is trying to account for in premades, so your MMR is adjusting downward to accommodate.
Thanks for looking into this. It’s a relief to know that my MMR is adjusting downwards at least. What still confuses me is, if I remember correctly, we were matched against a lot of 2-3-4-5 man teams that day, who should also get the MMR bump you mentioned. So for whatever reason, the team I was running with just didn’t warrant the bump?
You’re right that other teams you were matched against would have the same bump. It’s possible they were coordinating more or had more practice than your team.
Okay…although I must confess I’m still not clear on how this all works. I just left this match, where I was cannon fodder for a few high-level players who were in a 3-man while I was solo queing (though we had a 2-man on my team). Shouldn’t the Abjured 3-man have an MMR bump that puts them well out of my range? Is this just an anomalous example? I’ll sthu if so but I’m really just trying to understand what’s going on with my metrics. Thanks for the continued responses.
Not to make light of your situation as this is never fun. But, you have to appreciate the names. Like, BoB from accounting. How is that guy anyhow?
The disconnect grace period is getting bumped to 2 minutes.
I am very grateful you guys did that.
On a side note my crashing issues are solved to.
Now on to PvPz
• Describe a typical hour for you in the Alpine Borderlands in the past. For example, What size of group were you running in? What kind of tasks did you run? What activities did you do?
We ran 5-15, havoc team, mostly camp flipping, tower flipping and occasionally a keep.
•Compare your experience described above with a typical hour spent in Eternal Battlegrounds, if you went there at all. Does your style of play change between the 2 maps?
On EB I would mostly follow a large group and whatever commander tag was up. Zergs are more common there then havoc teams. So we played it less.
•Compare your experiences described above with an hour spent in the new borderlands.
Actually I noticed in the new borderlands we usually headed right out to either do the middle event so we could weakent he keeps or straight to one of the side keeps. We only stopped at camps if we needed supply.
•Describe the nature of combat in the borderlands in the past. How have the new borderlands impacted this paradigm for you? What style or build changes might it cause? For example, knocking people off cliffs or into lava might play a more important role.
There are lot more choke points and yes dangerous areas to both teams in the new borderlands. Which is both good and bad, however I do not think I have changed my build specifically because of that.
•In your experience, compare the time it takes take a structure or objective here, then it did in the past.
Lightly defended tower prior-10-15 min. After-15-20 Not defended, time stays about the same.
•How is the loot and wxp for you compared to in the past? Will it be able to sustain whatever you are doing? Did it take a hit, or was it improved? If you are planning to unlock an elite specialization, do you think you were helped or hurt in these regards? Do you think you could pursue any other in-game goals just by playing WvW? Currently since large groups (zergs)and fight guilds(They can use arenas ect) happen less, the loot tables are out of balance as you are not killing or fighting against as large of numbers in one setting. So essentially due to the decrease in actually player vs. player confrontations, you do not make any money in wvw it continues to be a drain on the average player. PVE yields far far better results as you encounter monsters and map rewards at a higher rate. I was able however to unlock my specialization through WvW only which made me happy.
•How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW?
Being able to get to fights quickly helps keep my interest in WvW going, the size of maps combo’d with low populations is a serious issue.
•In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.
The borderlands themselves have a lot of Potential. They need better map rewards to bring in new wvwers and keep them. They need a higher population on them so that people see others on the maps and don’t log off due to perceived inactivity. Scoring needs adjustment so that people in off hours are not struggling and stressed while playing, while still feeling like you make a difference.
•In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a new WvW player. Originally and contrary to what many say about the center event, it is not new WvW player friendly mainly because the PVE you do there is highly dangerous. I have done MORE PvPing in the center map event then whilst taking keeps. (I personally like it for just this reason) However, the shrine system is the most beneficial to new WvWers cause small side objectives encourage small groups and even singular players ability to contribute to server success. This is very important. The rewards though are not strong enough to entice new players into this area.
•In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a veteran WvW player that is new to the maps.
You have two types of WvW veterans. Your extremely hard core, who are resistant to change. Then you have your more relaxed WvW veterans who want change and are pretty willing to try out anything. The new maps were already an issue in general for hard core players prior to them setting foot on it as they are resistant to change of any sort. Largely it deletes the knowledge they had prior which feeds into their ego. The more relaxed veterans are glad for change and initially love it but find more reward in VB or don’t go due to low map populations now.
•Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?
I have split my time up between, WvW, PvP and HoT. Originally I would of said in the Halloween content but that’s over
Right now I am afraid to PvP. My computer is new and has a random crashing problem. (sometimes happen twice in one day sometimes doesnt happen at all). Anyhow I have not PvPed due to the dishonor system timer because when the freeze happens I have to do a full shutdown and restart. This will sometimes take more then 60 seconds.
