Buff the damage? Like if an opponent cross the green trail of spectral walk he suffer poison or torment?
Hi, did’nt read all the posts but it seem in the guild pvp arena you can go in blue or red, teleport in and out kill everybody and being unkillable.
Same thing when you change instance map.
(edited by Vortok.6975)
I had an idea maybe good, maybe bad, during the first BWE i posted about making Nightfall a mobile field that can act like locust swarm. Still today i think it can help the reaper a lot in pvp/wvw.
Hi, i’ve tested the reaper and i thinkit need some changes but it’s close to be very viable.
First the shout, i like ’’Suffer’’ and ‘’ You Are All Weaklings’’ but it’s not gonna replace wells in wvw or pvp but can be good in pve (like anything else), in short too much casting time, too low damage, some changes are needed for shouts. The healing shout don’t heal enough both life force and health.
Second, reaper shroud, i like the fact that you can have frost aura and chilling bolts, it make you harder to kill and the bolts is good damage, the leap was needed and does good damage too.
Third the taits, it’s all ok traits exept Chilling Nova it just does’nt occur enough 15 icd maybe too much? Chilling victory don’t give you enough life force should be raised a little i think.
And the greatsword, the combo nightfall + gravedigger i really good, maybe if the combo field follow me it would be better kind of Locust swarm. Gravedigger is long cast time, in wvw it doesn’t land as often as i would like maybe with an evade it would be great (op?).
In wvw greatsword is’nt worth it right now, too slow, but reaper shroud is awesome especially with frost aura.
And just remind that numbers are not final.
If you clic the skill, you’ll be the target. (work for me and i had the same issue)
(edited by Vortok.6975)
Maybe more a dark templar? Like in AoC.
Does it matter? Because i don’t think players will play with the revenant for long they will probably play the elite specialization.
I want to try this wvw/pve build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNArYWjc0QlN2ZDm3A/NOwFK5X317LsNDgWIu1dwIA-TVSBAB7pPAiDBA1K/a+IAYmSwIOBASr+TM7PAwDAAA-w
I don’t know if as a hybrid i absolutely need dhuumfire. I think i’m missing something.
I watched the video and i noticed that you mainly use the staff and rarely the dagger except on downed people, you use warhorn more than dagger, why? If possible can you show the combat log in the next video?
I just pre-purchased the 50$ option of HoT, even if it’s a great deal for the 100$ with the 50$ gems worth for only half the price.
I was wondering if the today (pre patch) necro if stronger than the post patch necro?
I use full knight armor so normally i just run straight toward the ranger and i dodge the PBS and i just aa until he’s dead in surprise because i survive his rapid fire.
I’ll see new legendary first. Or going with volcanus just for the fire/ice effect may be funny.
Hi, excuse my ignorance but is shouts damage can scale?
Player minions.
good idea, you can transform dead players into minions for x sec and the player(ally) control the minions, he can’t wp and if he go to far he fall dead.
I don’t care if we’re not good support i wouldn’t mind a blast. The thing is lich form is a big target in pvp and wvw thanks to the hp pool it may stay a while, but shroud knight seem to be another target, just easier to bring down, i hope i’m wrong. We’ll see tomorrow i guess.
Yeah i’m sure they can bring some of the THOUSAND skills from GW1. Did you really expect to find the same necro from GW1? I played GW1 (ritualist) too and i see GW2 like a totally different game, i don’t compare anything skills or gameplay with GW1.
Why everybody think we need to be support? I mean maybe 1 or 2 skills/traits no more, that’s not what we are we don’t buff, we debuff, the problem is in pve there is almost nothing to debuff, things seem to change in HoT so going further in debuff is ok for me.
Debuffing shouts can be fine but i prefer something else.this is why.
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Withering_Aurasome of these are debuffs, yeah but they are designed with the specific intent to support a very specific type of group. Necromancer has very little of this in GW2 which is a major departure from its GW1 counterpart where this was half their play style.
And why the necro in GW2 should be like the one in GW1?
(edited by Vortok.6975)
Why everybody think we need to be support? I mean maybe 1 or 2 skills/traits no more, that’s not what we are we don’t buff, we debuff, the problem is in pve there is almost nothing to debuff, things seem to change in HoT so going further in debuff is ok for me.
Debuffing shouts can be fine but i prefer something else.
What? All you guys needed to fix the necro is a picture? :p
Don’t worry guys, just wait for our 6 shouts, it’s gonna be awesome. /sarcasm
I don’t mind sharing a skill type like wells but sharing a specific skill like spectral walk is just….. i don’t approve.
F5 = Spectral walk from necromancer. I don’t like to share a specific skills like this one rather than a type like wells. Thanks Robert Gee. /sarcasm
Anyways, now with that out of the way I would like to know: What makes the Necromancer appealing to you?
Obviously you’re not a necro player.
What makes the Necromancer appealing to me is not much, it’s just that i’ve put more than 1000 hours in it so i stick with it, you should just read other Topics, we have great expectations for the necro to be fix with HoT.
In regards to PvP, I was running a standard 6/2/0/0/6 build but decided to switch out some of my power for some extra toughness, vuln stacking and death shroud support using Death Shiver, Soul Comprehension and Ritual of Protection. Doing this however means i don’t have Close to Death anymore and 100 less power from the traitline. Do you think the traits iv’e got from the Death Magic tree make up for this loss?
