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Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Yes, the reason why nobody cares is because they are not Warriors and this bs doesn’t affect them that much at all.

Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


>I win fights but only because they are bad
I’m pretty sure that’s what you just said. And yes, a skilled player will “use blinds in a timely manner”, except now “a timely manner” has just extended to “any time I’m not in range” (this is why the melee warrior is hit exceptionally hard btw) instead of “right before a big burst lands” thus lowering the skill cap on using blinds appropriately EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANTLY. And THAT is the core problem here.

Oh you, Anet (warrior related)

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I agree that the general direction is headed there and I’m actually quite positive about the changes to warrior. What’s holding warrior down is simply how op every other class’ mechanics are like how I detailed in this thread . Once every class has been nerfed into the ground where warrior is then the game will actually be not cheesy and actually balanced.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I agree. Way too many blinds, specially on thief where you get almost perma-blinded. I’ve made a topic along with a video about it, but it got deleted and I got infracted. I guess blindness is everywhere.

I just wanted to commend you on your 10/10 classy pun.

Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Well…in GW1 I could keep the entire enemy team front line perma blinded if I wanted, the blind in GW2 is still nowhere as OP as it was in GW1, even though I’m not a warrior expert I do sometimes play mine with rather good success rate, which just farther improved after switching to this build : 0/30/30/0/10 with valkyrie amulet bow/axe/shield and I’m not having problems in killing people with 5k+ eviscerate and perma burning, I can also cleanse conditions rather easily with cleansing ire while both bow and axe burst are useful ( one as defensive/offensive tool the other as pure mega burst attack)

A kind request to also stop bringing up gw1 because it’s a completely different game with completely different rules. Do you have a backline in gw2 clearing your conditions for you? Do you have skills that specifically cleanse blinds?

Also cleansing ire does absolutely nothing against blinds. In fact it’s a hard counter for the entire basis of the trait.

Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Just bumping this untill arenanet realizes how amazingly stupid this change was.

Oh you, Anet (warrior related)

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


  • The Promise
    “If a warrior HAS to cc an opponent to deal damage then there’s something fundamentally wrong with the class.”
  • The Reality
    > Make final thrust even more telegraphed than eviscerate, apparently to “help” with warrior burst damage problems
  • The Promise
    “We are aware that warriors have big problems with condition removal and are definitely working on a fix.”
  • The Reality
    > Only change regarding this was cleansing on burst skill landing a hit
    >Conditions were exactly why burst skills can’t land a hit
    >Simultaneously buff blind to ridiculous levels
    >So now you need to not be crippled, chilled, blinded, AND be in melee range to cleanse blind BEFORE you can use your burst skill which cleanses conditions which would have been REALLY NICE TO HAVE before actually jumping through all the hoops to land your burst skill

Now don’t get me wrong these are not my full opinions on the changes and I appreciate any attention given to warriors balance wise but…

Oh You, Anet.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I Main Warior, and I think Blind is fine the way it is.

It’s just a ‘reverse’ Aegis, and I’ve trained myself to always look for Aegis before I use any long cooldowns on my target… and Blind is even more noticeable because it actually has a visual indicator which borders your whole screen. C’mon people.

I guarentee you’ll see an improvement in your gaming if you just paid a little extra attention now and then. It’s not hard to look at your boons/conditions every few seconds.

PS: If I had to make a change to Blind though, I would make it so it doesnt affect ground targeted abilities, that is all.

Please just stop. Blind does function as a reverse aegis, but please, please look at the application of aegis. An almost EXCLUSIVELY guardian ability that pops up only OCCASIONALLY during a fight to block big hits like eviscerate.
Now look at the application of blinds in this game and TELL me again with a straight face how it’s even remotely at the same level.

If blind was TRULY as balanced as you claim then I should only be seeing it a maximum of 3 times in a fight just like aegis except that’s CLEARLY not happening here.

