Showing Posts For Elbegast.6970:

Its been a year and we still need...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Better Weather Effects
Dark Nights (no, not Christian Bale)
Purchasable Real Estate
Player Owned Shops
Player Owned Farms (for Livestock and Produce)
Fishing, Hunting & Farming Professions
Player-Generated Dynamic Events

Finally dagger skins!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I think all of the SAB skins look really, really lame. You couldn’t pay me to use those skins. SW and KT skins may look cool, idk yet.

Rytlock Brimstone in GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Can someone explain, in detail, as to what this is all about? The OP is too cryptic.

Did you even bother to click the wiki link he posted? Everything is explained there.

Yes and I saw nothing that explained anything about how to obtain any of what the OP was referring. It is just some link to some summoning crystal.

So, what is this all about?

/spoonfed mode activated

Given by Fylinn, Sworn to Winds during Wayfarer’s Reverie, in exchange for a Proof of Waves, Proof of Winds, Proof of Flames, and Proof of Mountains together.

Let’s click on the Hyperlink for Wayfarer’s Reverie

Wayfarer’s Reverie is a special event that occurs around the Guild Wars 2 original release date on August 28. It is comprised of four quests which take players throughout memorable locations related to the main plots of the Guild Wars campaigns and expansion. PvE foes drop Wayfarer’s Marks during this event, which can be traded to Reverie Prize Distributors.

Now you’ve learned how to use a simple website

So, I went to Wayfarer’s Foothills and there’s nothing going on…no ‘reverie’ or whatever. I’m sitting here pounding my head against my desk. HOW DO I GET THE ITEMS?!?!

Did you miss the part in the title, the first post and throughout the conversation where it’s clearly stated this is a GW1 (Guild Wars One) event?

There is no Wayfarer’s Foothills in GW1.

Instead of assuming that I know this cryptic information, how about someone typing out a detailed guide so that I and others will know how to get these items?

I still have no clue as what to do or where to go or even which game to log into.

Rytlock Brimstone in GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Can someone explain, in detail, as to what this is all about? The OP is too cryptic.

Did you even bother to click the wiki link he posted? Everything is explained there.

Yes and I saw nothing that explained anything about how to obtain any of what the OP was referring. It is just some link to some summoning crystal.

So, what is this all about?

/spoonfed mode activated

Given by Fylinn, Sworn to Winds during Wayfarer’s Reverie, in exchange for a Proof of Waves, Proof of Winds, Proof of Flames, and Proof of Mountains together.

Let’s click on the Hyperlink for Wayfarer’s Reverie

Wayfarer’s Reverie is a special event that occurs around the Guild Wars 2 original release date on August 28. It is comprised of four quests which take players throughout memorable locations related to the main plots of the Guild Wars campaigns and expansion. PvE foes drop Wayfarer’s Marks during this event, which can be traded to Reverie Prize Distributors.

Now you’ve learned how to use a simple website

So, I went to Wayfarer’s Foothills and there’s nothing going on…no ‘reverie’ or whatever. I’m sitting here pounding my head against my desk. HOW DO I GET THE ITEMS?!?!

Rytlock Brimstone in GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Can someone explain, in detail, as to what this is all about? The OP is too cryptic.

Did you even bother to click the wiki link he posted? Everything is explained there.

Yes and I saw nothing that explained anything about how to obtain any of what the OP was referring. It is just some link to some summoning crystal.

So, what is this all about?

Rytlock Brimstone in GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Can someone explain, in detail, as to what this is all about? The OP is too cryptic.

Rytlock Brimstone in GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


So, how do we get it? “Complete all the Wayfarer Quests before September 1st” doesn’t really explain anything as there are no quests in GW2.

Does Scarlet have low self-esteem?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


She is the worst kind of Sylvari…a vegetarian. shudders

Dragons, remember them?

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Puff, the elder dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in the land of Sylvari,
Little Scarlet Briar loved that rascal Puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh!

Together they would travel on a boat with Aether sails
Scarlet kept a lookout perched on Puffs gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow whenever they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. oh!

A dragon lives forever but not Sylvari girls
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Scarlet Briar came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


What is meant by ‘constructive’, exactly?

I see QQ/Rage/Rant posts that are far more ‘constructive’ than others in which the OP may be calm, cool and collected. I would rather see angry posts that bring to light the game’s problems (even if they offer no solution) than to see posts that do nothing but gleefully compliment the game and it’s creators.

I don’t come to the forums to pat people on the back or to sing heartwarming campfire songs. I come to the forums to complain about the game’s flaws in hopes those problems will be rectified.

