A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
this is not real world its a game and his players have to be defended fromspeculators that can destroy the game….
How to do that is really easy, like putting a risk in overpricing items…
For ex, many people buy precursors and sells them at ridiculous prices (i was checking zap, the increase was something like 3G per HOUR for a week….and there aren t that many zap to justify it)…
If for example, anet put on a update an NPC selling 1H precursor at 100G and 2H at 200G:
-people getting their precursor legit by RNG still got a huge bonus.
-gold seller AND speculators lose lot of moneys because people won t buy precursor from them
Putting this risk chance makes the market more balanced because buying and reselling to manipulate the market, has a high risk.
This without hurting legit players.
If there is a class that can easily kill D/D ele is mesmer <.<
Just daze him or even easier, Moa him.
Decoy also.
Do you know that the ele has issues to break stun also?
Yeah he has 3-4 long CD skills tobreak stun, but most of them are broken and won t break stun.
RTL at 1200 or even at more than 400 is easy as hell to avoid, so is churning earth (just shatter and you stop the ele…..or roll away).
Or its fun to counter RTL with GS 5 also
P.S. chilled and cripple are not a good idea instead….they can cleanse conditions quite easily unless you can put more than 2 at once like necro.
A good stacking of conditions is a good tactic but needs more than 2.
I wonder if some players really play this game.
Remove healing to D/D ele and you get a class that has to stay in melee and has ANY surviving mechanics while having low HP and light classes.
Yeah remove Healing and give stealth like thief…..
May be that if you don t stay in battle with ele to make him finish his spells the issue is not the ele?
For ex:
Thief arrives, try to burst, fail (because rely on stealth instead of CC) and escapes to recover….
Ele recovers also <=== OMG BROKEN…….
Not to mention that tank or not, 2 VS 1 ele dies to any class.
Am I the only one wondering why no-one has learnt to dodge RTL +updraft combo . Do that and it’s gg……
Once people learn the right counters D/D’s are half as good. Remember how many kills a thousand blades got before people learnt to counter it…..
Because people in game learnt to evade rtl…..and also churning earth…
as i said my staff ele could tank alone the boss at lvl 26 while another player was ressing the rest of the party died (not downed) during shield part….(and was even happy to have time to have time to charge my elemental b4 next shield).
I m just saying that you shouldn t think that because for your tank class, shaman is quite easy, glasscannon players won’t have any trouble,,,,,
Meteor shower is fine btw you it hits multiple time, its best staff skill to deal with shield AND elementals at the same time….you won t take down the shield alone btw….
Unless the animation is really subtle (Legendary Archdiviner), the boss has the same charge-up animation as an ele or necro skill (champion grawl shaman), or you’re afk (me in every COF run), there’s really no excuse for not dodging if you know what the move looks like and you have time to react. Offhand I can’t think of any boss with an OHKO move that doesn’t have an obvious animation or red circle, other than the aforementioned two.
red circle that lasta half a second…
A slight latency makes it almost impossible to evade, unless you live near an internet node.
Shaman is only harsh to glasscannons (thing that is wrong btw).
I have a tank ele and a GC mesmer.
WIth Ele at 26 (staff) i don t even risk to go downed..(unless all my team does .-.)
Mesmer at 10 its a pain…..Mesmer at 10 is a pain? Seriously? I’m not trying to be a butthead, but mesmer at 20+ is a MASSIVE blessing for the whole team. SO many times, the clones absorb agony shots and damage that would otherwise be aimed at the team.
I may be unlucky but sahaman seems to always ignore my clones unless i use decoy.
Properly traited mesmers also deal bucketloads of damage.
Really who cares about damage against shaman…and elementals dies fast enough anyway at any level where you btw would prefer to have AoE.
You have to keep your dps at bay to help the party if you know how it works…..
I may not be the best mesmer out there, but i’m quite experienced in fotm….enough to almost never die to shaman <.< with a balanced build.
With a glasscannon its more difficult.
@sanel….actually guardian seems to have problems with their staff attack not counting to take out shield.
elementalist only AoE against shield is meteor….and is slow as hell.
Also you require more than a 3 second skill to survive enough……ele has 4 u.u
(magnetic grasp, arcane shield, armor of earth, mist form)
A scepter ele would be better maybe ( i’ve still to learn that weapon properly).
Rooting is a better option actually when possible.
The hard part are those few seconds taking down the shield as a TEAM.
