I been wondering to roll a ranger.
I alredy have a thief, and its is not bad, trough i found it boring, do to lack of support options. (besides blast finisher-stealth-heal combos),
So i think ranger would be fun for me to, but anytime i rolled one, i found it boring, trough i know early game is not like endgame, exspecially instances, but if there are any more experianced palyers in pve (like fractal runners) plse do enlight me.
Does ranger have any decent builds? Can it support? Or tank? Or anything at all?
Or its the tipical…hit and run and kite, and shoot and shoot and shoot, likekittenking WoW hunter ( i got really bored of 6 years of boring kitten hunter).
I do find pets interesting, but if its a tipical, nuke only class i am off for sure.
So how is the class in a bit more detail?
All these things are just exuses.
Ranger should be able to use rifles.
Not fitting? Nature based? Sure blacksmithing is so nature based, as is burning corpses or 70% of the game that excludes ranger from the serious nature only aspect. Its not a druid!
Besides, what is not fitting? A rifle he could snipe with?
You ever seen an eldar ranger? It is more then perfectly fitting.
It is a tipical hit and run long range, skirmishing weapon. Exacly the style ranger is.
Whell, since beta i keep rerolling classes. Trough i have a thief of lv 80, but dont feel call to play it, or in fact any other class.
Basically i wanted to play Necromancer, but it was designed in the totall opposite way i like the class.
I also like Warrior, but it was a boring thing to play. Not to mention, when every second player is warrior, you feel depressed, quite a lot.
I rolled Ga, but all my friends play it. Besides, it is not my style, i like to play range dd to not only support.
I wondered abaut Ele, but it the skill list was not to my taste. Trough i played it a lot, i still could not find inspiration to center my game araund it. Feels plain boring to me. Again putting aside the fact a LOT of players play it.
Then there was Engineer, who i still think is fun, but there are really basic resons i do hate it. Not going into indepth analysation, just plain simply put :
-His base weapons are not fun at all.
-Lacks the selection of weapon, without kits , that not only look always the same in contradiction of other classes amazing skinned weapon aparell, but also dont scale later on.
-Rifles are shotguns, i hate shotguns, there is no option to play them as a real ranged dd. Even if “aur” legendary weapon is basically a sniper rifle…we stil use it as a shotgun.
Totall bs. An reson alone not to play it.
-There are many cc and skills, yeah, but most of em close range, when Engineer was condamned to be range class…selfkilling character design?
Owerall i like the idea of the class, but it was implemented quite silly. Besides again the fact, even if oyu totally master the class, a Warr will simply outperform you with no effort.
So i am still looking for a decent class, that is fun, and fits me. But feels like a pointless struggle.
I also agree with Eukia.
Trough its not only abaut player skill, but it does count.
Mobs basic attacks are minimal damage, even as full “glass canon”. The only thing that matters, is to know when to dodge, and its kind of sad that the combat is degraded to, know when to avoid dmg.
Besides, even if you miss a dodge, the team rushes and rezurrect you.
Yes there are cases when bunkers are good, but the game itself destroys his own system or logic in the 80% of the time.
By the way, cut the offtopic, and back to trinity. Its not a discussion abaut, dps or what “roles” are good.
Its a discussion abaut, are those roles at all?
Beeing tough to kill does not mean its your role in combat. You dont chose to be a tough character for the team, (since you cant draw agro, or soak dmg from others) you only take it for your own benefit.
Nor you take “support” for the team, since there are no real healer “builds”. Besically because heals are mostly accidentaly timed well. And heals rarely save anyone from death since mobs 2 hit you anyway and heals barely heal more then 1/10 of your hp at best. Regen is usefull in the long turn battle, but still wont be a most have.
Not to mention there are barely any heals to use, and the rare occasion when you use heal, you propably miss it, or use it late, or is useless anyway, since the guy cant dodge and will die anyway.
(excluding guardians megaop heals, but thats a balance flaw, not an intetional global thing)
So , no healing is not a role.
Nor is other support. Spamming boons usually happens by chance. You cant really time a Aegis or Protection to apply right before the instakiller blow.
Propably because you dont see your whole team, and when who gets hitted. Exspecialyl when you are running yourself, and dodging and spamming to live.
Combat is basically a fight to survive the mobs that 2 hit oyu, while you have to hit them for minutes.
Feels like playing a ranger or hunter no matter what class you play….you kite…and kite…and kite…and dodge…and kite. And healyourself and keep on kiting. (apply some kitten on yourself to save yourself (that dos apply some kitten on others to, but you use it when YOU need it anyway)
And if its not chasing you you BANG DPS.
You dont support-you dont tank….this is all you do. Admit it kittennig finally.
Thats what combat is without “trinity”. No trinity is not good, its to old to be good. But having this “Zeroity” is worse.
I thout Anet wanted to innovate the system, not degrade it.
we did….but you propably did not seen what comes after that.
Hmm. Might agree on that one.
Good example with the Ele.
So i was extremely bored with the game and went back to LoL a bit, but was boring, then i switched to Aion, and was fustrating and even more boring. So finally i started playing My heroes 6 new campaings and realized a lot of things.
First of all after playing several hours with necros, i got my mood back for my Necro.
Second, i realized it because, the artwork, animations and models are so awesome.
So 3 things snapped into my mind.
1,Why does Gw2 necromancer have to be so drastically remade, to this…hybrid half melee, half mid range cultist like thingy? Instead of keeping it as a “classical” necromancer that players so longed for years ago.
2,Why do skills look so bad? (excluding wells-personal taste)
I mean look at the spells in Heroes. When the Lich shoots it looks 10 times better then your staff attack, you basically use 100000 times each day.
Or the Death Shroud, that does not even deserve words. Comapred to some shadow spells from your Hero.
3,Why didnt you bring more forms or aspects to classes?