I am playing other aspects of the game as the freezing problem is not severe and I think its a driver update conflict but has not resolved yet. In the end I would really like to PvP but I cant chance getting stacks of dishonor for this reason.
I don’t think it would be a good thing for all of the people you would be playing with if you would crash mid-match and effectively ruin it, knowing that your computer is unstable. I understand you want to PvP, but it sounds like you should work on fixing your computer first.
Your correct thats why I didnt. However, it brings to mind the big issues with random crashes and ones that are just due to bug errors encountered in the game basically. It can take more then 60 seconds depending on a persons computer to get back in game. So I would suggest maybe editing it to a halfway compromise, of 90 seconds.
I just wanted to let Nvidia users know, that they released a game ready update yesterday that specifically fixed some issues with the GW2 64 bit client.
I just wanted to let Nvidia users know, that they released a game ready update yesterday that specifically fixed some issues with the GW2 64 bit client.
Right now I am afraid to PvP. My computer is new and has a random crashing problem. (sometimes happen twice in one day sometimes doesnt happen at all). Anyhow I have not PvPed due to the dishonor system timer because when the freeze happens I have to do a full shutdown and restart. This will sometimes take more then 60 seconds.
I am playing other aspects of the game as the freezing problem is not severe and I think its a driver update conflict but has not resolved yet. In the end I would really like to PvP but I cant chance getting stacks of dishonor for this reason.
I am sure they want to leave the reset time for now. It really doesn’t matter with current populations. We have found it fun to do a push Friday nights sometimes.
I would also expect there to be no special events introduced for now as in general the events have been met with anger and threats.
Hopefully the next thing that is addressed is map populations, and scoring changes.
I have to agree with the OP.
You are deluding yourself if you think that bringing back the Alpine Borderlands map will fix all your problems.
What you need to understand is that even more people would leave if WvW is simply reverted to what it was.
The problems in WvW began long before new maps. They are tied up in Population and Scoring. Until they are addressed, and a new season introduced the problems in WvW will continue regardless of what maps you put in place.
I think at best the hope was that new maps would drive activity and to some extent they helped and hindered. They are to large for current populations. However alot of people find the change of pace enjoyable. I personally like them but can see that their size is giving a false sense of inactivity.
In Dragonstand-Map closes on Final boss fight
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nightshade.2570
It needs a recheck of the map at the end. If it is full, or the meta-event final boss engaged, it should not close. I don’t know if this is hard to implement but thats my suggestion.
This mainly happens on HOT maps because HOT meta events now run around an hour long. So it wasnt an issue before as this is new to GW2 with the introduction of the system.
P.S. just to be clear we hadn’t lost the fight due to the event timer passing, specifically the event timer was still up and we were moved midway through it, instantly off the map onto a new map. The timer for this final event was not up when the map closed.
In Dragonstand-Map closes on Final boss fight
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nightshade.2570
So there i was in dragonstand last night, heart pumping, People flying around…
Over the past hour we had successfully made our way to the final event. It was exciting,first time on the map doing a major event! The boss was at 10% almost dead, I could feel that chest, the reward almost there and bam map closes and teleports us all out.
Apparently at the beginning of the creation of this map it had given players the option to change maps for a reward.. Oddly this map was very very full of people and the chances of recreating this full of a map at that time of night were slim. Halfway through progression people ignored it…I was worried felt for sure this wasn’t a good thing.
Fast forward to later, fighting on top of the floating islands…Turns out I was right, the whole map shut down and fragmented us all into a bunch of other maps, maps that did not have the event running or at the same level.
There needs to be some sort of safety on this. Maps that are full of people should never be closed. Honestly I went to bed after that I guess I will have to try again later…
On a side note Beware! I hope they change this, its not necessarily a bug persay but there should be some safety on it.
On a side note, the map we were moved into popped up the same move now or later message so it was about to happen all over again…
(edited by Nightshade.2570)
Happy Anniversary!!!
We are, my guild just started doing stuff as a group there again this weekend. It takes time after a new match. I think alot of people are sorta finishing up halloween/thier new builds.
Though we had alot of fun there this weekend :0
I guess it didn’t occur to people that some of the best fights could happen while wrestling over these monsters and thier power cores.
Had so many fun fights there now
Confirming I was in the labs for 4 hours last night and never saw him.
Looking for something fun to do the day after Halloween?
Looking for prizes?
Looking for innuendo?
Want to run around Orr with a group and do trivia at the SAME TIME!
Hey guys this is tonight!!!!
Reset on Saturday morning? I am sorry, but who the heck thought this to be a good idea?
If it was evening I could at least partly unerstand, but mornings almost no one I know is even playing since people are busy with something called real life.
