Buy a new gfx card or tone down your settings! THIS IS AMAZING. love you anet!
Why should people have to shell out money or play with sub-optimal settings when they didn’t have to before?
It may be amazing to you, but not for everyone.
If you want amazing, buy a new computer. If you don’t, turn your settings down. You don’t get to drive a Tesla after buying a Honda. New games = require newer computers. No way would I ever expect my 466Mhz iBook (purchased sep 2000) to be able to play GW2, much less at highest settings.
That isn’t even what the OP was talking about. Imagine for a moment if suddenly GW2 had forced txaa. Some people can’t run that, and they would request to be able to use fxaa, msaa, or just none.
What the person you quoted was asking for is a way to keep the culling the way it was for him. He liked the option, and would like it to stay that way. This in no way affects you, but instead okittennowledging that you wanted to be a kitten.
Because we both know you don’t have a clue what txaa even is I’m going to provide you with a link. That should explain things better.
My husband also plays and he mentioned that he has had this problem before, his computer is about 18 months older than mine (making it about 3 years old) Unfortunately we can’t afford to buy 2 new high end computers every year and up until now mine at least has managed.
Not many people can, and that’s just one reason consoles have pretty much killed off pc gaming. With a pc you have to keep upgrading at least every year. With a console you don’t have to because you can play every new game. With the next generation already revealing they will have mmos, in addition to the plethora of other goodies, I don’t expect to see many pc exclusive games. Not that there are many pc exclusive games right now, even blizzard is trying to recruit the console players. That’s simply where the money is.
really I can’t put OF and Acknowledging next to each other without it getting replaced by kitten?
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
Could be worse, I got put into an overflow with my group. Our home instance failed, but the overflow succeeded. Wasn’t even sure that was possible.
Don’t forget adrenal health ticking at 150hp/sec at full adrenaline. And we all know adrenaline comes easy at lvl 80 and 30 points in discipline.
Adrenal healing ticks every 3seconds not one second. And he is continuously using his burst skills for the hammer stun, so is spending very little time with full Adrenaline.
Yes, adrenal health every three secs, but then for 360 points or more. This are 120+ Points per sec.
So adrenal healing + the signet heals you for 500+ Points every sec.
Just stop, you don’t know how violent these guys get when you start doing math. Save yourself the trouble and run away as fast as you can.
I doubt you get 3 auto-attacks in less than 1 and a half seconds but aim is to balance potential and swords is a hybrid of two damage applications. And while the hypothetical comparisons can bring perspective, don’t rely on them. Vacuum comparisons are often times incorrect (mostly due to their attempt at precision and being ‘close’ doesn’t cut it).
It’s actually 1.6 attacks per second, I was using those numbers to give a general idea of what to expect. You get 16 attacks over a 10 second period. Over 1.5 seconds you would get 2.4 attacks. Over 5 seconds you get 8 attacks. Over a 10 second period you cause 11 bleeds from attacks sever artery/gash. So 1.1 bleeds per second.
While I do agree that looking at things in this fashion isn’t ideal, I think you are missing the point. This isn’t a theory crafting discussion. My posts have been to provide some concrete numbers to the discussion. It isn’t to say one option is better.
You’re also not counting time and opportunity which isn’t something easily taken into account, i.e. the fact you might not be using your auto attack for 12sec straight because your attack missed/out-of-range, you clicked a heal, you were stunned, etc.
That’s the advantage of using condition damage and you wouldn’t be capable of decently exploiting said advantage if your condition stats are low.
I’m pretty sure I’ve openly admitted in my post that I’ve made several assumptions. I’ve assumed that both the tot, and the ttk, were static. You can’t get a general idea if you start changing those variables though. In that case you would need to calculate for certain fights, and I’m pretty sure that is beyond the scope of this thread.
Well thanks for insulting on your way out.
It isn’t intended to be an insult. Have you seen how theory crafters are treated on this sub forum. This is the absolute worst sub forum when it comes to theory crafting. There is a reason for the absence of the same kinds of threads you will find in every other sub forum.
And if my perspective held any value to the discussion (you don’t seem to value my perspective which is okay) then one would take away that both stats, power and condition damage, are valuable for sword because of the possible flexibility.
So far this is the only thing I take issue with. To my knowledge I’ve not once even implied I don’t value your perspective. Why I would even do that makes no sense to me. I even agree with you.
Stepping away from that point, when considering ‘direct’ and ‘condition’ damage, it usually goes without saying that direct damage is important and effective while condition damage has its own slew of problems such as bleed caps, burn/poison only stack duration, cleanses and nothing else boosts the damage conditions directly do unlike % boosts from traits, gear, vulnerability, etc. But again, conditions come with their own slew of advantages and when choosing gear for a playstyles, remember and play to those advantages. For example, if you decide to go full-on condition damage, know you will destroy objects very slowly.
I think the big problem with condition damage is that in pve it’s much harder to kill with it. NPCs have much higher health than human players. Players in PvE can also build full zerker and just learn the fights to avoid the damage. This means in PvE you end up with much higher direct damage, and conditions not being as valuable.
Those are just my opinions on it though.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
@Jericho: The fourth pic you posted is really sweet! Where was that taken?
LA, by the old lighthouse. South of the Asura Gate hub.
Are you talking about the 5th one?
Wait, wait, wait.
So in WvW you don’t need condition removal because two food items will reduce it to nothing!?
Is that a thing?The important thing to note is that it does NOT reduce it to nothing. It’s additive with condition duration. So a guy with +65% Duration versus a guy with -65% Duration will do 100% Duration conditions. It doesn’t make conditions useless or condition cleansing pointless. It does help though.
Yeah, it’s mostly only useful to even the playing field. I guess imagine if you didn’t have it. Necros are the worst, and considering fear is affected by both ways it’s really helpful.
The reason it kind of sucks is that if you don’t have + duration enough to reach the 1 second mark it does make you immune to some things. If you put a 2 second burn on them and they have mel+lg then it reduces it to under the 1 second mark.
It’s to the point of either take the increased condi duration food, or don’t even bother with conditions. Warriors are really strong with it because they have access to dogged march.
