Queensdale troll cave, otherside of bridge from charr flame dungeon thingy.
Use pistol secondary, pistol whip will work better. Change elite to basilisk. Change to lower steal cooldown and daze trait line instead of power.
sword 2, Pistol whip, steal.
Long range gap closing, daze, 3 boons, 2 boon steal, and alot of hits activating your healing signet.
Sword 2 out. Basilisk venom, sword 2, pistol whip.
Etc etc.
Much better synergy with what you are trying to do and achieve. It also works well. Pistol offhand can also daze, and blinding field for stomps and support.
If you block a thief, 90% of the time he is behind you. Attack into that space and eat a front backstab. You have won the fight.
Glad I could help.
Cap should be 1000. End of topic.
I miss about 25-50% of my CnDs. Against good opponents, this happens. They know your best attack is CnD and should dodge, counter move, and use skills to stop it.
Last refuge is on my utility bar for two reasons: saving me. And saving allies. So using it to straight up save yourself like you said makes sense.
Watched about half of it. Was really good. I enjoyed not seeing a shortbow as a secondary even though I will never give mine up lol.
A nice mix build that doesn’t go just for pure damage that can be killed by one wrong move, is more enjoyable to watch than a guy that pvp’s for 5 weeks and takes out his 5 perfect fights and claims he is pro.
Using SA, is not a bad thing in my view.
A tip, make videos around 5mins long and upload more of them instead of one long one. Much easier to watch and enjoy.
Video editing was good, music was good, though I like voice over commentary myself.
676 Blood heals same amount as well. 5 Second cooldown.
2550 Fire aoe.5 Second cooldown.
3300 Air single. 3 Second cooldown.
3k Power for calculations.
Nothing compares to Air and Fire.
Three or four seconds, I don’t care for either. I just wish it was consistent.
Same here. I play my thief casually in sPvP, but the reveal timing change always throws me off. I wish they would just set it back to 3 seconds. The main reason they made the 4 second change was to combat culling anyways, but that was fixed separately.
Its not needed and ruins the flow of the D/D set. Still play D/D though lol
I used to play RF Online, great game.
Back on topic, I hate when people jump or laugh. Dignity in winning. Dignity in defeat. Manners maketh the man.
I love these posts, please keep them up! Thief is really OP. It’s why everyone plays Thief and not Warrior.
Swar to all gods that I also tryed Scorpion Wire and noticed how awesome it is. Easy interrupt, fast cast and works as a gap closer.
But it miss as easily as a throwing dagger. So I swicthed it for something more realiable
Find if I stand still when using it, its much more reliable. But also waiting for the right moments. Use it in close range as well, as if it was just further than melee.
I just want a great quote so he can be added to the nerf list!
For King I would recommend the Panic Strike Build. It basically does exactly what he wants to do and don’t waste unnecessary trait points around.
For Jana, the build you mentioned is STILL used on WvW environment, but in the words of the very person who CREATED IT is not worthy to use on sPvP.
D/D is in a pretty bad spot on sPvP right now (despise the fact I use it myself, but I am really stubborn). No one will stop you from using it, but it’s a fact that the 0/6/6/2/0 build is not up to pair.
You can though, use the Panic Strike and Critical builds with D/D tough. Works well to a certain extent.
Currently using D/D myself, and with alot of practice I have found scorpion wire to be the life line of the build. Give it ago and you might come to love it.
- Steal, Cloak and Dagger, Backstab, (dodge or auto for reveal timer to wear off)
- When they try to heal, stand still, scorpion wire, cloak and dagger, backstab
- Heartseeker to finisher
On a 20 second timer, its amazing. Being able to drag someone away from a stomp, Cloak and dagger then backstab them, is alot of damage and has been clutch in many matches I have played recently.
Saying all this, D/P is still better in pvp at the moment
Drop a smoke field for 5-10 seconds. Can use that to hide in, give myself stealth, blind people and benefit the team.
Everything Wolfield said thus far has been 99% correct. You are both (Jana and King Noob IV) being pretentious and stubborn and you will NEVER learn with that mindset.
Both of your builds are bad.
Thank you.
