The champ warlocks lifeblast attack doesn’t always show up visually.
How do they, then ? I assumed it was the green thingies because I kept missing dodging those at first because I didn’t (and still don’t) have the best understanding about how dodging works when there’s a long animation (I didn’t know that by dodging it at first it would evade the entire thing).
1/3 volleys would be invisible on my screen.
As she leaves she said the Krait are expecting their god, and implies they’ll be getting it.
She refers to the Toxic Hybrid at that point.
That would be disappointing.
Box sales don’t matter, player retention does, and they don’t need an expansion to do that no matter how much the armchair CEO’s disagree.
The champ warlocks lifeblast attack doesn’t always show up visually.
If you use your skills with mouse, it is not a problem for you, you have no character control, so you dont lose anything…
Standing still is almost never an option in this game, so pausing even for a second to manually select your target can easily spell your death.
You can do that now, why would your idea be any better.
Because this way you don’t have to drop everything and stay still to select your target while the mobs wail on you.
Come on. It’s called “mouselook”. It’s the hottest innovation of 1996.
Yes, because mouse look will totally give you the ability to target 1 of 2 people standing on the same spot, or target the much smaller enemy behind the large melee enemy in your face. Think about how annoying your idea would be in the cramped confines of the tower.
It’s not the holy grail you think it would be.
It’d be nice to see some cool back items that aren’t luck based.
Because if there’s an enemy in front of you, but you want to target a smaller enemy 20ft behind them, that target system wont be able to do it.
But if you can see the enemy, you’d be able to target them by hovering over them. That’s the whole point.
That’s actually the exact type of problem that would go away if you use manual targeting instead of automatic.
You can do that now, why would your idea be any better. You’re just adding another layer of unreliability to the system.
The one next to the fire is the merchant. Do you have an option to give her spore samples?
And your suggestions are…?
Target highlighting.
When your crosshair (center of the screen) falls on a mob, it glows a faint color to let you know you will target THIS exact enemy when you hit Tab.
That would be just as wonky as the current system.
What kind of sense does that even make?
Why is there always someone on this forum opposing any sort of obvious improvements to the game? Like that crowd that opposed the LFG tool or Autoloot?
It’s just – What.
Because if there’s an enemy in front of you, but you want to target a smaller enemy 20ft behind them, that target system wont be able to do it.
Did you talk to the merchant on the hill?
And your suggestions are…?
Target highlighting.
When your crosshair (center of the screen) falls on a mob, it glows a faint color to let you know you will target THIS exact enemy when you hit Tab.
That would be just as wonky as the current system.
And your suggestions are…?
The 3rd floor doesn’t naturally group people up like 1 and 2.
I’d bet money that it’s a timer.
Read the combat log
As she leaves she said the Krait are expecting their god, and implies they’ll be getting it.
I like the idea of temporary content. It’s only around long enough to get old.
I think the big problem is because its a zone everyone just parks a toon at the top and never bothers to climb anymore. I find an easy 30-40+ players up there at peek times.
Staying at the top is pointless.
You also have to be level 80 in order to receive the fragments.
I started getting them around 60.
Good luck finishing the portal event by yourself. You’re delusional if you think you’re soloing it, what you really are is a leech.
The events scale. The less people around. The easier to solo.
Still leeching
Good luck finishing the portal event by yourself. You’re delusional if you think you’re soloing it, what you really are is a leech.
Rewards, the same reason to run anything repeatedly.
Stick around and level my alts to 80 for me.
Of course sales drop, the games been out a year.
EDIT: Box sales are not the primary source of income for MMO’s.
(edited by Phy.2913)
I notice you use “enjoyed” in past tense. Are you still playing the Nightmare Within?
I’ll be going for my daily key, and maybe a few chambers, assuming there’s enough people to get through floor 3.
What’s it look like on a charr?
The 3rd floor should have a group event at the entrance, to discourage the bad behavior of trying to run through solo. Open world needs to direct people, no matter how much the forum neckbeards complain about hand holding casual content.
The only problem with defensive/healing specs/builds/gear is that it takes forever to kill anything, which becomes a problem when fighting groups.
Those builds are not built towards killing as a primary objective. Some of them even build their characters thinking they can assist and support those zerkers who build for the killing. I know, they are naive as hell and this is not the game for them; there is no team play here and trying to help is actually considered selfish (gw2 lologic).
