GW2 badly lacks challenging/rewarding strictly solo content, if that’s what you’re asking.
There are plenty of pick-up groups for fractals/raids as well as public WvW squads though, so it’s arguably easy to partake on “end-game” group content as a solo player if that’s your thing.
A gear treadmill is kinda mandatory for a competitive PvPvE open world game. For a game like GW2, where game modes are isolated, it doesn’t make any sense.
Lets say PoF introduces a new tier of gear. You play for it, you get it and then what?
You quit until a new patch/expansion is released and you’re back at the starting point again?
How is it different from playing for the experience and quitting when you get bored of the content? Is a glorified carrot worth rendering past content useless gameplay and loot wise?
forget about trashmobs being killed.
think about the mission which requires you to kick chickens! that’s animal abuse!
At least those are only kicked. Think about the crows of Grand Barrier Isle …
The event was too reliant on individual performances. I loved it for that. But as much as I like to feel truly relevant, this kind of design easily backfires as there are 50+ people who can fail and ruin the whole event for everyone.
It’s a kind of punishment you might expect for instanced content, as you are given the chance to decide who are you playing with.
For an open world event, it’s somewhat doomed to become a community thing, with premade squads taxiing to an empty overflow an so on.
I wouldn’t mind to have it, but I don’t think it would be the success some people anticipate.
1- Mursaat
2- Escort
3- Cairn
4- Samarog
5- Gorseval
6- Matthias (Easy Mode)
7- Trio
8- Vale Guardian
9- Keep Construct
10- Deimos
11- Sloth
12- Xera
13- Sabetha
14- Matthias (Tryharding)
Plot twist: many of the players running raids now do not really enjoy them, and many are not there for the challenge.
Conversely, i’m sure that there would be players that would enjoy raids with lowered challenge level. I know i would.
All of this can be easily twisted and applied to open world too.
Many of the players you cross while playing in open world do not really like the content itself and are just there driven by their completionist side, and some of them would enjoy it a lot more if it was harder.
So no, open world is not content MEANT for everyone.
It’s far more accesible than raids in the sense that it can arguably be played by everyone. There you have a point. It’s also true that it represents the majority of the content we have.
Should developers have focused exclusively on easy accesible content? I don’t know. As you said, it’s debatable. You’re going to lose some people no matter what you do, so trying to achieve a healthy mix doesn’t look like a terrible approach either.
“Fungus Among Us” for example, it’s hard to believe they are OK with the ridiculously short gold time and wonky controls, toss some lag into that and you have a horribly frustrating experience.
What’s so bad with that adventure? Knowing how movement skills behave with lag, I guess it’ll be rather unplayable … but other than that?
I mean, I can understand complaints about Shooting Gallery or Fallen Masks, maybe even Punch-o-Matic or Scrap Field (they changed time threshold over time, so maybe some of those are now far easier than I remember), which are all heavy RNG dependant, but it always surprises me to see Fungus among the most hated ones.
In HoT I never managed to grind any of the minigames above Bronze, and even Bronze I did only because they added mastery points. The adventure in PoF beta I tried was slightly different but if it does not give MP then I will never play it in real game.
If you did not play the adventure, here is how it worked:
- You are running on the mount
- You had very tight time limit to visit 6 NPCs in very large part of the open map
- The NPCs were chosen randomly from larger possible group (I think)
- You can see direction to each target on your screen but NO distance
- It is only possible to finish this within given time if you visit NPCs in correct order
- So, you must decide on correct path before starting to run
- Because they are randomly chosen the path is different each time (I think)
- Because you run in open world you can still get hit with random mobs, slowing you down
- You HAVE to know exactly how to get to each NPC before starting the adventure, some of them are located in places accessible only from certain directionThe time limit felt very tight to me, and I failed it of course. But the HoT adventures were equally horrible so I was not surprised. I am sure if you really want, you can do this in time, just for me there is no reason to do it.
The NPCs and their locations are always the same, so not knowing the distances or the best direction to approach them becomes a minor issue.
I also failed on my first attempt, but ended up getting gold after some tries. Time limit feels tight for gold, but I guess will get better with more mount masteries.
It also looks like you can unmount and use skills freely, so characters with good teleporting skills might have advantage if they can handle the mount/unmount thing fast.
I’m mostly concerned about portals. Have not tested if they’re viable or not, but you could save ridiculous amounts of time at some spots by external aid, moreso if you could have several mesmer friends along the full path. I guess it’ll not be a completely bad thing for an MMO, but kinda defeats the purpose of the leaderboards.