Blind is out of control

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Blind hasn’t changed at all, why there is such a huge issue with it all of a sudden is surprising to me. (The patch notes about not having it removed by swinging at thin air has always been the case for most parts and has just been updated to never occur by accident.) Also blind shuts down all classes equally more or less and it only blocks 1 attack.

Most thief blinds activate only in melee range and can continue to apply if you don’t move away.
Don’t stand near plague form obviously.
Don’t waist critical skills when you’re blinded, notice that blind also affects the boarders of your screen to let you know that you’re blind.
And as a warrior, try a ranged weapon so 1. you can remove blinds at range 2. you will be less likely to be blinded by thieves or plague form.

Lastly, the idea behind the combat system is that certain builds will counter some while be weaker against others etc. So a full blind thief build will have an advantage against a melee warrior in most situations, but that thief will be venerable to condition orientated builds from others. It’s best not to try and solo a build that counters yours, pvp is a team game.

Wow what am I even reading here. Blind has changed in such an amazingly significant way, I can’t believe anyone would claim that it “hadn’t changed at all”.

And since when is a thief NOT melee-ing you? When is an engineer not spamming grenades at you? When are the classes that can spam blinds not spamming blinds at you, it takes zero effort because it’s just built into the class abilities like that.

Just reading everyone claim it isn’t overpowered and telling warriors (which it shuts down exceptionally hard) due to needing to be in melee range to do anything as such, then telling them to use our extremely sub-par ranged options as a “solution” is driving me nuts.

Even worse is people telling us to run cleansing ire as a “solution” despite blind IRONICALLY shuts down every single burst skill except sword’s.

So much misinformation being spread around just



(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Hahaha that blind change Jesus Christ

Like hammer warriors needed to be even worse

Major flaw of the Stealth Mechanic

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m sorry but if you can’t kill one iDuelist or out heal the damage before another one is summoned (base CD is 20s) then you are JUST BAD. That is 60s for three iduelists to come out. If you have not locked the mesmer down by then or dealt with the first one or two phantasms. You have no reason to call anything OP.

I’m sorry but did you just try saying that exactly what makes phantasm mesmer one of the most op 1v1 spec to exist made even worse by his ability to enter stealth is perfectly balanced? If killing the phantasms isn’t a problem for who is not “JUST BAD” then phantasm mesmer shouldn’t even exist as a spec, no?

Also I wasn’t being particularly precise there, You obviously aren’t JUST dealing with iduelist, there’s also izerker to worry about. Let’s not forget that signet that doubles clone hp, eh? Please don’t try refuting arguments with “you’re a bad player”, thanks.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Because this game has some of the most AoE spam I’ve seen in any competitive PvP title, the AoE damage in this game is over the top and Warriors have to wade through all that crap to do their jobs.

No amount of trait changes, skill tweaking or other such nonsense will change this fundamental problem.

This is true. Personally I just abandon all hope of doing anything useful in team fight when there’s a grenades engineer spamming the point from some absurdly safe distance away.

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Warriors are amazing but most people tend to play them wrong or misunderstand their purpose. I use my warrior for fast far pressure at the beginning of the game usually killing 1 or 2 people at far with ease then switching to close/mid roamer. I run 0/10/20/20/20 and you must be like whaaaa?! No glass no cannons. But believe me when I say dropping bunker eles in seconds, murdering that mesmer at treb before he could fire his first shot and stomping the enemy roamer thief with 100% health remaining never felt so good. With the new patch my build will be stronger yet again. Only thing warriors lack right now is condition removal which will soon be solved. Don’t listen to me tho I only have ~50 games played on warr but I do enjoy stomping those Champion Illusionists and Paragons in 1v1’s. But wait there’s more! Spiking targets at mid and frenzy stomping people with around 80% stability uptime is also pretty nice not to mention I also have 60% reduction on soft cc and 25% reduction on hard cc and dots.
Warriors are not tanks, they are berserkers. They do what thieves do only warriors do it better, faster and with more team support (stuns, immobilises etc). Play aggressive and you’ll have much more fun!

