Except that they didn’t really have a huge presence at PAX.
Colin did an interview with MMORPG (that they sent out a deceptive tweet about).
I expect ArenaNet to remain elusive on the marketing front, like they’ve been for the past few months.
I think they’ve found that over-hyping releases has very negatively backfired, so they’re being more realistic.
Likewise, NCSoft is busy promoting WildStar as “the next big thing”… So I’m guessing we won’t hear any big news until after the June 3rd release.
Season 2 may start before then, but I wouldn’t expect ANet to announce any potential expansion before then.
Looking at the new Megaserver feature…
I think this kind of lays the ground for different kinds of “mega” side-events.
Just have a “fractal” (or whatever you want to call it) for LS content as its own map.
Maybe alternate the “story” depending on the hour (like with boss battles)?
I agree, until level 30… You have no access to traits or an elite.
The trek from 11 to 30 is going to be very long and dull for new players.
(Thankfully, I had birthday scrolls to raise all of my characters to level 20…)
I was leveling a mesmer before the patch, and after I do feel substantially “weaker” at level 27.
Starting the traits off at level 30 was absurd. They should have just given a point starting at level 15 and then every 5 levels after that, if they wanted to reduce the number of trait points.
Or, better still, not have changed the way trait points were granted at all…
Just require 5 points be attributed at a time. No more +1 here and +1 there.
(Essentially, the same concept already applies to skills. You use multiple skill points to purchase a single skill.)
The OP’s argument is deceptive.
Many skills (in Factions, at least) were duplicates of Prophecies skills.
Additionally, GW2 has had more than a few events (the new “quests”) added since release.
Lastly, I think the Living Story’s goals have been scaled back from the initial Southsun Cove release.
I think they fully planned on developing new zones and releasing them. And with Brisban Wildlands being our next destination, I fully expect a forward push into the Maguuma Wastes.
Just look at one of the new major (and controversial) features of this release: The Megaserver.
Southsun was largely empty after its initial release.
ArenaNet subsequently learned that it could use the Living Story to cart players around Tyria’s world map to less-populated places (and took us back to Southsun)… But after the story’s completion, players moved on.
The Megaserver seems critical to making all zones feel “alive.”
Introducing more zones prior to the Megaserver would have left even more maps feeling empty.
Additionally, the reason each GW1 release had loads of new content is because they had to. They were basically selling a stand-alone “expansion.”
Finally, the release structure of GW1 burnt out the devs very quickly. (After only three releases, they decided to call it quits.) Having to develop all that, while trying to balance thousands of skills was just madness.
I’m not overly disappointed with GW2’s Living Story thus far. I’m only really disappointed with how they’ve decided to monetize it.
They’re counting on Gem Store whales to essentially subsidize the development cost for all players. (Granted, all free-to-play titles do the same thing.)
It’s just disappointing after coming from GW1 post-Nightfall where there were loads of cool skins to try to get.
I’d gladly pay $60 for a chance to return to Cantha with all new armor and weapon skins to collect.
The UI how ever suggest they’re going to charge to apply dyes in future.
Just look at China Guild Wars 2. 23 gems each time they open an unidentified dye.
First Spvp outfits have been monetized. Trust me. It’s coming.
The whole change to dyes was (in my humble opinion) an attempt to make Gem Store dye packs more valuable.
Basically, now the only way to obtain unidentified dyes is to use 5 laurels or craft 4 dye packs on a chef.
Previously, it was absurd to consider buying a dye pack. It’d often be cheaper to just convert Gems to Gold and buy the dye that you want.
Now, I’d fully expect the price of dyes to go up (especially after everyone uses all their remaining unidentified dyes).
This will, in turn, cause cooking materials to be worth more as chefs are one of the only in-game sources of dye packs.
Overall, it seems good for the game’s economy. (But potentially bad for new players)
I’d be very surprised if they tried to monetize it on both the front and back end.
If they did so at this point (after people are already accustomed to being able to re-dye for free whenever they choose), I think they’d be shooting themselves in the foot.