I’ve noticed something on these forums. It’s similar to LoL, when a diamond/plat hell even mid+ gold player says something you always have wood league players trying to correct them. Why? If I start talking about the mechanics of this, or that, and you are barely able to break 5 cs/minute(exception support of course, love you guys you do the crap job so the rest of us can have fun) then the conversation is irrelevant to you because you aren’t skilled enough to even worry about mechanics.
Which is sort of the point. 1000 condition damage will cause 92 damage with a bleed while 1000 power will add 600 damage per auto-attack. All you need is 7 bleed stacks on a target to equal that which is easy with sword to surpass. But neither is exclusive to the other.
Bleeds tick once per second, while sword AA is twice per second. So you would need 1200/92 13 stacks to equal the AA. It’s actually more because of the way the last one is only 1/4 second instead of 1/2. You get 3 auto attacks over a 1.25 second period, but only one tick of bleeding. Now over 6 attacks it’s 2.5 seconds and you get two tics of bleeding. At 5 seconds y ou get 12 AA, and 5 tics of bleeding.
So 12*600 = 7200 so for bleeding to equal that you would need (7200/5)/92.4 = 15.6 stacks of bleeding on them from the start to the 5 second mark. Now I’m not including the base damage because both sides get that, nor am I including base power/base condi damage because again both sides get that.
Anyway this isn’t really part of the discussion I guess. I just wanted to clear up where I got my numbers from. Honestly I think I’ve skewed things towards the bleed build. I haven’t included crits, or crit damage, or final thrust etc. That bothers me, but I will leave it to other people to work that out. I know how you guys get on this forum when we start doing math. Not in the mood to deal with death threats because I can add.
Assuming 1000 condi damage and 1000 power, no might as both can stack might easily enough.
The sword attacks three times every 1.25 seconds if I recall correctly and has a .6 ratio on each AA. It stacks 1 stack of bleeding on each of the first two Akitten you will apply 2 stacks of bleeding every 1.25 seconds.
Assuming 1000 base condi damage the bleeds will deal 92.5 damage per stack. While the sword base attack will deal 802 per AA. You will deal 12 attacks over a 5 second period, and stack 8 bleeds.
Anyway you need roughly 21 stacks of bleeding in order to equal out to the AA damage.
I’ve made some heavy assumptions, but I didn’t want to cherry pick one way or another. I don’t really care which one proves better because the only time I use a sword is in pvp and that’s because I run a bunker build based around it. In PvE/WvW I run a mace build because that shiverstone looks so kitten sweet ,it’s got snow flakes =).
Also I didn’t include any crits one way or another, or any crit damage. I also didn’t account for armor though. Again there are ways you can sway this one way or another. I think it’s probably better to just look at the raw damage and see if it’s something you like, and then build around it.
As for the other points, I wouldn’t suggest aiming for condition damage higher than 1200. 1000-1200 condition damage gives you around 100 dmg/bleed and if you can manage max might, you can get around 150 dmg/bleed and this boosts other damaging conditions. If you have condition duration to boost those bleeds, you’ll also boost other conditions like immobilize, weakness, chill, cripple, etc. With the rest of your stat points, boost direct damage, boons, defense, whatever.
To reach 150 damage bleeds you need 2150 condi damage. The formula to find out how much condi damage is needed to reach a certain point is
(150-42.5)/.05=2150. Let’s say you are maintaining 10 stacks of might that means you need a base 1800 condi damage to reach the 150 damage bleed mark. If you had 20 stacks of might you would only need 1450 condi damage to reach that mark. So with 20 stacks of might and 1450 condi damage you will get 150 dps from a single stack of bleeding. If you managed to get all 25 on a target you would get 3750 dps from bleeding. Which is pretty kitten nice. How likely that is to happen though is not something I could accurately discuss.
As for me pointing out the basics, yes it may seem silly to do it. However there are people on these forums that do not understand the basics of how things are calculated. It might seem very elementary to post the calculations for bleed damage, or the ratios for conditions, but there are people who read these forums that don’t know those things.
I mentioned the ratio about the bleeding damage, but forgot to include the ratio on the basic sword attack. Assuming 1000 power the sword AA gets 600 bonus damage per AA.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
how you play is up to you.
I will say though if we start comparing numbers then that’s different..
Let’s not. Maybe I’m wrong but I’d like this not to turn into that other thread about zerker this or that gear. I am still one, maybe the few, that really don’t care about what is best or mandatory or damage meters. Leave that to the other game.
This game, let us just play what feels good for once. And if the player can make it work, then all the more power to him or her. Please note I do not mean to imply you are…just figured I’d cast a vote to say NO
Then that is all that matters. Some people always want what is optimal, some people play what they like. Neither is right or wrong. It’s just how they play, and as long as they are having fun it’s not anyone’s job to tell them they are wrong, unless they start messing up something for other people.
For the first time in history we will be the first profession in the entire game with no condition weapons at all.
Guardian beat you to it.
Oh yeah, completely forgot about you!
WELL, we will be second!!! :P
Probably, and it would suck. Guardians only condition is burning, and they only have that because of how the trait system works. Guardians had to get a condition damage line, and a condition duration line. They had no conditions though, so burning was added as a way to cut down on the anger. It sucks, and yeah no condi weapons at all.
Back to the OP I’ve made some conditions work on warrior in pvp with a shamans amulet sw/sw lb. I don’t feel as comfortable with it as I do with say a necro though. It all relies on two conditions, that are generally easily cleansed. It’s strong, I won’t deny that. With the above I rely on heavy regen with pressure. Outlasting most things isn’t too hard as long as I move. It does require mobility against mesmers and stuff though.
I wish Anet would get their heads out of their butts and just decide about weapons. Either a weapon is a condi weapon, or a power weapon. I get why they do it, so that even if you are condi you can still do some damage. Then even if you are against a heavy armored target you can still do some damage with condis.
I am not trying to kitten anyone off, but I don’t think some people understand how dps relative to condis works.