Like a Spider-human hybrid form to necromancer to switch to a Long range Direct Damage role.
Or a Vampiric form, with a black runed, Gs that can go full melee (if you decided to make it close range class anyway)
Or a Shaman aspect to Elementalist. Or a Druid aspect to Ranger?
There are still insane ammounts of options for classes that are unused. And are going to waste.
More weapons would fix a lot of problems, but i think an “aspect” option whitch would allow, classes like Necromancer, to obtain a role they lack so moch, would be lovely. And would also give an option to players, to use more then 1 class mechanic. (if they dont like the original)
Mirta no offense, but you propably didnt follow or understand what isslair is talking abaut.
Forums are currently 80% of negative impression players, or players that find immerse ammounts of things they could or would improve, and make suggestions.
But in game, you barely find anyone, who has negative impressions or opinions of the game.
Why is that?
I tell you, because the problems player feed to forums are so bad, it forced them out of game, and are waiting, and more likely hoping they get fixed, or implemented (as it as actually even promised).
The only reson they post at all is the hope this can get better.
I can not understand those, that say something like " no dont do it its bad and it is good as it is, thy arena net"
You bought the game, enjoy it, but dont destroy it for others, by stopping the imrpovement and suggestion that could or would improve the gameplay for others.
ADDING can rearely destroy games. But refusing to add, now that DOES.
“Forced Trinity does not exist, you can build your character to fill the role you want to play, there is no role you need to play.”
Whitch is sad…there are always roles in combat. In life or exspecialyl should be in games.
IT IS what makes your character differeant then the other 10000 other class, or character out there.
IT defines how and what your character thinks, abaut combat, abaut the world ,ad interacting with it.
IT is another tool to costumize your character, and noone says you would be forced to a role.
THAT IS exacly what you say and imagine when you say “trinity” that the game forces you to be xy role. When in fact you are the one who picks the role. BEsides, a good design would not force you to a role, but would still allow you to pick any. And would end in a really fun class-combat system…unlike this.
This feels more like a degradation, isntead of improvement.
Besides, there ARE roles currently, and many of them are terrible, and boring. And the whoel combat system is centered araund dodging.
Whits is more boring then a trinity.
I am actualyl happy there are getting more and more topics on this theme.
First of all i agree on that
“We are told any character/profession can fulfill any role in the game. This is true to some extent”
But my opinion is, they not only removed trinity, by adding all classes all options…they actually taken all options from all classes.
Yes to some extent you can specialize, in some combat roles, but they are extremely narroved in.
I think the game can support any roles. Tank and healer would be welcome.
And the “wait time” and lfg would not be a problem….i still wait hours for some isntances.
So the positive points of not been stuffed into “roles” is getting wasted.
And we only feel the negative side of this system.
Also last but not least :
The problem with the old system was, that the roles existed, but that it FORCED players to a certaint roles.
In gw1, this was not a problem, you basically could pick up any role, but could set an npc to healbot if there was a need for it.
So i doo think the system is terribly flawed and gives really bad gameplay, and game feel.
Its from the planned class “cronomancer”.
It was not implemented afterall, trough it was not discarded.
Its a might be coming class.
Agreed on most of it!
Exspecially skill point replacable skills.
Trough, more skills would help a lot to…..there are like 4 elites only ? -_-
As a side note…i would like express how kitten amazing i find the look of Asura themes and weapons and buildings and so on.
I would love if those looks (like the picture from the cronomancer) would get implemented a bit more on Engineer.
They are the high end of technology afterall. I dont say, we need a mech, or a laserrifle, but atleast the look of them.
Maybe the Engineers theme would be better of with something like that, instead of the current- Rugged looking mechanic-steampunk is thing.
Hi all!
I was pondering many times, how can the “lack of weapons” probem solved for engineer.
Yes there are MANY who are not satisfied with kits, and there selection.
Propably because they can not change skins, and that is really sad compared to other classes amazing weapon skins in pvp and pve.
I hear countless times, they barely use kits, only only 1 or 2. Or if they do use, they only use that one. Or use it because they are forced, to complete the build they run.
But thats another topic. I am here to make a constructive suggestion on the topic.
I personally think the toolbelt could have an always present skill, indephendent on what you have in hand or as utility. But only after lv 15.
It would be a skill named : Multiformer.
It would replace the current weapon, for 5 fully new skills , like a kit.
It would aso let you equip “switch” weapons, but you would not be able to use them, just equip items there.
A GS, Rifle, Hammer, Scepter.
And when you activate the skill it hives you a modified mechanical like vesion of that, dephending what the equipped switch weapon is.
The Mutiformer-s look would change every 10 lv. And could use existing item skins if you use transmut stones on the equipped item. But by default would have the look of a Glyphic like weapon, or something like the screenshots i listed under.
Hammers would give you skills like,
Force impact- Pushing ppl away, with massive dmg.
Static Discarge-Pulling a single target to you and then shocking it.
Stormhammer- The hammer fills with electircity and the next attack stuns.
Scepter would turn to a Drone command unit (like the omnitool in ME)
And you could equip pistol or shield beside it.
It would grant you skills tha summon mini drones- like on pics bellow.
Like scout drone, that would shoot like a rifle turret but at longer range and fast with less dmg.
An assasin drone, that would poison. After 3 shots it expires and seeks the nearest target and explodes on it, knocking him down.
THe Gs would shoot at max range like the Mesmer does. But it could also be used as parry weapon. So on. I can see many ideas in this. If implemented well.
I dont say anything concrete, because the devs decide on skills the engineer needs or lacks, or should implement. And can coordinate with future updates. I just make the idea as suggestion.
Warrior propably. First of all.
Besides, i think spears or lances ware planned really hard, but for some reson it was missed afterall. I wonder why.
There are like millions of load screens and pictures that show warriors with pikes, and lances and spears.