You may see the rant posts as ‘negativity’ but I see them as the exact opposite. People wouldn’t be coming to the forums to complain if they didn’t care a great deal about the game and it’s direction. Our passion for the game is what spurs on our forum rants.

(edited by Elbegast.6970)

how to level ????

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Crafting nets you the most XP per unit of time.

We have been turned into forces of chaos

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.

Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.

But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.

The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?

I’m…..not sure you know what a retcon is, no offense. Or at least not what it is in practice.

“Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”

“Some retcons do not necessarily directly contradict previously established facts but instead fill in missing background details, usually to support current plot points.” – Wikipedia

(edited by Elbegast.6970)


in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


At least they are helping to fertilize the ground, and replenish it’s iron content. (But dang where is Scarlet getting all of those minions from, especially once you kick her out from the pavilion, which I thought she was using as her “base.”)

Seraph Observers Waypoint in Brisban Wildlands. That’s where she gets her recruits.

Guild Wars 2 Puns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


“Logan’s Run”

We have been turned into forces of chaos

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.

Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.

But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.

The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?

We have been turned into forces of chaos

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Again, read the short story. She asks some pretty interesting questions about her race and her own existence as a whole. She questions fate and the “free will” Sylvari supposedly have. She comes to the realization they are really not much more than slaves to the tree. Much like Zerg are to the Overmind. The other alternative, is to go rogue and become part of the Nightmare court. She chose to seek a third option. An option not yet even considered by her peers. To call her Harley Quinn, is an insult to her much deeper character then the game leads you to believe.

I can paint a hole at the bottom of a kiddie pool but that won’t make the water any deeper.

I didn’t read the short story. I can’t, in good conscience, read a game-related short story on the official website when the in-game storytelling is so poor as to be virtually nonexistent. It’s a matter of principle.

The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.

Twisted Watchwork Portal Device

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I am just amused by the fact that it is a salsa and darkmatter powered portal device.

Should have used Fish Fingers and Custard.

We have been turned into forces of chaos

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Scarlet isn’t doing anything. Scarlet isn’t planning anything. Scarlet is nothing.

Scarlet is a cardboard cut-out that ArenaNet has stolen from DC Comics because they couldn’t come up with a more original, compelling antagonist.


in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I find her hilarious and I hate her for what she had done.
I love this conflict. MOAR.

Also, amazing voice acting. Scarlet is the proof of the difference that the voice can make for a character. I am sure a lot of people would like Trahearne better if he had a voice that suits better a leader, for example.

I don’t hate Scarlet. I think she’s a good character, just a little bit annoying. Her voice actor is good, but it’s her voice that annoys me ;P

Nothing beats the appearance of Mad King Thorn though! Nor his voice, I can’t say he’s a successful villain though.

Prince Oswald says, “DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!”

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


oh boo hoo just be happy you actually received anything

Why should I be happy that I got something, even if it was free?

I didn’t ask for it. The programming/personnel resources could have been better used elsewhere. It costs me time deleting the gift. I feel as if the sanctity of my in-game mailbox is constantly defiled as I cannot report ArenaNet for spam mailing useless garbage to me. It aggravates and angers me, greatly.

I only wish I could block ALL in-game mail from ArenaNet and their silly NPCs.

Tired of being kicked to Overflow

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Did you now? I read your post and ‘immediately’ is nowhere to be found.

However, after porting to a zone to participate in the event, only to be dumped in an overflow, and then finding out that the event isn’t active in the overflow is annoying. Very annoying.

‘However, after porting to a zone’ – When? On the hour/immediately? 5 minutes after? 10 minutes after? 15 minutes?

My point is, the Invasion not appearing on overflows was fixed days ago and should be in the patch notes, though you still need to be in the map within 10 minutes of activation otherwise there will be no active event.

No it wasn’t.

I can join an overflow and refuse to go to my home world and keep that overflow going indefinitely (or at least until the next realm/build restart). The next time my particular map is up for the event, other players port in within the 10 minute time limit and….BAZINGA!….no event for them.

Do you see how that works? I, as nothing more than a lowly player, and with a small army of other players, can literally stop ALL overflows from hosting the portal event.

(edited by Elbegast.6970)

Why does nobody talk?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I’ve had enough of that social garbage in other mmos.

I’ve done the whole raiding, grouping, cooperative gameplay thing. I came to Guild Wars 2 to get away from that mess. Here in GW2, I don’t group, join guilds, form parties or talk to any of you. If you are downed, I may revive you…if I feel like it at the time.

