So I have ground out enough pips for 2 weeks now getting diamond though a combination of regular play and outnumbered half afk farming. I been reading a book and this works out well for me but it has also left me time to think about the effect this unbalance has on game play. I am writing this post as I sit half afk farming pips while maintaining t6 participation. The effect I see that is unhealthy is that this type of pip bonus has the added effect of disincentivizing active game play in favor of what I have been doing with a lot of other people during off NA prime hours. I have also seen people hopping maps trying to catch outnumbered before a tick. Each week I received a majority of my pips and chests through the outnumbered buff as opposed to regular play because of how potent that buff is.
The solution to this I feel is to reduce the number of pips a player earns to 2 for outnumbered.
To offset this restriction in pip income I would suggest adding a couple different means of earning pips that are linked to more active game play. For example every time a player gets credit for successfully capturing/defending a sentry, camp, tower, they would get 1 pip per tick for the first one of each type they captured/defended. Then add in a 2 pip reward for capturing the first keep and maybe 3-5 for capturing SM. Give a 1 pip reward for defending a keep or SM to incentivize defense. To fully control the open faucet of pips a maximum amount per skirmish available could be set up at the Dev’s discretion.
I know there is tangentially a pip thread but this is a fully thought out proposal for a tweak to the pip issue regarding the outnumbered buff specifically. Please let this stand alone as a subject for discussion since its the first thing I have bothered to post in years.
TLDR: nerf outnumbered to 2 pips and add in pips for capping/defending to promote active gameplay.
AFK’ing is a disaster.
Needing to use the restroom on an queued map is normal, and allowances should be made, but I see some AFK’ing for an hour or more.
So, Anet, how are they doing that and why are they allowed to do so, when I know I get dropped if I need to use the facilities many times – and getting back into a map with a queue sometimes doesn’t happen for a very long time, but again, AFK’ers take that space where an active player is rejected due to the queue.
To be clear noone is fully afk that I have been around but involved the same amount as the old engi farm in LD.
When it comes to farming outnumbered the queue spots dont really matter because if the map is full those half afk people leave the map for the outnumbered buff. I think that the issue at hand is that the time commitment for players to get the higher level chests is much too high without using the outnumbered buff.
So I have ground out enough pips for 2 weeks now getting diamond though a combination of regular play and outnumbered half afk farming. I been reading a book and this works out well for me but it has also left me time to think about the effect this unbalance has on game play. I am writing this post as I sit half afk farming pips while maintaining t6 participation. The effect I see that is unhealthy is that this type of pip bonus has the added effect of disincentivizing active game play in favor of what I have been doing with a lot of other people during off NA prime hours. I have also seen people hopping maps trying to catch outnumbered before a tick. Each week I received a majority of my pips and chests through the outnumbered buff as opposed to regular play because of how potent that buff is.
The solution to this I feel is to reduce the number of pips a player earns to 2 for outnumbered.
To offset this restriction in pip income I would suggest adding a couple different means of earning pips that are linked to more active game play. For example every time a player gets credit for successfully capturing/defending a sentry, camp, tower, they would get 1 pip per tick for the first one of each type they captured/defended. Then add in a 2 pip reward for capturing the first keep and maybe 3-5 for capturing SM. Give a 1 pip reward for defending a keep or SM to incentivize defense. To fully control the open faucet of pips a maximum amount per skirmish available could be set up at the Dev’s discretion.
I know there is tangentially a pip thread but this is a fully thought out proposal for a tweak to the pip issue regarding the outnumbered buff specifically. Please let this stand alone as a subject for discussion since its the first thing I have bothered to post in years.
TLDR: nerf outnumbered to 2 pips and add in pips for capping/defending to promote active gameplay.
please add those stats back into the stat spread now that there is a actual stat for them. the cele trinket is out of PvP so there are no balance issues there. It would still only fill niche builds in pve, like it does now. but it would make it more comparable to the 4 stat spreads from hot.
How are players going to help other players with a Lag issue?
I’m rich you know.
this line is the best voiced line in the game.
got this today in NA at the mask one. almost unplayable.
#6: Working the TP to get money isn’t lazy, either. To be successful requires research, plenty of math, a lot of patience, and plenty of luck, too.
