Where is the wall/door to Moto's Finger?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Geekfox.4267
I think a map would be helpful. I took the left path, but didn’t know there’s another path that I also have to take.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
Where is the wall/door to Moto's Finger?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Geekfox.4267
I reached the area in the fog where you play the Whistle in the three pack of clouds, but the wall with the door is not there.
So, where is the wall?
Opened on Blackgate on 11:52AM server time.
I don’t see the wall either. I played the flute accordingly but the wall is not there!
I’ve already learned the tune from World 2 Zone 2. I don’t get it.
What? Please explain. I am not seeing the wall beyond the trio clouds, despite that I already learned the song from the hidden room.
You must be referring to Dwayna’s Rave Party.
Yeah, it’s a bug.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
Name of that Storm Wizard's final form?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Geekfox.4267
Just curious if the dragon form of the Storm Wizard has an official name. I’ve checked the combat log and the large portrait above the health bar, but it’s entirely missing a printed name.
It’s very hard to see Melandru priest’s movement when everyone is spamming white flare attacks on him, because the red outline from post-processing effects are broken since the Aetherblades update. Moving the camera view with your mouse disables all outlines of NPCs.
Moving the camera view with your keyboard remains unaffected, but that limits my movement altogether.
Opened on Blackgate as of 8:39 PM server time.
Also zerged and opened on Tarnished Coast as of 9:50 PM server time.
Zerged and opened on Blackgate as of 8:48 PM server time.
Two Veteran Risen Subjugators, more than 15 unidentified wells.
Luckily, the Pact got past the hill with our zerg, while some stayed behind to take down the Subjugators. This is just a sloppy AI, and it’s been like this for nearly a month now.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
Zerged and opened on Blackgate as of 8:50 PM server time.
Opened on Tarnished Coast as of few minutes ago.
Zerging with +50 people is the only way to win.
You also get contribution by killing a few mobs spawned during Tequatl event, not just tagging the dragon alone. Same for the mobs during Claw of Jormag, but not mobs from Shatterer.
Even if it’s a group event, Horace can be done solo. As he throws fireballs, you have to “wiggle” your character so that his fireballs miss, and dodge at the appropriate moment as he casts Flame Burst. He can pull you and drop rocks so make sure you have stability skills.
Why is Duke Barradin mentioned though? Isn’t that the champion with a “Mega boss” final form in Charr tutorial mission?
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
Replace recurring spawns of Champion Icebrood Elemental, Champion Icebrood Goliath, and Champion Icebrood Wolf with Lieutenant ones. Problem solved.
The bug has been undone almost 2 hours later. A Quaggan took the temple back to its normal state, restarting the whole event chain.
After taking down Statue of Dwayna, Historian Vermoth somehow got hit one last time when his health is 0%. He says “Retreat!” and disappears using a cloak, denying us access to karma armors and leaving Temple of Dwayna unopened.
This has happened on Blackgate server.
Temple of Balthazar is the new Temple of Grenth, and it’s the same issue: veteran or champion Risen given new Well abilities from a new patch without any warning.
The one given to veteran and champion Risen Subjugators are over-the-top ridiculous. The Well they spam on the field lasts 30 seconds until the Subjugators disappear or die.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
A regular day at Whitland Flats.
Also, Claw of Jormag can block the Clockwork Chaos event until it is defeated.
I’d like to see them attack each other. Would be great to see Shatterer annihilating some Invaders.
Shatterer actually waited until the invasion was done, despite that we’ve done the pre-events.
A new zone instance gets created over an existing zone that had Clockwork Chaos completed, causing duplicate instances of the same zone.
Guild Wars 2 Forums: Sent to new zone after Clockwork Chaos done
I don’t know if it was designed to do this, but after finishing Clockwork Chaos events in Blazeridge Steppes, leaving the zone for about 30 minutes, and then coming back to the same zone, players are sent to a new zone instance.
Players were expecting the Shatterer pre-events to start, but that pre-event is in the instance where Clockwork Chaos events were done — the zone instance where no one can re-enter — while the same pre-event won’t be up for another 2 1/2 hours in the new instance.
