It’s true. You get a free transmutation splitter stone. Once un-transmuted your legendary will now have selectable ascended stats.
These new transmutation splitter stones are available in the gem store also.
Maybe a post in the bugs forum will actually get read/addressed.
This is a big oversight that should be fixed. To refer to one of our asuran brother heroes as a filthy cat. I am outraged.
To be honest you shouldn’t complain.
You get a new exotic set of your choosing. On top of account wide magic find. So now your no long killing mobs at a snails pace and kitten ing groups off with your bad MF gear. You get the best of both worlds and a set of your choosing. Make a full set into beserkers from MF and you just saved like 30+ gold….
The QQ in the forums is just off the charts. Its incoherent and nonsensical.
I have a full set of exotic/ascended zerker gear that I already use in dungeons.
So what advice, ole great sage, do you have for me and my soulbound MF set now?
And I apologize, after the fact, for my bad MF gear and my killing mobs slowly in the open world and the effect it had on you. If I had known before that my using this gear in a lonely part of Tyria was having such a profound effect on you I would have stopped using it long ago. My apologies.
Two week turn-out time is working for them.
That is the purpose of the new stones.
So, thanks for having me waste my day off yesterday working on finishing most of the monthly. What a complete and utter waste of my holiday.
You guys should just start selling toilet seats that can be used as helms in the gem store if you are going to continue to use us to relieve yourselves on.
“Since all weapons, armor, and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, any of these items currently on the Trading Post will be return to the poster. The only exceptions to this rule are in some high-end weapons that will still get the ability to select their stats, but will remain tradable.”
I’m really not sure how we the players ‘misinterpreted’ this one.
Sure seems to me that any gear with MF should have been flagged as account bound after the patch.
This is ludicrous.
If this is true, then it doesn’t address the issue of people who previously had MF gear at all.
So, if you previously were using MF gear you will get absolutely no form of compensation. It will not even become account bound so you can transfer the extra armor to an alt?
it is 100% true.. because you didnt buy celestial for MF reasons
I didn’t make a set of Celestial, but I sure contemplated doing so just for a MF set. I am sure there are lots of people who did just that.
I’ve opened ~1000 of the champ boxes pre patch and have only had about 7 rares and no exotics drop!
You have done well my friend!
Hope they fix this. I have two legendaries also.
I was able to double click my MF ascended rings and select a stat for them. Though I wonder, for the ones that are uninfused version, what happens if I try to upgrade them in Mystic Forge to Infused Version, with or without stats set yet.
I’m curious as I am not able to log in just now. Does your new ascended ring keep the unique name it had or does it change to match the new stats? And are they account bound like they say the armor becomes or are they still soulbound?
Two offensive ascended beserker rings!?
Part of Zommoro’s 12-step program to help him kick the booze habit.
They have said they were going to just remove MF from celestial gear. No sort of compensation.
I can not verify that is what happened though.
Might have to refine the newer materials just added.
I haven’t done it yet, so I am not sure though.
The new ascended weapons don’t call for that much Ori or Ancient wood. You shouldn’t have much problem farming up that material by the time you finish the time gated new materials.
These materials have always been fairly scarce. People have just been hoarding them so they can power level up their crafting discipline.
Some inscriptions must be found by salvaging.
“Because we wanted all stat combos in the game to be represented in Ascended Weapons, we have added new Exotic Inscriptions to the salvage tables on all non-crafted Exotic weapons and to drops where applicable.”
“Because we wanted all stat combos in the game to be represented in Ascended Weapons, we have added new Exotic Inscriptions to the salvage tables on all non-crafted Exotic weapons and to drops where applicable.”
He is not kidding.
“Because we wanted all stat combos in the game to be represented in Ascended Weapons, we have added new Exotic Inscriptions to the salvage tables on all non-crafted Exotic weapons and to drops where applicable.”
My guess as to their reasoning behind not having a recipe.
Cursed Shores, Malchor’s Leap, Frostgorge Sound, and Southsun Cove.
“higher priority and wider reaching”
Can’t wait to get to the house and see these changes to Frenzy.
It has long needed some type of projectile update.
Champion + Group event removed
This makes zero sense. These monthlies have been in rotation before. There are other ways to achieve them besides the invasions.