This is actually false. I have amassed a sizable fortune without a single spread sheet or calculation, simply intuition. I also make the majority of my gold on the tp, while playing aspects of the game I enjoy. The rich want people to think its hard work and lots of math, which everyone hates, but it isnt. Just need to pay attention to a few things here and there, especially patch notes and seasonal market shifts. Farm zone shifts based on the zone level are also a thing to watch. When HOT came out and the population shifted to mostly lvl 80 maps all mid mat prices adjusted for this lack of supply and other factors. Farmers who know the rich nodes are very happy about this.
There should be another shift in a few months.
This is pretty funny TBH. I remember this being a thing way back when.
sigil of speed. you’re welcome
Advancement tied to failed events is a long standing problem in gw2. look at the exotic hunter collection/treasure hunter collection issues….
drytop dust farm from XX:40 every hour.
or subfolders for the hot maps in the open world area. raids need their own folder, with sub folders for the different wings when they are available.
So to sum this thread up Anet decided to take a recently nerfed account wide progression system that is completely pointless after a little over 1k ranks and decided to tie the “rewards” to individual characters? #slowclap…
ArenaNet never was really against mounts, but because GW2 did try so hard to be ‘different’ it got also a lot of people that are extremely anti WoW and see any change that GW2 could make that is something WoW has, as a move towards WoW.
So even since release there has be a substantial part of the player base that does not want mounts ‘because WoW’. I have seen many threads about this and really the only real reason they don’t want mounts is “because WoW” and they are very strickt with that opinion (well sort of, will come back to that later). All the other reasons they did give against mounts where not more than excuses as they did understand that the real reason “Because WoW” was not a very good one.
The main argument I have seen against mounts is that players would rather see the developers dedicate the resources needed to implement mounts elsewhere. Like new content, bug fixes and skin designs.
I wonder if silk will get flooded again in December like last year.
All these points are kinda moot right now with the market instability. The disparity between the different armor weights will soon be much smaller as leather is rising in price.
The horse is dead.
Sadly this post got buried in the claptrap of all the other posts in the general forum…
Not enough people will post in it to keep it on the front page either because they are unwilling to have the general public aware of these great ideas because it creates instability in the markets or they get driven away from it because of arguments that are basically semantic in nature.
I think this guide is invaluable to new players who may have trouble getting the gold needed to buy the materials and gear needed to play whatever meta evolves from HOT as well as old players who never really amassed much gold(hello all you people that pay for WvW upgrades, relief is coming soon for that too!!!! )
My question for mystic is, Will there be an updated version of this for after the expansion if anything changes?
@mystic @wanze
thats what i thought TBH. especially the point wanze made about the effort involved for a conglomerate. Thanks for the answers guys.
ok so the 2 big “BLTP forum specialists” (RIP) whipped out their kittens.. anyone around who can match them? Wanze has said he doesnt collude with others outside of a few friends he has since early on. Are you completely solo now wanze?
how about you mystic? do you have any partners or is that mostly solo?
no tin foil hat stuff here, just asking.
20-slot Bag = 10g = 50s/space
20 slot bags for Candy Corn Cobs are alot cheaper
2) Websites
There are many price-tracking websites out there, pick one and use it.
My go-to for tacking prices is
For the graph, you can click on the labels to turn each on/off. I like to get rid of all the averages.
You can get an ideal of how many sales an item has by looking at the Sell Listings Volume. It’s not perfect, but if you count every time the volume decreases, that will usually be a sale. That can help you identify at what price an item will sell. is another good one, it updates more often than spidy but less user-friendly imo.
I dont see how gw2tp is not userfriendly, i prefer their graphs, as they have separate ones for price and supply/demand. Spidy has a better crafting section but gw2tp also has scroll downs that show every buy order/sell listing, which is quite handy to see where supply walls are located or the bulk of buy orders is at. But to each their own.That’s everything I can think of. If you find an error or have comments or suggestions, let me know!
Some bolded suggestions. Maybe you also want to cover using API keys. There are some neat websites out there, i usually use to summarize my trading activities.
It especially comes in handy to calculate the value of all your listings, see your sales history by item and average sales price or your flipping history.Under Current listings you can also check, if you got outbid or undercut on your bids/listings.
