For the record, the Daily Ruins wvw achievement is pretty fast and easy to do solo. Same with wvw Big Spender (which isn’t an option TODAY, but it comes up at least once or twice a week).
Yes I totally second this. Usually you can do all 4 PvE things, it’s not often we get forced into Fractals/PvP, and on the rare occasions when we do I find it’s actually pretty easy to get a couple in WvW. Sometimes all you have to do is buy something
I love my Sanctum Sprinter title as I have absolutely zero chance of ever getting that title again since having so much trouble with lightning pulls.
Golden is probably one of my favourites that I like to see, just because it’s simple and lovely. Just a shame it’s so easy to get – even I have it and I’m always broke lol
I have a mega high dps necro who uses axe. In fact the best way to get a really OP necro is not to use minions at all, or staff, as they’re pretty passive and defensive. With scepter + dagger and axe + focus you can do massive damage incredibly easily – almost any skill sequence applies huge vulnerability + stun/interrupt to enemies then whomps them with big dps Death Shroud is still there for defense and taking out multiple mobs.
I honestly don’t know why so many necros use minions. What’s the point of defending yourself endlessly but not having enough dps to clear your way to a chest? Even the meta builds on use staff, consequently their meta builds are pathetic compared to what you can achieve using weapons properly.
(Btw anyone interested in this type of build should check out I Am One And I Am Legion’s youtube channel )
Ahhh yes more leetism, that’s what gw2 needs. It will make everyone happy. Because the current levels of elitism just aren’t jolly enough, so we need MORE LEETS to ensure everyone really enjoys their gw2 player experience.
Well, this sounds like the ‘It looks awesome, but I really feel the need to complain about it anyway’ thread that was bound to follow us getting the thing that we were all asking for.
I bet anet staff sometimes wonder exactly what it is they come into work for.
Well I’m totally +1-ing that, I love Sanctum Sprint but the lightning pulls don’t work for me at all any more.
The thing is, they used to work just fine during the annual Zephyr Sanctum event. Then when Dry Top was introduced, it stopped working for some reason. The one at the crash site in Dry Top didn’t work, and from that moment, nor did any other lightning pull anywhere else. So something must have been changed. Although my internet is terrible, I know that isn’t the issue, because it USED to work and now doesn’t and my internet is exactly the same kitteny line as it’s always been lol
I still keep trying to do Sanctum Sprint though. It’s one of the only activities that’s actually fun to do And I always get excited when I hear that music! I’d probably get so much done if rl activities had that music lol
edited because spelling is a thing
(edited by Greyhound.2058)
Question: Anyone know what the bottom right dye channel does? doesn’t seem to change anything for me
changes the colour of the curtains in your home instance
Le sigh. I’m Welsh, you should feel the pain inflicted on us Celts with gw2 naming. We have to grit our teeth all the time. Repeat It’s only a game. It’s only a game. It’s only a game. while clicking your heels together
Omg it’s awesome O.O
Can’t help but notice, everything looks adorable and/or cooler on asura. The rest of you will just have to do your best within your limitations lol
You know… you have warderobe in your bank that lets you preview all the daggers ingame?
Hmmm that doesn’t always work that well for asuras. Sometimes an item is shown ‘normal’ size on your asura in the preview, then when you equip it it’s actually downsized for asura and so is smaller than in the preview.
In fact between the wardrobe and the gem shop I’ve come across a lot of issues previewing items for asura. Greatswords in particular often don’t preview properly sized for asura.
I was just at Fire Ele and while I was waiting, by the barrier to Steam Ogre, someone just dropped into there. Like literally dropped out of the sky, into where the steam ogre is, without the barrier going down. How is that even possible??
I told everyone in map chat, but they didn’t believe me, they said there’s no way to get in without the barrier going down… and it sounds totally nuts anyway lol
But I definitely saw it. And of course when we all went running back there after Fire Ele, it was on cooldown and everyone was like ‘What? What happened, I never saw anyone do it beforehand’.