See., if we are going to be candid with each other, I belonged here from the start.. You never did.
That’s assuming the game was advertised as a casual game, which never happened.
The game was labeled as casual-friendly by the community based on some features like the absence of grind and gear treadmill (which are indeed casual-friendly, but can also appeal not-so-casual players), while ignoring other not-so-casual (but still enjoyable for many casuals, ofc) aspects like one of the most active combat system among MMOs and a significant focus on PvP.
The game has always been on a quite weird spot in terms of appeal.
It’s going to require a few tries.
Once you have somewhat memorized where most ingredients are, all you need to do is wait for the chef to stop (or be about to stop) before throwing them and reallocate yourself towards the center of the room.
Everything else is RNG (you may still fail some tries cause of bad luck).
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
My biggest concerns:
- Even if maps are larger, they don’t really look dense content wise.
VB had a meta event chain for each camp, plus night bosses, plus 5 adventures, plus all the exploration due to multilayered structure. If what we have seen is about 1/3 of the first new map, it will be effectively smaller content wise.
- I guess I could do something with the graphical settings, but AoE circles and sand don’t seem to mix very well.
- There’s probably something wrong with fust mite health.
I can’t see why a multi-layered labyrinthic zone is an anti-casual thing; it’s all about if you like exploration or not.
A zone like TD offers players hours of exploration gameplay, while something like Lake Doric gets old really really fast.
They were interesting … for a while.
Getting a new gliding level and then returning back to a previous map, trying to reach a zone you previosuly couldn’t figure out how to reach, gives exploration a new, refreshing touch.
Exploration is a one time experience though, so eventually you know the maps, you have the masteries, and things start to feel like if those improvements were always there. Not really sure if making masteries account bound was a good idea or not.
The way to unlock them could have also been better, more lore based and less reliant on adventures.
Masteries on LS maps are next to terrible. Some of them are pointless, most are limited to the LS map itself, and for those who have an excess of mastery points, things are unlocked pretty much instantly.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
A game should never tell you how to play it “efficiently”, because the only efficiency that matters is about getting the most fun out from your time and money, which completely difers from one player to another.
If someone’s looking for gold/cost related efficiency, there’s a whole community and communityy made material out there for that.
Now that we have something like Barrier, it would be great to replace every single unreliable Aegis source with Barrier and modify traits as needed.
Instant Aegis casts, those which can actually be used to block somenthing specific, could remain as Aegis.
Meditrapper using indomitable courage over permeating wrath IS the better roaming build. That’s my point, this is an unsubstantiated nerf to a build choice that was already weaker
If we’re just going to have one right set of trait choices, why bother offering 3?
Are we content with the illusion of choice?
I’m up for more choices and diversity, and I don’t think VoJ passive requires any nerf on the core class. Just trying to point out that this specific nerf, if happens, shouldn’t cause that much drama because condi, even if it’s ironically built in in the class, has never felt a good choice on guardian.
The first look at the class gives the impression of being built for hybrid damage, with no condition mainhand weapons but plenty of burning sources here and there. This goes down the toilet, however, the moment direct and condition damage get split on different stats, even worse if we look at guardian survival and how much trait dependant it is.
As I said, I’m always up for more choices, but in guardian’s case this requires a much more deeper rework than tweaking VoJ numbers, and it has been quite a while since I lost all faith on ANet commiting to it.
At this point, I would almost prefer to see every single burning related thing going away, so we could use that space (A LOT of space) to offer truly meaningful choices.
That being said, I can hardly see why anyone (except maybe a few crazy WvW roamers) should be seriously worried about a core PvE VoJ passive nerf. Building around that seems weird in pretty mych any scenario.
Permeating wrath is a great skill, especially for fighting tightly packed zergs in WvW.
Maybe you’ve been content with the passive stabo-bot build. Maybe you like standing in arrow cart hate proccing blocks. But your class can do more than zerg.It’d be interesting to see how many of this subforum’s participants can be seen complaining about how OP thief is in other places, when you’re playing a class that can destroy them effortlessly.
Tl;Dr Choices are good. Maybe they’ll come for yours next, watch the complacency.
I already pointed out that non zerging WvW builds could be the most concerned ones (even if I still think power DH is a far superior chocie for roaming) …
The problem with optimized builds is that they are extremely content specific.
For PvE, a damage optimized build only makes real sense for raids and maybe fractals (since many people could favor smoothness over potential speed), and even if those are by far the most balance sensitive PvE content pieces, I can easily understand people not wanting to play crappy characters while exploring and the like (where raid optimized builds, while viable, might not feel like the best approach).
