Showing Posts For Wombatt.2546:
Who cares about what players can get as drops? Who cares that the “Equip to Off Hand” still doesn’t work correctly 18 months after launch. THERE IS A DRUM IN THE TP THAT YOU CAN BUY FOR REAL WORLD MONEY! THAT’S WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ANET.
Should change your title….sounds as if you are complaining that there is too much silk available (not that you want silk required for Damask reduced).
The Damask required for light armor should be brought in line with other Ascended armor material requirements.
I think it’s a perfect title. After all, didn’t we all come here to hate on the guy who was saying he had too dang much silk?
I’m waiting for the stealth fix of silk. Probably right after I make 3 stacks of bolts.
Just because it requires three times the raw material as any other doesn’t mean it’s broken. Because gem store. Or something. As long as the players are bending over.
Hey, remember when gossamer was worth something?
Heirloom merchant back for a day or two
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Wombatt.2546
Just be patient. I’m sure they’ll regurgitate this content again. Battle for Lion’s Arch 2: Ceara’s Searing.
…that I’m going on vacation and will most almost all of this “update.” Then I saw this worthless waste of time that is the wurm fight, and I know I won’t miss it one bit. It makes me wonder what the dev meetings are like when they come up with this stuff.
Dev #1: “You know, we really need more content that only a small fraction of players will like.”
Dev #2: “I agree. We were successful with Tequatl. Now that zone’s as barren as a Catholic Church during Happy Hour.”
D1: “Wait, I got it! Let’s Teq it!”
D2: “huh?”
D1: “We’ll make some ridiculous mechanic that will absolutely require a third party VOIP program to coordinate, like, oh, I dunno…”
D2: “10 bombs at the same instant?”
D1: “kitten it! Why not 20?!?”
D2: “Oh man! What else?”
D1: “Uhh, champs. Like 30 of em! With one-hit magical kittening laserbeam eyes!”
D2: “Brilliant!”
D1: “WAIT! I have it!”
D2: quizzical look
D1: “No. Loot. For anything! Let’s take up 35 minutes on a guaranteed fail, and then we’ll just mushroom-stamp everyone RIGHT ON THE FOREHEAD!”
D2: “you’re a monster…”
If I’m attacked while harvesting on land, my character animation stops and just stands still. The harvesting continues (I get mats in my inventory the proper number of times) but the animation stops. This is prior to last night’s reset, I have not been online yet today.
It feels like the dev meeting went something like this:
“How can we get almost everyone to stop doing Jungle Wurm?”
“Teq it?”
group cheers and hearty back-slapping
You can (I think, still) get an overlay from I leave it up and it tells me when events start, so I can go do them. Also, if you get into a decent group, usually someone will call out what event is next.
No, they don’t always go to what you have targeted. Sometimes they pick something behind you, or off to the side.
9 months later, still a really good idea. Bueller? Bueller?
Unfortunately I got put in the overflow during that event like quite a few others. This needs to be addressed, home players should be given priority of their servers.
They are.
I dunno so much, this has happened quite a lot to me, guildies call out the event during the pre or as it’s just starting and on a number of occasions I immediately go to the wp and then bam I’m in the overflow. I think guesting really needs to be reworked, perhaps no loot at all for guests and keep people gated to their own servers so they have a chance at actually doing the events together on their home world or put a cool down on guesting or something because right now it’s no good. It’s no better than those that used to hop worlds in W3.
A large number of people who currently call BG home are bandwagoners. So you’re saying they should be given priority in PvE because they actually abandoned another server to stack on a WvW one?
If someone defeats Tequatl while guesting on BG, are they less skilled and deserving of a reward than someone who calls BG home? I watched the video of the win, aside from having VOIP co-ordination and a superior strategy, the average player in the video wasn’t that different from most other servers. Most players are still failing to jump the waves. A lot of the people who were there for the win weren’t even BG natives – people were trying to guest on BG before they killed him.
You talk about the people who hop worlds for WvW but a big bulk of the BG population today is exactly that.
Nice accusations you’re throwing around there, point is, guests shouldn’t be filling up my home world server, perhaps they should go off to their own servers and help their own players complete the event there. It’s frustrating to be constantly put into an overflow map, lagging out with less players in the overflow when you’d planned to do the event on your home world and get it over with with a big group of players. Anet should probably merge the under populated servers with the over populated ones. Now there’s talk of more players guesting to BG in order to complete events.
Oh and yes, home world players should always be playing in their home world, guesters should be placed in the overflow not matter how good or bad they are at the game.
I see the launching of Blackgate Tea Party. “Blackgate for the Blackgaters! kitten ed immigrants, they terk er jerbs!”
Do you remember the Karka Queen? I can’t remember when she died last time on our server. I think nobody goes there anymore. She was the first big boss with a time constraint and what happened? People realised that she’s not worth the effort and that the chance for failure is much too high to risk wasting a lot of time. The same is about to happen with Tequatl. Open world bosses with time constraints do not work. I wonder how many more bosses Anet needs to ruin, until they notice that.