If someone’s found some way to do that, it would explain why we never get to do steam ogre lately
Well consider yourselves lucky you’re not getting invited to my birthday party, we’ll be having FUN and I can see you’re not cool with that
1 – Daily resets at 00:00 server time, so both answers are correct.
2 – You don’t get the reward if you do the World Boss 2 times in the same daily, if you do a boss at 22:00 and again at 01:00 you’ll get both rewards, but if you do at 19:00 and 22:00 you won’t get it.
3 – That is the sum of the rewards, bonus + chest.I still don’t get 1. Are you saying it’s 24 hours (at 00:00 server time but not 24 hours from the point where you killed the world boss.
Yes, that’s it. In other words reset occurs at midnight GMT/UTC.
(Here in the UK we are now in British Summer Time, so reset for us is now at 1 am.)
So basically reset wipes the slate clean; once reset occurs you can do the bosses and get the rewards again, even if you just did them, say, an hour or so before reset
The only one I still notice is my necro seems occasionally to whistle for an imaginary pet lol
Limited to a paltry 500g per week eh?
PU is Prismatic understanding, a mesmer trait that increases the duration of all stealth on the mes by one second, along with giving him random boons when he enters stealth.
Veil is a mesmer skill that drops a line on the floor that any player can cross to gain 2 seconds of invis, (or 3 with PU trait)
Op was wondering why he can’t cross the veil 3 times for a 9 second invis uptime.
Ahhhh thank you very much
I always wondered who was giving me a couple of seconds of stealth every so often, running around in pve and wvw, thank you mesmers!
Oh, I’ve had something similar, but with vertical or kind of diagonal lines? I never thought to report it as I sort of assumed it was probably due to me playing on a toaster lol
Wow. That is a really good question. I think I’ll have to come back later when I’ve checked, I have absolutely no idea! But I love it when someone starts a kind of unusual thread Makes a nice change from when I scan down the list of threads and it’s just…same-old same-old.
I’ll be back
I cannot recommend exploring highly enough It was and still is the way I discover and enjoy GW2 every day, even after all this time playing (nearly since launch).
I would just say these two things:
1. Don’t think when you hit your last map area you’ve done all the exploring. You almost certainly won’t even have scratched the surface. Each time you make a new character you have to explore it all again, and you will be AMAZED what you missed the first time…and even the second time…I’ve been playing most days for at least 2 years and last night I discovered TWO new areas I hadn’t discovered before
2. When we all say to explore, we really mean explore. Every nook and cranny, every edge and corner, anywhere where you just might be able to jump to…and there are even ways of jumping further/higher than you normally can, too
There is a LOT more to exploring Tyria than meets the eye
Good luck out there, traveller!
I have absolutely no idea what PU or the Veil is, but logically, if you can do it ONCE in 3 seconds, then you would only be able to do it TWICE in 8 seconds, because you would need 9 seconds minimum to be able to do it 3 times
Hopefully some kind soul will come along and tell me what I’m talking about LOL
I think the word “kittenton” should be added to Webster’s Dictionary.
As in:
“The elementalist just did a kittenton of damage to that dolyak!”
“Why did you go out to eat again? We have a kittenton of food in the fridge!”
