Showing Posts For CureForLiving.5360:

Face it, there needs to be a test server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Why would they bother doing a test server when people would use them to test everything BUT what anet put on there to test? No reason to use a test server when it wouldnt accomplish anything.

Only really true for narrative based patches. Things like the trait overhaul however would fit nicely into the rest server.
Also you can always weed out people who don’t provide feedback… so I guess semi-public then? Definitely opt-in, since I don’t feel like testing something like the new traits.

I think they need to focus on faster releases rather than more testing.

At the moment the community identifies the bugs hours after a patch anyway.

But then we have to wait weeks/months for fixes…

But in theory (and I should put some emphasis on theory… in fact no this is more akin to blatant speculation, even below a hypothesis… still…) if we had proper testing in theory we could get content faster.

The golden rule of Software development

If it can be null it will be null?

How does boss resists corruption?

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Zhaitan’s corruption comes from holding onto/using a corrupted artifact, having corrupted essence directly infused/entering, or being brought back from the dead.

We really lucked out because we never got hit by any of those ;P.

Jormag lures you in and has you willingly join him for the most part, and branded are… weird.

When I made this post I was thinking the branded actually made by that elder dragon with a very long and hard name. Why could no one give archvillans easy names like Josh, or Alex. Elder Dragon Josh its easier to remember.

Kralkatorrik… um Krally perhaps? Kralky?

More skin colors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So we can dye our characters hair any colour we want, but Charr can’t dye their fur? I want to see some blue Charr!

Shadow of the Dragon fight's hitboxes

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I can vouch that the issue is still in-game, and it also seems to affect Guardian Staff attacks (had to equip scepter, so no real problem).

Just Completed Personal Story... WHAT???

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Most of the main story was told in instances – in fact, only The Lost Shores, Tequatl Rising, and Escape from Lion’s Arch lacked instances out of all 25-or-so releases.

Been watching lets plays of S1, and yeah.
At the very least Rox and Braham story can be added as is (,, the Dragon Bash Story ( and with that you’ve basically introduced 4/5 of the biconics. Taimi is a bit more difficult since she’s tied into the Marionette. But at the very least these instances (with a indication that they might change, expand or be updated it eventually) would provide new character with at least some idea of who these random people you’re hanging around with are.
Scarlet would be a bit more difficult, the Queens Pavillion story instances can also be used mostly just as while things like the Tower, Marionette, and Escape from LA have some story in the open world, and might need some tweaking to make it more solo-able.

Plea for symmetrical shoulder options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’m all for more customization options.

Its Monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


This is not even funny at this point. Especially since half of the content which is supposed to sell HoT could be just patched in in regular updates.

Indeed, which they said themselves.
But the forums just haaaaaaad to have an expansion instead and wouldn’t shut the kitten up about it.

May you live in interesting times. may you come to the attention of those in power… oh and lastly may your wishes come true.

Quick swap - Armor Templates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Hi guys, considering how easily the Revenant can switch between legends and considering different stats are viable for each legend and each legend is different i was wondering if you’d be releasing an option to set up armor sets in game ( Condi set / Zerker Set as an example ) for those of us who have multiple armor sets and give us a quick swap key much like weapons have, would make sense considering how Revenants have been shown to work with legend swapping, and on that point aswell is there any chance for a quick item use bar on the UI so we don’t have to keep diving through our bags for food/buffs/items that we need to use/reuse on a whim, i was just thinking this considering you seem to be overhauling a lot pre – HOT and it would be a viable feature going forward.

I’m all for a template system, and bonus points if we could go equipment and specs.
However in your example it won’t work all that well… or at least what you seem to be suggesting is in combat armor swapping? Because if you want the optimal equipment for a given legend and you can conceivably swap legends in combat… well you either never use two legends in a some battle or use the unoptimal legend.

Trait QoL Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Would be nice.
Another thing that would be nice (for me at least) is to be able to see all your specialisations and traits in the same window. Mostly because I want to compare two spec lines, but currently with 5 lines and only 3 active and visible at a time I have to switch an active one for an inactive, see if I like it and if I don’t switch back to the previous one which has now been reset.
Of course a template system would also be nice, so we could save specific specs (bonus points if we could tie our weapons and armors along with traits together).

Its Monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah nothing on twitter get, we might be getting another zero-info weeks. Well they are doing the wvw stress test… so no info.

I would say seeing the WvW map in action for the first time is rather much info actually.

