I completely agree with the first item! There are world events (Teq, some of the other bosses) where it is desirable to join parties and organize things. The squad interface is not a 1:1 replacement.
I am guessing we can use mentor tags while in parties. That defeats the point of them in three ways:
- A mentor may be a mentor or they may be a commander.
- Given how many people are wearing mentor tags lately you could no longer tell the organizers.
- So much for saying things like ‘the party with the blue tag needs more people’ or ‘the s hills defense party is at the red tag’.
Parties often make sense if you are not doing wvw. The problem is often people use tags for organization. In Teq you have people in parties, yes, but a couple people are tagged up as well to handle logistics. Anet managed to take away functionality by making parties and squads incompatible.
There is a really obvious answer. Just let someone with a tag put up the tag rather than start a squad every time.
For one, we only have a list of names of who is there as opposed to the party interface.
There is the larger problem of if other people have formed a party before I arrived, should I ask them to leave their party and reform around me? In additional to a logistical nightmare it comes across as a bit egotistical.
All I need is a tag. I could care less about squads and supplies when it is PVE and you only plan on having 5 people in the party/squad.
My guardian is also meh but that was because I outfitted her as one of my first characters. My warrior is WAY more durable though.
Who thought THAT would be a good idea? People tag up all the time to organize big events like Teq. Now we can not join a party (like a defense) whild doing so?
I tried forming a defense squad at teq tonight. We lost functionality over if we were just in a party.
Seriously? Did nobody pay attention when we were saying it was a major flaw to not allow people to be in both?
At least give us the ability to show a tag while in a party. All we need it for while in a party is for organization (the def party is over here) so it would be an ok compromise.
pleasepleaseplease fix central tyria mastery points! A lot of people are complaining about them!
I wish the patch will also fix the problem of not always telling you about the progress in an event or even WHAT event you are doing.
[I just noticed there is another thread, one or the other will most likely get merged]
Ouch! Neither of my hopes were in the release notes. Those 2 are not something minor either. A lot of us not getting needed (and earned) MPs prevents us from getting our masteries. Not knowing how an event is progressing, or even if you are in it (unless you are standing in the right spot or whatever) is just cruel.
I also see they gave us the new squad UI without fixing the problem that you can not be in a squad and party at the same time.
“Hey people that I am working with! Disband your party and join my kool squad since I need my tag to organize things” Yes, that will go over well. If I am reading it right it will also impact non-commanders used to using both as well.
I for one like the way they did it. Mastery points are supposed to be something you work towards, not something freely given. HoT has been out less than two weeks, these masteries are supposed to take time to complete. Play the game, have fun, get what you want first then slowly work towards the others.
The problem is not getting the xp for a mastery. The problem is you do an achieve that is documented as giving you a MP and you may or may not get it. Pretty much defeats the incentive of doing achievements until this is fixed.
I really dislike its all tied to season 2 content which I can’t do solo and jumping puzzles that I can’t do well either. And three in fractals on stuff that is hard for me to dodge (shockwaves of molten alliance bosses) and one that involves the dolphin form, and one that no one can do right and everyone skips which is the ooze boss.
The rest is money sinks, Which isn’t right at all.
I’m already trying to play players to run the content for me so I can get the achievements necessary to get the mastery points needed to max the core masteries but everyone is trying to do the new content in just a week instead of helping players like me. Its kittening sucks!
I doubt I can even get a Mesmer or two to get me though the gold badges/jumping puzzle in SW anymore! The guild I built with others designed to help people like me and be non meta/no hassle, even went down the drain as no one that built it reps it and we all have lives and don’t even have time to run it.
I have found some friends who will run some of season 2 with me but I really wish they will fix this. I have plenty of points (counting what I should have) to get all levels of pact commander and then some (but the other 2 masteries are a waste of points). They only gave me 13 points though so I really need them to fix this soon. Hopefully today’s patch does so.
pleasepleaseplease fix central tyria mastery points! A lot of people are complaining about them!
I wish the patch will also fix the problem of not always telling you about the progress in an event or even WHAT event you are doing.
[I just noticed there is another thread, one or the other will most likely get merged]
Yes, the times I have been to HOT zones were …. meh. So much is gated, almost everything there can 1-shot you, and so on. I tend to prefer single-plane maps, putting it layered just seems too gimmicky and like a platformer.