Bleeding with 1000 condi power deals exactly 92.5 damage per second at level 80. Say you have a bleed then that lasts 10 seconds. With 1000 condi power that will deal 92.5*10 =925 damage over the duration. Here is the problem. Most of you are calculating this not over time. Say you get a trait that increases bleed duration by 50% so your bleed goes to 15 seconds. That would put your new damage at 92.5*15=1387.5. Which looks like a big number, but it’s still only 92.5 damage per second. Now if you managed to get a full 25 stacks of bleeds, at 1000 condition damage, you would deal 2312.5 damage per second from bleeding damage.
The formula for bleed damage
(0.05 * Condition Damage) + (0.5 * Level) + 2.5 per stack per second
Also if my math is correct, and it may not be, you will need 2730 condition damage in order for bleeds to reach the 179 mark. That’s quite a bit of condition damage.
More edits:
The reason condi damage isn’t so great for the sword is that your major condi is bleeding. Bleeding only has a .05 ratio. So at 1000 condi damage you will end up doing 50 extra damage. It’s an incredibly low ratio. It is in fact the second lowest ratio next to torment when a target is not moving, the other condi provided by sword. When a target is moving torment has a better ratio than bleeding, but not by an incredible amount. While Fear/Burning have the highest ratio, and Fear has the highest if it’s traited in the necro line.
Now this isn’t to say that condi warriors suck or anything, all I’m doing is provided information so that people can make an informed decision.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
For the first time in history we will be the first profession in the entire game with no condition weapons at all.
Guardian beat you to it.
Your point of view on mmo means every game that is online is an mmo and if they have any type of rpg element to them then they are an mmorpg. D3 is not an mmorpg nor was D2 nor was GW1 nor is MH1-4?
Then apparently mmo doesn’t stand for massive multiplayer online. I welcome your definition then.
Also the E-sports is kind of a big things in GW2 you just do not like it luckly things existed out side of your point of view and the world dose not go away when you close your eyes.
GW2 can’t break triple digit viewership. Yes I admit it, I think the current conquest only is incredibly boring. That aside all of the GW2 viewership combined doesn’t equal what dyrus gets in a few days. There is NO comparison at all, and even implying there is one is just silly.
I will admit I’m wrong when a gw2 stream managed to get even 1% of the viewers that the lcs gets.
Arthur did not spend months nearly years to make an Excalibur from a very low end weapon but you make an Excalibur in ff11 that took a lot of work to the point where it would take a full LS spending months running events to get an item for ONE person. I do not think you understand how good you have it in GW2 when it comes to getting very nice looking and very strong weapons and gear when it comes compared to other mmorpgs.
I think you missed his point entirely. Though your argument isn’t entirely without merit. Sure there are harder games to get good looking gear in. The only one of them that is even vaguely relevant is WoW. Any game that the gear has been harder to acquire is nonissue because they were not successful as games. (Please don’t try to claim ffxi was anything even remotely close to successful as an mmo, it peaked under the amount of box sales that many “failure” mmos launch with)
You should easily be able to see the OPs argument though. The OP, and many like him, are not asking to be handed a legendary. What they are asking for is something as epic as the title of “Legendary” deserves. There is nothing “epic” or “legendary” about simply gambling. What they want is a true legendary quest. They want to feel like they’ve actually earned, and accomplished something by getting their legendary. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.
I’m not going to say that either person is right or wrong, I personally don’t think GW2 has the shelf life for it to matter to me. It matters to other people though, and they seem to mostly agree that getting a legendary doesn’t feel legendary at all.
Then do not get a legendary is it that hard of an concept? Just because something is there dose not mean you should and must get it. What all of this comes down to is that there is something that ppl want and they want it as soon as they can get it if they cant get it in a set time they find it to much work to get but they cant deal with that cost benefit way of looking at things. If you truly cant play something because you cant have it all then there a lot of games you cant play and in a way your keeping your self from having any thing because of this point of view.
I don’t know how to ask this without being rude, but can you read? If so, do you just lack retention because what you’ve put above doesn’t seem to apply to anything that I just tried to explain to you. Again I’m not trying to be mean, but there is no use continuing the discussion if you either lack the ability to, or refuse to, read and understand what I’ve typed.
Diablo 3 sold copies based off of the franchise history (hence the huge amount in just a few days), using it in this sense is a very poor argument.
Are you aware that GW2 did the same?
How many of you can honestly watch that preview they put out for china and think “yeah that’s the game I play”. I can’t, I wish I could play that game.
Also why is d3 not an mmo? Was it massive? Yes. Was it multiplayer? Yes. Was it Online? Yes. The only reason they could make that claim they made is because they included so many qualifiers.
I also don’t understand how pointing out there aren’t many people around is equal to saying the game sucks. The game is good, not great, but it’s worth the price of admission. That doesn’t mean people are sticking around though. Again this is just a rerun of the swtor forums.
Instead of hiding from a problem it helps if you address the problem before it gets worse.
GW2 PvP is esports, so that’s also another area where everyone is at.
You are either joking, or have no clue. You want to know what an esport is, I will give you an example:
That is an esport, comparing the two is like saying you are a race car driver because you have a race car bed. That might even be overstating it at that. Maybe it’s like saying you are a race car driver because you vaguely saw a picture of a race car in a book from 3 miles away on a rainy day.
D3 supports up to 4 players. how does anyone consider that ‘massively multiplayer’?
Dungeons and pvp only support a few players…that doesn’t mean gw2 isn’t an mmo.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Arthur did not spend months nearly years to make an Excalibur from a very low end weapon but you make an Excalibur in ff11 that took a lot of work to the point where it would take a full LS spending months running events to get an item for ONE person. I do not think you understand how good you have it in GW2 when it comes to getting very nice looking and very strong weapons and gear when it comes compared to other mmorpgs.
I think you missed his point entirely. Though your argument isn’t entirely without merit. Sure there are harder games to get good looking gear in. The only one of them that is even vaguely relevant is WoW. Any game that the gear has been harder to acquire is nonissue because they were not successful as games. (Please don’t try to claim ffxi was anything even remotely close to successful as an mmo, it peaked under the amount of box sales that many “failure” mmos launch with)
You should easily be able to see the OPs argument though. The OP, and many like him, are not asking to be handed a legendary. What they are asking for is something as epic as the title of “Legendary” deserves. There is nothing “epic” or “legendary” about simply gambling. What they want is a true legendary quest. They want to feel like they’ve actually earned, and accomplished something by getting their legendary. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.