Sorry, but I am forced to conclude that all you have played against are terrible, terrible players. Or lying/exaggerating. Especially that part about bunker eles, since their standard build has 3 stun breaks so it’s literally impossible to kill them in that manner unless they were absolutely terrible and didn’t react at all to whatever You were doing. See also: sword thief’s infinite get out of jail free stun break+ cleanse and mesmer’s blink/stealth.

Unless you actually post videos of you doing such on that twitch of yours it’s, quite frankly, extremely improbable that what you’re saying is credible.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

How about some blind immunity for wars

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Yes this is desperately needed, it’s completely ridiculous that an entire weapons’ skill set is completely negated by classes that can spam blinds (thief, guard, engineer) like some kind of pve mob. I’m talking about hammer of course, maybe mace. At least the hard-to-kill mobs have defiant, so I guess that means in the grand scheme of things we’re just much easier to kill than a champion.

Major flaw of the Stealth Mechanic

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’d just like to point out that we shouldn’t speak of thieves and mesmers in the same breath when it comes to stealth. The latter has one skill that stealths for three seconds and there’s no danger of an attack unlike with a thief. Then there’s mass invis on a 90 second CD.

Thieves on the other hand are what you really have to watch out for. Their attack from stealth is their bread and butter.

How about no? Mesmers are the most disgusting abusers of stealth, at least while a thief is stealthed he is incapable of attacking you as doing so will reveal him, mesmers are perfectly capable of attacking and applying an equal amount of pressure on you as when they’re not in stealth through phantasms. Have fun dealing with 3 iduelists scattered around the area while the mesmer laughs at you vainly trying to find him. It’s misconceptions like this that let the class slide by with it’s op mechanics while other classes get nerfed.

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Problem with Warrior is the class seems to have completely diffirent balance principles. It seems designed for classic trinity, and it’ld really be ‘unstoppable beast’ with pocket healer. Problem is every other class was designed with FPS ‘every man for himself’ mindset.

I agree on the design principle inconsistency. However I feel the need to say that

It’ld really be ‘unstoppable beast’ with pocket healer.

Was under my list of misinformation because with a pocket healer, a warrior will just become a “Functional Class”. Only if it had both a pocket healer and a pocket CC’er will warrior become anything remotely close to an “unstoppable beast”.

Warriors: Please Use Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m okay with using Banner of Discipline/Strength but the elite banner’s uptime is just too pathetic for me to actually use it. Not to mention how the res (and banner of defense’s stats) are pointless in a party that knows what it’s doing.

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


This is just one indepth example. I shouldn’t even have to be so elaborate to point out the comparisons between warr and other classes. An ele’s healing and survivability? A thief’s peeling, gap closing, similar burst damage, and boon hate? A ranger’s dodge rate, regeneration, pet burst? A guardian’s blocking and invulnerability? A mesmer’s 20% minimum invulnerability uptime? And engie’s sustained aoe damage, control and ability to consistantly res himself?
What does warr have to compensate for an utter lack of those things? More healthpool? Slightly higher base defense? Being a meatshield does not make up for the sheer amount of damage, control, and conditions mitigated by simply being able to dodge twice as much. This leads up to my next point…

  • Developer Hesitance

This refers to their “Slow and Steady” philosophy, as well as all the (wrong) feedback they receive making them afraid to do changes. The developers are afraid to overhaul mechanics, they are afraid to shake up the meta. Is a warr’s survivability going to be at a viable level by addding a few condition cleanses? No! Not untill Every class has it’s mechanics brought in-line with warrior’s (invulns, risk-reward ratios, get out of jail free cards) or the warrior’s brought up to theirs, will it be viable. But despite all the evident flaws I can list out when comparing warr mechanics(cough Brawn cough), this isn’t the thread for that.

And that’s why Warriors will never be viable unless Arenanet stops being so timid with their changes.

Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Preface: I am by no means claiming this as fact. These are just the opinions of an (almost exclusively) Warrior main who spends most of his time in PvP. I am by no means a top player, but I do have a lot of experience regarding this class.

