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Skritt boat below silverwastes is still there

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


So after I finished the point of no return, I noticed that the skritt who were building their underground ship in the silverwastes in the previous episode were still there. A map on their task board clearly shows how they plan to sail south and past Rata Sum, but I have not found any signs of progress on that side so far. I cannot see why Anet would introduce such a large storyline if it wasn’t planned to be continued, I mean it seems like too much work just for the beginning of a jumping puzzle.

Uhm, have you actually done the whole jumping puzzle? If not, do it, and All Will Be Made Clear. If yes, do it again and pay more attention to the dialog.

Yes I have done the JP (duh) and yes I know about the dowsing rod and the storm wizard and basically everything except the topic. And btw that didn’t make it any more clear if you think the little storyline we saw in there was all there was to this.

Umm. I have to say, I’ve done the jp too, several times, and I have no idea what you mean when you say All Will Be Made Clear. Perhaps you could just tell us?

Connection Error(s) detected. Retrying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Useful advice from the IT department

It's Working! I'ts Working!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Thanks for the heads up

Edit: wooooot me too now

Connection Error(s) detected. Retrying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Internet fine, can’t download the update (actually crashes the client completely) and even the website is struggling – some pages load eventually, some return a server error.

I’m hoping it’s just heavy traffic and will pass.

Dear, Gw2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


The forum tends to be full of negativity, probably because it’s people who have a complaint who have something to say – not many people start forum posts to say they’re finding things generally quite satisfactory lol

I love the community in gw2. I can’t understand people who play with mapchat off, I always find mapchat hilarious and good fun. Sometimes I log in when I’m doing other stuff, not to play, but just to have the music, the ambient sounds and atmosphere, and to have the odd read of mapchat and a giggle In fact I kinda wish there wasn’t an inactivity timeout, especially somewhere like LA where you might reasonably go just to hang out. I’ve got a few favourite places where I like to hang out where there are maybe some players but no events where my afk-ing would be a nuisance. And also some places that are just lovely places to sit and dream

And I will never, ever stop loving that when I die stupidly in some ridiculous place, miles away from anywhere, as if by magic a hero appears over the horizon and comes running over to rez me ….in most MMOs they just come over to steal your stuff lol


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


When you’re downed but just about to rally from the imminent death of a Young Karka, and your target suddenly and for no reason switches to a Veteran Crazed Karka at full health -_-

(edited by Greyhound.2058)

Lion’s Arch: The city trapped in time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Yes, there are some changes, and some new stuff, there’s a couple of new bridges, and the ship.

I’d love to have some activities where we could contribute to the works though. Maybe the devs are stalling for a bit because they’ve got something like that planned, that’s a happy thought

Obviously it would have to wait until after the Mordy-bash though

How to write, so as to not get removed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I try not to say anything so negative about another user other than describing the behavior they demonstrate

Well, you may just have hit the nail on the head there Because that’s really a bit like calling someone ‘Big Nose’ or like the mean girls at school doing sarky impressions of someone.

By all means, disagree with what somebody says, but once you get into what you think they ‘always’ do, or how you think they behave in general, then it’s getting personal, and is no longer a debate.

Lion’s Arch: The city trapped in time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


They need to get some British builders on that job.

Bish bash bosh. Sorted. DONE.

Cash only, mind


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I get hardly any lag, only a little sometimes, but not very much – very surprising, since I have terrible broadband.

My phoneline is quite literally the old copper wire type, AND it’s shared with several other farms, and this after travelling over 9 miles across hills and fields from the nearest exchange lol… I just checked my download speed, it’s 0.737 Mb/s, and the upload speed wasn’t enough to measure lol! So tbh if you have a ‘normal’ phone/broadband connection you shouldn’t really be getting any lag at all and it may be time to have a word with your bb provider

January Achievements still viewable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I’m so sad. I loved doing monthlies. Dailies are so easy, it was always good to have something bigger to kinda chip away at in spare moments.

The dailies are a bit more time-consuming now, due to being so kitten specific, but that doesn’t make up for the loss of monthly achievs because it’s completely different

How was everyone's Holiday/New Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I got some new underwear. Pretty nice.

Pictures, or we won’t believe you.

