Showing Posts For Andrew Clear.1750:

WvW and Megaservers Don't Mix

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Man, I don’t think my server was spamming LA as much as some other servers.

Collaborative Development, 5 months later

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

PS: perhaps they will add water combat.


Hey, I like water combat. I always love it when people jump into the water around bay.

how many arena net players

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Blockhead Magee is right, many of us don’t pop our ArenaNet tags when playing. When we do play with it on, it tends to act as a beacon that draws the enemy in like moths to a light bulb.

We are out there, even if you don’t know it.

Pop it more, with pride. We like seeing Anet guys in our zerg, so we can joke and chill with them too.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

WvW balance was out of whack before Anet even announced tournaments. EBay fell apart before season 2 was announced. SBI lost guilds, and it was unrelated to season 2. SoR was falling apart from internal drama from season 1. YB fell apart, way before Season 2 was announced. BP fell apart…blah blah.

Sure, tons of people took free transfers to HoD. Some probably for the rewards, some just to change servers cause they didn’t like theirs anymore, and some probably had their own reasons.

We need to stop blaming Anet for everything that the players decide to do.

WvW balance has been out of whack because of the system that Anet has put in place though. You can blame everything on the players all you want, that doesn’t change the fact that the players are simply using the system created by Anet. The players didn’t allow for free transfers to a select few servers immediately before the season started. That was Anet. The players didn’t create a reward system for the season would make it much more profitable to transfer to a server destined for 1st or 2nd place. That was Anet.

I agree that the mentality of the players is to blame to a degree though. The fact of the matter is, whether WvW players admit it or not, the majority of players would rather put in minimal effort for the maximum amount of reward. You can’t really blame them for that. The overall philosophy regarding WvW from the majority of the players as well as Anet seems to be the underlying issue. If Anet truly wants WvW to be an end-game game mode, than they need to make it more than something that people just want to karma-train and get free rewards from by transferring to a server to stack it. It’s not an easy task to fix WvW though, but Anet has had what is approaching 2 years to do something to change the inherent balance issues with the PPT system and server population imbalances, yet instead they choose to implement seasons with rewards that encourage exoduses off of most servers in favor of stacking a select few. It’s bad for the overall health of the game honestly.

I’m not blaming players. Players can choose to play the game how they want to. I am saying to not blame Anet. Sure, Anet setup the system, but the players implement the system. No one would like it if Anet too away their freedoms and enacted very harsh ways to play the game.

You know, FFXI has a Ninja class. It was designed to be a DPS class. As players started playing it, they turned it into a tank class. SE never even tried to kitten the class some, and even buffed up Paladins(the class they wanted to be the true tank). People started to play Ninja less, and still never used it as a DPS class. Eventually they officially added some tanking ability to Ninjas.

Point of that story is….. players will play the game how they see fit, no matter what system is in place. Balance is out of whack because of players. Sure, coverage will be an issue, but even servers with great night coverage can get beat, because they don’t have coverage anywhere else.

Learn how to make the system work for you, that is what people have done.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Best system is all servers meet,and last two week we have playoffs.

In playoffs first week will be like this 1v6v9 2v5v8 3v4v5 based on score in your season.

Winners will meet in finals,runners up will fight for 4-6spot and bottom servers fight for 7-9place.

Is this someone from SBI, IoJ, or YB? Cause everyone knows how the 1/6/9 and 2/5/8 matches will turn out. The only competitive on is 3/4/5, but in silver that is competitive, in gold that is not. I don’t know about bronze, but I would figure it would be competitive there more so than gold.

Collaborative Development, 5 months later

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

It tested megaserver tech.

I wish they would bring some of those keep lords from EoTM to WvW. Man, it took a lot to take some of them lords down.

High Skill PvP PuG Group - PLEASE READ!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

It’s Star. How ya been?

Should there be a carebear mode for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

As long as Anet ignores T1, I’m cool. Anything they do to please anyone in T1, will be meet with 20 whiners from T1.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

As ANet is doing the tournaments it’s always a disaster for WvW-balance, so I would say:

Please, no more tournaments done by ANet anymore

But of course they could be done better by:
1) Fix the dominance of off-time PvD
2a) Replace server by real teams:
2b) Or enforce balance of servers:
3) Make a tournament that increase balance and not one that increase imbalance

For a real tournament I would prefer 2-sided matches (no problem in NA, no problem with AvA, only a problem with the uneven number of EU-server) and for the maps:
remove red borderland, give blue both spawns on green BL and green both spawns on blue BL and either keep EB unchanged or remove lord and doors of red EB keep.

WvW balance was out of whack before Anet even announced tournaments. EBay fell apart before season 2 was announced. SBI lost guilds, and it was unrelated to season 2. SoR was falling apart from internal drama from season 1. YB fell apart, way before Season 2 was announced. BP fell apart…blah blah.

Sure, tons of people took free transfers to HoD. Some probably for the rewards, some just to change servers cause they didn’t like theirs anymore, and some probably had their own reasons.

