You know, it would make a lot of sense for the ANet gang to put together a video that shows just exactly what happened in Seasons 1 and 2.
I remember with some pain the advice to just ‘guild up’, to fix problems with people getting seperated by the megaserver.
“Party up”, “Guild up” and “Squad up” … all of the above have produced split groups. It’s particularly fun when the party, in the squad, made entirely of guild members splits, when we change zones.
So if this gets improved, I’ll be less unhappy.
You guys — SAB is coming back. Colin said it. It’s true. This is positive and definite and no I don’t have a date and I know you’d like to have one but that’s not possible but… it’s coming back. Posts that proclaim it’s not coming are not just wrong — they’re dead wrong. Posts that express upset about the coin — while I understand them — will be moot when SAB returns. Which will happen.
All I can say is keep your chin up, because it’s going to happen.
I am so happy now! Not because I loved SAB… I thought it was fun, but… not totally captivating. A neat distraction and very cool change of pace.
But I’m REALLY happy that the SAB lovers will finally be happy again. And stop crying.
This should have been addressed a week into HoT. Waaaaaaaaaay too late.
Really, it should have been addressed during the design phase.
Failing that, in QA.
It’s just absurd that this made it to live release, when there’s so much that’s so clearly broken.
PLEASE take a look at your process, folks.
I can’t help but think that if you guys had continued doing the bi-weekly living story stuff, you’d have had sufficient experience in these sorts of events to avoid exactly these problems.
I have a little information on this: Footprints are determined by the geometry of leg joints. That is, the direction of a footprint is determined by the joints of a particular creature’s legs and ankles. For all the races except Charr, those bones bend in the same direction of that of a human, they each have the same “ankle roll.” But if you look at images of the Charr, the ankle roll is different. And it’s the way the leg is configured that results in the footprints being backwards for the Charr. Or, as an artist said, “Once the Ankle goes over the ball of the foot, as it does with the Charr, the footprints get reversed because the (game) engine thinks the foot is pointing the opposite direction.”
Making an adjustment requires the involvement of the Gameplay Programming Team. From what I understand, making this change could require a significant amount of time but I’ll see what we can find out about this.
The fix is incredibly simple.
Rotate the art 90 degrees.
Boom. Solved without code.
At least, until you get into why it’s different between walking and running.
And yeah, it’s been this way since pre-Beta. I know it’s been reported again and again, since that time.
I just wanted to provide an update since it’s been a while.
- We are currently working to restore the Greatest Fear storyline to the live game. I can’t provide a release date at this point.
- In addition to restoring the Personal Story steps to their original order we’re making some minor improvements where possible (e.g. recording new VO or updating certain conversations, etc.).
We’ll provide additional details closer to release. Thanks much for your patience.
Oh, bless you.
The personal story is one of the first major things new players encounter, and as it stands now it in no way represents the current quality of the game. Or even the quality of the game at launch.
I’ve really been a little disappointed that we haven’t seen minor incremental changes there, with each patch.
It doesn’t have to be anything big, just… a few little tidbits here and there. A few piles of debris cleaned up, a bridge repaired a bit further, that kind of thing.
However, I hope it’s never back to it’s FORMER glory, but on to a new and DIFFERENT glory!
Yet another human-centric seasonal festival! In yet another human-centric location.
Why not a proper Meattoberfest at the Black Citadel? Why not a festival of aspects in the Asura homelands?
While I applaud the various attempts at cultural diversity, it seems like the big events happen in two places – Lion’s Arch and Divinity’s Reach.
Let’s see what the Norn celebrate annually! A nice spring festivus, perhaps?
Thing is, if you don’t want to play the game their way… don’t.
Do what you want. Play how you like.
An important tidbit with characters is to have a list of the words and phrases they DO tend to over-use. Because, like real live people, they should be flawed grammatically too.
EDIT: BWHAHAHAAH! (since PeterFries posted that post-it post between when I started to post, and my post posting)
It really is a shame that ANet hasn’t done anything to support their fans in this way. Machinima are a fantastic way to spread the word about a game… but as far as I know there’s absolutely no support for it with GW2 assets. Not even a first person camera!
Now, if they’d release some models in a format supported by the ever-popular Garry’s Mod or others? That would go a long way.
(edited by Stormdancer.4972)
Outstanding, really nice to hear this from an official source.
It’s also very good to know the team takes this kind of thing seriously enough to actually patch it. You get faith points!
I love the salvage highlighting! Very nicely done.
I don’t really care for the ‘new item’ highlight, but I love that you can turn it off so easily! Nice job, UI team!
