Showing Highly Rated Posts By Sarrs.4831:

List of Upcoming WvW Polls

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Looking forward to them. I hope that Mixed Borderlands survives and I hope the harsh words about DBL are just that. I enjoyed it and for people to want it completely gone is kinda sad.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I’m sorry but I’m not going to go through that post word by word. One paragraph is hard enough to dissect, let alone five.

Long story short, ANet uses a breadth of analytical tools so they can tell who is leaving and why. They have large presences in both the official forums and third-party websites to gather feedback. They gather data constantly about what players are doing. They have employees whose job is to parse and analyze player feedback and statistics.

Your assertion that a middle-of-the-road, pleases everyone solution is the best answer is the result of GIGO. You have no data from which to draw conclusions and you openly refuse to accept conclusions provided from people with way more data than you.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Why you should vote AGAINST shared DBL/ABLs

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


A very vocal few came on here to complain about the new map and how much they hated it. BUT the voting comes from anyone that plays as in ANet sent an in game mail to vote as soon as someone went up a level. So more people learned about the poll than just the few that come to the forums. That’s way it seems that all of a sudden there are more voting to keep the new map.

Which by the way, I found the new map much more fun to play in.

There’s also votes coming in from other sources like word of mouth and reddit. It definitely is a vocal minority of dissenters, in both the Delete and Simultaneous polls. The poll is evidence of that.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

New Catapult Mastery line

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Damage to walls is, IMO, a horrible idea. Inflating power of siege engines will just end up devaluing walls. It’s already easy enough to golem rush a keep; do we really need every siege weapon having a +50% increase in damage through their trait lines and Siege Might?

IMHO, change 1 and 4 to +200% turn speed and +damage vs players only. The 5 pt trait should pretty much always bring a lot of bang for your buck, and bonus damage against players makes it more punchy without making walls weaker.

Also, bleeding on gravel shot seems superfluous. Maybe change it to Crippling.

Edit: Wait this is from a livestream? Interesting.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Am I To Mediocre For This Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


How can you possibly get good at the game if you immediately give up at the first sign of adversity?

10 games is nothing. Revise your strategy and try to do better.
Fractals and raids take practice and strategy.

You’re never going to get good at anything if you don’t apply yourself.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Queensdale's Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I must say what I already pointed out, however. Regarding your first (quoted) objection, the Frostgorge Train is not a train readily accessible to new players. The economy will take a hit because new players will not be taking part in it. In effect, Anet actually hurt new players in a lot of practical ways with this patch while trying to help them out in social-ways.

Three main points.

A new player isn’t someone who’s going to think about that. A new player should be focusing exclusively on getting the hang of basic mechanics; unlocking abilities, understanding how each part of map completion works, working out how to weapon swap. How to optimize their time economically should be far from their mind.

A level 1-15 character forms a relatively small portion of the market, and can’t affect the price of much of anything that is directly relevant to a ‘seasoned’ player. In those levels, they’ll only be generating T1 crafting mats from anything they do. These mats are already very much bottomed out, and they’re not directly relevant to any endgame economic endeavor apart from leveling professions.

Additionally, a levelling character does have other options for generating income. You only need to be level 25 to be able to do a Brisban run, and regular mining/logging in the Iron→Platinum range is generally still lucrative. They can still do EOTM trains. If a new player is somehow intensely focused on what they can do to make money, they’ve still got options.

So yeah. Newbies don’t know or care about the economy, newbies don’t have a big impact on the economy anyway, and if they want to make money, they still have options.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Again :/

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


@timegating being casual or hardcore;
Casuals can’t log in every day and they don’t necessarily care to. Saying “okay i’m going to log in every day for 3 months to make silk weaving thread and this means i will be able to sell off 90 bolts of damask and make a zillion gold”; does that sound like a hardcore or a casual thing to do?
A casual goes “you know what, i feel like doing some pvp/pve/wvw/rp on gw2! i am going to do that”. They don’t have structured plans, they just get in and they do stuff.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Unlock all Waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Why not unlock the Fort Marriner waypoint? Thing’s been set to off for a long long time.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Lets meet half way: Raiders Vs Casuals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


So you would agree that a bit more goes into it than “If you want a ‘non-toxic’ raiding environment all you have to do is get nine friends.”

no, i wouldn’t.

i said i wasn’t going to get bogged down here so i am outy. enjoy your brick walls guys

Nalhadia – Kaineng

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


They’re the same thing.

If someone is genuinely interested in how to make the most money for their items, they will go and learn how to make the most money.