King Noob IV: If you want high damage and everything else, Thief is a bad place to start in SPvP. Warriors, Guardians, Power Necros, Rangers, all have higher damage now days. Thief is only good in SPvP for 2v1’ing a fight, and backcapping (Assuming players are all equally skilled). If you want to play the Thief because it suits your playstyle and you enjoy it, this is the current Thief meta in SPvP:
Change, adapt it, and enjoy it. I personally run a bad build in PvP on my Thief, but I enjoy it and my win % is higher than 50%.
Jana: No comment, carry on your pointless argument that you lost at the beginning.
Let me get this right, you have a two page topic on trying to nerf thieves because you couldn’t beat them and I quote “1v2”.
Now you realise Thieves are rubbish, but want to spam all your skills and change every classes mechanics and balance.
Another great post. Thanks.
Both builds are not as good as they could be.
King Noob IV: Is might on dodge worth a 20% damage reduction. You also still have not used capital letters and no sigils or weapon information.
Jana: D/P is better in spvp unless your really know what your doing, then you can make D/D work, but still not as well. Also your sigils are wrong. If you want bloodlust put it on your shortbow and swap to it when you stomp, then have Fire and Air on your daggers. Your damage just went up 1.5k every 3 seconds.
For both:
Spvp is a team game. If you can stop a stomp, res a downed player you can change a losing fight to a winning fight. Both your builds have no skills to interrupt a stomp, so are no use. Here are some recommend options:
- Pistol off hand for the 4th weapon skill being a daze.
- Steal causes daze and removes stability traits
- Scorpions Wire (if you are really good with it)
- Basilisks venom
- S/P skill 3
(edited by Wolfield.9812)
Weapons. Runes. Sigils. Skills. Traits.
Rotations. Strategy. Role.
Capital letters at the start of a sentence.
Whenever you kill a ranger. Plant a tree in their memory.
Yes, thief’s only meta in Dungeons, PvP and WvW roaming. Anet pls buff this poor profession.
Dungeons: Glass Damage, Dagger Dagger Rotation, Blast Spam
SPvP: Mobility, Glass Damage, Dagger Pistol Rotation (D/D got nerfed with 4 sec reveal).
WvW: Glass Damage, D/D or D/P, Mobility, Blast Spam,
P/D condition (which is too strong)
Would love to run a different build, just sometimes.
Another point, both of the videos you uploaded to back up your facts are over a year old. Currently what you see is not possible. So you have just countered your own argument, thieves have been over nerfed.
1. 2 power thieves and Im definitely in trouble.
2. but an experienced one can be very hard, two is overwhelming.
3. And IM tired of thieves jumping in a fight im about to win and now all of a sudden I have almost no health because I was at half and about to gg some dude that I definitely just overpowered and out maneuvered.
4. You get in a 1v1 with someone ohh look OP thief just jumped in and hit my heavy armor with a dagger and somehow that one move just did more damage to me than this guy Im fighting did in total through out the fight.
5. If this was a 1v1 game, no thieves wouldnt be overpowered, but the fact that they can jump in a fight and just immediately change that fight to your loss no matter the situation because you dont see them coming and you cant see them coming? Thats BS.
6. You dont pay enough price for that damage and stealth. I pay a significant price for power and damage through low defense, if I want a higher defense I pay for it in damage. Youre the only ones that doesnt have to pay for defense
7. Your inherent health pool needs to be knocked down to that of eles and guards or you need to go down to light armor ratings or you need to lose some damage. You got to lose something for stealth and mobility. Even Mesmers have to wear light armor and they have a 3rd of the stealth you do.
Quote above has been cut, nothing added, only removed things to make the responses below clear.
Since you took the time to make a long post, to answer some of your above queries:
1. Two Zerker power builds of any class, and your in trouble. Point invalid.
2. An experienced thief is hard for you, two experienced thieves is too much for you. Sounds balanced. Point invalid.
3. Your in a fight, at half health and used cooldowns. Any class “jumping” in with every skill off of cooldown and you are in trouble. Point invalid.
4. “One move”, (0.5 Sometimes cluster bomb) 1. Steal. 2. Cloak and Dagger. 3. Backstab. 4. Fire sigil. 5. Air sigil. 6. Heartseeker. To be honest, if I was hit by six of your moves at once, I would also be in trouble. Point invalid.