Second i would imagine ranger. And of course Guardian, trough i would imagine him with a more hybrid weapon like trident or polarm.
Spears are basically kittennig simple to use….you stand out wait for the rider to come near, and trust it. THe rider basically kills itself.
It is mostly used for bigger scalecombat or against riders. It is totally crap vs melee and close range combat. Unless it is a javelin that is a lot shorter and can be thrown. (like the spartans had)
So i say ANY class shud be able to use it.
Thy for the feedback Afro. I Made a whole new post abaut it.
Agreed the lv 70 might be better ofc. Some learn a lot even after 80.
I am not sure abaut prices and traits, i think this is a topic devs should bother with, they know the system a lot better and know what would be the best solution.
If you ask me, i personally would add simply more traits to chose from at major ones. And make minor ones be selectable to (like 3-4 choices only), or make sure minors are globally benefical to all aspects.
All this after you unlocked the aspect.
Abaut the rest of the replyes…..Monk merged? Make it an aspect of guardian.
Btw, i dont think this is some problem…there are no ingame lores that set it to stone there are no monks, and monks are all guardians. And monks are like guardians….nothing like that at all.
I actually see many priests in towns with heavy armor……that are clearly not guardians.
Also i seen many Priory healers…that are surely also not guardians….but clothed healers.
I personally miss a divine caster class. Priest would be welcome. It would be actually quite refreshing to see a priest in mmo-s that is not forced to healbot for once -_-
Could be implemented with crazy indepth innovative way.
Reinvent the Priest ANET !!!!
As elementalist i would surely add an Arcanist and a Archeologist . Its a tipical Priory like dude.
Might as well make Guardians →spellblade, that is more offensive with less cc, but more mobility.
Agreed. They kind of talked abaut, getting skill points and unlocking them will cost points, so it takes more points to unlock “elite” skills…..
The thout is good, its almost the same as Gw1-s but the implementation is bad.
Why? There are barely any skills.
Besides, you cant make builds with skills like in gw1. You can only variate 3 skills from a list of like 20. And the 4 th has like a list of 4 ? Seriously dissapointment…..You want wariety from that? Hardly…..
You might could make decent roles from a list of 100 atleast.
Considering you get like 10 more weapons and you can variate the first 5 skills to… -_- and not have a list of 20 .
Basically all that you do comes from weapon and utility. The traits should be some more indepth tree, that offest costumization to a global scale…not to specific skills…..
They simply narrows down your 20-20 skills to like 8-10……….
I been running araund gathering inspiration and knowledge tobe able to point what exacly is wrong.
First of all, i noticed, the current system is quite decent on its own, and there are many things classes can do, but if a class wants to take up a “role” like support, it is set to stone, how he needs to be and play it.
Basically lets less costumization then a trinity game. (dont bother imaginating games for example)
Like an ele can support quite awesomely, but to be most usefull you usually take auramancer, and there are no other builds that are usefull as that one. Basically it makes you play 1 build that is usefull.
Not to mention even the most “set to support” roles are based on dmg spells.
You are actually wasting nukes to get a slight effect that is usefull.
For example : Fire or Shock shield is quite good, if you can apply it on ppl that are getting hit by many mobs, but to give others that effect you need to make a combo, that is hard to execute (when mobs constantly 2 hit you, and you are kiting, and dodging…you use anything you can just to stay alive).
And in 80% of cases you execute the skills by accident (unless you are seriously expert and well synced with your team…by that time the game gets extremely boring anyway)
and are basically wasted on situations you dont even need them.
Not to mention the 90% of support comes from stuff you can apply on ppl that atleast care or know what combos look like.
For example thief-s shadow refuge traited to heal….quite a decent save tool….but the 90% of ppl FULLY ignore it or dont care….or even spread out, even if you yell it on ts………..
Putting that aside the lack of concrete combat roles makes the instances feel like , trying to stay alive all the time, instead of fighting.
Mobs have immortally tough. But they do 2 hit anyone. Or not hurt at all. Even the most experianced players cant really explain or know why this works this way.
If Anet wanted a decent and a bit more realistic combat system, (with this dodging and all) they should have made it tactical instead of extreme fast.
If you want to deploy tactic in a fight, a mob that 2 hits you cant be a part of it. Because it all will dephend on : can you avoid it?
Instead of actuall combat.
I seriously feel many times…i just spam skills, and still sucseed if i can stay alive meantime.
The more combat roles there are the more complex the game gets.
There are many fight in dungeons, that are tactical and have to split team member roles, and use certaint skills or utilize your class skills, but sadly it still becomes a fight for survieval in the end mostly… -_-
CaptainCanada, pls edit it a bit, i could hardly force myself to read it. Spread the text.
If you say, we dont need specific roles, you are still propably at the WoW- trinity setup….if you played Gw1 you would know there are like 10000000 roles you can take up in combat. The point is to concentrate on 1 . And not spread all the skills all ower the weapons and traits.
On the topic of cc ing….there are many times i get cc ed by mobs for like …3-6-10 seconds…usually die after that anyway. and its totally kittening seriously kitten Yo uare sitting on the floor screaming and hitting the keayboard not able to react to anything, but kittennig die.
I was like the game has a role like cc? Must be seriously kittened up….i dont think it should be a role. It like extremely kitten in pvp. In pve…ok it is as it should be, it cant be spammed anyway.
But i do agree on the most part of the solution Kellie.
(edited by Nekroseth.5186)
Back to topic pls.
As long as someone is not Called Assasin it is not !
Only becaouse you have an signet you wont be assasin…..
If you actually read the lore, signet means, the gonds limited magic to 1 school per person, and many (like in orr) used signets to acces magic from other schools.
For example i might have a broadsword on my wall, wont make me a knight -_-
(edited by Nekroseth.5186)
Cutting the topic of Thief is Assasin or not….