Kaineng does Karka Queen at least a couple times a day now. Fast and easy, best reward chest in the game, and there’s usually T6 nodes near where she spawns.
Can’t wait to see the horrible reward that makes you want to punch a puppy for all the time spent for 3 greens and a rare.
The problem is that even the plain bags don’t compact. It’s insanely annoying, and happens only on this one toon.
I’ve been using 15 slot bags up until yesterday, I made some money on this living world event, so I splurged and went for 20s. I also picked up a 20 slot rare bag from fractals. As it sits now, I have plain 20/plain 20/plain 20/fractal 20/craftsman 15/oiled 15/invis 20. NONE of the bags compact. Not the plain ones, none. Anyone else had this problem? Is the Fractals bag screwing it all up?
Take away the confirmation to salvage greens. Right now it’s a minor annoyance. With the upcoming changes, it figures to be a massive PITA.
Let guested members from other servers see the icons for a guild trek! Seriously, is there ANY point to being confined to only the members from one server??!?
Here’s an idea, instead of fixing things that are broken (backwards Charr footprints, guest world guildies unable to do Treks, etc), how about we make Jormag MORE ANNOYING? Maybe he could spawn a champion every time someone does damage to him! Or, he has FIVE stages and 20 pips of regen! Maybe the ice pillars could do AoE damage out to a range of 900! One-hit golems!
On a positive note, though, the lack of mound to the east is nice. Less people that stand there and do 0 damage with the charrzooka in the last stage.
Cmonnn, maaan!
Kaineng is open for bidniss
That could be a part of it, but it’s not all of it. Today I killed one in Ashford, for the first time ever (I never go to Ashford, but now I’m exploring it to level my engie etc). Another player also helped kill the turret, and I didn’t get a searchable wreckage at all. It appeared that he did, as he crouched next to the spot for a second or two.
Same for me. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten wreckage off a periscope I killed, only when I happen across one.
Ok. Just making sure that we still had to/should scout all the potential targets. Thanks!
Are the possible bounty targets the same as in the full-blown Guild Bounties?
Pie and Punch! Bump
Check out International Genius League [SMRT] in Kaineng. Small, active, yet relaxed. Give us a shot!
Move me up top!
Guild name: International Genius League [SMRT]
Server: Kaineng
My guild rank: Leader
Issue: Upgrade queue showing completed upgrades, cannot add more upgrades to queue, or activate completed upgrades.
This seems to come and go. Last night I tried to pop a MF and Karma banner in CS, at Shelter’s WP. It wouldn’t let me do either. I had an officer try it, he managed to pop the MF banner, but not karma. A few minutes later, while at Penitent WP, it let me use the Karma banner, and showed the rest of my upgrades correctly. I went back to Shelter’s, and I had the same glitch reappear. It seemed to be a localized problem. Today, in Wayfarer, I’ve moved all over the place (different toon) and it only shows 2 upgrades finished (at 00:00 and not hurry-able), and I can’t activate or queue anything.
Bump bump bump
f i f t e e n !
Bump it. 15 characters.
Actively recruiting. Bump it up.
International Genius League [SMRT] is looking for fun, active people who like to do stuff. What kind of stuff? Well, all KINDS of stuff. We do a lot of dungeons, we do fractals, we do general PvE and character development, we help each other work towards legendaries. We like to track down dragons and beat them into submission.
Who are we? Glad you asked. Right now we’re mainly a core of players who have been together since the GW1 days. Most of us have been playing GW2 since the betas. We’re knowledgeable, friendly, and active. We’re looking for more people who want to have fun and play video games. Specifically, THIS video game. We love magic find and karma boosts, and we have them up pretty much at all times.
There are only a few simple requirements:
1. We ask that you rep us when you play in PvE. You have a WvW guild that you run with that reqs you to rep them in WvW? That’s cool. We don’t do a whole lot of WvW right now. We’re not opposed to it, it’s just not our thing at the time.
2. Have and be willing to use ventrilo when applicable. You don’t need to have a mic, you just need the ability (and willingness) to listen. You don’t have to be on vent all the time. I won’t be. But, if we’re doing something new, or teaching something (we love that), vent is the way to go.
3. You should probably be on Kaineng server. Do you HAVE to be? No. But, it’s not going to be very awesome being the only person on Dragonbrand in SMRT. Not a lot of buffs coming your way.
4. Don’t be a jerk. There are enough of those around.
That’s about it. If you have questions or would like to join us, drop me a line, either a whisper or mail.
Thanks for checking us out, hope to see you in game.
(edited by Wombatt.2546)
Where’d you read that? I was wondering the same thing.
You know when you’re out somewhere, and you think your phone is ringing, but you check it, and it’s not? I’m starting to hear portals everywhere I go in game.
You won’t get a lot of Vicious Claws, but you should get a fair number of Large Claws, which can be promoted in the Mystic Forge.
I think that ppl that complain about necros not being good don’t know how to play necro.