TL;DR: They promised unlimited-use, account-bound dye unlocks BEFORE the game ever launched. Then they made them per-character (and eventually reduced drop rates) in an attempt to make dyes more valuable but it didn’t work in the long run.
They can’t really make dyes cost gems to apply at this point. It’d only further push away existing players.
Any word if we’ll ever get Ascended Bags?
I imagine the recipe would be something like:
10 crafting-specific Ascended material (like the gift of blades)
1 Superior Rune of Holding
1 Vision Crystal
(plus optional crafting materials to make specialty bags)
I figure 22-slots wouldn’t be game-breaking (or, more importantly, impact Gem Store profits) and it’d just be a 10% increase in space from the existing 20-slot bags.
The cost would be drastically higher than existing 20-slot bags, due to the Ascended materials. And it’d be an effective material sink (not to mention keep up the cost of materials).
See: Impact of Spinal Blades on Elonian Leather (and, thus, lower-level leather in general)
They gave an update not too long ago saying:
“We have been so focused on improving existing reward systems that we haven’t really been working on the new legendaries or earned precursor system.
You’ll hear something when we’re ready to announce it.”
aka give up hope on new legendaries BEFORE an expansion.
“Making the skins account bound could could decrease the price alot (Since you can use it on your whole account).”
^ incorrect, since the skins are account bound, the value is increased as people would be willing to spend more on account bound items.
look at the dye prices.
I disagree.
Low cost common dyes sky-rocketed because people can use alts to get extra Unidentified Dyes. (Which have the chance at being a rare dye and were ~1g on the day of the announcement.)
Unid-ed Dyes dropped back to like 50 silver yesterday after everyone came to their senses and realized that there’s going to be a massive amount of new unid-ed dyes added to the supply on the 15th.
I’m sure they strategically released the dye information to have this effect. (Higher dye prices in-game results in more people buying them in the Gem Store.)
I predict common dye prices will plummet once again after the April 15th update and everyone gets a boat load of unidentified dyes for all the dyes on their alts.
I think the impending account bound status has caused the Lion’s Arch dyes to be cheaper on the TP than the other limited-time dyes.
I cringed listening to the voice actress voicing the sister (sounded like she was reading queue cards), and came to the conclusion that Anet must think we are stupid, the way they feel they must lead us by the nose to make connections.
With all respect for ArenaNet, most of us did complain about the complete and utter lack of a cohesive storyline for season 1.
It got better towards the end, but by that point everyone already hated Scarlet because she just seemed to randomly come out of nowhere. No exposition.
Same with the whole attack on Lion’s Arch. We weren’t really given any definitive clues as to the reason behind her actions until the first patch this year.
That whole “clue-finding” thing should have been pieced together as a part of each LS release. Not saved up for one “release”. Feature speculation in-game as to what her ultimate goal was. However, instead they tried to keep us in the dark.
Good stories have at least some foreshadowing.
Surprises are nice, but you still need to somehow cohesively weave the different pieces of the story together.
- 40 new Grandmaster Traits, unlockable from PVE only
The new traits can be unlock from playing PvP only because gold.
So does PvP then become pay-to-win? Gem-to-Gold conversions FTW.
While the new things are met with some trepidation, the reveals so far have brought about more vitriol and disdain than cheers and appreciation. Why is this? Primarily because the game the players want is not the game the developers are giving them.
Do not forget the nature of forums; that those that take issue with something are more likely to come forward. I think that this is one of the big disconnects that can mislead people (including us,) and cause us to misunderstand what the community actually wants/feels. Also keep in mind that no one can presume to represent everyone’s opinions.
I will agree that people coming forth and complaining may only represent ONE aspect of the community…
So do you take random email based surveys (particularly of players who have left the game) and see why they might be playing less than they used to?
History tells me we will see a crackdown on disgruntled players in the forums and the PvP will continue to degrade.
We are actually very open and accepting of players that wish to express their opinions, even negative ones, we just have a hard line when it comes to our forum code of conduct. Stick to that and I can guarantee your posts will not be removed.
I’ll agree, dissenting opinions seem to be less policed than they were a year ago.
