I only found it on one alt, not on my main, and didn’t check on my other 3 alts made at head start. I thought it was per account not character thanks to the phrasing in the mail about it being one year since account activation, but it seems to come to all characters in time. So I can wait and see
Tarnished Coast seems to be doing well. I get in main by way of not starting in a city — Ebonhawke is great for bank/TP/merchants within feet of each other — and we seldom fail. Overflows have been good too.
You have to do it in five different maps (or maybe just in five maps for that part, I’m not sure). Then you’ll have to do one more map to get 3 components to take to Vorpp.
My asura mesmer is adorable. She hovers mid air when doing sword 2, going slashy slashy slashy! I also have a human Mesmer. The Mesmer profession is just so fun to play. But I have to say I like watching the Asura moves the most.
ArenaNet is draconian about macros. You can’t use one that isn’t one keypress per replaced keypress. Now, if you just want a list of links to keep in Word on another monitor and then cut and paste into /say, that should be fine. And absolutely useless as a time saver.
I think that skin is Aureate? Check the human cultural weapons and just type “Aureate” in your search for greatswords on TP.
I just get the cheapest ones and deal with the greens going in them instead of in my “new items” area. Because bag space is precious, but I don’t need to auto-sort my loot.
I was strongly disappointed by the story because it made Scarlet’s Sueness canon. Before, it could just have been misinformation fed to NPCs since our info on her came from what those NPC’s said.
But then in the middle of a night of insomnia I had a thought that gave me hope.
What if … what if she hasn’t been there all along after all? It’s interesting that she is so Asura-College-involved. And we know the Reactor accident “turned reality inside out.” What if she’s a sylvari’s fever dream projected into the world after being mixed up with the Reactor blowup? And reality has warped, so suddenly people like Anise are sure Scarlet is a known figure of the past many years. Whereas she’s simply been injected.
I am in the same situation as you both. I already had Frostgorge but wanted it for the daily. I happened to complete the daily in the second fight but decided to do the whole invasion for just one more point and for loot and stuffs.
I -never- get lag, but I was getting a ton of it, to the point of being stuck in combat getting hit by invisible stuff after running a good way from the fight, not having skills go off, etc. But we got the invasion stopped with 30 seconds to spare, it was sooo close! And Scarlet spawned 10 feet from me.
I went after her with a will and a zerg, we wore her down to maybe 10%, I’m not sure. And the game crashed. I never get crash-to-desktops either, but I got a few from my Cat Tonic last week and two today.
When I logged back in, yep, I was on an overflow and no daily credit. Someone else told me Scarlet didn’t die (maybe he’d been on a different fight? Or not?). But there still should have been credit. Le sigh.
At least I only lost 40 minutes and 1 achieve point, and I did make much gold. I think I’m up 8 gold today after doing two invasions and some PS.
I thought it might be Winged, but it’s covering the other eye. Hmm. It may be one of those only-in-PvP ones.
For a price and some time investment, you can. You have to transmute the skinned item onto a low white item. Then put that in the bank and withdraw it on the alt. The alt can then transmute it back onto a stat item. You can only have one of it at a time, though.
I play the game, I level alts (getting harder, they keep hitting 80), I look for achieves, I do the Events — but mostly I RP. I have four characters with ongoing disparate and occasionally braided plotlines, and others with bit roles to play. My guild has even more plotlilnes that I can dip into, along with adventures using the world.
At some point we’re going to do the Aether JP ICly in our quest to commandeer an airship. Many hijinks are likely.
S/he means they aren’t dropping for him/her. Because s/he already got them once and deleted them in error.
I’d imagine that the “fix” will involve removing the cooldown but still leaving it at five minutes, that being the paltry amount of time you get to be a particular cat with the Cat Tonic. I just hope it doesn’t get mapped onto the Cat Tonic exactly, given how the latter is currently bugged and causing full game crashes when used.
For the cost of making/buying it, it really does need to have a much higher chance of actually sending you somewhere. I bought one on the TP to test and, having read in here that the “duds” seemed to be happening when using them from a city, I hopped out to Almuten Estates. No good, just fell on my face.
Oddly, when I ran off a short distance and ran back, I got knocked down again in the vicinity of where I’d used the device.