I guess the time I spent on my holiday yesterday getting most of the monthly done was just a pure waste of time.
In a game where skins are everything at the end game, Engies use kits most of the time. And these kits hide any legendary skins you may be using, nullifies any effects from said legendary, and hides any sweet back piece you may be wearing with a so called hobo-sack.
The reason a lot of you don’t know about these issues is because these threads keep getting moved and buried in the Engineer forum.
Simply ridiculous.
Search is so broken on these forums it is utterly useless.
Both can be excellent classes and it really comes down to your personal preferences and what would fit you better.
And Elementalists aren’t all squishy. Guild mate of mine is an Ele and the biggest tank I know. 2900 toughness.
2900 toughness or 2900 armor? I’m pretty sure 2900 toughness is nigh impossible.
Well, he did tell me 2900 toughness one night. But now that you mention it, I don’t think that is achieveable. He probably was talking about armor.
The outlook for dungeons looks even gloomier.
I love underwater combat.
It is a whole aspect of the game that is being ignored.
I am not a fan of jumping puzzles, but I acknowledge others love them. I don’t call for their removal because I don’t like them.
We get constant updates that include many jumping puzzles, but we have had zero updates for underwater combat. It doesn’t need to be the main focus, but it should get it’s fair turn at some Dev attention as well as these jumping puzzles.
Spread the love around. Skip a jumping puzzle or two in the next update and work on some underwater stuff.
There are five different level 1-15 maps. If you haven’t reached level 15 yet, I’d suggest moving to another starter zone.
There are four different level 15-25 maps. If you haven’t reached level 25 yet, I’d suggest moving to another one of these maps for more level appropriate content.
Just go to your home city, find the portal to Lion’s Arch and take it. From there you can take a portal to every other city in Tyria and outside of each city are the starter zones.
Both can be excellent classes and it really comes down to your personal preferences and what would fit you better.
And Elementalists aren’t all squishy. Guild mate of mine is an Ele and the biggest tank I know. 2900 toughness.
While leveling up to 80, I only use gear that drops from kills/chests. I don’t buy anything.
You will out level that gear fast enough anyways.
Killing and looting and then selling everything else you find is a sure way to make steady coin.
50 silver at level 35 really isn’t that bad. The higher you get, the better the drops get and the better the $$ gets.
Zerker gear is very good at what it does.
But if you are just starting at 80 and find yourself having issues staying up while fighting, you may want to run some knight’s gear until you are more comfortable with your build.
Eventually, running full zerker gear is usually the most efficient way to play as long as you can stay up.
Might be a little tough to start out as full zerker though.
Check the wiki for aggro mechanisms.
That said, sometimes it is just plain random luck and the boss will focus on you until you are dead.
I run an Engie main and rarely pull aggro, but there are those times that the boss just likes what I’m wearing that day and won’t leave me alone until he pimp slaps me down and takes my stuff.
Generally, the person with the highest toughness will draw more aggro.
Don’t know the reasons/manner of Mr. Hrouda’s leaving but I for one am sure sad to see him go. Best of luck to him.
I am still waiting to log in and see that my Engie has become a tree.
Ok so I just kinda glanced over all the posts, but what I got from all this, my MF armor is now useless. on my characters that have magic find armor, that is my secondary set, basically a pve set that I use for world events, etc. I have better armor that I use for WvW or dungeons, or anywhere that it actually needed. So my armor that I only use for MF, will become account bound, and I get to choose a stat? That does me absolutely no good. I spent gold, and crafting materials making several sets of MF equipment, and Anet is telling me that it’s all garbage. I know it’s hard to make everyone happy, but still, I guessing alot of people are in the same boat as me, and aren’t going to ever use this armor again. I just don’t understand why this seemed like a good idea.
I’m in the same boat.
I already have a set of my desired armor for running dungeons and the such.
A second set of account bound armor will be utterly useless, no matter what stats I have on it.
Some may be able to give it to an ALT to use, but my main with MF gear is medium armor wearer. My mesmer ALT wears light armor (and already has her desired set) and my warrior ALT wears heavy armor.
It’d be nice to be able to at least salvage what I put into it to make it, but alas, I’m sure I’ll end up having to salvage the full set of exotic armor and end up with 2 globs of ectoplasm and 6 mithril ores for my trouble.