Currently you can join with players from another server in order to do dungeons and fractals, I would assume that would not change, right? Only the ability to run around in general PvE and kill boars in the forest, plus WvW?
+1 on this. No more wading through pages and pages of “I deserve to be given this” or “we’re getting screwed” to find the posts that actually count.
3. I HATE DREDGE!! I seriously can’t stand them, i dont know why…
They’re especially hideous
They spam daze
They’re quite ugly
They have perma protection
They’re not easy on the eyes
They come in packs with a wide variety of attacks (aoe, range, melee)
They’re disgusting mole people
And they’re a bunch of commies. Don’t forget that.
…can you re-enable Lionguard Lyns??
The event in LA is just a make-up for any that you may have missed in the preceding 5 days. That’s why you get to choose your enemy at the beginning. The new event is Toypocalypse, the flags near Tixx.
Need something that shows the last time someone logged in or represented your guild. Makes cleaning out the dead weight much easier, especially in larger guilds.
It’d be nice if I could play, consistently, without the game crashing out on me, losing progress in Fractals, or having to sit out of dungeons that I spent time and effort to find a group for, because I have to repair sometimes 3x a day. Here’s some of the pertinent info from the crash log, though I honestly don’t expect it to help. I’ve been sending the crash reports every time for the past 3 months. Looks like I’ll have to repair AGAIN before I can get back to the broken world events and bugged waypoints that I love so dearly!
Edit: This happened 4x to me, trying to get into CM expl. My party was already in, I joined, crash. Restart (no repair), got in, ran towards house, crash. Repaired, re-entered, ran toward house, crashed. Repairing again with my cmd line -repair shortcut. AAAND it crashed again. This time in story mode, which I had to enter to test it since my group unsurprisingly got tired of waiting for me. Same thing. I get close to the house and BOOM I’m done playing for 15 minutes while it re-downloads the same files that I JUST downloaded 2 minutes prior.
Assertion: A file was corrupted in the archive. Please run once with ‘-repair’!
File: ..\..\..\Game\Main\MainCli.cpp(584)
—> Error Logs <—
1f7’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0071f7’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00cf5f’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e886’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×006eda’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e886’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×066f6c
Texture missing mip chain: 0×066f6d
Mem Arena ‘Default’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Packfile’ Size: 3023132
Model ‘0×00d299’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Texture missing mip chain: 0×014da6
Model ‘0×00d299’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Model ‘0×014b93’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Texture missing mip chain: 0×014da6
Model ‘0×00e709’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×00e709’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×00e709’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×019841’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn l
Model ‘0×00e709’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×00e709’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×0106af’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×0106af’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00664b’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df62’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00664b’: Can’t link child ‘0×00dfa4’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×019841’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmturn r
Model ‘0×00664b’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00dfa4’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00664b’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df62’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×014da6
File 0×13a86 stream 0×0 is corrupt
Raw file 0×00013a86:0×00013a86 has CRC 0×3b0593f7.
Deleting file 0×00013a86
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×1200
Version = 9.18.0013.0697
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4047 MB
(edited by Wombatt.2546)
I’m with Vorpal. This one makes me want to drown a puppy. A boss that repeatedly heals himself fully? Where can I sign up for that?
So, let me see if I’m hearing this right:
“I want full-strength gear as my reward, even though I haven’t put in the time or effort to get to level 80.” Does that sum it up? Was there a memo somewhere that said “this event will give out awesome stuff for everyone, not like EVERY OTHER meta event, where it’s a crapshoot,” because I didn’t see it.
No the frustrating part is that TRIAL Accounts, who are most definitely NOT 80, somehow got precursors. Really ANet!?
Agreed, THAT would be ridiculous.
So, let me see if I’m hearing this right:
“I want full-strength gear as my reward, even though I haven’t put in the time or effort to get to level 80.” Does that sum it up? Was there a memo somewhere that said “this event will give out awesome stuff for everyone, not like EVERY OTHER meta event, where it’s a crapshoot,” because I didn’t see it.
soo its lazy to play with a low lv??, even if you already have a character lv 80, (some people have 2 or more).
You’re reading words that aren’t there. I never said lazy, I said they hadn’t done it. If you chose to do it with a low level instead of a 80, well, that’s your choice. You made your bed, now sleep in it. Every other event in the world (dragons come immediately to mind) give scaled loot, why would you expect this one not to?
So, let me see if I’m hearing this right:
“I want full-strength gear as my reward, even though I haven’t put in the time or effort to get to level 80.” Does that sum it up? Was there a memo somewhere that said “this event will give out awesome stuff for everyone, not like EVERY OTHER meta event, where it’s a crapshoot,” because I didn’t see it.
I just logged in for the first time since Thursday PM, and I can’t seem to start the scavenger hunt for phase 1. I talk to Ellen Kiel (standing in Lion’s Court), she tells me about sifting through wreckage, but when I go to the beach, there’s nothing there, I see some signs and opened crates, but I can’t interact with any of it. Am I doing something wrong, or is it all FUBAR?