But perhaps that’s just because there’s less dev traffic through the forums than previously?
Even now, “negative” topics are generally merged with “similar” topics. (whether or not the specific topic at hand is exactly the same)
But that seems to be an improvement over the old policy of just deleting them.
Just for some RL perspective:
People make jokes about Hitler and Bin Laden.
Likewise, I think it’s very intriguing how ANet is approaching the “vilification” of all Sylvari.
Look at history:
Japanese-Americans in WWII were placed in internment camps.
Americans, generally, are still more suspicious of anyone Arab looking than they were pre-911.
When Angel McCoy said that the upcoming Sylvari story is going to be interested… I agree that it will be, if they approach it correctly.
While it may seem inappropriate to make fun of Scarlet or judge all Sylvari based on the actions of a few… People do it in real life.
As players, I think we are somewhat expected to realize this. As has been said in-game, all five races need to cooperate in order to stand a chance against the Elder Dragons.
Kindof dangerous to have nothing for 10days
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
Now if ESO had been B2P like GW2, it might have been competition. But not when they want to charge you $60 for the box with $15 a month on top of that and a cash-shop.
See: World of Warcraft. (which had 7.8 million subscribers as of December 31st)
Next expansion will be $50. It’s still got a $15/mo subscription AND a cash shop.
7.8 is more than twice the “over 3 million GW2 copies sold”.
And that’s people that are still actively subscribed. Not just people that bought the game.
GW2’s biggest enemy right now is the bi-weekly update schedule, in my mind.
Escape from Lion’s Arch was epic… but the last release was more like “Battle Against Lion’s Bugs”
The Knights fight shows that whatever team worked on it didn’t learn from the Wurm and Marionette events at how to properly split up the zerg. AFKing was much less of an issue for those two events.
I’d be much happier with monthly updates (or even bi-monthly or quarterly updates) if it meant more polished content that stuck around for longer than two weeks.
I’m sure we’ll also get other areas in the racial capitals. Especially with the upcoming Harvest Festival that sounds to be Charr-centric.
Law of large numbers. That explains the chances. (Well, in addition with the actual drop rate.)
Truehorn barely wants to help Lions Arch?!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
Haha. Nice use of “Clore”.
Related note: Traeherne needs a speech coach.
Reminds me of the wonderful (not at all annoying) Consortium NPC that was added to announce Southsun Cove travel…
Let’s get some definitions straight here.
What is botting?
Botting is using a second-party software that issues commands that are then executed in game so that the user doesn’t have to be physically present and control his or her avatar.Just from the context of wanting definitions to be straight, it’s third-party. Your client and ANet’s server are the first two parties. The third party program is a program outside of both of them able to cause changes within them. That is the #1 reason botting is illegal.
My understanding (note: not knowledge, as I haven’t used such software) is that “bots” are just third party applications that interact with the game in a systematic way. (Simulation particular key presses or mouse movements.)
The reason botting is detectable is that it’s generally a pre-programmed pattern at specific intervals, whereas a normal human would be more random with their key-presses.
The third-party software does basically what a macro would do (but with lots of repetitions). It doesn’t have some weird way of interfacing with the game servers without the game, it basically just simulates keyboard and mouse movements.
There was an argument by some ANet staff during the citizen rescue events (when they were actively kicking AFK users from the maps) that using a pre-defined “push a key once an hour to defeat the AFK timeout” script could get you banned, because it is (in effect) botting.
So, in all honesty, how is a player returning to the keyboard once an hour any different? Or how is it differentiable to ArenaNet? Keeping in mind the fact that computer programs can, effectively, have a RNG to mimic “Oh, well, the player doesn’t always return at EXACTLY 15 minutes past the hour.”
Just have “intensity-stacking” conditions like Bleeding have “condition damage” calculate a “stack” number.
Let’s say for every 50 condition damage, you get an additional bleed stack.
And then each bleed stack has a given amount of damage per second.
This is, essentially, how Ferocity will work and how Precision currently works.