Unless you've actually played it a LOT, nobody knows what's really wrong with warr; Other classes have amazingly bull mechanics when it comes to risk-reward; developers too timid to make any significant changes to warr, and when they do give small buffs, they feel the need to buff other classes, keeping Warrior at the bottom of the pile.

  • Misinformation

What do you take away from a fight with a Warrior? Most probably something along the lines of: “He did a lot of damage.” “Wow, he died fast.”

This lack of understanding of how Warrior works, from a perspective of other classes, leads to the main topic, misinformation. What makes a warrior tick? Why do they die so easily? You don’t know, because 8 out of 10 times you’re going to easily defeat a warr on any other class. It wasn’t even challenging or engaging! This problem is only made worse by how over time less and less decently skilled players run warr, even in hotjoins, so the ones you DO run across are terrible.

And thus, this leads to the spreading of misinformation. “Warriors are just a step away from becoming an unstoppable beast!” “Warrior’s only problem is condition cleansing.” “Warriors do so much more damage than other classes.” “Warriors are perfectly viable, you just need to babysit them!” “Warrior’s condition removal is fine as it is, you just need to run traited warhorn, 3 shouts, and soldier runes!”

  • Relativity

Some people claim that warr is the “most balanced profession”. This is true! If you were looking at warr in a vacuum. High risk, high reward design? Check. Tells and animations you can react to and skillfully dodge? Check. Substantial loss in damage if you spec for survivability and vice versa? Check.

But what happens when you compare warr to other classes? You realize that the other classes don’t remotely follow this “balance philosophy”. Take Mesmer for example.

A GC warr’s most infamous burst combo would be to:
1) Pressure the opponent and bait out all their dodge rolls
2) Frenzy(Utility) to speed up 100b
3) Bull’s Rush(Utility) to controls the opponent and a gap closer
4) Endure Pain(Utility) if this was a teamfight to prevent melting due to Frenzy’s increased damage side effect
5) 100 blades (weapon skill) for frontal arc cleave burst damage
6)Whirlwind (weapon skill) for AoE medium damage

Now look at a GC mes’s most infamous burst combo:
1) iDuelist for a ranged volley, high damage, bleeds (weapon skill)
2) Dodgeroll for a clone
3) iLeap for another clone (weapon skill)
4) (Optional) Magical Bullet for a daze (weapon skill)
5) Swap for an immob and gap closer(weapon skill)
6) Shatter for AoE burst damage(Class Mechanic)
7) Blurred Frenzy for frontal arc medium damage(weapon skill)

Immediately there’s already something appallingly wrong with this comparison. Almost everything required for the Mesmer burst combo is built into the class on low cooldown weaponskills. Not only does their combo leave them free to choose whatever utilities they wanted, but what should be the most high-risk portion of their combo that roots them on the spot leaves them invulnerable 2 seconds. Both combos take approximate the same amount of time to execute, why is one practically cost and risk free?

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Warrior Opinion Share Area

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


But 4s of Immobilize from Sword F1, charge up adrenaline, 1s from Leg Specialist, one attack for a bit more adrenaline, and then another Sword F1. Repeat XD

But minimum 8s cooldown on Flurry that only applies immob on the FIRST hit of the entire chain that is also a long-duration condition and thus easy to cleanse

It’s just not going to be that effective trying to perma-immob someone.

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


What? You guys jump to conclusions. If it cleanses conditions before you land your hit, it’s perfect and exactly how i want it.

If it doesn’t cleanse before hit, it’s useless and kittened. But we don’t know which one is true yet so stop jumping to conclusions.

It’s true that adrenaline is only spent when a burst skill actually lands though. And the trait specifically states that conditions cleanse upon adrenaline being USED as a result. It would be pretty silly to keep cleansing 3 conditions by intentionally missing your burst skill.

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


25% Chance to miss our burst.

100% Chance to miss our burst.

100% Chance to miss our burst.

If we miss our burst:
We cannot cure any of these, so we waste our adrenaline and our cool-downs.