Basically, my home server (Blackgate) has two instances of Blazeridge Steppes. Players are not landing in overflow zone, and this anomaly can happen to another zones that had finished Clockwork Chaos (e.g. Sparkfly Fen, Frostgorge Sound and others).
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
The Scarlet invasions are still in the old server instance unfortunately. Gotta wait ‘til the next o’clock.
The Scarlet invasions are still in the old server instance. Gotta wait ‘til the next o’clock unfortunately.
Opened on Blackgate as of 11:11 PM server time.
Opened on Blackgate as of 11:49 PM server time.
I did over 10K damage total, and I won’t get the loot sometimes.
At other times, I tagged a champion with just about 500 dmg and got the loot.
If I were ANet, I’d wonder what that would take. I did Dwayna two days ago, got the bonus rare, got the chest, and got a loot bag from the statue. Had I been there earlier, I would also have gotten a loot bag from the Risen Priestess. At what point does “more rewarding” become “too rewarding?”
The first Temple of Dwayna event chain can upscale to include multiple Champions. A lot of people missed this opportunity, since it only takes a single wondering individual to escort Historian Vermoth through the lesser Risen minions and then abandon the second event.
Log in now, because Taidha Covington events are up on most servers.
Update: All done. Only few EU servers are left with the event running.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
Gates of Arah events are full of bugs anyway.
I’ve been gone for a bit and now all I see are threads about ta f/u qq. Is there something I’m missing or did it get buffed?
That, and people were actively in dungeons for the recent Living World plus Monthly achievements and discovered how ridiculously difficult the F/U path became.
It is. The site above is working now.
This also seems to be a site that display the status of different temples: http://gw2dragons.com/temple/of/balthazar
That site seems to be broken. A many temples are up right now but that site is not picking it up.
Sad day in Tyria today.
Since the new update went live couple days ago, none of the servers could open Temple of Balthazar, due to multiple Veteran Risen Subjugators wiping the Pact in seconds with its newly held AoE attacks, just minutes after the Pact left the Rally Point. This is just the first wave of the Risen.
Servers that attempted the escort has failed, and none could even reach the Risen Priestess of Balthazar.
Edit: Corrected risen mob name that’s actually casting the AoEs.
(edited by Geekfox.4267)
I’m also experiencing this. Waypointing to Trader’s Forum in Lion’s Arch took 3-4 times longer instead of 3 seconds after the patch.
Since the new update today, I noticed that the Malchor’s Tears projectile attack from Statue of Dwayna is not rendering.
The statue just waives its hands before the attack, but no raining tears are rendering as it bombard on players.
Now stalled on Tarnished Coast server.
Second for workaround (besides disabling stereoscopic 3D).
I remember seeing similar issue when the bar for reviving allies rendered at the screen’s level (which was fixed last year). I’d like to see the fix apply on the star icon.
I thought King King was a nice touch during Temple of Lyssa event. That kept people on the move and on alert.
There are friendly veteran Risen at the seals at Cathedral of Eternal Radiance. It doesn’t impede the progress of completing the events, but found it weird.
At the Spark seal, there is a friendly Veteran Air Elemental, while a friendly Veteran Risen Wraith is at the Union seal.
I believe this bug happened after the last game update.
My guild tried to do this challenge event today. Crystals do not appear. They remain invisible and untargetable.
LOL! But the search feature requires SO MUCH WORK!
That’s what the devs said.
But really, there wouldn’t be so many threads about Twilight Arbor if the search function was working.
I’ve experienced delayed Shatterer events on Anvil Rock server. Apparently, the zone crashed about an hour later after the last Shatterer was done, resetting everything and the timer.
I also found out that rotating the camera using the keyboard remains completely unaffected by this issue.
My mouse cursor has always been visible and sometimes go invisible, but that’s not the main issue. Before the update, the outline would “paint” when on the entity when the mouse cursor hovers over it while moving/rotating the camera view with the mouse.
After the Sky Pirates of Tyria update, all the outline paint disappears when the camera is rotating using the mouse, and will only reappear when I let go of the mouse button.
In the screenshots above after the update rolled in, the game cannot repaint any outline as I try to adjust or move my camera around to get the cursor to paint the target with the outline. Prior to the update, there would’ve been a red outline around Melandru priest, regardless if I click-targeted it or not.