Showing Posts For fictitiousacct.1782:
Are there any plans on removing the unique tags on the rings/accessories? It really seems counterproductive now. I can understand some things being unique, like the collection achievement accessories, but now there’s no distinction between red ring of death and crystalline band.
While tanking VG as a chrono, my healer noticed that his heals were prioritizing my phantasmal defender and other such clones over me sometimes. In fact, his combat log showed my clones would get more regen and healing than me during the fight. We couldn’t easily replicate it happening, and I wasn’t sure if the phantasmal defender being spawned (from the trait mental defense) was being healed because it would’ve instantly taken some dmg upon being summoned or what. In any case, I expected that the mesmer would be prioritized for heals (or rather that clones would be lower than player characters).
Are there going to be any changes regarding this? For the most part the winning strategy seems to be bailing (or swap team if possible) if your team is losing, staying if you’re winning. The envelopes you can buy are time gated once/day anyway, so if it was just play 15 games (instead of winning 10), people would actually stay for matches. I just want some incentives to stay and play the game to its end.
Does this mean raids will be unavailable until the new squad UI comes out?
I tend to not consider how things will affect larger guilds because things (usually, not always) benefit them already, but that is a very good point. That clutter x.x . Besides, i’m always for having more control and choice, would have to agree having the choice to toggle that would be a good thing. Now, if only could actually toggle the story ui off…
Well realistically, the amount of dots you’d see max is something close to the map cap of 149 dots or so. Depending on the size and color of the people, it may be an ugly blob on the map when you’re gathering up for say guild missions or any event really.
oh god this 3 month old conversation is being revived
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: fictitiousacct.1782
I think he’s just stating a fact? Not really worth arguing over this again…
I agree, they should be account bound
I was there! Also, I put up a bug report in the support section of the forum, linking to this thread as additional evidence
I’ve seen a few players recently that were using their profession skills (so far necro, engi, thief) instead of the staff/rifle/slingshot skills that you select upon entering the game.
The skills I’ve seen used so far include:
Supply Drop
Lich Form
Locust Swarm
Necro & thief autoattack
This post has pictures of this bug too.
(edited by fictitiousacct.1782)
that could lead to mail/whisper spam to said people who won too though.
if it’s stackable with the birthday boosters, you could max mf close to 700% using all boosters/buffs/luck/etc.
/age on each character. 365 days = 1 yr old, 730 days = 2 yrs old.
does this mean we’ve found all mystic forge recipes???
presumably, if the ghostly dubloon is in fact one of the items, and it’s only the masterwork version that works, all other items must be masterwork also?
If they had more use than just legendaries, I’d be fine with that. I find it weird how the recipe creates 10 (or 1) clovers, but you need 77 clovers to make gift of fortune. I know 77 is chosen cuz 7 is a lucky number and all, but it makes forging for them so odd.
Yeah the age of this game means players have acquired quite a bit of account bound stuff, with the average player not having enough room in their bank/inventory to hold it all. We’ll probably need some way of storing all the account bound stuff if we continue to get it over the upcoming years.
Currently the highest AP anyone has right now is 25,457 and I’m sure they capped the AP for both monthlies and dailies. I don’t know how many achievements are left after that, but it’d pretty much be WvW, PvP and LS achieves.
Capped for dailies, yes, but for monthlies not even close (more like 2k5/5k).
Oh true, seems like the most AP anyone could have right now if they did every achievement and capped daily and monthly, it’d be 28,505 AP. Seems like it’ll be a while before people can even get the 29k AP chest.
I’m on the wall with this cuz I feel there’d be a loss of an important gold sink if it was easily adjustable. If they did allow for selectable runes/sigils, it should require a fairly hefty gold sink to balance out the lowering of demand for expensive runes/sigils. And that’s something I don’t want to happen.
Your gear should level up with you as you level your character, so if you’re experimenting with builds, I’d suggest instead getting a full set of exotic armor with the runes you’re testing and salvage it after testing if you decide to use it on your ascended. But just using ascended as a test and replacing expensive runes is more your fault I’d say.
This would be nice, even if it was limited to endless tonics and toys. I could see some issues where people would exploit toy skills, like the executioner’s axe, but overall it should work. It’s not much different from accessing your bank with the axe in it anyway.
Currently the highest AP anyone has right now is 25,457 and I’m sure they capped the AP for both monthlies and dailies. I don’t know how many achievements are left after that, but it’d pretty much be WvW, PvP and LS achieves.
So you want a pay to win game instead? Sorry, but gw2 is doing much better than you’re thinking if you’re suggesting this. And the free trials do exactly what you’re suggesting anyway.
It doesn’t say anything against using lfg to form parties. It may be a bit much to expect new players to even know about the lfg system to begin with though.
clearly anet only plays ranger @@
^ Yeah, that. If they’re account bound, THEN I could see the value in having powerful, reusable gear that I could just recycle between one alt after another while leveling.
Well, only if you don’t mind dropping around 170 (20/armor piece + 50/weapon) globs of ectoplasm for it. You’d need to be leveling a lot of toons to even make that viable.
Is there a limit to how many people get hit by traps (specifically tripwire and needle trap)? I naturally assume 5, but if it isn’t, you could shake up entire zerg vs. zerg fights by simply using them in the middle or front of a zerg. Additionally, this gives reason to hold onto and use wvw traps just in case too.
They didnt mess up, you did.
They talked about this in the blog posts.