Well we’ve already gotten info, several times, on the new WvW map. What we’re getting now is… I would say first look but they had a PoI of it as well. So I guess it’s more accurate to say, that some people are getting a hands-on but overall we’re getting nothing in terms of new information.

What skins should I buy, Anet?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


They don’t want you to buy skins.. they want you to buy keys for a % chance at a ticket scrap for a skin.

Almost three years lator now and still not enough scraps for a ticket myself, scam much?

They give a rare key every now and then for map completion, also for personal story and in S2. So I guess you could invest in alts?

Its Monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah nothing on twitter get, we might be getting another zero-info weeks. Well they are doing the wvw stress test… so no info.

8 weeks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


We have had plenty of other information since then though.

Elite Specializations isn’t the only thing coming with the expansion.

But some more specialisation info would be nice.

A satisfying equipment preview bug.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah there’s a bunch of interesting possible combo’s in terms of headgear at least (probably wouldn’t work as well the rest of the armour).

Unsalvageable armors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Why do these exist??

For fear that certain currencies might be easier to obtain and via salvaging impact the economy?

Biggest Worry: Old personal Story.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


The one thing i didn’t like about the cores personal story was you could do everything solo “but” the final mission to take down Zhaitan. I got 17 lvl80’s and only finished the final mission on one character.

If they pull the same stunt for taking down Mordremoth I’m going to be kittened.

Umm.. you do know that killing Zhaitain can be done solo now? When they restored the storyline, they also turned the Arah dungeon story into a personal instance. I tagged along with a guildie to see what was changed and quite a bit was simplified. The mission took about an hour to complete.

Too bad there are no chests anymore.

None of the story instances drop loot unfortunately.

The new Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Rumor was (not sure if it was confirmed or rejected) that the raven staff was one of the new legendaries

Its Monday

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


News-day is ALWAYS Tuesday.

Wasn’t the spec teasers shown on monday?

We use to have Tuesday Newsday, but yeah it’s basically been Monday Teaser, Tuesday Gemstore, Thursday Article and Friday PoI.

Opinion on mentor deaths

in Lore

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I like to believe that Sieran managed to survive, but received a head wound lost her memory and is presently exploring the world have wild and wacky adventures

Hey I didn’t see a body so you can’t prove that she isn’t dead!

Data consumption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one game

anon plz no

Well life is but a series of actions we undertake to keep ourselves busy until we die.

WoodenPotatoes Re: Tough Content

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Hard mode dungeons using the SKULLS theory.

Couldn’t we call them gambits since we already have an in-game example of this?

Could do that, I figured in my opinion there was to much of a wall of text in that one lol

Is kinda off putting, them walls of text.

Mercenary system: changing chars on the fly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So this system would be useful primarily in dungeons? Well I don’t see this breaking the game in anyway and it would definitely help (especially if they implement a proper template system as well).
Still as Just a flesh wound noted, not sure about the cost-benefit.

possible Gliding areas

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


more like there being on the lazy side… i dont really care for pve but with the glider on this new map …. i would love to see them in wvw….. i men on of the side is built for it has one of the longest drops and lot verticality

In coming zerg!
From where?

They better add some anti-air artiliary, because no ones going to come in through the front gate anymore.
Which does slightly overlook the have-expansion and the have-not-expansions thing.

Biggest Worry: Old personal Story.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’m very noob. I only just log’d into forum here. But, I have not completed my personal story. I have to kill Zhaitan, but I don’t know how. If it’s in a dungeon, I’m not good about dungeons. I play alone. I’ve looked at groups and I see something about wanting gold or pay-for-runs and that kind of turns me off.

I would like to be able to finish my personal story.

But to stay on topic with this thread, for what it’s worth, I really liked my personal story and I’m doing multiple personal stories on alts and having fun. But, that’s kind of because I play alone.

The Zhaitan fight is no longer a dungeon and can now be soloed.

Currently in the game right now it can be solo’d? Or future patches? I heard about this and I didn’t know it happened already

I’ve solo’d it twice this weekend (you also now get the exotic dungeon headpiece as a reward). So yes. Balancing is a bit annoying (when you have to kill tequatl’s cousins… since you need to shoot and defend at the same time) but otherwise yeah do-able.

No artificial difficulty please

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I just got finished watching WP recent video on difficult content and I hope Anet doesnt agree with him. Dont get me wrong WP usually knows what hes talking about but this time I would have to argue that. Content shouldnt be made difficult because Anet took away mechanics from the players but should be difficult because the boss mechanics are hard to deal with. I hate the idea of artificial difficulty like high lvl fractals. Its not fun just tedious. Hopefully Anet isnt going in that direction for difficulty and are just making the bosses have more interesting/difficult mechanics to deal with.