I’m not going to say that either person is right or wrong, I personally don’t think GW2 has the shelf life for it to matter to me. It matters to other people though, and they seem to mostly agree that getting a legendary doesn’t feel legendary at all.
Speculation as to population numbers is irrelevant anyway. We don’t have proof, and only A-net has the statistics.
Trying to prove GW2 is dead, based on one server, at one specific time, is laughable. With that logic, i can go to any low-pop server in WoW, take a screenshot, and claim WoW is dead.
Not true, it was screen shots of a “high” server taken at prime time. That aside there is a reason we won’t get actual population numbers.
This has been a discussion since before christmas. WvW populations are pretty much a ratio to the server population. The lower 8 servers have a small amount of wvw players. It would be much better if Anet just merged the lower population servers, that way people would actually see others in the world.
The expense of the minority since most people are doing these loot chains and it’s a vocal minority complaining? You’re not going to please everyone, I thought it made sense for a gaming company to keep the majority of their gamers content – hence why when cof p1 indirectly got nerfed they gave people an alternative rather than just going “nope, you can’t have anything”.
It seems like ANet are just going to do a blunt nerf to champion loot by making it daily or making the loot flat out worse.
1. I don’t think that they’ll nerf all champ loot. They’ll probably do the same fix as they did with Lyssa though – make that part of the event not give any loot whatsoever.
2. It’s not about the minority on the forums, but about the way those players act. If a developer sees someone saying to a newbie that they won’t get the wp uncontested and that the newbie has to pay them 20G to get to the waypoint leading to a dungeon, the developer obviously thinks that the event is poisonous for the community. If there were less loudmouths swearing at everyone in the chat, there would be less fixes.They’ll probably cut the silver you get from champs and make the chest daily.
Play how you want guys, except when you get good loot!
smacks with nerf bat
Then people will just ignore the entire chain. Which is counter to what Anet has stated they want. There is no way to fix the problem within the current setup they use. They will have to change the entire reward system to provide a reason for the players to do an event, especially if they are wanting to up the difficulty. Before this event you were lucky to find 2 people doing it. If they up the difficulty they will have to open Arah permanently because on most servers it’s always contested anyway.
Is it not listed anywhere?
No, and I think it should be quite obvious why it’s not listed. As I stated in another thread there is only one reason to hide numbers. If you have high numbers you want to plaster them all over the place and say “hey look at how high our numbers are”. You don’t actively deny publishing high numbers.
If you want an example look at how much we hear about the “sold more than any other sub based mmo in the west over a 9 month period etc etc”. Even then it had to have a good amount of qualifiers added to it, and it had to exclude certain games.
It’s pretty obvious to most people why the numbers are hidden so well.
Simple solution to the problem: TIME.
If the event goes on for too long champions will get INVULNERABLE and will ONE-SHOT everyone to DEATH. They will REMAIN INVULNERABLE for several seconds and go back to normal. If people keep delaying the event the INVULNERABILITY will b]LAST LONGER,[/b] to the point were people can’t do the event anymore.Even simpler solution. EVENT FAILED. Champions disappear.
I present to you there is a better solution that doesn’t involve changing the champion farm at all.
Remove the reason people feel the need to farm the champions. There are plenty of ways to do it. The problem isn’t that people want to fail the event to mess with other people, unlike the other side that want to complete it mostly to just hurt the farmers. The problem is that people feel they are forced to farm in order to get what they want. If you removed the need to farm in order to get those items, you remove the problem without having to nerf anything.
We aren’t talking some incredibly complex fix either. Right now people do it in order to get one of the new skins, let’s be honest we’ve all gotten one of the 20+ gold items and sold it, that’s how we make our money. What if Anet made those skins craftable, but account bound? Sure they could still drop, but if you could also craft them you wouldn’t see many of these problems. They could even add special recipes in the black lion chests, or just make them available in the gem store for 200 gems etc. These are just ideas, but the point is to remove the reason people feel the need to farm.
Again something the people getting angry at the farmers don’t seem to understand is that WE DON"T ENJOY THE MINDLESS FARMING. It’s just a means to an end. The means is farming, the end is enjoyment. If Anet provides a way to reach that enjoyment with different means I can guarantee you that people will go that path.
It’s all about the Server. On mine I can’t walk a minute on ANY Map without seeing people running around doing stuff. There are a ton of people on my server and I get in a Overflow everytime in Lions Arch, the Pavillion and any Area where a Meta Event happens when I’m not fast enough.
So I got curious, and decided to check a few areas.
I decided to check LA, and the two most common champion farms in CS. I assume you will include 7 pm central as prime time, but who knows. The server is Borlis Pass. Which as I’m testing is listed as “very high”. I’m not sure what very high is, but I can post more screen shots. The only thing we have a queue on is the actual pavilion, which btw had an artificially low number set on it I will let others speculate why.
You are welcome to check the time stamps on the mini map.
I absolutely agree it’s about what server you are on. It’s just that there are only 4 or 5 servers where you can actually see people. Most of the servers are just ghost towns. You can see people in a few maps, or just in the living story area. Otherwise it’s dead.I’ve been on BP for several months, if that is meant to be a screenshot of LA during prime time you are being extremely misleading. But don’t take my word for it, just guest on over if you’re curious. No need for screenshots. I lol’d at the “dude check my timestamps” bit, thanks for that.
O.k., I will add you let’s go have a tour of bp right now.
edit: Well, you aren’t on. Hmm, but yeah please guest over. Maybe you think the zerg was somewhere else. I will go take some more screen shots though.
Anywhere in particular you want them? That said, culling doesn’t explain how the server is very high. I just ran from sparkfly all the way to arah, I saw 3 other people. I don’t mind at all backing up my argument with screen shots. I find it pretty interesting how no one else is willing to do the same though.