Yes, some people may end up doing a little less damage (if they are just below the next “level” in condition damage) but overall would do more damage since stacks could now go much higher than the current limit.
Then, for duration stacking conditions like Poison, give them all a base strength and have condition damage lengthen duration.
Condition duration (expertise) and condition damage could probably be lumped into some new singular parameter to vastly simplify calculations.
You can’t blame players for bad game design
Try explaining that to everyone banned from crafting/salvaging Wintersday items.
See: http://www.guildwarsinsider.com/snowflake-exploit-results-in-bans-confusion/
Of course, if ArenaNet did come out in support of AFKing, that would just further encourage people to do it. Possibly causing further issues in future events.
I think they really need to do something to discourage/prevent it in the future.
Ultimately, the AFKers are griefing the rest of us.
They’re making the game less enjoyable.
I’m sure we’ll see the rifles again in the future, if the Ultimate Citizen’s bag teaches us anything.
*spoiler* the TRUE culprit behind Scarlet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
Thats what I was thinking about when I saw the Mask. Especially with Majora’s Mask already being on my mind because of The Walking Dead. (Termina/Terminus).
Guess LA is going to be destroyed by the Moon next.
We’ve met a terrible fate haven’t we?
I think it’s been established that the Moon isn’t actually a moon at all.
Something about how it moves (or doesn’t move) in the sky.
Don't feed the trolls, Anet *minor spoilers*
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
I think having a report feature for trolling is a good idea, but probably wouldn’t accomplish anything because the only way to get flagged for trolling would be to state your intent in map chat.
Unless someone has specifically typed something incriminating in the chat box, it would be almost impossible for the person (or computer) checking the reports to judge another player’s motives. There are too many variables – lack of skill/understanding of the event, lag and disconnects or even language barrier. To avoid banning innocent people, Anet would probably not ban without evidence. The trolls would continue being jerks, but they wouldn’t say it out loud? I don’t think anything would improve.
Besides, the report feature would give the trolls another way to mess with other players.
Right, well, for anything that’s reported in chat… I suppose you could always select “verbal abuse” as that logs chat.
Perhaps if someone admits to trolling via chat, try that next time.
If one would do no damage to the knights and just rez the whole fight, would you consider that as “AFK” as well, or indirectly AFK, or indirectly dealing damage through proxy? XD
No, I wouldn’t consider that AFK. They’d be moving their character around and hitting buttons..
AFK would be where their character would just stand still after an initial attack on the Knight.
AFKing and Botting are separate issues. They can be combined, but one doesn’t mean the other is taking place.
You can AFK without a bot by just wiggling your character every 20 minutes or so.
On the other hand, you can use a bot to wiggle the character for you.It would be difficult if not impossible for a player to tell the difference and properly report it.
In this case, you can hit “1” and attack the boss at the start. Then leave.
The AFK time-out is longer than 15 minutes, so the AFKers will get the reward when they come back (and can get a free ride to the Scarlet battle as well).
It’s basically getting rewards for zero effort.
ArenaNet has banned people for a Wintersday crafting/salvaging “exploit” in the past… And I’d argue that the AFKing is worse.
Since, well, AFKers are essentially taking up slots that could be filled by actual participants.
6 Minutes to Knightfall seems impossible with AFKers and such.
Don't feed the trolls, Anet *minor spoilers*
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
All we need is a reporting option for this, and then ANet needs to make it clear that intentionally trolling encounters will always result in a 4 weeks ban first time, permaban second time.
Because really, I don’t think they should cut down on encounter behaviour for this. Don’t try to fix human stupidity, it won’t work.
But how can they tell if someone actually ran up and intentionally got eaten by the spider (unless they bragged in chat about ruining it for everyone else)?
I’m not sure they record that much data. Sure they can probably see that someone was eaten by a spider, but what if it was a lag issue?
I agree, there should be a punishment for ruining everyone else’s fun. (And general hostility and animosity shouldn’t be tolerated either.)
I’d heard in-game from other players that we can report the AFKers as “botting”…
But then, when I mentioned it in an overflow, people started verbally accusing me of “spreading lies” and “impersonating an ArenaNet employee” and threatening to ban me.