I only wish I could attack other players in the open world. I would camp all of you for hours on end, gleefully laughing at your angry whispers.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I’m currently picturing people here in party hats at their own birthday parties. When they get a sweater that they know they will never wear (the inevitable gift that a grandparent or something would bring), they tear it apart in front of the heartbroken person that gave it to them and say “WHAT IS THIS CRAP? GET OUT.” The distraught guest/relative then runs out of the house, in tears.

That’s what you sound like.

It’s more like your strange uncle, who happens to own a sweater factory, decides to give everyone in the family the same exact sweater for christmas. Only the sweaters happen to be labeled with advertisements for the sweater factory.

You insult your strange uncle and his gift while he laughs, throws his hands in the air and rhetorically states in a very slimy tone, “Hey, that’s quality knitting. Your lucky to own one of those. I don’t just hand ‘em out to anybody. Know what I’m sayin’?”

Well now you lost me, because I don’t see any advertising.

But hey, why don’t we look at the GW1 version of this story, eh? The one where instead of having any idea what he gives you, your uncle dips his hand in to a big of randomly assorted things he picked up on the way to the house. On your turn, he gives you a brick (Jungle Troll). When he sees your disappointment, he says “Oh well, better luck next time! But hey, Jimmy over there got a freshly cut diamond on his turn (Bone Dragon)! If you blow most of your life savings, maybe you can buy it off him!” He then proceeds to give hundreds of bricks to the other kids, until a few blocks down the road, maybe one or two other kids strike lucky and get a diamond too.

A few different minis to choose from would have been nice, but I’m glad GW1’s system is dead and buried forever. I hope it rots.

The difference is that I could either sell or dedicate the Jungle Troll at my Hall of Monuments. It has the potential to hold value for me or for someone else. It was also a nice surprise opening a GW1 birthday gift. Unlike GW2, you never knew what you were going to get.

The GW2 birthday gift has no value whatsoever. The mini is soulbound. The booster is worthless as I don’t play alts. It’s junk, plain and simple. I do not appreciate when someone gives me garbage and calls it a ‘gift’.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I’m currently picturing people here in party hats at their own birthday parties. When they get a sweater that they know they will never wear (the inevitable gift that a grandparent or something would bring), they tear it apart in front of the heartbroken person that gave it to them and say “WHAT IS THIS CRAP? GET OUT.” The distraught guest/relative then runs out of the house, in tears.

That’s what you sound like.

It’s more like your strange uncle, who happens to own a sweater factory, decides to give everyone in the family the same exact sweater for christmas. Only the sweaters happen to be labeled with advertisements for the sweater factory.

You insult your strange uncle and his gift while he laughs, throws his hands in the air and rhetorically states in a very slimy tone, “Hey, that’s quality knitting. Your lucky to own one of those. I don’t just hand ‘em out to anybody. Know what I’m sayin’?”

(edited by Elbegast.6970)

If the mini was Tybalt rather than Jennah?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Would you have felt different about the birthday present if the mini had been Tybalt rather than Jennah? Has this whole affair stemmed not from lack of appreciation, but simply from Anet overestimating the popularity (or perhaps even underestimating the unpopularity) of one of its characters?

Fyi, I don’t know of any ‘Tybalt’.

The problem with the mini isn’t the character. It’s that it isn’t randomly selected from a pool of year-one minis as was done in GW1. There’s no anticipation of surprise. Another problem is that it isn’t tradable and EVERY character on your account will receive one. It’s redundant, insulting and completely worthless.

Why am i not able to get into pavillion?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Except they can’t persist that long, the event only goes 40 minutes or so. There’s still at least a ten minute window before the top of the hour.

Yes, they can. All that is needed is for people to refuse to leave the overflow by clicking the decline button when prompted to return to their home world.

I should know. I spent two days attempting the portal events and only got in on 3 active events. Every other time I was kicked to an eventless overflow and well within the 10 minute window.

Tired of being kicked to Overflow

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


…all overflow servers created within 10 minutes of the invasion starting will also run the invasion event. It does not matter if you are “kicked to overflow” since you can still do the event.

This is not entirely accurate. Some overflows persist from the previous hour. You can join a map 5 minutes after the hour and wind up in an overflow that is 65 minutes old with no portal event running.

Skirts for everyone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I read the title as ‘Skritts for everyone’ and assumed this was a suggestion for the 2nd year anniversary mini-pet.

I agree with the OP. More (slightly less inflated) leg options would be very welcomed.