That being said, I can hardly see why anyone (except maybe a few crazy WvW roamers) should be seriously worried about a core PvE VoJ passive nerf. Building around that seems weird in pretty mych any scenario.
Vargamonth.2047, blocking some random autos atack and aoe tick is what makes Anet capable of adding more blocks to guardian, wich means more heal on block or damge on block while blocks burning targets.
I think its a good trade off, the mess is on the offensive where the game gets very easy to play where teamplay is barelly no existent.
I know, but I still think its sad to see those single attack blocks, which had their use in the early days, becoming some random unreliable mitigation that trigger some traits here and there.
I’m probably too nostalgic about how the original game felt, when things could be powerful if used at the right time, when we would blind or block an earthsaker and completely negate a powerful multihit move with shelter (also reinforcing ourselves through a no ICD Might of the Protector). I guess those right moments are still there all the time for top players, I just can’t see them anymore.
Now is also a good time to point out to many in this thread that there seems to be much more cast times on skills. Much of the skills I saw from guardians had good support it seems but come with a 3/4s+ cast time increasing the amount of time to react and interrupt. A lot of skills that I’ve seen also have pretty decent cool downs, I don’t remember seeing anything that was a big effect on a 4-6s cool down. I really hope this is a trend seen throughout the new expansion where there’s more costs to big effects unlike in HoT where many strong skills not only had low cast times but also low cool downs.
At the same time, those are clear examples of how the game has evolved to a complete mess.
I recall posting long long time ago how Valorous Defense, the minor trait that grants Guardians Aegis at 50% HP, was bad design, as it was a somewhat random proc that could block from a negligible AoE or multihit tick to some powerful move like an eviscerate or some hard CC, and how it should probably be replaced with a short duration protection to make the effect more consistent.
Now, on the other hand, we are on a point where we can put AoE Aegis effects on 1s long casts (or blinds on 3/4s moves), which obviously can’t be used to mitigate something as an aswer to its animation (they will just randomly block something, most likely an AoE tick), as if it was perfectly fine.
You do not really need to heal that much because a lot of the damage will be mitigated by Aegis, and by taking Pure of Heart in Honor you’ll also provide a bit of healing in the process, on top fo the one coming from symbols, regen and probably other sources i’m missing.
Big emergency focused heal? We have Receive The Light, but I don’t think there’s room for it on firebrand, looking at how important the mantra heal looks for quickness sharing.
However, the most important thing IMHO is how is firebrand supposed to replace a Druid, which can handle the healing while providing (up to now) exclusive offensive buffs.
Healing + Quickness + Mitigation is pretty much what a minstrel Chrono does, without the alacrity, and that’s not exactly a spec everyone uses.
I actually see more potential for the class as condi DPS + Quickness + Mitigation than as a healer TBH.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
I just hope there’s also a good amount of balancing on core classes and previous elite specs, because this one feels really limited.
It looks like it could work on WvW (where Guardian seems already OK ) and raids (where Guardian needs help, but it’s as easy to solve as tweaking a few numbers here and there), but feels quite useless for small scale PvP (where the class also needs a little help, even if it looks like a monster at lower skill levels).
The first four chapters of LS3 are OK (for GW2, which doesn’t exactly excel at storytelling), but then everything stops making sense the moment …
We find who is impersonating Lazarus.
Showing as Lazarus after consuming the bloodstone doesn’t seem to have any other point but to gather a small army in the form of the most fanatic faction of the White Mantle.
No matter how I look at it, I can’t get why Balthazar wouldn’t be able to gather not just a much bigger and still fairly devoted army but also to look a lot more trustworthy at the same time.
The end of Flashpoint is such a mess that at some point even Taimi admits she doesn’t know what’s happening, and the final chapter is unnecessary and terrible in too many ways.
Anyway, I’m mostly concerned about the power creep too.
IMHO class changes right before and after HoT have been overall negative. Too much spam, too many AoEs, too many CCs, too many conditions (and, of course, too many defensive tools to counter that).
GW2 PvP has always been hard to spectate, but after HoT I feel it’s hard to tell whats going one even while you’re playing. More often than not I find myself mashing buttons, playing by pure instinct. You have to be REALLY good to properly read a fight and take calculated decisions at this level of spam.
Warrior / Ranger.
Both are hard to replace as supports, which is about two guaranteed spots for each one, and can also work as a decent DPS.
Considering this is a weekend post, maybe the problem is actually on the next to zero incentive we have to replay raid content.