For a server classed as “very high” population there just isn’t anyone around. Maybe by very high they mean the 90 people in the living story area. If that’s the case then exactly what is classed as “very high”. Of course some official numbers on server population would fix this entirely, but for some reason I don’t see that happening.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
I’m convinced they stay at “Very High” all the time now, even when there’s one person per server. Seriously though, I literally played for 9 hours non-stop about a week ago and I traveled through each and every map so I could explore the world. Guess how many people I saw? 6 people. 6 people in 9 hours is unbelievable, even for GW2. Oh yeah, 4 of those people were in LA when I went there to do some selling. Yet, when I logged off and checked my server population, it still said “Very High”. At that point I was basically jumping up and down yelling BS! BS! while pointing my finger at the screen. And yeah, my server’s WvW is hopelessly gone forever. Nobody plays it anymore and I can’t gather enough people to even take a small tower. I’d like an answer to this as well, but Anet removed a similar thread like this, so I don’t know if we will get one.
Don’ t worry, everything is fine. There are 3 or 4 servers with people on them. Those are classed as full. I think the way the population goes is “full” if great than a few hundred, very high if 200-3, high if 3-1.
It’s all about the Server. On mine I can’t walk a minute on ANY Map without seeing people running around doing stuff. There are a ton of people on my server and I get in a Overflow everytime in Lions Arch, the Pavillion and any Area where a Meta Event happens when I’m not fast enough.
So I got curious, and decided to check a few areas.
I decided to check LA, and the two most common champion farms in CS. I assume you will include 7 pm central as prime time, but who knows. The server is Borlis Pass. Which as I’m testing is listed as “very high”. I’m not sure what very high is, but I can post more screen shots. The only thing we have a queue on is the actual pavilion, which btw had an artificially low number set on it I will let others speculate why.
You are welcome to check the time stamps on the mini map.
I absolutely agree it’s about what server you are on. It’s just that there are only 4 or 5 servers where you can actually see people. Most of the servers are just ghost towns. You can see people in a few maps, or just in the living story area. Otherwise it’s dead.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
hype sells, content doesn’t. Their marketing division is way better than their developing one.
Servers are still busy with people. That means content does sell, or else they would be merging or closed down.
1) Tons of people who helped create those “fast selling” numbers have quit due to the severe disappointment of GW2.
2) I know a good majority of people who are making those “busy servers” busy merely because there is nothing better out and they are waiting for that next game.
Essentially GW2 has not been compelling enough to be a game that will stick and will be forgotten when that next game comes out.
3) Tons of people still play, even after almost a year, because the game (despite its shortcomings) is actually pretty good and enjoyable.
Where are these tons of people? Not in wvw, not in PvP, and all condensed into 2 or 3 maps at a time based on where the best rewards are. Actually even in those areas it’s rare to see people unless you are on one of the “full” servers. That’s just the reality of it.
When SWToR started having trouble, and people were requesting server mergers they had more people playing than I see most of the time. Even then there were posts similar to yours about how the servers were doing great. Eventually Bioware had to admit they had made serious mistakes. If you can’t see the same thing has been happening in GW2 for awhile now then you didn’t play SWToR.
The difference is that it’s easier for GW2 because no one left is expecting that much. It’s also not a sub based game, so people can walk away freely. Honestly I’ve seen more people playing Rift than I do on GW2 in the past few months. There is only one reason a company doesn’t release numbers, and one reason only. If a company is doing good they are happy to release numbers, it shows how good they are doing. If they aren’t..
They become less impressive when players can buy them instantly on the TP.
Incorrect, they are just as impressive. They are simply less rare, but this doesn’t change how they look. The difference is that one speaks about a persons ego being more important to them than what they like. If you like something, great. If you only like it because it’s rare, that’s simply ego.
Have you ever consider instead of having event mobs not drop loot and instead bump up the rewards and after an event succeed or fail give them players a chest depending on participation and increase the treshold for what is consider participation. So in Queendales De will give 5s and a chest for loot (3 to 4 pieces of loot) but instead with no possibility of getting a level 80 exotic or rare. But a level 50+ zone will give money (5-10s)+ a chest (with 3 to 4 pieces of loot) with a high possibility of loot exotic or rare or ascended.
This will remove the incentive for intentionally failing a DE and also reduce zerg trains because players while having other players around is nice zerging an event ISN’T.
This is a very nice idea, from the very beginning Events had very crappy rewards. Anet says they want no farming, but without farming, gold is basically impossible to get. I have played since launch and had about 40g total a few weeks ago, before cof1 nerf I did it for a few days and got another 40g, I doubled months of work in a few days. Anet either needs to KILL ALL FARMING, or buff up normal drops and rewards. I think 5s is a fair number for every event in a 1-15 zone and each zone would go up a little each time, lvl 80 zones events should give 30-40s. There would finally be a reason to do events in zones other than just to get the Exp to get a alt to 80.
Also on a side note Vets should get the old Champ loot update, for those of you who forget what that was, all champs dropped one piece of loot without fail(exept event champs) I think all Vets should drop at least one piece of loot. Whether that be armor or a weapon, mats, or w/e. but only non-event vets.
EDIT: 1s for a lvl 1 and lvl 2 event, all events past that could use a simple scale
lvl of event/2.5=Silver reward. So a lvl 15 event would give 6s, a lvl 45 would give 18s, and a lvl 80 event would give 32s. I don’t think it going to break the game econ, a simple fix to make sure it cant be zerged in high lvl zones is slap DR on it, HOWEVER, Leave the minimum reward of any event 1/3 of its max, so assuming I stay in a huge zerg and I did DR when I do a lvl 80 event I would get 10s 66c. Still good money but not nearly as good as 32s.
The only problem there is you end up with the same setup you have now.
Basically the reason they updated the champs is because no one was doing any of them before. Entire zones were just completely ignored because the rewards were just complete crap. They changed things to get people interested in doing them again, instead people found that it was easier to farm champs.
Essentially the problem isn’t casual vs farmers, it’s “the easiest way to enjoy the game”. If that’s farming your fingers off on champs for days straight, people will do it. Until Anet figures out what they want, and then makes THAT the most optimal way players will always find a way to easily get what they want. SInce so much in this game is based off rng then what they want is usually gold.
There were changes suggested a few months after release that were just ignored. LIke make doing events in an area drop dungeon tokens for that area, or actually have karma be useful. Instead of having skins be random drops have them karma rewards that you can buy etc. There are plenty of ways they could make it work. As long as this is GW2 is based around cosmetic rewards, and those rewards are gold based nothing will change. They have to change the reward structure.