There are many who say Thief is an class that was made to fuse Rogue and Assasin, so they dont have to make 2 separate classes.
And ther are many who say they are not fused, they are just alike, because Thief is not purely an Assasin.
Whitch is true. In fantasy games Assasins should be and are a part of Secret organizations. Not some…hey i can do trick shot….the thief has way to many “parts” that are way to goofy for an class you can call assasin.
So basically Thief is an assasin, because it can look like one, and there is no other option. -_- And it is not an Assasin, because it is not fully like one.
Ppl have to understand it, it has to be like an assasinto conpensate for the lack of the class, but that wont make it an Assasin.
So both sides are right, but i still think this is also an problem that comes from merging classes. … whitch is notbad, but players need to be able to pick what part of the class they want to play atleast, if you fuse so many -_-
But cutting back to the main topic, Yes 3 of my friends joined recently and we do complain a LOT and i keep hearing ppl in my guild on Ts to complain on the lack of combat Roles.
Ppl are just dooing stuff, not specific stuff. It is insanely rare that players tend to try to take up roles in dungeons, like support. (whitch needs actually a full set build and there is only 1 of it….point of builds?)
Point of Traitbuilds? If there is only 1 way to pick up a role anyway? You need a specific traitbuild to be able to do something that is atleast slightly usefull?
And even if you totally fuse yourself to 1 role….you can not do it 100% because of lack of skills.
Most of the combats are eather…..dont get hurt at all, or get insta killed by something.
And not even the most extremely experianced fractal runners can explain this to me, or understand why or how this works……
Besides the fact mobs are insanely tough but insta gib you? If combat wants to be a bit realistic with this dodge, and insta kill…it should work backwards to -_-
Anyway sorry for a bit of oftopic. But this would really get fixed by combat roles, whitch would be fixed with more aspects of each class.
Greetings all!
I am fearly new to Ele, trough i did some fractals with Thief, so not new to the game, just the class.
Its my second alt and i would love some more detailed info on support builds and what is available.
Like what traits are key for support, What boons can it actually support?
Is there protection? How to apply it? Keep it up?
Anything besides Gayser, and Healing Rain or (seems useless to me) Water blast to heal with?
Dagger? Scepter? What is the best for support?
Any spammable combos?
What stats and runes are worth to invest for heals/support build?
Are ther any nice trait-stat combos like Thief-s Omno pie and crit,initative use -> healer build?
Also if there is anyone who can compare, Necro or Ele at all for support?
I played mesmer…propably not my stile.
I clearly see that ele has MANY tools and a LOT of utility like mesmer and Guardian….that Necro clearly lacks.
Anyone can help me out a bit?
Hmm i will make a thread on support if anyone is a bit more professional on Ele pls do post.
sounds a lot better then Necromancer. I still dont know whitch one to roll right now, but i sthink i stick with ele…becaouse of more versitality. and utility.
Ranger and Ele are quite good Combo fielders, exspecially for healing, but they need someone that can finish a LOT, exspecially blast. And you barely find anyone, besides bow thief that can spam it.
I am personally looking for an anwser on : what are Eles support and healing skills?
I personally prefered Mesmer, but sucked when it came to healing. I started playing Necro and it is quite powerfull for PvE dungeons. But most of the support came from traits.
Are there any decent heals for ele besides Geyser?
I am roaming forums since beta, for news and infos, suggesting, making feedback and some days ago an idea popped my mind, that could be a big help in design to devs.
There are many problems, and mostly because of the lack of weapons-skills players find themself looking for a class that is not represented.
The real problem is in my opinion, is not the lack of classes, but the lack of the current ones costumization.
There are many players, who only would like to play thief like assasin, whitch would only need slight modifications, and only a few new things or animations.
And would save the work of a brand new class implementation, and still would make all players happy.
I am totally unsure in the implementation yet. Maybe i should not even bother with it, the devs know the best how they can implement it the best.
Maybe a Bit harder side personal story quest could unlock it.
With 3-4 dungeon runs, and a few story parts that explain the background why the character is able to do the “specialized” things in that profession. (joins the royal bard guild)
But let me make exaples.
Thief – Could take up Assasin, or Rogue roles for example.
There are many who would love to see Thief with a full setup to assasin.
Would use rifle instead of pistol, and longbow instead of shortbow. would also get a less tricster skill theme.
And Rogue would get a more gadgets maybe. Or able to use maces.
Aspect of the Spider, with lots of life steal and mobility, snares and cc.
and a Spider-mage hibrid form instead of Death shroud.
A bone aspect, for more direct damage setup and theme. With classical skeletons and zombies instead of current minions.
With a bard like aspect, that would grant him more opportunity to heal and buff in close range. Would also get a harp and a flute as “kit”. Or that kit would grant him the “healer” skills (like guardians tome)
Duelist aspect would grant the mesmer more thief like skills, and let him wield medium armor…might be hard to design decently, this could still be Thief aspect trough.
and so on.
As you see there are many aspects of the current classes that are not detailed. They are not a stand alone class, but also not just a part of the original character, but an expansion and specialization of it.
This could amazingly boost the curent classes to insane costumization without giving them weapons, and designing full stand alone classes.
(trough i still want to see MANY more weapons…i keep seeing pictures that have warriors with spears on them -_- )
Scepter+pistol I agree. I was making builds for try out, and Scepter seemed to have many interesting and usefull traits actually.
By the way, what is the attack number on phantasms? Is there a fixed number? I did try to count it, but differed eachtime. Do theyhave a decent damage? Should i keep them out? Or just suecide them in with rest of clones?
I ado agree, Mesmer does have a lot more utility, whitch currently is a quite powerfull for low skill tier pugs, or high end arranged team.
Healing can quite powerfull to, but not when ppl get 1 hitted anyway, or have broken-low lv armor on them, that also destroys them. And healing becomes useless.
