I thought it would be cool if we got to gear and set builds for dragons watch memebers next expansion.
Make a boon corrupt reaper. Nothing is impervious to that.
Nerf ranger gs it too op. Nobody should be allowed to deal more than 2k damage unless it’s Condi tics.
Hi stupid question: how did u craft ur viper s armor/weapons?
It requires a recipe to unlock the stat component if you want to convert ascended gear:
Same merchants have the full recipe if you want to make from scratch I’m pretty sure.
going to be lag again tonight for reset? if so they just need to close servers down .. the game is unplayable with this lag
Do you have a pitchfork already or should I buy one for you?
Make a chronomancer.
Surging Runes and Gnashblade for food.
Procession of Fear
Thieves are not the problem, problem are those 5-7k autoattack and 10k skill attacks from rev.
Warriors got nerfhammered next in line are revs, probably before next expansion.
Shaving attack dmg and increasing cd’s for #2 hammer skill is a must but giving them more condi cleanses in exchange.
Ya hammer 2 needs higher cd and/or cost. Like there is no reason not to cast it on recharge. The damage is fine as long as it is throttled through thoughtful choice on use. The aa, it’s a slow cast projectile which makes it susepctable to weaving, it hits hard on no damage mitigation builds. Thats all. Maybe they could chop it but to what end? 4k aa gonna hurt too. Even 3k. The damage of the aa is not the damage, it’s the +% damage modifiers which pigeon holes into glass builds.
Hammer is a slow telegraphed weapon,
Which makes it more balanced then most stuff added to the game. Yes you can actually actively dodge hammer skills. Try dodging mantra of pain and get back to me about hammer rev being op.
If you want it’s damage shaved then incerase it’s attack speed aswell
Hi, thanks for sharing the build and the video, it was indeed a cheap laugh, 2 questions: 1) is staff+hammer better than sw/sh+hammer against thieves only or in general against any class?
2) how does build deal with other classes? It has no sustain whatsoever, do you only rely on dodge?
Idk, I didn’t like sword/shield because it locks down your character so I went staff. The cc on staff is just hilariously good in scenarios and the condi purge is too important. Then there is the blind projectiles so even if a thief doesn’t attack during your block they still needs to clear it. It really is not a roaming/dueling build.
Yes it is ok against many players. Note I say players because someone with a brain shouldn’t be getting hit with CoR, phase smash and drop the hammer regardless of class. It really is quite frail and depends mostly on people assuming you are a bearbow / them not respecting the builds hard cleaving against tryharding. Dodge/Evade/Block/Projectile Denial while continuing the attack.
I do die alot in a night if solo roaming. There just so much condi and 1vX is rampant in wvw. But if I wasn’t having fun I wouldn’t be running it. Look through my channel for more vids labled [Backbreaker] for some more cheap laughs and carnage ;-)
60sec cd
Instant Activation
Break Stun for yourself, your pet and 4 other allies within 600 radius granting them 3:stability for 7seconds.
You and allies gain “Strength of the Pack!”, for 5seconds +1second per ally affected, that improves vulnerability on foes by 100%. Allies with this buff cause 3:vulnerability for 7seconds when their attacks are negated.
I mostly come back to Ranger, because it’s familiar and it has access to mostly everything, except boon removal and good aoes. Range ? Melee ? Tanking ? Condi ? Good condi clears ? Good stun breakers ? Mobility ? All yes.
Yes, pets need a complete rework. Nobody use Devourers, except Justine
. I feel they are even worse when you don’t trait in Beastmastery. Completely unreliable, except Smokescale that can port to enemies.
I do have to say tho, like Prysin said, Ranger is easy. When I need something more engaging I go on my engi, mesmer or ele. As for now, I enjoy more engi.
I stopped seriously using devourers a few months after HoT because wolf is mandatory and smokescale/staff is mandatory.
I stopped playing druid after January’s nerf to sharpened edges. I tried a power boon build but it was so incredibly boring and ineffective I just said eff it and went glass hammer in condi meta. Druid is naked currently and only used to craft foods.
Death of a build.
I wonder if anyone can be fast enough mechanically to Shroud 2 counter Ranger LB knockback.
I’ve seen this twice in sPvP but I’m not sure if he had stab from Foot in the Grave, but he was definitely reacting.
Many LB rangers open with PBS for obvious reasons. Idk if LB is used in high rank play but I don’t think it is so it’s not too difficult to predict it as opener. Alot will guess dodge PBS as opener once any LB un-stow animation starts. So it’s not surprising if a reaper makes double use of shroud 2 as gap closer and projectile denial as it can’t really be wasted against LB.
Rapid fire OP!
Oh wait I die to bleeds ;-(
I play during OCX and there are plenty of people around on hod/nsp/cd.