Most experienced raiders clear their wings at the beginning of the week. Weeked playerbase is a lot more “diverse”.
Another option would be to put the reset on, lets say, Saturday.
I can get some people liking to play a tank or some kind of support like a healear, because both the role and gameplay are completely different … but power over condi or the other way around? Unless we talk about PvP (and that’s not even the case for GW2, because condi is still bursty in this game), both are exactly the same: use skills and deal damage.
I still think we have a terrible balance and I hardly get why some builds are favored over others which are more compex and rely on conditional bonuses like scholar, but this condi over power drama, that’s too much for me :P
I wonder why you have decided to make journal pages and the like even more elusive.
No floating nameplates. No clues in achievement pane. As if most players weren’t already relying on external sites to complete those achievements.
Still not sure of what OP’s goal exactly is.
If we’re talking about getting a lvl80 exotic light armor, lets say a berserker one, crafting it might be around those 100 gold, yes. However, there’s also the easy route of placing buy orders for Zhed’s gear which will eventually get you the armor for less than 15g (or buy it directly for about 20g).
It could also be obtained through dungeon play (Citadel of Flame being quite easy) and, if owning HoT, through bladed armor just by playing in VB. Or though a mix of all of this which could easily please the dynamic needs of a casual player (iirc you also get an exo headpiece by finishing the personal story).
SAB works wonders as a festival. As many others pointed out, a lot of fans would eventually get bored if it were available the whole time.
However, if there are no plans to develop any new SAB content, they could at least put a little effort on the reward structure.
Current system worked fine last year because the last time SAB had been around was prior to wardrobe and collections, so just a tiny minority (even among fans) had all the skins already farmed.
That’s hardly the case this time around, and the reward structure offers really little use for tribulation modes, baubles and pretty much anything besides the dailies once the skins are obtained.
I think the vast majority of the people that voted “no” don’t oppose having profession leaderboards, or even profession-based MMR.
The problem is just that the game currently isn’t at a state of balance where you can reliably 1v1 every single profession on every single class. There are hard-counters in this game, and it’s incredibly frustrating when you have, for example, two engineers on your team versus two necromancers … or three guardians on your team versus three warriors. These match-ups happen regularly, and they’re almost always a guaranteed loss.
Disparity in skill level will help you overcome match-ups … to a point. But in Plat 2/3, games are frequently won and lost only by one’s team composition. You can rotate as well as anyone, but a necromancer should never lose to an engineer in any circumstance, or a warrior to a guardian.
Once classes are balanced without hard-counters in mind, we can maybe revisit the topic of profession-based MMR and class-locking.
Until then, I don’t see why we can’t have a profession-based leaderboard in the current system.
But thats not really true. Most people aren’t good enough on there alts for the counter comp to actually work except for probably the top couple percentage point of players or so. You can’t make decisions based on the top 3-5% of players. Thats ludicrous. People have pie in the sky notions about how good they are on alts. Unless you have very close to equal playing time on another class you won’t be nearly as good on it.
There are such extreme cases of comp reliance and hard countering that you don’t need to play your alt nearly as good as your main to get better results.
What the poll result doesn’t address are the reasons why people voted what they did.
A lot of people voted NO because they like to swap classes to strengthen their comp or to look for some hard counters. These players will always vote NO.
Some of us, on the other hand, are on a completely different page. We like the idea behind class locking and the new opportunities it delivers (like class based rating and leaderboards), but we can’t afford to vote YES under the current huge disparities on comp realiance and hardcountering between different classes. We voted NO because we find imbalances in this regard quite obvious and we think those should be addressed first. Making the poll before the class balance patch doesn’t help either (I would have not changed my vote tough. The patch did next to nothing about my concerns).
I hope they take some time to read and analyze the whole thread, because I’m fairly sure the poll would experience a significative shift if some side issues would be adressed.
Even if I see a lot of potential on class locking and class specific MMR, it’s a NO for me until the extreme differences on build diversity and comp reliance are somewhat normalized.
If asked a couple years back, my answer would have been a clear and loud NO!
With pretty much all the reliable damage ouptut being packed on instant or almost instant casts, Scepter ele was IMHO the prime example of bad design.Right now I don’t really know what to say.