But for the purposes of this discussion, it’s an irrelevant distinction, because the goal is to give those “disinterested participants” equivalent profits to market traders.

Why the hell should players who want to spend 5 seconds selling their crap on the market get the same amount of profits as someone who spends a lot of time, effort and thought managing their assets?

Why are you assuming that people aren’t experimenting with the game’s market systems? If someone’s interested in understanding how the buy/sell functions work they’ll experiment with them. It’s not a 3-4g investment to experiment with that.

Some are, most don’t. If most did, it would be impossible for flippers to ever turn a profit because they would have too much competition and too few rubes.

You didn’t actually give me a rebuttal. You assumed that people are too stupid to use sell orders. I told you that you made a stupid assumption. Now you repeat your stupid assumption.

Okay, so instead of having metabattle, Anet should just tell you what the good builds are in game.

Yes, or more ideally, ALL builds should be good builds. Making a good build shouldn’t be complicated, it should just be about using the abilities that seem fun to you, and that should work out. If abilities are designed to be used in a specific configuration, then that configuration should be made perfectly obvious. One of the few things the constant trait overhauls got right is that the next system does have at least some consistency of a traitline where if you just pick the abilities left to right, they tend to synergize pretty well. They could do a better job of that though in some trait lines, and maybe highlight the intended play style for a given line.

Have you actually played this game before? By the basic mechanics of the game, it’s completely impossible for all builds to be good builds- unless you want to completely remove any real variety between builds.

Instead of having the wiki, ANet should smother every tooltip, item and screen with information.

In some cases, they could do more, but there is a balance involved. If it’s important to gameplay, then it should be obvious in the UI. If it’s more about lore or something, then that can be in the wiki. You really shouldn’t need the wiki to know how to play while in game, the wiki should be more about collecting info for when you aren’t logged in and want to check something.

Again… Have you played this game before? Do you know there’s a /wiki command in game? There’s a really good reason that there’s a wiki. Browsers can display information more easily, and content can be created for them more easily, than any kind of in-game system.

Instead of having the forums, we should be having this discussion ingame.

We could, but that would be a bit inefficient, the client is a bit bulky.

No, let’s do it. You said it yourself further down in your post, you should never need to leave the game until you’re done for the night. I’m not done for the night, so I’d like to have my discussion in-game, thankyou very much.

Instead of using Twitch to do their esports and community livestreams, they should develop the software to do it in-client.

Yeah, or not do it at all, whichever.

Why even post this?
It’s obvious you’re missing the point. But to actually say that you don’t want the developers engaging the playerbase? Like, what?

It’s an MMO. You have to leave the client sometime.

Yes, when you’re done for the night, but aside from that, you should never have to.

Good luck with that. In the meantime, I will enjoy reality.

Then maybe those people should learn to understand the market and understand what the wavy lines mean and what future they predict.

Again, marketplay is an element of skill. The tools are available for them to learn what to do. There is no barrier of entry beyond your own time and effort and no reason that they can’t just GIT GUD.

And again, I continue to insist that the average player should not need to do this in order to profit competitively in an adventure MMO. If they want the market to be a game of high skill, that in and of itself is fine, but the problem is that you can profit from it massively more than from any other activities, it is out of balance, and that should not stand. It should either be something that anyone can do with minimal skill and time invested, or it should be something that people don’t have to do in order to earn those same profits, it can’t be both at once.

You don’t understand the voluntary nature of trade. In all voluntary trades, both parties are winners. To call ‘profit’ competitive is a misnomer, because there are no losers in voluntary trade, only winners.

Saying that the market should be a game of high skill, but simultaneously not rewarding, makes no sense. It’s like removing the points from Pac-Man. The gold is how you measure your success. Secondarily, there’s this bizarre feel of “people can be better than me, but they can never do better than me”.

It is out of balance by your metrics. This is especially funny considering HoT only just dropped which caused massive changes in prices and price structures across the entire expansion; you’re making a judgment while the market is still settling.

Anyone can do it with minimal time/skill invested. It’s entirely possible to market trade at a profit with little to no effort; you just have to think about what events are likely to happen soon and how they will impact the economy.

I hope you put some more thought into your next post because this one was very disappointing.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

The Norn Elite Skills... Seriously?

in Norn

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


ok guy seriously all the racial elite skills are pretty useless. anet did that on purpose to avoid one race from being played above all else. if u look at any of the races, no one has anything exceptional as an elite, they are all quirky and fun for pve with maybe a couple good skills, thats the point. stop complaining that it should be more deadly, its cool! thats the whole point, the only bad thing is the long kitten cooldowns.

