Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Axe 4 hits hard as kitten
so yeah. no matter how you try to slice it and no matter what wordplay you try to employ… Anet killed dungeons.
Except that they really didn’t.
Player perception killed dungeons. As is in their current state dungeons are every bit as lucrative now as they were in the past. The only difference is how you generate that reward.
Instead of being rewarded for playing CoF p1 50 times a day, you instead play 8 unique paths (which now includes story) and get a repeatable gold and token generation source of your choice.
But yeah people keep saying dungeons are dead, it’s really helping that community come back.
How far back are you going? People haven’t done cof farm for like 4 years. And no they don’t offer as much reward as they have in the past. There was a time when you got the token box and at least 1g per explorable path
I always cut mine off at 2hrs. After that people kitten up too much
All ur dps and might comes from GS. Mace/ shield or mace/mace is for breaker which is the only thing power war is better at than Condi
It’s set to PvP
1. Do not break auto attack chain or will loose dps
2. Skill 2 slight dps increase? (My rotation isn’t good enough to tell for sure but averages are slightly higher using it)
3. Do not use axe 3
4. Skill 4 is a dps increase but remember step 1
5. Skill 5 is dps loss
6. Do not use signet of might or fury
7. Do not use primal burst or you will loose dps
8. Tier 3 eviscerate is a dps increase but must have adrenaline built back up before bezerk comes off cooldown
9. Use signets (not might or fury) off CD but only outside bezerk mode
Axe axe is like 24k. I have tested it. Still not good but way more than 15k
Dungeons should at least have a balance update and bug fixes even if there is no new content for them. WP made a good point that this tends to be the first “end game” content people encounter when picking up the game and dungeons are full of bugs
Warrior is the one class they tend to balance around the average player. Everything else is balanced around top tier PvP. The reason burst skills have been gutted is because too many people can’t react to them mostly cause they are bad
Dear anet
Thank you for given warrior a chance to be useful outside of raid. As it was they went fit to like to dirt from our boots
Sincerely people who can actually play the game worth a kitten
Dear anet
Please make it so warriors can’t do anything because I can’t stop them
Sincerely all bad players in gw2
Had some good luck with this. It’s sonewh at anti meta build that’s designed to take down boon heavy foes (ele,rev,gaurd). Basicly kill them before they kill you and have to be willing to retreat. Necros are the only real pain for this build as they just have to much health to spike down effectively
Spellbreaker will be terrible in PVE as it stands, and a meme-zerg spec for WvW where you’re wanted only for suiciding rushing in with elite during clash.
Daggers are definitely NOT worth using at the moment, their damage is low, the gap closer is tiny, and they just don’t offer much over other weapons.
The damage as decent so long as you have high crit chance. The combination of 3-4 can literally insta kill squishies if you get the stun.
Im not willing to rule it out of PvE until I see the content itself. There could be a lot of boons that need removing. Also, there’s a lot of synergy with Arms if they make Dual Wielding actually work with Daggers (which assume they will) and Rending Strikes with Pure Strike. Maybe not for raids and the like but with the Spellbreaker runes even if they don’t have a lot of boons that’s a perma 7% more damage so for open world you’ll at least be able to make it work. You’ll basically be able to upkeep perma 25 Might and Vuln on your own with Strength-Arms-Spellbreaker. Hell, you might not even need Strength to maintain the might with Magebane. The biggest problem of course is the 2 target limit on dagger.
But with 100% crit chance your dagger attacks would be doing like 36% extra crit dmg vs boonless foes when you combine Pure Strike and Runes of the Spellbreaker with the inherent extra damage dagger autos do on crit. Idk what that makes the dagger autos damage come out to but maybe there’s something there.
EDIT: It’s 7% more damage in general vs boonless foes on the runes, not critical damage.
If dual wielding actually did anything when u have quickness it might be viable but as it is quickness overrides dual wielding
This is a hard thing to rate as different bosses will be esayier or harder depending on skill level. Sloth is probably the best example. Good groups will kill it in 4 mushrooms no deaths no problems. Poor groups might not even be able to kill it
Another thing that would be nice is for warrior to have more combo fields. They have finishers out the ass but only 2 fields (counting both LB burst as 1)
Weapon master. No new weapon but triple weapon swap
I would hate that for a new Elite Spec, because it doesnt really add a new mechanic, just updates something Warriors already have.
I would say having 3 weapon sets available would be a new mechanic
Weapon master. No new weapon but triple weapon swap
To break up the complaints of the new elite specs in every class forum, here’s a question for you:
How viable is GS in PvE? (mostly open world, dungeons and raids)
I love the GS, I love the legendaries and I just want to smack kitten with a big sword.
However, for condi Sword/Torch seems to be the build to go, while nobody really tries power as everyone thinks it’s overnerfed. Are those assumptions valid or did I just not dig deep enough find a viable GS build?
U are thinking this the wrong way. Yes gs has been nerfed a bit but certainly not overnerfed, the true difference maker is that condi ps has been buffed time and time again. So on one hand u have power build the never was particularly amazing and on the other hand u have a totally overpowered condi build. Probably the best dps build if u gear for full dps. It’s busted.