After all the elite specs, trait merging, sigil changes, … the game has evolved into an state where everything seems to have both ridiculous damage sources (be in the form instant or unreasonably short casts, spam or continous AoE pressure) and overtuned defenses to counter those. I guess there’s no way back at this point, so promoting the scepter to competitive level is probably not a problem at all.To be fair sceptre on ele has always been in a weird spot, it’s a burst damage weapon but also a condi weapon. Doesn’t help it has some very long cast well telegraphed attacks that can be walked away from. At this point I’d say the sceptre needs a rework completely and the auto attacks need to allow you to keep pressure on targets effectively.
I laugh at people claiming ele burst is not telegraphed high damage, air attunement and lightning strike will not for a total of 3.5k on marauder, most classes will do more than that going to the bathroom.
Back in early days, when fighting thieves and mesmers on my medi guard, the instant AoE damage from smite condition played such a primary role that almost felt like cheating.
As I said, everything has gone so on steroids (both in defense and offense) that a low CD 3.5k instant hit seems even something reasonable.
If asked a couple years back, my answer would have been a clear and loud NO!
With pretty much all the reliable damage ouptut being packed on instant or almost instant casts, Scepter ele was IMHO the prime example of bad design.
Right now I don’t really know what to say.
After all the elite specs, trait merging, sigil changes, … the game has evolved into an state where everything seems to have both ridiculous damage sources (be in the form instant or unreasonably short casts, spam or continous AoE pressure) and overtuned defenses to counter those. I guess there’s no way back at this point, so promoting the scepter to competitive level is probably not a problem at all.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
They could have given us some relevant info at least, if they’re planning to tweak the rune system or anything like that, the costs of crafting a second precursor set, …
I don’t think I’m the only one who delayed some character gearing because of this armor, and it’s definitely taking too long.
I agree with the last point sort of but I don’t have any problems with having a weapon set being more defense and support based but not doing lots of damage. If I wanted damage I’d pick a weapon set where damage is its main purpose.
Having a more defensive/supportive weapon set is not a problem. The “problem” is having to pick it because there’s no better alternative to fill that slot and it arises, as you said, because the class was initially designed without weapon swap.
A pure power revenant will never pick a mace because it deals negligible direct damage and has nearly zero utility and will think twice the hammer option because it’s a death trap for anything but AoEing from distance while unnoticed, so it’s either the staff (a defensive/supportive weapon) or a second offhand to couple with the sword (which has the obvious drawback of providing just 2 out of 5 skills off CD).
The low amout of weapon choices coupled with their degree of specialization is a very big problem balance wise because only the specs which can make some decent use of the second, conceptually unrelated, weapon set can prevail.
If someone tries to make a supportive build (assuming a not terrible ventari legend), what can he pick as his second weapon set? Hammer? Sword (just because it can go along with the shield for minimal support)?
The problem will also become only bigger over time. Whatever the new expansion brings to us will dictate what becomes viable (it’s probably going to happen anyways based on the insane and completely unnecesary power creep HoT brought) because, unless we get another gray-ish legend (a CC based one, for example) featuring another offhand, there will be one “role” with much better legend/weapon sinergy than the others (and there’s a limit to how many gray, general purpose legends and weapons can be designed).
I can agree on SoTM being stupidly powerful and on the need of nerfing it before other aspects of the weapon could be improved, but sticking to the conceptual design and purpose of any weapon or legend is a very dangerous path.
Staff was used because it provided decent defensive utility and allowed for a really strong disrupting and damaging move with SoTM. It’s still useful after the nerf, but if we keep pushing it towards its support concept, we could easily reach a point where it becomes a worse option than slotting a second off-hand and camping sword the whole time, effectively making the spec unable to fully capitalize on the weapon swap.
Conceptually, the revenant was presented as a class that could jump between “roles”, and we all know that’s something which will never be possible. First, because the energy mechanic makes continuous legend swapping pretty much mandatory, and then, because different “roles” would almost surely require different amulets/runes (which is not possible) and trait allocations.
The only way to make the idea somewhat true would be to choose a hybrid amulet and split the traits between both roles, which leaves a character that’s necessarily suboptimal all the time. If a character built like that works, then the class will produce a monster whenever it is specialized and/or some kind of sinergy between conceptually different tools is found.
IMHO not only the balance approach shouldn’t try to conceptually specialize different legends, weapons and traitlines, but actually reinforce their sinergies even if that requires nerfing the tools on their main conceptual purpose.
You know you can just stow weapon, watch thief waste 2-3 headshots (does 1 dmg lol) and then continue to murder him because they would have no ini left.
Anet heavily nerfed backstab, all that is left is IP and AA. What do you expect thieves to do? Maybe remove weapons all together? They do dmg after all, so OP!!!99% of thief dmg is single target and not even highest one in game. Shall we talk about (passive and aoe!!!!) damage from other classes? Yeahhhhhh…..