We need to stop blaming Anet for everything that the players decide to do.

More T1 Implosion Please

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I’m quite proud of FA. Even though yes, 2-3 guilds left, we’re still holding great against x2 times larger zergs.
And HOD is already loosing the steam, check the scores.

Also, I don’t consider myself a “really good” player, however roaming against HOD is much easier than MAG/SoS, so yeah, assuming we stay where we are, those two named servers should have no problems whatsoever.

Remember, at one point last year, Kaineng was winning both us and TC. Look where they are now. Same will happen to the current “Kaineng”.

Anyways, thread’s not about Silver.

I was thinking HoD was losing steam, until they pounced both of us tonight. They took all of SBI BL and FA BL, and the had around 60-80 people doing it. Was painful.

Analysis of the tournament: Silver League

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

The way I see it, YB/SBI/IoJ would be a fairly even and well-rounded match-up post-season.

Sadly, 1 of us will always be stuck with FA and the other T2 leftover flavor of the week (HoD / DB/ Mag).

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

My apologies our “drama” keeps spilling over into the official forums.

Actually it’s more like BG’s drama… I don’t see any chest-thumping from the two others double teaming BG.

Or maybe i’m not reading the forums enough…

You aren’t reading the forums enough, I see just as many Jade Coast posts antagonizing the BG forum trolls. If everyone would just stop trying to troll one another, maybe there could actually be a “fair” tournament.

Instead we get BG chest thumping posts which lead the Tarnished Quarry posters to antagonize BG with the kittened #BGTears posts, which just starts the whole two part cycle over again.

Unfortunately this is never going to stop due to the anonymity of the internet, but one can hope. I just hope JQ/TC win this tournament and get over this grudge they have against BG so we can actually have a fair match up next tournament, instead of trading wins with each other.

If BG posters stopped making threads, they will stop getting trolled. It isn’t TC/JQ making threads left and right to mock and belittle BG. It’s BG who keeps making these qq threads, irritating everyone because they’re sounding like a broken record. Honestly, if you want to talk about a 2v1, take it to

Don’t create multiple threads, talking about the exact same thing. Condense the tears into one place, please.

I’m on SBI, I read these forums. A few weeks ago TC and JQ both posted forums about crying that BG and the other server were 2v1’ing them. Don’t know how they were doing it to both of them on the same week. Sounds like 1v1v1 to me.

I have seen several JQ and SoR cry baby posts over the past year in T1, and now I am seeing TC ones as well, so it isn’t only BG.

The majority of the whiners in these forums are from T1. Find a way to win, and don’t cry win you lose. I have watched JQ, BG, and SoR trades wins, over and over, for along time (well before season 1 started, and killed SoR). Season 2 might end up killing other servers, we will see.

Analysis of the tournament: Silver League

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

i call bs on double teamed.. But you are right, it CAN change…

NSP posted here admitting they were playing for second and focused their attention on IoJ. YB probably didn’t work in conjunction with them, but probably saw IoJ as a larger threat than NSP.

NSP focussed IoJ. YB did it’s own thing (most likely attacked whoever had the most paper towers). It didn’t end up close at all though by the end of the week.

It is possible a server will pull off a miracle. But IMO that’s what it’s going to take to change the final result.

Notice the borderland focus and EB objectives hit by both servers. First place was <10k difference. Had NSP not focused on IoJ, the results could have easily gone the other way.

But at the risk of getting this closed for being a match-up thread, I’ll simply reiterate that you can’t predict the final results based on past match-ups. Again, there’s no incentive for servers to make serious pushes until the final few weeks. Moreover, servers will get bored of the same stale match-ups over and over again (see HoD and FA this week).

It wouldn’t take a miracle to see a shift in predicted rankings.

Don’t forget that IoJ was beating YB on a weekly basis before the seasons started, and moved up to 9th (T3) for the final match before seasons. I even think they beat SBI that week (although, we did take it off, in preparation of the season).

But, NSP came close to taking out IoJ, until IoJ put them out of reach with a nice overnight surge on Wednesday night. Then Thursday night they got YB within sight, but didin’t have the man power Friday afternoon to finish it off.

I know IoJ has more coverage than the other 2 at night, and their NA could pulls some overtime and join up with the OCX/SEA crew and win the match, if they wanted to. Maybe, they have planned when they are going to do it.

Analysis of the tournament: Silver League

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

  • IoJ can’t beat SBI/YB and will always beat NSP/CD.

Well, IoJ isn’t gonna beat SBI. YB, they might have a chance, if they don’t get too far behind on the weekends. They did make up 14k overnight on YB last week, when YB had a 20k lead. They cut SBI’s lead in half last Tuesday overnight, but we weren’t gonna play that game anymore, so we crushed them on Thursday, to ensure they couldn’t do it again.

IoJ also was losing to NSP, on Wednesday, of their first meeting. IoJ also beat YB multiple weeks in a row before the season started.