Gods, the thought of this is terrifying to me.
Echo that, Shadowflame.
I’m also willing to wager that the puzzle is, as usual, racist against Charr.
As a Charr… not nearly so much as the others. But then, I’ve done every single JP in the game, now, as a Charr.
Not, sadly, as the SAME Charr, I need to go fix that, in case there’s a cheev.
Now if we could just get some of the other cosmetic things common to MMORPGs – more emotes, and environmental items you can interact with – like campfires to light, chairs to sit in, drinks you can actually drink from rather than wave around.
Personally, I love the underwater combat. Once you actually get good at it, it’s just not any harder than land-based fights.
This has been a long-standing gripe of mine – every human/Norn character looks like someone straight out of Vogue or GQ. Let’s see more variety!
Right now we’re sort of splitting out things you can “spend” between three different places: Your inventory, your bank, and your wallet.
At its core, we need to decide on one of these to compliment your inventory and call it good. As we’re continuing to introduce more items like the geodes and bandit “hello my name is” crests, this has obviously become even more of an issue
Ultimately, we either need to let you spend materials from your bank directly at vendors so you don’t need to keep them in your inventory (and then make geodes/crests materials) OR continue to make the wallet larger and larger. Or option #3 we haven’t considered yet you might think of in this suggestion forum!
Either way, we’re aware of the need and will address it “when it’s ready™”.
Thing is, you’ve got several different problems going on here. Some of them are your problem, some of them are ours.
- All the new events and areas use new currencies to help isolate them, minimizing possible unforeseen interactions with other aspects of the economy. Personally I think this is a reasonable solution to a difficult problem. It is, however, inherently short sighted and shallow. Ideally you’d have a better economic system that allowed people to adopt a common standard of currency like… oh… money. And then use that everywhere, rather than resorting to arbitrarily limited barter. I doubt that’s ever going to happen.
- All the new currencies that are not in the wallet consume space in our inventory and/or bank. Bad for us because it consumes precious slots, great for you because it makes us buy more slots.
- Some things are sufficiently rare to REALLY be barter items, typically things that are exchanged at a 1:1 rate, like amber fossils. Anything we acquire stacks of, like geodes, are clearly a currency.
You guys dug this hole, by building an economic system that relies on segregation of rewards. The system that is best for the player is that all currencies go in the wallet.
Roleplay – my warband is awesome and I love ‘em. They’re about 60% of why I stay around.
The Living Story is the rest – I’m really enjoying what they’re doing with it, and the steady trickle of new content is, to me, MUCH more effective than one big expansion that everyone will race through within 4 days.
I love the new Charr light armor… it shows that they can do it right. That tailguard is inspired and awesome!
But then we get slapped in the face with the tailclipping mediocrity of the Medium and Heavy! What the heck, ANet? We know you can do better, you’ve shown us that!
Please, go back and repair these suits of armor.
You know full well this would have turned out very differently if a Charr had been in charge. Someone who understands not just commerce, but how to DEFEND what you have gained as well. Someone who understands that wealth and progress means nothing if you cannot defend and protect it.
Someone like Evon Gnashblade.
Urgh, that’s pretty awful.
It bugs me immensely that some of the Charr cultural armor, by Charr, for Charr, doesn’t have a proper tail slot.
However, I do love that the light armor of this new set do a very nice tail-guard. That was awesome and it looks great. Why not also on the medium & heavy version?
(edited by Stormdancer.4972)
Anything that can be gathered and stored, then used to buy goods from vendors, should work in the wallet system.
From gold/silver/copper to karma to karka shells to geodes to candy corn.
I can see exceptions for very rare items like amber fossils and such – they really aren’t currency. But when you’re going to be gathering stacks and stacks of this stuff, ESPECIALLY when stacks are so small, then they need to be part of the wallet system.
> … rewards you with bandit crests that can be traded for a variety of rewards …
Oh, for kitten’s sake! Another kitten currency to tie up space in our inventory?
Either get the hell over this idea, or make the wallet work for every stupid-kitten new currency item you invent.
Gee, if only there was some kind of standardized currency usable the world over, that all major trading races could accept. Something based on a precious metal, say… something convenient to carry, like maybe… coins?
Sorry if I sound bitter, but COME ON! This is just getting more and more ridiculous.
Sadly, ANet doesn’t really seem to care much about what roleplayers want.
Despite giving us some awesome storylines to follow, and some great improvements in the Living Story (which I have really enjoyed)… there’s just nothing for RPers.
Same thing you did before level 80.