What do you guys think? Would you want to be given a hadicap while fighting bosses so they are difficult or would you rather the boss have mechanics that make it difficult?

If you don’t like it that fine. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems more you’re arguing for content to be designed from the ground up to be difficult and not for toggle-able / artificial challenges? Or do you have another suggestion?
Personally the idea of gambits do offer a simple means of adding challenge. The thing with difficult mechanics is that with sufficient practice they become rather easy. That is to say, if you do it enough times you learn the rotations, the telegraphs, where to stand, when to dodge etc. Granted this will always be an issue, but adding a gambit system gives a bit more mileage. Once your group has mastered the base mechanics being able to add additional challenges I’d think could only increase how much gameplay you get out of it.
So basically:

Both !

I would have to disagree that difficult content will always be easy after you figure out how to deal with the mechanics. A example of this would be Wildstar. If you do the vet dungeons with the appropriate gear (not to strong or weak) you can still die even after learning everything. The content only becomes easy mode if you out gear it or have a amazing group.

This is certainly not my experience. Everything is easy, once you know how.
I youtubed some videos on Wildstar veteran dungeons (not having played the game) and the mechanics aren’t that far off from GW2 (basically don’t stand in fire, dodge this, kite that type stuff) all of which can easily be learned and mastered through rote.

This ones present simple challenges: avoid lazers, don’t stand in circles, interrupt, and tank and spank. Nothing that I’d imagine wouldn’t become easier with enough practice. The difficulty here seems to come primarily from how hard the boss hits and the amount of damage done by the lazers. These (debatably) would be artificial difficulty what you seemingly seem to be arguing against.

This article presents two types of difficulty
In the case of GW2 design difficulty would be somewhat scaled back from the articles example of Dark Souls. Primarily the difficulty would appear in the design of encounters, so the mechanics involved. But as seen in the Wildstar examples this takes the form of rote-mechanics. Jump over enough lazers and eventually jumping over lazers won’t be difficult at all. But onces you’ve mastered jumping over lazers, then allowing players to add more lazer or faster moving lazers means that they now have a slightly different challenge that would require learning, more or less, from the start again.

Next Expac Brainstorm: Gw2 Shattered Kingdom

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Can anet may give a job to him?, please!.

Video game development is a bit more difficult than simply being able to write a good story. It’s how ones implements the story within the limitations of the video-games mechanics and the resource limitations inherent in video game development.
Still a good story is a good start.

No artificial difficulty please

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I just got finished watching WP recent video on difficult content and I hope Anet doesnt agree with him. Dont get me wrong WP usually knows what hes talking about but this time I would have to argue that. Content shouldnt be made difficult because Anet took away mechanics from the players but should be difficult because the boss mechanics are hard to deal with. I hate the idea of artificial difficulty like high lvl fractals. Its not fun just tedious. Hopefully Anet isnt going in that direction for difficulty and are just making the bosses have more interesting/difficult mechanics to deal with.

What do you guys think? Would you want to be given a hadicap while fighting bosses so they are difficult or would you rather the boss have mechanics that make it difficult?

If you don’t like it that fine. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems more you’re arguing for content to be designed from the ground up to be difficult and not for toggle-able / artificial challenges? Or do you have another suggestion?
Personally the idea of gambits do offer a simple means of adding challenge. The thing with difficult mechanics is that with sufficient practice they become rather easy. That is to say, if you do it enough times you learn the rotations, the telegraphs, where to stand, when to dodge etc. Granted this will always be an issue, but adding a gambit system gives a bit more mileage. Once your group has mastered the base mechanics being able to add additional challenges I’d think could only increase how much gameplay you get out of it.
So basically:

Both !

Guns in fantasy mmos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


a fantasy world is what its creators make of it, there is no “Tolkien´s mandatory guide to boring copycat scenarios”.

Reminded me of the start of

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

At least don’t give all my Mawdrey’s the same limit.

Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda


  1. worst thing about this game

It could be far less blatant, and prevalent.

Removing the limit would be nice. If that’s not possible then at least change the random 3-6 gifts/day limit to 5 gifts/day limit! It’s so depressing to get only 3 gifts in oneday.

Well the RNG could be less blatant, and prevalent.

i actually DON’T get enough t7 materials a day and have to go out of my way to farm them.

also, anet needs to add MORE time gates. my wallet loves them.