Sorry. It was all getting far too cosy so I just thought I’d drop in and lower the tone

The problem with this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Well OP, now you’ve done the complaining part I expect you to follow up with the rage-quit, we won’t take you seriously unless you do…

Boy, Anet must be really taking a vacation...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


OP you must be a really big fan to miss the devs so much, I’m sure they’ll be very flattered when they get back

Zhaitan dead?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


It seems in fact he may be both dead, and not dead. Like, umm, a charr in a box*.

*this was believed to be merely a thought experiment, but I understand the Asura have actually carried out some practicals.

Suggest a New Daily Task!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Help Quaggan. Any event having to do with quaggans.

Stuff that involves emotes would also be fun. Dancing in front of the Dwayna statue in Divinity’s Reach. Bowing to Queen Jennah.

I know the dailies are intended to get people to try different parts of the game, but throw some fun ones in there. Another part of the game is socializing and silliness, that doesn’t get highlighted as much.

^^ this.

I wish SO MUCH that the dailies were silly/fun things that we would all get a laugh out of doing, particularly en masse

Naked Champ farming; dance parties; ridiculous scavenger hunts using nodes, vistas, jps, items purchased from particular karma vendors, etc.; stupid deaths (something in which I know I excel lol) such as flinging your char off the top of Mt Maelstrom; finding some specific ‘hidden secret’ of Tyria (and there are LOADS of those); you get the idea.

Really it’s not hard to think up activities that are not only fun to do, but that are even more fun when many people are trying to do it at the same time, which you always get at reset time. Some of my happiest gw2 memories are from things like that (like the first day of the Not So Secret aetherblade hideout jp, when there were masses of people trying to do it and it was literally raining falling players, I died so many deaths and laughed so hard I could hardly breathe lol). Mad and hilarious

Skins, wardrobe, size scaling and OST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Fantastic link there, ty

Why do they HAVE to role play in public?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Reducing the range on /me emotes would be a good thing, too.

I think that is probably the one and only option that would be welcomed by all parties and inconvenience no-one

My kitten hunting vistas in rl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


He needs to make a left turn and see if he can use that birdhouse roof to get to the next level up. It’s possible he could get onto the big black bauble from there but it would be a risky/technical jump without a tele gun; might be better off edge-running along that line of tinsel and then making small jumps up the remaining pinecones.

Can’t see whether there is a fairy or a star at the top from that shot, does the chest have decent loot?

Why do they HAVE to role play in public?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


You’ve never seen roleplayers who like to say stuff that should really be in private? You must play at a less populous time or something. I agree with the OP, it does get tedious. And no, they wouldn’t do it in private if they could. They clearly enjoy being “exhibitionists” with what they say. Sometimes they are obviously trying to “one-up” each other to see how offensive they can get.

And yes, it interrupts play to try to block them. You can’t right-click the /me comments.

Maybe there should be a separate Roleplay channel (that would keep emotes in that channel) that people must use unless they’re just waving hi or doing one /dance or whatever.

Sorry Djinn, I was laboring under the delusion that they had as much right to play how they wanted as you, I didn’t realise you bought the Double-Secret Special Little Snowflake Edition of GW2 and therefore had more rights than everybody else, my bad.

I'm quitting gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I’ve finally made up my mind. All the medi guards and turret engis and pu mesmos and all the other “always win” builds have me fed up.
Can’t even go into pvp anymore without some medi guard bursting you down before you have time to react or some turret engi being able to hold a point against your entire team and being forced to make premade teams cuz eveyone else is and rolling over non premade teams.
Or going into wvw and cant do a thing cuz a condi thief hits you and if you get him down to almost dead then he just hits sr and comes back full hp.
I’m done. so many things broke in this game and anet keeps it going cuz the esports teams all use these “easy to win” builds.
And I don’t care if this thread gets trolled by all the anet and cheese build white knights cuz i wont be back to look at it.

Sings ‘Tra-la-la-laaa-can-I-haz-your-gold-la-laaa…don’t-let-the-door-smack-you-in-the-head-on-the-way-out-la-la-la-laaa…’ bluebirds flutter round head and land on finger…

Why do they HAVE to role play in public?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Please remember OP, these are gw2 players, the same as you, they have paid for the game, just like you, and they are just playing the game, as they have every bit as much right to do as you have.

I’m not seeing any RPers in this forum complaining that their RP is being disrupted by other players’ activities.