Horrible system, it doesn’t change anything. Now that we do less damage we will not only not have a spot in PvP, we will lose it in PvE as well. Why take a Warrior when we can play Guardian, do more damage/more buffs/have an overall easier instance run?

Technically you just waste your cooldowns since adrenaline is not spent if you miss, with the exception of Longbow’s.

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m missing something here. when did healing surge use adrenaline? is that changing soon too?

Gives adren not uses.

The remove condi is when we gain a bar of adren not use it.

So if you use Healing surge and gain 3 bars, you’ll also lose 3 condis (hypothetically).


The notes say that you drop a condi per adrenaline bar used when you use a burst skill. You just gain adrenaline when hit like Embrace the Pain used to do.

[Fun] What class has most diehard Fans?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I don’t see how someone can be a “die-hard” fan of a class if it doesn’t die particularly hard.

That means Warriors are the most diehard fans because they haven’t quit yet.

Removing Conditions with Burst Abilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The leaked patch notes does state that it’s a Master Trait in the defense line that cleanses one condition only on Burst skill use. Also they fused Embrace the pain with it :[

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


>Cleansing Ire in the same tier as the hammer trait

This is the dumbest thing since forever.

Mist League vs Arenanet Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765



I don’t think you should be making excuses for the devs for them.

And of course the developers are aware what the current meta consists of. If they wanted they could have went with a straight-up lame meta comp, but they chose to play whatever they felt like because it was a showmatch.

Do they now? Are you saying that they were trying to lose? They clearly weren’t, and so were playing builds that they thought were good. The developers aren’t gods, sometimes they think something’s good when it’s not, sometimes they make mistakes that they just don’t realize are mistakes and they keep rolling with it, and we end up with terrible “balance” patches. Case in point, actually using Destruction of the Empowered (or warrior in general).

I don’t play much of other classes so I can’t comment on their trait choices, but since so rarely do we get a chance to see exactly what traits devs are running (and thus actually think are viable) I thought a thread to comment on their builds would be pretty good discussion.

Hundred Blade reflecting projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?

Wrong, a Frenzy-bullsrush-100b warrior is a “free kill”. There are still plenty of good reasons to be using a greatsword in pvp, in order:

  1. Best mobility (distance covering)
  2. Evade on a 10s cooldown with high damage (Whirlwind)
  3. Pressure damage (100b)
  4. Downed state “finisher” substitute that damages in a cone, preventing resses

etc etc

It’s still a good weapon.

question to NET guys regarding Axe of hand

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


You really dont get it. I don’t blame you, most people on the forums either drank the zerk coolaid, or read that kitten off people and just use that as their base opinion.

AXE 5’s finesse lies in the whirl finisher, and it is one of the best whirl finishers in the game because of the amount of control you have over it, and the amount of time it can combo/pewpew.

Pro condition warriors use longbow + swd/axe for the warrior selfcombo ( with combushot as starter) to perform a leaping firewhirl of doom.

All whirl finishers are terrible, they do exactly the same effects as projectile finishers and just get sprayed all over the place, you’d be thankful to even land one hit from a whirl projectile. Also condition warriors don’t exist because conditions are terrible in PvE in general, on top of how much damage zerker warriors are capable of putting out. Gonna have to agree with the guy in tears about people claiming axe 5 being a whirl finisher somehow makes OH axe not “completely terrible”.

Mist League vs Arenanet Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Listen, you don’t even need to watch more than the first 15 seconds of the match where Karl nearly dies to Svanir…

I remember cringing so hard at that part. Miraculously they pulled off a win in Niflheim though, I think it was because they effectively zerged points.

Just get rid of the Signet focus already

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


What else would the devs play though???? We know at least one of them loooves playing his signet warrior in pvp.

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Take dodging out of autoattacks, put a much higher cooldown on skills that have a dodge component in them or provide invulnerability

Bam dodging now working as it’s intended

As it is now some builds just have ridiculous uptimes on invulnerability.

"Boon Hate" mechanic comparison

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I think you conveniently forget to mention the bad side of the deal for thieves, namely it being tied to a sword which is nowhere near as damaging as a dagger.