Hounds of Balthazar, Downroot, Call Warband and Radiation Field are all pretty popular. :x

When I have to tell someone off for using Wolf Form in an Explorable dungeon, something’s wrong- As opposed to the status quo with PUGs, which seems to be “NEVER USE AN ELITE EVER”. By taking any of the animal forms in PvE content, you’re literally just wasting a slot, by using them you’re dealing less damage than 1 spam, and there’s not really any reason why these forms can’t be worthwhile.

I’d even say that this is a problem for more than just the racial elites, as I’ve never seen anyone seriously use Rampage, either.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Vee Wee's PvP Suggestions!

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


PS. What is a Lekittenhese.

I think it’s a combination of “lesh” and “these”.

alternatively, a lebanese juveline feline

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Notarary Scrolls and Badges.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


One thing I try to do is get the Obsidian Sanctum JP done daily, it gives you something like 12-20 badges for about 5 minutes of effort.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Suggestion for Raids - Difficulty Levels [merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Say only people that have no problem with current difficulty.

not an argument

Nalhadia – Kaineng

1 patch to kill it all

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


…And in the darkness bind them.

And in spvp bind them*

Nalhadia – Kaineng

On the value of "luxury" rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Effectively, Anet has literally place a gold value on a goods especially for heavily sought goods like invisible shoes.

No they have not.
Players have placed a gold value on heavily sought goods. That is the nature of the market. A lot of people want these shoes; therefore they are willing to pay a lot of gold to consume the limited supply.
There are plenty of cheap items which are as rare as other items of similar acquisition methods but their prices are radically different because of the value the playerbase places on them. Genesis and Entropy are a prime example.

To obtain gold through the game, a player must farm but John Smith will probably always restrict the flow of items which limits the overall potential. Nevertheless, the TP will always be unaffected. The problem gets worse as things get balance more around those who have huge sums of money. Guild Halls anyone?

This statement misrepresents how the economy works. Big-ticket items like Guild Halls are explicitly designed to increase the value of common crafting items and therefore increase the amount of overall income the ‘working’ player can make. Just look at Elder Wood Log prices compared to pre-HOT; anyone can generate four times as much gold by farming Elder Wood than before simply because of those moguls willing to shell out their money to fund their guild hall.

Either way, I do not see anything that the OP propose that will yield any way to help balance earning potential.

No, they’ve suggested something that will do that; the complete destruction of the market.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

New PvP Reward Track - Daily Limit?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Yeah, it looks like I can still progress in solo queue. I guess it’s just a hotjoin limit.

Still, though- Can’t say I’m a fan of being forced into tournies to actually get more than 10 tiers a day. Forced into meta builds to get anywhere at all; no thanks.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Because I’ve played dozens of MMOs over the years dating back to Asheron’s Call, including this one for three years,

So no raiding experience.

I’ve researched how raids work in this game, including kill strategy videos for all the available bosses

Which doesn’t address the question. No kill experience in this game, not much general raiding experience here, no willingness to research other games.

and I’ve developed for smaller scale indy games

Interesting. Show me.

and read a lot of articles over the years by larger scale developers,

That’s great. Perhaps if you could read other peoples’ posts maybe you’d learn something.

so while I don’t know the specific tools they use to design content, I am aware of the tools that they should have available on a project like this to edit the existing content in a timely manner.

Which doesn’t really seem to change the fact that you don’t know the tools they have, you don’t know what kind of expertise they have and you don’t know their production cycle. kitten man you said that QA was irrelevant.

I didn’t say that they weren’t actually players, I was making the point that they were not representative of the target audience of my proposal. They can speak for themselves, they cannot speak for the larger audience because they are outliers, people who are fine with the raids the way they are.

Implying people who are fine with the raids the way they are are outliers.

If you have proof that they are outliers, SHOW US YOUR GRAPHS.

So if someone bet that most Americans loved dogs while in a cat convention, and then two cat ladies with “I [heart] kitties” T-shirts on ran up and said “no, dogs are terrible!,” that is an indication that Americans in general do, in fact, hate dogs? This is not how statistics work.

And if someone ran for president on the basis of “everyone agrees me, honest, they just don’t vote or speak about politics” that’s not how elections or statistics work either bro.

At least we’ve got some data, even if it’s 3 guys. You have no data. SHOW US YOUR DATA.