Those crafted armor and weapons as well as the backpacks are intended to veteran players (425 crafting proficiency) that level their alts. These items have higher stats thats comparable on level gear and they have selectable stats. I also think they stay account bound after use, so you can use them for more alts, if you wish, but i am not 100% sure about the account bound statement.
I messed up making them, yes, but they messed up making them so that nobody would craft them. Besides, I spammed LA chat for hours letting people know how many ectos they took so that others would not be lured in. So to look on the bright side, my mess up led me to perform a community service ;-)
Out of curiosity, can you clarify whether the crafted items are account bound or not?
Even if the equipment was account bound and slightly higher stats than normal, it would not be worthwhile to even craft at the current cost. It’s not like it’s gear that levels up with you, it’s gear that goes obsolete after you reach certain levels, which for veteran players it can be in an hour or two of game play. If it truly is intended for veterans, it should be more reasonably priced for the set so it actually gets used.
With this new patch you can craft Handcrafted Fury Unleashed, Handcrafted Big Grin, and Handcrafted Radiance. These are lvl 68 recipes that need 50 globs of ectoplasm. For something with a reused skin, this is outrageous. No player leveling up will have 50 ectos sitting around to make this, honestly for something like this it should only be a few (1-3) ectos to craft…
Oh yeah, the infused version should definitely have unlocked it the same way as the uninfused version. Really silly that one as well…
Proposal Overview
View the last time someone represented the guild.
Goal of Proposal
We now can see the last time someone was online, instead I find it is way more important to see when someone last represented our guild and see who is active in the guild. This would show who reps simply during large events such as guild missions and who reps frequently.
Proposal Functionality
Have a column added to either the roster or the general guild page.
Associated Risks
Guilds getting stricter on rep policies.
Proposal Overview
Currently for the Guild bank, there is the the Guild Stash, Treasure Trove and Deep Cave. However, the permissions only allow access to the Guild Stash and Treasure Trove, with Deep Cave permissions the same as the Treasure Trove. I propose that additional permissions be added specifically for the Deep Cave.
Goal of Proposal
Greater control in who can access what in guild banks. Use it as an incentive to ranking up. Prevent members from clearing a guild bank because they can access both Treasure Trove and Deep Cave.
Proposal Functionality
Add 2 more checkboxes for Deep Cave withdrawing and depositing, or make 1 checkbox for Deep Cave with permissions for both withdrawing and depositing.
Associated Risks
Yeah combo fields are a really cool part of the game, but really there’s no in-game guide or tutorial. Yeah you could just wiki it, but very few people actually will do that for combos. I agree that this should be in the game somewhere.
Why are these part of the achievement? And I already unlocked the recipe for my character before the patch, so I never got the feast recipe unlocked for the achieve. Do I really have to forge another recipe just to use on another character that isn’t 400 chef? I don’t know if it even makes sense to have a recipe as a part of the achievement in the first place…
I hope anet refunds you or something similar for the gem store minis, but only a support ticket or a dev response can say for certain. Other ones, like Jennah, I really wish something were done for them…
if you’re going to do it like that, just combine the foxfire clusters for both the cultivated vine and mawdrey
Purely making the combined mawdrey backpiece is fairly cheap if creating it yourself. It gets more expensive as you level crafts or buy time gated items on the tp, which is purely optional. The fact that it is heavily time gated makes it more expensive for impatient people, as you can make one of each of the plant foods for less than 2g but sell for around 13g or so.
They’re not the new Bloodstone Dust, you double-click them to get either a Geode, Lockpick, Ambrite, etc. from a stack of 10.
Or even more likely, nothing
Wow, looks like i could have sold them for 4s each. O_o;
[(Listed selling price)(Qty sold) – (Total Purchase Price)] / (Total Purchase Price) x 100%
[(2.75s)(305) – (5g20c)] / (5g20c) x 100% = 67.7%
But it could have been 143.9% if I sold it at 4s each.
Yeah seems to be bugged within the last patch, it’s annoying me too
yes, that is the intended change.
Gonna go with watchwork sprockets, 5g 20c for 305 of them.
*Edit: Added sell screenshot
Selling at 2s, 75c each
(edited by fictitiousacct.1782)
Well, without a gold sink in a game, you’d start seeing outrageous prices for simple items due to money only being created, and not being destroyed or removed. Think about the next time you buy something off the tp, except prices are 10 times more expensive. As mentioned before, armor repairs were rarely being used and not as effective as a gold sink, compared to waypoint fees.
Here’s another view on ferocity changes to celestial:
Will the reduced repair fee upgrade in the guild upgrades change? Or replaced with something new? On that note, will the guild upgrades be looked into further within these new updates?
Or multiples of any of the other special gem store dyes?
it’s from successfully escorting the children in the escape from LA I believe. Didn’t know it was daily though.
i’d say anet should have the laser target afk players knock them out of the gate >.>
What u do could matter! Reward Idea
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: fictitiousacct.1782
How would it be more information than counting how many you’ve killed of x? It’s just a counter, they’re easy to implement and don’t require a lot of data (it’s just a number that needs to be increased every time you save a civilian).
Are you sure? There’s tons of players, so even though there are several counters already that doesn’t necessary mean that adding another one wouldn’t be a problem… OR maybe I’m wrong, don’t take my word for it :P
This. More people = more complexity to the design. Pretty much people who are complaining about lag would increase in all likelihood. It’s a nice idea, but with the deadlines anet pushes, I’d go for simpler designs as well. Personally, the biggest problem I see with rewards is the AFK players.