I’m using A/W and D/F along with WoS, WoC and WoD. I’m not sure if i want to switch WoD for BiP, i’d get more damage but WoD makes you near invincible for 5secs and on top of that gives me protection from the Ritual of Protect, plus i’ll have the passive vuln stacking from Death Shiver.
I’m in a pickle deciding what to do. The build i was running before worked fine, i was rampaging every match, but i don’t know if that loss of 100 power and Close to Death will hinder my damage too much.
You can try 6/0/6/0/2. Having 4 in Death magic is too far to not get the fifth one.(imo)
Gw2 is not the best game it just offer the best deal, free and quality, no p2w, no pay for dlc just expansion.
The problem is everybody know what to do against a necro, especially in DS, in fact that’s not the real problem, the real problem is we don’t have plan B like each other professions, because every flaws in DS are known. I’m against F skills for LF because DS bring the only defense we have. You better speculate on defensive F skills or else it won’t work.
guys, I think we’re all missing the point here… not bringing SAB back WAS the April Fool’s prank
Look, they have the right to not put SAB i mean to never put it back, the problem is i purchased an infinite coin with real money and i feel scammed, can you understand my feeling? It’s been over a year without SAB but we have lots of promises that never happened so we’re no more april fool’s right? So where the SAB or where i can get a refund?
It’s been more than a year without the SAB, and people who bought infinite token with real money must think (rightfully) that it’s look like a fraud or scam, from what we know Anet told us for a year that the SAB will return and it does’nt, it’s just another lie.
Ok since dodge is’nt useless, what’s the REAL reason why necro are useless?(back on topic) You can say that in pve our debuf is useless in 80% of situations vs mobs/bosses.
Show picture or didn’t happen.
Maybe you just did’nt interrupt because there was’nt a skill to interrupt?
Maybe i’m weird to even think about it but i would mix spectral armor and spectral walk together to create a new spectral skill. Who here use both of these skills?
Wail of doom should fear and be a blast finisher.
Ghastly claws should resume hits after the first hit miss.
The passive healing in Unholy sanctuary should be transfer in Transfusion trait that heal everybody including our own health bar, not lf bar. Put something else instead of unholy sanctuary.
I’ll try revenant some day, not at the begining because if i do i’ll be lost in the amount of new stuffs the expansion will bring with it. So let’s say Revenant is not in my top 10 things i’ll do right after the expansion.
2545 hours over the past 937 days, still nothing.
I think we’re not that bad in PVP and obviously i’m not alone: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Best-Class-for-PvE-PvP-WvW-charts
Something as simple as (1) scale down dagger 1 damage and increase dagger 2 damage accordingly so that there’s a reason to press something other than auto attack. And/or (2), make dagger 2 hit multiple targets?
So you want Life Siphon to work like Life Transfer?
Maybe if you afk in an event a timer can trigger and you’re kicked in less time than if you afk in Lion’s arch.
It’s funny how you see warrior community not happy with the warrior, what are you guys gonna play now? You should go in others forums and see how the ranger and necro community tell to reroll warrior, they’ll come here only to find what? Warrior is allright, what’s difficult now is everybody know how to fight against a warrior. Other than that it’s really strong, stronger than ranger and necro.
Even if Abjured won, ANet should be concerned that there was only one Necro and one Ranger in what, the top 8 teams?
Agreed. Rangers and Necros should find a way to find a solution to their own problem(s) Anet prove themselves incompetant to help us so rangers and necros must outplay for the flaw(s) of theirs professions.
When you make legendaries weapons you have to buy Gift from dungeons,right? If they create new legendaries does that mean new dungeons too? Possible.
It is difficult to spec for sustain.
A major problem is that you need a ton of condition removal in this game and so that is why we have to run with consume conditions despites its weak heal, long cd and long cast time.
A better option would be a well of blood spec. But then we have no condi removal. Necro could do with more traits which enable condition removal. You cant rely on condi transfers to save your life really. We need something like “everytime you use a spectral skill lose 3 conditions” and stuff like that. Would open up a ton of build options which currently are not viable because you have to run consume conditions which is not a good heal for sustain.
I agree, maybe it’s gonna be our futur elite or heal spectral skills, we lack spectral in both elite and heal.
I was wondering who’s in charge of the necromancer? Because obviously either he don’t go in forum anymore meaning he don’t care or he read some comments and are too ’’busy’’ to answer. So i will be very surprised if we get any answer one day. Maybe when they’ll talk about specialization of necro. Right now he’s not doing his job at all.
It’s just a matter of pov, i main a necro and i think warrior is awesome, why whining? You have damage output, defense, mobility, stability, blocks, i mean come on, just try a necro and you’ll see.
At this moment all i want is a dev in charge of the necro tell me how he see the necro, if a dev tell me ‘’The necro is perfectly fine like it is at the moment.’’ it mean i don’t know how to play it as intended. If so…. i would like to see a dev play in dungeons, pve ingeneral, pvp and wvw, i’ll probably learn something. Because i consider myself good and sometime ’’good’’ is’nt enough.
Guys it is possible to brainstorm new weapons set that was’nt in GW1? We’re not in GW1 we’re in GW2.
Or maybe with the Unholy sanctuary(if you use it) your hp drop to 0 switch to DS then you press F1 to go in DS but already are so you are out of DS.
- Character name: Saeros Nex
- Account name: Vortok.6975
- Server: Anvil Rock
- Preferred game mode: All
- Number of Necromancers: 1
I think it’s a very good idea to bring more people in the center of your plague, more targets is always good. It can taunt on plague activation or something.