But again, we’re only talking EQUIVALENT work. I guarantee you that if they only spent as much time working on dungeons as they would need to spend to make easy mode raids, then you would never even notice anything had been touched. It’s like if someone has a messy house, and you tell them “if you spent as much time cleaning up this place as you spend talking on the phone each day. . .” and he only spends like five minutes on the phone, so he spends five minutes cleaning instead, and the place is still a mess.

That analogy makes no sense at all.

Then again, if you spent the time you spend on the forums on getting your gear and skill up, maybe you’d be able to do raids. :^)

Yeah, if anything, GW2 shot themselves in the foot with raids, because prior to raids, if people whined about “GW2 has no endgame!” the honest answer was “No, it doesn’t, and we like that. You don’t understand this game and it’s not for you, but plenty of other people enjoy it.” Now that they’ve added raids though, it only encourages those players to keep trying to change the game in their image. The anti-raid people are not some new force out to destroy your fun, we’re the game’s indigenous population trying to maintain the game that we knew and loved.]

There you go again. Insulting people by insinuating that they aren’t part of the GW2 playerbase when they disagree with you.

Sure, in terms of challenge level, no doubt about that, but the difference is that raids are NEW CONTENT, whereas the existing dungeons are OLD CONTENT, and no matter how pessimistic you might be about the difficulty of implementing easy mode raiding, it is IMPOSSIBLE for easy mode raiding to take more work to implement than it would take to make the old dungeons feel like new content again. You could do it, it would just take a ton of art, animation, conceptual design, and other assets that easy mode raiding would not need, on top of anything that you would need for easy mode raiding. It’s like saying “Driving to the airport just to get on a plane from New York to LA? That sounds like a huge hassle, why don’t you just drive cross country instead?”

Man who admits he is not the target audience of dungeons claims he understands what would fix dungeons.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

Why isn't WvWvW rank accountbound?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Let your voices be heard.

We want account wide WXP!!! Let our alts live again!!!

But in case they do not, and you’re forced to farm rank points, here are the following things you should rank up.

The two guard buffs and that one defence against sieges. (max these three first.)

On that note, they want a use for the wxp trading post booster.

I have a magical technique that will instantly make all boosters good.

Extend them to 4 hours or make them permanent upgrades.

I have foreseen that this will work because I am a wizard.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Got a reply to account bound WvW level!

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


On liquid XP:

Why would I ever use liquid XP on an alt when I can save them for a Birthday Booster+Booster+Minibooster and instantly get a level and a half?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


In either case, with each passing post, I gotta admit regrettably my respect for the Pro-Raid crowd takes a hit as their stands, points, and pretty much everything they have to say, flips and flops all over the place.

If you’re gonna get your knickers in a twist over one post not being completely accurate with another post in two threads on the same topic whose pages total around 40 you’re kinda taking the kitten.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Making tiers in Raids like fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


World of Warcraft was released in 2004 with 2 Raids. They added 1 Raid in 2006, 6 Raids in 2007, 3 Raids in 2008, 2 Raids in 2009, 5 Raids in 2010, 3 Raids in 2012, 2 Raids in 2013, 2 Raids in 2015. I’m not counting Raid wings or how large each Raid is for simplicity, the above count is not accurate by any means.
Total: 26 Raids over 12 years, that’s slightly more than 2 Raids per year.
We only have 1 Raid in 1 year since raiding was added and 1 raid in 4 years in GW2’s entire lifetime. I think it’s perfectly clear where the focus of each game is, and why a game really focused on Raiding might need multiple difficulty tiers while a game that has raiding as a side project does not.

Also worth remembering that WoW raids in practice no longer exist in the form they existed in at the end of each patch. Progression races end, new expansions launch and content becomes irrelevant. That is not the case in GW2 and comparisons fundamentally fall on their face because of that.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Necro Scepter Auto has to go

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


It’s a fairly slow chain and is often beaten by cover conditions. There is no particularly strong reason to remove the corruption from Scepter 1-3.

If it were strong, then Necro would not be bottom of the meta-tier barrel.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Why doesn't Outnumbered increase stats?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Because if you’re the one dude who joins the Borderlands and causes everyone else to lose the bonus stats, everyone will start sending you nasty messages and telling you to leave so they can get their buff back. Any mechanic that encourages people to send you nasty messages is not really something that they’re going for.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Year of the ascension part I

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I responded to your other thread, I didn’t realize it was a double post.

You have 15 achievements completed because you have done more of the class-specific ones, but they don’t contribute to the meta. You need to complete two of those achievements to earn League Professional, which does contribute to the meta.

Basically, you need to complete every achievement which is not a class achievement, and then you need to complete two class achievements.