Why am i not able to get into pavillion?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


The reason that you can’t do the event in overflows, is because you have to enter the specific map in 10 minutes. The event appears every hour, so for example on 3:00 it begins, you can enter till 3:10. If you enter the specific map after that time you won’t be able to participate unless you join a party.

Then, as my preposter said, if you go with someone else in the playhouse you will be able to get back ino the Pavilion. You can also enter it by climbing upon the roof of the pavilion and jump in.

Entering the zone within the 10 minute time limit does not guarantee that you will be placed into an overflow with an active portal event. It’s supposed to, but it doesn’t. The problem is that some overflows persist past the event’s finale and into the next hour. So instead of joining a 5 minute old overflow at 5 minutes past the hour, you are joining a 65 minute old overflow with no active event.

Why am i not able to get into pavillion?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I asked the same thing a few days ago. The game told me to close portals but would not let me into an overflow with an active event. I’ve completely stopped doing Clockwork Chaos content as a result. I don’t know when (or even if) I will ever log back in to the game again. It is going to take a lot from ArenaNet to convince me to play any future Living Story patches.

(edited by Elbegast.6970)

List how you make your day to day gold.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Farm ‘Seraph Observers Waypoint’ in Brisban Wildlands for butter and chocolate. The camp is bugged out and spawns a never ending stream of bandits.

Downed state's Place in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Needs to go away

/\ x 1,000,000

I absolutely loathe the ‘downed state’. The only place it seems to be even remotely useful is during underwater combat.

When should I start crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Crafting gives you some really great XP and can level you much faster than just completing dynamic events. Here’s a nice guide…

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I would love to see a random 1st year mini like Gw1 had.

*tradeable mini

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


If there ever needed to be evidence that this game is filled with over-entitled children, this thread would provide ample evidence.

It’s a gift. You did absolutely nothing to earn it, it’s just a token of appreciation. If you never use it or throw it away, who cares? To see people come onto a thread and whine that they wanted a better birthday present is just about as sad as watching a child throw a tantrum because they didn’t get the birthday presents they wanted.

It’s sickeningly entitled. And quite frankly it’s beneath the maturity level of players who are supposed to be at least 13 to play this game. This kind of whining would only be okay if you were younger than that.

And what exactly am I supposed to do with 8x Queen Jennah mini-pets? What am I supposed to do with the booster? They are worthless to me and they take up too much of my inventory space. I am forced to take time out of my schedule to delete them. My time is valuable.

You mean those valuable seconds?

You know how I know your time isn’t valuable? Because you just spent longer then it would take to delete those presents to respond to me.

My time is far more valuable than the worthless junk in that Birthday gift. Nice strawman argument, though.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


If there ever needed to be evidence that this game is filled with over-entitled children, this thread would provide ample evidence.

It’s a gift. You did absolutely nothing to earn it, it’s just a token of appreciation. If you never use it or throw it away, who cares? To see people come onto a thread and whine that they wanted a better birthday present is just about as sad as watching a child throw a tantrum because they didn’t get the birthday presents they wanted.

It’s sickeningly entitled. And quite frankly it’s beneath the maturity level of players who are supposed to be at least 13 to play this game. This kind of whining would only be okay if you were younger than that.

And what exactly am I supposed to do with 8x Queen Jennah mini-pets? What am I supposed to do with the booster? They are worthless to me and they take up too much of my inventory space. I am forced to take time out of my schedule to delete them. My time is valuable.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


If my friend (or someone I know) gives me a gift or gifts, and not an insult gift to make fun of me, but a gift that they spend time making or buying or acquiring, I will be grateful for them. I don’t care if it’s a pad paper that I don’t ever use, a dozen colored pencil of the same color, or a set of crayon I already have or just a stone-paperweight which will actually end up cluttering my work space. The fact is, someone spend sometime to give me something.

The thought counts, the actual gift makes it better, no matter what that might be.

Yep. I have to admit I’m a bit perplexed about the hostility towards the gift. Anet was certainly under no obligation to give us anything. But we still got a decent booster. The experience scroll is useful to anyone who is leveling an alt—am I to believe that the majority of players have all 80s? I personally don’t care for Minis enough, but I still got an exotic one with no effort on my part; what’s not to like?

Like you said, it’s the thought that counts. The fact that I got something despite not paying a subscription fee is good enough.

I have an old, used left shoe and a pile of dried canine excrement. I could give them to you…or would you prefer I gave you nothing instead?

I would have preferred ArenaNet gave me nothing than the useless, annoying junk in that birthday ‘gift’.

Why has the The Crown Pavilion gone?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Scarlet has locked the arena down and is in there now doing mean things

If you help Vorpp reverse engineer the portal you can go in and kick her out, which will let you get back in to the arena proper.

