if you are looking for 24/7 good coverage fight tiers , there is t1 na servers to choose from and some t2 servers.
Sword is most used across professions as a high mobility weapon with flurry attacks and evades.
Tempest seems to be going that way. Mobility (leaps and maybe teleports), flurry attacks and evades.
Probably lower range than dagger, but higher dmg in fewer tgts (frontal cleave, no pbaoe), auto-attack chains and some soft cc (cripples and imobs)So a bit like thief Sword, I’d say…
Teleport. My ele got excited. But we also have LF which is kinda like teleport. WOuld be awesome to have group LF.
The DnD ele can do everything except stealth.
We have
-AOE : heals/damage/cc
-single/cone arc damage heal/burn/damage
-self stability
-the list goes on
Possible -
Anets focus -
Build diversity + Group play enhancement
What ever they call us, i can guarantee it will not be “awesome”
6 months and almost 2 years. Still seeking free gw2 tshirt
Heres your NA update (yes top 3 EU servers to be added after HoT update, pls wait for the fresh restart of the next chapter of the game)
Something the gives your group an advantage.
WIth the new Ele changes you wont be using dragons tooth in wvw
I wont add to much, so many things have already been said. As a staff ele, i’d like auto attacks to be a little bit faster…
DnD eles get insane damage output from Air 1 auto attack with cone damage hitting multiple targets.
I would also like to see a buff in staff auto attack.
eotm is where u go to train for real WvWvW. If they remove it, where will people go to feel good? EB?
Ele is going to be really badly broken in upcoming changes
- Upcoming GM trait line of AIR is broken
- Upcoming GM trait line of Arcane is broken
Proposed changes are a serious nerf to the Elementalist in WvW/PvP/PvE
Well lets look at it in the grand picture
Fire – No real buffs or Nerfs
Air – Major mess created/ Nerf
Earth – Unchanged
Water – Buffed a little
Arcane – Major mess created/ a little nerfed
Cantrips – Too early to tell
SoR – Unchanged
Glyphs – Did anyone use these?
Signets – Too early to tell
Elites – One can only hope
Conjures- Nerfed a little
In total its too early to tell but air and arcane got messed up.
They probably got tired of trying to balance things variable bonuses to duration.
It would be nice to see boon duration food be on par with condition duration food. I guess runes may see a nice buff too.
But they nerfed boon runes.
Though seeing how eles are getting kitten it would make sense to buff them in areas which have a real meaning to us.
The classic DnD meta will be 60660/ 00666/ 06660
I reckon most eles will just go 00666 and bunker the hatches down.
What happened to cleansing fire if ER becomes a cantrip?
Looks like the PVT ele running sor eles will make a strong comeback.
10 gold that tornado will still be useless.
Throw in a free GW2 T-shirt and I may consider.
Blue/Yellow/Red = Main Commanders
Purple = scout/havoc/derp/do not follow pin
The ability to play any role at any time with anyone. Pve,pvp or wvw. take your pick.
Daggers = zerk/cele/soldiers
Armour = knights/cav
trinkets/backpeice = celes/zerk
mix and match
eles trying to be necros. cute.
Its time we update metabattle. But im too lazy. I select gokil
map cap lowered ? really ? is it patch-noted?
They do not officially reveal the exact cap. In the past the number was 80. Then recently it was 60. Now it could be different.
The lag is still bad even with the program called wtfast.
It is speculated that stab changes may have caused the lag. Not really sure
We are reaching close to 6 months.
The league was meant to happen(if u follow past precedents) about some time ago.
Given HoT is being released, and the lag issue not fixed + map caps reduced,
i do not think there will be another season until the 3/4 quarter of this year.
I hope Im wrong.
Updated 2 weeks worth of scores. (Week 98 in total ) (Post Season 3 – Week 27)
No news on S4 yet
GL fellas
I like some of these ideas.
I still think there should be sort of manual assistance or player based voting
that can enhance the direction of the movement of the server.
