Showing Posts For kodesh.2851:

LastStand25% more bersk.stance doesnt work

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Testing this the trait consistently gives me one additional 3sec pulse of resistance.

Also the trait tooltip needs update:

-Mentions stance recharge reduction when there is none.
-Shows the icon for vigor and causes stances to apply 6s vigor, but it is not mentioned.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

My warrior feels fragile.

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


A lil toughness can go a long way on war.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

So who ditched "BP" & used Might makes right

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Axes were the answer for me. Sword/axe + Axe/shield so you always get the 300 ferocity.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


This is insane. Probably the most shameless “buy the expansion or perish” they could have pulled.

Yeah well kittenem and kitten spellbreaker, Imma roll core warrior. \m/

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Where's the love for OH Mace?

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Enjoying the recent changes to axe…

How about some love for off hand mace? The windup on mace 4 is huge for a melee range low damage skill. The shock-wave on tremor is so narrow it’s a miracle if it lands, plus that CD.. ugh.

Please update mace 4/5, I’d really enjoy having another power off hand for dual wielding.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

The season

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Condi trap ranger is such a one trick pony I actually salivate when I see one. They have no active defenses, free kill.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

the silver curse

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


“Oooh you know what might fix the individual suicide problem? A better minimap!”

Make it a HUD so everyone has to look at it?

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

So no word on fixing the stuck in wall bug?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


This has been a thing since release, so doubtful. They need an option for players to kill themselves/respawn in pvp.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Warrior op lol nice joke , get good

^^ This.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Thief Suggestion: Shadow Trap

in Thief

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Shadow Trap is an excellent skill, however, the cast time on ‘destroy shadow trap’ is 1.5 sec. Pretty long for a stunbreak, especially in pvp. Could we get this cut down or squeeel made instant?

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Balance ideas

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Anet please pay no attention to the OP. He’s clearly on very strong drugs.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Elite Specialization cost too high

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kodesh.2851


“rpgs are opnly supposed to last an hour or two”

troll or kitten ?

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kodesh.2851


We’ve seen a lot of great suggestions come in lately about gliders. Whether you have ideas on a new design or a different skin suggestion, or even functionality feedback, we’d like to read your ideas.

Thanks a bunch!

PVP map with gliders.

Yeah I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I just want a new PVP map.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Feedback on HoT from a PvPer after a year off

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I’ll be as concise and brief as possible. Here’s my feedback (so far).

First off, total and complete failure on the PVP map front. BETA Skyhammer, seriously? No new conquest maps at all. Stronghold is boring, and it’s not even pvp. Summoning and killing mobs wheeee. I’d rather have gotten Capricorn back unchanged. HIRE SOME MAP MAKING PPL FOR PVP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

I do like the new matchmaking and PVP rank system so far. I think the complaints about poor MMR are signs the MMR is working lol ;P

Feels powerful but still clunky. I really like the upkeep mechanic on Dragon stance. That should be made core and worked into other stances imo. For example, some skills could be cheaper up front but reduce energy recharge for a time. That (along with more weapon options) could give the prof some of the cohesion it lacks now.

Reaper is fun, but I would have liked less focus on ONLY CHILL and a more all-around spec tree. Greatsword is… underwhelming. Push button damage happens. Boring. I was really hoping for a more engaging GS experience like war guard or even mes.

Man you guys jacked this one up lol. I don’t mean they aren’t strong/viable. They are still fun to play, but just require so much less finesse. It’s sure fun to shatter-spam a bazillion condis WHILE doing heavy direct damage… But it was way more fun to actually have to save and time shatters for an important part of the fight. Now I feel like it’s just about blowing your shatter load as fast as possible. Getting boring. This is NOT better than clone death spam.

Pretty solid other than some niggles about talent placement. Primal burst and Rage skills both seem powerful but somehow bland. I get that fire is the focus of the new spec tree, but how about a little synergy? Just making it so every button causes burning isn’t very fun.

I’d just suggest having gyros and turrets share buffage from spec/talents. Rather than be OP I think this would lead to more diversity in build and play.

Seem the least changed to me, but they were always my least favorite (no build diversity) so I haven’t dug in much yet.

Druids (healer)? lol no thanks. Longbow 4 lyfe :P

3 dodges. kitten .

Yeah that’s what I’ve got for now. Seriously though. More pvp maps.

P.S. Maps, more of them.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Pvp still boring on this game?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


On, we have more meta build than ever.

Unranked queue for match-making that work.

IDK, I checked out mesmer builds and most of them are kittened. Not sure I trust metabattle for other profs now lol.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Deceptive Evasion

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Fools, Deceptive evasion is amazing. Please, continue to use less effective and less synergistic trees when making your shatter builds.

DE + Chronophantasma + Illusionary Reversion = YOUR WELCOME.

