People still need to do achievements believe it or not; so those that farm and hinder event completion aren’t doing the others any favors.
Anet can easily stop farmers; once the Aetherblades sky captain pops up, just make the rest of his mobs invulnerable until he’s killed, problem solved. I would much rather them do that than their typical solution in just nerfing loot (that helps nobody).
I wouldn’t consider farmers obtaining 30 bags per invasion good.. I’ve walked away with over 60 bags before finishing the event, as well as, about 12 gold.
You close portals by killing mobs, the farmers are killing mobs, exactly how are they hindering your event completion.
This is simply a case of “QQ I want people to do the event for me”, well NO. If you want the event done, DO IT. No one is trying to stop you. You can’t say the same for the farmers. They can’t just do what they want, because they have to fight mobs+other players.
At what point did it become the mission of players to do content for others. Do it yourself. I farm, but I have every achievement. No one did them for me. I got a group of people, and we got the achievement. It’s not hard, if people complained less and worked more they would find it easy.
I did the achievement for closing 5 with only 4 other players. It was really easy to get. None of the achievements are hard, and only ONE requires finishing the event. If you haven’t gotten it by now, why are you blaming other players.
I wish people here could simply accept personal responsibility.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Either go all for the event, or all go farm.
Its so frustrating when u failed the event, the farmers walk away with 30 champ bags.
Also if we complete, all the farmers who actually did nothing completing the event, get the same reward.
No offense but farmers shouldnt be on the same map as the completers.
i suggest all completers join home server, while the farmers wait 1 minute to get in the overflow.
I suggest learning the mechanics of the invasions.
This is why they shouldn’t make stuff like that bound, either soul or account. There is no reason to. I have plenty that I would give you for free. They are really ugly, they have more clipping issues than usual (that’s saying so much because of how badly clipping is in the game). Maybe they should have let us combine two to have one on each shoulder. That might have helped. As it stands now it looks like you have a pile of garbage on your shoulder.
I get that it was a rush job to do these, but they are just so bad.
It’s a simple solution, when a person enters WvW just downgrade ascended weapon stats to exotic levels. That way if players want to have ascended weapons for PvE awesome, they are welcome to. In WvW though it’s different.
Consider this, if you have a group of 10 people all with ascended gear weapons/trinkets/armor vs a group with just exotics, now say that the difference is only 5% damage. What’s going to happen in group engagements, how quickly will they be able to take down towers etc.
That’s only over 10 people, what will happen in larger scale battles. It’s going to come down to which server has the better farm. Slowly removing skill as a factor and making it so that PvE farming is more important. Sure personal/group skill is important, but numbers will take over. They will be forced to buff certain npcs in WvW. Then if your group is only using say rares you will find it to be a much greater challenge.
Probably won’t matter since the ascended weapon skins appear to look pretty good.
1. Guardians are basically half-and-half Monk and Paragon. They use heavy armor like Paragons and make heavy use of shouts (or at least have the ability to) to channel their magic. Monks channeled healing, protection, and smiting magic through their prayers.
2. Guardian power comes from faith. What that faith is placed in doesn’t really matter — whether it be in the Human gods or in a warband, as may be the case for Charr Guardians. All that matters is that it’s strong enough to act as a source of power for our magic.
3. All of our weapons are honestly pretty good/useful. It just depends on what you’re doing. If anything is “lacking” in our arsenal, it’d be either Sword or Scepter, and not by much.
4. I don’t think it’s possible to really say how many “types” there are. I basically look at it this way: Bunker, DPS, or Support. I guess Hybrid is a thing too.
5. AH builds are easily the most used currently. They’re simply and easy to use.
I’m sure it wouldn’t be difficult for me to throw a history together for my Guardian, especially considering how into GW1 I was and how interesting Tyria’s lore is, but I just haven’t bothered. Not a big RP-type.
You forgot ritualist, so quarter monk, paragon and ritualist.
That would be a third monk, paragon, and ritualist.
Though I don’t think they fit the ritualist very well, I guess I can semi see it with the spirit weapons. You could possibly toss in a warrior considering Guardians were originally the “knights”, and then changed as more magic was added.
wtf guys? guardian is soooooo much better for solo roaming.. unless all you care about is running away from zergs, then warrior is better.
Another clueless player or simply a new guest coming over from the warrior forums.
Soon we are gonna be needing some pest control in place.
100g Ill beat you 1v1
also see attachedI’m in, what are the restrictions? Also when?
anything thats not condi spam, and preferably not retaliation spam guardian (15 in virtues)
O.k. well that rules out everything except guardian…
I run a sword/sword lb banner regen bunker warrior, condition spam + high regen from banners/adrenal health/hs
spirit ranger bunker sw/torch sb nuff said. I wouldn’t use my necro anyway as I don’t consider that to be even remotely close to a fair fight.