That would be implying sword is bad

Which is blatantly false. It’s already bad enough that I’m not mentioning sword’s weaponskill stunbreak+condition cleanse without cooldown in the interest of keeping it “boon hate” focused.

"Boon Hate" mechanic comparison

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765



  • Rips Boons
  • They don’t get the benefit of their boons
  • You get the benefit of their boons
  • Whole party benefits from their lack of fury/might for less damage taken and protection for more damage dealt
  • No passive flat damage increase
  • Straight up increase in damage of 33%+ when you rip protection, bypassing it
  • Spammable
  • Evades
  • Baked right into the class on a weapon skill


  • 30 point grandmaster trait
  • Flat damage increase from 0-15% on average
  • Enemy still benefits from their boons
  • Only you benefit from it with minor increased damage
  • “minor increased damage” is still reduced by protection

Who approved this? Like seriously did nobody look at their boon hate implementations across both classes and think “hey yeah this doesn’t really add up”? But hey, giving more damage to warriors will definitely fix them, right?

Mist League vs Arenanet Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Watch it: – Official Mist League Site – –

Ignore how the commentators try to damage control for them with “this is just a showmatch for fun guys!”, it’s not like they were actively trying to lose so obviously they’re using builds they actually think are good! Comment on builds for classes you play, their strategies, etc!

I especially found it hilarious how they tried running a warrior to show how viable(!) and effective(!) it was and he pretty much just constantly died and did nothing useful for all 3 matches. Please stop supporting the use of Destruction of the Empowered, it’s just a terrible Grandmaster trait. And Rifle piercing didn’t do aaanything that whole match, because how often are enemies going to line up and how often are you going to be on the exact same horizontal plane as them? Arenanet pls.

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


For Hammer builds (Especially sword/hammer now that Flurry is fixed) how do you feel about Building Momentum? Considering how amazing Earthshaker is I find it a real shame to miss out on. I find that it contributes a lot to survivability in a pinch, nowhere near thief/ranger levels of dodge of course, but it helps.

Heck, the only reason I’d not get it is when I’m just too strained on trait points. (which unfortunately happens which hammer due to compulsory 20 in defense)

Hundred Blade reflecting projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


To make greatsword even better obviously

Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.

That’s like being the smartest guy who works at (insent random non offensive fast food job).

Well, sadly, yes. But untill they perform some kind of miraculous magic that made at least 70% of warrior weapons on the same tier as greatsword I’d refrain from buffing any part of it so as not to shoehorn warriors into using it any more than they already are.

"Banning-Pick/Forcing-Pick" Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


lol see? gw2 is worried about the poster before me. thats their target audience, he only plays necro, because it reflects the twisted darkness of his soul.

Actually this suggestion has a 0% chance of affecting me

I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, there ARE going to be people with this problem, not only the Roleplayers but even just normal people who haven’t bought 8 character slots and are not familiar with every single class. Just trying to completely dismiss people’s opinions by discrediting them is a pretty stupid way to represent yourself on forums.

Hundred Blade reflecting projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


To make greatsword even better obviously

Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.

"Banning-Pick/Forcing-Pick" Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


This is cute and everything but I don’t think you have actually thought about this at all. What if I only play one class and it got banned? What if I literally don’t have X class on my account and I’m being forced to play it? GW2 doesn’t run on a “set character given to you” system like DotA2 or LoL do. Your character and builds are all up to you.

Phantasm Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


*Literally forcing a 2v1 by existing in the match
*Therefore constantly forcing the opposing team to be one man short everywhere else or just flee from the mesmer

People just claim nonsense like this to be balanced? If you extremely consistently require 2 people to kill 1 person I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of over powered. You don’t even have the (bad) excuse of “being bad in team fights” by pure virtue of them being mesmers and amazing team utility.

Guide: Advanced PvP Techniques

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


with flurry and 100b you can just move to cancel it. Although I guess building the habit of hitting your sheath button is good for when you actually need to cancel an attack.