I been running with support thief-shortbw, and shadow reffuge was seriously life saver, but it had insane cooldown to be usefull. (if i dont count the stealth.)
I do love heaaling and the theme of Necro a LOT better, but still the game mechanic seems o be slightly more detailed with mesmer, and i think that i what i am looking for.
Thank you again.
HMM i doo agree on a lot of topics, and actually starting to reconsider to roll mesmer instead, trough my taste stands more for necro, but i can not deny the really sinergetic skilllist that is fundamentally op in some dungeons.
Of my experiance the projectile reflection is insanely usefull, when you meet a part like the stables in Cm. Or even at Mesmer-Ele boss in ac story. I am not sure what can a necro offer that can complement this….
Fine a lot of heal, and conditions. But lacks the versitality owerall.
On necro forum ppl keep saying Necro is the class i am looking for, but i am getting unsure. I hear so many mixed opinions, some say its a buggy crap, that as 1-2 viable builds, while others prase it as a god.
I barely hear any good abaut mesmer, trough i felt the dmg lacking insanely, and was a bit sluggish to me, it did had many unexploited options.
“Keep up the analysis… you missed more than you mentioned.”
Thats exacly why i want feedback like yours. Thy.
hmm yeah i agree. I was testing a lot and cant pick between Mesmer or Necro.
I kind of summarized all the skills and realized, Mesmer has a lot more : Blink-teleport and get araund.
Lets not forget the spread of boons on himslef.
Also Projectile reflection is quite powerfull tool. It also has like 3-4 condiion removal, even some aoe ones, and can rip boons of, but thats all basically.
Cant even seriously considered as healer, since only mantra healer build is viable.
Opposed by Necromancer, who 100% lacks all mobility, besides spectral walk. And has basically no “manipulation” skills, like Line of Warding or Wall of Reflection, that are insanely powerfull tools. And that is what is taking my mood from the class, since in all other topic’s Necro performs better.
The support skills are few, but any well can be blast finished for aoe blindlness, and have a side condition. Spectral wall and traited wells can apply almost perma protection, whitch is quite powefull. And there are insane ammounts of condition removals, and boon rippers.
Not forgetting of a decent heal Mark of blood provides. And as you mentioned dagger can heal a lot on others.
Still, i do not know what wold be the best.
Necro seems to be better for PvP actually then PvE.
And mesmer is prooven to be decent pvp er alredy, but considering the skills i would assume it might be a better support to….dephending on dungeon. (lets not even mention bugs and the fact they can wield Gs -that loooks nice -_- )
Any opinions?
Wells…Quite powerfull if oyu consider they are all dark combo fields, whitch means you can almost permablind foes. Or atleast blind them many times, besides the main effect of the well.
Well of Darkness is basically blinding anyway (so i dont really understand why it has to be a same element combo field).
Well of corruption would be quite usefull if foes would deploy that many boons, but it is saved for certaint parts this way.
Well of Power is considerably more usefull ,when in condition heavy area, but the drawback is high cooldown and considerably small area…if your team runs araund a lot its not that good.
Well of suffering is the most powrfull in my eyes, it not only infilcts weakness but also deals massive damage in aoe, and is also a combo field. . . if you can place it well.
Spectral skills
Spectral armor is quite usefull in heavy pressured times. not only applyes protection, but also charges your Ds, that can take a lot of dmg to if you time your life siphon well.
Spectral Grasp and Walk are more like for pvp, but Walk can be quite usefull of you seriously need mobility, grasp is only needed if oyu seriously want to save other with a well timed chill.
Spectral wall now is something quite usefull, it is also a combo field, that can grant chaos armor or confusion, and also gives protection (trough only a short time) and makes foes vulnerable. Lets not even forget (trought the tooltip does not say) it lasts for 10 sec ish.
Pets…personalyl i found them totally useless, if you dont consider the minor dmg, the insane cooldown if they die, and they do die fast. Or the high cd skills they can use.
Poison cloud is a decent skill, bit nothing to serious. Many other classes can aoe poison anyway, exspecially it is a poison field, and applyes weakness if combined….Thief can alredy do it if traited to support.
Epidemic is quite usefull if combined with Signet of spite. Or at bosses that summon adds …you simple spread the massive condition list to adds each time from boss.
Corrupt boon is another form of Well of C. Not that usefull, but only 25 sec cd.
Blood is power , can be quite usefull of combined with might trait, it applyes a quite long bleeding, and the selfbleed is minimal. And the Life force gain can not be denied eather.
Right now i have a bit of stuff to do , but be back tomorrow to finish the summerization and signets.
Mesmer :
Mantras are not so amazing in teamfight or not specifically edged for teamplay. If you are not area healer mantra specced i recommend neglecting them.
Concentration and Resolve are quite good if you consider having a bit of backup at bosses, and dont want to get downed by some poison, or snare.
Decoy, Disenchanter, Defender and Mirror Img are all nice if you have an shatter or phantasm build.
But even still i would recommend using Disenchanter, that is quite powerfull if oyu consider it not only removes buffs but also conditions from your party.
Lets not forget Null field that does the same in aoe. Also powerfull if you have a condition heavy instance.
I must mention Mirrored feedback here again, that is an insanely powerfull tool in dungeons, exspecially when ranged mobs are clustered. Since it not only applyes to 1 target but to area araund them. Spells like this can mean life or death when entering some areas. (example Cm stables -_-) Or can make the battles a lot easyer or faster atleast.
It is a spell that must be considered when deciding, like Guardians line of warding or wall of reflection.
Must also mention mimic here, that can reflect ranged attack to, but it can store a “shot” and reflect it again.
Not to forget abaut veil of invis ,that not only helps save your teammates on the edge of death, but is alos a combo field of light, that grants retaliation and can clense conditions.