That is the only hard task, then is easy.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
don t make people lose time because you are lazy…..
You can find plenty of such videos showing HOW to beat a good ele….
Unfortunately the requirement is to be a good player….
You run the counterclass of eles….and your subforum is plenty of answers….
There is no guide to beat a good player without any skill….if is what you are looking for.
To beat a good player you have to be good and plenty good necros posted vids …. >_>
i agree it should be gated in tiers
A lvl 1 may join a lvl 9.
A lvl 1 shouldn t join a lvl 30…
Dear all, as I am a Elementalist I will be posting this question here.
I have seen and searched the entire forum/wiki for Runes explanation but cannot find one that can properly explain the mechanics.
Let’s take Superior Rune of the Monk as an example. If we have 2 x Superior Rune of the Monk in our armor, we basically have +25 healing and +15% boon duration per armor, total +50 healing and +30% boon duration for 2 piece of armor..
Its not per armor
You just have 25 healing and 15% boon.
This patch has made clear ANet’s utter lack of interest or commitment in the mesmer profession.
When faced with an obvious damage calculation bug causing mind wrack to do 100% more damage, they nerfed our might stacking instead and instituted a global cooldown for mesmer onlyI’m shelving my mesmer for good.
I don’t pvp with it at all and almost never saw any shimmering bodies in pve until the might stacking change allowed me to actually gasp loot a few bodies in dynamic events instead of just chests.
I’m done. I’m hanging it up and continuing with my ele – which does more damage in CLERICS GEAR AT 73 THAN MY MESMER DOES IN RAMPAGERS AT 80, after which I’ll probably do guardian or engineer.
Tired of double-standards.
Tired of our core mechanic being broken by turning blind into interrupt++ for mesmer only
I’m insulted by the introduction of a global cooldown for mesmer only
Tired of damage scaling inversely with number of targets b/c of illusion fragility for mesmer onlyAnyone see a pattern here?
my ele D/D balanced (knight) i use since day one deals less than half my berserker mesmer i use since less than a month.
Actually i’m doing the opposite…i play mesmer any time i can…. ._.
Not comparing because i don t feel competent enough yet in mesmerity but for sure it deals more than 200% dmg of a balanced ele (not even a tanky one)…and can fight underwater too…
P.S. starting my first legendary also….for mesmer >_< just to tell…
I agree with you almost completely. Eles do have a trait that creates an “ability” upon attunement. Spikes when attuning to earth, speed upon air, etc.
Eles cannot weapon swap so they can’t really benefit from those weapon swap sigils like other professions. So perhaps that’s why the attunement CDs mirror weapon swap CDs.
Ele benefit from attunement swap, but they are locked out from skills if they dance mindlessly….OR are forced to use some particular attunement.
The wrong thing you say is the aoe while swapping…
Its not so…
You do an aoe (9sec cooldown) if you roll while in any attunement (30 points arcana).
All it does is 150-200 dmg or blind or slightly heal BUT also a blast finisher if in earth (3 might aoe).
Its really not that much for a 30 points trait.
Swapping attunement trait instead gives a short duration boon to allies.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
i use feathered set
For daggers i like only tear of grenth and i’ve still to find another decent >___<
AC is maybe the only with a nice skin….
i want a cool dagger skin >___< but cannot find any if you know one, plz tell me <.<
How to beat an ele:
1) learn to evade long range RTL
2) keep 1 stun break at hand
3) learn to roll churning earth…its easy really
4) force them to “need some skill” so they have to interrupt their fave cycle….
5) if you leave the fight to heal (or stealth) they can heal too…..its not that the game must freeze for the ele while you recover -.-, you are doing the same….
6) stun/daze (look at glitched skills thread)
Its quite easy >.>
Note as i proved ppl saying ele is godmode are not ego players, but thieves pretending to play eles…..
Check their profiles really…..
80 Ele, and I can say for a fact we’re in a very good state right now thanks to D/D.
We can pretty much spike like a Theif and tank enough to survive most stuff.
Some will say otherwise simply because they still need to learn the class yet (specifically D/D build), but I think everyone is noticing that Eles are on a high spot right now in the sPvP meta and WvW as well.
Another thief……
red falcon recent posts (4days ago):
I don’t play Ele myself but I find it the most challenging opponent if the player knows the trick.
in just 4 days he become an experienced ele it seems u.u
This is what you’ll find 90% of times you see posts about strength of ele
I wonder how comes how many thieves player are behaving like this….it could really have something to do with the class maybe…..