Also nerfing headshot would make it obsolete as it is intended for interrupts and it would also nerf core build….. for no good reason.
As long as elite specs are built around mindless spam of spells i think IP is only cure. Stop spamming everything, keybind stow weapon = problem solved. Only time i die to PI is when i don’t pay attention which l2p issue on my side.
@Vargamonth.2047: where were you when revs literary deleted thieves from pvp? I didn’t see you care much about fairness back then.There is class that can make you work to get wins on your main instead of spamming everything off-cd. How all the rev mains told the thieves in previous seasons: deal with it. How about we cut dmg from rev procs by 50% – sounds like fair proposal!
If the thief mashes his headshot button like a madman until he depletes all his initiative, then he’s going to lose, with or without stow weapon. Stow weapon can work, as I said, to bait with UA, but not for autos, and that alone won’t deplete his initiative because he also has steal as interrupt and can dodge UA if not high on initiative.
Stowing autos might save me from Pulmonary Impact damage. It’s definitely better than getting interrupted, but I’ll still receive the damage from thief autos so … if I want to have a chance to win that fight, I have to start hitting him at some point, not knowing when the next interrupt will come and being unable to stow reactively against a 0.25s cast in melee range.
It’s just a matter of patience (not a lot tbh) for the thief to win that fight. A bit of kiting, a bit of autoatacking and a bit of interrupting, keeping all the resources (health, to not die to a burst chain, dodges and to a lesser extent initiative) moderately high while the rev bleeds out (Not doing much damage at once and not getting hit repeteadly will prevent the revenant from healing effectively).
About where I was while the rev was OP, I’ve never denied when asked that revenant was stupidly strong.
I’ve never outraged when nerfed, as it was something expected. At most, I’ve shown my concerns about revenants future based on changes on other classes which could hard counter them. I’m not even asking for reverting any of the last nerfs. The class still feels powerful as offensive +1er and teamfighter, it just gets outclassed in most aspects by thief.
This means that it will probably be replaced by thief on most ESL teams, which is not a big problem as there are always several classes with little presence there. What is worrysome, however, is that the current revenant is a lot more team dependant than thief is, so the gap is larger on a solo/duo queue enviroment. Same could be said about Elementalist and Necromancer.
Warrior and, to a lesser extent, Guardian (in the current state), are some kind of allrounders, and both have an arguably low kill floor, so even if they are not used extensively for 5on5 at ESL level, they get better for solo/duo and remain relevant for the general population.
In the case of Elementalist, Necromancer and Revenant (now again, in the current state), if they are not good enough for ESL teams, it means they’re close to trash tier for solo/duo. That’s definitely a problem, and in revenant’s case, it’s viability is related A LOT to how it balances with thief.
Are people really winning by “spamming” head shot? Having 0 initiative is never a good thing. I’ve always used it with intention, myself. I think an ICD on Impacting Disruption would be the fairest change for balance. All the rest of the suggestions make the trait or the skill useless.
As a standard power revenant player, I assure you they do. I accept I’m going to have a hard time against a class with an “spammeable” interrupt (so I can hardly land any UA), boon steal and a gap opening dodge, but honestly, bleeding out badly from those interrupts seems a bit too much.
As i said earlier, I would be ok with thieves interrupting my UAs (cause it’s something they definitely want to interrupt) and getting some damage from it. I could try to fight them without relying on UA (which already puts me on a bad position), maybe try to bait a couple of them to make the thief waste some initiative, but we’re on a point where even interrupting my autos, landing one themselves and dodging away can be enough to get me killed. All I can do is rely on LOS and try to land a high enough burst along the blind/reveal from facet of darkness and hope the thief panics and makes some mistake (I won’t have the chance to do the same move again).
Other classes have better chances to deal with this, either with stability, projectile hate or just a high enough passive sustain for pulmanory impact to not be enough, so I’m obviously biased on this matter.
However, these classes still have openings for interrupts to work (the interrupt from steal can also rip stability if not properly covered) and many times skills worth to interrupt. Being able to proc pulmonary impact a couple of times during a short fight seems reasonable enough for the trait to be worth, so I honestly think an ICD of lets say 8-10 seconds (even if I truly hate ICDs) is an arguably fair proposal.
Or just dodge it, block it, reflect it, destroy it, apply Stability, use an Invuln. And so on there’s counter play to it just saying.
Let the salt flow!!!