Arcane thievery can be be quite usefull in certaint situations, but i would not personally waste up a slot for souch a high cooldown skill only for that, even if you consider might get boons.
And least but not last the blink and portal that can be amazing when you are forced to get araund the terrain, or traps. Or even at certaint bosses.
To summarize i counted 4 condition removals- of them can also destroy boons.
2 Ranged defence (that also damages the enemy)
2 mobility skills
2 invis skills (1 also a combo field the other also summons clone)
And the party rezurrecter illusion of life.
Quite decent even if you dont count weapons skills at all.
Now to Necro.
(edited by Nekroseth.5186)
Why the thread? Ofc i can not pick, but i also would like to show what i came up up with the research on the 2 classes, and how they perform in dungeons, and hopefully i can gain more experiance based on oyur feedbacks on this.
So first of all lets say we ignore weapon skills and only look at utility, that does majorly decide serious battles, or can make parts insanely easy.
And that is what a “scholar” class role or major feature should be. (maybe i should actually say that to all sort of magic at all)
-Anyway lets take it by order. Mesmer :
A mantra, a reflect heal and a heal based on illusions.
Nothing special abaut any of them,
Trough i might say the mantra can be quite powerfull with mantra specialization, but not as powerfull by itself. It is good for some fights, because you might heal a bit less but 2 times and instant.
I might say Mirror is also usefull in some parts, when there are many ranged mobs, and it can be a serious edge if combined with Mirrored Feedback and Mimic.
If you consider Fiend as a heling tool its not really good, since it can die and gets on cooldown. I would assume the passive life steal and minor plus dmg can conpensate a bit, if ppl would not fear him to pull adds. Might say, Mesmer has a bit better “normal” self heal on this part.
But Necro gets compensated on the other 2 heals. Since Well of Blood is lasting 10 sec and is a Light combo field, that means It can give area retaliation, and remove conditions. Besides the fact it area heals for a decent time.
Consume conditions is not that good by itself, its to situational, but can be life saving if snares mean life or death, and those nasty half minute poisons. Its real power comes when you combine it with Plauge signet. You draw in all conditions from the party and not only remove them but also benefit from plus healing.
So i might dare say Necromancer healing skills are slightly more benefical in teamfight by themself. Mesmer is a bit more selfish.
Greetings from the depths of the abyss!
After getting my thief to 80, i got a better hang of dungeons and general pve (i am mostly pvp ing) and i was wondering to start a decent character i aim to “max out”.
And after a lot of reconsideration, i came back to Necro, the character i was supposedly in love with, since i played rpg games like 15 years ago. But gw2 kind of changed that for me. Trough it was a so called “necromancer” it was totally of for my more classical mindset for the class and taste. It was so disgusting to me i could barely keep playing after souch a dissapointment, and waiting 5 years on it…..
But i think i can force it down my throat now, and start playing it seriously, not caring for bugs or anything, BUT i would really love some feedback on general PVE and dungeons experiance.
What are necros dooing at all in dungeons? What roles can you take up?
I reconsidered Mesmer, and Ga for awesome projectile reflection, line of warding, and awesome boons.
But then again, i can see a lot of “healing” potential in Necro, like condition removal and self heal combos
Not sure if his life steal for others build is viable? I even heard crazy claims it can tank …trough i wonder those guys played fractals beyond 30….Where only dodge and mobility matters.
Trough i assume they base that on Ds.. whitch i still find a disgusting and stupid idea, but anyway.
Anyone any decent experiance in Dungeons with necro can any feedback? Or builds? (with prefered stats and runes?)
Btw If we are considering new classes, i was wondering if current classes could not take up “aspects”.
For example. There is the Class Thief . Ater 45 you could buy an 5 gold manual instead of the current traitbook, and pick from Assasin or Rogue.
As rogue you keep the goofy like stealer class, as Assasin, …. you know the rest.
This might sound only as a slight modification, but in truth it basically gives 2-3 classes each class, that is not a really stand alone class, but also not fully dephendant on the current class.
Another example :
Necromancer -> could take the Aspect of the Spider godess, with more life steal, many spider ish skills, snares and a lot of mobility.
Or take up Wizardry, that would change his minions to classical skeletons and zombies, with a lot more toughness, to take hits, would also get more direct damage, but lose a lot of conditions, and life steals.
I can imagine a LOT of aspects to all current classes, and the system could be well designed, if taken the time. As sead, the current classes are not jet exploited jet, but there is an insane need for new classes alredy.
(edited by Nekroseth.5186)
I dont agree.
Its not inferior, nor “chess” like.
I found it kittennig boring. So did 3 out of my 9 friends that started the game….it even made 1 leave the game.
Kits? Even more boring…almost all are the same, or oyu have to constantly switch. If i pick a weapon, i would like to wield it,,not switch constantly -_-
Your all araund is basically, cant do anything decently.
Fun to paly because of inferior? Beeing kitten is fun ? Interesting way to put it.
The ONLY reson i like it is because it can tank decently, and not many players play it.
I been wondering the same.
I am wondering what to roll after thief and i wanted something that is a consideribly decent tank. But is viable ranged to if need to.
First i wanted WArrior, but my last 5 dungeon experiance was errible. Not not only i had 3 other warr in team but hardly any support. Exspecially hard to tank.
Now i am considering ele, but do to armor it can barely live trough anything. Even if it can constantly heal and support.
I considered Necro, but i simply hate the way the class was inplemented.
Any ideas?
" I’m also the guy that prefers lower number of classes with more options in D&D and other games also."
I like the thout that there are more players out there that, understand the magic of low numbers.
A good system does not need numbers on hp bar. And the reson many players actually bothered to even look at Gw was, that it is trying to implement the
“what you see is what is going on”.
Whitch is the future of gaming. In the near future, when games becoem like Matrix, players wont say : Oh he cut my leg off, i have 10% less movement speed -_- .