Actually, Alpine SET is the worst tower of any map. You can’t put a treb up and hit a keep and a treb In hills will make swiss cheese of the walls.
Set, sec, hills, and sentry make an obnoxiously easy defensive area for the server that controls that spawn.
Call me noob but in the past few months I’ve been blinking in place while playing wvw because of the stupid bloated ui they added to top of screen.
A-net has abandon underwater balancing so a wvw map with alot of open water areas will not be implemented.
If they do make a new wvw map it will have underwater combat. If anet filled in ABL underwater areas, so that it was all shallow, people would freak out. Part of the reason the DBL sucks in comparison is because it has the reverse of underwater but you cannot glide there, removing that dynamic.
I always thought a reskin of the 3 borderlands would be fun and people all like “it too hard!”. So I made a vid showing what i meant by reskin and i just so happened to do an underwater one for fun,
once i made the green version the other 2 took me 10min to swap skins out.
If I played a baddy condi staff reaper I would run ice/torment on staff or scepter for small scale. Idk why a condi reaper would even use geomancy/hydromancy unless they chose a melee weapon set for swap but apparently many do staff/secpter for some reason.
I made a vid about eating thieves like potato chips in wvw for a “thief is op” thread and I thought I’d drop it here.
Idk maybe someone can get something from it. Perhaps just a cheap laugh ;-)
Ya these are the typical thieves I run into,
Not really seeing anything OP from them.If they take damage,
You can kill it.I mean, sure, when you’re getting 9k CoR on them, 4k ranged autos, and have aoe’s and evade skills.
A smart power thief would recognize your output and stay away from you entirely unless they see an opportunity, and there’s really nothing you could do about it. Now, were you fighting any condi thieves in that video?
A couple.
A great thief would have killed me 1v1. I mean it’s a hammer rev lol. It’s like bearbow without the bear. But all the smart/great ones fight with others to capitalize on their ability to +1/gank. And in those cases again hammer rev, just wait for them to commit to a gank and drop CoR on them.
Thieves are only OP if you are running a slow facetanking build. And in those cases all you have to do is /sit until they give up and go home. People who chase them from XvX with stuff like reapers and staff ele get wrecked because they don’t recognize the scenario, baited.
I dunno, I play power mes, if I don’t one shot the thief then it’s generally a losing battle for me. I mean I 100-0 plenty of thieves and will try to punish bad plays wherever I can whenever I can against a thief but much of that has gone now. It’s even worse when you get 2 of them focus you in a small team fight without someone on TS ready to cover you or support you.
Poor ones will dodge spam and teleport away till cool downs are back up, it’s not that big an issue except they can reset the fight when they burn your longer cool downs like distortion. Don’t even get me started on core mesmer, without chaos it’s an uphill fight. I come across plenty of bad thieves but when you get someone who has either got a ton of macros doing a lot of the combos for them or just spent more than a day learning the class it becomes much harder to deal with.
I agree with Choppy though, it is just silly atm for roaming and needs bringing down considerably while it’s group play needs bringing up by the same amount.
I think it’s thief that counters power mes idk. Some nights when raiding with strm and I’m on reaper it triggers me when we don’t have an answer to thief gankers so hard that I get on rev and go on a potato chip rampage.
Ya these are the typical thieves I run into,
Not really seeing anything OP from them.If they take damage,
You can kill it.I mean, sure, when you’re getting 9k CoR on them, 4k ranged autos, and have aoe’s and evade skills.
A smart power thief would recognize your output and stay away from you entirely unless they see an opportunity, and there’s really nothing you could do about it. Now, were you fighting any condi thieves in that video?
A couple.
A great thief would have killed me 1v1. I mean it’s a hammer rev lol. It’s like bearbow without the bear. But all the smart/great ones fight with others to capitalize on their ability to +1/gank. And in those cases again hammer rev, just wait for them to commit to a gank and drop CoR on them.
Thieves are only OP if you are running a slow facetanking build. And in those cases all you have to do is /sit until they give up and go home. People who chase them from XvX with stuff like reapers and staff ele get wrecked because they don’t recognize the scenario, baited.
Did Essence Sap get patched or something? I don’t think I saw any thieves in that video using it.
Idk, probably lots of failed steals. I watch sindrener a little “you can see it in their eyes”.
(edited by Justine.6351)
Ya these are the typical thieves I run into,
Not really seeing anything OP from them.
If they take damage,
You can kill it.
For support you can run shouts with trooper runes and well of power. Because of condi meta it’s what I did to help my allies in wvw.
Really though the best way to support is with boon corruption and pushing hard. If you have allies who don’t want to push very often you might aswell play something else. If my guild leader starts hugging walled objectives and building siege I swap to hammer rev because reapers are garbage for defending/ fighting on the back foot.
Balancing takes place at the ceiling not the floor.