Most people who wanna really use GS will mostly play guard atm, sad but true.
Condi ps was (directly) buffed twice. The first buff was like 2% and that’s when It came to favor. It was a better option for ps when hot was released but no one ran it cause it want “meta”
So yes GS was over nerfed as it hasn’t been thed best option in 2 years anyways
Axe is a better open world weapon now. GS not bad but axe just bettet
Anet could make more guild derevsity if they would just make more trusts usefull. Only like 50% are worth using
Warrior is actually one of the harder classes to servive on if you run the full meta as you don’t really have a heal skill
I would assume not but I can’t say for sure
Nope. The highest 1 only applies so quickness at 50%
Are we talking wvw or PvP? Cause in PvP spellbreaker is looking pretty solid if played right
Well here are my odds of things staying meta.
Chrono 99%
There isn’t anything that can bring the total utility of chrono. Quickness, alacrity, invuln, tanking. Nothing else can do it all at once
Ps war (1 ps war 99% 2 ps war 75%)
Banners are too good not to have and warrior still does solid dps and as a might not. Having a single ps war is gonna be all but certain. As for have 2? Maybe not a certain thing. Banners hit 10 targets and with the Condi meta (that I think will continue) empower allies isn’t a must have. If something (or collection of yhings) can bring the might and out dps a ps war in total then there is only gonna be a single ps war in groups
Druid 80%
Good heals, good offensive support (sprits, spotter, gol,) can be decent damage for a healer. Don’t think anything is gonna be able to overtake it but still a chance something could.
I never understood why developers create content just for small segments of the community instead of everyone. This always leads to elitism and exclusion.
It has had a fairly negative impact on the game’s community.
And, even more unfortunate, if you try to bring it up on these forums, all you tend to get is “you’re imagining it – get over it and stop talking” style responses, which only further alienates people from the game mode.
The current implementation of raiding in GW2 needs to change in some pretty basic ways, imo.
All pvp balance is based on about 50 elite players (high end estimate) Why are you complaining about something that low end has a couple thousand players doing regularly?
I found spellbreaker to be a good 1v1 spec. The biggest thing is getting that 3/4 skill combo off. I was hitting 7-8k when they both crit
Spellbreaker has really strong combos. I think the key to playing Spellbreaker effectively is wearing out your opponent’s defenses, then executing one of many combos. I was successful at landing Arcing Slice—>Full Counter—>Arcing Slice on a few occasions, which will KO your opponent.
I was a big fan on stun chain combos with d/d m/m
I found spellbreaker to be a good 1v1 spec. The biggest thing is getting that 3/4 skill combo off. I was hitting 7-8k when they both crit
They just need to do what they did with dervish in gw1 and have bonus effects/damage when they self remove a boon
Most of the berserker primal bursts are stronger than the 3rd level bursts, or at least competitive with the 3rd level bursts. That’s pretty decent considering they cost 1/3 the adrenaline (after a 3rd level buy in, but the buffs from berserk kind of balance that out in my mind). I’d say berserker is quite a nice elite spec, even in the face of the recent nerfs to it’s adrenaline.
Spellbreaker has the interesting mechanic of being able to do 2 bursts back to back: Full Counter then Arcing Slice… Skull Crack then Arcing Slice… it’s different, and that’s really more important. Elites weren’t made to be vertical upgrades, but horizontal (at the very least, horizontal from the already existing elite specs). I think spellbreaker is quite nice thematically, and full counter seems quite strong: A block and high damage AE counter that can copy conditions, daze, and evade on any and all weapons you ever use? Pretty dope if you ask me.
Most of the primal burst are the same damage ad the tier 3 burst skills. The primal do add extra that probably bring them up to the tier 3 burst in total for the most part
It feels kinda like thief. Strong 1v1 and need to be careful in team fights
Bgdm wont be suported any more. The creator got perma banned
The community has asked for build templates since eons. Hope is present but we have been disappointed too often so I will only believe it when I see it.
A gear inspection tool is even more unlikely to come than build templates because Anet is not a fan of seperating and selecting players. The guy who had an inspection technique in his dps meter has recently banned permanently from the game:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/6txv55/farewell_gw2_people/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Guildwars2“A ban was handed down after multiple (3) warnings…”
So, if you see gear inspection tools, you’ll better don’t use them.
Anet is ridiculous they refuse to allow gear check because people should be allowed to play what they want. How bout the people that wanna have a good run and not have to carry someone because they are too lazy to get the right kitten.
I actually think warrior is better now then it was
The tank will most likely always be rolled into another support class. The spot that having a tank only would take up is too valuable. This is y chrono tank is so good. They give up very little to cover the role. Druid tank is ok on most fights right now but chrono just does it better.