Which is kind of a shame. One of the great things about GW1 was that there were only 20 levels. Once you hit 20, there was still a HUGE amount of content to enjoy. Leveling wasn’t the point, playing the game was.
Unfortunately, with GW2 a lot of emphasis is on leveling, but by the time you’ve hit 80, it’s quite possible to have seen and done a lot of what the game has to offer.
That said, a lot of that content is really worth doing a few times.
For further grinding, there’s WvW zergfesting or ‘structured PvP’.
And there’s RP, which is just about the only thing that keeps me in the game anymore, despite ANet’s lack of attention to such a dedicated gem-spending group.
If you want the game to be more like WoW… play WoW. Because nothing will be more like WoW than WoW.
Yes, there are some good ideas in other games, and I wish GW2 would make some improvements. But mounts & duelling are pretty much on the bottom of my list. If you want to ride mounts and waggle your kittens around in a “hey duel me bro” moment… there are games which do that very well.
So, SO sick of dragons. How about a gryphonic race?
Yeah, some of the cinematics have been bugged like that since Beta.
I’ve logged repeated /bugs on ’em… last I checked, they were still bugged.
- Even after the two years now Anet still can’t seem to balance the different Professions. I don’t like playing half of my characters any more, they just don’t feel the same.
Heh. How long has WoW been out now? Aren’t they still balancing professions? I think the same could be said for every single MMO ever released, ever.
“Why does the forum let me enter more than 45”
In fact, it does not…
Even more annoying because the post-headline will be cut down anyway thanks to
text-overflow: ellipsis;
Oh, it’ll let me enter a longer headline, it just then says I have to shorten it.
Hi everyone!
I just purchased GW2 today and i’m currently waiting on the DL to finish. I’m quite new to GW so i don’t know a whole lot about what’s going on.
I was just wondering if anyone has any insight on which server(s) are most populated/best.Thanks!
Hi grrizzant,
First, welcome to Guild Wars 2. As said above, the choice of your world (which is the name we use for what players sometimes call “servers”) will mainly be important if you’re going to play World vs. World. In the “main world” you’ll be grouped with other players in what’s called a “megaserver”, so that a lot of players on the same map can play together. You can learn more about this in this article:
Have fun in Tyria!
Hmm… doesn’t that mean we should call it a ‘megaworld’, in the megaworld system?
Ok time for a third topic.
Guild Halls.
I see this subject come up a lot in this thread and while we can talk about other aspects of Guild Halls at some point, let’s try another exercise.
What are the 3 top QOL features you think Guild Halls could provide that maybe couldn’t exist otherwise? Try not to list features that are beyond QOL, but I won’t hold it against you because its hard to do.
I’m out for the day hiking at Mt. Rainier but will try and return with my own top three later this weekend.
Just like armor skins, they allow the guild to show off the groups skills, longevity, dedication and progress – even if it’s just to your own members.
It builds a sense of community and unity.
More than anything, it’s a meeting place where the whole guild can gather at once. Great for roleplayers, WvW people planning strategies, etc.
Can I have your stuff?
And what game are you going to?
I hate having to manually set the number of items out of a stack that I want to sell, when 99.9% of the time I want to sell all, not one. I’m pretty sure that’s true for most people. The slider should default to ‘max’.
For a little while it was also defaulting to the ‘current sellers’ pane, which is also my usual default. But now it’s always starting on the ‘current buyers’.
Now this one I could see having a configurable default for, I suppose, but it should at least default to the same side as my last transaction.
(edited by Stormdancer.4972)
I’m glad to see they fixed the /me doubling… now can we get on the range of emotes?
And providing a way for the Megaserver to gather like-minded people together?
stuff about last represented
Associated Risks
None, really. It does, however, depend on having this information retained either on a per-user/guild basis (not unreasonable – simply add a date field w/ the 5 guild slots) or via the guild system, so it updates when someone stops representing.The risk is that it will make guilds that didn’t have strict rep requirements, have them.
I also think that rep requirements (which is the main reason you want this) is something that should just be changed or removed. it goes counter to wanting to allow players to be in more then one guild at a time.
Since percentage representation is something decided on by guilds and guild leaders, it’s not something that can ‘just be changed or removed’.
I absolutely don’t require 100% rep in my guild, but I see a ton of them that do.
However, this change wouldn’t really change that. I kick people if they haven’t played the game in 5 weeks. I’d prefer to be able to give them a courtesy mail if they haven’t represented the guild in that amount of time, and ask if they’re still interested in being part of the guild.
characters for the title, when titles can only be 45 characters?