To give an example, imagine if the hard to find skins cost 50k karma each and were soul bound. Then what do people need gold for? If you make the things people are farming for available in ways that are rewarded by what Anet claims they want then that fixes the system.
Completing events is what people should be ashamed of? No. People who intentionally fail events should be ashamed. They’ve lost all sight of the game they’re playing and just focusing on their selfishness and greed because their lives are empty and meaningless. Then they come to the forums to berate people for playing the game as its intended to be played?
Utter trash.
Again I must ask, because none of your kind seem to have an answer. Why do you want to complete it? There are only a few possible reasons I can see.
1) For the rewards, but the rewards for not completing it are better.
2) To open the dungeon, that’s fine I guess I can understand that.
3) To ruin the fun of other people.
Please stop this “playing the game as intended” bullkitten unless you actually want to have a discussion on what the “intent” of the game is. I’m more than happy to win that argument.
If it’s the second, I do understand. Though what happened the other day was hilariously funny. People completed it, but then no one would do the dungeon so they spent a few hours asking for a group while people laughed at them. Was that right? No, all that happened was that both sides lost out. The ones wanting the dungeon group didn’t complete it, and ended up getting humiliated. The ones that wanted to farm just switched to the triangle, much less profitable though.
I think more likely the reason people are trying to stop it is that they’ve gotten rich, and they are worried that other players will have money as well. That somehow diminishes their elite status. this whole argument boils down to ego. The rich are kitten ed that newer players might be able to catch them.
What’s funny is that a good many real farmers realized a few days ago that trolls would try to cause problems so they just went to certain servers. Guesting is a huge advantage. So far it’s still going uninterrupted.
It’s really not hard for those that still want in. You need just enough to upscale, then find a few full groups that are doing well and pick a server.
Of course what does it really say about the game that to farm you have to hide from people. Now if Gw2 ever allowed open world pvp inside Orr that would be the end of the issue right there.
Or you could play the game as intended and farm in the spots actually made for farming, like I don’t know – the pavilion. Then there’s champ trains with actually completing the events.
I’m apparently going on some sort of reddit wall of shame for trying to complete an event. I don’t care much, because focusing on a clear goal like bursting down the pods and then the champion is kind of fun, impossible alone, but kind of fun.
It’s only “impossible alone” if you’ve managed to make people angry and they stay around to keep things upscaled without helping. So I guess the question is, what did you do to make that many people angry? If you did, why are you doing it? Is it so you can do a dungeon, wait no that isn’t it. So why exactly would you do it, for the rewards? Nope, they are better for not completing it. I would like to know exactly.
Or you could play the game as intended
Do you know what was intended? I would base Anets intent off that manifesto piece, and guess what if that’s the case then none of what they’ve been doing is what’s “intended”. There was supposed to be no need for grind, yet there is. That’s exactly why people do this. Do you think they like mindlessly killing the same things for hours and hours and hours and hours? No, I’ve yet to meet a single person that enjoys it. They do it because it provides them with the gold they need so that they can actually enjoy the game. Isn’t the enjoyment of the game what was intended? If so, then you must realize there are going to be methods to reach that enjoyment.
If the current methods that fit with your idea of what was “intended” do not provided a realistic way to reach the true intent of the game, that is enjoyment, then the players must find a way to reach that. (That was such a bad sentence, but English isn’t a good language for me). Players are trying to get to what was “intended”, but in doing that they must grind.
I’m fairly certain if they made it so that completing these events provided similar rewards as farming them, then yes people would happily complete the event. That’s just not even close to the case right now, and without some type of massive overhaul of the entire DE system it will never be the case.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Full on farm on Gandara right now. Trying to complete the event, getting real bad reactions, if anyone could help that would be great
What’s funny is that a good many real farmers realized a few days ago that trolls would try to cause problems so they just went to certain servers. Guesting is a huge advantage. So far it’s still going uninterrupted.
It’s really not hard for those that still want in. You need just enough to upscale, then find a few full groups that are doing well and pick a server.
Of course what does it really say about the game that to farm you have to hide from people. Now if Gw2 ever allowed open world pvp inside Orr that would be the end of the issue right there.
This entire argument is meaningless now. The damage has been done, and there is no way to back out of it now. It’s already been stated by others, but essentially without a massive roll back there is no way to undo it. After the past few days either you have hundreds of gold, and those the lowest you should have, or you are going to get left behind.
The reality is that at 20g an hour I’ve seen people doing this for days straight now. I wish I could have stayed on that long, but honestly GW2 isn’t that important to me. Once I have a few hundred gold available I don’t need more. Anyway back to the point, if they nerf things now it’s going to hurt newer people who didn’t jump on this fast enough. If they leave it then hopefully in a few days people will feel like I do, they have enough and there is no reason to continue the farm.
So essentially Anet has a big choice. They can completely screw people that have only managed to get 50 or so gold from this, or they can leave it and just let people slowly catch up. Without a massive gold sink added soon though things are going to continue to sky rocket.
Plus, yay for guardians being the best.
P.S. Guardian is a front-line brawler that can heal, yes ELE can out-heal us in groups, and yes warrior can out-brawl us but we do both well enough. Just in response to GSSBlunaspike’s last sentence.
I was talking about spvp where guardians are pretty much bunker or gtfo. When I see PvP I consider it spvp, or tpvp as usually people refer to wvw as wvw wv3 etc.
In spvp we are generally only going to be bunkers. Which we are good at, I’m not saying guardians suck at that. What I’m saying is that with the high health, high armor condition spam meta that’s come about guardians aren’t as good as other bunkers when dealing with this meta. We just aren’t.
There are professions that can do it better. It’s mostly because lots of guardian abilities are based around physical damage mitigation. Once you make it so that there is no need for that you remove one of the best parts of a guardian. Compare it to professions with much better condition mitigation, or that Guardians have the lowest tier of health of just absorbing the damage isn’t very effective.
I’ve gotten off topic though, sorry. Just wanted to clear up what I said.