That is my point. You should be able to dodge it. Hence why a 0.75s cast time is fair to all concerned.
You can dodge it. That is my point… the projectile still has travel time and does have a precast ans animation to tip you off.
The precast animation is identical to pistol#5’s animation. The projectile travel is only relevant if it’s used from maximum range otherwise it’s beyond what you can realistically expect a human to be able to react to.
Also latency. Some of us live in states that don’t have fiber infrastructure.
There is an animation, it isn’t exactly instanios travel you can see it and still dodge it.
Also why should balanced be done around people with crap internet, that is the worst argument to use.
The average reaction time, including average latency, is already slightly over 0.25s, and that’s for a completely clear stimulus (not an animation you have to recognize, thus it will have started before even you have the chance to react) and full focus on it.
In order to reactively avoid headshot, a player would need both privileged reflexes and connection, and even with that it shouldn’t be easy. The skill is just not meant to be reactively avoided.
On top of that, it doesn’t make any sense to use a dodge (and thus, interrupt what you were doing) to avoid a skill that’s meant to be an interrupt (fast cast, low damage, 1/4s daze).
IMHO it’s OK to give some damage bonus to well landed interrupts, as long the main goal of the skill is to actually interrupt something relevant (a heal, a dangerous skill, …). If the bonus is so high that spamming the skill every few seconds is still worth the initiative even when interrupting autos, then something is defintely wrong.
Headshot is intended to be an interrupt, so it necessarily needs to have a very low cast time.
IMHO the problem arises from Impacting Disruption (and a lot of changes over time which have moved a good amount of the damage towards the autoattack, leaving more initiative for utility which in this case is also a good damage source).
If the trait is meant to stay and stay relevant, I would go for either a 1 point initiative increase on headshot (to reduce the spam) along a slight nerf on pulmonary impact damage or an ICD for Impacting Disruption.
Whatever happens in Pro League is not really relevant, not because of the tiny population it involves but cause it’s almost a different game mode.
Man, 95% of the PvP population and 60%+ at least of the WvW roaming population runs what the Pro League runs, because they use builds that works. No matter of dicussion about that.
Pro league teams can also count on support and teammates doing what they are supposed to be doing, something you cannot count on in solo queue. So very few parallels can actually be drawn, regardless of whether the same builds are being run or not
That’s it. It’s not about the builds, which will still be mostly the same at high tiers, but about the comps and rotations you can’t control.
When you can decide your whole comp and easily communicate with your whole team, niche roles might have their place and allrounders become far less interesting.
Whatever happens in Pro League is not really relevant, not because of the tiny population it involves but cause it’s almost a different game mode.
Rev is not necessarily out of Pro League meta. It’s defintely weaker than before and could lose its spot, probably to a thief, but it’s still a strong pick for the role it excels at: offensive +1er and teamfighter, aided by team support.
If a pro league team includes a rev, it will also almost surely include an elementalist, not include a thief (as they somewhat overlap roles) and try to maximize revenant strengths and minimize its weaknesses through rotations.
SoloQ/DuoQ is a completely different story.
Nothing ensures you’ll get a teamfight support spec unless you duoQ with that player, and even with that, it means another niche role which can only be as effective as the rotations of the rest of the team are and which might be forced to reroll because of class stacking.
On the other side of the picture we’ve the warrior. It could not be pro league material either, but it’s such a good allrounder that things like team compositions and misrotations matter a lot less, and thus, it becomes an insanely strong pick for this season, specially if soloQing.
Balancing around either soloQ/duoQ or organzied 5 on5, that’s IMHO the biggest balance issue we have right now.
The only issue i have with revenant is that is probably too much comp dependant for soloQ.
If you have some groupfight support and the enemy team has no thief, you can be a nightmare for the enemy team. If it’s the opposite, you’re seriously kittened.
You have a lot of tools to survive a focus fire for a while, but you don’t really have enough sustain to counter all the teamfight AoE damage for long on your own, and thief destroys you so hardly that trying to defend or harass a side point by yourself (don’t even think on doing it directly against a thief or mes) is always a major risk. In this situation you can just roam and reinforce your teammates and you can be only as effective as their rotations are.
Playing Rev on this season seems to strongly require at least a backup class that can perform decently on this enviroment, like scrapper or maybe DH or that ele that’s missing. DuoQing with an ele could work too, but that would still require a backup class for the ele in case there’s another ele in the team.
Well, build diversisty is so low and hard counters so common that you probably require at least one backup class no matter what you play :P
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
What is wrong with rewarding teh general population. Ascended armor has been around a long time. You can craft all six pieces in one night if your a PvE player. PvP players don’t get nearly that amount of crafting materials to craft one in even a month.