I could try out my mesmer, but I’m not very good with him. I’m good enough, just not great.
You kind of restricted it to anything not the current meta though. Also if we get a chance to duel don’t worry about any kitten gold. I just enjoy duels.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
I’m currently using runes of the ranger so I can reach roughly 95% crit chance with fury, spotter and sigil of perception. And by running double drakes (or devourers) I will have the +5% dmg boost pretty much all the time.
Scholar is pretty gimmicky since you need to be able to stay above 90% hp in order for them to be more effective than the ruby orbs.
As far as I know the bonus for the sixth rune is active even if your pet is downed. I checked the wiki to be sure, and they have it listed that way also.
For those that don’t know the calculation for damage is
Base direct damage is given by the following equation:
Damage done = (weapon damage + Power) * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
Then it’s modified by crit, glancing, vulnerability, etc
If people don’t understand that, it’s simply that damage increases stack multiplicative with each other.
So if you had say 5% from this, and 10% from full endurance, 5% from a force sigil it would be
1.05*1.1*1.05 = 1.213 instead of 1.2 you would expect. In this way if you can stack more
5% forceful, 5% great sword damage, 10% full endurance, 10% flanking, 5% from a boon
you get 1.05*1.05*1.1*1.1*1.05=1.4 for 40% increase instead of 35% increase. So you get 5% more damage from it. The more flat damage increases you can get the higher that will go.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Oh, and the reason theory-craft on all forums and has gone further down is because the meta is VERY stagnant right now for all classes. .
Umm, what? Theory crafting is far from dead on almost all of the sub forums. The major exception is the warrior sub forum. On every other one, as of a few hours ago, you can find theory crafting on the front page. Please stop making stuff up to try and explain why most of the intelligent warrior players abandoned that sub forum months ago. Accept that it’s the atmosphere there, and then try to change it.
OP deleted his post but not the thread. Womp womp.
Did the other guy not get that I was joking? I’m not really good with humor I guess. I do tend to put =P when joking though.
That should be pretty obvious. If you just want the most damage possible, use Power gear, then Power/Precision gear as you get access to that, then Power/Precision/Critical Damage gear as that becomes availible around the late 50s early 60s.
Did I miss something? Either that or I think there is a post missing. It kind of looks like you’ve lost your mind though and you are stating the obvious to us =P
wtf guys? guardian is soooooo much better for solo roaming.. unless all you care about is running away from zergs, then warrior is better.
Another clueless player or simply a new guest coming over from the warrior forums.
Soon we are gonna be needing some pest control in place.
100g Ill beat you 1v1
also see attached
I’m in, what are the restrictions? Also when?
I farm champs, and I get on average 30-40 bags per event. And I consider myself pretty good at tagging.
I can tell the following things from this line.
1) You are not a guardian
2) You are not in a group
3) You are not as good at tagging as you think you are
You should be getting around 10g an event, if you aren’t then you need to reconsider the following things.
1) Are you the right profession, with the right spec
2) Is your group made of the right professions, are they using the proper weapons, are they geared correctly, and are they using the right cons?
I have to say I broke the 10g per event yesterday. Group of guardians, the area was sparkfly fen, super easy champion farming. It was partially luck as some of the spawns were just perfect. Group was staff/gs guard, hammer/staff guard, sword/fc staff guard (me) etc.. you get the point I’m sure.
Sell greens+blue to merch, salvage whites/rares, sell exotics, save any mats you don’t have a 250 stack of sell the rest. Undercut if possible while still getting a good profit. Drives the price down for when you want to buy stuff.
Crashed 3 times in the last few minutes of an invasion event, out of about 12 I’ve been in.
NEVER had any crashes before.
Well according to most people here that is clearly your fault, not Anet’s.
I just did an invasion in frostgorge overflow, and now doing one in gendarran fields (main) and I haven’t encountered any crashes now, or in the dozen invasions I’ve participated in. This is not a Clockwork Chaos invasion problem.
I actually crashed in Gend Fields. It sucks.
I’ve seen Frostgorge quite a lot of times over the past few days. Plus every time I’ve went to a map for an event (with the exception of entering after the 10 minute mark) it’s worked for me. Sorry that you’ve had a bad experience, but you can’t blame ArenaNet for that when it works for pretty much everybody else.
Wait, did you really just say not to blame Anet for their servers?
I will play you right now. You can pick any 6300 champ, I will pick a champ that costs less than 450. Show me how much more powerful 6300 champs are. I will even use my smurf, who has almost no runes and I’ve not played for awhile.
lolking for smurf, I will log in now.
Oh, I’m sure you would beat me, considering I stopped playing League at least 6 bloody months ago. After playing since Season 1 the game got boring.