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Shaman is only harsh to glasscannons (thing that is wrong btw).
I have a tank ele and a GC mesmer.
WIth Ele at 26 (staff) i don t even risk to go downed..(unless all my team does .-.)
Mesmer at 10 its a pain…..
people played dragons before they could drop precursor and exotics…
They are just fun…..even if easy….its a massive PvE event with huge bosses and great soundtrack…..
do like u.u
1) Good bunker eles are nigh impossible to kill 1v1.
Why? Because you say so?
2) You have more stability than most the classes in this game, and iirc mesmer has none.
yeah…tell me wich….armor of earth (<=== see CD) and…..?
Also stun break…mesmer has plenty……
3) Why are you using a weapon that your build is bad at in the first place.
because as i said good players doent simply faceroll on keyboard but use terrain as an advantage expecially in WWW.
If you solo 1VS1 in openfuield with a non dueler class against a class that does only one thing (i.e. close range duels)….there is your problem.
It’s overpowered, and I play one! And the OP is in the same boat. The D/D techniques are predictable (((Be on lightning attunement—>initiate combat—>4, 5—>F1, 3, 4, (sometime’s followed with 2 and 5)—>F4, 4, 5—?repeat))).
no you dont….
Most decent (not even good) players can avoid RTL…
If they don t, they have plenty of time to use a stunbreak…
If they don t, ele TANK has still to deal withat least half of your energy
You still don t react?
Are you afk?
also why don t u use combos?
combining attack of a glasscannon ele with defence of a tank ele is indeed OP…….unfortunately i cannot put 200 points in my traits, possibly good ele players can…..
it seems this discussion is the usual rant against fotm class…..i’ll just proved how wrong it is….and i’ll leave it alone .-.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Its cool for sPvP but people that actually know the classes’ mechanics can shut down D/D with immobilization.
Immobilzation doesn’t work against any good ele. Ton of cantrips and condition clearing makes it impossible to hold me down.
just to start looking at what supposed ele players says….
I think good ele players now makes unworking skills work….
I know you just opened wiki page on ele skills and try to pretend u use an ele….Unfortunately you forgot to check non working skills in ele pages….
I could probably answer to almost any post of players saying “i use an ele is OP” because its an old tactic i see since it became FOTM….
1st it was a 200 points trait build….
then was complaining about traits that doesn t work at all but on paper seemed strong….
after complaining about sigils doens t work together….
Ele are easily killable by equal skill player with one of the many counterclasses….
You can cleanse some stack of poison, cripple or burning, but if you say you can cure STUN etc easily, well you don t play an ele and you don t know how ele works….
the amount of trolling is huge…
I ll’ just quote one of the OP other discussions…
I play a level 80 thief as one of my characters. It’s completely OP and needs a fix on the stealth side
sick and tired of this trolling hoping to damage classes….
I use ele since day one as only main, till recently i got a mesmer to 80……
I use ele less every day…
Why? 4 reasons:
1) despite the sacrifice in damage, using a tank ele makes you squishy the same….you need long combos and complex positioning…..(you can run only if opponent is bad…see stun/daze/root etc those whose broken ele skills doesn t break despite tooltips).
2) the complete lack of stability skills……you have few with eternal cooldown.
3) NOT HAVING WEAPON SWAP: its a HUGE drawback……. (see range and walls)
What do you do when opponent is in high number OR use terrain at his advantage?
(just switch to staff and find yourself stuck with a weapon your build is bad at when opponent counterattack… i.e. you just die).
4) having 4 attunements with long CD is not a BONUS unless you never played an ele…
If opponent is skilled like an NPC you are free to do what you want, if u NEED something specific…..its possibly on cooldown…..
Anet just designed ele so you can use something other…..but less efficient….
If you miss your rotation because your opponent is not an NPC you just are cut out of your most efficient skills for that situation…
the day Anet will start to do something about thieves players complaining about ele with such low methods will be a step forward in the game itself…
Now i’ll wait other proofs of ele’s OPness like videos with people focusing 6VS1 on earth elementals >.> while ele kills them…..
Ele players knows very well how many counterbuilds/classes they have, but being forced to learn the game they don t complain….
Now back to my mesmer <.<
P.S: mesmer is not slow….he has permaswiftness too as most classes
Ele to get permaswiftness has to risk more than the mesmer due to CDs (see locking out of skills u need in case of fight).