I did an in-game bug report on it.
In WoW they had something similar via Engineering. I had a guild mate who did a little contest, asking in guild chat for people to place bets on where he’d end up and then awarding a small prize to the person who got it right. That would be so fun here, but you would need to be sure you would be sent somewhere. It also could make for fun RP, all sorts of things — but not if almost every time you just get faceplanted in place.
As to which of them to choose: The left hand one seems to have only one use, and that is to get 250 of them for the shoulder skin. The right one gives you more boxes to open that will have two greens in them and might have a shoulder skin. I don’t know how rare the skin drop is but I got one out of doing 6 invasions and a guildie got 3 of them in however many he’s done, so unless you desperately want the shoulders it seems better to go for the little pile of boxes and consider the skin a bonus if you get it.
Leaving a map mid-event has -always- meant not getting to finish that event. As these invasions specifically say you must be there for the start and end of the event, leaving is highly unwise.
Now, I can feel your pain at having reaction-clicked to travel. But the event overflow is working exactly as they said it would:
You port to the map. You either arrive in main or an overflow. So long as you arrive within 10 minutes of start, you have the event going. If you zone to another overflow after that, it is most likely being created right then, ie after the ten minute window. You’re not likely to land in a populated overflow that is mid-event, as the whole idea of overflows is more get made as more people enter the map.
That doesn’t answer to the reported issue of people zoning inside of two minutes and not getting an event. However, swapping zones midway through is not going to work. You’ll no longer be in a concurrent one.
There actually is an achievement for it! Tonight’s daily includes doing some number of those finishers, which I realized when I got credit for it during an invasion. I’m not sure if it’s 25 or 50, I’m not in game this moment.
I’ve never seen my Rabbit finisher (I don’t really WvW and I’ve never sPvP’d) and I’d love to see what it does.
Re the sub-commentary on Faren: I <3 the man. I was very worried my first time through the PS that he would turn out to be a villain, the one actually behind the bandits. I was very sad when he no longer existed after level 20.
He is my main character’s soul-mate. Watching him fall got a visceral NOOO response from me. I wish I hadn’t seen the achieve lists because I am all relaxed again.
Trahearne’s not bad, he’s just drawn that way. Same with Logan. It’s the implementation that makes them less fun to deal with.
But it might work for a short window because they gave no heads up to let people chug what they’d been hoarding. Keep paying attention to the forums and patches over the next day or so, and if they re-enable boosters make use of them all fast because after that this looks likely to be a permanent change in how karma is done.
I’m fond of the Pact mace on my Guardian. Though I don’t often use mace on her or on any character.
What TRON said. How did they change?
As to them dropping, I can’t verify that. However, the skins from the vendor are not account bound. Neither are the Aetherized, Jade, or Fused, so people can potentially spend tickets on those and sell the skin rather than using it.
Alas, the Aetherized Shortbow Skin is 130 gold.
@Arthedain, @Lucyfer – Thanks.
And yes, a ~40% potential reduction isn’t exactly trivial when you consider some of the inventories people have been saving.
Saving for what?!
Karma is the easiest thing to come by in the game, and you get plenty of it. But there are so few things that are worth any karma. What could people possibly desire other than the three things I listed?
I know I got my Sylvari a full set of Warden weapons (T3 cultural) the moment she turned 80, which was right after karma went account wide. And when I get new skins I like for armor, I like to get a Temple armor piece to put the skin on.
The closest I can find on
is the Outlaw Boots as in [&AgH9LAAA] — which do seem to have the side toes.
I know you probably rotated the image in creation but in your screenshot it could just be too dark to see the toes sticking out. Or else there were boots that hid them, and the character creation screen has not been updated, but in-game boots have been corrected. I do vaguely recall forum complaints about having toes “amputated” by boots back at game start, when I wasn’t playing my Asura so I wasn’t paying that much attention to clothing her.
The best rule is to never click on a link in an email. Ever. Even if it looks legit.
Heck, I found an email from Verizon in my spam box yesterday. It looked -exactly- like a Verizon site email. Perfect formatting, fine text, all of it. It thanked me for my wireless payment of $1238.00, and had an account management link. Neither I nor my husband had sent any such payment that we knew of, and we were somewhat concerned as we do have a lot of automatic bill payments.