Haven’t been to too many Silverwaste Chest-farms I see :P

Precision+Vitality+Power ARMOR stats.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


The entire Prefix bonus system needs a rework. Too many combinations are locked behind rare (ie expensive), deprecated, or deep achievement oriented PvE content. And with all of our stats being pushed onto gear, the entire Exotic gear table has turned into an utter mess for anything not part of the original prefixs.

Whats that you say? Ascended gear isn’t as limited in this regard? I mean sure, they’re expensive to craft (or not at all for the trinkets), but we can always farm tokens, commendations, laurals and badges to obtain the ones not locked behind achievements!

They really do need to revisit this whole acquisition design if they really expect us to utilize this system beyond zerks meta.

+1 this.

The present system isn’t particularly scalable i.e. it’s really going to take a long time if Anet needs to introduce each possible set of stats combinations.
Maybe… Legendary Armour! Yes I’m still beating that drum.
But anyway with the new changed to ascended armor re-spec-ing it does seem like ANet is open to the possibility to allowing us more control over our gear stats, at least for high level gear. Legendary armor that allows us to select our primary and secondary stats as we see fit is a possibility and it would allow ANet to leave the present system mostly as is. Granted locking such a useful feature behind something like legendary armour is probably not a good idea.

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


who cares. all my 80s have enough points unlock everything. you get full specialisations while leveling, not just a few traits that you have to hunt for. ots much better imo.

My thinking exactly.

Yes, showing you don’t understand the problem and don’t care really helped the discussion.

The point is, for the players who have low and mid level characters (and are keeping them at that level for whatever reason, or are slow levellers) the seemingly random way the points were put has made some characters pretty awful, with no way of changing it.

Maybe if they reset all your level 80’s, gave them three random trait lines and locked the available traits you’d get an appreciation of what the OP’s concerns are.

Sadly, doesn’t look likely that anything will be done about it so in a lot of cases new players just quietly quit, older players end up soured and decide to reroll, and others carry on in blissful ignorance.

choovanski.5462 and CureForLiving.5360: Congratulations on having multiple level 80’s. Some of us (trying not to make a sweeping assumption here) do not have the personal time available to accomplish that, and they and the not new, but not ‘epic’ folks who do have the mid level characters do care, seeing as how they are the ones who got massively screwed over.

Actually wanted to give a proper response, but… well with such a sunny disposition on your part… Just stop sulking and go level your character. When you hit 80 this is no longer an issue at all.

Fight with Mordremoth Ideas

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


As much as I am sure the majority of people will prefer you idea to fighting aboard an airship with cannons, I do hope for a similar style fight to zhaitan, albeit with more difficulty and mechanics. To me it just doesn’t make sense for one player (or a small group) to be able to kill something 10x the size of tequatl (hopefully even bigger than that) with ordinary weapons. An airship fight will make me a lot happier than a normal fight, even more so if Anet can find a way to make it very challenging and interesting at the same time.

I actually agree there. Although the Zhaitan fight wasn’t good mechanically, the look and feel of the entire battle was amazing.

Me too. It just kinda felt as though there was that last section missing, the part after we cut off Zhaitan’s wing and tail and collapsed a tower on top of him. We could easily have faced Zhaitan on foot once he’d been cut down (very literally) to a more manageable size and delivered the death blow.
Possibly we could follow a similar approach with Mordy. If Mordy is a composite Elder Dragon like Zhaitan, then it would be easy to break the fight into several phases, starting with cannons and ending with a more personal fight.

There wont be any fight with Mordy. “Heart of thorns” man…heart..

If I recall, they sent an internal memo around and everyone got to vote on which name they liked the most. Heart of Thorns was likely chosen because it sounded cool.

We fight as best as we can throwing everything we have but it’s futile. We have our backs to the wall with Mordremoth about to eat us then along comes Primordious to consume the jungle dragon. Setting alight Mordremoths vines and everything else plant related whilst holding the dragon in place with the earth with it’s giant claw around it’s enemy’s neck.

I’d love some Elder Dragon vs Elder Dragon. Mind you mostly just because I’d love to be able to face more than one ED at a time.
Lore wise since we killed an ED we’ve already broken the system, so any number of things could happen that would otherwise be abnormal.


And now someone in the headquarter of Anet is like: “Thank you for spoiling our – meant to be – surprising plot twist. Now we need to rewrite everything we’ve come up so far for the story. Release date gets pushed back for about three months.”