No, you can’t. You must depend on RNG to be able to re-enter the Pavilion.

Overflow servers became annoying ... Why?

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Overflows created within 10 minutes of the invasion start will always have an invasion event. The events always start at the hour, give or take a minute. So if you make sure you’re ready to waypoint when the invasion goes live, you are guaranteed to get into an overflow that has the event going on (unless you take longer than 10 minutes to load the map).

If you get into an overflow that doesn’t have the event, it simply means that overflow was created more than 10 minutes after the invasion start and you were too slow.

You are incorrect. When the invasion goes ‘live’ (and even if you join in the first 10 minutes), there is no guarantee that you will be placed into an overflow in which the event is starting. It is supposed to place you into an overflow with a live event but I found that, more often than not, it places you into an eventless overflow.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I’m going to delete EVERY Queen Jennah mini that my characters receive! I feel very insulted by ArenaNet.

Most and least favorable additions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Favorite: Wallet

Least Favorite: Living Story…the entire Living Story.


in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


They are really dragging this all out aren’t they. I’d honestly like to see some sort of conclusion to this major year-long arc soon so that we can freakin move on already.

Why does an arc need to be so short? Things are just starting to get interesting, especially since the first 4 months were F&F and picked up at a snails pace…

Because many of us don’t even remember the first 6 months of the story.

Let’s see….
I remember some angry mole people.
Then we had a bunch of crabs and some island thing.
After that it was some generic pirates.
Then it was (flying?) merchants.
Then something about politics.
Then the Queen threw a party and some robots attacked for some unknown reason.

I barely remember any NPCs or dialogue or anything from any of those events. What mostly springs to mind were the bugs…such as the Cattlepult and items that could not be clicked or were missing from the gameworld altogether.

Do I remember any of the plot? Not a thing. When you drag these ‘chapters’ out for too long, people lose interest in the story.

You may wanna go see a doctor for that memory loss, i remember everything just fine and am interested to see how this plays out.

That being said i do think they should have something (probably a priory scholar) that’d give players a Recap on what’s happened, or better yet, a way to play through the previous events in some way shape or form.

I remember the serial number from the first $20 bill I ever owned (from 24 years ago)…. ‘L 27785967 I’.
I remember my entire family’s social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, birth days, etc.
I remember a sequence of 30 numbers I was given 26 years ago, in order to test my memory….‘224563811137540691672798207214’.
I can recite the Alphabet backwards, list every US president in order by date of their term(s) and can identify every unclassified military vehicle used by any country in the world.

However, for the life of me, I cannot remember the Living Story plot. It seems most of it wasn’t even conveyed in game but rather through short stories on websites.

Well Done!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


I thought you were serious until I read…

I love how access to the Playhouse comes through a tiny questline with Voorp…

Good one, lol.

Does "Destroy" help?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Ignore them. They will die faster to aoe (after they revive) than the time you take to do a finishing move.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


What if you could dye the minis? You could have a veritable herd of Queen Jennahs with no two alike!

No….just no.

A random selection from a predetermined series of minis would be fine.

EDIT: If you want to get all ‘cavalier’ about dyes, go for weapons and not minis.

Birthday Gift Failed?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


When my characters get their Queen Jennah mini-pet, I am going to destroy them in protest. I like GW1 birthday presents much better.

No Living world Wallpaper in 1366x768

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


do people still use anything lower then 1680×1050 nowadays ?

most comman res nowadays is 1920 × 1080

I will ignore the condescending nature of your post and will only say that many, many people use monitors with a resolution of 1366×768.

Happy 1 year Anniversary!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


You are awfully chipper for someone who’s name is an anagram for ‘Be Grench’.

Favorite addition: The Currency Wallet.
Least favorite addition: Everything added after ‘Dragons’ (save the aforementioned Currency Wallet).

The math of the Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


After ~3rd invasion (booted from 1st for new build, disconnected from 2nd and completed a 3rd which gave me no credit towards the meta achievement), I stopped, logged out and haven’t logged back on since. I honestly can’t say when I will log back on, if ever.

Mini Mr Sparkles sold for $700.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


You could not pay me enough to own a mini-pet named ‘Mr. Sparkles’. The name is completely lame, uninspired and is condescending to the game, the lore and everything the franchise stands for.

then you’re unfamiliar with the asura story line?

I don’t play Asura. They do not fit in with the GW universe either. ArenaNet should have caused them to go extinct, in the past 250 years, rather than giving them a huge technological promotion.