Just out of interest OP, if any RPer DID come on the forum to complain that YOU were spoiling their gameplay by insisting on mat farming or whatever through their RP, how would you feel about that? That’s basically what you’re doing here. I’m sorry you’re upset over it, but you don’t really have any justifiable complaint, especially since you can turn off emotes if you feel that strongly about it.

have you ever noticed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Just reading about Lord Farren being so scantily clad this Wintersday …

I really don’t want to see more skin from any of my characters …

Who would want to see a heavyset Norn strutting around exposing his chankles?

Well, don’t quote me on this, but I have heard it rumoured that lady-people occasionally indulge in a little GW2

<—- lady-person

Character Name Wipes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


It is fair. They chose to join the military, and they know as a consequence they may be gone for 18 months. That is no basis for them to be able to hang onto a name that is not in use for over a year and a half. Not to mention, I know plenty of people in the military who still game. They’re not in constant warfare 24/7, simply because they are deployed.

And if you’re gone for over 2 year due to an illness, I think you have bigger things to worry about than losing your name in an online game.

No. Just… so much no.

You’re simply trolling and picking fights with anyone who disagrees with you, and most people do, because your own arguments are, frankly, the arguments of a horrible person. Seriously, you could have had a valid point, until you started just making really unpleasant ‘points’ like the one above. The illness one in particular was just offensive.

Thanks for a years supply of gathering tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Oh how I wish all the Wintersday rewards, tools etc, stacked, instead of being one item per slot /sigh

Players Beware

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Yes thanks for the warning, it’s actually pretty close to being convincing, it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine some people being taken in by that Sad, and cynical. Thanks for the heads up OP x

Would people complain if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Hey, I’m old enough to remember being excited over Donkey Kong. GW2 is the heaven I spent my teens dreaming of

That’s probably why I have so much fun playing it and don’t get too kittened off by things

Can somebody help me on naming my mesmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Isn’t it amazing how you can think of loads of names when you’re typing in a forum thread, and yet, the moment you make your new char and go to enter a name, every kitten name you’ve ever thought of goes clean out of your head and you’re just – blank – lol

Choir bell is unfair for experienced players!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Experts with experts make the songs sound beautiful.

Well that just sounds boring lol

Dread to think what you’d make of our Drunk Jumping Puzzling on a Friday night

Choir bell is unfair for experienced players!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I suck so badly at this game I can’t even tell what the tune is meant to be usually. But I still play it, mostly because it makes me laugh til I can’t even breathe lol

I’m sorry this upsets you so much and is spoiling your elite-themed Christmas OP… but hey, I’m having a blast

Maze Balm foes being killed by others

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Really?? Just go somewhere else.

And as for heart quests, well, often in the normal events of the game a heart quest – or anything really, all sorts of events – can’t be completed at the specific moment you happen to be there – you go away, do something else, and go back some other time to do it. This is normal gameplay. Seriously, have any of you actually played a game before?

Infinite Light And a Birthday Ruined

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Normally I’d be the first in line saying ‘Well, you should have been more careful’, but I know how the mail system weirds out sometimes when you send mail. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories, and have occasionally struggled myself to get mail to my brother due to the recipient field trying to autofill with the wrong (and totally random!) name. But oddly enough this is the first time I’ve heard of someone just keeping mailed items that weren’t for them. I think it’s a rarity, which is the best thing I can find to say in this situation, not that it helps

Can we ride airships?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I don’t care for mounts or capes but I would LOVE to fly an airship

During the aftermath of the destruction of LA there was an airship that kindly mesmers repeatedly ported people up to, so we could run around like excited kids and then jump off*

*Me. I did that.

Is the soundtrack still available?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Other people paid for it and never received it;

Me, for one

Jeremy Soule still has my $38 but has consistently ignored my polite requests to actually send my soundtrack.

I have contacted his agent, who emailed me back to say she would look into the matter, but has never contacted me again since.

I bought one off eBay for a stupid amount of money only to find the first CD had the wrong content (Guild Wars Factions Soundtrack).

I’ve never quite given up hope, but I must admit now I’m expecting to find a pristine copy of the soundtrack in the same place as the Ark of the Covenant and the last unicorn.

It’s a constant frustration to me to think that all the man has to do is email me a link so I can download it. Genuinely, I would be happy with just that. I don’t want or need his autograph, except possibly for target practice.

Do Not Click This Email

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Thanks for the heads-up. I didn’t know there was one of these doing the rounds, if I received that email I would almost certainly have assumed it was genuine, at least until I checked the link locations anyway.