So is it inappropriate to report the AFKers as bots?
What’s the official stance?
I don’t want to be banned for “false claims”.
Edit: Sorry, I wasn’t clear. This is about people that AFK at the Knight events (taking up slots in event) with the intent to gain rewards with no effort or gameplay.
(edited by Minos.5168)
AFKing at least keeps up daily concurrency numbers:
“We had 1000 people playing the knights simultaneously EVERY DAY.”
(but half of them were AFK… exaggeration, I know)
I just wish we could buy the ticket scraps with gems.
But you probably wouldn’t pay as much…
10 keys is 900 gems normally ($11.25 in real money)…
Most weapon skins in the Gem Store are 600 gems ($7.50 cash).
Even if you average one scrap from each chest you open, you’re still spending more for a single Black Lion Claim Ticket. And older weapons require multiple claim tickets.
Most complainers, whiners, elitists, and other undesirables gravitate to the official forums of a game where they thing the devs will hear them and change the game to suit their sense of entitlement. Unofficial forums tend to be more positive and full of people who truly love the game.
Have you been to Guild Wars 2 Guru? Generally, it’s more critical because developers aren’t there to remove posts or merge topics.
Granted, that’s also because most people that visit those forums probably also played GW (which GW2 has no semblance to)…
Reddit’s GW2 section is practically moderated by ANet. So it seems to be your beacon of positive energy.
Most complaints generally have some decent suggestions within them.
And, likely, people will complain BEFORE they leave the game. At which point, they may never come back. So it may not be wise to just dismiss complaints as “whiners.”
The issue is, “contribution” scores are hard to calculate.
Especially as evidenced by how only a few people got champ loot before one update last year.
Ultimately, this is an issue with ANet’s “open world” design decision.
If they focused on having multi-party instances instead… (like, say, 25 man raids that group parties together randomly… with the ability for parties to kick “leecher” parties and kick leechers within their own party)
Then I think they could make more balanced (and more fun) encounters.
The holo fight was terrifically epic and fun…the first time I beat it. I refuse to farm it now. It’s too long and the chance at getting anything worthwhile are far too low.
Farming Alliance Supply Bags is a better way to go. You’re much more likely to at least get some dragonite and rare/exotic drops from them for the same time investment as the holo.
It’s the same as with the “rescue” event.
The Ultimate bag was never an amazing incentive.
Alliance Supply Bags are more plentiful and mostly guaranteed. (I got two Endless Quaggan tonics out of them… One Mystery, one Pink) And silk is already going back up in price.
I also like the supply bags for the luck… I was at like 35% MF before the past two releases, now 85%.
Also, if you fail Scarlet… No rewards for that 30 minutes of time wasted. (That could have been spent farming bags.)
I don’t understand why the NPC can’t stay for another week or two. Just give the players time to turn in the goods…
Agreed. Most other temporary events have let the NPCs stay for you to exchange items for a little after the actual event.
Besides, I’m sure the citizens refugees of Lion’s Arch would like their belongings and heirlooms back.
well, I just wish to know is anet going to fix all these issues? or just leave them be? for it is such a shame that these potions can’t be used properly.
Considering that they’ve already announced that Heirlooms (and Belongings) and their respective merchants will be disappearing on March 18th…
I’d say they’re probably just focused on moving forward at this point.
Most of the devs have been extremely silent throughout this release, instead using a QA person to give very short announcements. (Probably because they’ve learned that admitting to mistakes degrades overall faith in one’s ability.)
Yes, I’d love for them to stop making free content and instead charge me for it. Oh boy I can’t wait!
I take it you never buy anything from the Gem Store?
There are plenty of people that do and support the game for you.
My biggest complaint is that the majority of new skins end up in the Gem Store, rather than being earnable in-game. An expansion would fix that.
The content isn’t free. ANet developers aren’t making the Living Story out of the kindness of their hearts.
The issue is, Living Story has helped keep up numbers.
Higher daily users means more potential Gem Store sales.
At least expansions could hopefully have a better QA process than this bi-weekly cycle.