There direction with the game is to push out the solo farmers by nerfing farming areas and getting rid of MF while they encourage zerg farming by the masses. I honestly don’t like that direction at all.
Not surprised at the ranger being 2nd most popular, but I am surprised by the mesmer being tied for least popular.
Don’t put an ascended weapon on that Engie. You will be in kit most of the time anyways.
From the sound of it, either the warrior or necro would be better for you. Do you hate melee more than you hate the condition cakitten ue? Is the look of the armor more important? Decide those and there you go.
I really worry that those of us who didn’t farm the last two events heavily and didn’t earn a mass of gold will be left high and dry if they put something in place to counter the mass amount of gold that was farmed.
Reports of people farming 10+ gold per invasion while I barely get 2-4 gold per invasion have me a little worried. Reports of people farming 100s of gold over the last two events has me worried that a big sink will be coming and those who didn’t mindlessly farm will be left way behind.
It figures this would happen. On Monday there was a discussion in LA about underwater legendaries which made me take a closer look at Frenzy and the price of Rage. I was never really interested in legends because of the price of precursors and the general effort involved (coupled with the fact that most legendaries aren’t THAT cool to me). But after having a closer look at Frenzy and deciding it was the one legend that might be cool enough to warrant the effort, and seeing the low price of Rage (it was less than the Corrupted Speargun >.>) I decided yesterday morning that I was going to take the plunge, buy Rage, and start working toward Frenzy on the back burner.
And of course, by the time I got into the game the news of the legend update coming had hit and prices skyrocketed. Because that’s just the way it has to go for me, lol. Its now 130g (when I checked last night) which may be a drop in the hat as far as general legendary prices, but firmly out of my budget.
Sorry, guys. My fault, I should have never even considered it :p
Wow, the Rage is 130g now? Ridiculous.
I bought it for around 25g about a month ago.
Enjoying my Frenzy except for the fact that it is in need of some polishing. I hope that comes Tuesday.
Good luck to you.
Kudzu’s footprints need to be a different shade of green. Right now it looks like a puke green instead of a grassy green.
It most definately looks like baby puke green. I always tease a guildie over the ‘trail’ he leaves.
1 year later and no fix for Engies and legendaries. No fix for Engies and hobo-sacks.
In a game where cosmetics are everything in the end game, Engies are sorely left out of the mix.
I see the post from Dulfy and her source.
This is still not officially confirmed though, so that would be very nice if it was.
Is it really asking too much to confirm that legendary weapons will have both a sigil slot and an infusion slot or not?
Shouldn’t be a big secret at this point.
Hopefully Frenzy will at least get some projectile changes.
Frenzy is a beautiful weapon, with fish swimming around you while wielded.
You also get a misty aura with the weapon drawn (bugged like many others and only works 50% of the time) that is pretty faint and could use a little improvement.
But the lack of any type of unique projectiles is a real let down. This would do wonders to improve this legendary.
It is already hard enough to see the legendary in the water with lighting issues, and the aura is usually bugged.
Give this legendary some love too.
The Quip on the other hand is quite polished and doesn’t really need any attention in my opinion. I get footsteps, I get a purple aura, and I get special projectiles in the form of daisies and confetti along with wicked troll sounds.
The only minor complaint about the Quip would be that the footsteps are awfully small and barely noticeable a lot of the times.
On the same token, no one said that they would replace sigil slot with infusion slot.
It all started off with one assuming rant from one player
and now we have threads like these lambasting a concept for being ‘terrible’ when it’s not even confirmed
Actually, it all started with the announcement from ANet that stated:
“Legendary weapons are getting a stat boost and an Offensive Infusion slot to align with the new Ascended weapons! "
They could have squelched the ‘rumors’ about eliminating the sigil slot in favor of an infusion slot long before now but they have chose not to.
Until time that they do confirm that legendary weapons will have both a sigil and infusion slot, there is plenty of room to be concerned.
Anet have said they will have infusions and sigils.
Where did they say this? I am unable to find this source. Not saying it doesn’t exist, I just can’t locate it.
Transmutation stones from dailies and map completion are not that uncommon.
Transmutation crystals from dailies are pretty rare. And these are the important ones. And I don’t believe these drop as map rewards. Gem store/BLTC Chest/and very rare drop from daily.