Any class achievements completed beyond those two will not count towards anything other than your Achievement Points.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I’m not really having very much fun with this. It’s basically spvp, except more zergy- which is not where spvp shines. There’s a reason tpvp is 5v5 and not 8v8.

The buff just doesn’t need to be here. So far, I see no appreciable increase in fun because of the addition of Bloodlust, and it still ruins GvG. Net loss in my books.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Advice on a new wvw class

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Necros can be very useful in sieges with Marks and Wells, comfortably solo camps with zombie minions and tough enough to roam. I don’t know whether it’s the best choice, that’s ultimately up to you, but they’re definitely a very good choice.

I’m also a fan of Juggernaut Engi, which may be more of a thing I have for fire than anything actually practical, and Longbow Warrior, which is much the same.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Fine, it’s not a raid, but whatever that is? That’s what I’m asking for here.

An open world boss?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Attitude about dungeons is irrational

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


but dungeon are now FREE CONTENT. that is the real issue.

I would to say create new dungeons in HoT zones so.

Or make dungeon masteries.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Arah Path Structered PvP final reward.......

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I kinda want to write up a compilation thread of all the stuff in the reward tracks that needs to be fixed, one way or another. So far I’ve got:

- No in-game notification of hotjoin progress limit
- Incorrect labelling of chest at end of reward track
- Unique “skins” are actually unique SKINS when they would be better off as actual exotic weapons

Nalhadia – Kaineng

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


When the DBL comes into play, if someone doesn’t like it, other than EB, to which map do you suppose we should zone in order to have fun?

Vote 1DBL:2ABL in the next poll. Go to one of the two Alpine Borderlands or to EBG.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Gift of Battle Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


A Legendary item is not a WvW trophy, it is the highest level of rarity for the entire game. No other rarity is tied behind having to play in any particular venue. THAT is what is ridiculous.

Which is completely reasonable, because other levels of gear correlate with an actual stat increase. You should be able to reach the stat cap no matter what mode you play.

Legendaries are entirely items of cosmetics and convenience. You do not need one to reach the stat cap, so the same rules don’t apply.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


It’s from articles and interviews with MMO developers from years ago, I don’t footnote my life, do your own research and stop asking me to do it for you.

man makes claim
man refuses to back up claim

It’s not cheap or particularly easy. You can get full 80 exotic within minutes of hitting level 80, but full ascended meta gear takes a bit more than that. Again, I think it’s a perfectly fair basis for hard mode raid, but I also think that people would appreciate a raid mode where it isn’t necessary.

No, it’s pretty easy. You can get to crafting 500 and get all materials other than Bloodstone Dust, Emp Shards and Dragonite Ore using a credit card (and by extension, doing any content you like, provided you’re generating money), and you can get those three mats using the Silverwastes chest train that you said was so trivially easy.

You didn’t say it wasn’t cheap. You said it was easy and complicated, which it isn’t.

Yes, but the thing is, say you invest in a full set of Ascended armor. Why? So you have the stats needed to raid. I mean, if you don’t have it already then clearly you haven’t needed to do anything else. So why raid? To get Legendary armor.

Maybe raid because you enjoy raids. Like, y’know, any sane person who doesn’t subject himself to raids despite hating them for legendary armor, or league pvp for wings, which you’re doing after realizing your tanty on the pvp forums wouldn’t work.

Again, no, what you have would never constitute “evidence” of anything, no matter how often you assert it. You know this, and yet you keep saying it anyway, which is not the behavior of someone acting in good faith.

That’s because the validity of the evidence is not relevant, so long as it is >0% true. This immediately beats the nothing that you have.

I have a pair of 2 of clubs. It’s a pretty rubbish hand, but it’s better than nothing.

Because they would provide a different experience. If someone tells you that they want to go to a Bruce Springsteen concert, and you tell them that they can’t because they live in North Carolina, but they can go to a Justin Bieber concert instead, and it’s just as good because a concert is a concert, right? There is a reasonable chance that they will not see Bieber as an acceptable substitute.

But your issue with the current raids is that they don’t provide the experience you want. You said it yourself, it’s too punishing, you can’t wear the gear you like, blah blah blah. You don’t want a raid. You don’t want the experience anyway- and trust me, I’ve raided multiple difficulty levels before, this changes the experience.

An alternate raid is something different than what I’m asking for. It’s possible it would turn out even better, and that’d be nice, but I’d still want to do the easy mode raid I described as well. And in either case it would take longer to implement, meaning that not only would it be playable at a later date than what I proposed, meaning more time not playing it in between now and then, but it would also hold up other developer resources during that added time, preventing those resources from being applied to other areas of the game.