(edited by LordByron.8369)
don t think so….
I wanted a precursor too i saw spark costed like 200 gold that was a lot so i started saving…
I got to 100 G, in that time spark increased to 500G
sad >.<
I’d say on the opposite, guardian are too strong in dungeons….to the point that many party when they get to 4/5 if they lack a guardian reserve the spot for one…. (or a warrior in case they cannot find any).
The fact is dungeons are somehow balanced on lvl 80 in exotics….or around certain classes.
Many people will say they can do them with one hand at level 1 with their monitor shut down, but from a player that plays almost only dungeons and fotm i can tell you to just ignore them, they would say they can solo arah explorer in all white items if someone said its too difficult……..
Imho its harder to bet a lvl 35 AC explorable, at lvl 35 that a lvl 30 fractal properly equipped…..
Also because at low level people cannot afford many things high lvl players use (food, potions proper equip/build etc etc etc).
this guide is good….
Despite the class seems useful even played in a more aggressive way with SW-pistol
changing to focus if needed
Yet i think sigil section could be more accurate…
I m trying to find a good combination of sigils……for secondary weapons….
superior sigil of generosity could be a good one for example.
ty for replies…
I am quite used to rely on all skill i have, so i usually:
Open with GS phantasm,
Get near using pistol phantasm
Sword 2 to evade and dps
roll back
pistol 5
GS again…..
so i find myself in 2 situations:
1) some phantasm died and need replace
2) they are alive and dealing lot of dmg so i just use other skills
With good positioning in PvE pistol phantasm tends to deals lot of damage and its a pity to get rid of them :S
They deals 2000+ dmg per attack if i remember well compared to the same amout per shatter >.<
That summed to the damage i deal myself.
I’m quite used to rotation time, playing ele but unless i have to rely more on clones and less on phantasm i find the damage from phantasm to be
Am i playing wrong?
P.S. dealing with 3 buttons the amount i do pressing 20 buttons with ele ._.
But i have to ponder any move, while with ele i just have to position and react fast with long combos.
Hi all…
I m a quite new mesmer just leveled to 80.
I’ve chosen the lazy mesmer build (despite being used to ele i find myself pressing hundreds of buttons the same ._.).
Reading around this forum i read shatter was “due to a glitch” 4X stronger than before..
After that players said that post patch (patch introduced 0,25 sec CD shared on shatter skills) dev still left shatter 2X strong that was once….
What is the secret to this 2X strength?
I should use 2 shatter skills at once or what? ._. and how?
Also to tell the truth i’d like some help on using shatter, because i almost don t use them at all…..i like the damage from my phantasms (usually a couple of pistol and a GS) why should i shatter them >.< (shatter dmg doesn t seems high enough to compensate for the costant dmg output).
Last thing while i’m here….what do you use to cleanse conditions….i find myself dying from conditions quite often.
Null field seems quite good…or is there a better skill?
ty a lot >.<//
P.S: i play mostly PvE expecially fotm and dungeons
ok ty i’ll go berserker…i heard there ’s a bug enhancing the build…but i didn t understand exactly what does it do….
will i have to change build if they fix it?
Hi all i’m a D/D ele player since release.
I just wanted to build a mesmer too but its extremely different in all aspects, that despite having developed my tastes easily in ele’s build i cannot seem to build a decent mesmer ._.
Ele is difficult to use, but mesmer is really complex on the other hand, and that is why i can t seem to build by myself (any mistake does cost a lot when it comes to get exotic stuff).
So i’d accept any help if possibile…
I’d like to use GS and sword/pistol or sword/sword and i play mostly dungeons, fotm and sometimes www (no pvp at all).
I like also balanced builds if possible and love precision also.
someone suggested me to go for 10/30/0/0/30
I like dueling traits a lot.
But for the rest i’m almost clueless.
Also i’d like to use a knight armor set if its appropriate, and balance it with trinkets.
I have all ascended rings, and can craft any backpack already.
Can anybody help me plz >.<// ty a lot
Also if i can be pointed to any topic suggesting best mesmer combos, would be good.
no we just know people without even a remote knowledge of a class coming complaining on this board because they were killed by an elementalist…
U did already 3 times.
In order to discuss you should post some data (not 30/30/30/30/30 builds) and not just complain around the forum….
people already explained you many times even in thief forum how to play……(i lurk there) so stop it.
p.S. also your post are hilarious….expecially that in thoief section where u say l2p if you cannot react to a thief Killing u in 1 second….