Look this is getting off topic. So I’m going to post this last part about it, and you can get angry or just accept it. In a team setting at higher elos there are still low cost champions that play out much better than any of the 6300 champions. Look at the pick/ban ratio for ash/twitch in tournaments. Neither of them are 6300 champions, and ash is pretty much free. Individual skill makes a huge difference when it comes to champion selection versus the price of champions. I hit 1800 in s2 playing only Gangplank pretty much.
Riot’s model is to sell only cosmetics, EVERYTHING else you can get from just playing. They also make entry level stuff really cheap. You can buy a good t1 rune set for really cheap. There isn’t any rng in it. If Anet made it so that instead of opening the kitten chests you could spend say 400 gems and just unlock a skin for your account they would end up selling plenty of skins. Of course that’s just my opinion.
There’s a bit more to it. In multiplayer games, the players themselves are part of the content of the game. It is important to have a strong, vibrant community in game, both to play with and to play against. The player that sticks around for the game and isn’t mean spirited is adding to the quality of game, making it more appealing to the public at large and making buying the game a more attractive investment. Players who don’t buy a thing from the gem shop are contributing to the profits of the game indirectly in this manner, both with new sales and with making the game enjoyable enough for players to want to spend gems in it.
You don’t pay for gems, do you?
Sure, everyone contributes in some manner. But, you lurking about isn’t going to pay for Anet’s employees unless you actively recruit friends to join.
I have played this game since BW3, and frankly I find large parts of the community antisocial and alienating – especially the elite community – who just happens to be the one’s complaining about having to pay for things.
I buy gems every month. Yes I contribute real cash to the game. Why in the hell would I recruit friends to this game. I did it one time, and I’ve felt guilty about it ever since. I play right now because I genuinely hope that things change. What kind of horrible friend would I be to recommend this game though? That’s like telling my friend to buy a car, if it doesn’t run well. Sure I might hope it starts working well, but that would just be really bad of me to do.
I wanted to give GW2 a year to see if it could pull even with GW1. I think anyone who played then remembers how things with GW1 were at first (aside from gwen burning us all to death =P ) The year has come, and sadly gone,
If you want proof of my purchases I have no problem showing what I can, though I don’t know how to show my gem purchase history.
Anet should have taken lessons from Riot. They produced a game that in 3 years has surpassed everything else, they’ve beaten SC, WoW, and everything else. They’ve done it on a completely free to play system also. You can get everything except the absolute cosmetics just by playing. Not getting lucky, just play. There you don’t unlock a skin for a single game, you unlock it for your account. There are differences, but there is so much Anet could have learned from Riot.
Oh, and yes LoL is an mmo. It’s not an mmorpg though. In some ways you could argue neither is GW2.
I’m sorry, but I must say that you haven’t even played League of Legends if you think League’s business model is at all more reasonable than Guild Wars 2’s.
Just comparing cash shops – everything Guild Wars 2 has is aesthetics, convenience, or services (slot space, name changes, etc.) League of Legends sells champions – which in a game based largely around team composition equates to power selling, albeit not in the traditional sense (especially when one factors in that buying champions with real money makes obtaining runes faster and easier.)
Nothing in the Guild Wars 2 cash shop is required to get the most out of the game. With the ever-increasing supply of max-price League champs, a new League of Legends player will find it more and more difficult to get the most out of their game with each release.
The worst complaints that can be derived of the Guild Wars 2 cash shop is an overuse of RNG for OPTIONAL SKINS (most of which can be bought from other players via the tp anyway). Riot games, on the other hand, legitimately broke their promise during beta and Season 1 to release new champions at all price levels.
Even comparing currency gain rates, Guild Wars 2 wins out. The average 800 gem item translates to roughly 40g, which can be gained in a day or two of proper farming. Obtaining the average 6300 champion varies based on play habits, but tends to take the average player 1-2 weeks or more per character – now multiply this by over half the cast of 100 characters and the essential competitive requirement of multiple rune pages.
Guild Wars 2 (structured/tournament) PvP allows players to bypass all grind for competitive purposes. League of Legends is pure PvP and still contains massive IP grind along with arguable power selling.
The $60 box price of Guild Wars 2 is quite reasonable when you compare it to the hundreds of dollars it would take to own the ever-expanding LoL roster (or even a significant number of champions).
I will play you right now. You can pick any 6300 champ, I will pick a champ that costs 450 or less. Show me how much more powerful 6300 champs are. I will even use my smurf, who has almost no runes and I’ve not played for awhile.
lolking for smurf, I will log in now.
edit: changed to 450 or less
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
There’s a bit more to it. In multiplayer games, the players themselves are part of the content of the game. It is important to have a strong, vibrant community in game, both to play with and to play against. The player that sticks around for the game and isn’t mean spirited is adding to the quality of game, making it more appealing to the public at large and making buying the game a more attractive investment. Players who don’t buy a thing from the gem shop are contributing to the profits of the game indirectly in this manner, both with new sales and with making the game enjoyable enough for players to want to spend gems in it.