I consider the SW fun. DT … not so much. The platformer thing again.
This game was designed like a Casino’s slot machine. Gain 1000% profit (gold sink) before giving back 1%. Only way to make money in this game is to have no life and be on 24/7 farming dungeons or playing the market. With DR added to the system, there is no way you can farm something if you are into making money that way because you get hit by this. For example the ToT bags… once you get a stack of 250 DR sets in. A stack = 9 to 12 gold. So yeah Anet didnt want players taking advantage of that.
Take it as a hint that just maybe their idea is we should enjoy the new content rather than 24/7 farming?
A lot of the economy had changes. I saw at least one mat drop by a factor of 10. Like the method or not, it is hard to argue that maize balm was being used as intended.
The Fire Elemental is another one that goes down insanely fast. It’s such a pity, really. A Boss fight should not be over so quickly.
If I’m on a Boss train I’ll do those two, just for the loot. But I personally find them to be really anticlimactic, and not much fun at all.
Hopefully the Devs might consider at least adding some more HPs to them…
The fire elemental does take a while longer now i have noticed. Its still fast but for
me the main problem is the overlond pre-quest. So for me they can make the
fight longer but only if they shorten the “Waiting for Godot” pre.I really wish more pre-quests were like Svanir Shaman, were you start at Point A
and on your way to point B where the boss is, you do some short events, instead
of having pres that are so far away from the boss that mostly nobody does them.
/map is anyone doing the pre?
Is it just me or has the shaman changed lately? It used to be a bit of grinding and he would be dead. Now he usually has time to wander around first.
Eh? The only jumping that i can think of that counts toward map completion is the remains of the great wall in Diessa Plateau, which has a skill point and vista at the end.
If you mean the different explorer title things. Kryta Explorer, maguuma Explorer, Ascalon explorer, sorry but it should, its gained from exploring and Jumping puzzles are exploration after all
Actually, quite a few of the vistas are mini jumping puzzles as well. If it were not for them I would have gone for most of the map completions (possibly world completion).
I bought HOT specifically for the elites as that is what they advertised heavily. Taking the best guesses of people I made sure each of my characters was above 100 points (well, not counting the revenant created after the release) to give myself a safety margin. Despite what people are saying map completion is, what, 179 points. SW, DT, and the WVW maps are not part of world completion.
I wanted to explore the new maps with the new classes they advertised. It seemed only fitting. Instead I first need to grind out around 15 of the new points per character (after a mastery grind of course) and maybe half of the new points for my revenant.
How is this ‘fun’ by anyone’s definition? There is also the problem that GW2 is not my life 24/7 … I need to do this odd thing called work.
And triple trouble, the silverwaste legends, etc are already the most challenging content in central tyria.
The silverwastes legendaries are challenging ?
The Legendary Mordrem Tormentor didn’t seem challenging. I’ve been on a map where it spawned once. It died while someone was screaming about how doing the meta was more important than fighting it. As for the Annihilator, Demolisher and Executioner, my biggest problem with fighting them is that I’ve never been on a map where they spawned. Is the challenge meant to be fighting boredom while grinding silverwastes until I get lucky and one shows up ?
The first 3 legendaries I got right away. In fact I think I got the first one on my first trip without even realizing it. Now I have been hanging out at blue to get the fourth. I agree, waiting for RNG to bless me with a legendary is not my idea of fun.
TTS will do Teq/Triple Trouble again, it just won’t be as often I think.
I know for the EU timeslot, teq/triple trouble will only be the last/4th weekend of each month. I don’t think NA or OCE have had new schedules created (I think the TTS leadership is still trying to get the schedule down).
Yes, when I looked last week it only listed Fridays and none were scheduled through 11/6. I was pretty surprised as I expected to see them doing it practically every day.
I will have to look EVOS up. I typically like pug maps when doing a boss anyway (even though the mostly-afkitteny zergers make me want to scream at times).
I have no issue with mentors or commanders, if they used the tag in a way that really benefitted the community, not just themselves.