This thread has WvW in the title and is in the WvW subforum. Idk but if Condi reaper is any indication on what level anet balances the game…
Or for that matter, your class dropping 6k ranged autoattacks
My class doesn’t drop 6k ranged autoattacks,
I drop 5k autoattacks occasionally.
If you think playing in condi/bunker meta with glass hammer, using a single 2condi cleanse on a 1sec cast 15sec recharge, is easy feel free to show us the OPness. It’s kind of annoying not having anyone else running it and posting vids to see what others are doing. Yet I could point out 4 Condi reapers on these forums that do regularly make vids. Kind of says something.
Oh I made a hammer rev vid regarding typical thief fights. People think thief teleporting away is rediculous, try running away from shiro lol. Really if you hate thieves make a hammer rev. Will edit/link it to my first post here once it’s uploaded
(edited by Justine.6351)
Balancing takes place at the ceiling not the floor.
This thread has WvW in the title and is in the WvW subforum. Idk but if Condi reaper is any indication on what level anet balances the game…
I tried signet corrupts but people around me were dying like flies so I had to go shout trooper. Nothing Can Save You! is pretty crazy.
Seriously, I don’t like thieves either but go play one.
Excellent ones are op,
All the rest get deleted,
There are so many bad thieves I could make a montage of me killing them with my hammer rev while solo roaming and even 1vX.
Ya these are the typical thieves I run into,
Not really seeing anything OP from them.
If they take damage,
You can kill it.
(edited by Justine.6351)
Condi Longbow RIP ;-(
Although I still manage to have fun with underwater gear on my Backbreaker
I was looking at making a daredevil build for wvw zerging and thought wow Hook Strike would be cool with Rending Shade boon stealing. Then I got into setting it up and saw it didn’t cleave.
Thinking this skill should be cleave regardless of game mode idk.
Doesn’t matter Anet doesn’t update anything in wvw anyways good suggestions or otherwise so who cares. Not to mention I have no idea why wvwers would object to an update to auto loot that would result in getting more loot. Especially when all wvwers complained about for years was no loot/rewards…. but whatever lol.
This is one of those suggestions, where if Anet just changed it so you got loot no matter what every wvw would say, “we like this” or “good job Anet more loot” but because I’m suggesting it, it’s an absolutely horrible idea, for some reason which nobody can figure out.
I mean at best it’s more loot, at worst it’s irrelevant, but you know keep up the good fight.
People object because it encourages people to lay dead on the ground instead of releasing and running back to the fight.
right….. so loot auto going into your inventory = you are encouraged to stay dead? Im not seeing the connection. Seems completely unrelated to me.
I can’t recall ever playing a game where, when you died (essentially when you failed in some way), you still automatically were given every bit of the loot you would have acquired if you stayed alive, contributed to the fight, got ressed by a comrade, or used other mechanics (like WP) to rejoin the battle. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but shouldn’t death have a death penalty of some sort? It’s modest enough, with the mechanics in place, but should it be zero?
Yes, I do believe that such functionality would discourage active play. “I’m dead. I’ll just lie here and gather all my goodies while I go order a pizza. Doesn’t cost me a thing to be inactive — I’ll still get 100% of the loot either way.” Does that even make sense? Or am I misunderstanding the suggestion?
Ya I mean right? The downed state isn’t enough of a soft cap on death already that we need auto-loot while dead too? Is good to see someone at anet draw the line in the sand when it comes to introducing more hand-holding mechanics.
Badges are not worthless,
100:1 ratio is useless because no one is getting 17,500 badges a week.
Even if someone could farm that many badges per week,
17,500 badges is like 157.5g @ 27s per badge of tribute.
What is the point in throwing gold away to get skins a little faster?
If you just want to be upfront then ya wanderer/commander mix with durability runes on guard or dh (there is a build for both).
Unblockable doesnt help blind right? The combo of COR and the other one that makes my next two attacks unblokable is a great combo. Also what about when someone goes invuln such as a mes or guard
The unblockable is just for blocks but is great for hammer.
Invulnerable people proc the trait, I’ve oneshot a warrior who veneanced with an 11k phase smash.
No, it will only consume on a strike.
(edited by Justine.6351)
Ya you are definitely thinking life transfer which was “lost” when reaper was released.
Outnumbered it all depends on enemy and what they are running. Idk how your build will play because I don’t play bunker. Cruel Reprecussions triggers on any negate and only is consumed on the next strike. Thieves get gutted by CoR double proc if the first strike is blinded because of this.
I solo roam on a glass hammer/staff rev with only renewing wave and riposting shadows to cleanse condi. Idk what to tell you, don’t fight reapers and condi chrono with double melee rev?
Do you mind sharing? Im fairly new to rev.. coming from thief main since release, and ive been using hammer-s/s looking for roaming build. I will share mine if you can help out.what legends you use?