There are some more websites that calculate the value of the items in your material storage, bags and account banks (guild bank API coming with HoT) also.
Here some screenshots from, showing the overview, sales and flipping history:
Thanks for the tips on things to invest in. Do you think the price will rise on any of that small stuff now?
It has been a long time since the update that made adrenaline go away when you are out of combat. I would ask that the balance team look at implementing a 5 seconds grace period before it starts to go away when out of combat. I find myself losing my adrenaline between groups of mobs in SW at the same defend event.
We got a fancy arena where every random noon can interrupt the fight.
But at least they managed to build an arena… After 1 1/2 years… Which took about 2 hours to implement.
And it was only given because an anet dev trolled a gvg at south camp. You know where he said something to the effect of “stop ruining my game mode” to a bunch of people out of the way.
I love how a anet dev said that and then they did this golem garbage which really ruined wvw.
Out of a couple stacks of champ bags (Heirloom seeds/bandit purses farmed post update) I received 1 spirit shard.
Either your RNG is terribad or you are exaggerating. My observed spirit shard drop rate from 3k seed bags and 3k embroidered bags is 17%.
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I would like to point out the irony here, in that the arena area of Obsidian Sanctum came about from a dev trolling a GvG at south camp windmill where a handful of players were out of the way. The irony comes from what he said to them in one of the screen shots which was “Stop ruining my game mode”. Considering all those people are in OS now because Anet ruined the game mode with golem week everything comes full circle.
GG anet…GG
LoL. The reason wvw players HAVE to PvE is because that the only way to make any gold to continue to WvW. Take this condescending garbage and GFY.
Also see how many real WvW players would step out of WvW if the rewards were not atrocious.
yes, and it wouldn’t have taken a nostradumba** to figure out that what the result of golem week would be considering the bug over a year ago where only golems could be built. it became a k-train like it is now.
The real issue when it comes to any form of server merger or alliance with the current scoring system is that there are not enough off-peak players to go around. TBH t1 doesn’t even have enough off peak players to go around.
The result would be queues during peak times but would exacerbate the problems associated with “night capping”.
I dont assume to know the solution to this but I feel that this is the major issue because no matter how populated your prime time is the majority of score a server(or alliance) gains is from off peak hours.
Peak hours I would say are roughly from 7:00pm-1:00AM local time relative to the physical servers(EU, NA). So if the matches are competitive with the 3 teams pulling roughly 240 PPT each during prime time, the off peak players playing for the other 18 hours and ticking 400+ PPT would still determine the match winner.
Dont have them.
and dont try to white wash how terrible something is by mashing everything into a giant “feedback mega thread”. Take the public beating you deserve….
Shame *ding Shame *ding Shame *ding….
I just hope that Josh sees some of the “whiteknights”.
yes I hope anet sees the whiteknights and gets some metrics about how much time is spent by them in WvW(not eotm) before this abortion…
I also hope they check out the numbers of players for/against this garbage but really the pages and pages of negative comments kinda tells me all i need to know.
I was hearing so much that anet ignores wvw, and how stale it is. Now change happened. And all are united in QQ’ing change, cuz they dont really want any change, they just want to do what they usually do in a way they usually do.
umm. This is not the change we were looking for. This is simply a stupid gimmick that makes wvw unplayable for a week.
I feel bad for the dev that trolled that GvG that resulted in the arena in Obsidian Sanctum. He was all mad about a couple dozen players fighting each other out of the way and thought THAT ruined his game mode….
Event was meant as a shake up on something new temporary like living story is for pve.
you all taking this too seriously.
This isn’t new though. It was a bug over a year ago where only golems could be made for 3 days and the results were exactly the same…. perma K-train…
You guys are really trying to make this seem not as bad as it really is. Considering there is a handful of you and 2 pages of new topics, maybe realize that this “event” is indeed a bad thing for the majority of the community.
there is a golem duping exploit for this event…..
The icebow bug I already knew, but in response to OP: How do you replicate the bug? I’ve tried several channeling skills to no avail.
i havent played with it because when i realized it was going on i logged out of wvw and went to do map comp that I have been putting off for the week. I already had doubts about the “event” and this solidified my feelings.