Seriously, there is no debate. With all of these traits especially, you can just machine gun shatters. I think it’s quite ridiculous and will flog it into the ground since they took away my beloved clone death traits.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

does "casual community" ruin pvp balance?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


No, but the pursuit of Esports (hahahahaHAHAHAHhaaaaah) ruins the appeal for casuals and newbies wanting to get into pvp.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Why do devs keep injecting PVE into PVP?!

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851



I’m running out of items I can just drag → delete that I don’t have to type the name in to delete. Will be just deleting and rerolling characters to get rid of inventory soon.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Mesmer Feels Really Crippled Lately

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Johnny <3

I’m taking a lil break (forums don’t count! :P ) but when I come back we should do some ranked on our mesmers again.

Vanilla shatter is still probably best, but You might try 4/4/6/0/0 interrupt or a Cele Maim shatter build instead.


Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

[Build] Phantrupt Asskicker (CS Interrupt)

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Scepter = fail.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Phantasmal Swordman

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Wow, so much debate about nothing.

Of course iSwordsman will have it’s advantages and disadvantages to other phants depending on your build/playstyle/team etc etc. It’s a good and functional OH weapon, leave it the hell alone.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Thieves, pressure, and counter pressure.

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Consume Plasma.

QFT. They should change consume plasma to give 5s of Chaos Armor.

Play both profs and you’ll have a much easier time on both sides of it. I’m constantly amazed at how easily I can down mesmers on my thi, and at how often I come out on top when jumped by a thi on my mes.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Shield on Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


There are MANY other weapons I would have rather had than shield. Looks boring.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Condi/torment build

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Maim is optional.
Try 0/5/5/0/4. Scepter/pistol & Staff, Rabid/Undead, Signet of Domination. ~1800 unbuffed condi damage. You do stack less torment obviously, but you pickup confusion on clone death and your condis tick harder. Depends if you prefer to shatter a lot or not but both are very solid.

Edit: Oh wvw? It matters not. Faceroll left→right.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

stupid engi turrets

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


One turret engi is totally manageable.

But go fight vs 3 turret engis + 2 bunker guards on foefire and then come back and let me know your opinion then.

I have, 3 HGH engis > 3 turret engis

I love turrets b/c the the best counters are some classic builds that haven’t seen a lot of play lately.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Forest Strategy: When to Kill Bosses?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Never. Mobs don’t belong in PVP.

lol there are NPCs in like…. almost every single competitive game.

I assume you’re referring to DoTA/LoL style games. Different beast. Anet needs to stop taking queues from that genre.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Forest Strategy: When to Kill Bosses?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Never. Mobs don’t belong in PVP.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

stupid engi turrets

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


it’s not my style but that doesn’t mean it should be removed…

Learn and adapt. Turret engis have their weaknesses like anything else. If they leave turrets at other points they are gimping themselves quite a bit in whatever pt they are actually fighting at.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Your opinions on HOT and balance?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


If they start taking away build tinkering and customization, I’m gone.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

PvP Match Manipulation

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Impossible, no one is this bored. They probly kicked you for other reasons.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Any power builds that have survivability?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


It’s the basics of knowing when to dodge, using the terrain to your advantage, knowing when to use Decoy, when to heal, when to Shatter for Distortion, using About Face and Phase Retreat, etc.

Admittingly, I used to use Mantra and/or Null Field but after ditching those and using Portal, I’ve learned to use more of the map rather than relying on utilities.

I just get more out of Portal for repositioning than I’d ever get with mantra or null field.

Right so survival/disengage continues without portal.

I get taking portal for a variety of reasons, but as a disengage mechanic seems unnecessary. It might be practical (arguably as practical of a disengage as it gets) but still unnecessary.

I agree, portal is fun and can make for some interesting plays, but not really necessary.

Most underrated utility? Phantasmal Disenchanter.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Any power builds that have survivability?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


It’s the basics of knowing when to dodge, using the terrain to your advantage, knowing when to use Decoy, when to heal, when to Shatter for Distortion, using About Face and Phase Retreat, etc.

Admittingly, I used to use Mantra and/or Null Field but after ditching those and using Portal, I’ve learned to use more of the map rather than relying on utilities.

I just get more out of Portal for repositioning than I’d ever get with mantra or null field.

Playstyle preference. I’ll drop null field and use it like a poor man’s berserker stance so I can facesit someone on pt.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Any power builds that have survivability?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Number 1 thing you can do to increase survivability is to use a staff with your power build. #2 is always use energy sigils. You will have perma vigor and and extra dodge every weap swap allowing you to setup more clone body blocks/shatters. #3 Stop taking torch with power builds. The dps loss from taking the mage instead of swordsman/duelist/warlock is too great. The extra stealth is unnecessary. #4 Null field. It’s our most reliable condi clear and many power mesmers run without ANY. This is madness. Especially when null field is an aoe boon strip AND gives you a source for #5: Chaos Armor. If you take staff and null field, you can potentially have Chaos Armor up for your entire fight.