Fighting gold-mesmers

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


For the most part I have seen mesmers in map chat offering free ports. I always consider it polite to tip though. I actually enjoy jumping puzzles though so I rarely use their services.

I’m not sure what you’re really complaining about OP – just envious of their earning potential? Feel free to create yourself a mesmer and then you can demand gold from people too, if that’s what you believe mesmers are doing.

Bug ? "Walking in water" effect in the new area ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Awww it’s a shame it’s a bug, I was loving splish-sploshing around in my dear little Asura wellieboots

Wintersday release set for mid December?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I hope Wintersday runs as long as it did last year, I had real fun with it It can start any time now as far as I’m concerned, my shopping is done and my lights are ready to go, I’m all ready to start christmassin’ lol

Anet is working on "Stuff"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


This thread is getting TL:DR, and no-one is saying anything worth reading. Time to close it, I think.

This one is for a dev response

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


There already are memory walls in LA, for the people lost/missing; it would surely be pretty easy to add a few more posters, not with rl names of course but with character names, that would be very cool

Glow Dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I think they should add sequins. And maybe feather boas. (Moa boas?)

And definitely, definitely female armour options for female Asura (I WANT MY BUTTERFLIES!!!)

Anet is working on "Stuff"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Please don’t speak for me. I play GW2 almost every evening, and I’m still excited every time I log in and click Play.

Vote for GW2 - Best MMO 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Well I know it’s meaningless, but I’ll still vote for GW2 as nothing else really matches it, once you’re past the novelty factor.

It’s because they are to busy playing the expansion to care. :p

I hear it’s buggy

New Player Seeking Advice!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Another thing you may find different from WoW is that players help each other out. Once you are out in the world, you’ll find nearby players will usually help out if they’re passing and see you fighting off mobs or downed/dead. When I first started playing I was really surprised by how friendly, kind and downright hilarious the community is (Most nights mapchat makes me laugh so hard )

Of course I’m sure once you level up you will do the same for others too

Silverwastes in map view

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Lol I’ve nearly put my toon’s neck out trying to peek round that gate

People who have been in there (not me yet, I just can’t seem to find a way) say it looks like a jumping puzzle, looks like that from the outsie too… in which case I’ll be very happy, I LOVE jps

Slide/Lodge in Lake Mourn?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Aaah yes, I spent literally hours trying to get onto/up that slide when I first visited Hoelbrek! Doesn’t seem to be possible, sadly. I don’t really know what it’s meant to be, it looks like a giant slide, but what is the purpose of a giant slide we can’t slide down?? Seems like a missed opportunity for some extreme sports to me

Maybe one day some dev will read this and make it accessible so we can have fun sliding down it, after all, there’s really not much else to do in Hoelbrek

Those four magic words

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I thought the four magic words were ‘No time to explain’ lol

I'm out.

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I guess I’m somewhere in the middle… I solo-ed it with my necro just with a normal pve setup, but I did get killed a few times and end up in my undies I got bounced around good and proper by the vine tentacle things at the aspect masters bit at the end, it was both grrrrrr and hilarious at the same time. Maybe if you’ve had a bad day it feels more grrrrrr, and if you’ve had a good day, it’s more hilarious

Kicked from Server @ Golem Mk II

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Last night I got dc-ed out of Golem Mk II and relogged into an instance that had VERY few players – we did finally manage to down the Golem though

Well, it was a satisfying event in an odd way because it really was a proper battle with so few people… but it would be annoying if it happened often, and as it was I ended up missing Maw because it took so long to down Golem, which I was kinda irritated by. Also I kept getting the there-are-few-players-would-you-like-to-move-to-another-instance message, actually during the boss fight which was distracting and annoying, I hadn’t any spare attention or fingers to do anything about it lol

So, did something happen last night? Quite a few of us dc-ed all at the same time, and it doesn’t usually happen to me at all (despite my thready broadband lol). I’ve never before experienced nearly finishing a boss fight and then dc-ing and ending up in a completely different instance where the boss hasn’t even spawned yet. It certainly was weird.

Mysterious Skritt Alliance?

in Living World

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Yeh, definitely something weird going on with the skritt in this map. I love a good mystery! I haven’t formed any theories yet, I’m not as well up on GW lore as some people; I hope more people will take the time to look into it, if they can just leave the loot alone for a minute or two lol

Btw, is the dead giant actually a giant? My brother pointed out to me the other night that it actually looks more like a Jotun.