The only reson Gw did not implement things like this so drastically roots in the current technology.
And because of the narrow minded USA perental control mindset, and Pegi and other kitten things that drag down the inellect of humanity…instead of letting it go as netural it supposed to be.
(did the kids get shocked when the tiget eate his father? , no he became stronger.)
So yes i agree, on this.
And on the other thout, i think you think abaut expanding current classes to the max before making new ones at all.
I do agree on that a bit with you, but i still think, the next time the current classes get a chance to imrpove in souch was as : weapons, skillsets, aspect themes and balance (if anything like that exists, or should at all) will be with a new expansion, when we actually get new classes.
So i dont think this is an thout that could or will work.
If you are talking abaut balance, then i disagree. But thats a totally differeant topic.
Yeah Hell knight sounds a bit more like it. Might as well be a Long ranged caster.
Since we have a “soldier-caster” as guardian, could balance it out wonderfully.
A goody goody defender with an Evil(ish) offensive character.
I would love to see some REAL undead summoner class, unlike the current thing we call necromancer. (i seriously cant hate it more, the way it was implemented).
Trough i am not sure mixing the 2 would be a good idea.
I might as well say, the only real pet class is Ranger and Necro(if you consider those useles things as permanent pets). But might as well say Ranger is the only pet class so faar. And pet system should be explored and exploited a bit more.
It could have a permanent pet tipe you can unlock as a personal side story each 10 level 3-4 pets.
“A mount feature can work in this game if done right”
By now, all Guild Wars players should have realize this….there are no stupid ideas, just bad implementations.
Considering how amazingly good devs we have, this should not be a problem to look forward to, but a feature redy to be exploited and explored.
I dont fully disagree on mounts. Trough not with the current game.
In the future content there should be maps or map areas that could be used mounted.
There might could be maps that are slightly bigger then the rest and the 1/3 of them could only be traveled with mounts, and had less waypoints.
Could even have some hearst, like race with npc-s. Fight some creatures you can only fight mounted.
Ofc those areas could only be accessed by mounts.
If you dont discard the idea of this, i also suggest make mounts that can be used as pets. That collect loot, buff speed out of combat somethimes. Or hold your alternate armor-weapons.
I can imagine a decent and good implementation on this. Players just have to forget the boring “speedbuff” they represent in other mmo-s.
Mount are and should be a core aspect of fantasy mmo-s.
If you discard this idea so spitefully you did not take up the cup gw2 represents. It was supposed to innovate current mmo genre. And yet they totalyl discarded mounts because it would have ben to bothersome to implement -_- . And not because it was souch a bad idea, or it should not be in the game.
When i think of it, Mass effect comes to my mind. When you race down the mountain that is abaut to errupt in flames and wargriders chasing you. You constantly dodge falling derbis and deflect arrows with yours shield or staff. Or shoot backwards with a bow like the Huns.
(personal story)
Ofc later on as game progresses i can see fly mounts in zones implemented for flight. But i imagine maps something more like the floating cityes in Bioshock3. And Castles on floating rocks and paltforms in the sky, like in Avatar.
If we are at the topic i was kind of dissapointed in Zhaitan battle…i imagined it something like The intro in Final fantasy mmo.
Many of you dont know but they ware planned-Artwork proof. Do to time shortage, like the 50% of the game’s content was left out, and was undeveloped. And that means to me, it will be added when they have the time, or the room for it. Maybe in an expansion. If you consider how insanely big Gw1 expansions ware, you better come to terms with the idea of a brand new way of Gw2 after expansion. -_-
(edited by Nekroseth.5186)
I been busy leveling thief , but got addicted to instancing curently, and was thinking of going back to my ele, or warr.
The most fun seems to be tanking (ish). I alredy know there are many bunker like builds even for ele, but are those viable in pve instaces?
Exspacially meaning hardcore like instances like lv 30 fractals.
I hear many ppl say only Engineer and Guardians are decent tanks later on.
Anyone any opinion? Should i play Warrior instead? Or Ga and Engi are even better then Warr?
I would prefer Warrior because of awesome looking gears, and predator rifle. But Ele seems a slightly more fun considering skills and more support viability.
My friend plays Ga, i woudl not prefer to play the same class as him if there is a chance.
Hi all!
I just got my thief to 80, and learned a lot on the game abaut instances and stuff, but still didnt had the chance to do some fractals actually.
It seems a big frightening.
I been playing support but “tank like” builds seem fun, trough i keep hearing some classes are way better for some roles then others.
Some guy just told me nothing can tank fractals above 30 like an Engineer or Guardian….
Is that true?
You think Warrior or Ele can do the same?
I want to roll an alt right now, but not suce whitch. Ele seems to have more support, but the class lacks mobility and swift spells to my taste. Is it a viable tank in pve instances at all? (thief was quite decent, but most of it was the mobility it had)
Why is Guardian or Engi a better tank then any other at all btw?
I like Warr but seems plain boring araund 30 right now. It has support builds? And can tank? (trough i see many tanky builds and skills) Seems to lack self perservation on long run.
My friend plays guardian so i dont want to play that for sure. (trough might could be a solution…even if i want to switch to long range somethimes to)
Anyone can help me on this topic? Or give some detailed info on these things?
Hi Peeps!
I am personally starting to get irritated by way the game handles item skins, and stats.
I am forced to waste up my bank tabs on items i save for skins, i might use later, instead of usefull items.
THe other topic why i hate the current system is : It needs insane farming.
On lv 80 you are only supposed to care for item skins, and how you look. . . based on what you sead, and planned to inplement the game.
But instead of that, you have to get a set for your build, and another for only the look (mostly) and that means 2 full set farmed to only have 1. (since 1 of them are destroyed in process).
They do have different stats.
And trust me…billions of dungeon runs make this extremely boring and irritating.