5. Your in a fight and suddenly it becomes a 2v1, and you lose. Sounds balanced. The fact we can’t do it from 1200 range like a Ranger/Mesmer/etc/etc. The fact you don’t see us coming. Try using all your cooldowns to close distances and its the same. Everyone has movement skills. Point invalid.
6. We have to trait for damage as well. Don’t understand your point here to be honest so just going to go ahead and say: point invalid.
7. You seem to think we don’t lose anything for everything we have. Thieves have no access to protection. None. That’s 20% less defense for you. We have no access to stability (apart for 1 second after coming out of stealth), so all stuns work on us. As a guardian that has both boons alot of the time you do not realise the disadvantage this is. (Mesmer steal, boon steal does give protection/stability, but that’s requires other classes, not from ourselves.) So, point invalid.
Hope some of what I have replied has been constructive. My recommendation is you role a thief for awhile in spvp since it won’t need to be leveled. Then come back here. As a Guardian you counter thieves with nearly every build, enjoy it.
You wrote this topic and have replied since but ignored the above. Moved it to here in case you missed it and not just ignoring it because of the truth of the comments.
Another big update that will help with the complaining is you cannot teleport through the Z axis in spvp anymore. As in up ledges, through wood, and other quick ways to move around the map.
For your other post, while in stealth we can still take full damage. Aegis, protection, invul skills are all better than stealth.
1. 2 power thieves and Im definitely in trouble.
2. but an experienced one can be very hard, two is overwhelming.
3. And IM tired of thieves jumping in a fight im about to win and now all of a sudden I have almost no health because I was at half and about to gg some dude that I definitely just overpowered and out maneuvered.
4. You get in a 1v1 with someone ohh look OP thief just jumped in and hit my heavy armor with a dagger and somehow that one move just did more damage to me than this guy Im fighting did in total through out the fight.
5. If this was a 1v1 game, no thieves wouldnt be overpowered, but the fact that they can jump in a fight and just immediately change that fight to your loss no matter the situation because you dont see them coming and you cant see them coming? Thats BS.
6. You dont pay enough price for that damage and stealth. I pay a significant price for power and damage through low defense, if I want a higher defense I pay for it in damage. Youre the only ones that doesnt have to pay for defense
7. Your inherent health pool needs to be knocked down to that of eles and guards or you need to go down to light armor ratings or you need to lose some damage. You got to lose something for stealth and mobility. Even Mesmers have to wear light armor and they have a 3rd of the stealth you do.
Quote above has been cut, nothing added, only removed things to make the responses below clear.
Since you took the time to make a long post, to answer some of your above queries:
1. Two Zerker power builds of any class, and your in trouble. Point invalid.
2. An experienced thief is hard for you, two experienced thieves is too much for you. Sounds balanced. Point invalid.
3. Your in a fight, at half health and used cooldowns. Any class “jumping” in with every skill off of cooldown and you are in trouble. Point invalid.
4. “One move”, (0.5 Sometimes cluster bomb) 1. Steal. 2. Cloak and Dagger. 3. Backstab. 4. Fire sigil. 5. Air sigil. 6. Heartseeker. To be honest, if I was hit by six of your moves at once, I would also be in trouble. Point invalid.
5. Your in a fight and suddenly it becomes a 2v1, and you lose. Sounds balanced. The fact we can’t do it from 1200 range like a Ranger/Mesmer/etc/etc. The fact you don’t see us coming. Try using all your cooldowns to close distances and its the same. Everyone has movement skills. Point invalid.
6. We have to trait for damage as well. Don’t understand your point here to be honest so just going to go ahead and say: point invalid.
7. You seem to think we don’t lose anything for everything we have. Thieves have no access to protection. None. That’s 20% less defense for you. We have no access to stability (apart for 1 second after coming out of stealth), so all stuns work on us. As a guardian that has both boons alot of the time you do not realise the disadvantage this is. (Mesmer steal, boon steal does give protection/stability, but that’s requires other classes, not from ourselves.) So, point invalid.