Sing it with me
I don’t care if it takes longer
So long as it’s a better solution!

The the end result, even if it’s good within itself, would still not provide the functionality that was asked for and still desired, would arrive later than otherwise achievable, and would slow down the progress of the rest of the game. Lose-lose-lose.

How is producing good content a lose?
Because it doesn't get Ohoni his legendaries quickly or easily!

I never have.

you’ve done it several times in this thread, lol

Keep telling yourself that if you think it helps.

not my fault if you don’t understand how markets work, lol

The only data we do have about the expansion is that sales fell well short of expectations. Now the numbers on how many people enjoyed their purchase, and for what reasons, is more in the air, but what we do know for a fact is that they’re refocusing priorities away from the Legendary Weapons, which would fall into the “not casual” category, and into some more casual content, although we don’t yet know the shape of things because they don’t tell us stuff.

uh yeh i kno

Again, it’s not about the raid team specifically. It’s also about the rest of the core content team that was designing HoT open world content to be more like raids, with more challenging enemies and more coordinated group strategies. The Chak Garrant, as originally launched, was very much like a 150 player raid encounter, requiring a lot of precision to pull off and taking longer to bring down than any raid boss so far.

dude, hard mobs were not invented by raids
coordination was not invented by raids

But yes, the effort spent on the raids was a waste if it can’t be shared with the rest of the players. Even if it’s only six people, as those defending raids constantly bring up, the fact that they achieved content of the scale and complexity of the raids makes one wonder what more they could have done if not tasked with building raids.

raids have had a participation rate higher than that which they see in other mmos
raid team has a proven track record of making high quality content
raids are very active and contributing to player retention
ANet considers raiding a resounding success

do you really think that ANet’s raid team is virtuosos and the rest of their developers are just mastering glue and crayons, or do you think it’s because the form of content is appealing precisely because it is an entirely different form of content than GW2 audience is used to


And I would rather not reinstall it. As I said, the next time a suggestion for me comes into your mind, don’t type it out. I will not like it so unless you’re intending to get a rise out of me, you’re wasting your time.

Like look.

Try Path of Exile, it’s a great game. Lots of fun. Really can’t recommend it highly enough.
Or XCOM 2 that’s a great game.
Or… I don’t know. DW8?

I think I have plenty of knowledge to discuss what I’d like to see in GW2 without having played SWTOR raids, thank you.

i think you’ve probably spent longer arguing on the forums about it than you have spent actually raided lol

It’s not a box. It’s just reality

the ‘reality’ in which you… don’t try any other games’ raids and aren’t willing to put forward the effort to do these raids because “HRRNGGH ITS TOO HAAAAARD” (that’s what she said)

I don’t think I actually need to respond to that one.

Oh, very much so. In fact, you don’t need to respond to anything at all. You don’t need to post on these forums. You don’t even need to turn on your computer in the morning.

Similarly, you don’t need purple words and fancy pixels in the make believe fantasy world of GW2. Try working on the pink ones first. Maybe once you’re actually equipped to tackle raids you’ll give it a go and find out why other people enjoy it. C:

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I think it’s a bit premature to make a judgment when we haven’t even seen more than parts of one HoT zone, let alone the raid.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


A very lazy thought; what if there were a Baby’s First Makeover Kit available for REAL LOW CHEAP, which you can only use below a certain level, like the Transmutation Stones? Exactly the same as the regular Makeover Kit, but costs 50-100 gems each, and you can only use it while you’re under level 30.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Total Makeover

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


game’s trying to tell you that your char needs a makeover

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Everyone hated Liadri

in Living World

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


The fight was great! The systems around the fight (camera, laggy item pickup and that stupid screen blur effect) were not.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Scarlet = Permanent Content?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I hope whether we forgive Scarlet or not is a choice.

Because I’d choose to send her to the block.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Do you really think that they would do that if their metrics didn’t show it was necessary? If they didn’t feel enough people were affected.

Face it, if Anet is making substantial changes to the new zones, they realize there’s an issue. Hell, they’ve admitted there’s an issue.

I think that’s a pretty good indication.

Is this a generalized issue that the game does not provide enough content to the ‘casual’ audience, or a specific issue with the rewards and delivery structure of those zones?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Raids did not lead to the current perceived content “drought.” You want a scapegoat? Ask why ANet has likely spent thousands of dev hours reinventing systems over and over. Ask how many dev hours it took/will take to make adjustments to make HoT more casual-friendly. Ask why they went from Living World, which had regular updates, to XPacs. Ask why their code and/or systems are such that it would take, literally, years to craft L. journeys for 12 more weapons. Ask why new story episodes require such a long lead time.