‘Kittenload’ for British players And yes, I have both used and seen kittenload ingame lol
I remember someone posted once about the apparent (and obviously incongruous) indifference of sylvari NPCs to the possibly-dying Avatar of the Pale Tree right in front of them, and they posted a hilarious screenshot in which they’d highlighted this with arrows and ‘KITTEN!!!!! KITTEN!!!!’ …it was so funny I nearly cried laughing and I can’t help thinking of it every time I have one of those wtf moments in rl
**sigh**My mother is a horticulturalist, honestly some of the horticultural errors in the game would make her go crazy lol
Like ‘Variegated’ herbs/veggies or whatever it is…it’s clearly intended to mean varied, but variegated actually means some thing different altogether (it refers to a variety of a plant having bi- or parti-coloured leaves)
And then there’s all the plants wrongly classified or growing in the wrong climate zones…if you tried to take it at all seriously you’d go mad mad mad lol
Well you all get far more interesting chat than I do lol
I would say, if it’s bad enough to report, report it. If it’s NOT bad enough to report, then you should probably just ignore it and try not to fixate on it too much
Personally I love the chat, it’s usually funny and we have a good laugh. If anyone posts anything genuinely offensive or troll-y they usually get jumped on pretty sharply – racism, sexism, homophobia, those things are pretty much universally unacceptable, and I’ve never seen those be tolerated for a moment in mapchat, they always get shut down right away by other players. But talking/joking about sex? Well, that’s as old as the hills, we’re a LOT more prudish than our ancestors were*, so I think it’s pointless getting all stirred up over it
*Roman and medieval houses in Britain were decorated with huge phalluses and nearly all the art on the walls was pornographic – and this in normal family rooms lol… and you should see what monks used to draw in the margins of bibles they were copying! Bibles. Copied by monks. There’s a few hillsides in the south of England decorated in a way that might disturb the OP a little too, and let’s not even get started on Maypoles
Omg I had no idea there was such a thing O_O
But…but…I’d have to have 2, one to get signed and one to keep pristine and in its wrapper lol
I can beat that. For me it often targets other players
Edit: ignore my moaning and skip to the last para
My biggest problem with this is that it often refuses to target huge bosses slap-bang in front of me. For instance during Maw, it repeatedly switches to target the ice-storms, sometimes I can go through the whole event and never manage to target the Svanir Shamen at all. Shadow Behemoth is another boss that defies my attempts to target it. Karka Queen is just bizarre, usually there’s nothing else around for the targeting to switch to so I just get…nothing. Nothing targeted at all. I can Tab til I’m blue in the face, if it doesn’t want me to target KQ then I just can’t. And you can forget Claw of Jormag, all I can do there is run around trying to get numbers by general AoE-ing. And then others, like Fire Ele, are totally fine. It’s a mystery.
I do champs nearly every night, mostly I’m used to these targeting weird-outs so I just try to work around them. But sometimes I can go right the way through an event and not be able to target a single thing at all, which is a massive waste of time and food/buffs.
One thing I have noticed, which may or may not be helpful, is that once a player name comes up, that’s it, it won’t target anything else, except occasionally another player. It’s like the Tab key does nothing once you’ve got a player’s name there. And of course at boss fights where there are loads of players around you, it’s very hard to click anywhere, even on the boss, and not get a player’s selected.
(edited by Greyhound.2058)
I did exactly the same thing first time I did this skill point I think there’s a similar one somewhere else…can’t remember where, but I did it there too LOL
Bass players always get the bum deal Now, LEAD guitarist, on the other hand…
Every time I see the name Havoc’s Heir, I keep mentally tripping over the pronunciation and thinking ’ ’Avoc’s Hair’
Well, I logged in, but no Beta for me /shrug
I hope those guys are having fun though! Well more to the point I hope they come here right away afterwards to tell us all about it lol (I bet every single one of them rolled a Rev )
Gratz everyone! My email address for this account is an old one I can’t access any more, so I’ll never know if I got an invite or not LOL…like Shroedinger’s cat XD
Have fun Tuesday guys!
Since acceptance isn’t required, you can always just try it on that time Tuesday.
“When the test starts, log in to your invited account.
Click the Create Beta Character button.
Create a new human character. (All professions will be available, including the new revenant profession.)
Log in with your beta character to be taken to the beta testing area.”You might want to go ahead and contact support to change your email to one you do have access to. You never know when this might be useful and it can take days for a ticket to process.
Ohhhh I never thought of that LOL… brilliant idea, I’ll give it a try, thanks!