It’s not that hard to limit the size of a field. Or provide some feedback about how many characters you have left, a-la Twitter.
This isn’t the proper forum section for this issue, it fits in Forum and Website Bugs. Anyhow, that’s an issue that has been around for ages and already reported:
Yeah… I should have searched for that. BUT OH WAIT.
Maybe if ANet reads this forum they’ll move or delete it, I’m fine either way.
Proposal Overview
Provide information regarding when members last represented the guild.
Goal of Proposal
It’s not possible to tell when someone last represented the guild, which is very important for many guild leaders & members. Make this information available.
Proposal Functionality
Either add a ‘last represented’ date column (ideal)
replace the ‘last online’ column (not very useful for guilds) with a ‘last represented’ column.
Personally, I’d like to have both available, but if I had to choose I’d prefer the date they last represented.
Associated Risks
It might confuse users under level 78 </sarcasm>
None, really. It does, however, depend on having this information retained either on a per-user/guild basis (not unreasonable – simply add a date field w/ the 5 guild slots) or via the guild system, so it updates when someone stops representing.
Correct me if I’m wrong… But people are saying that you can’t dodge with low level characters anymore. Is this ACTUALLY true?
This is incorrect, you should be able to absolutely dodge at any level. There is a lot of misinformation (and some bugs) going around about systems the game teaches you about, but are totally available from level 1 if you want to go do them. The level many of the things the new level up system tells you about doesn’t mean they are unlocked at that level, it simply exists as a reminder if you haven’t learned it by then. Feel free to dodge away! You can also go do jumping puzzles any time you want for example, the game just gives you a heads up they exist at level 21 if you haven’t found one by then, etc.
We’re also seeing a lot of bugs, and unintended functionality folks are reporting in a number of the threads on the new player experience that don’t align with what we announced the system to be. We’re working on identifying and resolving all of these issues as quickly as possible, some of the absolutely legitimate concerns folks are bringing up (like some of the bigger issues with alts) are not intended and appear to have been flagged incorrectly when they moved between development regions. Fixes incoming soon as we can identify everything.
Please continue to give feedback and suggestions, we very much appreciate it as it’s allowed us to identify a lot of not intended issues, as well as bugs.
You really, really need to provide better SQA internally. This smacks of an outsourced, offshored QA department that isn’t given the time, training, or attention that it needs.
This would only be useful if they actually fixed bugs that were reported.
There’s bugs that have been in the game since Beta. Well known, frequently reported, completely ignored.
It’s not a game bug, but… it makes it impossible to see if someone’s submitted a bug here already. No matter what you enter in the search box, it finds nothing.
Originally titled: Forum search function completely non-functional.
But the title is 45 characters max. Why does it let me enter more than 45 characters?
When walking or running forward, Charr footprints are rotated about 90-100 degrees outwards.
When stopped, and you START running, the left pawprint looks about right, but the right one is rotated about 120 degrees clockwise.
Oddly, when moving backwards, the footprints all face correctly forward.
We’ve been asking for the emote range to get fixed since Beta… I’m not holding my breath.
But at least revert to the not-borked version of adding emotes to the chat stream.
I hope this was a (clearly untested) attempt to make the name presented by an emote right-clickable, and it will be ‘working as requested’, rather than ‘working as written’, soon.
And all the players in-game I know love the idea of a level increase. Let’s get some thing straight here, the people here constitute a very very very small minority of players.
Anet, please don’t listen to a handful of players. Keeping it the same is keeping the status quo, the game needs a change, either level increase or content.
I don’t understand this, what do you think that a level cap increase will actually achieve? How do you think it will change the status quo? Imagine in the morning they increase the level cap to 100. So everyone will have to level up to, lets say, level 100 and then get exotic gear? And then what?
We’re all right back where we are now, apart from the people with level 80 ascended items.
How would anything be different just because we’re at level 100?
“But… it goes to 11!”
—Spinal Tap
Yeah, that’s the problem with sprinting headlong to MAX_LEVEL. There’s a LOT of stuff in the game, but people completely ignore so much of it… and then complain that there’s not much content. There is, you just ignored it.
And raising the level cap doesn’t do anything to change this. If you make it 90, people sprint to 90 and then whine some more. It’s the same thing, just a bigger (and equally meaningless) number.
An honest, sincere question here, regarding the lack of a ‘show total profit’ feature.
In what circumstances would this information change your behavior?
Not “But I want to know how much I’ll make!”… what would you change, based on this information?
Would you charge more? Less? Not list the item at all, and instead salvage or sell at a merchant? Under what situations would you change your listing in these ways?