There, 5 ways to be harder to kill on power builds without sacrificing damage traits/runes etc.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

(edited by kodesh.2851)

Is it me or are Engis LITTLE bit too strong?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Turret engi is pretty easy to deal with. Just ignore them, let them sit on that point the whole match. It’ll be 5v4 and you should win the other points. If the turret engi joins the teamfights, he’s completely useless.

Problem is players dedicate so much time on that point and engi, it throws the match.

winner winner chicken dinner

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Cele Shatter [PvP]

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


44006 is probably better just cause of the boon strippage. I still like cele ammy best for that build.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

So what's up with the thieves hard counter ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Mes thi matchup would be way less one sided if they would nerf consume plasma.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Cele Shatter [PvP]

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I’ve tried a 04406 cele build too, but with MtD instead of IP. Really good in 1v1s, basically no pressure in teamfights.

Then you’re doing it wrong. Cele maim puts out huge pressure.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

what runes/sigils setup to fight cele eles ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I do best against cele eles running cele myself with sigils of energy/battle

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Theory-crafting: Celestial Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Celestial works great. Try condi shatter with BI, it’s very very strong. Get might on interrupt, weapon swap, shatter and GS 2 + illusionary elasticity. Easy to get 20+ stacks quick and keep them up.


Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

If you could invent a new [F5] Shatter...

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I really like narwahl’s suggestion of bringing back stolen speed. Instead of inventing some new mechanic, just have it do 1,2,3,(4ip) seconds of chill on target and haste on the mesmer.


Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Forced Entry

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


At the very kittening least allow ppl to queue from hotjoin or w/e you call it now.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Maim The Disillusioned Impressions?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


In terms of damage, I always wondered whether the loss of the dom tree can be made up by BI. You loose vulnerability from minor traits (however mitigated by debilitating dissipation), 200power (easily replaced by 5-6 stacks of might), and two very nice traits like halting strike/mental troment and shattering concentrations above all.

In return you get a lot of might and a random boon IF you interrupt. Interrupting is not granted, though. Only might from shattering is. Runes can help in stacking might ofc. So, it’s a sort of ramp up dps increase.

All in all I think you still end up being more aggressive by going domination. By chosing Chaos is more of a “secure” play style although 200 armor and some defensive boons won’t save you from those glass builds out there.

I’ve spent a number of hours on both with the exact same setup aside from those 4 pts (cele ammy, strength runes, battle sigils), and the 4/4/0/0/6 version predictably does a bit more damage.

I’m not a big fan of torch or scepter, so for me it’s Staff/GS or Staff/Sword/pistol. You go into any fight with ~3 interrupts which is usually plenty to secure your might stacks from BI. It’s VERY easy to get and maintain 25 stacks with the 0/4/4/0/6 build so in longer fights it seems to win out.

Both are very solid, depends more if you prefer the boon strip to the aoe weakness than whether or not you like bountiful interruption or which does more damage imo.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

What do you listen to while Mesmerizing

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Heavy Metal.

Judas Priest, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath etc.


Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Maim The Disillusioned Impressions?

in Mesmer

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I also like 4/4/0/0/6. However, I think 0/4/4/0/6 is even stronger. With bountiful interruption, might on swap, shatter etc, it’s easy to get 25 stacks up fast. The weakness on chaotic dissipation is quite handy as well.


Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

IMO shatter mesmers need a nerf

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


A nerf to what exactly? They’re tissue and their burst is quite in-line with other profs.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

Engineer is highly comical

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Hate the whole amulet thing anyway. Wish they’d just give everyone an equal chunk of stat points to assign how they saw fit.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I like the idea of the rewards tracks, but in reality my inventory is just stuffed with chests and crap I don’t want, won’t use, and is a hassle to deal with. Just gold please.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

normalize hotjoin rewards

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Just for the love of god, creatures big and small NO MORE CHESTS. Normalize to gold and skillpoints/tomes.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

thief hard countering zerkers specs

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851



In my opinion, as the self-proclaimed worst thief EU, I’d say they’ve been brought in line with most other zerker specs, especially Mesmer…

It is now a case of “who sees who first” and resetting the fight means you won the point! Good job!

You’re wrong, thief still hard counters mesmers hard, they can come in a team fight and down a mesmer in seconds. Consume plasma gives them 5 sec of god mode the mesmer can’t interrupt him and since the thief can stealth more than the Mesmer they can always get the opening. With the sigil of air and fire and mesmer being a light armor class, they can literally one shot the mesmer.

Actually, if they nerfed consume plasma I’d feel pretty solid against thieves on mes. That one thing majorly slants the fight in favor of the thief.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

this is a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Yeah, definitely jonesin for new game modes and maps. Where did Capricorn go? I don’t necessarily miss it, but it would have been so easy to revamp.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand