Showing Posts For Skipper De Longmont.8734:
Another question, I paid for cultural armors. I had destroyed most cause I went for the achievement and didn’t want to wear the cultural armor. I know you stated that destroyed items wont be unlocked … but its recorded that I had purchased them because it was counted towards the emperor clothes achievements. Since there is this logged proof, will I have these skins available to me unlocked or do I have to rebuy them?
My guess as to why the “outfits” aren’t doable as individual items is because when worn they provide a costume brawl skill set that you don’t get otherwise. My guess they did what they did to preserve the costume brawl aspect of the set as it was sold. It was sold as a set for costume brawl.
I will predict that come the holidays, that we will see the component skins of the outfits for sale in the gem store piece by piece.
My question is this, if the boxing gloves becomes my new gloves for armor, where did the costume brawl skills go for that item? How can I use the boxing gloves in costume brawl?
Add a new class, one that can make use of skills from other classes.
+1, excellent ideas!
More emotes!!!!!!!
Adding my 2 cents………
- During the Beta, it was possible to use the mapped swim down key to dive under the water when you were swimming on top… please bring back. I hate having to use the mouse to reorient the view to dive down.
- Fix or add a way to order items in your bank tabs. Its silly to not be able to see all the minis of one rairty next to each other for the 2nd set, when the 1st right above them was ordered that way to start with.
- Craft mats in Bank tab sortable/highlightable by tier.
- Check off list of what each toon has done. Mainly for dungeon paths done and the like. I know this data is being collected, so give us a way to see it. Its hard to remember which toons have completed all dungeon paths. Also having this info would make playing other characters fun as you would have a goal to work towards.
- How about a expanded Personal Story list to help those trying to do all the personal story paths across multiple toons know what they have done and hasnt.
- Icon overhead to indicate which order you belong to. We go through the personal story, much todo is made on choosing an order and… then nada is ever done with it. You could also have specialists missions where everyone of the Whispers order in a guild can do something or special missions that are part of LS.
- Have the Pact be involved in the LS or is the Pact Orr only from now on?
crash while doing nothing(report included)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Skipper De Longmont.8734
Game crashes after I select a character to play. Up to that point no issues. 10 seconds after selecting any of my characters, the game crashes and it wants to send a report to Anet, which I do.
When I logged off last night, all was working and fine.
Magic Find Account Bonus Transition Questions
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Skipper De Longmont.8734
I’m curious. Currently through Achievement Chests, I have an account wide MF of 6%. Will that go to 20% like everyone else, or will it be 20+my 6% from the Achievement Chests?
If it will be a flat 20% across the board for everyone, i’m losing my 6% from the Achievement chests, so what do I get to make up for losing the bonus I have worked for?
I never even started to challenge Liadri—can I still join the club?
Defeated all the rest, but I’m not going to put myself through all the stress of trying to defeat her cheap tricks.Besides, I completed each of the main achievement threads via achievements other than Liadri.
Don’t give up without trying. After reading all the gripes on the forums I almost didn’t even try the gauntlet. But curiosity won out and I was able to 1 shot most of the fights leading up to her, and it took roughly a dozen fights to beat her, a bit over an hour and It was fun. Don’t give up just because someone else tells you it’s impossible without experiencing it for yourself.
Please tell us all how we can “one shot” the fights. I dont know of any combo + weaps + armor that would allow you to “one shot” the fights.
Next you will tell me you can “one shot” all the Champions as well. And that you “one shot” Zhiatan in a solo match.
Source on this King of Kryta sending a prince to Ebonhawke? I have never heard of this especially the fact that I only know Princess/Queen Salma after King Jadon fled the throne. </quote>
Looks like someone has not read the latest Novel. “Guild Wars: Sea of Sorrows”
Its mentioned in the book a couple times.
I gave up at the tornado lady.
You mean the get her to half HPs and then so may tornadoes hit you, you never get a chance to do anything again and the stability buff skills don’t work?
Yeah I try once a day, but for the most part I know I suck and that one isn’t fun for me to play.
Going back to get the diving point in the Aetherblade JP… its my 212th time, but at least its fun.
+1 Topher…
I did all the other stuff on a low lever toon, and then decided to check out the Gauntlet just to find out you have to be 80lvl + best gear to compete… so all my tickets are on a toon that wont be there till many many many moons after the gauntlet is gone. Really wish they would have thought about it more… but I guess this is what we get for 2week release content….
What I don’t understand is that there are usually 2-3 people just standing around while a person or two are lying dead on the floor. Its obvious there is someone in the arena, but those waiting still don’t res. So no time is being lost to be nice to res folks. Your not losing anything because the arena your waiting at has someone already in it and you’ve decided to wait already.
i’ve never seen so much sudden interest in a rapier. why?
Cause its cool looking. One of the best, basic skins to date.
It would be nice to get an answer to this question.
Also, its ok not to have another event lined up for the day after the current event ends. The world can just be calm and the basic game. Releasing every 2 weeks will burn the players out.
Also, every event doesn’t need their own mini-games and tokens. Some can just be pure story… we love the world and its richness.
Or at least create an option for this so those that want it can have it and those that dont, dont.
More Storage Panes
A storage pane for each of the following would be cool. Id pay Gems for them as well.
- WvW items, to include all the badges of honor and siege plans
- Dungeon Tokens
- Skins, skins, like in PvP, but for PvE and where once I put in a skin I can get it out like you did for the Celestial Weapons from the Achievement Chests.
- Special reward for all the stuff from the limited time events, ex. Kite, Instruments, Skyship model, event weapon tickets, etc
- Expanded Crafting item pane for the stuff you make from the stuff there is a pane for already
- Allow more than 250 items per pane slot… 999?