Don’t build him for pvp while doing pve. Big difference in the two. Mostly you should wait to play him more. Guardians are in a tough spot right now as far as the meta is concerned. There are classes that do what we can, but better.
how you play is up to you.
That’s really all there is to say. If the OP likes it, then they can figure out a way to make it work for them. It’s not the best, optimal, or imo a good choice. If they like it though I wish them the best of luck, and I hope they can get it to fit with their play style.
I will say though if we start comparing numbers then that’s different. I’m always up for a good numbers debate. In the end focus will simply prove better, just as it always has. It doesn’t have the same flaws that shield does.
Anyway OP I hope you enjoy the shield, and I hope you can find a way to make it work for you.
I know the OP didn’t ask how to kill said Guardian, but: boon removal/stealing and overwhelming condition spam.
That works in PvP, the OP was talking about WvW.
Even in WvW, a competent S/D thief will kill a Healway guardian of equal or lesser skill. I haven’t personally died to one yet, but I’ve been given close enough calls to know that it’s completely possible for a competent boon-steal spammer to kill a boon-reliant build.
The condition spam might not be quite as viable for a Thief, so I probably should have just left that out. However, I’ve heard enough stories to know that Necros are a big problem for a lot of boon-heavy Guardians in WvW as well.
Though to be fair, I haven’t been out roaming in weeks.
I was more talking about the condition spam. In PvP it’s a real threat. In WvW you can just eat the condition reduction food + melandru runes and the way the reduction works is pretty broken.
what build you running? just outta curiosity : ))
though, any high DPS build would get the job done.
i usually carry scepter as well just in case and call target to try to get the party focused on a certain target.though, nothing beats the ease and AoE of staff. good call re: elemental slaying would help a lot.
So far my best run is 33 strong, 10 gilded chests for a run.
I’m doing 0/15/30/20/5 AH with shouts. Mostly because relation gives you easy tagging, and works well with the staff. The mobs are immune to burning but you do get set on fire during this so the fury is a nice addition on inner fire.
The hardest part is actually getting the tag in on the mobs. I went with a two staff setup. First has superior either blood lust, or perception the second is superior elemental slaying. I did the highest elemental slaying pot I could, and then omnom bar for the mf. Gives me 20% additional damage to the elementals making it easier to tag.
In the downtime you go back to meddlers go north kill giant, then over to kill mage, then baron. You can do that twice I think before the chan event starts. Then you just repeat, lots of money. I’m unlucky with the exotics so far. Few people in my group have gotten entropy, cobalt etc so far I’m only at the rifle, and the stein that glows purple. Made most of my money so far off mats, and I’m really lucky with lodestones.
The place I’m standing in this is pretty good because you can get a tag on 3 champs at once for your group.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
I know the OP didn’t ask how to kill said Guardian, but: boon removal/stealing and overwhelming condition spam.
That works in PvP, the OP was talking about WvW.
So in case any other guardians didn’t know we are in high demand right now for cursed shore elemental farming.
All you need is a staff, and damage. I’m getting min 20 boxes a run, my max so far was over 30. Preferably the potion of elemental slaying, whatever food you want, and the best elemental slaying sigil you can afford…which should be the best period.
Including a couple of screens of it so far. It’s pretty good money, I’ve been doing 20g an hour so far.
just more screen shots. If you don’t know where to start goto meddlers. Wait for the escort event, you need a good amount of people to upscale to champions. Try to get an all guardian group for the events. It will help because you will all be tagging the mobs.
They can go ahead and nerf it, the damage is done. Pulling in at least 20gold an hour this way has already messed up too much. New players won’t ever be able to afford things as it is now. They will have to either A)Leave it as is, or do a serious roll back. It isn’t even an exploit, it’s just using the system they put into place.
Right now if they nerf it then newer players, or people who didn’t get in fast enough, are in trouble. Good luck purchasing the next tier of mats etc..
My suggestion is farm till your fingers bleed. IF you need a change of scenery goto frost gorge, or queens dale.
guardian groups are for noobs who cant stay alive for 2 seconds. Its way better to have classes that actually do damage and have AoE. The perfect party would probably be 5 Engineers for champ farming.
LOL what? I don’t think you have a clue about the discussion here. I’m averaging 20+ boxes per run, oh and I do it while being a huge help to my group. Engi’s can’t come even close to what Guardians can do here.
Do your own homework, unless you want to pay me for doing it for you. Little hint…..the garbage collectors earn in the neighborhood are above 50K per year.
…Anet programmers….trash collecting would be a step up.
There’s a couple that earn a decent wage, but you’re a fool if you think that’s even a portion of those doing the grunt work for this game. Most of them can’t pay cost of living for that region.
Hi. I thought I’d drop a little perspective into your hyperbole. Free of charge.
While I agree with you, the fact that you mentioned hyperbole and then linked an article with
These statistics are garnered from The Game Developer Salary Survey conducted by Game Developer Magazine. The study pinpoints the average salary at “mainstream” US-based companies during 2011 at $81,192 (up from $80,817 in 2010).
in it is pretty bad. The above is the equivalent of saying “well my friend’s cousin’s neighber’s brother said he roughly makes about $100,000 a year on a good year when he gets a random bonus”.
You didn’t need to use anything so poorly written for the argument. I think we are all smart enough to realize they probably pay their programmers more than the garbage men. That said, it’s still really bad programming so they don’t deserve much. The last few living stories have been a clinic on what not to do when it comes to game programming. It screams of spaghetti code,
I’m curious about this because it seems a better option. If we had a section on our hero panel that would accept miniatures, possibly above/under the back slot item or next to the aquatic stuff, it could spawn that miniature in with us every time we zone. It would also not take up inventory space, and it would not get auto deposited without having to be in an invisible bag. This would make miniatures more common I think.
I also understand that it would add to resource usage. That might be an issue for low end computers, but it shouldn’t be too hard to reduce the texture quality if you needed to. Perhaps even adding in an option for not loading miniatures.
Either way I will continue to use my CVS3 because he’s awesome. Was curious if more people felt like me though and wanted a way to “equip” a miniature. They could even make doing it soul bind the mini. Hell if they wanted to get fancy they could add a drop down box to it so that if you soul bind a mini that little box becomes a selection box similar to the “k” button used for ranger pets.