You don’t pay for gems, do you?
Sure, everyone contributes in some manner. But, you lurking about isn’t going to pay for Anet’s employees unless you actively recruit friends to join.
I have played this game since BW3, and frankly I find large parts of the community antisocial and alienating – especially the elite community – who just happens to be the one’s complaining about having to pay for things.
I buy gems every month. Yes I contribute real cash to the game. Why in the hell would I recruit friends to this game. I did it one time, and I’ve felt guilty about it ever since. I play right now because I genuinely hope that things change. What kind of horrible friend would I be to recommend this game though? That’s like telling my friend to buy a car, if it doesn’t run well. Sure I might hope it starts working well, but that would just be really bad of me to do.
I wanted to give GW2 a year to see if it could pull even with GW1. I think anyone who played then remembers how things with GW1 were at first (aside from gwen burning us all to death =P ) The year has come, and sadly gone,
If you want proof of my purchases I have no problem showing what I can, though I don’t know how to show my gem purchase history.
Anet should have taken lessons from Riot. They produced a game that in 3 years has surpassed everything else, they’ve beaten SC, WoW, and everything else. They’ve done it on a completely free to play system also. You can get everything except the absolute cosmetics just by playing. Not getting lucky, just play. There you don’t unlock a skin for a single game, you unlock it for your account. There are differences, but there is so much Anet could have learned from Riot.
Oh, and yes LoL is an mmo. It’s not an mmorpg though. In some ways you could argue neither is GW2.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
new ppl who don’t have money or exp how to get money will buy gems with dollars
simpleIf they have sort of disposable income, and they are willing to spend it.
It’s sad, but you know he’s right. They are going to come in, get caught up in that awesome starter area and yeah. A few months later they’ve put more into it than they would have a sub to WoW, then they look back and go “kitten I’ve just gotta keep playing because I put so much money into the game”.
These are the stunning styles videos. Pretty well done, he also has several pvp videos in there with some of the wvw. There are a wide variety of roaming videos, but you should understand something going in. Guardians are not good at this type of play. They will quite literally lose to almost every other profession there there. The reason for that is that currently Guardians can’t stand up to the meta.
If Guardian is just something you love, that’s why most of us play them, then you should take at least a month at 80 and learn the profession in every way. You will have to use more work to get less return as a guardian. That’s just how things are. Your stat allocations make no sense when comparing them to how easily the meta is achieved. I’m only telling you this as a warning. If you still want to play Guardian great. It’s an awesome profession once you learn how. I love teleporting in kind of like a heavily armored, but less damaging, thief.
RF is still really good in WvW if you have Indomitable Courage. You can get two guaranteed stomps from popping Courage -> RF -> Courage.
It’s what I always take, but I think many guardians get the idea that it’s similar to the warriors endure pain.
I would suggest they use it less as an invulnerability, and more of a 2 second immunity to crowd control. It’s not the best elite, but it’s sort of the shiniest kitten type of elite.
I got into an argument with other players over this and it got me wondering what the general opinion is of this.
Currently, if a Mesmer finishes a jump puzzle they can use their portal ability to bring up anyone they want to the end of the puzzle. This also gives the achievement and the items in the chest at the end.
I always believed in having at least one thing in a game being purely skill based and jump puzzles fit it pretty well. Not everyone likes them, a lot hate them but others like me LOVE them. I have done every JP in the game and have not needed a single Mesmer portal. At the same time while I put the time and effort into beating this really hard jp, people can get a free ride up if just one Mesmer does it for them giving the same reward for someone who did the entire puzzle by them self. To me this devalues the actual achievement of finishing a puzzle because a large handful of people got a friend to do it for them and didn’t personally spend the time doing it.
So is it fine that someone can carry their friends to the end of a jump puzzle they couldn’t do or should it be earned by yourself alone?
As someone that’s done every j/p, almost every explorer, I don’t care how the next person does it. I’m not doing them for vanity. I don’t care if I can go “whooppddeeedooo I did a jumping puzzle”. I get enjoyment from doing them. It seems to me that if you really were only doing them for the enjoyment of it, as it seems you say you do, then it shouldn’t matter to you how others do it. The only conclusion I can draw is that it’s not just for the enjoyment for you. There is some prestige for you associated with doing them, (I assure you there is not, they are not “skill based” by any means).
I would suggest try to enjoy doing them more, and spend less time worrying about how person X did them.
Dead dps deal no dps. Survival> any damage, and the current meta is just more proof of that.