(And, even if there were bugs, there’d be vastly more content… so it wouldn’t be so glaring.)
The issue is that if they announce something like “We’re working on GW3.” then people might stop playing GW2 and contributing funds through the Gem Store.
(Why buy Gem Store skins in GW2 unless they carry forward to GW3?)
It’d be a lose-lose situation for them.
I mean, sure, they can pull another Hall of Monuments type of thing… But I only use a portion of the things I earned in there. I’m not sure that I would grind for stuff in a futuristic title so soon after GW2’s launch either.
On the other hand, dropping hints of an expansion could bring mixed feelings. It might excite people, but then you’d also have those who’d be like “Ok. See you in 6 months to a year when the expansion drops!” (Which, likewise, would reduce Gem Store sales.)
GW2 dropped GW1’s “play whenever you want” mantra because of the Gem Store. The more you play, the more likely you are to buy gems. (Even if it’s just to convert them to gold.)
What GW2 really need is an overhaul, closing the gap between bunker and zerker. Make the trait point give 1 stat points instead of 10 stats point, and bring both the base stats dramatically up, and the top stats down. Add more base stats, and make gears give less stats too..
It’s an interesting idea… And one that really doesn’t require much work on their part.
Just divide the stat contribution by 10 (i.e. what was 10 power is now effectively 1).
Numbers don’t have to change, which makes it so that they don’t have to go through every item.
However, that would only further make gear levels obsolete. I mean, the difference between Exotic and Ascended would become negligible.
Yes, it’d still be 5% more, but that’s 1.05 compared to 10.5. (Especially considering if you don’t reduce base stats.)
That would, effectively, destroy one of the biggest material sinks in the game.
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
We are currently working on the difficulty of the Assault Knight fights; I realize that sometimes its hard to get a full overflow or that there are non peak hours where server populations will be lighter. Hopefully with the difficulty changes, it will also make it easier for a good server to get ‘Six Minutes to Knightfall’.
You mean a server that has 150 people in Lion’s Arch (all in full Zerker gear with Vigil’s boon) completely focused on the Knights?
Right. Like that’s going to happen for anyone but TTS.
So how do we all rate the end of LS season 1
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
The ending cinematic was epic.
I legitimately care about the Living Story NPCs. (Unlike Destiny’s Edge, who generally manage to be irritating at best.)
The Scarlet hologram battle is decently enjoyable. It’s also nice in that it requires some group cooperation.
But the Knights event is just utter failure. Especially after the patches.
The Knights event drags the entire ending down greatly. (Add to it the fact that the only real “new” reward is cores to color the spinal blades, which are RNG rewards after beating a knight.)
5/10 because of the Knights.
(Oh, and I don’t know why they think we’ll care about the Sylvari more than the Tengu.
Angel McCoy tweeted something along the lines of “Why are you so interested in the Tengu?”
Probably because, I don’t know, they’ve existed since GW1.)
[Event] Frustrations with Knight fights.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
AS others have stated. There is a daily for the LS every day. Kill 10 aetherblade, 10 molton, visit a vista. Look all the way down on the list of daily tasks.
This isn’t about the silly Meta achievement. The Liberator’s Bag wasn’t really any better than an Ultimate Citizen’s Bag.
The fact is, the Knights prevent you from accessing content that, honestly, should have been instanced.
If the Knights had been instanced dungeons (even if, say, you got paired up with another two teams randomly… like certain missions in GW2) then they could have been better balanced.
The Hologram isn’t really that difficult. Any time a map has made it to the hologram, they always seem to win.
Basically, the Knights can be a complete waste of 18 minutes because of a poorly designed and poorly balanced encounter. (If you fail, you get nothing for your time investment but the “event failed” reward.)
Solution: Fix the scaling. Make it assume less DPS from each player
This is it really. I did this event on the first two days only. I tried again once later during the week. The difference was massive.
With players using food and potions, in DPS gear, it isn’t a problem. I’m not sure exactly how the scaling works either. It’s no secret that it is known to be wonky. However, most of the time in open world events, when you get 20 extra players from somewhere, you can generally assume that 15 of them will be PVT or something equally low DPS.