Hope some of what I have replied has been constructive. My recommendation is you role a thief for awhile in spvp since it won’t need to be leveled. Then come back here. As a Guardian you counter thieves with nearly every build, enjoy it.
Thief Main, always.
Playing in Spvp or WvW, people keep asking me for a duel, 1v1 noob type chat. I say its pointless since they will of course win, and that I just got lucky killing them. Most people don’t know how to deal with this, but in the back of my head, I do want to just 1v1 and kill them but refuse to sink to their petty level.
When ever I lose in Spvp, because my team cannot seem to rotate properly, I am raging to myself, but then one guy always starts insulting the team, so I jump in and tell him to learn some manners and report him for inappropriate behavior. In my head, I am thinking everything he just said was right…(Then sometimes I don’t rotate properly and just laugh at my team raging as we lose. I love gaming)
I enjoyed leveling with P/P for alot. Try out S/P for a more melee focus’d build if you get bored.
Another good leveling build is caltrops, shortbow and D/D. Stack condition damage. Healing signet. The caltrops count as a hit and heal you while doing great damage to pve mobs. The evade on the D/D looks cool and stacks more bleeds, its great fun.
Leaked info, jewel crafting to 500. It has something to do with the new precursors, and are getting it in place early. They didn’t want a massive market shift so its been kept hush hush.
Also, SAB is 100% back after last year revolt against it being removed.
True story bro, heard it here first.
SAB confirmed then!
Boon Removal
Cooldown on steal
Boon upkeep
Metabuilds (google it) will give you the current top builds in all areas of the game.
P/P skill set.
Less ini on cloak and dagger, to help S/D and D/D builds.
Acrobats Line.
Useless Traits.
Been trying to make it work, yes it does more damage. But without the boon strip on steal, you cannot kill Guardians/Eles as quickly. Also you die quicker since you don’t have protection stolen.
Its really annoying because I want it to work.
Don’t get what your showing. Zerk ranger shoots zerk thief.
I personally think all underwater Legendaries should give an effect when out of the water.
Prefer 2 thieves to 2 of any other class on me.
Wyrden what is wrong with comparing professions?
Warrior is not way different from thief.
If I am not happy with it, I will discuss it, you do not have to take part in said discussion.
I do not wish to play warrior.
Wyrden hope that answers all your points from 27 minutes ago.
Thief with 2xpistols, unload, and a certain ricochet trait is instant death in wvw zerg play.
Free ascended skin
Its still a fact that does hold. Eviscerate does hit harder than Backstab.
Theres a 4 second cooldown on backstab. And you have to hit it from behind.
Eviscerate is a minimum of 7 second cooldown. How long does it take a warrior to get full adrenaline will be its new cooldown.
Eviscerate hits harder than Backstab.
Increase Backstab damage.
Yes or No?
Just some of my Thief looks, hope it helps inspire you.
Love the looks except i dont have spark to make incinorator XD
There are better daggers than incin. But after farming god knows how long and trying very hard to get it, I feel inclined to use it.
Costs karma to sell on the trading post.
Just some of my Thief looks, hope it helps inspire you.
Valk Armour
100% Crit from stealth
Steal hits for 2k
C&D hits for 4k
Backstab hits for 7k
Fire Blast hits for 1k
Lightning Bolt hits for 1.5k
This is on Mesmers/Elementalists/Thiefs
Instant Gib combo from over 2k units away using shadowstep.
In wvw zerg take down there eles, shadowstep back. Drop cluster bombs for blast finisher onto the commander (also hit bad guys) so you get loot. When recharge, take the next one down.
If you are left alone in there back lines, easy access to stealth off of everything and just keep backstabbing.
Its what I run sometimes and find it very effective.
Agreed. Easy fix. Thieves happy. Always die thanks to this trait. Even when you try to predict it, then it doesn’t go off.
Protection would be nice.
Invul would be better.
More information and communication can never be a bad thing. Just lock it so no one can post in it.
I think instead of deleting can still discuss. A lower cooldown for thieves on weapon swap, make it the same trait as quick pockets.
To be honest add it to any trait, nearly all our traits are a waste.
Weapon swap sigils would be OP.