- Boots, a place to store all the boots and Resurrection things and repair canisters
And main storage pane related. If the craftig pane is full, but I have it stored in the main storage pain, put it there when I use the option to deposit the stuff in my backpack to the storage panes.
But no one is complaining about all the WvW stuff from these chests? Why the haters of PvP stuff but not the WvW that comes in them as well?
Legendary info should be in game not web site.
Anytime I have to leave the game to get info on how to make something in the game is silly. Keep me in the game. Add Info in the game on Legendaries. Also, put somewhere in there a shop where you can see what the look like. Let me see them so I know what I want.
Please add a way to just craft for a skin as that is what most people are wanting anyways. Making us jump thru more hoops to get stats on something we just want the skin to is silly.
This could also lead to crafting the special one time only mini-events skins later on, if you have a ton of this and that.
+ Add a skin collection tab. A bigger version of the one for the Celestial skins in the Achievement pane would be awesome!
Price for this should be around 50 g imo. 15g you can earn in an hour.
How do you do that. Please do tell. I spend an hour doing all game stuff and barley pull 80 silvers out.
No more JP for PvE in WvW!!! That is insane and just silly.
Please stop the constant living story madness…. can we just have a couple weeks of the basic game. The living story content is nice, but takes away from me playing the base game.
All suggestions here point out the same thing…. Currency collection tab!!!
Imagine sitting by the lake…hearing crickets and simply fishing… then some asura thief runs over you trying to get away from some huge creature that instead decides to eat you since your sitting down in the wilds.
PvP has a skin bank … add one for PvE. Id collect just the skins, just to have them all and it would be super cool!
Also, crafting should be able to make skins, not just the items.
+1 yes please, this is a great idea.
Why limit us to only 8 bank panes? This should be only limited by the number of extra bank panes we buy from the Gem Store. Please allow more than 8 bank panes.
I really like playing GW2. I like the world and being in it. So I find is frustrating that you have to leave the world to look at eye-old internet browser to learn how and what you need for a Legendary. They could solve this by adding a storage pane that has slots for all the things you need that every legendary requires and a place to put the items that dont take up space in the rest of the bank.
A couple week back I stopped getting dyes from drops that could be use to get random colors… now all I get from drops are these news dyes that are crafting components. Whats up with that?
I want to know what we cant have more than 8 storage panes in the bank? I bought each of the extra ones, so I don’t have an issue doing so for more. Its especially frustrating that it appears that the bank scrolls to what would seem for a total of 10 panes, but it doesn’t let me purchase anymore beyond the 8th.
BTW. How many jumping puzzles does one have to discover before there are no more left to discover? Thus never being able complete a monthly ever again. Or do the counters reset every month? Maybe “discover” is a wrong choice of words.
I took 5 characters to the “entry point” of the 2 JPs I know of in LA for got the “discoverable” portion of the monthly.
Bank Tab for skins…. so you can collect them.
A way to craft just the skins.
Increase the storage tab to handle more than 250 of each item.
Show which group your character joined on its “H” window.
when your swimming on the top of the water, the swim down key should dive you under the water so you don’t have to touch the mouse…. this is a large pain to have to touch the mouse for movement.
Anyone from Anet going to address this?
This isnt Warhammer.
Warhammer isnt the only game with dwarves…
But its the first one to have red headed dwarves with mohawks.
cant login to submit a support call
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Skipper De Longmont.8734
its not accepting my password/userid to log a support call. Its the same one i use for this forum and the game… so why cant i login to support?
I think at the least, killing “normal” animals shouldn’t give XP.
9- Engineer pets… wouldnt it be cool to have a couple small clockwork things hovering around your enginner like a pet. Mesmer could have little balls of light or something.
8 – Warhammer 40k like space marines!!! Come on, give me a rifle skin that looks like a bolter and a sword skin that looks like a chainsword and some really bulky looking armor and the ability to put crests on the shoulders.
<sigh, i know itll never happen, but hey one can dream>
Cause we all know a thong is better armor than chain mail.
7- Allow more than 256 of X crafting material on the craft storage pane in the bank. Heck make it an upgrade you pay gems for.
This isnt Warhammer.
1- When you tie a hotkey to “swim down” it should also do the initial dive as well with the same hotkey so you don’t have to use the mouse to dive.
2- When I hide my helmet/face mask/etc on my character, it should also not be viable on the initial character selection screen as well.
3- When you complete a jumping puzzle, hidden area, and get the achievement for it, also display it on the map as well.
4- Recipes should be account bound and not soulbound. Its a bummer I can use the recipe my huntsman character found for my chef character.
5- Put back the karma food sellers. Its annoying to get butter from a dead Grawl…. like id use their butter.
6- Soulbound jewelry items should be able to be salvaged with a salvage kit… currently I have to either store it in my bank or destroy it when I replace it on my character. At a minimum you should be able to sell it.
While playing a Female Norn Ranger with primary weapon = Greatsword and secondary weapon = longbow, your turned in to the aspect of wolf for this mission. While battling the Jotuns I got an achievement for the # of ax kills.
Umm… shouldn’t it be “as wolf kills” if they are counted at all?
BTW, love the part that you can talk to Garm when in this form…. made it a much better story.
Some Merchants sell recipies, and when you buy them they are bound the the char that bought them. Would be nicer if they were accountbound so your chef character can use the recipie your huntsman character bought.
If my character doesnt show headgear during the games, you really shouldnt see it on the character select screen either.
When you assign a hotkey to swim down it should also do the inital dive under the water as well so you don’t have to use the mouse to swim under the water.