I’m guessing you are talking about pvp?
Pretty much always. If you see a post by me I am generally always talking about spvp/wvw. I rarely address PvE because I’m not that great at it. I can apply similar principles, but I don’t have the same experience as most of these guys in PvE.
I’m pretty much a huge advocate of making PvE more challenging by making it more like PvP. The idea is that through smarter AI, and involving more interesting enemies you can avoid the whole blizzard route of “more hp/more damage”. That seems to be the path Anet is taking though, and it’s aggravating because I think the game is capable of so much more than that.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
You guys COULD post on my thread for a change (mace/shield GS = OP) and try to get some objectivity going
Please reference my post about the warrior sub forum. You are wasting your time there. Those guys were shocked, and more than a little angry, when we tried to explain to them what skill coefficients were.
Look you wouldn’t walk into certain parts of town and start randomly discussing physics with them would you? No! They would likely shoot you, or think you are doing some sort of witch craft. Those guys didn’t even know how to calculate condi damage over time. They still don’t, even after numerous posts explaining it.
You won’t make any headway there, and you won’t with Anet for that matter. Either learn to work around the problem, or roll a different profession. I suppose you could go the warrior route and just QQ about everything being OP until Anet nerfs it ie rangers, spirit rangers (soon), necros, engis, etc…
It’s really funny. I see the argument of “all of the servers are full, there are no ghost towns, every map has people in it” every kitten day. Yet if you bring up free, or reduced, transfer fees all we see is “no if they did that people would transfer to servers with other players on it”.
So which is it guys? Is it that there are plenty of people, and then people wouldn’t need to transfer to the server with higher population. I seriously doubt anyone is going to admit that some servers are…GASP ghost towns.
Again, you gain a good chunk of survival and you don’t drastically dip down in damage by going down valor.
Yeah I don’t think spoj, or anyone else, is debating that when it comes to actual game play. The point was about some theoretical damage, that doesn’t actually work with real game play with respect to pvp/wvw/or pretty much any of the new content (freaking non dodge able 15k damage aoes is just stupid).
The reality of play is that most of us would gladly take a ton of survivability over a relatively small increase in damage depending on the content. That’s kind of the important thing, it depends on the content you are playing for.
When I use this skill it says invulnerability so that stops me from taking any dmg at all/? such as condition, stuns, and everyhting else for 3sec?
However I keep getting killed durng the 3sec invulnerability. Is there some information regarding this skill or a bug im not aware of ?
It doesn’t stop any current condition damage. If you have 10 stacks of bleed on you when you start, and those bleeds are doing say 100 damage each during that 3 seconds you will still take roughly 3000 damage. Since most guardians use it at the wrong time you might as well pretend you don’t even have it. It does prevent NEW applications of those conditions, but it doesn’t stop any current damage. This is why runes of lyssa are used so often with that build. Unfortunately they only take effect at the end of the channel, and not the start if I recall correctly.
You are experiencing why guardians are not a good fit with the current meta.
To sum it up damage modifiers modify the damage after everything else.
Damage modifiers > crit damage. So theres no point going into valor for a dps build.
Dead dps deal no dps. Survival> any damage, and the current meta is just more proof of that.
Also word of advise if you’re thinking about going to the warrior forums and to talk about these things, just don’t if you do you’ll just get told to l2p/learn to adapt and hostility.
That’s because the warrior sub forums are a complete joke when it comes to anything except QQing how under powered you think you are. It’s like a support group for millionaires who feel poor because they aren’t billionaires. Yeah, that’s cute but the rest of the world just wants to feed their families. That and the amount of actual theory crafting there is…well there isn’t any. Every one of their good theory crafters abandoned that place before christmas. Some went to guru, some just changed professions, some went to reddit etc. It’s a nice enough place to visit for a laugh, but you don’t want to live there.
I want to know what drugs some of you have been using, and where I might obtain said drug for educational use only of course.
Pretty much everything that can be said has been said. Getting both to 80 won’t hurt you, but it really comes down to your play style.
Right now Warriors are in a great spot. They have higher sustain than guardians, better selection for ranged weaponry. Right now the only edge guardians have on a warrior is the protection boon, but with the amount of necros in the game that’s not actually a good thing.
Several of us have multiple level 80 guardians. That’s because we enjoy the class. If you don’t have either though I would strongly suggest you roll a warrior. What they might lack in a very small section of the game (spvp bunker) they make up for in huge versatility. They have viable condition specs (I currently run a sword/sword lb shaman banner regen setup in spvp), they have a variety of good direct damage builds, they have excellent hybrid builds, they can actually bunker better than guardians against certain professions.
I’ve been a pretty die hard roaming/assassination guardian for awhile. That said, warrior is just better at it.
