It’s sad, but people really really need to let dungeons go. They will never get another look from ANet. Take them as they are and accept that it is what it is.
Everyday in this forum there are great ideas that will improve dungeons. But the devs have stated that they are done with them as content and that it would require a massive rework of them to work. They aren’t going to do that. So dungeons will now be as they are. Take it or leave it, this is what we got.
I actually think they should rename the forum to Fractals and Raids.
It’s because there’s no good way to filter players. Raid leaders who have a goal of clearing the whole wing have responsibility to 8 other people to find someone who they know will be reliable. One way to do this is to make sure they have a certain number of insights which means they have a solid amount of experience.
Sure it’s far from fool proof but what other options are there? We don’t have performance measuring tools in the game so it’s impossible to gauge another person’s performance once they are in a group. The best away is trying to prevent underperformers from ever joining.
I can see it both ways really. If you are limited on time, which for the most part we all are. Then you do want the best person in there. Though if you are never willing to give new people a shot then the overall pool of people that know the mechanics will never increase.
Our guild group is almost always one or two people short and we usually have to grab a pug or two. Our only requirements are that it is the class/type we are looking for(power or condi, or etc), that you are willing to use proper food and utility(this shows that you are committed to giving it your best shot in my mind) and that you are using close to the right build.
After a few runs, if we see them getting ported on VG constantly, or dying to eggs, or failing some other mechanic over and over and over. Then we will thank them for their time and find someone else. But we usually give them ample time to get up to speed.
The biggest problem is that newcomers and veterans that aren’t in PvE/raid guild are not learning the basic combat mechanic of GW2. I tend to pug fractal for daily pages and I have a lot of people in 3000~30000 ap range that do not know projectile defense, blasting stealth, dodging and ccing, etc. And worst of it is people get through fractals regardless of their performance so if a run does not go smoothly (aka 3rd~4th wipe) people leave the group and join another LFG. How will newcomers and people in general able to do any difficult content that may or may not come in the future?
This is only increasing the gap between the groups that already know GW2 combat mechanic and those who don’t know because they have no ways of learning other than watching speedrun fractal/raid videos. Even then the lack of understanding of GW2 combat system creates blindly following allowing instead of actually understanding why meta build(s) are created in certain way.
This cause lots of misunderstanding between the groups as it is already while lowering the standard skill level of GW2 playerbase. As much as each side call the other side “casual” or “elitist” the fractal change is only widening the gap between the two. There should be more ingame tutorials other than dodge to show people how amazing GW2 combat system is and foster the community as a whole instead of pitting them up against one another by putting invisible skill ceilings among players.
As a newer player to the game I had NO idea about what fields and finishers were for the longest time. There was no mention of them in game aside from tool tips. And no, I am not going to /wiki everything. I wanted to experience the game, get lost in it.
Now I am starting to get a better understanding of those things and it is really fun and interesting. I would agree, there needs to be a more in depth introduction to the combat system while initially leveling up.
It has been stated by A-Net that completing higher difficulties such as 91-100 will reward higher chance for ascended gear
Is this really a thing? Isn’t the Champion chest of the mists the same thing in the end, anyway?
For the three daily I would assume yes. I think the increased rewards from higher levels would assume the final chest at the end of the individual fractal. So more relics, better chances for exotics? Things like that.
Why are ppl always asking for those stupid insights? Is this really a rehearsal from gw1? Like domain of anguish and showing how much gems you have so you can participate? Is it really needed to have the title “The Eternal” to join a raid group aswell? God, ppl stop this now. I’ve killed VG/Gorseval/Sabetha more then 5 times each week, but i have 8 insights. Isn’t it about how experienced you are instead of pinging these stupid insights to show “oh wow, im a pro, i killed those and i got these insights”. Whats the future gonna be like? “You need 50 insights to join us for a raid”.
Anet, remove those insights and make it a rare drop instead of dropping every week from every boss. Or implement a chat code that allows us to ping “30 insights” or more to show ppl we are so called “experienced”.