So [Glicko ] x [Player voting/Anet manual input] = Next week fights
*70 from there *30% from players/anet = Next weeks fight
This will create some chance for the tiers that are locked in place.
The slow, inevitable, locking of tiers is well underway in NA.
T2 is 100% locked this week.
I prefer the revolving door concept but also want balance.
It is currently 60.
why do builds ‘tank’ up when ele has the tools to survive and deal the damages?
Because 2 in earth gives you perma prot. What you are peaking of is the SoR regen ele that is the first meta for eles since 2012.
I use 00266 d/d build. and Pack runes are perfect. provide almost perma swift which is essential for wvw and also that 125 precision helps alot. I’d say pack runes are perfect rune for d/d ele and also its way cheaper than hoelbrak or strength
Yup. There are more benefits in packrunes than hoelbrak/str runes when using the 00266 spec than 02246 or 02066 for dnd.
But it really is playstyle, group use and build/armour type.
Metabattle uses an outdated build. It works but is meh.
DnD feels the same as it did last year. But not as powerful as 2012 ele.
Duel with SoR, Roam with glyph or ER and Zerg on dnd with ER.
Pack runes help a lot in grps. But i prefer hoelbraks given that dnd eles rely alot on might.
Standard build. Acceptable.
00266 is very PvP. In WvW you should try 02246 with ER instead of SoR
Base power of 2k is sufficient
Hoelbraks over str runes.
AF is around 2.6k so its fine.
Your build is in general acceptable.
Your biggest clickiness will come from F1 to F4 (and with next expansion, F5). I suggest you bind them to mouse and keyboard shortcuts.
Other keys not 1 to 5 should be bound with shortcuts as well, i.e. 6 is Alt+1, 7 is Alt+2
Something new, FA has a 0.183692 chance to play in T1.
I get mixed responses from folk at FA if they indeed want to be the new kids in T1. Though i think everyone at t1 wants a revolving door of mixes and matches.
In a recent reddit post, ascended trinkets,back and weapons + exotic armour VS Full ascended gear was a stat difference of 2.x%
You should aim to get your trinkets with laurels. That would be the first thing to do.
As seen in reddit.
Thank you
Week 96 / (week 26 post seasons) posted
WvW is not really a new feature given it was copied from DAoC RvRvR which is some 15 years old.
Our WvW specialist was eaten by a dolphin. True story!
This thread should probably be stickied. Thanks for the heads up!
I concur. I was a recent victim of such an ingame mail. Luckily I had friends who told me to quickly change my email and game passwords.
Please sticky this thread.
Thank you all for your advice. I’ve already started changing my ele to your reccomendation little by little, since i’m new to the game and don’t have that much money to spend on TP, and i’m already seeing changes in my numbers. Still trying to get use to know when to dodge which attacks, but as i do more content i’m going to learn. Thank you all again.
In the beginning most folks ran a mix of Soldier (P+V+T) and some cleric.
You can get soldiers for a bunch of badges anyway.
When spending your laurels use them on celestial trinkets before anything else.
Also Sceptor builds are usually used for High Burst.
battle + doom is a typical set. Also with geomancy
I run the ol’ school battle and bloodlust.
I do like the strength runes if running high crit eles
Good week. Is mag poised to become the next t2/3 server, i let u decide
Gratz to this weeks winner
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Snowreap post can been under the best answer above.
No increase stack, no increase duration … GG anet, once again nerf what dont need to be nerf. Kill build diversity, way to go. Now every DD player will run 00266
There is always 02066 and 20066, but those are crippled by having minor traits that don’t actually exist.
Even if this were 10 stacks aoe(so it functioned as it did before) it still would see very little use (as it did before). Eles without 6 in water have very little cleanse, while those with 6 in water have all the cleanse in the world. Just another case of having almost necessary traits for most situations, and having a bunch of incredibly sub-par and unviable traits all over the place.
with -40 food and ER, cleansing should not be a problem if u do not go 6.
Do not mock our Eles elite skill, esp tornado. I would have you know its so OP that only 0.001% of the wvw population use it! :P