Stop it, Indigo, you’re making too much sense :c

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Best and Worst of GW2 Releases - Year 1

in Living World

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


The good stuff;
1. SAB. It’s genuinely fun and has soul. Back to School isn’t quite as good as the original release, but it’s still good.
2. FotM. It’s an interesting take on random dungeons and offers tons of room for expansion.
3. The two Labyrinthine Cliffs patches. Three minigames, a beautiful zone, pretty music.
4. Mad King. Fun stuff all around.
5. Twilight Assault. A solid dungeon which shows off what the game is capable of. Molten Facility and Aetherblade Hideout were good starts.

The worst
1. Pavilion. Nobody likes Scarlet and the hole in the ground megadungeon thing was pretty lame.
2. Dragon Bash. Hit 500 pinatas. Yawn.
3. Southsun is kinda… Eh. Karkas break the established combat routine and the map doesn’t really quite pop.
4. Canach’s dungeon was really not very good.
5. Permanency. You add things then you take them out! We get a new dungeon path but you take an old one away! Are you going to delete some fractals to make way for the new ones?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


This is a game. “Making players happy” is reason enough to do anything, so long as there is no compelling reason not to.

No, games are supposed to be fun, and arguably challenging and competitive. I know a lot of great games that don’t make you happy.

If you’re looking for something to make you happy I would probably recommend an intimate relationship, building a family, or religion.

So? It would still come in handy.

Not an argument for you to get it.

And again, “hardcore” players can’t really use Legendary armor anyway because they wouldn’t be able to swap out Runes. They are so super-serious about their stats that if they wanted to swap stats on the fly, they’d also want to swap Runes on the fly, and would therefore prefer to have two full sets of Ascended armor to one stat-swapping Legendary.

Not an argument for you to get it. Talking about how other people don’t need it doesn’t make you deserving of it.

It’s the more casual players that benefit from stat-swapping more.

That’s still no argument for you getting it.

You’re fundamentally missing the point. Legendary armor’s behind raids because raids are hard and harder content gets better rewards. You don’t get better rewards just because you want them. You get them because you earn them.

This is a game, nobody needs anything. Basing any argument on what a player “needs” is automatically failure. It’s about getting players what they want.

Stats don’t matter. Nobody needs stats.

Because need has specific meaning in context of an MMO. You need X to get the social license to get to Y content.

You need ascended/exotic gear to get the social license to get into raids. If you have rares or anything less, you will be laughed out.

If Legendary armor were required to reach a piece of content, I’d be happy to say it should be more readily available. It is not, therefore I do not think it should be more readily available. It’s like saying Molten Jetpack should be more accessible. That’s nonsense.

You seem to believe that your statement is true while mine would not be, but it’s all subjective. You might believe that having the best stats are important.

No sorry, I’m not using my own words. I’m using ANet’s. They’ve specifically and repeatedly said that you should get to stat cap without too much issue. Even with Ascended armor this is still the case, there are no difficulty hurdles to reaching stat cap. Even AR for deep fractals is not difficult, just requires money.

Just accept that whether you personally agree or not, I feel the exact same way about having the skin I want.

No you haven’t given a rational argument for why you should have a skin beyond gimme.

Let me put it like this, if you gave me the choice between A: having the Sunrise GS skin, but having to equip it on an Exotic stat weapon, or B: having a stat-swapping Ascended-tier GS that was stuck in the default iron sword skin, I would choose A every single time. I take it you would choose B, if forced to choose.

No I have an ascended GS already with a nice skin, so I wouldn’t need a cheapo ascended weapon. I mean I’ll still take it for salvaging I guess.

This is a non-argument. It has no bearing on the discussion, it’s just another red herring, another one of your silly ‘bets’.

It’s subjective which a player values more, and it’s ridiculous that you’re trying to “objectively” decide which rewards I “need,” when it always a subjective value. What is important is what would make the player happy.

No, I’ve laid out a pretty straightforward definition of need. Missing a skin won’t prevent you from obtaining social license in 99% of circumstances. Missing stats will.

I’ve had absolutely no help, at least not from those dismissive of easy mode raids of the sort I’ve discussed. I’ve had people claiming to offer help, but these people were trying to help me be the player they would want me to be, one that buys into their systems of what is good and what is bad, rather than helping me to be the player I want to be.