The problem with guardian right now is how stat allocation is handled. If we want to be a tanky damage dealer we need to go with a huge variety of stats. We need toughness, precision, crit damage, power, and vitality (lowest tier hp). Where as condition bunkers need only toughness or vitality, condition damage, healing power. The three stats required for condition bunkering, and don’t let the “bunkering” fool you it’s actually very capable of killing fast, let’s them itemize far easier.
I know that’s a bit off topic, but if you were my friend I would strongly suggest warrior.
This post for the most part only pertains to wvw/spvp. In PvE I don’t think it matters too much. I pick whichever one fits what I need at the time. I prefer my guardian, but it’s about 50/50 between warrior.
I have been looking high and low on how to get the new special exotic mini’s (Mini Steamrider, Steam Hulk, Mechataur, and the account bound Mr. Sparkles) that were released with recent living story. So far I have had zero luck. I know they must be available in some way because they are appearing on the TP but nobody seems to know how or is just speculating. The two most recent things I heard is you need to combine the Twisted Mini’s in the Year 2 mini pack to make them however I have yet to see a single person confirm this or a recipe on what is needed. Also you supposedly can get them in the Mystic Forge randomly combining the mini’s like normal. I am assuming that is where the ones on the TP came from.
If anyone can confirm or provide the correct details on how to get these, i would be grateful. I collect the mini’s and want to make sure I have a chance to get them before the event ends. I don’t want to find out 2 days before it ends and then have no time to get them.
It would be even better if someone from Anet can confirm how to come by these or when they are available. I know it may sound weird but to me this is the most important thing I do in the game and have worked real hard to get them all. Any help would be great. Thanks
use reddit more
Much better information, and discussion, than you will find here.
so 3 times now, it was funny the first two. The next time I’m going to a jp. I had a little fun last time and went to the champ farms =P.
I think the mechanic behind her targeting is kind of strange. Is there something specific I’m doing or what?
- contact support and get a game refund
Don’t think that’s possible anymore. If it was they would have a back log at this point. I’ve got a friend that said he tried recently, would like to help him out if you have any information. His game is only about 3 months old if that helps. He bought it but hardly played, plays league again full time.
I got the collectors edition too and I don’t feel like they owe me a kitten ed thing
You got exactly what you paid for, and that pretty sweet Rytlock figurine (mine has been rechristened Simon and now has a pretty bow around his tail) was the bulk of the cost for the CE. Not to mention the fancy tin full of art prints and the audio CD.
To be honest the rewards they are offering in the heroic edition are pretty weak, they should at least be giving these new customers something you can’t get in the gemstore for pocket change. Are you really so upset you’re going to quit over skins that are worth like £8.50 (and don’t even look that good)?
I think more people are upset that there is no way to upgrade without buying a full edition again. You have to love how the people who put the above ignore that fact though.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Just to be clear, I have an almost full HoM. I would get nothing from upgrading except supporting Anet. I have full bags on 8 of my characters. Giving me another bag, and a set of armor I already have wouldn’t provide me with anything.
I think some people read this and they get worried that someone else will gain something. I read these things and think “wouldn’t it be neat if other people got something”. There is a distinct difference in the attitudes expressed by each set of players
Anyway it doesn’t matter if it’s HoM, or the other items. The point is that they should provide either A) A way for players with the DDE already to upgrade, or
Give players with the DDE those items. Right now, and please read carefully, if a person with the DDE already wants the “heroic edition” they have to buy the upgrade to the DDE again for 1600 gems.
If you guys want to actually discuss this in the future please use something like Reddit located at: forums here are not known for their ability to be open and fair. Which is one of many complaints about Anet that’s pretty commonly talked about on other sites.
And what does having a full HOM have to do with the armor skins?
These are NOT the HOM skins, it’s been said over and over and several times in this very thread.
These are the skins that have been available in the gem store forever.
BTW, these skins are only worth about $6.00. So how about Anet make an option to upgrade to the Heroic edition for $10.00? I bet half the people here complaining would jump on that deal without even looking.
It was to show that I gain nothing from either way. The argument is “well you have the DDE already so you want something”. People like me, that gain nothing either way, are the counter to that. My argument is actually valid as I can prove with screen shots that I gain nothing.
I’ve already said that they should either provide a way for people with the DDE to upgrade, or that they should provide the items to the players with a DDE. If they do charge for the items though it’s going to make Anet look bad, not as bad as making their current DDE players pay a full 1600 gems though. That’s just silly.
I would much rather discuss this on a forum that doesn’t target people who have valid complaints about the game though. So if you guys want to continue, and have a real discussion, please use redit or one of the non anet sites.
ing is “I’m really angry because I don’t feel they should express their opinion because it’s contradictory to mine”. Yeah, it’s certainly the “youth” that have the problem here.