It’s not really a roaming build. I just made a glass cannon for fun and then started to wvw guild raid with it and was bored so tried solo roaming with it. Retired my druid for it.
In these 2 vids I was using a magi staff with cleansing/renewal and a bloodlust sigil on hammer. Changed them out. Also changed from precision utility to power.
Bugcruncher 2
Bugcruncher 3
I solo roam on a glass hammer/staff rev with only renewing wave and riposting shadows to cleanse condi. Idk what to tell you, don’t fight reapers and condi chrono with double melee rev?
Has anyone considered that people with low pips were not meant to max out every week? The system is clearly setup to retroactively reward players for the past several years of supporting wvw. If those veterans had just started when rewards came out like the people who are complaining of low pips, then they would be in the same boat.
The “hard to reach” hard-cap isn’t meant to be reached every week through casual play. But for those who supported the game mode through thick and thin, gg here is a bonus to pip acquisition.
I’m sorry if people cannot comprehend/accept this now, but in 2-5 years I’m sure you can appreciate what I just said.
While I mostly agree, most vets are arguing they are not in WvW for the rewards, but are quick to prevent anyone else from obtaining them, too. Kind of a double standard, no? Also, 2-5 years seems to be an unrealistic timeline. By then, we will either not be playing GW2 because GW3 is out, or the power creep in gear stats will have moved beyond Ascended, making the current rewards like getting a set of Exotic in today’s economy. I feel that some adjustment is in order to smooth out the graph I presented above to make it more linear. Should a new player have to struggle so much just t get the final wood chest? Should a committed Silver ranked player on BG be able to always easily get the last Diamond chest each week the same as a Mithril ranked player? See my chart above for how things go from exponentially difficult to very little difference beyond a certain point.
Lolwhat? Vets are not holding new players down… all the new players need to do is put some time into the game mode to get bronze in a month or 2 and silver in 6 months to a year.
We have been using ascended gear as max stat for 3-4 years, far longer than exotics were top stat.
The things to smooth out the gap already exist, win the skirmishes, get outnumbered buff, command and be “loyal” to a server. Charts with the difference between 1 and 7 pips are hilarious because they change radically when the other pips enter the picture.
Use your skills wisely.
Has anyone considered that people with low pips were not meant to max out every week? The system is clearly setup to retroactively reward players for the past several years of supporting wvw. If those veterans had just started when rewards came out like the people who are complaining of low pips, then they would be in the same boat.
The “hard to reach” hard-cap isn’t meant to be reached every week through casual play. But for those who supported the game mode through thick and thin, gg here is a bonus to pip acquisition.
I’m sorry if people cannot comprehend/accept this now, but in 2-5 years I’m sure you can appreciate what I just said.
Did I stutter? Lonar’s Pass is a Southern Shiverpeaks zone. The Avicara Tengu can drop FDS. He didn’t need to go through Dreadnought’s Drift as Beacon’s Perch is directly connected to Lonar’s Pass. Again if it wasn’t clear, Lonar’s Pass may be in the Northern Shiverpeaks on the world map but it’s mobs can drop FDS because they are Southern Shiverpeaks mobs.
It’s not a bug.
Lonar’s Pass counts as Southern Shiverpeaks. FDS can drop in the Southern Shiverpeaks.
None of the legends are useless.
cept for jalis and ventari
Jalis can be used in zerging and ventari is meta for spvp i think and is in use in wvw.
Build them to what you want to get out of water combat. If you don’t use leeching sigil on land weapon sets it’s probably BiS for your primary aquatic weapon in wvw. Mine are all offensive berserkers, vipers and so on because I like to fight underwater. But making them tanky is viable too if you just want to use water as an escape route. The breather should pretty much always finish your Runeset but if it’s one that doesn’t activate in water then consider a lone superior rune.
Another thing is stat combinations that differ from land to water. If someone is complete berserker glass cannon mesmer they might consider a viper trident because of the easy condi it puts out. Every bit helps.
Spvp season and WvW skirmish reward vendors have stat selector accessories for all stats but you need to own HoT.
None of the legends are useless.
Need to find a half decent commander/guild that wants to fight. The best way to do that is to follow the various commanders your server has. Then listen to the complaints, if people cry “zomg the Condi melts me!” Then get on an alt that can cover that weakness. If you are willing to adapt your play to serve the group then you will start to win more engagements. Encourage and cultivate this in your server mates and you will go far.
There is a reason I hate Condi reapers. They are completely worthless to fight alongside because all they do is build for damage and have zero group support. All they want is numbers and loot. Most don’t understand the importance of boon corrupts and most don’t run things like trooper runes or well of power because “it no do no big damage ROFL, I just smash mark buttons and I get loot ROFL, just healz me kk? ROFL”.