PvE players are getting their achievements, and some WvW players are getting burned out, so numbers are shrinking in WvW atm.

First time FA and SBI fought HoD together, FA only beat SBI by 17k.

YB can’t compete in the match with HoD / FA, but if they could get enough support to beat FA one week, they would have 2nd.

If SBI beats FA one week, they get 3rd.

If IoJ beats YB one week, SBI gets 3rd.

If IoJ beats SBI one week, they can get 4th.

If NSP beats IoJ one week, well, you know where I am going with this.

We still have plenty of weeks left, and people have to show up. We also don’t know how many people transferred last week, and are sitting in EoTM, waiting to come into WvW on their new server (and they would’ve transferred to a 1-3ish server in order to get better rewards).

Silver league is exciting to me.

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Any commander with a Scottish accent….although I haven’t found one, yet. tears

Seriously though, on JQ:
Lectell (funny guy, never gets mad, “pug friendly”)
Cloud Fly (not everyone can command using only map chat)

you spent more time on DH and SBI, and can’t give a shout out to any of their commanders

Aime! I am not on those servers anymore!
But I would have to say: Leone and Myro.

Now that is what I am talking about. 2 votes for Myro now

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

My opinion….everyone not in T1, and a lot of people in T1.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

The best season is to have no season.

No season was driving people away from WvW. People got bored with static matchups, or being blow out all the time (or blowing people out all the time).

Everytime the seasons come around, PvE players join in, and old WvW players come back and enjoy themselves for awhile.

Sure, nothing is gonna please everyone, but this season was 100% better than the 1st season. No other MMO is even attempting to have competitive 3 realm battles like GW2 is, let alone a competitive league system.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Just takes 1 upset, and all your theory crafting goes…poof.

More T1 Implosion Please

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Y’all not giving hod enough credit as far as history goes Hod was the top dog in the first few months of release. Sbi and JQ were 2nd and 3rd back then. I’ll give hod a good chance of holding it in tier 2, definitely taking out one of those servers in t2 and take its place, idk about t1 but it would be a thrill to watch them.

Well, back to history. SBI didn’t drop as hard as HoD from the top. We also had mass transfers before you guys did and made it to T2 a few months back. After that match we had another exodus, but we are sitting in t3 now.

So, if you think that all these servers that had transfers (SBI, DB, Kaineng, etc, etc, etc) and had exodus when they hit walls, are not a possible example of your server, then I think you are seriously delusional.

HoD might stay together, but seeing how the transfers just wanted to transfer, it seems like a long shot. If you slowly built up the server, like SoS and Mag did, I would actually believe you would have staying power. But, mass transfers into a server, usually results in mass transfers out.

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Any commander with a Scottish accent….although I haven’t found one, yet. tears

Seriously though, on JQ:
Lectell (funny guy, never gets mad, “pug friendly”)
Cloud Fly (not everyone can command using only map chat)

you spent more time on DH and SBI, and can’t give a shout out to any of their commanders

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.

No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears

It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2->T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.

Wait you honestly think BG has more coverage than JQ and TC? When I wake up early I get to map hop playing against a massive jq SEA that says otherwise. There is no lack of coverage on these servers. They literally lost one match so they decided that they needed to rig the entire tournament to compete. After they had already won every match for two months between the two of them, they just couldn’t comprehend losing. Clearly they had to work together to manipulate the outcome of the entire tournament.

Hence the reason why I just ignore T1. They live in their own little bubble, and think they represent all of WvW. If they lose, they don’t accept that it happened, and look for some dumb kitten reason on why they lost. “The other server bought guilds”, “They 2v1’ed us” (I found this funny in the opening match of the tourney, cause both TC and JQ were complaining that each other were working with BG).

I don’t see these gripes much from T2 down, and we have more players (combined) than T1.

Guess that shows you the mentality of people who transfer up to T1. They don’t do it for the fights, they do it for the PPT (whether they admit it or not). Seems T2 is more in it for the fights (even though they PPT more), and T3 and below just want to have fun and attempt to win.

More T1 Implosion Please

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I cant wait til season 2 ends. I’m excited to see HoD going tier 1. I think they got potential

This will be interesting to see. I predict an implosion when the DB/Mag/SoS wall is hit (there’s a reason why FA is in Silver League).

Yep, FA is in silver league because of SoR. DB was gaining massive numbers off of SoR (I’m on SBI, and we gained numbers on SoR, while being outright dominated by DBs coverage).

FA then imploded before the season started, because some people thought it would be boring (and it was for SBI, and FA last season). They bolted, and now HoD has full reign on a depleted FA. Mind you, when HoD / FA / YB face each other, due to coverage differences, FA only loses by 50k. When they were paired up with us, they lost by 137k. They will probably only lose by about 50k this time also.

So, here we are. If FA kept their guilds, they would probably be winning silver league. But, it sure wasn’t DB, Mag, or SoS that forced them into silver, it was SoR, and SoR wasn’t even trying to.

More T1 Implosion Please

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I bet those people who left FA for BG are really enjoying the fights right now.

Most of FA left for T2 servers and TC, from what I recall.

More T1 Implosion Please

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I cant wait til season 2 ends. I’m excited to see HoD going tier 1. I think they got potential

HoD has a lot of people, but they don’t field anywhere near what SoS and DB field for SEA. Their OCX will get beat up by SoS, DB, and Mag. Their NA will get beat down by Mags guilds.

HoD, though, has improved since 2 weeks ago when I fought them. They are much more intelligent now, and seem to be working together more. I don’t see them actually showing up in force this match like they did 2 weeks ago, and FA is trying to capitalize on that.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I think this season has been great. I’m in silver, and so many positions are still up for grabs. Sure, HoD is running away with 1st, and SoR is going to finish last, since they should be in bronze and GoM in silver.

BP seems to be a lock for 8th. After that, we can speculate on the finishes, but it only takes 1 upset to rock everything. And, YB, IoJ, SBI are all capable of beating each other. NSP is even pushing IoJ hard and might be able to upset IoJ, depending on how YB pushes IoJ as well. CD can benefit from these upsets as well as NSP. So, yeah, the season has been great, and the format is awesome. Just need to not offer free transfers the week before the season.

Need help choosing a server to transfer to.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Silver and bronze league servers have already lost the guilds that are going to leave (with maybe the exception of FA and HoD). You will find the best stability in silver and brozne.

SBI just withstood an exodus. We lost some guilds, and a few individual players. Now, we are actually communicating much better, and working better as a server. The atmosphere is being back to a very friendly server (something we were before we got transfers in) and we like to have fun in WvW. We do compete during the season, you will see people working their tails off to win. But, we don’t lose the fact that it is a game, and we are here to have fun. We don’t whine about coverage issues, we accept them and try to use our strengths to overcome them.

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

BG, please stop complaining. TC, JQ, one day you will complain, just like you did in the first week of the season when you both claimed that BG was 2v1ing you, so, please stop complaining.

T1, seems to be the complainers tier. Why don’t you guys drop to some lower tiers, and see how it feels to get ran over every week by another server and there is nothing you can do about it. I don’t even think it is possible for FA to 2v1 HoD and beat HoD.

BG, they have a hatred for you. They say you are buying guilds, paying players to take bloodlust, etc, etc, so they just come after you. Ironically, they are cannibalizing each other at the same time, and SoS is just sitting back there laughing. If TC beats JQ, JQ beats TC, blah, blah, SoS will just slowly move on up with thier points and get 2nd or 3rd.

But hey, JQ and TC are having fun. So, BG, just enjoy blowing up DB and Mag, and letting those two turn on each other in about two weeks, and after that, we will see how well their alliance is.

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

DR/SBI/not sure where he is now… Alkmst. I’d follow him off a cliff or through an enemy zerg any day. Miss you Alk!

We miss Alk on SBI…

I even miss LEXS. Had fun with you guys during the season. Hope you are enjoying season 2.

What was EOTM supposed to be?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

EoTM is a cool map, but there is no reason to even compete in the map. It is just karma farming, and Anet realizes that. That seems to be why, if you transfer during the season, you are stuck in EoTM. Seems like a pretty mean punishment. Would even be better if EoTM didn’t count towards the season meta, considering they aren’t doing anything to help their servers in there. (And don’t say supply

Looking for PvX guild. Recommendations please

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I sent you a PM about my server.

[VEX] - looking for WvW Dedicated

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

These guys rock. I have seen them several times on maps that I am on, running havok, taking stuff while the zerg is working its magic.

They really did a lot of work, 2 days ago, as we kept fighting IoJ over their T3 bay and hills. Vex, kept taking the rest of the map and helped lead us to victory this week.

If you are looking to transfer, and like to havok, these guys are pro. You will be very happy with them. If you are on SBI, and like to havok, why not join up with them? You will have fun.

Is there anyone actually looking to transfer?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

PM me and I will tell you about my server, and what we have to offer. Disclaimer, we do not buy guilds.

A cool suggestion to add a little to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Camps aren’t defended and flipped just as easily as towers. Should we have an airship or mega boat for that as well?

Sometimes towers are heavily contested, just depends on the server, the commanders, and the defenders, as well as how many are attacking. You need to prioritize your resources, and the south towers are usually sacrificed in order to make sure you keep northern objectives, as well as keeps.

Any news?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Since WvW is a small portion of the game’s population, you probably wont see too many changes upcoming for WvW. What little we get, we need to appreciate.

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

For me, on SBI, it was Myro, but since he is on a haitus, I would probably have to throw Bannok in there. I don’t go to EB much, so I don’t know all the commanders there, but I can say that we have some good commanders.

Naz, Juggs, Duyy, Mysha, Soojoo, and Randoll. I know I am missing a few, but hopefully they don’t get too made at me.

[Proposal] How to fix the PPT system

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

To be honest, i am so sick and tired of people not getting it that this is NOT a 4 hour a day – seven days a week competition. It is a 24 hour a day, seven days a week competition.

If your server cannot deal with nightcapping, find a solution. Perhaps push harder during daylight hours, or Lyssa forbid, buy a guild or two playing during your servers “downtime”……

It’s a videogame at the end of the day, you can understand why many will not put in the hours for the sake of PPT when most Match-Ups are decided by off-peak capping that leads to one-sided match-ups, as much as it does not help their wvw community – there is nothing they can do within their powers unless WvW populations are balanced.

You also have to think about those Servers on the EU who all speak one universal language, compared to Communities like Desolation’s who have a whole bunch of players from all over the World, there’s not many Guilds or players they can ‘buy’ or recruit that can speak their language.

In the past we’ve had a French Server: Vizunah who everyone must of heard of, whom dominated the EU Ladder for extended periods of time no matter the Ups and downs they had against ‘International’ Servers and those who tried everything to stop their Domination.

Many accused them of having Canadians playing off-peak, but I believe them when they said they had none – which gave birth to the ‘Viz Zombies’ meme.

Well, for SoS, off peak capping used to be your Peak capping. Too many people are selfish in this game. Sure, it is a competition, people want to win, it is a game, but tell me how many people play competitive games to have fun? They play them to win. I understand that some people play casually, and that is their choice. Some are hard core and that is their choice. But, people need to quit crying about coverage. All the people complaining are the ones that lose to better coverage (and are normally primetime players). If anyone can complain, it is the off hour people that lose match ups because their na can’t hang.

free server transfer periods in the future

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

when the day comes that ANET merges the 24/27 servers into 9 servers, there will be a brief period of free transfer.

  • it is just a matter of time….

They don’t have too, we are doing that all on our own.

Give Bonuses to Gold/Silver League Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

My proposal was thus:

(1) eliminate leagues, everybody in Swiss style matchups
(2) top six servers, gold. Next 9 silver, next 9 bronze

With no incentive to specifically finish #1 instead of just top 6, the system discourages server stacking, meanwhile matches are more meaningful because a bad loss could knock a borderline server out of contention entirely.

Yeah, there wil be one week of blowouts where Blackgate blows out whoever, but Swiss style matchups remove this after week one.

A bonus is that transfer stacked servers aren’t just stuck in a league but can rise to their full potential.

Finally, three tiers of rewards is a lot more fair to players who completed a very grindy meta on losing servers than the current screwjob system.

I like the idea. People could’ve stacked the top this time also, but for a hefty price. The only 3 servers in the top that got a lot of transfers before the season was TC.

Would be a very efficient way to readjust the glicko ratings as well.

Problem I see is that anet has left the door open for people to transfer in the middle of the season and still get credit for their new server, which would allow for the top to get stacked during the season, throwing everything completely out of balance. I guess in your system, it wouldn’t be so bad, but in the current, it is very detrimental.

I wonder how many idiots, care about the reward so much, that they jump ship this week or next week.

This is ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Nothing wrong with that.

I wish Yaks and SBI would help us double team HoD more…

I’m all for double teaming HoD

free server transfer periods in the future

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

lol, ready to jump ship already?

Give Bonuses to Gold/Silver League Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

DB didn’t tank a few weeks like some of the servers (FA, HOD).. so they will get punished for this.. ANET logic at its finest

HoD tanked? They didn’t get all their transfers til the week before the season started. They didn’t tank at all.

FA didn’t tank, they didn’t want silver at all, and were forced into it because DB was gaining massive amounts of points off of SoR. They gained some off of SBI, but even SBI gained points off of SoR (while we were getting destroyed by DB). FA had an exodus right before the season started because a lot of their big guilds did not want to be in silver.

I am in silver, I will finish 3rd or 4th (most likely), and I DO NOT AGREE with the ops post AT ALL. Win or go home. DB can’t really compete in gold, and it was their fault they ended up there. They could’ve tanked in order to stay in silver, but, they actually did the right thing and kept fighting hard. They made it to gold league, and put up a good fight that first week in T2 (right before the start of the season). I commend them for that.

Give Bonuses to Gold/Silver League Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

First off, yes, this is an entirely selfish post, as I’m on Dragonbrand, and while we’re in Gold league, we’re one of the bottom fish, fighting with Mag over next to last place. However, while we’re apparently able to beat Silver and Bronze league players, we’re going to get less WvW benefits (the Artisan/Gathering boosts, for example) and due to the WvW Spring Tournament, we likely will be getting few points. I’m mainly posting this thread asking that those in the higher leagues gain a bit of bonus points both from Power of the Mists as well as gaining some higher points from the final rewards from the Spring Tournament. Ideally, I’d suggest that all Silver league servers start off at Tier 2 or 3 for their Power of the Mists bonuses (AKA +4 or +6 to Artisan, +2 or +3 to Energetic, etc) and Gold league servers start at Tier 4 or 5 for their bonuses. The points to go up to the next tier would still start at 927 to get your first Artisan upgrade, you basically just gain the tiers as a free bonus to reward you and your world for being in a higher league.

Like I said, this is probably a pretty selfish post, but I do feel it would give more advantage to being in a higher tier server instead of the dread that happens when you’re just barely at the top of silver and then jump up to gold and are suddenly getting stomped.

Please, HoD would spank you. Enough said. I have faced both of your server while you were moving to gold, and I have faced HoD. You don’t have the numbers to compete with them. Welcome back to t3, when the season is over. I look forward to you spanking us every week thereafter.

Nerf the domination of Coverage

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

The assumption is that PPT is a reasonable measure of population/server strength. It can be calculated for small slices of time just as well as for 24 hours. This metric over 6 hours will be a much, much better predictor for the actual strengt of that server during that 6 hour period than the 24 hour score. It will be much better than averaging out a score over 24 hours when everyone agrees that population can vary wildly over that time.

No, PPT is a game mechanic that rewards you for taking and holding structures, and is calculated at a specific time that everyone is aware of.

Now, some people don’t care about PPT and just want to throw themselves into zergs and enjoy the fights. Some care about PPT and just PvDoor and avoid zergs. Some care about fights and PPT and will capture and defend stuff. Some care about PPT, and will solely defend and run supplies to stuff they captures.

PPT is what actually binds all of WvW together, and people complain about PPT when they don’t have it. If no one cared about PPT, no one would post about it. We care, because we like to win. Enough said.

If you have a strong NA, and the other servers do not, then that is exactly the same as a server that has a strong OCX or strong SEA, or strong EU, while their competition doesn’t.

SBI does not have a strong OCX/SEA compared to IoJ and CD. But we still fight and try to keep the score close during that time. Last night, a few homeland defenders held off IoJ at our Bay for 3 hours. They finally gave up. If PPT didn’t matter, do you think we would’ve cared? If we didn’t understand the coverage wars, do you think we would’ve cared? We know we are going to gain almost all our points in NA, and we have to lessen the bleeding at night, and we do what we can to accomplish that.

People need to upgrade their structures, place siege, and man siege. People need to be willing to leave EB in order to man that siege.

Sometimes there is nothign that can be done (like when we face HoD during the season), and we know that. But we try anyways, cause some of us like to show that we aren’t a pushover. We want them to work for those points, even though we know they will get them.

Nerf the domination of Coverage

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

My quesion is this…

You may have taken my rhetorical question out of context. Nowhere am I arguing that any servers’ points should be nerfed. I absolutely do NOT subscribe to any system which devalues the points earning potential of a server (whether it be population based, time based, etc.).

Instead, what I’m proposing is the points a server earns is based on equal reward for equal effort and which can be countered by an opponent . In very concrete terms, THIS is what I’m in support of:

  • Stomp an opponent, earn a World Score point.
  • Capture a supply camp, tower, keep, or Stonemist Castle which is actively defended by real players, earn World Score points. The larger the objective and the more upgrades it has, the more World Score points earned.
  • Build an upgrade to completion, earn PPT from the objective at which the upgrade was completed. The more upgrades built, the more PPT earned. Build no upgrades, earn no PPT.

This is what I’m NOT in support of:

  • Earning PPT continuously over time for the one-time action of having captured an empty and undefended objective by PvDooring.

I don’t know what server you are from, but if any server lets someone go take their BL in the over night hours, then they really didn’t give a kitten about defending it.

I’m on SBI. We don’t have a large overnight presence (just ask anyone that has faced us lately), but we sure do have some dedicated people defending it. We might have a small 2-3 mall force take some camps, with an occasional tower at the most, on other BLs, but we aren’t offensive overnight. We just can’t PvD the servers we face with small numbers.

We also have people that will not leave EB, no matter what. I am pretty sure, most of the lower pop servers suffer from this. I’m sure that is what happens to CD for a few hours at night, as IoJ takes their whole BL. IoJ sends out a small group that will take camps, and if they capture a tower, then more of them will come to your map. They test the water first. We will sacrifice some stuff, if need be, in order to make the proper arrangements for this assault. Then we hold on, fight, and hopefully drive them from the BL. Sometimes we can get a few from EB to come and help.

We know how the system works, and we defend. But, by saying we have to keep a person in each tower, or complete upgrades to get points, is garbage. Also, the K-train crew already just runs from point-a to point-b capturing crap, why force more people into these trains in order to get points? There is hardly an incentive to get a lot of people to defend in wvw as it is now, and with constant PPT for held stuctures, you get more points for defending that you would in your model. So, you would just make defending useless, and it would be the k-train and no one caring about fighting, just pvdooring all night and avoiding each other to see who can get the most points.

Utopia is unrealistic, just as communism. No one wants to be equal, everyone wants to be better than everyone else. Everyone has their own will and will play the game the way they want. Anet gave us a system, and we need to quit complaining about that system and figure out how to win that system. Oh, and ESO uses the same PPT system stuff as well. Go figure.

My server has been spanked a lot recently, after losing some people and facing servers with more coverage. I understand the system. We do what we can, and that is all we can do. I still go out and have fun, kill some people, defend our stuff the best I can, etc. I will never agree with your system, as it is short sighted, and destroys the defensive portion of wvw. Maybe if people would utilize the numbers they have, in a better fashion, they will do better. But, ultimately, if you don’t have the numbers, then there is nothing you can do, and you have to realize that.

[Proposal] How to fix the PPT system

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

We have many threads here concerning the issue of unjust point distribution in WvW with certain servers winning the tourney due to being ridiculously overstocked on round-the-clock manpower – I’m sure everyone on EU is by now aware of the Gandarran Effect as someone has articulately designated it (free transfer to an already well-to-do silver server for people from ‘ELO hell’ bottom bronze tiers? Yes please, let’s flood it!).

I’m also fairly sure that there are dev people who do not find this to be working as intended – wins by simply PvDiing off-peak. This has nothing to do with personal skill, or tactics, or strategy and is pretty unfair towards other servers that have substantially less people but will wreck hell upon the opposition when online.

I have summed up two different approaches to tackle this:

1) Mad solution. Rework BL geography to match EBG more, where objectives are more densely spread and it’s easier to defend for a smaller group. Not gonna happen, so

2) Radical solution. Make WvW sessioned, not 24/7. Say, 12.00 to 22.00 GMT for Europe and then freeze current results till next session. This way PPT servers will have to fight their opponents instead of just stealing their kitten. I don’t favor this option myself, so

3) Balancing solution. Rebalance the point generation algorithm:
- award 2x normal points for taking keeps/towers that are manned (i.e. a fight actually takes place);
- do not awards points per sentry posts or camps;
- award 1/3 normal points for brainless PvD on empty border;
- award point-per-playerkill as that is the only 100% true indication of PvP activity in WvW.

Please consider and/or discuss.

Tired of these threads. When server transfers happen, coverage shifts, servers rise and fall based on that. You then settle out in a tier that you might be competitive in, depending on the 2 servers in that tier with you.

the 1 point-per-player kill actually does add up, but the server with the most population will get more points with this than the other servers. Don’t be fooled by saying “Player skill” will be the deciding factor, because most of the time the bigger zerg wins, and the winning zerg will stomp more than the losing zerg. Normally, within the zerg, people don’t even stomp most the dead. Sometimes you must blast them down in the early parts of the fight so they can’t rally (and you can rally your side). As the fight drags on, there is more chances to stomp, and that is usually done by the larger force.

Sure, PPT might not be perfect, but strategy is involved. Sure, I am in t3 atm, but we really have t4 numbers. CD doesn’t have the numbers we have at night, but they ticked really well last night because they know how to manage their numbers. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Map hop. Take towers and camps in other BLs, don’t always focus on the keeps. Unless you are in t1 or t2, then havok groups can really change the outcome of a match. It only takes about 10-15 IoJ (maybe even less) to take all of CD BL at night, and then they come to SBI and we win some and lose some to them.

So, I think the current system is fine. If you don’t have the coverage at a certain time, then that is that. The other server might not have the coverage you have at a certain time, which helps keep the match competitive. People need to figure out how to work within the system, not cry about changing it because they are losing.

Point totals shouldn't determine winners

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

The problem is population gaps at specific times, such as oceanic, where my server Borlis Pass, just doesn’t have the coverage. So CD or NSP, during oceanic times not only dominate the PPT and entire maps, they end up with full supplied, fully upgraded keeps, towers and forts on almost every map. So when we get back into our prime time, not only do we have to take stuff back, they have the supplies to delay things significantly. Spoon

I understand that. CD has a good force on at that time. I didn’t really think NSPs OCX/SEA was as good as CDs (population wise). I have noticed that around 3 am EST, that CD seems to drop off, until around 8 am EST. That is when IoJ can dominate some in our match.

This is why I don’t think coverage should be nerfed. We can dominate in NA, and they can get points in OCX / SEA. It really makes the matchup more competitive and fun.

As for BP, you guys got hit hard with all these kitten transfers lately (just like Ebay, SoR, YB, SBI, and a few other servers). I hope you don’t fall to far before you settle out.

Point totals shouldn't determine winners

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Holy wow. Everyone in this thread is 100% missing the point made by the OP.

The OP isn’t talking about PPT or that sort of points. They’re talking about the odd discrepancy where despite beating YB and SBI every single week they meet, FA is still losing in matchup point totals to SBI and YB as an artifact of how the matches end up flipping.

And, if SBI would face FA in the final matchup, and win, they could tie or beat FA for 2nd.
I know, it is kind of wierd that 3+3+3+3 is the same as 5+1+5+1, etc, but their is a strategy involved in getting those points as well.

Point totals shouldn't determine winners

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

My problem with the system it rewards servers, not individuals. The pve player gain more in a wining server as a HC player on an other one

But isn’t that the whole point of WvW, realm battle means your success is always going to be tied to your server performance, thats the whole point of World vs World. If your looking for pvp rewards more dependent on individual skill you would do better in hotm for pvp matches.

I agree with this. People need to get more people from their server to contribute, and stress the importance of the outcome in relation to their rewards. The megaserver merges here will make it more difficult to communicate with the pve population of one’s “server”. Or should I say “server identity”.

The question now will come down to how many people are going to bandwagon for the final half of the season? People can up and transfer to higher placed servers to get better rewards (and aren’t the transfer prices lower?). Sure they will get locked into EoTM for 2 weeks, but that still counts as contribution to the new server, and when they out contribute what they did on the old server they will get the better rewards. Not locking people into the server they started on might become an issue this season.

Point totals shouldn't determine winners

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

The way the scoring and match-ups for the NA Silver League are set up results in some weird final scores.

The rank column below is based on head-to-head server match-ups during the first four weeks of the tournament, not points. (Stormbluff Isle and Yak’s Bend haven’t met yet, so I’m listing them as a tie.) Based on that ranking, and assuming that higher-ranked servers always beat lower-ranked ones (which is an assumption, I know), here are the projected point totals for the remaining weeks, sorted by the projected final score.

rank	server			week:	3	4	5	6	7	8	9
1		Henge of Denravi			15	20	25	30	35	40	45
2		Fort Aspenwood			11	14	17	20	23	26	29
3/4		Yak's Bend				11	12	17	18	23	24	29
3/4		Stormbluff Isle			9	14	15	20	21	26	27
5		Isle of Janthir				9	12	15	18	21	24	27
7		Crystal Desert			9	10	15	16	21	22	27
6		Northern Shiverpeaks		7	12	13	18	19	24	25
8		Borliss Pass				7	10	13	16	19	22	25
9		Sanctum of Rall			3	4	5	6	7	8	9

Note that the point scores depend on whether a week is odd or even. On even weeks, FA ends up tied with SBI, but on odd weeks FA is tied with YB. Similarly CD and NSP swap places every week. And there are lots of ties.

The Swiss system doesn’t seem too bad for creating match-ups (though HoD will always face FA, and BP will always be fighting SoR), but it shouldn’t be used to determine the final rankings.

I think the best way to determine final rankings is good old server rating. But then with server rating the quality of win matters, and servers may play differently on whether or not win quality affects the final ranking. So if server rating is used, servers need to know now.

Good ol server rating is the actual tie-breakers for the matches and final results.

So, it is used. Also, YB could get upset by IoJ, SBI could get upset by IoJ, We don’t know who would win between YB or SBI. NSP has shown that it might be able to even upset IoJ if it pushes hard enough.

SBI could even attempt to upset FA (we only lost by 15k last week I believe to them). The tournament needs a fair scoring system, and the 5/3/1 is unbiased. And facing the servers based on their scores is fair. It gives servers like NSP a chance to upset IoJ. Even gives YB and SBI a chance to upset FA.

Even DB pulled an upset over Mag (I bet JQ helped a little in that match). SoS is pulling an upset of JQ so far this week. Don’t know if they can keep it up, but they are fighting for those points.

Glicko ratings are a joke and unreliable as a basis for determining the season. Look at how you can stomp a server by 100+k and still lose points.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I am on SBI and we are kind of in the driver seat for 3rd, so I guess me liking the points system is invalid. But, if YB was in the driver seat, they wouldn’t have a problem with the point system. And so on.

Although, the swiss style tourney might discourage some servers (hint hint) from forming 2v1 alliances like last season.

Nerf the domination of Coverage

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I think it goes deeper than simply losing all your stuff when you go to sleep. In a previous post I had posited the question, “If a server who night capped all the towers and keeps on the map did not earn any points from that action, would players feel as chagrined as they do now?”. Though largely a rhetorical question, I would hazard a guess the majority of answers would be, “No.

My quesion is this. The servers that face CD, would those servers be willing to receive no points for NA prime time capping all the towers and keeps? CD has about as many players in their NA during the week as the servers they face have in OCX/SEA. But, CD has more in OCX/SEA than those other servers. So, should CD get spanked in NA and get no points in overnight capping just so we can please the people in this forum, who think they work harder than other people? By everyone’s standards, a CD vs anyone with strong NA coverage and weak SEA coverage, would be decided only by stomp points, because no PPT would be calculated at all. And, no, people in this forum cannot argue this point, your NA prime status doesn’t make you superior.

Why should servers like DB and SoS be punished for having good OCX/SEA coverage? They have a lot of people on at that time, and people are saying that their points shouldn’t be tallied. Those same people are the ones who play NA against SoS, and normally have better NA coverage, so they want to win by not allowing SoS to have their night coverage counted.

I don’t see people who play in the overnight hours coming on here and saying NA coverage needs to be nerfed.

This topic is about as pointless as talks on wage equality. No one wants that, and no one truly wants PPT Coverage equality.