Point is, what you see as a problem, it is not for them. They expect the fight to last longer but to reduce the casualties. They get excited not by looking at the enemy bar going down quickly but looking as their friend hp bar not doing it.
Besides, the tower is not a scripted boss fight where you can play Simon and predict their attacks. You never know when an elite mob might spawn at your back and that unpredictability is what makes it fun. In this kind of playground, zerk players are finally experiencing some real risk (in some points of the tower) they don’t really experience in dungeons they know by hard.
And when you’re running around by yourself fights are boring and excessively long, hence the reason everyone runs dps builds in open world.
The only problem with defensive/healing specs/builds/gear is that it takes forever to kill anything, which becomes a problem when fighting groups.
I’d rather play in a few populated areas than have everyone spread out only doing the daily grind.
And yet people say temporary content is the problem, when permanent content dies a month after release.
She promised the Krait a God/Prophet, and she intends to deliver.
Killed the Caledon forest and Kessex hills champs, got credit for those no problem. Killed the Timberline falls queen 3 times still haven’t got credit in the achievement.
Yes, I’ve gotten loot/xp/whatever for the kill, achievement sits on 2/3, and I’ve killed the other 2 queens again just to check.
On another note, who’s to say they wont raise the stat boost in WvW for the <80’s to compensate for full ascended gear.
Slic have you gone full mental? Tier 6 mats are supposed to be hard to obtain. Also everyone farming gets 2-3 every 40 min (wich is an exaggeration, i can get way more than that). Also you get the silver you can buy them with during those 40 min.
Why? And says who? T6 shouldn’t cost 20 times more than a T5. There are better ways to add arbitrary grind or slow down progress without making one of the most needed materials harder to get than a rare.
T6 mats are necessarily that rare because they are “end-game” mats. Please imagine, if you will, that they were not as rare. That means people will get bored with the game more easily. The point of the “grind” is to make sure that you keep playing longer – and I don’t mean that in a negative way. These mats, as PiSqure already mention, are meant to be rare. I suppose it’s just a difference of perspective but for me, there’s no point of having “rare” mats if they’re as easy to get as grains of sand on a beach.
T6 aren’t “rare”, they’re “fine”, and as it is now, the grind for these mats will bore me long before I get bored of the rest of the game. Just because they’re hard to get now doesn’t mean they should be.
What’s the total stat difference between rare and exotic? If people are going to proclaim the complete destruction of WvW because of this stat increase lets compare it to the current state of the game. What’s the difference between an 80 in exotics and a lvl 2 in WvW?
10% on a ring and back slot doesn’t make someone 10% more effective overall.
you definitely are blind or trolling.
they will add complete sets!
If you’re going to cry about items that aren’t in the game yet, then I’m going to counter your arguments with the WvW ascended items that also aren’t in the game yet.
They said Ascended gear will be added to WvW, so you wont have any reason to not have this gear. Unless Anet goes full kitten and adds the pve gear long before the WvW gear, but that would be beyond stupid.
10% on a ring and back slot doesn’t make someone 10% more effective overall.
Slic have you gone full mental? Tier 6 mats are supposed to be hard to obtain. Also everyone farming gets 2-3 every 40 min (wich is an exaggeration, i can get way more than that). Also you get the silver you can buy them with during those 40 min.
Why? And says who? T6 shouldn’t cost 20 times more than a T5. There are better ways to add arbitrary grind or slow down progress without making one of the most needed materials harder to get than a rare.
Complaints about the "rawr ascended grind’ aside, I don’t know why WvW doesn’t have the Spvp gear model to begin with.
We would have gotten WOW, it would just be a different name with a different-ish setting.
Should people not be gated from higher difficulty before they’re ready/proved they could do it?
I’m not saying the current system is good, though.
I’ve run fractal lvl 1 twice, and completed both of them, with 1 person in each group below 80. If I’m honest they weren’t that great of players either.
There are groups out there for your lvl, just look a little harder.
All these people with lives should get together. With the amount of complaints about this you guys could form a whole guild together.
At the current prices that’s 18.3g, and there is a vendor.
You’re right, you should be a developer, you obviously know better then Anet.
For once there’s an actual list with reasons. I don’t agree with all of them, but it’s a much better “I quit” post then 98% of the others.