With all that said, scourge probably at the best shot at becoming a tank with what we know right now. It looks to be a support class that won’t give much up by covering the tank role. We should be able to get a better idea after this next weekend when we can play the new specs
Spellbreaker is gonna come down to how much damage the dagger auto does
We are not yet sure if this is the “best” setup …. I ve read about a build with Nightmare + Trapper runes, which used Golden Fried Dumplings for the additional might-generation. This way you can maintain Geomancy + Strength sigills while capping out condi-duration.
For ps maybe this would be better but warrior is now a top tier dps as well
So it’s a worthless trait
Theoretically there could be a PS warrior tank (tank and PS support), but that hasn’t emerge.
This game is often disappointing. Tanking is a natural role for the warrior in every game. Players don’t play warriors to be support healers but to be tanks.
Warrior aren’t brought for heals. They are offenvise support
Its just gonna force people to dodge instead
Veggie pizza ,Full viper with the with sigil of malice brings burn and bleed to 100% with the +33% traits
Axe shield/ GS seems to be solid. Run defense 111 discipline 221 and bezerk 111 run full zerk amulet and use egale runes
What I want to test is if Attacker’s Insight bonus from disables proc when dealing damage to Breakbar.
What is attackers insight exactly?
It’s gonna depend a lot on how much damage the auto attack chain does base line. They have the multipliers to be up there in dps but need to be decent baseline
You all reckon this new elite more pvp/wvw based or can you see it viable for raids?
Unless new raid bosses are set up very differently than the current one is see this is pretty much a PvP spec
I a big believer in using warriors to bust condo zergs. Zerk stance endure pain dolyak signet and go to town on the necros there is no good was for them to stop you for 10+ seconds
Cuz warrior just became one^^
This is kinda the impression I got too
It call still take a couple hrs to take t3 keep as it is y would people want it to take 4 or 5 hrs like it use to?
Another misconception from those who tend to only zerg. It doesn’t take hours to take a T3 keep, it only takes brains. 7 of us flipped T3 Gankdara bay last week with 3 zergs fighting outside, I’m guessing Gankdara thought it was only tagged from the fighting and never bothered to do a proper check, they paid the price and lost it in 30mins. The only reason it took that long was we hadn’t got full sups and only 100 from the camp.
You can hit a keep with a small force and get all the way into inner, guild catas cost 40 supply and are essentially superiors. 8 people can build 5 with 25 from keeps so hitting that when others are occupied or sneaking into the outer from a rarely assaulted location then porting your zerg in massively reduces the time taken to take it.
Same with T3 towers, have a big zerg and a small group assault 1 each, bonus if you pair it with the other server so they have to choose.
Well no kitten it esay to take if the other server isn’t paying attention.
It call still take a couple hrs to take t3 keep as it is y would people want it to take 4 or 5 hrs like it use to?
Another QoL improvement for shield gens would be for them to be removed from the game or make them stationary seige on towers and keeps.
Too many times you see a map blob hiding under 4 of these things preventing any form of disable while building 6 super catas. They block every way to defend an objective short of stealth disabling from behind where you’re likely to die. Even then it doesn’t buy you much or any time at all.
Shield gens block cannon, AC, treb and ballista fire, they are too good when stacked.
You need shield gens to be able to assult heavily defended objective. Otherwise you get the old way which is treb from max range and cutoff all supply route until they finely run out 3 hrs later
Spoken like a true zergling.
Repeated attacks while draining their supply and controlling camps is how you topple keeps, which is how a siege actually works.
Isn’t that basicly what I said other than attacking from long range rather than close range where you have to deal with God knows how many ac
Doesn’t matter Anet doesn’t update anything in wvw anyways good suggestions or otherwise so who cares. Not to mention I have no idea why wvwers would object to an update to auto loot that would result in getting more loot. Especially when all wvwers complained about for years was no loot/rewards…. but whatever lol.
This is one of those suggestions, where if Anet just changed it so you got loot no matter what every wvw would say, “we like this” or “good job Anet more loot” but because I’m suggesting it, it’s an absolutely horrible idea, for some reason which nobody can figure out.
I mean at best it’s more loot, at worst it’s irrelevant, but you know keep up the good fight.
People object because it encourages people to lay dead on the ground instead of releasing and running back to the fight.
right….. so loot auto going into your inventory = you are encouraged to stay dead? Im not seeing the connection. Seems completely unrelated to me.
I can’t recall ever playing a game where, when you died (essentially when you failed in some way), you still automatically were given every bit of the loot you would have acquired if you stayed alive, contributed to the fight, got ressed by a comrade, or used other mechanics (like WP) to rejoin the battle. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but shouldn’t death have a death penalty of some sort? It’s modest enough, with the mechanics in place, but should it be zero?
Yes, I do believe that such functionality would discourage active play. “I’m dead. I’ll just lie here and gather all my goodies while I go order a pizza. Doesn’t cost me a thing to be inactive — I’ll still get 100% of the loot either way.” Does that even make sense? Or am I misunderstanding the suggestion?
How dare you suggest that we should actually have to do something to be rewarded. We should get everything we want just for being alive. Why should we have to contribute when other people can do the work and you can just make them share with us
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