As if in an online game is possible to react in 1 second….
Don t even try as a competitive fighting game player i already explained in depth why its not possible….
(edited by LordByron.8369)
why people just dont ponder on pro and cons of each class?
1st) If we just could switch weapon we wouldn t even go out of keeps.
2nd) if an ele use VAPOR form, its like being double downed….i.e. he is out of the battle for a comparable time to spawn to a near WP often if he wants to recover
3rd) do you ever see that expecially warriors can survive for a longer amount of time and get back safely into the keep? or do you just want a free kill to a low hp light armor?
4) if you consider what s happen in www, that is a situational advantage, and ANY class has many of them…..do we want to talk about ranger pets? of mesmers? etc etc etc.
VF is OP near keep? well D/D is UP near keeps too….so give us weapon swap…..
Tht is what happens if you just look at single advantages of classes rather than considering the whole picture….
And if you’re complaining about having to spend more effort mashing the keyboard than other classes I don’t think Eles are the right class for you. Period.
if you don t agree with me you are bad and you should quit…
what a better way to discuss in a civil way….
The issue seems to be that people like you cannot read, or more probably are just too focused in telling people they are pro and to others L2P.
I just wrote something 3 times just hoping to avoid worthless replies like this….
It just shows how some people just use forums to boost self esteem rather than to discuss.
i could reply on what u said but u would not read…so why even try….
There is a reason why everybody is changing to thief class
This made me lol, zergs full of thieves!!!! you’re pretty much lost if you are in a T1 server you will notice that the hype class right now is ele with a d/d build
THIEVES players are starting to complain about D/D eles….
Also they NEVER support their theory with real facts…check profiles…you ll find 90% of times complainers are thieves….
D/D ele have at least 4 couterclasses…
-P/D thieves
-Mesmersreality: are you sick of thieves? roll one yourself or their counterclass…..aka D/D ele that is the reason you see many nowaday…
Less thieves = less D/D eles (also because in sieges they are quite bad).Funny thing is you see no D/D ele in PvE….there could be a reason.
I have seen D/D eles in PvE :O, kinda hard to believe people roll d/d eles to only counter thieves since most of them are helping zergs or love owning several underleveled targets (just like most of thieves out there who usually are the ones posting youtube videos….), d/d ele is awesome to mess with other zergs, 3 or 4 d/d eles can make a zerg spread out easily because people will try to evade them, like I said before everyone is focusing in 1v1 fights or small fights, if we talk about the big picture an ele or mesmer are way better at helping in WvW, most of those who were amazingly posting about their skillful thieves against underleveled targets are the ones complaining about d/d eles now, PLEASE TO EVERYONE don’t put every thief in the same picture, is just like those who call my server JQQ, when only a few complain about 2v1 or w/e new excuse they think of…..
as i said try to put some facts…..D/D are good about zergs? why? you don t even manage to get near….
Don t do like all thief players with empty sentences “i ve seen…i heard…D/D ele oneshot zhaitan itself…”
Its clear what is happening, just reading complaints….they never analyze a build, but get together numbers from glass cannon ele to defence of tank eles…….sometimes even complaining about skills from staff/scepter -.-
Its not a D/D ele can cleanse 10 conditions, you may get away with 2 max 3, and not root, daze and many others…..
Not to mention the lack of stability skills.
Eng can cover (and usually do) the zerg with mines, necros with poison, there are a whole range of countermeasurers for almost any class.
Wich countermesure do you have against stealth?
AoE in the hope you hit the thief?
I complain about thieves just for one reason…
Stealth is a mechanic that doesn t take in account defender skill.
That is bad design most compettiive games avoid.
I didn t even said that tieves are OP, stealth btw shouldn t exist in its current form…..
If adjusting it means that thieves becomes useless, its just enough to give them something to balance the loss.
And as i said i perfectly know we all fear nerfs because Anet is fast at nerfing but really slow to compensate…
But that doesn t mean that steath mechanic is fine…
(edited by LordByron.8369)
lot of useful answers ty >.<
agree >.<
i m full of exotic/ascended loot i cannot use…….
i mean in dungeons we can drop precursor, in fotm we drop things account bound? ._.