Exactly. The rule of thumb I use is if tagging up with either helps others (the map or the community) then tag up. If that is not the case you should not have it on though. I put on my cmdr when organizing. I put on my cmdr (mentor would be more appropriate but now you can not see the trees for the forest) when mentoring. I do not put on my cmdr for wvw as I only have a passing familiarity with it.
Sure, there is a little leeway on that if you are running from one thing you are organizing to another thing you are not. In general though there is no real reason to tag up in cities except maybe a mentor tag helping a specific group with a specific thing.
I asked on the TTS guild channel on Friday as I had joined for the same reason, to get the achieves I needed. They are taking a break for a couple of weeks since so many people are doing HOT stuff.
Try getting there about 30 minutes early. I lucked into a map with a good commander Friday. We were doing pretty great but it just happened crimson was a bit too slow so I only got bronze and no achieves (the good news is I did not die this time though).
edit: As to why again … I think some achievements are bugged. It still says I have not done KQ when I have done the event several times. It gave me less mastery points than the wiki says I should have. Things I do now that give achieves (like the personal story steps) do not even show up until after I do them. All sorts of fun. So telling you to do TT again sounds like yet another symptom of that.
(edited by Menadena.7482)
It is far more effective to demonstrate what you are teaching as you explain it. Anyone who has actually tried to teach others would know this.
How would disabling the ability to attack/use skills help a mentor teach? And how would it keep people tagged up with mentor tags, but sitting, doing nothing , and not contributing at all from cluttering up the map? How would it keep a troll from giving someone bad/misleading advice?
It seems to me that this “solution” fails to address any of the actual issues.
This is why I was so puzzled at all the people in Caledon Forest who were wearing mentor tags and AFKing near the dungeon entrance. How were they helping anyone?
Disabling abilities is not the answer. Both because people need those abilities to teach others and because I am sure I am not alone in actually doing things on a map (events, completion, etc) between people asking me questions.
All you people complaining about mentor tags:
“This issue is only with you and your egos.”
Get over it !
I completely disagree. I want to see new people helped, not getting a ‘what the kitten are you doing? stop bothering me’ reply when they whisper to someone with a mentor tag. Or worse, someone more clueless than them so they get bad advice.
Yes, I bought a commander tag a few months before this. Initially to ONLY mentor but now I have started organizing events as well. If anyone should be upset at essentially free tags when I paid 300G to do the same puppy thing it would be me. I am not upset I paid 300G though. I am upset because I see people constantly abusing their tag and how that will impact people who ask them for advice. I feel the same way about people abusing the commander tag but they usually are not doing so in low-level areas (so people know some others do that).
The problem with a mentor tag is it does not tell you if the person is a mentor, a commander, or just is using it as a vanity tag.
Nor does a Commander tag tell you anything other than that that person once had at least 100 gold.
These tags will be what we, the community, make of them. I see no reason nor any need for Anet to step in.
The commander tags have been around longer. People are less apt to abuse them. You will always have the people who completely ignore any social convention though.
As is right now you actually need to put in an effort to get a commander tag. Yes, it is minimal but you do not wake up one day with a tag. Meanwhile with mentor tags the track to get one is selected by default if you bought HOT and you will get one quickly for playing in central tyria as an 80. Most of the people will want to do the mastery line anyway to get autoloot so the tag is just a freebie for them.
I am not sure what the best solution to mentor tags would have been but this is not it. Those of us who mentor have been asking for mentor-specific tags for awhile but the idea was they would not be essentially granted automatically without even ASKING for them.
There is plenty of precedent for things dying down. There is also precedent for the opposite. You should hope for the best but plan for the worst. Right now we are not seeing that plan or even agreement on a good way to implement it.
I am assuming they have a communications department. You ALWAYS should put information through your official channel (forum, website, etc) first then issue releases to social media. You should never post something to social media and never even mention it on your official channel.
As to what is important …. use your brain. If it is something you would put in a press release it should go on your own site. If it is something getting 100s of replies per minute your posting it to social media first and only was a mistake. When in doubt, cc your own channel where you can control the message.
It’s interesting that the people who are so keen to fix a tag that you get by playing the game never seem to add in a fix for a tag that you buy. Why is that I wonder? Why does a tag earned by playing require all these threads to fix it and never a thread to fix the bought and paid for tag?
I do not have any links but I have been told there was all sorts of forum drama when the commander tags were introduced.