You actually can ping a chat code that will link multiples. Guy in my guild did it the other night. Linked to a stack of 200. Not sure exactly what it is. But it shoots down the whole linking them.
That sucks you have had that experience. If you are on a NA server. Feel free to send me a message. We are always needing a couple people for our groups throughout the week.
The funny thing is I would much prefer the opposite. I would much rather someone admit they don’t know and encounter or event and ask for help. Rather than them say nothing and screw it up out of ignorance. Anyone that gives you crap because you ask for help, or more information, or general tips. They are an kitten.
It is more that dungeon content, for the most part, is dead.
I had to AFK one time through the Mordy fight. People couldn’t figure out how to zerg properly and the three bosses took about 45 minutes instead of the 7 or so they should take. So as a result I had a toddler that had awakened from a nap. All I needed was the vendor to buy the machined weapons!
So not all AFKs are nefarious. Part of it for me is the terrible time schedule the new maps are on. There is ONE time frame a day that I am able to get into a DS map, because of my schedule. If I miss it or can’t get into an organized one. I am screwed.
One issue I see with that is the hero point cost. Normal leveling, you wouldn’t be able to max it out.
I find very disturbing that Ascended and Legendary weapons have same stats. When i make sword that costs over 3000 golds and takes a lot of my time to make and then i see sword thats worth around 50g and week of playing with exactly same result… I don’t have legendary myself but i think it’s quite unfair. Legendary should’nt have same value as Ascended beause its LEGENDARY.
I don’t have one. But can’t you change the stats on a legendary at will? That is a pretty huge bonus.
Hello all,
I am planning to make a new set of ascended, but i can’t decide what to make yet because of the upcoming balance patch. Between condi war, condi engi, thief and tempest, which of these will be great after the balance patch?
I understand that it might be a bit early to ask since the patch will be out on the 26th. However, it’s bugging me at this moment to get an anwser for it. Can someone please help? Thanks!
I would save your mats up and wait to see what the balance patch brings. I am doing that exact thing right now.
ok guys here is the build ,i hope someone /guild can test it.
DH: weapon should be GS
The main theme of this raid build are communal defence and shattered aegis, it have 15sec CD but no boon share limit. It can share aegis to all the allies in 240 radius. When your allies block an attack you can damage nearby foes. What means if you had 100 summons near you, a guardian can make 100 hits every 15 second (passive attack only not include my active attack) .Thats why i need so many reapers.
For PS warrior , their main objective is to share might to the guardians but i think they are not necessary now. As the leading role for this build are guardian and necro, i think two more guardian or necro have a better dps than two warriors and their might.
I try the build today and with 9 more pugs. 3DH,5reaper,1 druid and 1 ps warrior, we are not well-organized and some reaper don’t listen to me and use their own build. I pass the first phase with 6min left for vg boss. Its not very kittenome of the teammate are not experienced (lots of them are down and teleported even in the first phase), no food and only extoic equipments. As a DH, I am satisfied as every 15 sec my screen are full of numbers (i forget to take a screenshot). You guys should try it as thats really amazing.Hey, If you want. Post the rest of the group specs you think we should use. I will run this by my guild. We should have the people to give it a go. Be fun to try at least. We might be able to get to it later this week if people are willing.
Hey, call me if you need testers.
power necro
condi necro
Full heal please
Necro’s well corruption may change to other summon skill.
It seems like one key would be to keep the DH health below 50%?
ok guys here is the build ,i hope someone /guild can test it.
DH: weapon should be GS
The main theme of this raid build are communal defence and shattered aegis, it have 15sec CD but no boon share limit. It can share aegis to all the allies in 240 radius. When your allies block an attack you can damage nearby foes. What means if you had 100 summons near you, a guardian can make 100 hits every 15 second (passive attack only not include my active attack) .Thats why i need so many reapers.
For PS warrior , their main objective is to share might to the guardians but i think they are not necessary now. As the leading role for this build are guardian and necro, i think two more guardian or necro have a better dps than two warriors and their might.
I try the build today and with 9 more pugs. 3DH,5reaper,1 druid and 1 ps warrior, we are not well-organized and some reaper don’t listen to me and use their own build. I pass the first phase with 6min left for vg boss. Its not very kittenome of the teammate are not experienced (lots of them are down and teleported even in the first phase), no food and only extoic equipments. As a DH, I am satisfied as every 15 sec my screen are full of numbers (i forget to take a screenshot). You guys should try it as thats really amazing.
Hey, If you want. Post the rest of the group specs you think we should use. I will run this by my guild. We should have the people to give it a go. Be fun to try at least. We might be able to get to it later this week if people are willing.
[Suggestion] Focus on Solo-play Experience
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
In an MMO, the emphasis should be on figuring out how to ensure that people are around for events.
Whom is that emphasis of figuring out placed upon? The Developer or the Player?
It should be on the developer. However, with taxi’s and the way the megaserver seems to work, it isn’t the case.
This is an MMO, not a solo game. The emphasis should NEVER be on solo play.
Also what is the point of DH, they are pretty useless in raids?
They aren’t useless. The 10 man Guardian VG kill shows that. They simply aren’t the BEST choice. But a skilled DH that knows the mechanics will always be better than a crappy PS warrior that doesn’t. It is just that other classes can do what they do better and bring more to the group.
But that is why I asked what this “build” is. And what exactly is it that he is trying to prove viable.
Can I ask what it is you are testing?
I think most realize to this point that group composition on VG is nearly irrelevant. What matters most is people knowing the mechanics.
Are you testing a group set up or a personal build?
I am just curious as to what you are testing and what you hope to achieve with it. Either way. Feel free to message me in game if I am on. I can bring either a PS war or zerk DH. If I am not doing anything else I have no problem getting more shards.
Is it bugged? You can only have one?
I cannot get the Machined Greatsword Hilt from Noxious Pods. I did a 2 hour event for nothing, so frustrating. I already have the Machined Longbow, and I got the item from first Noxious Pod that I opened, and this one I just cannot get.
Ya, do the meta. I opened nearly 30 pods one day with no drop. Meta event gave it to me.
My comment about it being done by the 26th was sarcasm meant to point out that the scope or your proposal is WAY too grand. While some of it sounds like a good idea if executed properly. The resources required to do what you are asking would very likely not be feasible, probable, or profitable. Which is why the scope is far too wide.
I don’t like the fact that my guardian is mostly left behind for raids. But the nice thing about Ascended gear, it is not soulbound. So I took all my gear from my Guardian, put it on a P/S warrior and I have not had any issues.
Back to what the post is originally about. I think one of the main reasons this so called pve imbalance is even a thing is the lack of a trinity system in this game. I am not saying if that is good or bad, because my feelings are mixed. But I see it as contributing.
1) remake Spirit Vale into a complete new explorable normal PvE Map and rework the Spirit Vale Achievements for that map with the current 3 bosses being reworked into World Bosses….
2) Add the Underworld as a new real Raid Map which is a raid map of the size of like all 3 desert borderlandmaps together where 15-20 People can raid together, where this giant map is divided into 4 explorable wings in which dynamic raid events together with solveable daily raid missions you can do there.
The dynamic raid events in those wings are just there to ensure, that every raid you make daily feels a bit different each time,The Underworld would be just the beginning.
When you cleared all of the Underworld, a Raid group can gain then access to the next Raid Area, which is then the Abyss, which is a 100 floor Raid that has on every single floor a Raid Boss, that you need to beat as Raid Group to gain access to the next floor.
So some kind of Reverse Fractal System blended together with raids kind of “Sword Art Online Style” , where when you get defeated as group, need to start over again from floor 1 (no death game, but you have to restart …) but rewards and loot becomre more and more valuable, so deeper you come and so more you progress in the Abyss.
So make the current raid world bosses?
Then create a new raid that appears to be larger than the entire expansion that was just released.
Then another raid wing that is bigger than all the fractals put together! Oh and sounds vaguely like a popular anime(it’s exactly like a popular anime)
You think the dev’s could get this all done by the 26th?
I mean, I am all for balance, but what you just suggested is an entirely new game.
Cast time has a huge impact on the actual recharge time of Hundred Blades.
Cast: 3.5 seconds. Aftercast: 1.25 seconds. Cooldown: 6.4 seconds.
So 4.75 cast and 6.4 cooldown. Total: 11.15 seconds.
Alacrity removes 40% of the cooldown. Total becomes 8.6 seconds which is only 23% less.
Quickness removes 33% of cast time. Total becomes 9.6 seconds which is 14% less.
With both effects total becomes 7.0 seconds which is 37% less.
Nerfed alacrity removes 25% of the cooldown. Total becomes 9.6 seconds which means same effect as quickness.
With both effects total becomes 8.0 seconds which is 28% less.
Alacrity effectiveness changes from 60% to 75%. So cooldowns become 0.75 / 0.6 = 25% higher than before.
With only alacrity, recharge of Hundred Blades becomes 9.6 / 8.6 = 12% higher.
With both effects, recharge of Hundred Blades becomes 8.0 / 7.0 = 14% higher.
Wouldn’t this be an overall nerf to party DPS though? Pointing it out as a specific nerf only to P/S warrior seems silly.
edit: a word
The funny part is you actually kill him faster when you aren’t on the pole.
I don’t understand this type of complaints.
EVERYTHING in gw2 is easy… the world bosses… a lot of events in HoT are soloable… rofl…
I’m not even that pro of a player…
As you list your raid kills in your sig. I don’t agree with OP at all. But I think you vastly overestimate the skill level of the average player. None of us have the exact numbers. But I would guess that % of players clearing the raid is drastically lower than you realize.
Not all, but a LOT of these changes seem geared towards PvP balance.
I think thieves are going to be useful in raids as there damage looks to be increased.
I think the chrono tank will be less useful.
DH is unchanged, useful only as a tank on VG.
Burn warrior will likely no longer be an absolute must, I imagine you will see more group diversity here. Since it will no longer be a huge advantage to bring 5 of them.
Though I think we need to keep in mind that these are not all the changes and there could be other changes that have a bigger impact that we have yet to see.
I am sure there are others that have a better idea of how things will be affected. These are just some off the top of my head.
I actually agree with removing the money from the economy. Sounds like he should get the item(s) back. The selling fee back. It should be as if the transaction never occurred.
Who knows? …..
It happened! I got a Leg box out of the 50+ daily.
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
Most raid groups require team speak and most players for all sorts of reasons are not comfortable using team speak.
I don’t think this is true.
To do well in PvP people use TS.
To do well in WvW people use TS.
To first beat Tequatl people used TS (I was leading Gandara’s first kill of it on TS), same with TT Wurm.
People who want to do the more challenging content use TS, my guild which raids has all 10 on TS but only about 5 of us speak – you can listen and learn without being worried about speaking. The only thing holding you back is you, TS is a reliable program that has been used by millions of players across many games.
I should point out for balance other voice com programs are available.
you and the people you play with dont have a problem so you dont see why others might have a problem.makes sense.
What is your exact problem with using TS? We often have to grab PUG people to fill the last slot or two for our guild group. We have never had someone not want to come on TS. Most of the time they never speak. A lot of the time we have a good time meeting someone new and joking around while we do the content.
I can remember ONE time we had a group member come in and come on TS. They were using the wrong skills and it was hurting the group. After asking multiple times for them to change something out we figured out that they were not listening on TS at all. That was 30 minutes of issues that could have been avoided. We kindly asked them to leave so we could get someone else in. No one got mad. No one yelled. No insults were thrown.
I think it went something like “Hey, we are going to grab someone else man, thanks for coming, good luck”
I am a complete layperson when it comes to coding. My assumption has always been that if what appear to be a “simple” bug goes unaddressed for ages. It is more likely that one or two things are going on. The bug, while it mat seem simple, is very much not. And if it isn’t game breaking then it isn’t worth the time. The worry there then being, making a tiny little fix to an annoying bug creates a much larger issue.
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
The idea of raids might have been good but the reality is not,forced to use team speak with a bunch of abusive teenagers isnt fun nor why i play guild wars 2.I would imagine raids are great if you happen to have 9 m8s who also play guild wars 2 or are maybe in a guild and have got to know them.But for the rest forced to pug its horrible.Forcing strangers to group and communicate just dont work for most people playing this game.Its not the difficulty of the content that is the main problem.
You need a different group man. My guild is mostly late 20’s 30’s and beyond. We have one guy in his 60’s. All really laid back. I have never seen anyone get yelled at for screwing up in raids. Even when we wipe for hours working on encounters for new people that are having trouble.
I knew none of these people before playing the game so it isn’t like the are real life friends or anything.
Even when we need to grab a couple pugs we are always polite. Even if they aren’t performing up to what we feel they should. We give them MULTIPLE runs, lots of constructive criticism. If it still isn’t happening. We give them a “thanks for coming, we are going to swap someone else in”
We don’t raid constantly, and we do highly suggest optimized builds and gear but feel free to message me in game, if you are a cool dude. I will see about getting you an invite into guild. It just sounds like you need a better group of folks to run with.
Everything on this post is right on. I almost never go in our guild hall. I wish I had a reason to but it actually a hassle. Need TP and Bank there badly.
That is coming on the 26th it sounds like.
We already have accurate 3rd party DPS meter addons, all we need is anet to say that it’s all right to use them
Have they stated that it is not? My general thought was that if it didn’t give you a distinct advantage or play the game for you it was okay.
There was a post either here or on reddit about a HoT map timer overlay and a dev/admin responded something to that effect.
I would think a meter that simply tells you how much damage is being done wont give you a leg up on anyone you are playing with.
Sweet spot on price, for me, would have been 400 per slot or 1800 for 5. But 700 per slot is too rich for the benefit for myself.
I am sure a ton of people bought them. I am sure I will log in tonight to find that half my guild has them. They are just too much for me to be worth it.
Just a tad too pricey for myself. It is was 400 gems. 1800 for 5. I would buy them as soon as I got home. 700, I am going to have to hold off and see.
Well, it’s not like it’d be -disconnected- from the content. We do already have some activities like this (see the bell choir, or the jungle adventures) but they’re just confined to the same spaces, or even just temporary. Bringing them to the rest of Tyria would just help making them more appealing to access and use instead of having to go through waypoint/activity starter/perhaps instance/finish activity/get back to whatever you’re doing.
And the idea would be for them to give a sense of ‘game progression’ too, not to mention with the addition of guild halls and all that stuff there’s plenty of possible rewards usable in the…let’s say ‘main content’?There’s a thread about Polymock, a minigame that was in GW1, that is actually a good example of what I’m talking about here! can see how some people might not like the idea, but if it can help people being less hurt by the grinding, and keep them in game some more, I think it’d be worth a shot.
The HoT adventures are my least favorite content. I despise it. If they added more stuff like that I would very likely find another game. So, for me, I pray they don’t go that direction.
I recently re-rolled warrior from Guardian for raiding. I would agree even in the pve world. Hit hundred blades, someone knocks back the enemy, skill wasted. Hit hundred blades, mob runs through me and attacks from behind. Wasted. That being said, it hits pretty hard. Adding maneuverability to it might make it a little too strong? Would have to be done carefully.
20+ daily. No ascended drops. Fun times!
Every one I have opened have contained the exact same thing. Stabilizing Matrix, that junk item worth a gold and a tome. That is all. Every. Single. One!
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
Overreact much?
I myself am part of a guild that has set up several teams to complete content. Many of our better players who are on team one, spend extra nights a week helping players from Team 2 and 3 through the Raid content because those players are newer or need more practice with the content. There is a limit as to how much they can be rewarded during the week, but they still come back each time to help when ask.
There has been no ego trip and the whole “We are the best you are not so you have to leave/not be part of our raid group.” The only time anyone has ever been removed from a raid team as when they haven’t showed up for Raids and didn’t let anyone know, even then they are given a second chance about it.
I have even pugged raids a few times to see how it goes with a pug group. Becasue we all know PuGs can be toxic. But you know what, I was surprised that Even alot of the Pug groups I joined were nice and didn’t rage when there were deaths and wipes. We had people calling out things that needed improvement for other players. But I don’t see that as a bad thing. And I don’t see these Ego Powerhouses you speak of.
People need to not have such thin skin. Even before when there were all the complaints about how toxic zerker groups were. I found they were usually the most chill, relaxed and nicest pugs to be with, as long as you met the requirement they were asking for. You can’t blame people for being jerks or hostile if you are in yourself doing the same by not reading or following what is ask.
How long do you think a professional football team is going to put up with one player doing his own thing when the coach calls out a play? Instanced content easy -mode: Dungeons or the semi-harder mode: Raids is a team effort, you have to be a team player and part of the community if you expect anyone to accept you.
If I can join a random group of players and beat all three bosses, some of which without any of the group dying I don’t see where Raids are all that difficult that they are excluding players.
1. Community: There are bad members of the community. There are good members, there are scrubs there are pugs there are those special snowflakes who refuse to adapt. I know, I have people who fall into all those groups on my friends list.
2. Personal Skill level: It’s high time that Anet did something to encourage people to get better at this game. It was one of the easiest games I have ever played. People could litterly know next to nothing about the game, and still get carried through all the while making things harder on the rest of their group. I am sure all the comments from the community and other sources on the web about how GW2 was a kiddy game kinda hurt a bit. So if people want to raid, they have to decide to improve.
3. willing to work with others: Many of us are already willing to work with others. It’s a two way street. If the person I am taking into the Raid isn’t willing to change skills or customize their build for the encounter, then I don’t want them in my group. If that makes me an Ego Powerhouse, so be it.
My experience has been much like yours. I haven’t seen any of the toxic attitudes people say are so prevalent.
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
theres really something wrong with Guardian/Dragon Hunter in PVE. I did hot history with warrior, guardian, reaper and revenant, and Guardian is more squished than warrior, detail that in my warrior i use 0 defensive traits.
I think the big problem is that you need to use full zerker to get any kind of decent DPS out of them. So with them being a small health pool class, it is tough. Mine has under 12k hp.
I would say I never had a ton of problems in the HoT zones even in full Zerker gear on my DH. However, the same gear on my warrior(~20k hp). I have an even easier time, with a class that does much higher DPS. For sure a balance change needs to come in here, imo. Will be interesting to see what happens!
I would agree with you. The difference for me is that the same player. With the same skill level on both, say, a DH and P/S Warrior for this example. With the same gear. The Warrior brings more to the table. Because what you need from these encounters is DPS. The vast majority of skills the DH brings are wasted on these encounters.
(edited by BloodyNine.7504)
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
I am looking forward to encounters in other wings not being straight DPS races and actually using the utility a Guardian can bring.
It will always be a dps race. Whatever they do, we will always want to finish it ASAP. With or without timers. The point here is to push enough mechanics that need support and to work with the strength of more profession. The strength of the guardian is reflection, condi removal, blocks and blind. Non of which are needed in the current raid.
The other thing they could do is to rebalance the current guardian to make him a viable healer option. Something like make AH heal allies too and maybe rebalance the guardian healing power ratio, which a very bad compare to Celestial Avatar or Elemental Bastion.