[It has to do with the insane fact that you’re using 2 daggers and trying to melee when you’re NOT SUPPOSED TO!!!! I tried to make it clear but here: “DO NOT MELEE IN ASCALON, THAT’S WHAT THE NPCS ARE FOR— ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE AN ELEMENTALIST!!!!” You wouldn’t expect a mage to run up to a boss and start wacking him on the head with his staff right? Same concept here
infact fotm force me to switch often to staff despite i m not traited/equipped for that.
But staff ele have problems in other parts too…Then maybe you should adjust your traits and skills for a dungeon that specifically calls for it? This is part of the strategy here, sometimes you can’t just use the same weapons/skill sets/traits for everything. Well, you can, but you probably aren’t playing the class very effectively then.
and this is why you shouldn t comment this thread…
You seems you don t know much about eles….
As i said….
Just a little more modesty.
And maybe some minutes more to read and understand all messages people wrote….
Talking about nothing…..
Also my success rate in fotm is 99% and i seldom die, mostly because all i do are dungeons and i m quite experienced….
But i canbe objective and see different difficulty of professions…
Svanir boss aoe
Its easy to evade? yes who cares
Yet sometime you can be hit….and someclasses get oneshot, others are not..
Or maybe harpys stage? in the electric trap part a class can switch all 3 by itself while reflecting traps.
i could go on…..
Also requiring 3-4 players to TANK standing still is not a good design, that because despite YOU CAN somehow manage, some classes can do it without effort, others “have to die on a switch”.
a whole new level of nonsense….
now please stop your “L2P i m pro so everything is easy”….despite i succeed i m not so short sighted to not see balancing issues.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
you get lodestones and more rares from fotm….
Making it more profitable usually.
Sometimes you drop a non bound eo, some of wich sells for 10G or more also.
Not all are soulbound. But when they are you just salvage for ectos and sell the rune, easy profit.
yeah i got one armor and sold for 11 G in fractal 6 ._.
But usually i get exotics without sigils and acountbound (with norn cultural skin or karma skin in case of armors) so basically almost worthless…
I just keep them so when i have 4 i put them in the forge….
Salvaging is really costly lately (see gem cost).
For that i wonder also, if the only thing i want is a fractal skin, its better to stick to 20 or go 26+ …..
Any idea?
actually if you try to solo that stage you die anyway by kraits in plants route….
I noticed since patch that in that route you can pull some serious damage since patch (while before only water 5 did some)….
well the patch seems to have changed a lot of things for underwater eles….
Anybody found a list of decent combos and or tactics?
As a dungeon player i would apreciate a lot….
but you just put your water 3-4-5 on 9sec CD and that may cost you……
Against fractal bosses you don t have to rush.
There is a reason why everybody is changing to thief class
This made me lol, zergs full of thieves!!!! you’re pretty much lost if you are in a T1 server you will notice that the hype class right now is ele with a d/d build
THIEVES players are starting to complain about D/D eles….
Also they NEVER support their theory with real facts…
check profiles…you ll find 90% of times complainers are thieves….
D/D ele have at least 4 couterclasses…
-P/D thieves
reality: are you sick of thieves? roll one yourself or their counterclass…..aka D/D ele that is the reason you see many nowaday…
Less thieves = less D/D eles (also because in sieges they are quite bad).
Funny thing is you see no D/D ele in PvE….there could be a reason.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
actually in dungeon i mostly use fire when i use staff.
Because i need other attunements at 0 cd as i need them…
For example the legendary elemental…
I just autoattack him in fire because i have to unleash everything as the shield goes up.
The shield in earth attu is soo useful at higher levels…also air 5 against lava elementals, water 4 etc etc etc.
Or the tree in swamp (higher levels) if i change i don t have fast attack to kill the minions.
Its not like other dungeons when u need to dps, mostly in fractal you need to survive and having cooldown on the skill u need could kill you
also fire does 90% of the damage dealt with rotation.
Against trash mobs etc, you should rotate instead.
I don’t get your point…?
AC story mode is easier than HotW exploration, naturally.
its the opposite…
For most classes
Hotw explorable is a cakewalk compared to AC story….even devs admitted it in the past….
Any dungeon even high level fractals are way easier than AC story done at 30…
Just scaring new players with L2P messages is not good…
I almost only run dungeons in my daily play and i can assure them that before 80, dungeons are the most unpleasant experience they’ll have…
After that point almost any dungeons becomes fun (most even really easy).
(edited by LordByron.8369)
yeah i know any time we open those threads, someone arrives withtheir pro ego….