Also about banning people that was mentioned above, if they did that there would literally be noone left to WvW….
I have seen it on a bunch of different classes too. war, necro ele ranger…
and The FGS auto attack has done 15k …….
edit: oh and there is also a dupe exploit…
(edited by eithinan.9841)
Who cares? It’s not like you gain anything from winning a week anyway, lol.
a lot of players gain enjoyment from WvW which is currently being prevented by this event
channeling a skill while entering a golem and then exiting it can allow you to keep the golems speed and damage buff.
have fun.
Anet you have ruined wvw this week.
Remember about a year and a half or 2 years ago when there was a bug for 3 days or so where golems were the only siege that could be built? It turned wvw into a giant karma train.
Yeah this sucks how they turned a bug into an “event”.
See you all next week.
You didn’t think this was going to be a positive comment did you?
It’s not even reset, and it’s already started?
yes it started before reset
blew up a couple good matches too…
FOV =/= exploit….
never has and never will
Haha, good sarcasm. But I guess the no-skill guilds which use these non-exploits see it that way. Shame that Anet created this problem and refuses to fix it. I just feel sorry for the commanders who need to use such questionable tactics to take an undermanned tower while having a zerg at the ready, I surely wouldn’t follow such a goober.
no sarcasm. L2P issue.
I’ve never been a great fan of P/P build, but I enjoyed having this trait in roaming D/P. The mechanism of this trait was not only fun, but gave awesome control with headshot, mobility using shadow shot on group of ennemies and brought confusion (not the condi) between them (2 or 3 teleport and let’s play where is Waldo).
I couldn’t agree more that we need ricochet back.
Well, removing a trait beloved by the thiefs PVEers and not even taking care of warn or explain why, is a huge proof of commitment to your player/community.
FOV =/= exploit….
never has and never will
If stability removal from cc, not boonstrip, had a 1 second icd it would help I think. Then they could leave the stack values as they are and stability would still be effective. I think the duration could use a little buff if this was put in place though.
I want to know where ohoni is, his insight into these matters is usually very enlightening.
Just wait for a week until you relist and your item is more likely to sell.
You a greatly exaggerating to prove a point without giving any specific example of an item or any other evidence that this is a widespread occurence.If you think i am exaggerating then i’m going to assume you hardly use the trade house. The example i provided is not even close to being exaggerated.
wanze you only made 41k over the last 90 days… you are slowing down in your old age….
I am still upset about the hunter that ended her life in the woods that day.
Pretty sure they were zoom hacking.
This got a good laugh from me.
Right, thank you for all of your replies. It seems the most helpful way of getting them is the chest farm in SW as there is a chance you can get one in a bag (not sure what drop rate is) but at least I can be getting loot to help me towards my goal.
This is my best way forward as I don’t mind the chest farm. I’ll try and reply after 250 bags have been opened to let you see how viable an option it is.
Hopefully drop rate of a shard isn’t rarer than an exotic :-)
My observed drop rate for them is about 17%-20%
Dry top is definitely less popular now which has led to a drastic drop in quartz supply. I’d bet that most of the supply now comes from home instances which realistically only gives 3-8 per person per day whereas charging it up requires 25 quartz.
Looking at the graph, over 300k supply burned this week with only 300k left, ruh roh.
dont forget, there are people also like wanze who keep some back in stock. That stock will flow when they feel the price is right to them.
Or it is just in dead accounts that are no longer in use. I know a few people who stocked up on different things, took a longer hiatus from the game and came back to become pretty wealthy. Specifically with silk when it was vendor value. They put all their wealth into buy orders on it and when they returned…
But anyways, I dont even agree that the status quo is a problem and needs fixing.
The ability to renew your order without a penalty is a great way for every player to strike a bargain in his purchases and shouldnt be limited to rich people and traders as it would greatly increase the wealth gap.
This is one of the reasons I like you so much wanze. Not only do you use the tp as a tool for amassing wealth you also are looking out for the casual consumer. Every time you point out why ideas that change the status quo are bad you also show how they all affect the player who is just a consumer.
I do wish they had kept the BLTC forums and made u a “forum specialist”.