Oh ANet has been pretty good when it comes to these sorts of things. ANet doesn’t seem to mind players accurately guessing where the story is going.

and Rox doing the Druid nature magic (vines and such) to keep him firmly on the ground.

Rox is not going to be druid. it just doesn’t work for her.

Eir, perhaps. I can see that working, but not rox.

And I doubt Majory is going to become a reaper and Kasmeer a chronomancer (as neither works very well with the present characterizations). Of course characters do change, that’s part of storytelling.
Braham however is looking very likely as a possible Dragonhunter.

Next Expac Brainstorm: Gw2 Shattered Kingdom

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’d personally like to see some more of the Charr lands. I guess they could work it into there somewhere (if the Black Citadel is going to be attacked). Although with ANet’s focus on fewer-high-content-maps it seems like ANet is focusing on centralizing players (like they did in Dry Top and Silverwastes). And since there’s not a lot going on in the Charr lands that would justify a HoT style map, I don’t know… maybe some vanilla style maps, but like I said ANet seems to be moving away from that route.

Biggest Worry: Old personal Story.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


ArenaNet is not going to fix the old PS. They barely have resources to make new content (see everyone complaining about how HoT looks like it will only have a couple maps), much less to fix old content.

That’s some very poor deduction. You can’t make objective deductions based on subjective opinions. People think and feel there is only going to be a couple of maps, but this is not yet proven to be the case. No matter how likely it seems, it is not yet been proven to be the case. So ignoring the fact that number of maps might not be an accurate measurements of content or development resources we cannot remark about how much capacity ANet has or hasn’t.

It would be better if they just hide the PS so most new players won’t even find it. Remove the content tracker about it and make the first step unlockable only at level 10, without telling players about it. Then the great majority of new players would be spared playing through the PS.

Personal Story wasn’t that bad. A lot they could have done better, but at worst you can call it average.

Altoholics and The New Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


As I understand it, it’s more like PvP progression than WvW. There are a set number of tracks that can be progressed and any one of your chars can progress a track (if they’re are in the right area of the world and have it selected).

More like a hybrid. You have to spend points (like wvw) but you also have to progress via xp like PvP.

Anything in game you cant....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


All content can be done by auto-attacking… assuming you have other people to carry you. Dungeons? no problem, you’ve got 4 other people to make-up for your useless-ness. Tequatl? Well not so much anymore but there’s scores of people to make up for your useless-ness.
Solo-ing content however is a bit of a different matter.

The new Training and no 'reset' ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


who cares. all my 80s have enough points unlock everything. you get full specialisations while leveling, not just a few traits that you have to hunt for. ots much better imo.

My thinking exactly.

Just Completed Personal Story... WHAT???

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Oh, one more thing — Who is this Mordremoth, anyway? The game still hasn’t told me.

and it won’t. even if you were following it in chronological order since launch. they just start using the name at some point and assume the player is in on the out-of-game datamining.

Yeah that was kinda funny.

So I’m still working on my personal story but this has me wondering….what will happen once I finish it? Will I basically be stuck picking up at a point that makes no sense like the OP here? If that’s the case i’ll just skip the story entirely once I hit the cap.
P.S. My account is only two months old, max, so I wouldn’t have this exact problem.

Not at all. You’d have to unlock S2 first with gems, then you get to be stuck picking up at a point that makes no sense (maybe not as badly as OP since he started at the final episode).

But S1 is pretty easy to summarize: there was this Sylvari call Scarlet who gathered a hodgepodge army (Nightmare Court + Krait, Pirates and Inquest, Flame Legion and Dredge). Initially we fought these individual factions but eventually we discovered Scarlet was behind it all. Eventually Scarlet attacked Lion’s Arch and destroyed it in hopes of awakening a sleeping Elder Dragon (you can watch the ending of S1 here:
Along the way you pick up a rag tag group of… friends?… who help you out. Braham and Rox joins during the fight against the Molten Alliance (Flame Legion and Dredge team-up) and Majory and Kasmeer help investigate the assassination of one of the Lion’s Arch captains (which was a plot by the Aetherblades, the inquest and pirate team-up), and Taimi shows up during the fight against Scarlet proper.
So basically at the start of S2 Scarlet is dead, Lion’s Arch destroyed and you hear rumblings of something going on in the west (in the Maguuma Wastes).

A quick google searched turned up the following playlist I haven’t watched it yet (so I can’t speak towards the quality) but it seems fairly complete.