Just ask yourself:
At 80..
Is easier AC story or hotw explore?
You have your answer…
dungeons are balanced on lvl 80 …
even if it says lvl 35 >.<
its not fair, but its so >___>
any dungeon even lvl 80 dungeons are easier at lvl 80 if compared to any dungeon faced before lvl 80 (even AC at lvl 65 for example)
^ Lol Looks like you haven’t been to 40+ yet. Let me tell you something, it is worth it to go 40+, the drops from the chests cover up the costs of the revive orbs and you’ll make ~8-10g a run.
Yesterday the maw chest dropped 2 exotics and 4 rares on top of the 5 exotics and 8 rares I already found during the run. So ye…. it is definetly worth going there.
but exotics are account bound >.< so you need 4 exotic to get one non bound
Yeah sorry but I am comfortable with the rarity and the price of pre-cursors.
Legendaries should be… well… Legendary – such that they are extremely difficult to obtain (in terms of time/resources, not through skill).Imagine if they were made easier to get: within a few weeks you may find yourself in a CoE party with 4 players ALL wielding TWILIGHT, swooshing their black trail animations around all over the place. Or in Cursed Shore: half of the people camping Penitent Camp shooting flowers and colorful splashes everywhere with their bows.
It’s a terrible thought, I wouldn’t want to have my legendary (if I had one) diminished by the fact that most other farmers had one.
this made sense only pre karka event….
Now that we know that more tiers and levels will be introduced, thus legendaries will be superior to any other tier (because it will be upgraded)….well they should be easy to obtain.
situation 1:
precursors are needed for a skin= meh
situation 2:
precursors are part of the top tier item= we have a problem
when the game was released, it was just a skin
Now it have been stated that precursors will be needed for top tier items.
First I’d just like to state something— I play a DPS mesmer with less HP than you (15k).
So you don t use an elementalist…….maybe you miss some facts.
I can’t, for the life of me, understand why you keep mentioning the Dredge Fractal as something an ele (or any class) would have a problem with, especially due to the switches.
I don’t know if you realize this, but you can simply die on top of one of those switches in the control room, and your body’s weight still counts as though you were standing on it
There’s no need for you to survive during that part, so I have no idea how you’d be a burden.
and have your party to ress you, also being unable to tank switch 1-2.
thus a burden.
As for the Ascalon fractal, it sounds like you’re making many excuses to cover up things you either don’t understand or don’t have a good strategy for yet. Even with my ability to go invulnerable, with distortion, I have limited uses of it and have to time my dodges just like anyone else. That fractal is all about pulling mobs to the NPCs, and helping them (the npcs) massacre everything in sight. It’s more about buffing & supporting the npcs, as well as avoiding damage, all the while using the NPC’s as tanks so you don’t have to worry much about getting hit (until they all die.)
what has this to do with ele problems?
Yea, I don’t like playing an ugly charr either, because my 10 foot female norn is my fantasy girlfriend.
But it’s just a temporary costume… it doesn’t affect how I play.
This again because you don t use a D/D ele……
fire and water 2 should be straight line breath…..
On charr (dunno if its a bug or what) they seem just drunk as if you waved your mouse in random directions….
Also spacing is way harder with a model you are not accustomed to….as i said some weapons require an unforgiving spacing despite having short range.
Guardians and warriors can survive at the lower levels using melee because they are just that… guardians and warriors.
D/D ele here i melee too……
I’d quit hating on guardians
never did…
I just said that despite i have no problems with groups and i usually complete 99% of runs i just find fotm are balanced on warriors/guardians….without taking in account many other classes….
infact fotm force me to switch often to staff despite i m not traited/equipped for that.
But staff ele have problems in other parts too…
fotm 22
1. Underground Facility
This is imho unfair…..f you have 2 glass cannon in party you could even quit at higher levels….
2. Volcanic, this is quite harsh….
3 cliffside
3rd floor is really too hard
Boss shows clearly equip >>>> skill…(NB i am overequipped and seeing the difficult is just agony AoE)
the others are quite balanced
(edited by LordByron.8369)
u still get it….infact the longest combo i can do since evasive arcana fix is:
step forward
Roll back (tiggers evasive arcana trait)
While channeling 5
armor of earth (to survive)
arcane wave
fire attunement
makes 17 stacks of might….. (most of wich will fade in few seconds but its fun u.u)
It works only in PvE or against AFK players in www .-.
its quite easy also….
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