So basically subjective wishy washiness.

I’m sorry that I’m not drinking your Koolaide

Took the words right out of my fingers.

but if you genuinely wanted to help me then you would be trying to help me accomplish the goals I want, rather than just trying to make me play the game how you would enjoy.

What, you want me to find you a group? You want me to carry you through raids?

I’m not gonna cowtow to bad arguments for you if that’s what you mean. If you want me to give you practical advice for building your character or finding a raid group, sure, I can do that.

I’m only a portion of the target audience.

You have explicitly said that your standards are the target difficulty level. You are the exact target.

Again, the easy mode would take longer than the harder mode. So any discussion of “people will finish it faster and quit” would apply to hard mode, not easy mode.

Not what he said. He’s talking about the content itself, not the rewards. If the raid is easy and people are targeting it to complete the story or the experience and they don’t care about the rewards, they will spend 45 minutes in scrub mode when they might spend 45 hours in hard mode.

You’re so fixated on the rewards of the content that you are willing to misread someone’s post for the sake of seeking your sugar rush.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

Were Achievement Chests Nerfed Too?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


A bundle of transmute charges would actually be really nice to get from an achievement chest.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Exclusivity and Why I Don't Raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Two things in particular irk me about this post.

I like being able to log on at any point and immediately join and begin participating in content without any kind of barrier.

Raids could have followed this same philosophy, but they didn’t. There is only one difficulty level, a cap on the number of people who can participate and the sheer difficulty of it marks the first time ascended gear is almost required to experience the content itself.

You’re mistaking “begin participating” with “winning”. Raids are very challenging and it’s very important to provide that tone to the game. To say that it’s unfair to put exclusive rewards behind difficult content is absurd on its face.

The introduction of exclusive content is what, I feel, breeds a degree of toxicity that can be found rampant in other MMOs like WoW. This toxicity comes in the form of a degree of elitism, feelings of exclusion due to the limit of players, exclusion of certain classes due to imbalance issues, abuse of new or casual players who want to participate but are still learning the content and barrier to entry in the form of ascended gear which has historically been optional in all content.

This is completely incongruous with what you’re saying. WoW has four difficulty levels for every current dungeon and four difficulty levels for every raid. Surely, it should therefore be far, far less toxic than GW2, but that’s nowhere near the case. Some of the people I’ve met in LFR and LFD systems are vile people who I’d never play with.

Secondly, GW2 is one of the friendliest games on the points that you suggest. Yes, there is a raid limit, but this is industry standard. There are very gentle limits on what class you can choose to play; leveling is quick and easy. Once you have ascended armor, moving it from character to character is based almost entirely on the speed of your hard drive. Teaching players new mechanics is as easy as it’s ever been.

Difficult content and exclusive content does not breed toxicity. Inconsequentiality of social interactions are what breed toxicity.

Just curious to see what other people thought.

I think you should go play WoW and see what you’re missing.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I think you believe that you have a logical position here. Let me try to explain why this is not true.

Say there are two children, and an adult. One of the children is given five cookies. The other child is given six cookies. The one who only receives five cookies asks if he could have a 6th cookie as well. The adult replies that this is no trouble, he has plenty of cookies, and begins to offer one to the child. The child who already has six cookies starts to yell.

“You can’t give him another cookie! I’m the one with six cookies, I’m special! If you let him have six cookies too, then I won’t feel special anymore! You’re taking away my special feelings!”

But that child does not deserve to feel more special than the other, they both deserve to feel special, and they both deserve an equal number of cookies. If the child with six cookies can only feel special if he has things that the other child does not, then he is a naughty child, and does not deserve to be validated for his negative feelings.

u already have 6 cookies bro
one is just a flavor you dont like
other kid’s doin fine with that flavor cos he’s a champ

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Give Eotm Pips!

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Only if EotM functions similarly to the other WvW maps; one server v one server v one server & contributes to Mist War score.

If you want pips, play real WvW.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Suggestion for 2 hour Skirmish Tick

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


People already stack without incentive anyway…

That’s not an excuse for more.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

What's Missing from Material Storage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


- Tenebrous Crystal
- Shimmering Crystal
- Blade Shard
- Mystic Forge Stone
- Badge of Tribute
- Black Lion Ticket/Scrap
- Doubloons

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


. . .and yet you worry, so very much.

not an argument

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Geez, I wonder why I lost

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


3 necros, no support
1 thief, no support
1 ranger bless his heart trying his best but he can’t carry all these necros and thieves


ele and ranger


Nalhadia – Kaineng