Lmao, really angry? Come on man, where did you get that from my post? Also, is there some reason you feel the need to stand up for this troll that probably hasn’t had a positive post since he started playing this game? I am NOT attacking all youth, I do not know why you are dissecting my post like that is what I said.
I think you’ve drawn the wrong conclusion from what I posted. My post wasn’t to defend anyone in particular. Am I grateful for the WvW experience boost? No, because it provides me with nothing. Mine is still in the mail where it will collect dust for the foreseeable future. I’ve earned plenty of ranks in wvw, but mostly the things I do would gain no benefit from this item. I upgrade towers, I escort yaks, I do the boring stuff. None of that would really benefit at all from this item. That is a different discussion though, and one we’ve tried to have with Anet. They’ve mostly ignored that discussion though.
My posts were simply about the language used. If people had said “this guy is rude, and while the item may not be of any use to him I appreciate the gift.” I would completely agree. For me it is a useless item, but for others it is a great item. It is not my place to judge this particular gift. I have enjoyed past gifts though, and I will continue to show my support of Anet through gem purchases.
Consider my post less of an attack on you, and more of me simply trying to point out an inaccuracy. Just ignore the guys post next time, and express your opinion. People may not agree, and they may not like it, you are allowed to have your opinion though. You are, to my knowledge, allowed to express that opinion also.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Just to be clear, I have an almost full HoM. I would get nothing from upgrading except supporting Anet. I have full bags on 8 of my characters. Giving me another bag, and a set of armor I already have wouldn’t provide me with anything.
I think some people read this and they get worried that someone else will gain something. I read these things and think “wouldn’t it be neat if other people got something”. There is a distinct difference in the attitudes expressed by each set of players
Anyway it doesn’t matter if it’s HoM, or the other items. The point is that they should provide either A) A way for players with the DDE already to upgrade, or B ) Give players with the DDE those items. Right now, and please read carefully, if a person with the DDE already, wants the “heroic edition” they have to buy the upgrade to the DDE again for 1600 gems.
If you guys want to actually discuss this in the future please use something like Reddit located at:
The forums here are not known for their ability to be open and fair. Which is one of many complaints about Anet that’s pretty commonly talked about on other sites.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Unfortunately, no, I’m not. I only wish there were a ‘report’ option on that mail. I didn’t ask for charity and if I were to, I surely would not be asking for such a useless item.
What a sorry state today’s youth is in.
Indeed it is… quite ungrateful nowadays.
What makes you think he/she is young?
A persons age isn’t the issue, It’s ATTITUDE that is in question.
I agree, let’s see how different it is with a response to my post from those people above. Will they admit they were wrong, or will they get angry?
We have our answer. Sadly I didn’t expect anyone to own up to their mistake.
Okay, so it may or may not provide him any benefit. What would a rational, mature person do when faced with this situation? Delete it. Not come to the forums and whine and complain that they are offended and nonsense like that. It’s disgusting.
So what you are really saying is “I’m really angry because I don’t feel they should express their opinion because it’s contradictory to mine”. Yeah, it’s certainly the “youth” that have the problem here.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
Unfortunately, no, I’m not. I only wish there were a ‘report’ option on that mail. I didn’t ask for charity and if I were to, I surely would not be asking for such a useless item.
What a sorry state today’s youth is in.
Indeed it is… quite ungrateful nowadays.
I find that pretty hilarious considering the context. If I were to walk up to you and give you a handful of fecal matter, would you be thankful? If you weren’t then I could look at you and say “what a sorry state today’s youth is in it, they are so ungrateful”.
What I find sorry about today’s “youth” is that they often speak, or write, without even the base understanding of what they are communicating about. People like to assign arbitrary definitions to things, then when confronted by the actual definition of things they become irate.
In the above case, why should someone be grateful for something like this. To be grateful is :
a : appreciative of benefits received
b : expressing gratitude <grateful thanks>
a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing
b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated
Under 1a this person must receive a benefit, but if they do not use it then it provides no benefit. 1b is a self reference, meaning that it must be in 1a/2a/2c. Obviously it is not 2a, and 2b must relate to 1a. So for a person to feel grateful it must provide either 1)a benefit, 2)a comfort, or 3)remove a discomfort. Now if none of those are true, then this person should not be grateful.
I already have the Digital Deluxe upgrade…I’m guessing I don’t get the Legacy armor?
Which is the problem some people are having, me included. I got the DDE to start, and it’s fine that they offered the upgrade. I don’t mind that, what does bother me though is that now the DDE includes everything from the heroic. That is unless you already have the DDE. So if you wanted the new stuff you would need to buy the DDE at 1600 gems all over again.
They should simply offer the upgrade for free to anyone that already has the dde, or offer and upgrade to your account to add heroic for like 400 gems or something similar.