I guess I just don’t see ascended armor as something that should be special that only a select few have. Again just my opinion, I do see where you are coming from.
I’m fairly sure you don’t see where I’m coming from.
With my proposal, PvP players would get more ascended gear than under the current system. It’s the base (and currently only) reward, the one that can be obtained by any PvE player for a minimal time investment in PvP and zero effort into performing decently in the gamemode, what I’m suggesting to nerf in exchange.
I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.
So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.
Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.
I’m not complaining about PvP getting decent rewards. My complains are about how easy/fast these are acquired by any player, no matter skill level or time investment, and how there’s barely any reward after that.
A single game a day, no matter the performance, is nearly enough to cap all the shards and tickets. What does remain for those focused on PvP then (who will cap those in far less than a couple of weeks, if they are not already capped)? A bit of gold, still less than what PvE produces.Most people in it focused on PvP will keep playing for the Leaderboards only the players that wanted only the rewards will stop and they weren’t actually focused on PvP.
That’s exactly the point. Besides the titles for the top 250, this season rewards are aimed at the general population. No matter if they like or hate PvP, if they are godly players or terrible ones, if they play a lot or just a couple games from time to time … all of them will get all the meaningful rewards.
It’s obviously just my opinion, but I would like to see a system which rewards both time investment and proficiency level more than the current one, even if that means toning down the current base rewards.
I don’t understand, I have seen countless posts on here about how PvP does not get good enough rewards. How the rest of the game gets better gold and rewards, and how PvP players can’t afford and can’t get the materials they need to even make ascended armor.
So during seasons, they offer a chance at almost a full set of Ascended armor. I am lost as to why people would not be happy that finally PvP rewards are getting looked at.
Thank Goodness for Ascended rewards! They are NOT over the top they are appropriate.
I’m not complaining about PvP getting decent rewards. My complains are about how easy/fast these are acquired by any player, no matter skill level or time investment, and how there’s barely any reward after that.
A single game a day, no matter the performance, is nearly enough to cap all the shards and tickets. What does remain for those focused on PvP then (who will cap those in far less than a couple of weeks, if they are not already capped)? A bit of gold, still less than what PvE produces.
For any player who’s not 100% PvP, this season rewards are over the top.
We are talking about close to a full set of ascended armor, a bunch of league tickets which can be used for ascended backpieces in the worst scenario and a decent amount of gold just for playing no more than a couple of games a day for the duration of the season. Unless he truly hates PvP or is really short on time, it’s really difficult to find a reason for any player, even if mostly a PvE one, to not partake in PvP this time.
On top of that we have some nice titles for the best 250 players of the season, among whom we should find many of the 100% PvP devoted players, which could easily be seen as the big prize of the league due to exclusivity.
The problem arises when we take a look at the repeteable byzantium chest, which doesn’t include most of the interesting rewards like shards or tickets. It’s definitely nice to have an increased gold reward for playing PvP, but it still pales in comparison with any half decent PvE activity.
In this sense, we should expect most of the non PvP focused players to quit once they get their byzantium chest, or even worse, to use the league for class dailies since it provides better rewards than unranked.
The system also fails at providing better rewards based on skill performance. Since good rewards are capped at an arguably low amount of games and monetary ones are far lower from what can be obtained in PvE, the increased pip gain for legendary and platinum players means next to nothing.
Many of the favored players are also the same ones that will be competing for ranking and titles. For the bulk of the players, rated from bronze to gold, the feature is nonexistatnt.
Based on all this, I would suggest to slightly modify the structure regular chests (reduce the rewards, increase the amount pips, … whatever seems adequate) and then do some or all of the following:
- Tweak the bonus pip structure to ne noticeable across the whole MMR spectrum.
- Include some small amount of tickets and shards on the repeteable byzantium chest.
- Include an additional meaningful reward chest at the end of the season which content is rank based.
On a side note, has anyone tried condi PS yet since the change? I can imagine soi only transferring a single might stack affects it quite a bit?
Found this on reddit:
Condi PS is extremly terrible aswell now, since you can’t keep 25 might on your own. Mesmer Signet shares only 1 might now. In our daily run yesterday, we used 2 condi ps in wing 1 and everyone averaged on 17-20 might. Sometimes you cap to 25 but then it drops again really fast.
siiiiiiiigh, rip even more builds I guess.
Well, this is exactly the kind of things revenant is useful for.