Because of this, you see a huge spike in Boss HP and yet nowhere near the corresponding DPS to justify.
Suggestion: Scale mobs to DPS comp instead of raw numbers. Or allow large scale, hosted instances with gated controls to entrance.
I think the primary issue is that it’s exaggerating the Zerker vs Any-Other-Stat-Combo debate.
Basically, since they invalidate all conditions for 50% of the battle (the first 25% and the third 25%)… All condition damage is nullified.
This just shows how significant condition damage is. (Perhaps that was their intent, to demonstrate to everyone complaining about condition limitations.)
The “burn” phases of the boss go by extremely quickly.
If there was a way to easily cause the boss to go into these “burn” phases (like, say a counter related to interrupts or conditions or something… similar to the Dynamics hologram)… Then it wouldn’t have been nearly as bad.
As it is, it just promotes the whole Zerker mindset with the “only actual pure damage output counts.”
[Event] Frustrations with Knight fights.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
What I don’t really understand is that if they’ve designed the knights around having 150 characters in a map…
Why don’t they institute “underflow” style maps for servers with low populations?
Or just abolish individual servers entirely? (Which would likely be bad for the overall community feel.)
Make it all one server and have overflows as necessary.
Seriously ? Liberator of Lion's Arch chest
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Minos.5168
To be fair you hardly do anything in any of this content but show up.
I guess killing scarlet is nothing
And if I wanted a more satisfying story, I’d have just watched a movie or TV show.
Generally (unless we’re talking something from Peter Jackson), it would be shorter than waiting a full 14 months to come to a cliffhanger.
@Zanshin, was able to sell the votes. When it was over.
It’s Anet’s fault people can’t look past the tip of their nose.
Zanshin said badges not the vote tokens.
I mean, you can still proudly display your “I voted for Evon!” badge, if you want.
But it’d kind of be like leaving up a “Romney 2008” bumper sticker.
Easy guess since they were added to the sprocket mining vein.
Yet it will be another insane 10k blades for mostly useless vanity items with much likely horrible skin again.
I can see it now…
“Donate blade shards to help rebuild the lion statue!”
“You get 1 alliance supply bag for every 10 blade shards.”
Exactly my point. It’s basically a crafting material. Why can’t I sell it via TP like other materials?
To be perfectly fair, these materials can be used to craft Ascended back pieces. You cannot sell other Ascended materials, such as Bloodstone Dust either.
See: Damask, Elonian Leather, and Assault Power Cores.
The easiest way would be to have Tier loot. Group 1 downs a knight, everyone gets loot and chance at cores, Second group downs the knight, everyone agains get loot and chance at cores, and third group downs the knight, everyone again gets the loot and a chance at cores.
People will feel rewarded for their efforts and everyone should have more fun. There needs to be good portion of people doing the events and the way it is now, most people will just quite doing it because the rewards do not match effort given.
People are all trying to zerg at the blue one still, because if they get the attunement and kill one knight… It’s better than not getting anything.
U get 6 champ boxes when all 3 knights are either killed or event fails. Chance at cores in the same reward window that do not correspond to the knight you were on. The core you get is random.
NOTE: You currently only get loot if the knight your on dies. If others die & yours is still up by the time event fails – you get nothing.
I’ve helped kill a Knight before, but another Knight failed…
Didn’t see any reward.
Seems glitched and I’m not surprised. They rushed a patch out of the door (within a day) to fix an event that they’ve supposedly worked on for over a month.
I expect them to cost around 80s in a week.
And back up to 5 gold in two months. I’m not to worried I got 4 bank tabs full of sell able things from the last year and any time I need a new toy I cash one or two of them in.
Buying (farming) a ton of these too currently.
And who might you expect to buy them?
Blueprints will exist on the TP, true… But blade shards aren’t sellable.
If someone has a Sprocket Generator, they’ve probably also played enough to get whatever color they want.
It’s not like they’re going to be used for anything but coloring these backpieces.