Haystack: Silly fun, but would have been even more silly fun with goggles. While I’m at it, goggles on top of the giant Hawk would have been great, too.
The haystack is an ac nod.
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
100% agree… The only way ANET can cater to our likes, is to have a variety of content. You are happy with Scarlet, and we are happy with Liadri. Leave it at that. No nerfing required. More Liadri and more Scarlet contents in the future pls. TY for Liadri ANET!
Screw nerfing it, I will take care of her…I just can’t see in the domes =( I managed to get almost to her one shotting most things, but I just can’t take the view anymore. I got a horrible head ache from the kitten spinning and the camera jerking in and out.
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
Do you know what the best part was? I could actually see during the fight. It was shocking to me, and it shouldn’t be. I was really surprised. When I walked in there I was expecting another dome incident. It was such a surprise to be able to see.
It was a fun fight, and I like that dodging was important. I enjoyed the entire thing. My absolute favorite part though was just being able to see for once. I can only hope they will have more content in the future where I can see.
Some of you don’t understand what it’s like playing as a charr/norn. It’s horrible most of the time. You end up unable to see through most of the new content. Imagine doing some of those bosses that people find so hard, but now you can only see the inside of your own skull.
Time to upgrade that PC from 2010?
For me the best part of this update.
You people actually managed to make me facepalm in real life. That’s quite an accomplishment, it really takes grand levels of ignorance for that.
Did you really just post your FPS on the login screen? EDIT: oh, it’s not just me noticing that :P
Well, whatever…
I play the game on an “high end” PC. Normally I play with a high FPS rate, but in events there are sometimes some frame drops down to ~ 25-20.
It has been explained in this thread several times by people who actually have at least an idea how programming works, and what components are used in a game. The main issue is, that the graphics card is not utilized by GW2 the way it should (that IS an issue you can blame the code for). The component mainly used by this game is the CPU. As far as I know, not even the CPU is utilized to its full potential. So in events, when there are many character models to render, the CPU will come near it’s limits (partly defined by the hardware itself, partly by the code and how it utilizes the CPU).
That’s something that should be fixed some day… That’s the reason why many people with high end PCs also have troubles playing GW2 on high FPS rates.
Something positive I noticed in this patch is, that they seem to have fixed the skill lags (those were a server side issue).
I should take some shots with the afterburner overlay on showing the usage with the frame rate in game. I really thought most people already knew everything you described, but apparently not.
You know what?
I don’t need a reason to go visit maps I have been to before- that is what I do on a regular basis when I play, because I enjoy them for various reasons ( events, appearance, whatever)
I have never seen these empty maps that people speak of and I pretty much go everywhere in the game.
At the moment there is a large concentration of players around the invasion points- that does not mean the rest of the game is empty- it never was, now people can actually see that instead of having a guy 5 feet away from you vanish into thin air.
Absolutely there are people around. If you are one of 3 or 4 servers you will see people. Though I did some checking and even on those I hardly saw anyone in the bris wildlands, or hinterlands etc. Still I’m sure it must be nice to see other players around. Sadly not everyone plays on those few servers.
I will go ahead and say that I’m in favor of merging the lower servers. It would populate the world, and that’s a good thing. Playing alone sucks, it really sucks in gw2 because it’s clear much of the content was designed around group play. It’s also pretty clear much of the content was designed with a much higher population in mind. I think they initially thought players would goto those areas, but that’s just not what has happened. Now this is off topic, and I would be more than happy to discuss this further let’s take it to a different topic though.
(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
I have a relatively high end system and I am getting 15-30+ fps in LA with Highest/Highest settings.
Zerging in Chaos maps seems to be about 30 fps or so in a full server.My issue with this patch is that no matter if I buy a “new” i9 7770k and 4x sli titans, the game will never ever run at 60fps.
It seems that Anet has chosen to fix the performance problem by moving the onus onto the end user rather than fix the blatant issue of a poorly coded client.
I have a mid range pc it is nothing special
Core i5 3330
Ati Radeon 6850I have been running the game at about 60 fps for ages- no problems.
Since culling was removed my performance is even betterAccording to you this should not be possible.
Maybe the problem is on your end somewhere?
I think you are at the character select screen in that though. I could be wrong of course.
Ha! I love it
can’t wait for people who have complained about empty maps to see this! whoot
Yes out of the 31 maps guess how many now have players. Yeah, THREE. Awesome because that sure showed them. Actually, not it didn’t. All it did was move the people that were in one zone ignoring the world to another zone. The other maps that were empty are still empty unless there is an event.
Without a meaningful reason to actually visit the empty maps you are still going to have this happen. This just serves to reinforce that, by putting massive people into one area. Then the event ends and it’s a ghost town again.