I would agree on all points. The exact mechanics are something I have thought of. But one thing I thought might be fun for a raid encounter would be a type of survival encounter. You can’t “beat” the boss. You need to survive for a time. In that way the current Guardian skills very well may be lifesavers.
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
One thing that a bunch of people in my guild had to work on was building a second character(if the didn’t already have it) to raid on. For myself, I main Guardian(DH). However in the first wing of the raid it is, frankly, sub par. With the exception of tanking on VG, which other classes can do just as well or better.
So I took all my Zerker ascended gear. Tossed it onto a P/S warrior and am raiding with that. Hopefully in future wings it wont just be a DPS race in every encounter and then the group utility that the Guardian brings will become vitally important.
So ya, it sucks but your Guardian isn’t cutting it for the first raid wing. Is it doable, sure. But if the option is to take a DH for DPS and a Burn Warrior. You are not going to get into the group.
Tbh honest. Guardian is good enough for VG and Sabetha. Not the most optimal, but I have no problem killing either of those two boss with 1-2 Guardian. That said, it would be nice to have future raid where Reflection, Aegis and blind are important.
Good enough, yup. But If you had a guild mate that had a fully ascended DH and Fully Ascended P/S Warrior. And they told you they could bring either, they didn’t care which. You would say bring the P/S Warrior. The bottom line is it is more useful and does more DPS than the other.
I am looking forward to encounters in other wings not being straight DPS races and actually using the utility a Guardian can bring.
Yes. I knew about the ability to change stats on ascended armors. I read it in the patch notes.
Added a Mystic Forge recipe to change the stats on ascended weapons and armor. The recipe is as follows:
Ingredient 1: An ascended weapon or armor piece.
Ingredient 2: The exotic insignia or inscription for the desired stats.
Ingredient 3: Five globs of ectoplasm.
Ingredient 4: An Anthology of Heroes, purchased from Miyani for 10 spirit shards.
Result: A piece of ascended gear with the stats of the inscription or insignia of the same type as the piece of gear that went in.
Example: Zojja’s Claymore + Knight’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription + Five Globs of Ectoplasm + Anthology of Heroes = Beigarth’s Claymore
NOTE: All upgrades are lost as part of this conversion.
But… But why would you do that to a Zojja’s Claymore?
Dragon Stand is one of my favorite new maps. Not everyone loves everything everyone else loves. Accept that. Move on.
Wait 4 ticks of damage. Spam 6. Done.
Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BloodyNine.7504
One thing that a bunch of people in my guild had to work on was building a second character(if the didn’t already have it) to raid on. For myself, I main Guardian(DH). However in the first wing of the raid it is, frankly, sub par. With the exception of tanking on VG, which other classes can do just as well or better.
So I took all my Zerker ascended gear. Tossed it onto a P/S warrior and am raiding with that. Hopefully in future wings it wont just be a DPS race in every encounter and then the group utility that the Guardian brings will become vitally important.
So ya, it sucks but your Guardian isn’t cutting it for the first raid wing. Is it doable, sure. But if the option is to take a DH for DPS and a Burn Warrior. You are not going to get into the group.
This is another perfect example of how different people want different stuff. If they divert resources to building more adventures and mini game type content. I would probably start to look for another game. I simple find them…pointless? I have fun doing the content to work towards whatever goal I have set for myself. Whether that is getting mats for crafting a weapon, or map completion, or working towards a mastery.
Little side mini games that do nothing but add fluff, for me, would be considered useless filler. At that point I would rather take a break and play another game. Rather than play a game within a game.
Then again, I am the guy that moved boxes for hours in Shenmue 2 with a forklift.
The biggest thing that needs to be done, imo. Is separate balance for PVE, PVP, and WvW. So often changes that are a nerf in one game mode are a huge buff in another. While it would seem to make 3 times the workload. I would think you would be able to worry about balance less overall if these were separated.
It’s RNG man. Sucks. A guy in my guild got a precursor and an ascended leg box in the same run last week.