Well originally it wasnt Saturday morning, it was Saturday evening, but this thread convinced them to move it to earlier…
Here’s my take: Anet just threw a wrench in your Status Qou. I see it as a good thing. You wanted change, now you don’t. My biggest question is which one of you is going to be the first to complain about stale matchups/server stacking after HoT. Learn to adapt to the changes.
I am right there with ya I just wish more of the people who don’t mind the change would speak up, but the thing is they don’t mind it so they won’t cause theirs no reason to.
I think I can pretty much see why alot of people do not post here. Any dissenting opinion to a certain crowd, is tossed out and not even considered.
:) I don’t agree with you all but you will argue with me till your blue in the face meanwhile I will just deal with the change and move on.
Good luck with your 11 am PDT that this thread got it moved to.
Hello All,
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.
Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.
I am referring to the fact that we all do not speak for the majority. What speaks for the majority is the numbers referenced above. That more players log in on Saturday nights then friday.
Its pretty simple. They are making the change based on actual data, something you nor I have.
But now this thread got it rolled back to 11 am. I was personally fine with the saturday evening reset. Which I personally am not fond of but will deal.
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it.
People are asking for changes, that incentivise the competitive aspect of the gamemode (You know? PvP and stuff…competitive…not PvDoor night shifts) while ANet does everything to ruin a competitive play, so your comment doesn’t really make sense.
Of course we complain when they do stupid things. What else shall we do?
You don’t get it. What you want may not be what other people want. Moving the reset night to the most active night of the week as Mr. Corpening pointed out, is not a move to make WvW less competitive. Its a move to gain more activity in it.
I don’t know why people can’t see they are speaking for themselves not, the majority of players. The numbers speak for themselves, they have the data we don’t.
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it. They want their version of change Whats good for them.
Often times we do not realize what we ask for and what it really means.
As my grandmother used to always say, you can either move with change or move over and get left behind.
People weren’t thrilled with the time being changed but honestly, we were okay with it, it meant a fresh new group of people could now attend. Quit acting like you speak for majority when you post on here because the majority of people do not post here.
(edited by Nightshade.2570)
Hey everyone I am cross linking my Reddit post! I would like to invite those interested, in servers across WvW to join us next wednesday 21st, in a snow party themed goodbye to the Alpine Borderlands Map!
Yes, it will change. Thank goodness the old is stale and boring.
First off, Reapers are awesome on frontline, you don’t need the block or the invulns when you run them properly and tanky. We have excellent stability now and can fear at will groups of five while chilling. We are not easy to focus fire. I ran frontline with my reaper in the last BWE and was the last one standing in outnumbered fights.
Secondly, Engineer Hammer, Scrappers! They have excellent access to smoke fields and control it was so much fun running with my engineer friends.
Druids were great for heal, Revenants put out amazing buffs of might and speed ect, and the Engi was dropping lightning fields for speed buffs. It was great.
I think mesmer wells will be critical as well!
I look forward to starting fresh and new with classes doing things they didnt do before. The people who seize the changes and embrace it will be far ahead of those that cling stubbornly to the old.
I’ll have you know there was no sucking up on my part Mr.K.
I was just being my usual pollyanna and actually looking at this new thing like a puzzle to be solved.
Oddly I had this weird dream about you last night sir. I was on your doorstep, rang the bell, you opened it, and I started singing “The sun’ll come out tomorrow! Betchya bottom dollah that tomorra! There’ll be sun!”
And then you slammed the door on me.
I am right there with ya. Not a suck up to anyone in particular. Just a postive person. I think that the stealth ninja assassin stuff is fun…
Don’t hate on my fun
Look, I get that we are all a bit edgy right now. Concerned about relevancy, changing builds and fighting style.
I can assure you all that WvW will not be the same as it is now. Will it be better or worse? hard to say. However no one can speak for all of WvW and say this is how it should be.
I am grateful it will not be the same as if it stays the same people will continue to leave it. All of you afraid of change need to embrace it, make the best of it and try to give feedback that will improve it.
We need change, this whole expansion is about change and new things. Can we for once be excited about something instead of griping about things we don’t like, before they even come out?
I personally think the stacked T1 servers are not a prime example of how WvW should be I think people should be spread out a bit more. Huge blobby fights are fun but if they happen all the time ugh..
There is something beautiful about havocing with a small 10 v 10 or 15 v 15. Its not all about super hard core fighting zerg busting everywhere.
Its about balance of defense, offense and everyone finding what they consider to be fun.
Sorry I wholeheartedly intend, to take my small group and run through that invisible fountain and surprise the hell out of you and laugh the whole time. We might still die as we will probably be outnumbered but it will be fun
WvW for most romantic Guild Wars 2 mode. Listening to stories about why people WvW really pulls on the heartstrings.
I am glad my Zombie apocalypse story grabbed you… Heartwarming, touching…