So basically i suggest to Anet take take away the current system of transmutation, and reimplement it.
Players should be able to sacrefice an item to inprint it in bank or somewhere, so they can be used up countless times later on.
But consume an transmutation stone each time based on rarity.
This way you could keep the worth of transmutation stones…maybe even actually improve the rate ppl would buy it.
This would benefit your sales by a lot. And also benefits us, sicne we dont have to waste up billions of hours farming sets only for look or only for stats.
Dont destroy your own policy of the game. Thank you, and exuse my terrible english.
If you would read posts abaut Thief you would know its is a merged Assasin-Rogue.
Trough i agree. The Assasin should be separated from the class. Merged classes are dumb.
It desroys the concept of a class for many players.
If i want to play an assasin, there is no room for a goofy side skills, and traits and weapons.
On the Third heavy armored class i alredy mentioned, i would like to see a Long range offensive caster.
A soldier class sounds quite a lot like pure boredoom. We alredy have a warrior, that containts every physical weapon master. (and i must add it was hard to implement any decent non boring “roles” for him)
And there is the Guardian that is pretty moch the same, with magic and defence.
The only other thing that i could imagine is an offensive caster, or an Heavy armored physical long range dmg class.
Risen knight? Sorry, but i have to say its a totally stupid idea. Besides that Zheitan is defeated, and there supposed to be no more risen at all, and that they are all controlled by Zhaitan, they would be a totally rip of from Death Knight. And by that not talking abaut wow, but all the Death Knight classes out there (starting with the first from D&D). Not like its a problem, but i dont think it should be implemented as a Risen -_-
Make it a Simple Death Knight then and ok.
Besides i wanted to play a kitten decent necro with skeletons, and it was totally revamped by Anet, to this ….thing. If we would get a class with the skilltheme and setup i wanted for necro, i would get insanely angry.
Dervish. Ok to me, trough i found it boring. Besides dervishes use light clothing and not even armor at all, considering history. Besides it did look exacly like that in gw1 to.
I dont say no, fi anyone wants a decent class like that.
And besides dont even bother thinking abaut lore, exspecially abaut stupid stuff like , what races or anything.
If they want they will make a class if they want to, not caring for lore at the slightest.
Cosider how extremely stupid asura warrior-guardians are …yet there they are.
Charr also have guardians, they just dont have racial skills thats all.
So its viable for Fractal tanking after 30?
Ok so I clearly agree with Op, we do need new classes.
Even trough the number of weapons lack right now, and could solve many problems, and combat “simpliciy” (might even dare to say boringness), it wont help those, who dont really have a class they like.
There are many class themes that are not detailed or present at all.
For example Thief was merged rogue-assasin. And actually it is not souch a good idea, it seems.
Why? We are limited in weapons. And even if we would not be, the same weapon can not be used 2 ways.
For example, the current “cluster bomber-bouncing shot” bow fits for a thief, or rogue, but not for an assasin. Who would use precise long ranged powerfull shots instead.
Trough if it gets a rifle with a sniper theme could fix it, but the problem is still the same.
So merging classes is not good. Keep it in mind Anet in the upcoming classes.
So my list is still but in order how moch i would love to se them.
1,A plated, offensive caster
Heavy armor
Some artwork included under the post.
Heavy-Medium armor.
Hybrid Direct damage ranger-caster hybrid. With many asure like gadgedts
Artwork also introduced. It was introduced anyways. Time to implement it.
3,A shaman, or Druid.*
Basically wont matter what name it takes, but there is a big need for a Pure nature based class, let it be caster or Hybrid.
slow but high dmg spells, transform, heal, support.
Weapons wont matter. Also a single picture as artwork.
4, Ritualist.
I would love to see ritualist again. As moch as i regret that Anet remade necro i would like to see Ritualist remade right now, with a more fitting concept to Gw2. (unlike necro)
Light armor- Staff-Scepter-Focus ect…
5,A classical style Wizard.*
Light armor, and mixed spells for manipulating the area, instead of nuking only,
Staff ofc ect…
6,A Summoner
that was mentioned as cronomancer was.
I dont mind any theme as long as it is centered and themed araund summoning things.
Any armor, any weapon.
Some artwork below. If you ask me, Anet should take the time and implement a different tipe of summons for each race.
For example Asura golemancer. Sylvari plants. Humans godly servants (like hound archon, astral daeva) Charr mechanical stuff…and so on.
A YES, without new classes or weapons i would quit playing and buying in next expansion.
Fix current game? Games are NEVER FIXED truly. If you wait for a perfect game you better stop playing pc games now. Or wait for ethernity…or make your own.
So was wondering if anyone hardcore pro can awnser me…..
I am running a thief currently and playing shortbow – blast finisher support with other stuff, but repseccing to tank like unicorn build. Many say its amazing, but i keep hearing after lv 30 factals it cant do a thing compared to real “tanks” ….
So my question…what are real tanks and what build?
Engi? With bunker? A guardian? Warrior?
If we are the topic….i hear there are quite op healers out there…like shouter warrs…is that true?
Warr was supposed to be my alt (if i roll any at all) but the 70% of servers most palyed class is warr, and i dont like to play what the most ppl play to.
So if i roll one anyway, i would love to know if it is worth to roll one (for pve mostly) Can it fill many roles? Or it will be a boring crap dd er?
hmm its like “unicorn build” ?
Webley why does it need lots of bleeing? And condition dmg? Would it not be better to have more protective runes?
Btw Kindread i understand how the “combo” works now, but would it not be better with some more compassion? You might heal many times, but really only slight.
Enjoyluck, lv 40 fractals? Basically anything 2-3 hits you in this game, when not soloing.
Whell anyway. If you bothered to post, may i ask you why Engi or Ga? I will roll an alt soon anyway, and would like to see your opinion why you say they are even better tanks as thief, so i am able to pick whitch one to play.