Personaly used it in mad kings lab to organise people for door shuting, got a this mentor to fast complaint and afew thanks for hearding people around when I taged down after finishing my gaming session.
I see nothing wrong with a mentor tag leading, especially in an event where you do not have many low level people anyway. I do have a problem if you were to have multiple people in the labyrinth tagging up just because they could, which I am seeing all over now (not sure why some people never see it but others do all the time), as then you could not tell where the zerg was.
Typically when I was in the lab and there was no tag I /map chatted to ask if I should tag up and waited before I did so. Almost always the answer was yes. I was using a commander tag but a mentor tag would have done if no commander tags were there.
I would suggest having mentor tag have a ‘cost’ to show you are committed to having one. Whether that is time, xp, whatever. Having it at level one of pact commander is ridiculous as practically every 80 who bought HOT has one. At least educate people on when to tag up and when not too.
I lost count how many I saw in Caledon this morning (including a bunch of afk people wearing it at the dungeon entrance) but I was the only person actually giving tips in /map and telling people they could contact me with game questions.
The problem with a mentor tag is it does not tell you if the person is a mentor, a commander, or just is using it as a vanity tag. I do both mentoring and commanding and it always makes me cringe that a new person may whisper a question to someone with a mentor tag and get yelled at or given purposefully bad advice. Which is why I use a commander tag to mentor, there are so many mentor tags on the map I do not want to give the impression mentor tag=mentor.
True, many commander tags are not commanding. They have a longer history though so most people with one (although by no means all) no when they should use it and when not to use it. Usually the people who see them all the time are not new people though so they realize not everyone with a commander tag will help them.
Those of us who mentor have been asking for a mentor tag for ages. This was implemented badly though.
(edited by Menadena.7482)
I would love to use a mentor tag for mentoring. The problem is that not every mentor tag out there is a mentor and would answer questions.
I am still wearing my commander tag when mentoring. Not only do I realize mentor tags are 99% of the time not being used as mentors every time I treat them as mentors someone will tell me most apples are not mentors.
I really wish the apple had just been another icon you could use with a commander tag instead. Or maybe even a credit system somehow where mentoring lessened the cost of a mentor tag, but it still needed to be bought whether through gold or time. As it is right now practically every 80 has it and it makes a real mess for anyone trying to actually mentor.
So for other mentors. Do you use the commander tag, the mentor tag, or no tag?
I dont like this system, often if you die and walk back, you lose credit, it’s really fun in VB or SW when you have to walk 3/4 of the map and you come back to an event that’s over and you have no credit.
That’s a good point, too.
If any devs read this, the solution is to first lock out waypointing while others are still in combat (see my point 3 above). Then, if all die and WP out, as long as they are heading back in the direction of the event after WPing, they should get credit even if they don’t make it in time for the event ending.
While that would make sense for something that is in one place what about events that move? Like escorts?
Umm? What am I missing? Undercutting by 1.5 G when you want to move something fast is nothing.
Can we get an anet statement on this? Is it intentional and if so why? It will not stop tagging … taggers will just time things to arrive at events towards the end. It will hurt people who are playing as intended though.
I really hope this is a bug. While many of us hate tagging leaving an event before it finishes is not always because you were doing that. Credit for what you did only makes sense.
For example, say you have a 10 minute event. Person A is there from the beginning for 9 minutes and 55 seconds but for some reason is not there the final 5 seconds. Person B come in for the final 10 seconds, lands a couple blows, and the event ends.
Why does it make sense that person B would get bronze or above and person A get nothing? Also consider this method would make bosses and map events a whole new source of frustration.
Why on Tyria would you ever want to salvage a legendary?
Yes, I am all for eliminating tagging but not for doing away with all of your credit towards an event if you do not see it through to the end. That is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There can be all sorts of reasons why you were not there at the end besides tagging, like dying and not being able to get back in time.
In addition to changing the levels another idea might be to track time. If the difference between your beginning hit and last hit is over a certain threshold you get credit. Any system to eliminate tagging will not be perfect though, the best solution is to figure out why it happens. At the moment it is more profitable to not stay at an event so why should people do so? Basically, make staying there longer profitable and people will stick around.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Menadena.7482
My husband and I were doing the verdant brink area together a little and started having synchronised crashing every 20-25 minutes while doing stuff. It was very romantic.