It also went to a ton of other speakeasy addresses and I’m not using my speakeasy account for anything any more. But I had to check headers, distribution, all sorts of things to be sure it was a scam.
It’s easier on the gaming ones because gaming scammers have terrible grammar, spelling, formatting … and I’ve never tried to sell an account in my life.
I can recall two more things implemented at player request: A walk toggle rather than having to hold a button down to stay at walking pace, and no more camera spin when dead.
Note that female Seraphs are called “Sir,” as seen in more than one PS voice scene. Tyria is far more gender equal than Earth in many ways.
They work exactly like normal bags except any green items you loot will go into them if they have open slots, only going into non-Fractal bags when the Fractals are full.
I don’t know about a full listing, but I can tell you the Stalwart’s Jerkin (level 30 PS reward, Medium Armor) is not otherwise available in PvE. There is also the Hunting Trident with a pair of floating feathers in a crescent armature that I’ve never seen anywhere else.
If there’s something you think may be unique, try googling its name. For armor you can look at the Argos Soft gallery and click on Acquisition on individual pieces. For weapons Dulfy has a lot of galleries up (not yet all of them) and you can check the skin against her pictures and expand to see sources.
If you find me in game tomorrow, you can link me some pieces you’re unsure of and I’ll let you know (if -I- know) if they are replaceable.
I’ve felt a bit of resonance with the green splashes on the Jennah images thanks to the recent bizarre green paint vandalism of the National Cathedral, Lincoln Memorial, and so on. I’m preeeetty sure ArenaNet doesn’t intend an echo of that (may not even have heard of it, it was a small scale news story), but the green splashes are making me extra ticked off because of the RL … the kitten filter will get me if I say any of the terms I have in mind for it.
I’m pretty sure the wallet comes out of people suggesting ways to ease inventories choked by tokens. Also we’ve been getting actual armor skins in the gem store, which has been suggested. There was a tremendous thread about toggling off right click targeting, which now we can do.
So yes, they do implement some suggestions.
In the first Beta weekend there were no custom emotes and /say had a zone-wide range. They fixed that by the second beta based on everyone’s comments. Now they just need to give us a better color than dull grey for emotes!
As to number 4: I was trying to show the tiger to someone today. We were standing right outside LA on the bridge to Cornucopian Fields, near the waypoint. I cycled rapidly through the forms and got the game crash error. I logged back in and tried again, this time crashing in about three transforms even though I was taking a brief pause between shifts.
After which I decided I didn’t need to show her the tiger all that badly.
It might be on the TP if someone got it as a drop from the event; do a search on Aetherized. Alternatively you can collect 5 claim tickets. How? Wheee! Buy all the Black Lion Chest keys you can! A few hundred might get you enough! You need 10 scraps to get one full ticket and you need 5 tickets to get one of the weapons. Scraps are pretty rare in the boxes, full tickets extremely rare.
Sorry if my sarcasm is showing. I love this game to pieces, and I have spent more money than I care to calculate on gem store items since I am lucky enough to be able to do so. Still, I feel somewhat sour about the RNG involved in getting the skins I really want and while I will spend -some- money getting a -few- RNG boxes to try since they usually have at least a minorly useful something even if it’s not the grand prize, I won’t go all out tossing real money at a mere chance to get what I am trying to buy.
Since in this case you clearly know her, like her, and want to give her gems, and presumably she knows and likes you and wants to receive them, you could buy gem cards, scratch them off, and tell her the code. That would save you having to physically get the cards to her.
If you’re trying to buy them with gold rather than real cash, again it goes to trusting her as you seem to. You could give her the gold in game.
And if we are talking future gifts, if you know what it is she wants to buy with the gems, many gem shop items are giftable outright, so you could save the gem buying step and just get her the item(s) she desires.
You got a couple of useful and kind answers, count yourself lucky on that. The one thing that wasn’t mentioned and should be is that asking random people for money just because you would like them to give you some is considered begging or panhandling and will arouse ire and abuse. It might even be a forum violation.