Minis only loot in Tera and it’s very cute.
In GW2, they implemented AoE pickup which is a sub-standard solution, but it is better than nothing (like at release)
Add that the bugs with aoe looting make it annoying. I would rather they just convert PvE to the same loot bag system they have in WvW. If you get loot for killing something it spawns a loot bag at your feet, or in a small area around you. There should be no need to walk around and spam F.
I think that with all the heroes that have been attracted to the city by the gauntlet aswell will get their time to shine by defending the city. Those heroes, being us, will likely save alot of lives though I doubt we can save all.
Then Kiel will take credit for it. If not her, then someone. Save whatever you want,someone else will get the credit. Then they will use the power they’ve gained by taking credit for our hard work to do horrible things. Don’t believe me? Look at everything that happened because of our actions in GW1. We set loose a mad dictatorship, that has it’s only goal as maintaining more power at the expense of it’s suffering people. We put a freaking undead king with enough power to fight zhaitan into power in elon, where his first act was be as sadistic and vicious as possible to the few people there that helped us fight. We awoke an ender dragon….o.k. wait that one is a bit shaky you see there were these destroyer things etc. Still in almost every case where the player did not directly take credit, it was much worse for the world. Horrible things happened because we let people use power for us, but they weren’t ready for that power.
They had to put something on the release page. With so much of the next release supposedly under wraps, the page would be almost barren without the birthday present details.
So take out the surprise and cause player rage on the forums day 1 of the announcement just because they want to keep some things a secret? Apparently 1 year birthdays aren’t important enough. Funny they seemed important in GW1.
Comparing GW1 to this is not going to end well. GW1 was a game that did so much right. I think many of us that are going to get these presents on the first day feel that way. Sadly I also think many of us are disappointed with the way GW2 has gone.
I remember logging into my characters and opening the presents. It was always so much fun. I don’t mind that they are all going to be the same, though I wish it was like a mini Zhaitan or something. Remember how great the mini Kuunavang looked, I was hoping for something like that. Something really epic to celebrate. Maybe we will be able to put her into the mystic forge to make something memorable.
Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t mind at all if they just dropped the whole living story for this cycle and said “hey we are turning 1, so let’s party” then just threw a freaking huge celebration event. The events from GW1 didn’t need a living story to be awesome, they were awesome because the players took what Anet made and went with it. I guess it’s just seeing the past differently, others may have experienced it differently. I just know that the feeling I got from celebrations in GW1 make this current setup feel really weak.
Damage is mitigated by gear.
One Shot Kills are mitigated by skill.You can’t rely on gear in the QG.
Um…is this a joke?
Gear is all that matters in this. You have ele one shotting them using the gs fiery rush, I’m not going to call it an exploit/glitch but yeah. You have warriors afk stunlocking them to death and just laughing.
I’m on the last one now, and not a single one so far has required any “skill”. Unless by “skill” you mean "read the gimmick of the fight on and then do it on easy mode. I one shot the first tier before even reading it. So far nothing is about skill, it’s all a gimmicky sequence setup to give you the illusion of “skill”. It’s just that though, an illusion. If they wanted it to be skill based they would have an AI that is capable of actually putting up a challenge. The only interesting fight so far was the pirate crew one, and that I did in my first go too because it’s pretty easy apparently to exploit the hell out of the ai for gw2.
I will give you an example, imagine a boss that instead of just having more numbers (the lazy blizzard way of making things hard that somehow Anet has fallen in with) they brought in the ai from gw1. Those fights were fun, and challenging. I remember the mobs from the closer to the stars (I think that’s what it was called). They had a “tank” and various ranged dps that moved together. It was really cool because it was almost like playing against other players.
The pirate crew one reminded me of the last part of the twilight arbor. It would be nice to have more fights like that. Instead of one big enemy you had a few smaller enemies with interesting things. One shot mechanics are lazy, and they only encourage the “burn it down before it can one shot you” mentality that GW2 seems entirely full of now.
I don’t know if anyone has beaten the 5:27. In that video he ran cat + cat. Pet wasn’t that big of a deal from the looks of it though, mostly ignored.
So I’m running with the champion zerg in Lost Shores today. Over a 45 minute stretch I see the following:
Lost Shores Player to Champion Zerg, “Gates of Arah is up.”
Champion Zerg to Lost Shores Player, “Not enough champions.”
/Champion Zerg continues zerging champaions[sometime later]
Lost Shores Player to Champion Zerg, “Grenth is up.”
Champion Zerg to Lost Shores Player, “Not enough champions.”
/Champion Zerg continues zerging champaions
Never mind the chests or the hordes of trash mobs that drop loot or the notion that someone might need the Grenth Skill Point…just keep killing the same three champions in the same order for hours on end.
I didn’t make this post to tell anyone how to play the game or to anyone how to play the game, I’m not criticizing anyone for farming champions; I’m just making an observation. Make of it what you will (nothing is certainly an acceptable answer).
If you think it’s bad in orr you should see queensdale. Everyone here that was in orr left because wow at the farming you can do. It’s almost a nonstop circuit of champions. Orr is empty again, and champions there are dieing almost as soon as they spawn.
First of all we’re talking MMOs, not single player games. And when this was made, there was no MMO that gave you a PERSONAL story.
Weird… its like that entire year I was playing Star Wars: The Old Republic before GW2 came out never happened. And I’m sure Bioware hadn’t been blathering about it for 5 years prior to that.
Star Wars was released 2011-2012 while the manifesto was released 2010.
The personal story in SWTOR was known about well before 2010.
The personal story in Guild Wars 2 was known long before the manifesto.
Just to clarify the personal story for SWToR was announced in 2008. That’s almost a full year before the GW2 story was talked about, unless you have a source predating Oct 2008. If so please share it, I would like to add that in to a source list.
Anyone that thinks the manifesto was anything more than a hype engine for the game is sorely mistaken. After years of playing games we should all know what those are for. Sure Anet said things that weren’t true, if you don’t expect that from a company at this point you are going to have a rough time in life.
Forgot to link my sources, sorry guys.
*I can link a few more if needed.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)