Hmm, if they were synchronized it might be a network issue. I have been having them a lot recently as well and so far they have been annoying to isolate. I wonder if cider is messing something up at a low level?
Try opening a terminal window and doing a ‘ping www.google.com’ and if you get some missing/dropped packets then it is on the network. Now try the same after rebooting everything (modem, router, computer) but not starting the client.
Aw, you can no longer tag.
People have been complaining about this practically since the SW started. There was 0 incentive not to tag an event and then only stay long enough to make sure it would not fail. I did not know they changed it but if they did, yay! I am one of those people who usually stays at the event until completion (or nearly so) and it is frustrating for people to tag it then leave.
My only concern is unintended consequences. If you die just before the VW does do you not get credit if you can not make it back in time? Same thing if you are fighting a legendary. For the latter, I have 3 but have been looking for blue for a long time, I would spit fur if I finally found it and lost credit for doing so when (if) I died.. If 2 events are right next to each other (which often happens) do you now not get credit for the first if you have to fight for your life against monsters in the second? In other words, it might convince people even more to use HOT and abandon SW.
Happy Anniversary Gaile!
If you read my post you can see that this post you just did are 100% wrong.
1 you can turn off hint to personal story in options menu
2 you have to 100% explore said map on the character you play to be able to see events in top right corner.
It must be a bug then because I have had PS turned off for almost a year and it has not budged from my screen. Once HOT came out I started not seeing event notifications, even for events I was IN (yes, I reported that one) no matter what my settings of what I should see were. Interestingly this seems to be random as sometimes I see them and other times not, one time I saw it by backing away from the center of an event.
As to events not being called out, especially during dailies, is anyone surprised? Unless I see tell-tail NPC dialogue or there is a known break in the action any WP listing I map chat will have a string of numbers before it. Because events do not scale that well I have to get in some shots before it is completed.
Map chat can get toxic as all it takes is one person to get on a rant. If you whisper to someone (especially someone you know will have a good reaction, like a guildie or someone who is being good in map chat) you will usually get better results. Just do not expect a reply right away because they might not be able to pause to type right now.
Huh? You must have run into the wrong PVEers. Most of the PVEers I have encountered are potential allies but there are some real kittens too. I suspect much is the same in ANY game mode.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Menadena.7482
Wow pass the buck much anet. Honestly it’s like they don’t even read the crash logs it’s mostly to do with memory dumps because of the 32 bit Windows wrapper that they use now they are scratching their heads about it on sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they honestly just gave up with Mac at this point it either that or they find a better company to use a wrapper with or build a native client.
Reading them would help a great deal! While their support is better than that of some other game companies they should look at known issues. I went round and round for the longest time with them. Finally I looked on the web myself to confirm what the logs (which I had sent them) were telling me and found out I was not the only one with the same problem.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Menadena.7482
Anet should at least give us something useful in compensation!
Maybe some Gems or Birthday Booster or so.or a client that doesn’t crash and makes you feel like your computer is completely crap
Those superiority complexes from windows people are SO annoying. Especially since my current machines always have specs that blow most PCs people are using out of the water.
No mac version? I has a sad.
Is that for mac too?
Edit: ESO is getting a 64bit mac client.
It would be nice as 32 bit is the bane of our existence, our bottleneck is Cider, does anyone know if cider has a 64 bit version?
This is REALLY good to have!
One time, in another game, we were holding an event and were collecting names of who wanted to be notified the next time. Guess what broke?
I was able to parse the log after and get a list of who had been there. Without the log we would have had no way to get that list so we could notify them the next time we held it.
I was shocked that the HOT zones did not have their own section. I want to catch a HP train whenever but that is next to impossible if I need to scroll through all the central Tyria ones.
Lots of pumpkins in the low level portion of level 1-15 zones. Then of course the Labyrinth has around 15-20 scattered about.
Yes,2 or 3 near the mad king in Caledon Forest and I suspect that is the same in the other starter zones if I looked. I will miss having that daily.
Currently I have 9 and, yes, all of them get played and are 80s. My plan was to have 15 eventually but with the problems in getting the new specs I may just keep my money instead.
Poetic as I have been eating apples all evening.