So ask for advice, ask for actual in-game help with things like jump puzzles or personal stories, but don’t ask for donations of coin or gear. It won’t end well.
Yes. Get an alt through enough PS to join Whispers. Buy the armor and transmute it onto some cheap white gear (one crystal per item). Put that in your bank. Take it out on your main and transmute onto the stat armor of your choice (one stone or crystal per item, depending on the level of the stat gear).
Or so I hear. I have yet to try this double-transmute trick.
I continue to want this.
The online anonymity is a huge part of it. Some people think the rules just don’t apply and they can unleash their inside voice without consequence. Add to that the sense of personal insult some fools get when they don’t get exactly what they think they want the moment they want it and they go out of control.
I have a friend who has been a game writer on three MMO’s, including one coming out in the near future. He’s gotten death threats.
I’m a public defender. I’ve been pretty lucky in all the years of doing that to only have one actual threat (from an alleged victim who didn’t like me getting a not guilty for my client). Then again, I am face to face with clients and witnesses and I treat them all with respect. Plus, well, I have a lot of law enforcement near me while I work … There’s no anonymity and that makes people rein themselves in.
On the other hand, I also get the clients expecting me to be Perry Mason, or to have the resources to investigate every detail and prepare every question in advance. Who think that because I cut them off after getting the essential details of their story that I’m not listening to them and they need to get a “real” lawyer.
Danikat, if you’d said dollars rather than pounds I’d have bet you and I have shared clients
I don’t know. But Wildstar is.
I treasure the time I was escorting a Sylvari Warden NPC, I don’t recall if it was in a PS or in the world. He was acting all noble and valiant. Then he shouted “You asked for this!” and charged at right angles off the path to attack a non-aggro boar.
I guess he hates swine.
They are always at the edge of the zone. If you see a road going to the edge, likely there is a zone portal there. Usually there is a waypoint by the portal as well, so check by edge-of-zone waypoints.
You can also spoil things a bit for yourself and check
to save running in a direction that doesn’t have a waypoint.
Warning: Some zones are just darn hard to find a way into, especially in Ascalon.
You can pick race, armor weight, and gender, along with a preferred color to help you see detail. I like the far right checkerboard setting. You can then click on a set and select Acquisition to see all the different ways the skins can be obtained.
It does not have the newest armors such as Aether or Phoenix.
I’ve been on it since launch so I am unsure of phases of status for it. However, I’ve seen others posting about wanting on and the usual advice seems to be to try early in the morning, maybe 6 am Eastern? That assumes that it has to do with server load rather than with number of accounts registered to it.
Also, I’ve seen rumors that they occasionally increase server size with large updates. So check right after a patch.
Meanwhile, you can guest over to Tarnished Coast from another server. You won’t have access to your brother’s guild bank and you won’t be able to join TC’s WvW but otherwise it will be much as if you were actually on the server. If you do that and later find TC has opened, it will cost you money to do an actual transfer.
I’m with Lanfear. The title must suit. I have Golden on my Lyssa-blessed charming noble conman. Respected Achiever on his much more reliable sister. Been There Done That on my blase Asura. Combat Healer/Volunteer on my Valiant Guardian.
Several of my alts have no title because none fit. I was super-hoping for “Basher” from Dragon Bash because that would have worked so well for my warrior.
Minor aside, I know you can melee the ghost with the wolves. Ranged gives you both the option of tossing boulders at him (very fun to knock him rear over teakettle) and means you are in place to kill the wolves when he teleports over. I was just trying to give the OP some very broad suggestions so s/he can enjoy a dungeon and then fine tune how s/he wants to engage each fight once it’s no longer new.
I have no problem with multi-guilding but the problem is with guild chat. If you have multiple social circles you can be hanging with one and get a text advising you of what another is doing. In GW2, you can only listen to one chat at a time. So if you have an engaging, exciting guild (as I do), you don’t want to rep anywhere else even if they are fun too because darn it, you’ll miss out.
Still, it’s wonderful to be able to have more than one guild. It’s helped foster RP, for sure. It’s also great to have them easy to make. The investment and pride comes from getting guild perks via influence. Why should you have to grind your way to the chance to -start- the guild and only then start increasing its power?