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Every time the developers say this phrase I cringe and die a little on the inside. How on Earth is the beta test a good gauge of effectiveness and viability? Sure, there are some rudimentary things you can iron out such as gameplay fluidity (clones dying in literally one hit for example) but when it comes to balance, we should stop referring to things tried out in beta.

What happened in beta was a whole mass of people (not even seasoned mmo pvp players, just normal people) jumped into this brand new game and rolled around on their keys. This complete lack of skill on the playing field made some things seemingly OP. The most classic example would be the Bullsrush-100b combo. I’m sure nobody with even a lick of skill will say that any more now, 10 months after release, right?

I propose that we (devs included) please stop referring to beta when we speak of balance.

Why do you hate Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


engineers… can’t stay alive long enough to harass people.


He said “besides engineers, [Warriors] have the best cc”. Read the whole thing.

Why do you hate Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Thief is not my class. If you think I hate warriors, you haven’t seen my thoughts on thieves

The point is, warrior is crap design at the moment because either they have high up time like in beta and murder everything

Or they have low uptime to balance the damage, so that when they do connect things die (and things die if your team happens to sit someone in place for your 100b/eviscerate).

So they’ll have to address the warrior’s damage, so when they fix sustain (which needs fixing, as does warrior uptime), things don’t fall apart.

The warrior should have never been based around burst skills like eviscerate. Sword and hammer burst skills and numbers with lots off CC and sustained (which they don’t currently have) would have been a much less troublesome design for warriors.

Besides engineers they have some of the best potential cc, but this is not being capitalized on because they can’t stay alive long enough to harass people.

Well, in that case I agree with you that Warrior burst damage really needs to take a hit for their sustainability to increase in any significant way.

I want to point out that Warrior’s supposed viability in the betas were more due to how everyone was terrible at the game than any design changes and people need to stop mentioning beta. Especially you Jon Sharp.

Asuras need a disadvantage.

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Personally, Neither Asura or Norn affect my ability to target whatsoever. If anything should be addressed, I think human players should come up primarily when tab targeting.

But good sir we are not just talking about targeting.

Despite their hitbox being the same size they are visually harder to see than other races

This makes their animations a lot less recognizable, meaning it’s harder to tell what they are doing, meaning it’s harder to know when you should be dodging/interrupting

That is the main problem. Not kitten targeting. I would think this was obvious.

Why do you hate Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.

They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.

And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.

So you’re saying leave the absolute worst pvp class in the game as it is because it would make your class —- less effective (read: not ineffective)

Despite still having the niche of completely destroying boon-based builds and very high mobility

Asuras need a disadvantage.

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


B-but m-my immersion! I made this character and I want to play as it! Asura have more obvious animations! Just look at how I hold my weapon above my head like any other race! That makes it balanced!! Size affecting visibility doesn’t matter if you’re skilled enough!!!

Condition Cap part II: Electric Boogaloo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


What if Bleeds applied after 25 stacks were converted straight into direct damage (condition’s tick damage x full duration) and allowed to crit? This will effectively function as a “reward” for achieving 25 stacks, and solve the “Condition builds are inherently indisputably worse dps than Berserker builds” as well as the “Condition cap” problems.

Look at it this way. Let’s say you have a Bleed that lasts 17s and does 131 damage per tick. The full duration of that bleed will cause… 2227 damage. That’s far, far worse than what a Berserker warrior can do with his axe autoattack, which can go up to 4.4k or even more. Even allowing that bleed to crit doesn’t measure up (3340 without crit damage, which you’re going to be hard-pressed to spec for with condition damage gear)

With Burn they could just make it stack on an individual basis, since it’s always just a single stack. It’s basically the worst group damage deal condition to exist with the way a second person’s burn on the same target immediately becomes 0 dps. At least bleed has some small leeway before it hits 25 stacks!

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

Condition Stack Fails & My Two-Cents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I’m just glad anet have recognised the issue, so it’ll eventually be fixed. I’m very patient..

They said they were “looking at it”… 3 months ago. With absolutely no mention of it since.