Gratz everyone! My email address for this account is an old one I can’t access any more, so I’ll never know if I got an invite or not LOL…like Shroedinger’s cat XD
Have fun Tuesday guys!
Can’t wait for Pink Doom, or Shylac Doom.
I am totally up for Pink Doom! Make my necro perdy
Aww did they make it better? /sadliness
Well it was fun while it lasted
I think the OP is wanting Master Salvage kits to stack to 250 like the Mystic Salvage kits do, instead of just to 25.
I used to wish for that too, until I found out about Mystic Salvage kits, so now I just make those, problem solved
I’m getting a lot of plays of ‘Turrets’, by Male Charr
Well, I’m gonna say it, I’m finding it quite entertaining XD
My dear little female asura necro went round dropping turrets all last night, and in a deep manly voice as well
I play on an old laptop on a kitchen table, sitting on a regular kitchen chair, with a low-end Perixx gaming mouse. If I get aches and pains I eat chocolate and drink tea until they go away. If they don’t go away I drink gin and tonikittenil I don’t notice them any more
So I’d say my setup is pretty much perfect lol
Yes noticed this last night – it’s noticable precisely because it’s so very distracting Drove me mad after about 5 minutes and had to keep telling myself not to glance down towards the map. It’s there underneath the chatbox on the left as well.
Yes me too, last night my female asura necro was saying lots of weird things, many of them male, which was a tad surprising lol XD I knew it was ‘me’ straight away, as I was completely alone the first time it happened, and then also a few times later. My brother was having the same issue on his guardian too.
What’s with the weird downsized loading screens too? Not on-topic I know, don’t see anyone else mentioning it though so may be just me?
You got wood when you touched him with steal. The wood makes everything wet when it grows
Ummm….. <.<
I love ‘em. I’d love to see as many new ones as possible in the new areas. Some hard, some easy – I know not everyone loves fiendishly difficult ones.
Speaking for myself, I don’t mind when the jumps are difficult, but I get exasperated with ones where I can’t tell where to go. If you love jps, as I do, then there’s nothing more annoying than having to ‘spoiler’ them by looking them up on a Dulfy guide because it’s impossible to work out where to go.
I really hope some of the new ones will utilise all that exciting verticality
Leaked info, jewel crafting to 500. It has something to do with the new precursors, and are getting it in place early. They didn’t want a massive market shift so its been kept hush hush.
Also, SAB is 100% back after last year revolt against it being removed.
True story bro, heard it here first.
I love your stories bro, let me know when the book comes out
Gotta love mapchat
Hah, I’m an elementalist and I had it from level 15 or so.
Hammer, GS, cool icebow, yep, ele ftw!
Thank you Gaile. Please continue to rock.
I’d rather know, so thanks for telling us
Aaarghh going to type in chat, but I haven’t properly clicked inside the text box so as soon as I type, up come all the kitten inventory, guild, hero panels etc…. oooooo very annoying! And accidentally pressing my Windows button. Not much else though – sign of too many mispent evenings and weekends
Op, has it not occurred to you that a player may have built up a lot of AP but is leveling a new profession? They’d certainly seem like a noob if they’re playing, say, mes for the first time after only ever playing guard or thief or whatever.
Btw, I have over 7000 AP but have never set foot in a dungeon It would be correct to say PvE is a major part of the game – it’s THE major part of the game – but you couldn’t possibly say that about dungeons. A part, for sure, but not the major part.
That reminds me of Italian Lire before they changed to Euros. I felt like a millionaire lol…until I tried to buy coffee
I would love to be able to name my minis!
But, since most of my names would probably constitute bannable offences, it may be safer for everybody that they aren’t nameable
Even by pricier UK standards, that’s a lot of money for a…well, a rather oddly specced setup. You can do better
I wouldn’t go below i5; I’m playing on an old Asus K55V laptop which is practically a toaster by any modern standard but the i5 is probably what is making it possible
Oh, well that and the ‘Anthill Inside – Pratchett Processor’ sticker on it of course