Anet really must focus on S1 before anything else, its a big turn off for new and returning players who missed it…at least I think so, specially now with a new expansion is coming out it only gets more and more confusing. It Just makes sense that S1 comes before S2 and specifically before all expansions.

Maybe after HoT? Mind you one would have hoped for before HoT, but I guess they only have so much development resources to go around.

This game has THE WORST story telling I have ever seen.

You’ll get used to it.

It’s not that bad :P

Suggestion: Have a cinematic recap of Season One to explain the story, and a PS page in the Hero Panel that summarizes the events that happened in LS1.

You’d think something like this would be relatively easy to do, but these sort of suggestions have been around since S2 started (and actually before).

Perhaps sending cookies would help the process? Or other sweets, perhaps?

Even if it’s just a 1-10 man (or women) team! As long as we know it’s happening in some way shape or form.

Solely for the purpose of pre-release critical analysis, can we by any chance see what this list is?


Never thought I'd say this but

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah, I was hoping we’d at least have a release date by now… the only problem is that in my mind there’s no way they’d announce a release date a week before release, or even a month before release. So at least 2-3 months plus whatever time between now and announcement of release

Character creation buff

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


And I think you’re wrong. We’ve already seen exactly how furious existing players get when new player’s get something and they don’t. You think telling the playerbase “New players will get access to all styles for free and old players can lump it” won’t be another meltdown?

Yeah it would be safer to add all new hairstyles for everyone than to make presently exclusive hairstyles non-exclusive.

I won't support a pro LGBT game.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


There’s same sex marriage? I know there’s a couple of same sex couples but not sure any of them are married. So not sure what you’re going on about.

Old Gemstore items back on sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Sorry to say Greatsaw was apart of the halloween event.

Which was never repeated in the subsequent halloween events…

It's been a long time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well it is a 3 year old game and even 3 years ago the emphasis seemed to have been on style (or more accurately aesthetics) over top-of-the-range graphics. So graphically speaking it’s never been the best looking game on the market. So I do agree that the graphics could be improved (although adding DX12 support isn’t going to inherently fix anything XD ), but I’m not really sure the graphics are poor or bad in any way.
But other than that armour is still a problem. Can’t speak towards the audio, since I play with the audio off.

Biggest Worry: Old personal Story.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


  • The ridiculously easy difficulty.

Agreed. Would love to see some of the boss fight lesson from S2 be applied to PS.

  • Your choice in Orders and personality not mater.

Choice of order does give you some different missions, so it’s not meaningless. I think the main criticism has always been: they could have been more.
Personality however… yeah…

  • The bad writing. (Introducing a “new best friend” in every chapter)

I feel more the writing was rushed a bit. Like I remarked on the video, I think a lot got cut out, so the a lot of characters don’t get the time they deserve to be fleshed out.

  • The boring talking cut-scenes.

Subjective, but I do feel that it does take away from some of the immersion. A lot of RPGs have successfully used more cinematic angles to portray conversations and I do feel that Anet could benefit a lot from following a similar approach.

The original Personal Story is, and will be, the initial experience 99% of the new players, for the expansions to come!

If nothing else this is the biggest possible issue.

Besides bug-fixes, the removal of loot to avoid exploits, the change in level restrictions, and the recent re-recording of some of Trahearne’s voice overs, there hasn’t been any substantial change to make the story more engaging.

A-net should hire some director who can do in-game mo-caped, cut-scenes (and not just move the camera) to replace the existing talking cut-scenes, and draw some emotion from the scenes despite the bad writing and acting.
Also a toggle-able hard mode that rises the level of the enemies for those who want a challenge would be welcome.
These are the easiest and fastest fixes I can think of!

Doing mo-capped cutscenes are easy and fast :P
It’s a nice suggestion but probably not all that easy.
As for difficulty, this is probably where we can introduce something like the achievements from S2 hand-in-hand of course with a redesign of some of the fights.

Visual Clutter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’ve heard ZOOMING OUT works wonders.

In OPs defense, sure the example might be a little cherry-picked, but the problem is still there.

Just came back after a few months break...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Bye bye then I guess.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Thanks for the info. Any idea on the price?

Visual Clutter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


At launch it was even worse. Still bad now, but still XD


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Not having a sub fee really does help GW2 to deflect a lot of flak. For example no new content? Well WoW had a year with no content and they had to pay for it.
That’s also not even touching on the fact that a lot of players probably would leave if they had to pay each month.

Wait, Victory or Death is soloable now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Players didn’t like having the last part of the living story be group only so they finally changed it.